#x. ANSWERED. ☄️
galaxicide · 1 year
Do you write in complete silence? Listening to music? Watching something? & What is on your wishlist?
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mun questions / accepting / @techniiciian
Do you write in complete silence? Listening to music? Watching something?
Generally, it depends on my mood. i like background tv noise (usually orange is the new black, for some reason), no noise, or I put on benlo's spotify playlist. so far, the latter is coming up top, and it's mostly classical music interspersed with some linkin park lmao.
What is on your wishlist?
Let's see...
post tros threads. i thirst for them.
interactions with leia, luke, obi, poe poe and rey. I'm already covering everyone else important in ben's canon (doesn't mean I don't want more of them tho!). i know there are snoke rpers floating about...but I'm not ready for that yet ddjjdj.
Alderaan Prince Ben~
infiltrator ben, who pretends to go dark side to gain intel etc, but is actually part of the rebellion. except this information is only known to his parents and uncle. everyone else just thinks he's a traitorous dick.
ben and the kor literally being a gang of space thugs outside of the order.
i know there's probably more...but brain go fart.
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notelcol · 7 months
A spark☄️
A cute/sad Zhongli x widow story
Mildly edited, apologies for mistakes🫶
T.W: Grief
You had lived a long life, cursed not to age. Naturally you fell in love, as all creatures do at some point or other. But as the years of bliss went on, your husband moved forward, while you stayed stagnant. By the time he had become an old man, the bitterness had overtaken the bliss. As he became less mobile, you became more restless; awaiting the dread of what came next. You did not let it break you when he lost his memory, for you would remember his love for many lifetimes to come. When he died, half of you was buried with him.
Years had passed since you lost your soulmate, and you were sat in your favourite tea house. You thought of him and your heart ached, but you knew you couldn’t let his memory fade away. It was too special. You also knew that he would hate seeing you torture yourself and would scream at you to move on with your life. He had done so, many times as he aged. But you just weren’t ready.
“Ahem, excuse me miss?” A polite, yet stern voice caught your attention. You recognised his black suit, he was a regular here. Often he could be seen sitting alone for hours thinking, much like you.
“Your paper blew away and landed on my table. Please allow me to return it.” He explained himself while holding out your sheet. You couldn’t believe you didn’t even notice it flying away, granted you were rather distracted. You quickly took the paper before placing a table decoration over it as a weight, though you could have sworn you had done that upon arrival.
“Thank you! I was supposed to fill this in, but I became slightly distracted.” You chuckled, embarrassed. When he too laughed in return, you were shocked. A warmth filled your heart in a way you thought you would never feel again. That was when you realised, your late husband was behind this. You could almost guarantee that somehow from beyond the grave, he was guiding you. No, he was pushing you.
“You seem to get distracted a lot. I often see you here, watching the the harbour go by.” He gave you a teasing smile, making you melt a little. But you kept yourself together enough to reply.
“As do you it seems, if you are here enough to notice that.”
He nodded.
“Quite right. Maybe we could sit and think in the company of one another?” The way he gazed into your eyes, you couldn’t deny him. The guilt was very much present as he sat down next to you, but you could feel your husband’s spirit supporting you through the cosmos, telling you it’s okay, my love.
“You always seem so sullen and serious when you disappear into your thoughts. What plagues you?” His voice was gentle as he tilted his head in question. “If I may ask, that is.” He added on. You hesitated for a moment before deciding to open up a little. “My late husband.” You spoke quietly, as you stared into your tea.
“I understand.” His words caused your head to lift. “I too lost a great love.” He solemnly admitted. Your eyes met his golden ones.
“Do you think we will ever find the strength to love again?” Raw vulnerability filled your eyes as they held onto his gaze. His hand moved tentatively towards yours, stopping as your pinkies touched. He stared down at your hands, as his finger grazed yours before answering your question.
“I think there may be a spark of hope.”
Part 2 below ✌️
Thank you for reading 🫶
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mikonawa · 1 year
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Chasing the Sun ☄️
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Baldur's Gate 3 Fanfiction Series
Pairing: Astarion x Tiefling!Reader Tav
Important Notes: YOU the READER will be referred to as TAV for ease of reading (and writing). Tav was the Dark Urge until they rejected Bhaal. Astarion and Tav are already an established couple. This will be set after the events of Baldur's Gate 3.
Warnings: There will be mentions/discussions of sexual abuse, trauma, violence, blood, lots of blood and gore. There will be nudity but no sexual content. Will update as needed.
Author's Notes! <3: This is a fanfic about Astarion and Tav healing together while on an adventure to chase their dreams - to live under the sun without worries. Both are just traumatized babies that lean on each other for love and support. I'm also using this fiction to practice writing so please bear with me for any errors. I'm a lil nervous posting this.
Word Count: 3,690
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Kneeling before the unmoved body, Tav’s fingers tangoed through the sliced open stomach of her victim. As she pulled her fingers out, blood oozed down. Punching her nails back into the victim, she continued her work. The squishy sounds of her gore-y work was a melody to her ears. The blood slithered between her fingers as she tore her victim’s intestines to shreds.  Pulling her hands out again, a rather cruel smile formed on her face. The blood was thick like a glove on her hands. With her bloody hand, she wiped away the beads of sweat on her forehead. The blood on her skin felt refreshing, cleansing - more welcoming than a soapy bath. 
Messy, Orin would tell her, with each of her victims. Never elegant.
This was more fun for Tav. It felt like art, as she tore their warm insides apart and rearranged them into a bloody, shredded mess. Each of her victims were just a blank canvas that needed to be painted with beautiful, crimson paint. 
Her eyes looked over to the face of her victim, but there was none. There was less guilt involved if she couldn’t see the face of the person she was killing in the name of her father. The face was always the first to go. Clawed off with her unruly nails. The cries as they lost their identity always felt like a beautiful song to Tav. Soon after, they would fall silent as she continued her work, her art. 
In the name of Bhaal.
Tav stood up, her senses slowly coming back to her. A rumbling hunger was sated. It was as if she was chained to Bhaal and those chains snapped, freeing her of His will. Tav’s bloody hands felt lighter. Her heart raced as she noticed the victim below her. Beating faster, and faster by the second as her eyes took in the art- no, the goresome mess. What has she done? What will Astarion think? There was so much blood. On her clothes, on her hands. Red was the only color she could see in the cold darkness. 
“Oh, no no no.” Tav cried out. Through her sorrows, she let out a pitiful scream. 
Quickly, she turned away from her victim and ran, carrying herself through the darkness of her surroundings. Where was she? There were no buildings, no trees, nothing but  the bitter cold darkness.  If she looked back, what would she find? Tav didn’t want to find out the answer to that, keeping her head forward.
Astarion? Where was he?
As she ran through the darkness, her vision began to blur with tears. When she wiped them away, she painted her skin with the blood of her victim. A burning sensation ran through her legs, begging her to stop, to rest. Tav refused, she needed to keep running. To find Astarion and beg for forgiveness for letting the Urge take over.  
The Urge was supposed to be gone, her head hers and free of Bhaal’s call. 
“You’ll never be free, my child,” A familiar, dark voice echoed around her.
Collapsing onto her knees, Tav inhaled before screaming, “Let me go!” Sobs broke through each of her words. A sorry breath caught itself in her throat, leading her to hoarsely cough.  Her fists slammed the dark ground before her. In reaction, it eloped around her wrists, like binds, holding her to her place. 
In front of her, a worn, leather book appeared. Carefully, it opened itself, presenting itself as a book of all her victims. The pages moved on their own, names written in red flashing by. Grabbing a quick glimpse of each page, the only thing Tav could see was the fact the ink was wet in red ink. Another thing she had noticed was how the letters were large, written boldly like 
A crown of blood formed over her head. Red began to pour around her, slowly filling her surroundings. It dripped, and dripped, until it was all she could see. A strong iron taste slipped into her mouth. Warm blood touched her smooth skin, layering on top of the blood of her victim. Forced to bathe in the unknown blood, a feeling most would find disgusting but Tav found comforting. The fact she found this comforting disgusted the tiefling. 
“You disowned me, left me for dead. What do you want?” Tav screamed out. As she screamed, more blood filled her mouth before she turned her head away, spitting out the blood then coughing. Tears rolled down her face, mixing with the blood on her face. 
Her cry was met with silence. 
But Bhaal would never let her forget.
Darting up on her bed, Tav took several quick and heavy breaths.  Shaky hands clasped onto her blanket, her nails nearly tearing through the worn fabric. Tav’s body felt warm with sweat, leaving her top sticky to her back. Her eyes caught sight of the familiar things on the walls - the colorful paintings that brought life to their dull home in the Underdark. It reminded Astarion of the world with sunlight. Astarion was the one who wanted to have them here. He had his reasons, one being Cazador’s home was boring with all the dark, mysterious paintings, and the other was to remind him of what they were fighting to see again one day. 
“I’m okay,” Tav whispered. 
 It was all just a dream. A terrible dream. Even if she was Faithless, she still thanked the Gods. Although her time as Bhaal’s chosen, his spawn, was over, he still haunted her.  For years, she carried out his will, killing people and even finding pleasure in it. Before the twist of the knife and the cry her victims would let out would bring a warm rush through her body. Nowadays Tav couldn’t even hurt a rat, unless it was in the case of self defense.  Withers had promised to one day tell her the names of all her victims, an offer Tav would one day take up. However, it was difficult when nearly each night she dealt with nightmares and reminders of her old work. A time when she found murder to be a work of art. 
Instead of creating art with the dead bodies of her victims, Tav turned to drawing in a sketchbook, one she picked up before leaving the city. It was a way for her to work out her nightmares and traumas. To hopefully one day understand and forgive herself. Guilt still wrecked her body, even after many told her saving the city was enough. Grabbing her sketchbook on her nightstand, she took the pencil and began to draw out her newest nightmare: a crown of blood that hovered over her  head as the red dripped over her body. Her hand was shaky as she drew. Some lines were soft, and others dug deep into the page. When she erased it, the page held onto the burdens of the darker lines. 
Then the tip of her pencil broke. The graphite splintered into multiple pieces across the paper. Little specks of dust of the graphite  settled around. 
Tav took this as a sign to stop. This was the worst nightmare she had in a while. Yesterday she had dreamed of a picnic under the sun with Astarion. When it felt like her nightmares were finally gone, they crept up again. Sneakier than a rogue itself. 
Tav turned her attention to the opposite side of the bed, the cold body of Astarion absent. His blanket left messy at the end of the bed and his pillow left in the same position as when he would sleep. An indent of where his head would rest pressed into the feather pillow.  Before she panicked, Tav took a deep breath with her eyes pressed closed. She had to remind herself that often Astarion would abruptly leave, needing to go hunt. Sometimes his hunger would take over, and similar to her former Urge, he would have to leave immediately to sate it.  Although she always welcomed Astarion to feed off of her, Astarion needed more than just her from time to time. Her blood, when it filled his maw, was his favorite. Warm and full of delicious flavor. It reminded him that with her, he was safe. She was his home. But the last thing he wanted to do was risk draining her body and killing her. 
Grabbing Astarion’s pillow, she noted the strands of curly, white hair plucked in the silk case.  Hugging it close to her body, she could smell a mix of his perfume - the aged brandy rather stronger than usual - and subtle decay he tries to mask. With him gone, the pillow was the closest thing she could get to holding him close to her body. Even if the subtle hint of decay made her want to turn her nose. 
The front door soon swung open, then clicked close with a gentle nudge with Astarion’s foot. Tossing the pillow to the side, Tav eagerly crawled out of the bed. Astarion was home. Holding the real thing was ten times better than a pillow. To say he was her safety would be wrong, but not untrue. The right way to put it would be that they were each other’s safety. Not one or the other, but rather they completed each other.  
"There's my darling! I brought home a Hook Horror egg-" Astarion was prepared to tell a story to Tav before fully recognizing the state she was in. The egg was placed on the top of the counter. Biting the bottom of his lip, Astarion then said, "You look rather… hmm, how do I put it?"
"Disgusting?" Tav stated.  
"I wasn't gonna say it." Astarion shrugged.
Wordlessly, Tav swung her arms around Astarion, hugging him close to her body. A feat years ago she wouldn't have been able to do. Astarion froze for a second before relaxing, his arms keeping her close to his body. 
"Oh sweetheart, what's wrong? Who do I have to kill? Is it Lysander? Bastard doesn't know how to keep his fangs to himself," Astarion rolled his red eyes. Some of the vampires he saved from Cazador's ritual still had a lot of learning to do. Sure, Astarion was supposed to be one of their leaders that guided them, but there were undoubtedly times he wanted to just get rid of the unruly ones. The amount of times he had to tell him that Tav was his, and his alone, to feed on - he had lost count at this point.
"Haven't seen any of the vampires today, no. Just had a really awful nightmare about Bhaal." Tav told him. 
Her face buried itself in his white top. The coldness of his body on her warm cheeks comforted her. Her tail swayed, like a dog's would, with content. This was all she needed. Astarion patted the top of her head then allowed his fingers to brush through her hair, working through the knots. 
After the two began to live with each other, Tav slowly started to show a more vulnerable side to Astarion. Memories of her time as one of the Bhaalspawn, prior to the Illithid kidnapping, were coming back to her piece by piece. He was so used to Tav putting on a face and staying strong that the first time she cried with her head in his lap, he was left speechless. Afraid of making the wrong move, all he could think of doing was run his fingers through her hair. For once, he could be the one there for her, after all the times she was there for him. 
They were both just two broken souls that needed healing. And together they would heal. 
"Sit down, darling," Astarion instructed. "I’ve brought home this Hook Horror egg just for you Plucked it right out of their nest after draining the mother of her blood! How does breakfast sound?" As he spoke, he made a plucking motion with his hand. 
"Breakfast sounds good." Tav pulled out one of the wooden chairs. 
"Good. Now let's hope I don't fuck this up," Astarion laughed. Cracking open the egg on the edge of the pan, a rather large yolk spilled into it. A tiny piece of the egg shell snuck through into the pan, mixing in with the egg whites. With a bit of fire magic, he was able to start cooking.
It was not often where Astarion would cook. However during their few trips to the libraries, he had picked up multiple cookbooks. It wasn't like he needed to eat actual food. Blood was more than enough for him.  Everytime he ate actual mortal food, his stomach would turn and the remainder of the day would be miserable. However Tav still needed actual food for her body. And how else to show his appreciation for her? Food seemed like the right way. There may have been a time or two he served her something raw. Or burnt. Or whatever it may be that left it inedible. Tav still loved his every attempt. 
While the fire churned the eggs, Astarion shared his morning adventures. His hunt for the Hook Horror. Although it wasn't his ideal meal in the Underdark, it was the first thing he had found. Prowling through the dark, the Hook Horror failed to pick up the vampire stalking it all the way to its nest. Cuddled deep within laid only a single egg, leaving the Hook Horror protective. It could not afford to lose its only young that season.  He had to make quick work of the Hook Horror, knowing that if it made its piercing cry, others would come to its aid. As Astarion told his story, Tav felt better. Hearing his voice lulled her back to reality. 
And worry. Lots of worry from his story. 
Even though he was here in front of her in one piece, she couldn't help the worry that washed over her body when he spoke of his fight. 
Once breakfast was served, silence filled the room besides the sound of pages being turned in the book Astarion read and the silverware that clicked against the ceramic plate. While Tav ate, her eyes were locked on Astarion. There was always some sort of joy in just watching him do mundane things. A smile curled onto her face as she took another spoonful of eggs into her mouth. They were cooked almost perfectly. Not too dry, just enough moisture in them to make them melt in her mouth. One bite may have had a weird crunch, but she shrugged it off. Perhaps a touch too much pepper was mixed in but Tav continued to clean her plate. . 
The shared silence was soon interrupted by the sound of a familiar whimper and claws dragging down the front of the wooden door. The spoon that played between Tav's fingers between bites clattered against the plate. There were only a few bites left but whoever was at the door was deemed more important. Wood scratched across the stone floor of the kitchen as Tav pushed the chair away from the table. 
"Scratch, buddy! Is that you?" Tav swung open the door with excitement. Greeting her with a wagging tail, Scratch dropped a letter at Tav's feet. 
Lifting the letter off the floor, she turned around and placed it on the table. Her attention focused back on Scratch. First, by performing a bit of magic and casting Speak with Animals on herself. Astarion had placed shut his book, his eyes peering over to watch the two. It wasn't often Scratch came by - most of the time to deliver letters from their old friends within the city. Karlach loved sending Tav letters, speaking of all the things she now gets to experience. Jaheira would send one on the occasion, to check up on the two. And an old friend, the Emperor, would often have a correspondence sent out as well. As much as Tav would have loved to keep Scratch, it was determined he would have done best to stay with Jaheira. With the druid, he had a chance to have a comfortable home within the city but also play with children who undoubtedly spoiled him. Still, he was able to visit with his delivery duties. 
"Hey buddy, how are you doing?" Tav kneeled down, immediately scratching behind the white canine's ear. His favorite spot, she remembered.
With a lifted paw and a fast wagging tail, Scratch leaned into the scratches. "I'm doing wonderful now that I get to see you again, Miss Tav! Oh, yes that's the perfect spot. Jaheira wanted me to bring you that letter! She said it was important."  
Pulling away from Scratch, she turned her attention to the letter. Scratch wandered into the house, finding a comfortable place by the empty fireplace. While used to long adventures, his paws still felt sore. His body had adjusted to a more relaxed lifestyle instead. Coldness from the stone floorings washed over his warm body; a welcomed sensation. “Mmm, wake me up whenever it’s time to leave,” Scratch yawned. 
"Well, what do we have here?" Astarion's interest piqued by the letter on the table.
Tearing it open, Tav unfolded the letter within. Her eyes scanned each sentence as she took in the information. Her eyes grew wide with hope as she got closer to the end. Biting the bottom of her lip, she fought against the smile that grew before letting out a little laugh. 
"Well darling? What is it? Clearly it's good news." Astarion probed, reaching out to the letter.
Folding the letter closed, she held it out to Astarion, "Jaheira has a lead, Astarion, for you." 
Taking the letter, Astarion raised an eyebrow and asked, "A lead?"
Then it hit him. Years ago after saving the city, together they searched and explored every library they could. Well, the ones that still stood after the Illithid invasion. None held the information he wanted within. He even took the risk of going through Cazador's old estate, searching through all the books there.  After failing to find any information for a way to let Astarion be out in the sun again, the couple soon retired in the Underdark where they agreed to assist Astarion's siblings with the other vampire spawn. The house they now lived in, the two of them built together in a cozy part of the Underdark, not too far from where the vampire spawn set up their settlement. 
“A lead,” he hummed, “That’s… That’s marvelous!” He threw his hands up in the air. Laughing, he pulled Tav into a tight hug. Tav pressed her nose against his with a giggle, before looking deep into his red eyes. She read something else within them - fear.
Fear of being led to another dead end. That his hopes were being brought up for nothing and this would be another adventure with no results. 
“You don’t need to come along,” Tav whispered to Astarion, “I know you don’t want to get your hopes up.”
“Huh? Oh- oh darling, don’t you worry! I’m looking forward to this adventure of ours,” Astarion said, rather fast. “It’s been a while since we both left the Underdark. It’ll be fun! On the road together again. Of course, we’d only be able to travel at night for my safety.”
“Astarion.” Tav said, her voice firm. Her fingers laced between his, bringing the back of his hand to her lips. 
“Can’t I ever hide anything from you?” Astarion swiftly pulled away, pacing back and forth in their small kitchen. Giving up, he sat down on the wooden chair. Throwing his head back, he let out a groan. “No, I can’t. You read me too well, darling. Sometimes I can’t tell if I love that about you or hate that. Ugh.”  His words spat out as he moved his hands in dramatic motions. 
Silence lingered between them. It wasn’t that there was any tension between them, but both were left unsure of what to say next. Swallowing a breath, Tav was about to speak up first however, Astarion beat her to it.
“I greatly appreciate the concern you have for me. Perhaps this may only lead to more heartbreak in knowing I’ll never see the sun again but,” His eyes focused on hers, his lips curling into a smile, “But maybe there will be a way, and I want to be there with you when you discover the greatest gift you could ever give me.”
“Okay,” Tav said. “Okay. Then we go together. With Scratch too, we gotta bring the good boy home.”
Astarion almost forgot the canine was here. In front of the quiet fireplace, Scratch was snoring away with happy dreams of running through green fields and munching on delicious meat. Well, at least he won’t bother them too much, but Astarion truthfully was looking forward to their duo adventure to Baldur’s Gate. If they’re lucky, they would have a duo adventure back home, basking underneath the color brought in by the warm sun. 
There was much to do before they could leave, having to prepare supplies for the journey ahead. Outside the walls of their home, Astarion would also have to inform his siblings of their departure. If they are lucky, they could depart by tomorrow’s night. Tav was already preparing their backpacks- stocking it with the essentials for any adventure - a bedroll for each, ropes, Astarion’s lock picking set and rations. She poked through the drawers in their house to find anything else that may shine as a necessary item to take. Some of them held old, unused magical scrolls - they may be useful. In one of them she found a pouch stocked with gold pieces. Another item added to the backpack. 
“Hey Tav?” Astarion interrupted her. 
“Yes, love?” Tav turned her head to Astarion, her head tilted. Her fingers were grasping the door to their closet, where their old adventuring gear stayed dormant. 
“I love you.”
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croquettish · 29 days
☁️Do you prefer writing canon x canon or canon x OC? Why?
☄️Which Act of the game do you most like writing for? Why?
🌤️How do you interpret the game mechanics in your fic?
🏝️Do your gameplay and your writing “match”? Are the characters you write about the same ones you play as?
These are such good questions, damn. Thank you for asking!!
☁️I think one reason I actually took a while to write bg3 fic was bc I generally don't write a lot of canon x OC ships... playing as durge opened up a whole world of possibility, in part bc it really feels like durge has a ton of personality. I don't mind reading/writing OCs (I have written quite a few canon x MC ships for otome titles), but it has the potential of also really robbing me of my immersion because of course my tav might be very different from someone else's tav. anytime that I do write that sort of thing I try to stick to the canon facts that we do have and also try to make them as ambiguous as possible so anyone can self-insert their tav (or durge) as best as possible.
☄️A really hard question to answer honestly, but after giving it some thought I think act 2 might be the one. It's very short (relatively speaking), self-contained, comes with a wonderfully angsty atmosphere, and so many turning points happen during that act. which is to say that yes, I should find a way to put rugan at the last light inn with the rest of the zhent!!!
🌤️I play a lot of dnd and have written some fic for it also. I've seen some people interpret the game mechanics very literally, but I personally try to keep it as natural as possible. turn-based combat just manifests as regular combat, but things like potions definitely stay. long resting fixing broken bones is out, but healing magic is in! and honestly I love the inclusion of things that you don't think of as being part of the game, things like bathing or taking care of scrapes and cuts. the h/c of that is just always SO GOOD
🏝️it's nearly impossible for me to be unkind to fictional characters in video games, so... sort of. for the most part I would say yes but there's also definitely less "my primary personality trait is kindness" hgjfakkfa;l
Here are the rest of the questions!
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bedforddanes75 · 3 months
IM BEING PRESSURED NO ok wait i forgot what they mean anyway thank u for the ask x
🥜 (biggest pet peeve) - oh dont u fucking dare chew with ur mouth open in front of me i will slap you omg it pisses me OFF. also when people dont know the your/youre and other similar things. IM SORRY i hate it. so bad.
☄️ (favourite apocalypse scenario) - if i got put into the last of us i would die in approximately thirty seconds HOWEVER its my all time fav man like it just seems so fun like if i Didnt die id be able to. mess around or something. have a FARM omg
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jessythebunny · 2 months
~✨my tag lists✨~
(more added over time)
•About my oc's:
#Jessy the bunny🐰🌺 = me/my oc/myself insert
#Messy the bunny🐰💗 = my twin sister
#Jonathan the african boy🤎💍= my oc of my bf
#Liam the wolf💛🐺 = oc Liam
#Lucy the vainy girl✨💜 = oc Lucy
#Rami the gloomy boy💙☁ = oc Rami
#Alex the demon😈💗 = oc Alex
#Saiko the demon😈💜 = oc Saiko/Jessy and Messy's cousin
#Owen the cheeky twin💙🖤🎧 = oc Owen
#Otis the evil twin💜🖤🎧 = oc Otis and Owen's twin brother
#Venessa the shy girl🦋🩵 = oc Venessa
#Ken the hamster🐹💙 = oc Ken
#Anna the wolf💙🐺 = oc Anna/Jessy's ex bff/Ken's ex
#Zack the deliquent guy🧡💢 = oc Zack/Jessy's ex
•About me:
#Jessy is out of connection = I don't have enough internet or I don't have time
#Jessy loves you guys 💗💗 = I love my followers/my friends
#The creater speaks to you ✨✨ = me talking about something important or irl stuff
#Jessy answers ✌🏻✨ = answering your questions
#Jessy reblogs 🌷🌟 = rebloging random posts
#‼️Jessy's announcements‼️ = if I have breaking news or that something happens
#🖌Jessy's art🖌 = my art or the art that belongs to me✨
•About my Au's:
#🪯ttte x Zodiacs🪯 = ttte characters fuses with Zodiacs
#🎶ttte x Lady gaga songs🎶 = ttte characters in Lady gaga songs
#sodormagicalworld = my historical fiction AU (@sodormagicalworld )
#☄️my team x the nine energies☄️ = my oc's with the nine energies
•Extra tags:
#a simp of james ❤🌹 = me simping for James 😩
#I love my Ruby<3!!! = me loving Jamie💖💖
#love you all = I love everyone in Tumblr♡♡
#💖let this creativity live💖 = if I get a fanart
#👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Family diaries👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 = The moments I have with my fictional family
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sailxdia · 9 months
☄️ Welcome, have a seat 🚀
welcome to the blog! It stands for sailing across dimensions and is my fandom; primarily shipping; space. I wanted a space where I could feel comfortable posting lower quality art, edits, and goof off with friends and finally decided to make that space for myself.
Always happy to do ask games, answer head canon questions, be told to draw silly doodles of joy, anything of the sort.
enjoy your time here in this shipper's paradise
If there's anything you want me to tag let me know!
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☄️ Tags 🚀
#x post dia — posts made in house #x post art — art, edits, and similar made in house #x rb imagine — reblogged shipping images #x rp dia — general roleplaying tag from ask to posts — #x rp [name] — sub tags for each 'muse' played (will update as they come up) #x pal dia — tag for Palworld live blogging and whatever else #x stardew dia — tag for Stardew Valley live blogging #x acetorney dia — live blogging the Ace Attorney games! #x agame dia — ask game responses #tag — text
Sub Personal tags #what a beautiful image set ☺️ — 🧲🩻's aesthetic collection rbs
List of fandoms, ships, fictional others, and anything else important under the drop
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☄️ Fandoms 🚀
Batman — The Animated Series & Gotham Knights (VG)
Castlevania — Animation
Welcome Home
Ace Attorney
Name — Specifics
this list can fluctuate and will change at random. Anything of active interest should be here but don't fear asking about others. I might not be into it now but I might get into it because of you!
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☄️ Ships 🚀
Bruce Wayne x Batman — Batman {Primarily in BTAS & Gotham Knights (VG) }
Bruce Wayne/Batman x Lucifer — Batman {Primarily Gotham Knights (VG) } / Lucifer
Constantine x Lucifer — Constantine / Lucifer
Dream of the Endless x Lucifer — ??? Comics
Dean Winchester x John Constantine — Supernatural / Hellblazer
Trevor Belmont x Dracula — Castlevania { Animation }
Slade Wilson x Nightwing — DC
Raven x Robin — Teen Titans
Name x Name — Source { extra deets }
Not all of my ships but similar to fandoms are the ones of my active interest at the moment. mostly here to help give people something to grab at for games and prompts
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☄️ F/Os 🚀
Romantic { 🌌 } Familial — { 🌈 } Platonic — { 🌕 } Adversarial — { 🌩 }
{ 🌌 } Batman — Batman (BTAS & Gotham Knights)
{ 🌌 } Bruce Wayne — Batman (BTAS & Gotham Knights)
{ 🌌 } Trevor Belmont — Castlevania (Animation)
{ 🌌 } Wally Darling — Welcome Home
{ 🌌 } Keisuke Jin — Kamen Rider X
{ 🌌 } Slade Wilson — DC
{ 🌌 } Fenrir — Nexomon
{ 🌌 } Karl Heisenberg — Resident Evil Village
{ 🌌 🌈 } Ishtar — Vampire the Masquerade
{ 🌌 } Alphonse Frankenstein - Victoria's Electric Coffin
{ 🌈 } Lucifer — Lucifer
{ 🌈 } Metta — Nexomon
{ 🌈 } Ziegler — Nexomon
{ 🌕 } Oliver Queen — Arrow
{ 🌕 } Clark Kent — Superman (STAS & Gotham Knights)
{ 🌕 } Zetta — Nexomon
{ 🌩 } Sally Scarlet — Welcome Home
{ x } Name — Source
I don't mind sharing F/Os with others. Sometimes F/Os are actually more of a projection on a specific person I know; for lack of a better way to say it.
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☄️ S/Is 🚀
Trainer Ebon — Pokémon — #x si ebon pkm Vampire Ebon — Vampire the Masquerade — #x si ebon vtm Trainer Dominic — Pokémon — #x si dominic pkm Vampire Dominic — Vampire the Masquerade �� #x si dominic vtm Name — Source — #tag
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☄️ Posters 🚀
• Bruce ━ 🌑💾 ↳︎ AKA; Bruce Wayne, Masquerade • Bats ━ ☀️🦇 ↳︎ Batman • Ashley ━ 🍫☕ ↳︎ Ashley Williams, • Ebon ━ ☄️🗡️ ↳︎ Dean Winchester, Samuel • Aizen ━ 🪡🌌 ↳︎ Sōsuke Aizen, ✩︎━✩︎━✩︎━✩︎━✩︎ • Byeong-Ho ━ ☀️🪶 ↳︎ Sun • Name ━ 🧲🩻 ↳︎ Magnetism, Electricity ✩︎━✩︎━✩︎━✩︎━✩︎ • Name ━ ## ↳︎ Full name, other name, kintype names, etc • Name ━ ## ↳︎
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☄️ Else 🚀
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☄️ Active Ask Games 🚀
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss./ Link — Write a Kiss Title w/Link — Code to use in asks to show it's this one
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fuckyeahfightlock · 10 months
Hello dear. 💙
For the ask gams: 🍄🌈☄️🌙 🧚‍♀️
(I answered the first three just now, in another Ask)
🌙favorite book?
Can I list my Top Five All-Time? In no particular order.
A Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susannah Clarke
Disco Bloodbath (later retitled Party Monster) by James St. James
Drawing Blood by Poppy Z Brite (Now Billy Martin)
Generation X by Douglas Coupland
🧚‍♀️what calms you down?
Consuming video or gaming media soothes flareups of anxiety. ASMR videos put me to sleep (especially hair brushing/washing and "personal attention" videos). Magnesium glycinate, L-theanine, and 5-HTP supplements help day-to-day, even though I think it's mostly placebo effect.
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pieground · 2 years
The Story of Nothingness and Time
⏳️ ╎Comte x Narrator
☄️╎AU, inspired by Comte's route chapter 23-ish, short story. I HIGHLY suggest listening to Claire De Lune while reading for better immersion.
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Darkness. All I see is nothing but darkness in all directions
At some point, I asked, shouldn't there be something in here? Anything?
So I started looking with no certainty of what I'm looking for until I spotted something bright from a distance. I went to it.
A pebble? That's certainly not what I was expecting, but then again, it was something. I reached for it and watched in awe as the pebble grew shinier and brighter, then it was luminescent and as clear as ice. And inside was a universe with tiny specks of dust and swirls of colorful smoke, dots revolved around each other and some even crashed; forming antimatter, a black hole where there is nothingness.
Am I in a black hole? After all, all I have been seeing in this place was darkness. But if I am in one, then it wouldn't be true to say that a black hole is where there is nothingness. I am here, and I found something here.
Shouldn't there be anyone else in this darkness? I couldn't be the only one in here… it feels.. it feels lonely in here.
So I wandered once again into the darkness with a universe in the palm of my hands, the only light that I had. I walked tirelessly for I don't know how long. It seemed like time only moved where I was. However, I felt no exhaustion, I only have this feeling that I should be looking for something, like something is waiting for me to find it… and when I find it, time will continue running, the void will be filled with space, and in the space, I will place the universe then I wait for the end and go and go back to the beginning.
For now, I need to look for something more.
In the darkness, I do not know if I reached the end or if I went back to where I originally was. I trusted the universe to lead me, so patiently, I searched and sure enough, it did lead me to something.
A door.
The closer I got, the slower I was. The universe, however, remained in its own phase.
So I went inside.
It is a maelstrom, light, and darkness swirl towards each other, attracting and pushing each other. The wind was malevolent and unforgiving, I held the pebble to my chest and as I went to look over it, I saw the universe move in erratic paces then it slows before running anarchic. I looked back to where the door once was, but as I did, it gradually disintegrated into smaller matters, to sand, to atoms… and then back to nothing.
I'm inside the chaos.
For the first time since I found myself in the dark, I felt scared for myself and for the little pebble where my universe was. I'm afraid to even move. Just who knows what's in this seething mass? What if… something is out there to take my universe away? What would I do?
"I've been waiting for you, Time." A voice said.
I looked up to see someone had been standing in front of me. He wore a smile, he looked happy. And life burned brightly in his irises that reminded me of the yellow stars I found in my universe, however, they aren't just the stars, his eyes held galaxies upon galaxies, comets, and clouds… his aureate eyes held the universe. But more than anything, I saw me; all inside his eyes.
"Time?" I asked him.
"That's your name." He answered, "You told me that a long time ago."
"I did?"
"Have I met you before?" I asked once again, "My mind tells me no but my heart tells me otherwise."
"Do you truly not remember?" He took a step closer, "I can show you."
He closed the gap between us, leaning down, and our foreheads touched. I closed my eyes and felt the chaos calm down and surrounded us with pleasant warmth and the harsh wind became a gentle zephyr as it kissed both our skins. Slowly we descended, our feets touching the softness of the grasses. I opened my eyes once again, I saw his face illuminated by the bowing sun and the breeze playing with his golden hair. He leaned into my touch as my hand went to caress his cheek. And there, familiarity came showering me and everything else scattered and made sense.
He hummed, his face painted with relief. "See? Even time can not erase me from you."
"I took too long, didn't I?" I smiled sheepishly at him.
I only stayed in the chaos for a short time, but it was long enough to make me realize just how scary that place was. It made my universe run turbulent. I couldn't begin to imagine what it is like to be stuck in there for so long, waiting for me.
"It only feels like yesterday. Do not worry." He said, leaning down once again, "However, if you want to make it up to me, a kiss will—"
I pressed my mouth against his. A smile graced his soft mellow lips as they move with mine, dancing gracefully as if we were back in the times when we danced ceaselessly in the dark. I cradled his neck while his hands held me firmly by the waist. And just like that, we'd fallen right back in place as if I'd never been gone. His touch felt so familiar. How could I ever forgotten? We must have had millions of these encounters before. How else could it feel so natural?
Abel said his name meant "nothingness". But Abel is wonderful, especially to me. He holds the planets and the stars, the antimatter and fire that make up the universes of which I visited every time. He probably wouldn't understand right away, but me, who wandered through his darkness, have seen countless shiny pebbles; all enough to create universe of our own. Abel is so much more than he could see, and as Time, I will continue running towards him to remind him that.
"I'm always with you."
When Abel woke up, Time was gone. He was once again alone in the memories. A sad but hopeful smile on his lips, which his fingers subconsciously touched, reminiscing how Time's kisses felt.
He sighed.
Time must be wandering in darkness again…
It's okay. After all, Time promised. And that promise is always true—no matter how lonely it is to wander in the dark, Time will always come back to me.
In the beginning, there was only nothingness and time. The two co-exist, interchange, and orbit each other. Until space is filled nothingness and matter are born. Gradually, Nothingness disappeared and Time could do nothing but run through the universes in search of him. In the end, Time comes across a singularity in which a new universe is born and time wanders the darkness once again.
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x-authorship-x · 2 years
im the height anon hehe do you know how tall everyone will be in lord of the rings fic? im team shisui x legolas... 💛
Have a good day/night Torship 💛
Hey anon! Height-anon, haha you said it not me 🤭
Okay so.... Let's get complicated (again) 🤡
My Shisui, in Narutoverse, is 6'1, as established in my last answer-
-so you'd think he'd be the same in my fic, The Red Istari, but, well, let's look at heights in the LotR movies (I'll just do standard cast) versus the books.
- Bilbo is 4'1 or around 3ft
- Frodo was 4'1 or between 3ft-4ft ("taller than most")
- Sam was 4'2 or between 2-4ft (general hobbit height range)
- Merry and Pippin, having drank the Ent Water, were between 4'6-4'11 (taller than Bullroarer Took, who was 4'5)
- Gimli is estimated about 4'6 (God Bless John Rhys-Davies' Knees). I dunno how to feel that Merry and Pippin grow taller than him lol
- Thorin was 4'10 or 4-5ft (average) and the Company seem to have ranged within this average with Dwalin, Kili and Fili some of the tallest.
- Sean Bean is 5'10, as is David Wenham.... Boromir is 6'4, as is Faramir🤡
- Viggo Mortensen is 5'11... Aragorn is 6'6. *screams into my hands*
- Legolas 5'11 or 6ft
- Elrond is 6'2 or 6'4
- Arwen is 5'10
- Glorfindel.... Between 6 and 8ft (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
- Galadriel is 5'8 or.... 6'4 and Celeborn was 6'2 or 6'4
- Ian McKellen is 5'11... Gandalf is 5'6!
- Christopher Lee as Saruman was 6'5
- Sylvester McCoy is 5'6, Radagast is 5'4!
Basically there is this hilarious moment where men are weirdly tall, hobbits and Dwarves have more overlap than I thought, Elves get taller as they accumulate power/goodness, and Wizards are either short or really tall with no in-between lol
So I'm not sure how tall Shisui is because he fits within the scale of Istari height... but there is a Reason Glorfindel is that tall and I'm not sure what to do with that, plus Saruman's height is probably tied into his power so....
Basically I wrote this whole answer out just to tell you that I don't know 🤣
Hope that was enough height talk for you, Height-anon lmao, have a great day/night
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galaxicide · 1 year
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shipping meme / accepting / @desireandduty
Send 😎 if you would like to explore a FAMILIAL relationship between our muses!
girl, we been doing that! xD and it has been a blast. i'm loving it!!
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moonsharky · 3 months
Hi Sharky!!!! For the ask game
hi baz! 💚
🍄 fave song: currently it's:
☄️ foreign language i'd like to learn: answered here x
☁️ fave album: hmm i dont listen to specific artists, just songs. but maybe i would go with rock angels by bratz 💀
🎧 3 songs that come up on spotify shuffle:
emoji ask game
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misc-obeyme · 2 years
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name: CC | age: 30+ | pronouns: they/them main blog: @misc-magic
Welcome to my Obey Me! sideblog! Please READ THIS POST for information about me & the blog! Barbatos image from @/ephemeral-memories.
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requests: currently CLOSED ask box: OPEN
masterlist | REQUEST RULES ao3 | tags | oc & mc masterpost current writing status update
latest works: Solomon x MC x Mammon drabble Time Traveler's Vow [GN!MC x Barbatos] bottom!Barb x male!MC [NSFW MDNI] Barbatos drabble Mammon drabble Worth It Part 2 [Mammon x Barb NSFW MDNI] Worth It [Mammon x Barbatos because I'm silly like that]
ongoing multi-chapter story: unchained [masterpost] [start here] chapter one [current chapter] chapter eighteen
current lesson recap: lesson 44 | lesson 45 | lesson 46
coming soon: some requests - I see you guys & I'm working on them~
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asks: Due to volume, I can’t give a timeline on responses but I try to answer them all. If you would like to claim an emoji/anon nickname, please let me know in your ask!
anons: 🦁, 🪱, grey Asmo, Michael anon, 🍵, 🧬, 💚🌻, 🐚🦀, 🐈‍⬛, 🍁, 🎠, 🧼, ^^, 🥐, ✨, bows for Barb, angsty anon, 🐌, 🪿, 🦊, Solomon🤍, 🍄, 🐆, 🎧, <3, 📻, ☄️, 🎹, 🍀, 🦋, 🤡, 🪷, 🫖o( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ ), 🍓, 🐀, z anon, 👁‍🗨, 👾, Identity
nsfw: I will reblog & post nsfw content. Please block the tag "misc naughty times" if you want to avoid this. MINORS I don't have the time or energy to keep track of you, but it would be better if you didn't follow me.
THANK YOU! Seriously, thank you to everyone who has liked, reblogged, or followed me. I appreciate all of you!
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As always, I love you & thank you for reading!
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❝ i was enchanted to meet you . . . ❞
diavolo picture by @/savemebeel | pfp by @zombiesandbells , it's fanart of my crossover ship diayoi! (diavolo obey me x yoimiya genshin) | banner found on gyfcat
— NESSA . 18 . genderfluid + bisexual . capricorn . esfp . 2w3 . genshin impact . obey me (i stopped playing but still) . hermitcraft s10 ! nevermore . SPY X FAMILY ! MASTERLIST . CARRD (cw light mode)
hi! welcome to my blog, you can call me nessa! enjoy your stay :3
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byf: i swear pretty often and have a tendency to keyboard smash A LOT. especially if i see a fic/fanart that i love. i won't reblog any nsfw fics/fanart but some of my reblogs under my #[☄️] nbr! tag may contain suggestive/dirty humour. oh btw, my blog usually doesn't run by a queue!
go ahead and interact with me, i don't bite ! 🤍 just please don't dm me unless we're close/moots! also mooties can ask for my discord or instagram :)
agere account (completely sfw!): @rambles-of-the-little
tags under the cut!
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— navigation! [tags]
#[💭] my headcanons! — incorrect quotes, scenarios, short fics and actual headcanons!
#[🌺] my posts! — anything i've originally posted :)
#[🤍🖋️] my writing — similar to above, but just everything i've written, since it's the main thing i post here
#[🔄] reblogs — self explanatory, things i will reblog. mainly just to keep my blog tidy when searching through it
#[🖌️🔄] fanart rbs! — reblogs just for fanart!
#[🍃] reading recs — any fics i reblog that i adore ! you should read them too!
#[☄️] nbr! — stands for non blog related, anything that isn't a fandom related thing that i reblog/post
#[🗣️] nessa's rambles! — posts that are just me talking and thinking my thoughts, then sharing them here
#[🫗] nessa's vagueposting again — self explanatory (i literally vaguepost in my posts waaay too much; no i am not apologising for it)
#[🧍] ramble in the tags — sometimes i have a little ramble in the tags, if you're curious go ahead and have a read
#[📥] my asks!  — anything answered from asks
#[🏷️] my tags — in case i'm ever involved in a tag chain!
#[🕰️] from the queue — anything i schedule/put in the queue :>
#[🤝] genshin x obey me — any of my rambles about the crossover between my two favourite games :)
#[🎆] diayoi — to add to the rambles above ^^ this special tag is for my crossover ship rambles between yoimiya from genshin and diavolo from obey me!!
secret tag: #felt like shit might delete later — vent posts
i tag my fandoms accordingly, but i also tag anything mcyt related as #block men tag (ie the hermitcraft, life series or any other things to do with minecraft ccs in general)
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^^ feel free btw!! no judgement here :]
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bedforddanes75 · 3 months
for the ask game!! 🥒,🌶, ☄️
alo I love your new username I must confess I don't know who George is kissing 😔 but I'm VERY INVESTED 💜💜
🥒 (do you speak multiple languages) - unfortunately im lame and only speak english 😞 i did Try to learn french but like. no thank u. hard as FUCK
🌶 (what is your spice tolerance) - im genuinely convinced i could eat one of those reaper ones i forgot the name but i will eat Anything on gods green earth if its got enough chili on it oh my god words cant DESCRIBE IT im gonna die thinking about it i LOVE IT SO MUCH
☄️ (favourite apocalypse scenario) - ok i Have already answered this but ill take any chance to talk about tlou i just love it like its so. i would be sooo quiet and i could have a Farm like ellie but i wouldn't be lame like ellie and i could like have a gun but in a nice way not a NO GUN LAWS YEAH way u know what i mean omg i LOVE
THANK YOU 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ omg so the dare is this. like. electronic (?) musician and his music is Amazing (he produced guess by charli xcx yaya) and he was at charlis most recent boiler room and george kissed him in the most beautiful photo ever that i am going to put below even though im sure youve seen it enough from all my reblogs BUT i just wanna look at him ALSO the pic on the right of the guy is the dare just so u Kno x
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honorarylumine · 3 years
hi lumineee :DDDD have a cat photo 🤲
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Hello Amber!! I didn't know you have a cat oh my Archons that is so adorable! Paimon thinks so as well!
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