#wyll x evie
yourworsttotebag · 5 months
I've never been able to get the idea out of my head that as two upper crust people from Baldur's Gate, there's a high chance that Evie and Wyll would have met when they were growing up. And I've always thought they would make for an interesting arranged marriage au but I honestly don't know if I'm down for a project of that size and scope.
But I'm trying to write down all of my ideas for scenes, even the ones with no home, and especially the ones I find super embarrassing. So here's one with two married people who have barely touched and just barely gotten into friendly territory after a rocky start.
"When Orin was pretending to be you she...said things to me. Things I thought you were saying."
Evie's face never gave anything away so Wyll couldn't determine the nature of what Orin had said but he couldn't imagine it was anything good.
"I'm so sorry, Evie," he said. "I hope she wasn't too horrible to you."
He felt overwhelmed by the need to comfort her, be near her, to feel that she was a living breathing person instead of whatever image of her existed in his head. 
Cautiously, Wyll reached over and touched her bare arm, brushing his fingertips over her fair skin. He felt goosebumps erupt under his gentle touch and Evie turned her head to meet his gaze. Her lips were parted slightly and her amber eyes were bright as they looked into his. Evie kept watching him as Wyll's hand traveled down to hers and when their fingers met, she allowed him to gently tangle them together.
Wyll realized he could hear his own heartbeat pounding in his ears.
"She made me think that you wanted me," Evie said softly and Wyll could feel himself blushing, feel his whole body waking up at her words.
"Who wouldn't want you?" He replied and savored the way Evie's breath hitched. The flush on her chest was like honey on his tongue. “You’re the tempest and the clear summer skies. You're magic, and life, and wonder. You're incredible.”
Evie shifted towards him, the mattress sinking under her and tilting Wyll even closer.
“Well, I know Orin would never say that,” Evie said breathlessly. 
Her next exhale left her as a quiet whine when Wyll’s arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her body against his, and the sound lingered in Wyll’s head like a song he couldn’t escape. 
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Ok but for the “astarion makes noises anyway becasue it’s funny” part of that list do they also make bets over which companion won’t look them in the eye the next morning and/or complains about it?? Cause I feel like that’s on brand
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Oh absolutely.
If it’s a matter of who is going to say something first, Astarion puts his money on Lae’zel to complain while Tav is fairly certain Karlach is going to give them a high five.
As for who won’t look them in the eye, Astarion puts his money on Wyll even going to far as to steal one of his romance novels only to give it back to him the next day and apologize saying, “just looking for inspiration” ;).
Meanwhile Tav puts their money on Gale because the that first morning after the group presumed they had sex Gale asked if they had “lied comfortably”. The man is simultaneously shameless and embarrassed about sex. (Also I do think Gale had a little crush on Tav at the start of their adventure which makes it even more awkward but that’s a sorry for another day)
Post for context
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mrfancyfoot · 5 months
Raphael x Evie (f!OC) | Rating: E/varied | Chapter 1 on AO3
Chapter 5: Not Even for Eldritch Blast
Raphael offers to make Evie his warlock.
Chapter Rating: G / SFW Word Count: 516 Warnings: None
Story Summary: All’s fair in love and war. Things are bustling in Baldur’s Gate as the city rebuilds. Life is looking up for Evie who has ambitions set on her (re-)inventions and business ventures as she juggles a certain vampire’s budding political career, the unwitting godhood bestowed upon her by a clan of fanatical fish people, and the increasing attentions of a devil who she believes woefully has no other friends. . Story Tags: Tags will update with progress, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Humor, Manipulation, Eventual Smut, Modern Girl in Baldur's Gate, Canon-Typical Behavior, Varied Chapter Lengths, Not Canon Compliant, Possessive Behavior, Dubious Morality, Dubious Consent, Worldbuilding, Kuo-toa, She's not stuck with him he's stuck with her, Has plot-legs, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Warning: Raphael, Raphael is obsessed, No sleeping with Haarlep, Girl has her shit together and that’s sexy, Neurodivergent OC, Lawful Evil meets Chaotic Neutral, Marriage Contract, Slice of Life
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Evie covered a yawn and looked expectantly towards the man standing in front of his desk.  Human this time.
She wasn’t sure if his insistence on summoning her here this late was some attempt to be covert - it wasn’t like her companions didn’t know of their meetings - or if he just wanted her tired in the hopes that she would be more amenable to…whatever.
Raphael clasped his hands behind his back.  “Korilla tells me that you have shown much interest and initiative in learning magic.  Have you given any thought to becoming a warlock?”  His gaze drifted from her to the ceiling, dropping back with each overly emphasized word until he awaited a reply, “Certainly a consideration when one does not have the time to dedicate the required long years and intense efforts to studying wizardry.”  Another sales pitch, then.  Always gotta hurry, hurry.
“Like Wyll?”  She didn’t know much at all about warlockry - not a class she’d ever played in any of her D&D games - but he was definitely an example of what could happen when your convictions didn’t match your patron’s.  The last thing she wanted was to be stuck in a similar situation.
Except Eldritch Blast, she knew about that.
“Yes, one is given power through a deal made with a patron.  Such as Wyll’s contract with Mizora.  And very much akin to your fox Aspect - you made a deal with a nature spirit in exchange for power.  Trivial power, though all the same.”  Evie found the more she watched him speak - emphatic gestures, purposeful, even over expressing with his face - the more…hypnotic it was.  Like everything was a stage performance.  “I can make you far more powerful than Wyll.  Korilla could even mentor you.”  It was a more fun mask to try to decipher than the normal ones.
“For the low, low price of my soul, I’m guessing?”  Evie side-eyed the contract that appeared near her with a wave of his hand.
“I am a bit possessive,” he frowned coyly, “so your connection with the spirit would be severed.  But I’ll let you keep the fluffy tail and ears.”  She scoffed as his frown turned into a teasing smirk and he drew his fingers together in a mimicry of claws.  “Even the itty, bitty claws and those things trying to pass as fangs in your mouth,” he finished with a sharp click of his teeth.
“No, thanks…”  She batted away the parchment.  “Though, while I’m here…if this is going to be a regular thing, can we at least agree on a day and time?”
“Absolutely, dear fox,” Raphael too readily agreed.
It occurred to her then that her exhaustion had gotten the better of her.  She should have been telling him to stop pulling her here on his whims, yet, instead, she just offered to set up meeting times with him like he was her manager.
And he certainly saw himself that way, no doubt pleased by her suggestion as it only fed the legitimacy of whatever this was.
Maybe she’d be able to get some proper sleep in before, though.
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Thank-you for reading! <3
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unreadpoppy · 7 months
To Win the Princess's Heart - Chapter 2
Raphael x OC (Genevieve) - Bridgerton season 2 inspired AU
Chapter 1
Read on AO3
Taglist: @littlemoondarling
A/N: Took me some time to get here but i'm finally on vacation from college, which means I'll have free time! yipee
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After the ball had been wrapped up, Genevieve quickly went to her sister’s side and brought her to the drawing room, to give them privacy. 
Laverna was ecstatic. “Evie, did you see how much I danced tonight?” She smiled and lifted her skirt, showing her slippers. “Look! They were clean this morning and are already dirty from the dancing!” She then threw herself on the nearby loveseat, a hand over her head. “This was the best night of my life!”
Genevieve chuckled and sat next to her sister. “Indeed, you did not stop dancing for even a moment.” She took Laverna's feet and put them in her lap, and started to remove her shoes. She could only imagine how much her feet hurt. “Tell me, did anyone catch your eye? Considering how many men were begging for a dance.”
“Most of the ones who danced with me acted like boys.” She giggled and then blushed. “But there was one…he was a man.” 
Genevieve took a deep breath. “Who was him?” She asked, but already knew the answer.
“The half-devil.” Laverna whispered. “Lord Raphael.” The half elf noticed how her sister’s brow furrowed and asked. “Why do you make that face?” 
The tiefling sighed. “I just… I want the best for you.”
“What do you mean”?
Genevieve struggled inside. She wanted to warn her sister, to tell her to not ever talk to that man, but she didn’t Laverna’s night to be ruined. She could tell her what she heard at a later date.
For now, Genevieve shook her head and said “Well, you know how men can be. I just want you to be careful, alright?”
Laverna nodded. “Of course.” She leaned forward, struggling a bit but eventually, she held Genevieve’s hands. “But I have no worries, for I know you won’t let any harm come my way.” She finished the sentence with a smile. 
Genevieve also smiled, and kissed Laverna on the forehead. Then, she got up and held her hand out for her sister. “Come, you can tell me more about your night in your room.” 
Very far away from the princesses' residence, Raphael, now stripped down to a white shirt and pants (although he still wore his suspenders), found himself walking around his study room, while drinking whiskey. 
Sitting on a nearby chair was Haarlep, their shirt having been thrown away a long time ago. “What troubles you?” 
Raphael looked outside. “The older sister…she is hiding something.”
“Why do you think that?”
He sipped on his drink. “There was a moment, with her voice. It was as if she had cast a spell. I could even feel the magic in the air.” He raised an eyebrow in amusement. “She even looked nervous when she realized what she had done.”
“And what are you thinking of doing now?” Haarlep asked, bored. 
“I will discover this little secret of hers. Then, I’ll use it as leverage against her, eliminating the threat and making my way towards Laverna easier.”  Raphael finished his drink and turned towards Haarlep. “Which is why I’ll need you.” 
The next day, Genevieve found herself walking in the park, a parasol in hand to protect her from the sun and alongside her, holding onto his arm with her free hand, was an old friend, Wyll Ravengard, the son of Grand Duke Ulder. 
“How is Karlach?” She asked him. 
“She’s still adapting to this life but we couldn’t be happier.” Wyll smiled. He had just recently come back from his honeymoon, after battling so long to be able to marry Karlach, who was not a noble. “You must go visit us.” 
“I will.”
A moment passed and Wyll examined Genevieve. She had a frown on her face as she looked at the people around them. 
“Is something on your mind?” He asked. 
“What? Why you ask?”
“It’s just you have that look on your face. The one you make when something is bothering you.” 
She signed. “As you know, Laverna is looking for a husband, and last night during the ball, she felt smitten by Raphael.”
Wyll stopped walking. “The half devil?” Genevieve nodded. “This is bad news.” Given Wyll’s history with this type of fiend, it was no wonder to her that he was worried. 
“Precisely. I told her to be careful with him but I’m still afraid something worse might happen.” She gulped. “Besides, I overheard him saying something about manipulating my sister.”
“These fiends, they are all like this. You mustn’t let him get close to her. Should she make a deal with him, or worse, get married, the consequences could be dire” He signed. 
Genevieve looked at his horns. Nowadays, they didn’t bother him as much, but when he was first punished by his patron, Mizora, for breaking their contract, Wyll struggled to adapt to his new looks. It was around that time that she had gotten close to him, considering she was the only person in the nobility that was a tiefling. 
“I will try my best.” Genevieve said. “But… there is something else I’d like to talk about with you.” She pointed towards a bench that was in a more secluded area and shaded by a tree.
They made their way there and sat. Genevieve looked around and whispered close to him. “My magic has been getting out of control.” She looked down at her covered arms. “Last night, it even made my voice louder.” She held Wyll’s hands. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Don’t worry, Genevieve. We’ll find a way.” He looked down at her left arm. “But don’t you think it would be better if you told your family about it? They could help you find a teacher. I even know a wizard, Gale of -”
“No!” She whispered. Looking around and seeing no one nearby, Genevieve removed the glove that covered her left hand. Although the tiefling had white skin, her left hand, from the point of her fingers to almost her elbow, was entirely pitch black. 
“Everytime I use magic, this takes more of my arm.” She looked back at Wyll. “I’m already the pariah of my family, if they knew I was a sorceress too, my grandma would get rid of me for once and all.” She quickly put her glove back on. 
Wyll sighed and nodded. “I’ll see what I can do to help.” 
“Thank y-” before she could finish, she heard the sound of someone falling down next to them. When she looked at where the sound came from, she was shocked. “Is that Astarion?” 
The white haired elf was walking away from where the tree was. When they called him, he ignored them and kept walking. 
“How strange.” Wyll said. 
Later that evening, Genevieve had been summoned by her mother. Walking in the room, she curtsied and asked “You called, Mama?” 
“Yes. Genevieve, there is a man that wishes to speak to you.” Agatha motioned her hand and none other than Raphael appeared in the room. 
“What are you doing here?” Genevieve asked. Her mother gave a disapproving look at her tone. 
“I wish only to remedy a misunderstanding between us, your highness.” He said, bowing his head. 
“I have no wish to talk to you.” She said, angrily. 
“Genevieve! Give the man a chance to speak.” 
“Yes, princess, listen to your mother.” He smirked. 
She huffed and then signed. “Alright.” Genevieve looked at her mom. “Mother, could you give us a moment alone? These are private matters.”
Agatha looked at the two of them for a moment and then obliged. After the elven woman left, Genevieve shot him daggers with her eyes. “What is that you want, devil?”
“You should be more careful with your tone, your highness.” He walked close to her. “Lest you want all to know your little secret.”
Her eyes widened for a moment but she tried to suppress her surprise. “I do not know what you talk about.” 
“You don’t?” Raphael smirked. In a flash, he removed her left glove and held her wrist high. “What is this, then?” 
She pushed him away. “Go back to the hell you belong.” 
“Don’t you want this back?” He said, raising the glove in his hand. Before she could speak, he began to talk, walking around the room while examining the piece of clothing. “You see, last night, I knew I had sensed the presence of a cantrip in the air, one coming from you, but I could not put my finger on it. You can imagine my surprise when my good old incubus friend told me how he listened to you moan and complain to Lord Wyll Ravengard about your…magic problem.” 
Genevieve’s face fell. Incubus could take the form of anyone they had…sexual relations with. It had not been Astarion she had seen, but a fiend wearing his face. 
She sighed. “You got me. Go on, go tell everyone what you’ve found.”
Raphael frowned. “What?”
“Isn’t that what you’re going to do? Snitch one me, so that my family will drive me away, leaving the path towards Laverna completely clear?”
He laughed, while Genevieve made a face. “Oh no dear, you misunderstand me.” He put a hand on his chest. “I would never do such a thing.” 
“Then what is it that you want?” 
Raphael smirked. “I can help you.” 
She raised an eyebrow. “Help me?” Genevieve crossed her arms. “And how would you do that?”
“I could find the source of where your powers come from. Remove the magic, make that mark that covers your arm go away.” 
“Could you?”
“I have the means to do so. And should I find myself unsuccessful, I could, in turn, teach you how to keep that in control.” He walked close to her once again, taking her hand and putting the glove back on. “No more outbursts of magic.”
Genevieve took a deep breath. “And what would you want in return?”
“You’ll allow me to court your sister, and should she want, marry her. You won’t say a single bad thing about me to her, and you won’t stand in my way.” He smiled. “Quite simple if you ask me.” 
Genevieve furrowed her brows in thought. She did not know if she should trust him, especially considering what happened to Wyll but at the moment, he had been the only person to offer her some solution to her problem. But she also didn’t want him to get close to Laverna.
“I’ll do it on two conditions.” Genevieve finally said. “When you meet with Laverna, I’ll be the chaperone.” Before he could protest, she finished. “I won’t say a bad word about you, but it would look poorly to society to see my sister alone with a man. Besides, if she felt that I had given approval, she’d feel better.” 
She could only hope that Laverna wouldn’t actually fall for him. Maybe Genevieve could find someone who was a better match in the meantime.
“And what is the other?”
“If Laverna expresses that she doesn't want anything with you, you’ll let her go. You won’t force her hand.” 
Raphael thought for a moment and then nodded. “It seems that you have a deal, princess.” He smirked and snapped, disappearing in thin air. 
Genevieve sighed, thinking of what she had just done.
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yourworsttotebag · 5 months
I want to hear everything about this arranged marriage AU!!
The first time I tried to figure out how Evie would interact with all the companions I thought: oh, if she and Wyll are both nobility from Baldur's Gate and almost the same age - wouldn't they have probably met before? Wouldn't they have spent some time at fancy balls trying to size each other up? Maybe even flirting before both being like, "Oof, actually no fucking way." And then since they're both nobility my mind immediately went to some abstract cloud that said "arranged marriage" on it and basically, I think they'd both kind of hate it at first.
Now a lot of this is vibes based. Like - a lot, a lot. Why do they have to get married? Um, I don't know - I imagine Duke Ravengard needs...something. Why did I write Orin pretending to be Wyll? So she would mess with Evie and make her think Wyll wanted to be intimate with her, a thing I needed someone to do. Why is Orin messing with them like this? Um...I have no idea, someone had to.
But! I wanted to write some of these scenes out so I wouldn't lose them and then I wrote sort of a lot of them.
Wyll and Evie would probably both take this arrangement sort of hard and getting them on friendly terms would be a tough putt. Evie is well known in their circle as a Mean Girl and Wyll, who had probably dreamt a lot about true love, is suddenly married to a woman he barely knows and who doesn't seem to really like him. The early days would be a lot of Wyll tentatively reaching out and getting cold, short answers. When Wyll tries to talk to Evie before the wedding she's like, "Phew, yeah, it's pretty wild. Anyway, see you at the ceremony, I got stuff to do."
We all agree Wyll is a stand up, kind hearted dude but I think there's potential for him to also kind of screw up the early days of their relationship. Not being horrible or mean to Evie, but perhaps saying some things he doesn't quite realize are unkind. And it makes sense that he wouldn't be perfect! His whole idea of love and romance is all out of whack now, he's upset. It's not even close to what he expected and the difference is disorienting.
And I think Evie could be pretty hurt by his reaction! She knows Wyll isn't happy either and how would you feel is your spouse saw your marriage as a break down of their entire world view and you as a villain? Evie also wants someone to love and care for her, not someone who feels like they've been trapped with her. Part of Evie's cold shoulder is her just being herself and part of it is trying to shut down all these big feelings she's struggling with.
I think they'd need a kind of blow up argument about it before they could acknowledge being a little careless with each other's feelings and deciding to see if they can be friends. And over time you open up all these tasty little tropes like forced proximity, sharing a bed, trembling touches of hands, falling in love after getting married, yada, yada, yada, lots of vibes and vapor waves here. Wyll becoming a warlock question mark, question mark?
[God bless Ed Greenwood for this tidbit about half elves passing a token of their affection from their mouth INTO their new spouse's mouth AT the ceremony. I got a few hundred words out of that one.]
Can I put a read more under a read more because I need space for the "Problems" section lmao.
Problem #1) I don't really know what fancy people in a fantasy world do all day. Like Wyll and Evie start to become friendly while doing....what? How many balls can they reasonably attend? Part of Evie's problem before adventuring is that she's so bored with her life and I don't want the audience to be bored reading about her being bored. But like, the "becoming friends" section is vital so you believe it when they become attracted to each other.
Problem #2) The other characters from the game wouldn't be there! Would I have to create a whole pantheon of characters for Wyll and Evie to hang out with so every scene isn't just them talking at each other? That doesn't sound fun. Could I include their families enough that it FEELS like there's a big world around them? I guess Astarion and Shadowheart live in Baldur's Gate but could they appear in a way that doesn't feel like an episode of Frasier where Ted Danson shows up? (Frasier hive rise up)
Problem #3) I was picturing Evie and Wyll at their in-game ages, mid 20s, instead of the age Wyll was banished which I believe is 17. I thought the marital relationship between two ~18 year olds would be way different than two ~25 year olds and bringing sex into it made it feel really weird for them to be so young. Does Wyll's character get altered too much if he's in Baldur's Gate for another few years? What does it mean that he's not the Blade of Frontiers yet?
Idk, man. This is all the reason that drafts exist in the first place and also why I don't know if I could actually complete this. But it's fun to try. Maybe I'll think of something shorter and more fun soon.
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yourworsttotebag · 5 months
Since mentioning my Evie and Wyll arranged marriage au, I went absolutely wild on the draft (like 2k worth of wild).
I can't say I wrote a lot of plot, but I did write a lot of making out!
Wyll shifted above her and groaned appreciatively as Evie's knees fell open for him. She pulled him close to lay over her, the hard planes of his body pressing against all of her soft curves.
Keeping his mouth off of her no longer seemed possible. If Wyll's lips weren't sinking against Evie's neck or trailing down between her breasts then she would urge him towards her own mouth to kiss her and Wyll obliged her again and again.
They came together and apart, as Evie's delicate hands skated up underneath Wyll's shirt to grip his shoulders. After another insistent push at the fabric and a quiet plea, Wyll sat up to tug his shirt over his head.
“Gods,” Evie said with awe. Wyll's stomach tightened as Evie's hands drifted over the defined muscles of his abdomen. “You're not a virgin, are you?” 
Wyll barked out a surprised laugh. “Uh, no, I'm not. I may be built for romance, but there are other tender hearts in the Gate. Why? Did you wish to be the first to defile me?”
“Oh, I'm sure I'll think of new and interesting ways to defile you,” she said, reaching for him again.
“I'm sure you will,” Wyll said as he bent to kiss her.
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yourworsttotebag · 5 months
Reading more about forgotten realms weddings and
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"Half-elves have a custom of putting a token in their own mouths and kissing their new partner to transfer it into their mouth."
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yourworsttotebag · 5 months
consider: Wyll asking his wife Evie to dance publicly (when they have to look Official) and it’s awkward but not as awkward as they thought—and then, later, asking her to dance privately~ (I ship Evie with everyone at this point)
Wyll and Evie needing to dance together at an official function is such a delightful little morsel!!!
Evie pouting and rolling her eyes when invited to dance, absolutely determined to have a bad time, but then Wyll is such a talented dancer that it's exciting just to be near him. And sometimes he actually laughs at her jokes! Or trades a little tidbit of noble gossip with her! Why does his laugh have to be so nice and his smile so warm? She's getting sort of nervous being held against Wyll and looking up into his big brown eyes?? And he wants to spend time with her alone???? I could eat "awkward couple has to dance together" for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
And yes, I'm glad we are of one mind on this! It's much easier for me to just ship Evie with everyone instead of shamefully dropping a fic with a new partner every few weeks. I've accepted I have no control over her and I have to just let her date around.
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yourworsttotebag · 5 months
tell me more about your thoughts on wyll needing a hero….. 👁️👁️ evie dating sim next steps??
Very broadly, I just enjoy the idea of the hero getting rescued, laying down their literal and metaphorical armor and having someone hold them and care for them.
And I think Wyll is such a good candidate for this because he so badly wants to be the right kind of hero. He'll gladly accept more and more weight and responsibility. I wonder if maybe he feels some necessary part of being heroic is the suffering and the shouldering of burdens. I think Wyll might not even realize how much being a hero, or even just a good guy, is weighing on him until the pressure is relieved just a tiny bit.
The specific Wyll/Evie arranged marriage au I've been puttering around with is extremely vibes based. The timeline is all cooked, there's no ending, there's enormous time skips where I just don't know what's supposed to happen. It's more of a wish list than anything.
Right now I'm picturing a) their current game ages in their mid 20s and b) Wyll isn't a warlock yet. Is Wyll changed too much by pushing this event later? That - remains to be seen, don't think about it, don't worry, we're gonna figure it out or we won't.
But I think during his time in Baldur's Gate, Wyll would still feel beholden to heroic ideals and feel a little burdened by the idea of being a Duke and living up to his father. And Wyll's banishment would come after he and Evie have gotten past their initial iciness, after their big sex scene, when they think things are most likely to work out, so it feels as bad as possible that Wyll is suddenly gone.
He kind of falls into monster hunting as he wanders around the Sword Coast, the story we're all familiar with. The people Wyll helps adore him and he's happy to be of use but he's at his emotional low point. He has new warlock powers but they're frightening and unfamiliar. His family, including his wife, is gone. He can never go home again.
So one of the scenes I have actually written is one where Wyll is pinned down by some Really Bad monsters and Evie suddenly rides in and saves the day. And Wyll is shocked! He figured she would write him off as dead and start her life over but instead she left her comfortable existence to come find him because she was worried about him.
And all of my iterations of Evie kind of thrive at the fun adventuring parts of being a hero for hire. She's been so bored and isolated for so long that having a cause to focus on gives her a ton of energy. She says to Wyll, "Hey, I care about you and I'm basically a super hero. Let's keep each other safe instead of you suffering alone because you think you need to atone or want to be extra noble while a dragon cuts you in half."
What does it mean for Wyll to establish his Blade of Frontiers rep with a partner? Is it a lot different from the game? Does it ever dovetail with tadpole stuff? I honestly have no idea. I answered another ask where I went into more of the difficulties I'm facing with this because I'm just too early in the process to even know what I'm doing. It could all get split into something else for all I know!
I DO think they would make a pretty hilarious good cop/bad cop duo on the frontiers. Like, "You better tell us who's in charge of your murder cult. My wife's a sorcerer and she's crazy." Wyll insists that he can be the bad cop sometimes and Evie's just like, "Oh honey...no...no, you can't."
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My brain is melty but something something “you want to bet on it?” Not exactly astarion and Tav but like. The rest of the camp talking about them?
Feel better soon!
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A/N: This was actually a lot of fun! You didn't specify so I decided to go with Ace!Tav AKA Evie for this prompt. Hope that's okay.
Consider this a continuation of this headcanon.
Astarion x Ace!Tav (Evie) Masterlist
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“You know what? I don’t think they’re fucking.”
Gale choked on his drink, following Karlach's eye line to a familiar corner.
Astarion and Evie had found their own little piece of no where, as was becoming habit with them at this point in the evening. Astarion had an arm wrapped about them and he whispered something in their ear, causing them to laugh. Astarion answered this with a playful nip of their neck which is right about when Gale averted his eyes. They were entitled to some privacy.
"My ears would beg to differ," he said, dryly. "I swear I didn't get a wink last night."
"Well that's just the thing innit?" Karlach pressed. "I mean, I can understand getting that riled up every now and again, but every night?"
"Astarion is a vampire," Wyll pointed out. "Even a spawn is liable to have higher than average...stamina."
Karlach let out a snort. "You read too much. Besides, even if that was true, doesn't stop E from being human."
"Why though?" Gale said. "What would be the point of pretending engage in such, ah...enthusiastic intercourse? I mean, we all know they're together. Why the extra show?"
"I would not be surprised if Astarion is putting on, as you said, an extra show," Lae'zel said. "He has boasted many times of his prowess in giving carnal pleasure. Not to mention, he likes to make clear what is his. Ravaging sex would accomplish both quite easily."
"Still doesn't explain E's half of all this," Karlach insisted. "It does take at least two, last I checked."
"Trust me, just two is enough," Gale grumbled. "If you want proof for yourself, I am more than happy to switch rooms."
"No good. I'm just below them."
"Oh for Gods' sake!"
"You've been oddly quiet, Shadowheart," Wyll interrupted, giving the cleric an assessing look. "Care you share your thoughts."
Shadowheart shrugged, carefully setting down her glass of wine. "I don't see what more I have to add to the conversation. You all seem set in your opinions."
"And I am curious to hear yours," Wyll pressed.
She rolled her eyes. "I think you all are putting a lot of thought into something that is frankly none of your business."
That got Gale's attention as he turned to her suspiciously. "Do you know something?"
"Nothing of importance. Besides, weren't you the one who said that some personal matters should remain personal?"
"Certainly," Gale said. "But when they are shared so openly, they can hardly be considered wholly personal."
"Well, that clenches it for me," Karlach said. "They're not fucking."
"I would be inclined to disagree, although now, I'm not so sure," Gale said, his brow furrowed in thought.
Lae'zel gave an exasperated huff. "Is it common in this realm to over analysis something as simple as mating?"
"It's extremely common," Wyll said, with a smile. "I take it that means you think they are, mating?"
"Would you put money on that?" Karlach said.
Lae'zel raised an eyebrow. "A wager?"
"Sure. Ten gold says if we open the door on their room tonight, they're doing something stupid like moving furniture. And if I'm wrong, that's ten gold for you and spit in my eye."
The gith's eyes narrowed, before giving Karlach a stiff nod. "A fair wager. Although, I do not think spitting in your eye in necessary."
"I wouldn't go that far," Wyll said. "Depending what's on the other side of that door, it may be very necessary."
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Hey there. Since ace tav is a bard, just wondering if you have thoughts on the camps musical tastes/requests for her to play?
Hmm, I gotta think about this.
To start Ace!Tav loves taking requests. If they're been traveling for a while and somebody requests a song, they're more than happy to oblige. It makes them feel needed. If they can be just a little useful to their new companions they're going to take it.
As for Tav's personal taste in music, it's rather eclectic. All the music they've learned has been from what they've heard on the road from other bards. Probably a lot of folk music, and whatever the Faerun equivalent is to country, rock and roll, and the top 100. And, honestly, throw some jazz, soul and rap in there as well.
I don't think they're particularly judgemental when it comes to music taste. Music is everything to them. It's how they're able to express themselves and convey emotions they can't always articulate. Whatever music speaks to a person is good music.
As for the rest of the companions, here's their music taste based on ✨vibes✨.
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Lae'zel: Would probably say she doesn't like/listen to music. However, if you introduce her to heavy metal, she's going to head bang with the best of them.
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Karlach: Punk, all the way. Get that woman into a mosh pit.
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Shadowheart: Late 90s/early 2000s nu metal and the emo scene in general. Yes, I've heard the jokes and I'm sticking to them.
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Gale: Your dad's 1970s playlist. Is genuinely surprised whenever anybody 10 years younger than him had heard of Fleetwood Mac. Definitely loves the Beatles.
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Wyll: Honestly the only one who sincerely enjoys classical music. Deceptively a bit of a music snob. Will go on about how some obscure soul album defined a generation. However, still enjoys the radio hits and anything romantic you can dance to.
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Astarion: Genuinely hasn't put much thought into music before meeting Tav. Likes what he likes, and has a difficult time articulating exactly what that is. Some classic pieces. That one song he heard in a tavern once a hundred years ago. Some angry rock and roll. Some sad boy playlist. And a good scattering of who ever is Baldur's Gate's equivalent of Megan Thee Stalion or Dua Lipa. Bottom line his playlist is a goddamn mess.
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yourworsttotebag · 3 months
party favors
Pairing: Tav/Everyone! Rating: Teen Word Count: 3.8
It's Evie's birthday and everyone in camp owes her a kiss! Participation is mandatory! --
“It’s a wonderful Faerûn custom, and extremely important in our realm.”
“I’ve never heard of it,” Shadowheart said lightly.
“Shadowheart doesn’t remember a lot of things,” Evie said to Lae’zel. “It’s tragic, really. But birthday kisses are practically sacred, especially to half-elves.”
“I’m a half-elf,” Shadowheart chimed in.
“So much of her mind is missing. Doesn’t it break your heart?”
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Thinking about Astarion and Evie (Ace!Tav) Dancing
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Astarion x Asexual!Tav Masterlist
A/N: Shout-out to @leighsartworks216 and @any59 for letting me yell at them about this.
Or rather I’m thinking about them not dancing
I maintain my headcanon that Astarion doesn’t really dance
He knows how, well enough, and is certainly capable of grace, but he doesn’t enjoy it
It was just another tool in his arsenal with the ultimate goal to get someone off the dance floor
Spending too much time in the center of the room could lead to problems, much better to play the mysterious rake in the corner
Meanwhile Evie loves to dance
Yes, the incorporate dance into their performances, but it was never beaten into them that they had to be good
Dance can still be fun, a different way to feel the music around them and let it in
They’ve also just picked up on a lot of steps over the years and with their natural sense of rhythm, they’re actually really good
Astarion knows this, while he may not enjoy dancing in public, he’s not opposed to Evie pulling him into a dance in private with their voice whispering a song into his ear
The trouble comes when they are in public
Astarion knows Evie wants to dance; they go to a ball or even just a lively tavern and he can see the way they watch the dance floor
They tell him they don’t mind, really
They laugh and have fun with him on the side lines, picking up gossip from the wait staff and stealing what they can from catering or some rich passers by who can afford to miss a bracelet or two
Still he can see their foot taping and the look on their face when they turn down yet another offer, all to keep him company
A song starts to play that he knows Evie loves, and he is all but forces to cave
He nudges them toward Wyll or one of their other willing companions encouraging them to go on, have a bit of fun
Evie is hesitant, asking him if he’s sure
He answers with a kiss, a bit possessive, a clear show to those around them; he may not be their dance partner but he is still very much their partner
He then gives them a more decisive push, telling them he’ll be right here once they’re done
They go on and Astarion stays true to his word, watching with a smile on his face as his love shines on the floor
They still come back to him in between songs to catch their breath or simply take a break from others to enjoy his company, but soon enough their whisked away by another song
Maybe some day Astarion will join them, but until then they’re both content with this little compromise
Just so long as he has all their private dances, he can’t complain
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"I'll wait for yiu" Astarion x Evie
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“You should join him, my love,” he said, nodding his head in Wyll’s direction.
“Getting tired of me already,” Evie countered.
“Never,” he promised. “However it seems wrong on to deny you your pleasures. This is your night after all.”
“This night is for all of us and I find present company perfectly pleasurable,” she insisted, taking a small bite from her plate for emphasis.
“As flattering as that is, you’ve also been staring longingly at the dance floor for the past hour.”
She turned her gaze away, embarrassment evident on her features at being caught. He did enjoy that look on her. The perfume of her blood always became just a hair more potent.
“I just haven’t seen this many nobles gather in one place before,” she said, at some poor attempt so save face.
Astarion decided to have mercy on her, bringing the back of her hand to his lips.
“Go on,” he repeated. “I’ll wait for you.”
She still seemed unsure glancing between him and the gathering couples preparing for the next dance. “You sure you’ll be alright?”
“Just so long as you plan to come back.”
Her lips curved up into a half smile before she placed a hand on his cheek and guided him into a kiss. It was light and teasing, real and warm and maybe just a little bit showy. He couldn’t help but smile at the feeling. Good to know he wasn’t the only keen to make clear what was his.
send me a sentence + pairing and i’ll write the next five sentences
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Evelyn Demirci (Ace!Tav) Character Bio
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Astarion x Evie (Ace!Tav) Masterlist
Nickname/Aliases: Evie, Tavern Mouse, Tav
Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them
Age: 26
Race/Subrace: Human (Gur)
Class/Subclass: Bard/College of Lore
Alignment: Neutral Good
STR: 10 DEX: 15 CON: 12 INT: 8 WIS: 13 CHA: 17
Skin Tone: Dark Olive
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Hairstyle: Long and braided
Build: A bit slim, acrobatic and flexible
Height: 5’ 6’’
Style: When not in her performance dress, typically she wears some nondescript adventurer garb meant for comfort over style; something that will make it easy for her the blend into a crowd
Weapon(s): Rapier, dagger
Instrument(s): Violin, Lute, Lyre
General Personality Traits: Personable, Empathetic, Withdrawn
Ideals: People. She is committed to the people she cares about, not to ideals.
Bonds: She is just trying to end the day with a full stomach and a roof over her head, even if it will only last that one night. Anything more permanent feels out of reach.
Flaws: Doesn’t share much about herself, including any negative or uncertain emotions she may be feeling in the moment. It’s easy for her to get lost in relationships.
Secrets: Her sexuality
Regrets: Not pressing her father more about their tribe. Maybe then she would have been able to find them.
Best Friend(s): Gale, Karlach, Wyll
Family: Emelie Demirci (mother/deceased), Ryland Demirci (father/unknown)
Lovers: Astarion
Sexuality: Asexual
Evie didn’t get the start most would consider ideal.
Her parents were part of a tribe of Gur traveling across Faerun, slaying monsters and earning money where they could, even if certain townships looked down on them. Unfortunately, her father, Ryland had a habit of living up to the stereotypes. If people were going to see them as cut throats and thieves, might as well be a good one. Evie never got the full story, but eventually he crossed the line and was forced to leave the caravan. Her mother soon followed, loving him too much to leave him.
So, Evie was born in the back room of a tavern as it was the only place her father could find that wasn’t a tent in the middle of the woods. It didn’t do her mother much good either way as she died not long after.
Ryland did what he could, at least at the start. Evie would later reflect with vague memories of an Inn, the smell of rosemary and her father tucking her into a straw bed. Those memories wouldn’t last, however, as they were over taken by a blur of different ceilings, tent canvas, the night sky, hard dirt and stone cobbles.
He taught her how to pick pockets and use those big blue eyes of hers to gain sympathy of the local tavern keeper for an extension on their bill. Sometimes he’d leave for days at a time, swearing he’d be back sooner than he ever was. They wouldn’t kick a little girl out on the streets now would they? He just needed to earn some extra coin.
It wasn’t usual for Evie to be put to work then, cleaning and sweeping, a little mouse scurrying here and there searching for crumbs and trying not to get stepped on. Eventually the little tavern mouse was being called Tav rather than her given name; a name she could hardly argue against, especially once her father left one final time, never to return. She was eight years old.
It was long after she was told to find a new place to stay. Her father was behind on payments and the owner didn’t want a Gur pick pocket hanging around his customers. That first night, alone on the street, was just about the worst of her entire life. For some time after those streets would be her home as she did what she could to eat and find a safe place to sleep, day after day as she searched for even a roof to have over her head.
Some merchants and tavern maids took pity on her, letting her stay for a time and earn her keep, but something would inevitably go missing and the finger would be pointed at her. It wouldn’t matter if they found nothing in her pack or in her bed roll or if the item was found a day later, she would be out on the street all over again.
This continued for years until she was about twelve years old working at an inn where a company of bards and actors came to perform. The leader, a tiefling named Lyric, was an extremely talent musician and Evie found herself absolutely entranced. The owner of this particular inn wasn’t especially kind and she knew she’d be accused of something sooner rather than later and so that night she snuck into the players caravan to left.
She was discovered the next morning, but rather than leave her in the middle of nowhere, Lyric took pity on her. So long as she earned her keep and didn’t slow down the caravan, he didn’t see the issue.
He taught her how to play once he discovered she had a talent for music, gifting her a violin. He wasn’t an warm man, but neither was he cruel. He was simply her mentor and just about the only stable force in her life. But like so many things, that would not last either.
When Evie was about seventeen, Lyric and a few other of the players were caught attempting to steal from a rather rich lord in town. He hasn’t told the others of this plan. The only reason Evie and the rest were able to escape was because another one of the group saw the arrest and warned the others to scatter. Evie was left again without a home or even acquaintances to rely on. All she had was a pack with five days worth of rations and a violin. But she would be alright, she’d been alone before. At least now she could make her own way.
Even so, every town she passed through, each new face she met, she found herself looking for something she couldn’t name. The bonds she made always felt temporary, slipping through her fingers the harder she held on. Still, she had to try.
Nothing in her history, however, could prepare her for an illithid ship and the group of weirdos she’s find herself apart of. There are worse ways to get to know people, although she’s having trouble thinking of what.
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mrfancyfoot · 3 months
Raphael x Evie (f!OC) | Fic Rating: E/Varied | Chapter 1 on AO3
Photic sneeze reflex (or autosomal dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst, "ACHOO" syndrome): A condition characterized by successive sneezing induced by bright light.
Raphael's devil transformation makes poor Evie sneezy, plus a reminder of how they met.
Chapter 10: Just a Light Reaction “Oh, humans and their silly-” *gestures vaguely*
Ch. Rating: T / SFW Ch. Word Count: 307 Ch. Tags: POV Evie; Humor; Drabble Ch. Warnings: Slight (General) Humiliation
Read under the cut or on AO3-
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With the bright flash of light of his transformation, Evie found herself doubled over in a violent fit of sneezing.
She heard Raphael walk to his desk and pull out his chair to sit.  “In all my years of dealing with mortals, I can safely say you have the honor of being the first to have such a-…reaction.”  She didn’t need to be able to see Raphael to know the judgmentally amused expression he assuredly wore.  “Fear, cowering…apathy, varying degrees of anger.  A dwarf pissed himself last ten-day - not uncommon.  Sneezing, though, that is new.”
“Oh, dear fox, we are beginning to match with the shade you’ve turned!” he teased.  “This reminds me of when we first met.  And here I thought it had merely been the occasion!”
She’d rather not be reminded.
Though she frequently saw him in both his devil and human forms, Raphael hadn’t transformed in front of her again since that first time.
Evie further hid her face in mortification.
He’d come waltzing into the camp, started reciting poetry, and she panicked as he introduced himself, promptly informing him, “Sorry, sir, but we’re full on bards.”  Things were a bit tense at the time and she had literally just come from separating Volo and Wyll, who had threatened to skewer the bard for his gods-awful playing.  Not one of her best moments.
And then the devil whisked her away, and she nearly brained herself on a dining table chair from sneezing after the first time he transformed in front of her.
“It’s the liiight,” she whined out from behind her knees in explanation, now half buried sideways in the armchair as her face throbbed and lungs burned but the sneezing had finally stopped.  And then she hiccoughed.
The devil was laughing.
He could never say he hadn’t been warned of her oddities.
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❤️ Thank-you for reading! ❤️
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