#xaden riorson candle
printcharms · 2 months
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serpentandflame · 8 months
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Yup, I'm a slut for our Shadow Daddy's out there. Rhysand? Yup. Xaden? Sure thing. Darkling? Sign me up. (But only if it's Ben Barnes)
And if you wanna support a small candle shop. You can find this here.
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siobhanbooks · 3 months
random reminder that in Fourth Wing and Iron Flame, Xaden Riorson smells like actual things. Leather, mint, and occasionally churam (which is essentially weed I think). therefore we could conceivably make a book accurate Xaden candle.
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angstywaifu · 5 months
The Lost Sister - Part 22
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time.
Garrick Tavis x OC A/N: To say thank you for reaching 200 followers, I have decided to make this weekend a double Lost Sister update! So you won't have to wait long to see some certain reactions. Enjoy! The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
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The last few cadets straggling to get to battle brief swiftly move to the side as Melgren leads me through the corridors. He had to have been here already to get here so quickly.
Carr was quicker than I thought to get the news to the higher ups. Obviously eager to announce the newest signet in the quadrant. Or Melgren had instructed him to tell him when mine had manifested. And I had just been unlucky that the day I had chosen to tell Carr was a day Melgren was back. And somehow I knew that the later was the correct answer. Carr was to keep tabs on me. Tabs on my signet and how I was progressing.
Our footsteps echo off the walls of the empty corridors as he leads me over the bridge connecting the riders quadrant to the rest of the college. He leads me over to the administration building, and down to an office I had only seen a handful of times. General Sorrengail��s office.
Melgren opens the door and motions for me to head inside. I notice as soon as I enter the General isn’t here, but I could tell she had been recently with how the desk had been left. A candle wick still smoking from having recently been blow out. Obviously she had been instructed by Melgren to vacate it for our meeting seeing as he didn’t have an office in the college. And he would not risk drawing attention by taking me out of the college. But now it would be known outside of the college walls that Xaden Riorson had a sister, dragged into the spotlight on conscription day. Melgren walks past me as I stand in front of the desk, sitting in the chair as if it were his own. As if he owned everything here. Which technically in a way he did. General Sorrengail might be in charge of the college, but he oversaw our armies. His cold calculating eyes assess me, taking in every single detail of me. The now black and red hair, my skin now slightly more tanned and sun kissed from my time on Mealladh, and the new strength I had gained. But he didn’t seem to care about those details, almost seemed to dismiss them. I held myself differently now. I was no longer the scared naive little girl he had trained and honed. The girl I had pretended to be to appease him. Let him think he could control and command me. But now in front of him stood second in line to the Riorson name. The daughter of the leader of the rebellion. ”I hear my training has not gone to waste on you. Seems you’ve already made quite a name for yourself in the quadrant.” He drawls, his eyes finally meeting mine. ”Sadly it did not. Guess I have you to thank for my success.” I tell him bluntly as I take the generals office, walking over to a map on the wall that looks almost identical to the one we see in battle brief. ”You don’t sound too pleased about that. You should be thanking me for that training. Without it. Without me. You would be dead.” His tone venomous as he spits out the last part. ” Well technically I was dead till recently.” I throw back at him, earning a huff of amusement of him. I take in the details of the map in front of me. The details don’t match any map I have seen in battle brief. Either this is new and I am missing out on the update in the current class he has pulled me from. Or they’re hiding something. As I shift my attention from the map and back to Melgren as I turn and face him, I almost not a hint of nervousness. Something tells me they are hiding something. But its fleeting before a smug look takes over his features. A look I wish oh so badly I could wipe off his face. And one day I hoped I would. I wish he wasn’t the reason I was alive and thriving in the quadrant. But I was. Without his training I doubt I would have made it across that parapet. He had made me into what I was. He was the reason I was nearly proficient at all the weapons, had tied for the fastest time up the gauntlet, was doing so well with my signet. All of it was because of him and the training he had given me over the last five years. He was the reason I was alive.
”You we’re only dead to those who chose to believe it.” He drawls as he leans forward on the desk, motioning towards the chair I had chosen to ignore till now. “I never said to them you we’re dead. They just assumed.” I walk over and lower myself into the chair slowly, crossing my arms over my chest and resting an ankle on my opposite knee. The way he looks at me makes me want to run. Every fibre of my being tells me to run. But there’s no escape from him here. If I run he will just drag me back here or somewhere worse. I had to play his game, and hope I didn’t show how scared of him I was. Though that dwindled every day. Every day I got stronger. And one day I wouldn’t be afraid of him. His eyes flicker over to the patch that now adorns my uniform as of today. The compass patch I had earned due to my signet. My confidential signet.
”Carr has informed me of your signet. Psionic. Quite an unique signet. Though all the texts we have to hint towards such a thing are vague. All just ancient stories and fairy tails with no proof or merit to them. You are quite the enigma.” He drawls as a smirk forms on his face. “First you bond a dragon no one has ever heard of or seen, but clearly is one of the older dragons. And now you have a signet no one has ever heard of before.”
”Would you like a congratulations? An award for training me and preparing me for the quadrant and coming out with something none of you have seen before?” I snap back before I can think about it. My blood running cold. I had never spoken back like that to Melgren in the five years he had trained me. Knowing it would get me in a lot of trouble. But he just smiles. ”I mean we wouldn’t have found any of this if I hadn’t taken you with me that day. So I will take credit in a dragon and signet coming to light that can help our cause greatly. But for now I just want you to tell me about it so we can understand it.” He tells me as he stands and walks over the the bookshelf as if looking for something. ”For someone who only manifested their signet today there isn’t much I know. So far I can only control and move objects. Nothing else.” I tell him sternly as his fingers hover over the spines of the book.
”Carr seems to think you can do more. A lot more.” The way he turns his head and looks at me tells me he doesn’t believe something I’ve said. Either about what I can do or when it manifested. “But I guess we will have to wait and see what you can do as you train and strengthen it. If you can do anything like Carr predicts, you will be a great asset to us. Both you and that brother of yours.”
The glint in his eyes has my blood run cold again. Shit. I was naive to think I would be the only one he would be keeping tabs on. Of course he would be looking at Xaden as well. Probably hoping one of us would slip, give up something they we’re looking for. He walks back over to the desk, perching on the edge as he looks at me.
”Seems strong genes run in your family. Both you and your brother with powerful dragons and signets. But here’s hoping not everything runs in that family of yours.” I know with his emphasis on everything that he is referring to the rebellion our father had started. ”Tip toeing around the rebellion are we General?” I ask before I can stop myself. He looks at me almost impressed, as I bite back at him again. Not a look I was use to from him in regards to me.
”No point tip toeing around it. Just making sure you know what is at stake here. Don’t want you marked ones planning something. Not when we need every strong and capable rider we have with fewer and fewer dragons bonding every year.” I look him sternly in the eyes, and hope my words are convincing and he doesn’t see right through them. “We’ve already had our lives gambled with before. Watched our parents pay the price. Don’t exactly plan on ending up with the same fate General.” The smile he gives me in response doesn’t quite meet his eyes. Sending chills down my spine. God did he put me on edge. He didn’t trust us. None of them did. And none of them ever will while we had these marks on our skin. We would be constantly fighting to fit in here for the rest of our lives, and would never get the same respect as those without the marks. But hopefully one day we wouldn’t. If Xaden could pull off whatever he had planned, we would get out freedom back. But there was so much I still didn’t know. Not yet. But I knew better than to push Xaden. He would let me in fully when he was ready. Or when we didn’t have higher ups watching me so closely. ”I would like to hope not. But in my experience you lot seem to like gambling with your lives when it comes to those you care about. Willing to do anything to get revenge. Especially that friend of your brothers. Garrick was it?” He asks as if challenging me to react. I don’t give him the pleasure of a reaction as my heart skips a beat. Not only were Xaden and I under his watch, it seemed Garrick was as well. He may not have reacted to the movement on conscription day, but something tells me that Melgren noted Garrick’s movement on conscription day. Had noted his reaction to throwing that bag at Xaden’s feet that day. Unlike Xaden, Garrick had reacted to anything Melgren had done in regards to me. Even today he had gone to rush forward as he had appeared in the doorway to battle brief. Melgren may have appeared to have his attention elsewhere. But I knew he had noted everything Garrick had done since that day he had let them think I was dead. I had no doubt he had watched as Garrick had flown in instantly after I had landed after threshing. And now with confirmation Carr was in league with Melgren, I had no doubt some of the other professors were acting as Melgren's eyes and ears. I stand and smile at him. “Do you require anything else from me General? I’d like to get back to my classes.” Trying to end the conversation before he could get a reaction out of me. He merely nods. “That is all for now Riorson. Just remember to keep me updated on that signet of yours.” And with that he nods towards the door before pushing off the desk and turning back to the bookshelf. I don’t hesitate before turning on my heal and head towards the door. My muffled footsteps echoing around the now eerily quiet room. I push open the door of General Sorrengail’s office to meet the eyes of that General across the corridor as she watches me exit. The women who had overseen the execution of our parents. The women who stood there and did nothing as Melgren dragged me away from my father. Stood there and did nothing. But as I meet her eyes I detect a hint of sadness in my mind. Sadness and regret? And before I know it’s gone. As if it had been a fleeting memory that had crossed her mind and had quickly pushed it away. I quickly bow my head at her before turning and walking as quickly as I can back to the quadrant.
Part 23
@riorgail @going-through-shit @fw-gt @bbkissme99 @xceafh @leptitlu @came-to-laugh-but-cried @onthewaytotimbuktu @daardyrnitta @lovemesomevesey @mxtokko @krowiathemythologynerd
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astridhoff03 · 5 months
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When Httyd is my favorite movie trilogy then this is my favorite Book doulogy ever!
Six of crows is by far, for me at least, the best book series I‘ve read. Such interesting Characters with emotional and sad backstories that tie perfectly in the main Story. Ketterdam is by far one of the coolest fictional locations ever. The Barrel is awesome, the crow club, the dregs, the whole atmosphere and aesthetic is so well thought out. The entire heist is such an amazing story in the first book and it continues to be amazing in the sequel. The Plottwists are great and very well written. The interactions and dynamics between the Characters are very interesting because all of them are so different. And Kaz Brekker, Holy Shit this Guy is just a Masterpiece of a morally grey Character. No other morally grey male character that I read about can hold a candle to him. Xaden Riorson is a Joke in Comparison, I don’t feel sorry about that. He is smart, he is cruel and so complex. If he would live in our World he would take the Wall Street down and crash it total. Kaz Brekker is out of all morally grey protagonists on another level. This Man is out of this world. (I just noticed another interesting thing about him thanks to a Book YouTuber. Kaz’s real surname Rietveld means Rice Field. Does this mean he grew up on a Farm with Rice?) Leigh Bardugo is a real Genuis. This Doulogy is a Masterpiece.
I can Highly recommend this doulogy. I promise, you will not be disappointed you will be amazed. I really need to read this doulogy again it’s so freaking good.
Also the crows deserve a whole Movie dedicated to them, they deserve the world.
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catching-thefire · 7 months
Those around me: “Can you like anything a normal amount?”
Me: *wearing all the merch, watching/listening/rereading the same thing over and over. Getting tattoos, annoying every person to come in contact with me with facts over what I like* “no 💖😃”
* basgiath war college crewneck, fourth wing book, scheduling tattoo appt for my IF/FW tattoo, prints to hang up in my space, violent little thing crewneck, signed copy of iron flame, xaden riots on candle, mini FW/IF books I made for a mini bookshelf, riorson house tshirt 🌿🤍🌸
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printcharms · 1 month
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printcharms · 2 months
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printcharms · 20 days
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printcharms · 1 month
It's Been My Honor 💔 SHOP HERE
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printcharms · 2 months
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printcharms · 1 month
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printcharms · 11 days
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printcharms · 11 days
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Meet our Violet Sorrengail Candle – a Fourth Wing Soy Vegan Candle that’s perfect for adding a touch of magic to your reading nook.
♥ This candle makes a fantastic bookish gift, ideal for any book lover or fan of the Fourth Wing series
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printcharms · 24 days
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printcharms · 2 months
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♥ Hey there, book lovers! Light up your space with our Smells Like I'm Thinking About Xaden Riorson Fourth Wing Soy Vegan Candle.
♥ Perfect for fans of the Fourth Wing series, this candle is the ultimate bookish gift and a must-have addition to your Fourth Wing merch collection.
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