#x’rhun tia
hamstr · 23 days
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x’rhun tia if his hat had holes for his ears
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potatocrisp · 2 months
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It’s them
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berryzawati · 1 year
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A FFXIV otome game based on the job quest npcs? More likely than you think!
Oh Layla, which one of these fighters is going to capture your heart?!
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vastlymushy · 11 months
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man i love tias
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sandorara · 5 months
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I’ve been grinding Red Mage the past like week and it has been so painful but I have REACHED level 60 and Kirika now has a sexy new outfit and has completed the missions through Heavensward with Mr. X’rhun :3c
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tiredredmage · 2 years
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jenny-fish · 1 year
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a quick redraw of a screenshot I took in ffxiv!! I wanted to practice landscapes and I just finished a red mage quest here so enjoy the bonus X’rhun Tia lmao
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lookbluesoup · 1 year
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watanabes-cum-dump · 9 months
No bc what do you MEAN Cid is only 34 BUT THEY LET X’RHUN TIA BE A WHOLE 42
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alixennial · 2 years
I'm having too much fun with this meme, so have some more questions about shipping potential:
Indie and Estinien?
Indie and X'rhun Tia?
Estinien is… hmm… complicated. He definitely caught her eye when they first met with his chiselled jaw and his confident swagger. And there’s no way Indie didn’t try to catch a glimpse behind his mask while they were on their travels across Dravania. Her curiosity would have been murdering her!
But in the short time she’s known him, Estinien has mostly been grouchy and revenge-driven. Not without good cause mind, and Indie remains sympathetic for his plight (plus his prickliness gives Indie endless banter material) but they are So different - could it work? Indie, with her fears of being left alone and Estinien’s tendencies to leg it at any opportunity would probably make things a little bumpy for them. Maybe they’d be a good balance for each other; with different perspectives they could help each other grow. Or they’d kill each other.
They’d be a fine example of the grumpy/sunshine trope anyway XD
X’rhun Tia is almost the complete opposite to Estinien: friendly, helpful and always finding a reason to smile. He’s had his share of bad times yet remains philosophical in the face of adversity and that’s something Indie greatly admires. She definitely tries much harder to impress him than any of her other jobmasters. Handsome, debonair, emotionally mature… what’s not to like? Indie would be his ray of sunshine. Yeah, I ship them. Indie, get back to your RDM training!
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potatocrisp · 2 months
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Some people remember…maybe
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xiv-wolfram · 5 months
WolfBahn Ship Summary - Part 2
A Realm Reborn
Part 1 - Prequel I realized the comics are... a lot. So I decided to make a short summary of my Wolfram x Raubahn ship. As I started to write I realized it was also... a lot. So clearly WolfBahn is simply... a lot. Eh, this is still way less to read than the comics, enjoy.
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13 years after Wolfram and Raubahn had broken up, Wolf knew full well that he was still in love and would never move on. Frequently hearing news about the famous Flame General of Ul'dah probably hadn't helped matters. He'd made a sort of peace with it and was living as an adventurer in Limsa Lominsa, helping others in order to atone for his past. He and his friend X’Rhun Tia, trained red mages on the rare occasion they had an apprentice. Otherwise, Wolfram's time was usually spent working for the guild or doing odd jobs for the Admiral to pay the bills while Rhun traveled.
During one such job, Wolf stumbled upon a plot by the Serpent Reaver pirates to kidnap people and have them enthralled by the Sahagain god Leviathan. After saving the day, Admiral Merlwyb threw a banquet with the adventurer as her honored guest. It was here that Wolf revealed a crystal he had found to the city leader and his new acquaintance Y’Shtola. They talked about the Warriors of Light that had helped during the Calamity. He was told he held a Crystal of Light and was the vessel of a higher power. Once getting some clarification Wolfram burst out laughing. Obviously, someone tainted like him wouldn't be chosen by a powerful and benevolent goddess. Despite his skepticism, Y'Shtola invited him to meet with the leader of her organization.
After meeting Minfillia, he was relieved to learn about the Echo - it meant the voidsent hadn't been getting stronger as it had claimed. Wolfram joined the Scions to study his mysterious power and help people on a larger scale. However, he couldn't deny that another motivation for joining the was to potentially see his ex-partner again (without the threat of jail, given the Scions' political standing). Having an Echo vision of Carteneau was honestly a bit too much Raubahn for Wolfram to shake off.
Wolf spent some time getting to know his new allies whilst aiding Limsa Lominsa and Gridania. Then he found himself in Thanalan face to face with the primal Ifrit and only had a brief moment to question why he wasn't being tempered before having to fight for his life. He made it out but many of the Immortal Flames weren't so lucky. He lamented not being strong enough to protect them. While thrilled and terrified at the idea - he would apologize to their leader in person.
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Wolfram entered Ul'dah for the first time in over a decade. He attended a speech Flame General Aldynn was giving. Instead of the fear he assumed would invade his thoughts - Wolf felt nothing but pride in how far the gladiator had come. His cheers were the loudest.
Raubahn noticed Wolfram in the crowd and hardly believed his eyes. He had spent years lamenting his actions, trying to move on but plagued with regrets and wondering if his former love had survived the Calamity. Even if he’d betrayed his trust, the gladiator didn’t want him dead. Finally, he knew - Wolfram was alive and well! After he was done addressing the Ul'dahn citizens he walked up to Wolf, doing his best to hide a smile, and asked if the adventurer would like a private meeting.
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The General had a busy schedule but they had a few moments to speak before his next obligation. Neither could hide their happiness to see each other again. Wolf even teased Rau a bit for being surprised that Wolf hadn’t wondered about him, forgetting that he was famous. Raubahn didn't blame Wolfram for his soldiers Ifrit had taken and was impressed that the man he used to know as a simple cook had defeated a primal. He extended an invitation to join his Grand Company and Wolfram said he would be happy to join the Immortal Flames. The gladiator was relieved to know the mage was alive and well after so long wondering. Their reunion felt wonderfully strange to both of them - any awkwardness was overshadowed by their pure joy. 
After returning to the Waking Sands to give Minfilia his report, Wolf went back to Ul'dah the next day to formally join the Grand Company. Raubahn had the day off but wanted to give Wolfram a tour of the headquarters. A new recruit receiving a tour from the General himself drew notice, but most assumed it was because he'd bested Ifrit. However, those who knew him best noted an odd change in their leader’s demeanor. Wolfram and Raubahn did some proper catching up, with Rau asking the mage what he’d been up to since he’d left Ul’dah. After hearing his journey of self-improvement, Raubahn told Wolf that he would have been happy to see him earlier and that his threat had been an empty one born from anger. Wolfram told the gladiator about his new life devoted to aiding others and was surprised to receive praise for the efforts he'd made to become a better person. Unfortunately due to some miscommunication and false assumptions about the other's preference, they ended up agreeing to keep things professional and not let anyone know about their past, despite them each secretly wishing to be friends. 
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For most of the events of ARR they were coworkers who occasionally fell out of formality accidentally - like when Livia raided the Waking Sands and everyone thought the Scions were dead. Raubahn couldn't hide his relief when Wolf walked into the Alliance’s meeting to discuss the Black Wolf’s ultimatum. Merlwyb even teased Raubahn in private later for the most she'd ever seen him smile in a single sitting. Whenever someone caught on to their familiarity they admitted only that they had been friends years ago but asked that the information not be spread. The Monetarists were enough of a problem already and would absolutely use it to accuse the Scions of favoring the Royalists.
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Things started to change between them the night before their attack on Castrum Meridianum. Raubahn took Wolfram aside to speak privately. He hesitantly asked if the mage had enough control over the voidsent to go into a building full of Garleans. Wolf was offended, assuming Rau was worried he would hurt the other Flames. He swore he would end his own life if he felt his control slipping rather than endanger anyone else. The General explained that's not what he meant - he didn't want Wolfram to risk himself and ordered him to flee the battle if he became panicked as he had occasionally in the past. The mage was furious at the suggestion and repeated back word for word something cruel that Raubahn had said to him when they broke up. The gladiator was horrified that those hateful words said in anger had stayed with Wolf all those years and started apologizing in an uncharacteristic panic, stating that if anything he said made Wolf not value his own life he was sorry and didn't mean any of it. Wolfram calmed down and explained that he was just bothered by the hypocrisy of suggesting he take such cowardly action by someone who’d called him selfish. He told the General that his harsh words were the catalyst that had set him on the path of atonement. If he was the hero people claimed him to be - it was because of Raubahn. While tense, that night helped resolve a bit of the pain from their past they were holding onto, helping them move forward and finally become more casual with each other.
Part 3 - A Ream Reborn Patches
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winddragonart · 5 days
FFXIV Write 2024 #16: Third-Rate
Title: Madman Duelist
Lombard and his cabal were down, but K’ome watched the bodies as Arya tended to X’rhun Tia. once the Crimson Duelist was back on his feet, he walked to stand next to his apprentice, Arya joining them.
They stood, looking down at the body.
“I normally do not speak ill of the dead…”
“But…?” K’ome prompted.
“Lambard was a first rate madman, and a third rate duelist.”
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cloudofdarkness · 4 months
(for the two characters thing) Job Quest npcs, Stephanivien OR X'rhun Tia?
Oh definitely x’rhun! Though I feel I’m biased bc I’m a RDM main!! I do love him tho. Dad figure 🥺🥺🥺
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wilanserulia · 1 year
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“Well, that would be because the principles of Red Magic were founded on the combined knowledge and wisdom of both White and Black Magic.” Wilan stopped his chocobo in its tracks, shocked. “D-dude!” he exclaimed, eyeing their surroundings in a panic to make sure nobody had overheard them. “Aren’t those, like, super-illegal!?” X’rhun’s chocobo came to a halt a moment later. He turned his head and arched an eyebrow, a simple motion that however hit Wilan like a slap to the face. He scrambled to reword his question. “Uh, ah... F-forgive me my, uh... b-but I was under the impression that said schools of magic were, uuh” he glanced to the side, raking his brain for the right words “no, uh, had been banished from common usage since time immemorial. Did mine ears misread― mishear your words, perchance?” The Crimson Duelist’s gaze remained fixed on the Warrior of Light’s face, eyebrows furrowed, and then a long moment later he exhaled, only slightly disappointed. Wilan inspired, elated, his mouth curling upward at the corners. He was making progress after all!
An excerpt from an upcoming chapter of my next story, "A Red Mage and his Apprentice" in which, among other things, X'rhun Tia has very specific ideas about how a hero under his tutelage ought to behave.
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