marksartsypalace · 6 months
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My dragons rising plushies I made so far
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spinjitzuladykaia · 4 months
Akita giving other characters therapy session too cuz they need it
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beba-780 · 5 months
Everything will be fine
Summary: Kai takes care of Wyldfyre after escaping the Cloud Kingdom.
- Lloyd, we can't abandon the monks and Euphrasia to their fate with Ras and those guys with scary wolf masks - Arin responded as he approached the helm of the Ship with Lloyd as they left the Cloud Kingdom.
- We need to create a new plan, Arin, clearly Ras has a new power, and that guy with smoke powers who used that strange Spinjitzu-type power is very strong. We need to create a new plan – Lloyd responded to his young apprentice while he tried to maintain his composure without having to remember his strange and terrifying visions of those guys with wolf masks.
He did not want to accept it, but seeing that his visions were true he bothered Lloyd too much, almost at the beginning of the fight he trembled with fear, but he had to forget his fears if he wanted to contribute well to the situation.
- AGH! HURTS! – Wyldfyre complained as he fell to the ground and held his leg in pain, it was obvious that that strange power that Ras's apprentice used seriously damaged his leg. Even some of the fabric of his pants was tattered and almost singed.
- Wyldfyre! – Kai was the first to arrive with Wyldfyre. He carefully managed to sit her up so he could better inspect her leg, and it was not a good view – Hey, calm down, calm down, let me check –
Kai revealed Wyldfyre's injured leg and as he feared, the wound was quite serious, red marks and burns were shown on almost his entire leg, that strange power that Ras' strange ally used managed to disintegrate almost all of Wyldfyre's boot.
- That... doesn't look good - Sora mentioned sheepishly as she looked at Wyldfyre's leg, even Riyu groaned in a worried manner.
-It's nothing... it doesn't look as bad as it seems... -Wylfyre tried to put on a tough face, she even tried to move his leg a little, but that was a serious mistake, moving his leg caused more pain.
Hearing that he kept making pitiful sounds, Kai quickly managed to find the first aid kit and took out bandages and medicines so he could stabilize Wyldfyre's leg a little while they arrived at the monastery. Since Zane was also unavailable at the moment, Kai, Nya, and Lloyd would be the only ones who could help Wyldfyre with his injury, at least with the little medical knowledge they had as Ninjas.
- Don't worry, everything will be fine... - Kai managed to calm her down a little by hugging her, which impressed Nya and Lloyd, since Kai has always been the first person to comfort them as a kind of father when one of them was hurt.
After arriving at the monastery Kai tried to take Wyldfyre directly to the infirmary but she refused and demanded to be taken to Heatwave's stable, not wanting to hear any more of her tantrums, Kai listened to her and took her to Heatwave, Nya had to carry the necessary medical supplies to heal her while Lloyd took Zane to the monastery to receive the necessary repairs, even Sora offered to help Lloyd with Zane.
Right now Kai was bandaging Wyldfyre's injured leg, Heatwave was too worried to see the human girl she raised, as if she were her own child, being injured. But at least the dragon calmed down to let Kai finish properly bandaging Wyldfyre's leg.
- Ouch! – Wyldfyre complained after Kai tightened the bandage on her leg a little.
- I'm sorry - Kai quickly apologizes - But the bandage must be tightly wrapped around your leg, Wyldfyre -
Wyldfyre was lucky that his leg was not completely broken as many thought, but if he was seriously injured, as if that strange power of corrupted Spinjitzu had burned his skin almost completely to the bone, Zane may not be able to do a quick scan, but at least thanks to Nya he was able to find a good remedy to better treat Wyldfyre's wound. The bad thing was to see that even the poor wild girl was suffering from the pain, even though she tried to hide it, Kai knew that her injury would prevent her from walking for a long time.
At some point, Nya went up to the monastery to bring Wydlfyre something to eat so he could relax better. After all, she loved all kinds of food.
- Ugh! This sucks! I hate every time I get hurt but this is too much for me! - She complains as she now looked at her newly bandaged leg - That “smoke boy” is going to pay me! He will feel the heat of my flames! – His abrupt movement caused his leg to complain of pain and caused Wyldfyre to stop her speech while she tried to hold onto her injured leg.
- Calm down, Wyldfyre. I know how you feel, I also hate being hurt, but I promise you that this will happen soon - Kai approached Wyldfyre and helped her lie down comfortably next to Heatwave, who, by the way, had no intention of leaving her human girl.
- How do you know? – Wyldfyre confronts Kai, giving him an incredulous look – I bet you and the other ninjas weren't hurt as much as I am now, since you are all expert masters – Wyldfyre complains in an annoying way while crossing his arms.
- Of course we got hurt, Wyldfyre - Kai reprimands the girl, who only responded with a dissatisfied grunt towards the Red Ninja - Just because we are Ninjas, or teachers, doesn't mean that we are strong enough to avoid getting hurt in fight. Believe me, there were moments that I would have liked to avoid where my friends or my sister would have been seriously hurt, even I have been hurt, and I assure you that they were more serious injuries than the one you have now. There are worse things than having an injured leg –
Kai knew from his own experience what it was like to be seriously injured, how many times does he not remember the injuries he received after each battle, mission or unexpected adventure he has had to face after becoming a ninja, he even remembers the painful moments he suffered in his life long before he was a ninja. Wyldfyre may have grown up in the Wilderness, but she didn't have to face the dangers that Kai had to experience throughout his life.
He even remembers the times his friends got hurt after each confrontation. Kai always blamed himself when he saw you hurt, he told himself over and over again that he had to be more careful, faster, stronger to be able to save them and keep everyone safe. He even vividly remembered those moments when he would kill himself training to the point of exhaustion in order to perfect his fighting habits, and there were even times when his hands would bleed due to the pressure he put on himself.
Kai wants more than anything to find a way to prevent his friends from getting hurt, even he would give anything to forget those painful memories of seeing a member of his team seriously injured.
- Whatever - Wylfire murmurs, using a haughty and childish tone as he leans closer to Heatwave - I hate this - he moans as he tries to move his leg.
- You finished? – Nya suddenly responds as she arrives with a tray with some food and some tea.
Sighing, Kai turned to see his sister – Yes… luckily her leg is not broken, but if it took a while for her to heal –
- What's that? – Wyldfyre suddenly asks with interest when he sees the tray that Nya had.
- Just some food and tea, it won't heal it instantly, but it will take away some of the pain so you can be more comfortable - Nya mentions approaching Wyldfyre.
-I thought they had a magical tea that healed all wounds – Wyldfyre responded somewhat confused as she scratched her head.
-There are magical teas, but from our experience, it is better to use the normal ones and not the magical ones that make you experience crazy things – Kai exclaims when remembering his experiences with magical teas, even Nya had to agree.
Growling in frustration, Wyldfyre accepts the tray Nya brought and proceeds to reluctantly eat the appetizers first.
Kai motioned to her sister so she could leave him alone with Wyldfyre, Nya caught what her brother was trying to say and left Kai and Wyldfyre alone while she gave them her space.
- Hey - Kai began as he sat down next to him - Just because you're hurt doesn't mean we'll leave you out of our next missions, Wyldfyre. You have to rest and regain strength, and you will see that very soon you will return to action with us. Also...-stretching his arm towards the cup of tea served on the tray, Kai brought it to Wyldfyre - This is very effective for you - Kai smiled affectionately as he offered Wyldfyre to drink the tea.
With no other option, Wyldfyre accepted the cup of tea and drank some, it didn't have much flavor, but at least it left a relaxing feeling in his body.
- Everything will be fine, I promise you - using a confident tone and showing a look that made anyone around him feel safe, Wyldfyre could see confidence and security in Kai's eyes, perhaps he is the only person in the monastery who really I had more faith in her than anyone else.
Just seeing that comforting look from Kai made Wyldfyre completely lose all worry about her injury now.
From a distance, Nya saw the way Kai looked at Wyldfyre, it was like seeing a father and daughter, which reminded Nya of her childhood in her parents' blacksmith shop, Kai looked at her the same way and so did he did with Lloyd.
Nya knows that Kai has been the only person she has had in her life for as long as she can remember, and although she doesn't openly admit it, Kai was more like a father than a brother to Nya. Maybe it was because of the fact that they grew up together since their childhood, but Kai has been the only person who has raised her without anyone's help. Despite not knowing how to act like a real father, Nya already saw Kai as the only one father figure. He did the same with Lloyd, he still remembered those moments when Kai helped Lloyd with other activities that were not just training to be a ninja, he still remembers those moments when he saw Kai teach Lloyd to cook a little for him, when he He sometimes took him to Ninjago City Park, when he gave him candy, when he let him help him repair the ship, and when he took him to watch the sunsets over the roofs of some buildings.
Nya knew that Wyldfyre was very lucky to know Kai.
Seeing that Wyldfyre would be in good hands, she decided to go up to the monastery again to check on Lloyd and Zane.
When Nya returned to the monastery through the elevator, she was able to find Lloyd in the living room. He looked exhausted, but that was understandable to Nya. Lloyd was sitting on the couch and had one of Master Wu's Spinjitzu scrolls with him.
- Hey - Nya called as she sat down next to her - How's Zane? –
- Good... - Lloyd answers, but his voice sounded exhausted - Sora helped me fix it and now she's just making some modifications to her program to make sure everything is okay -
- Well, one less problem to worry about – Nya mentions.
- Master Wu's scrolls show nothing about Shatterspin. Whatever that move was, there doesn't seem to be any record - frustrated, he throws the scroll onto the coffee table.
-Don't worry, we'll know something – despite trying to lighten the situation, Nya also seemed just as frustrated, but she didn't want to show it.
- By the way - Lloyd responds when trying to change the subject - How is Wyldfyre? –
- Better - Nya smiles - A little irritated, but it's okay. However, her leg will take several days to heal and she needs plenty of rest. Plus, Kai is taking care of her -
Lloyd sighed and leaned back on the couch – Well, luckily it wasn't too serious. She's lucky Kai is looking out for her -
- It reminds me of those days when Kai took care of us both when we got hurt. Do you remember what she did to you the first time you were hurt? – Nya fondly remembers those memories from the past in which her adventures were still simple.
Lloyd snorted as he remembered those days, they were days when Lloyd sometimes found it easier to cope with things - Yes... I fell off the deck steps of the Ship after tripping on a loose board, I hit both knees and one bled more than the other, Kai picked me up and took me to my room where he healed me and gave me several of the cookies that Zane had made - with affection, Lloyd remembers those times when he was still a child and lived with the others on the Ship.
- Or the time broken my arm when I was trying to repair one of the Ship's engines, Kai was the first to help me and almost yelled at Zane to take care of me immediately. He stayed by my side the entire time. And in compensation for not leaving me alone he said that he would do whatever I wanted for a week – despite mentioning that moment, Nya seemed to have a satisfying smile on her face.
- If I remember - Lloyd laughs - You literally made him your personal assistant in your projects, you stole the best of his food, you forced him to watch those cheesy movies that you and Jay watched and you forced him to go shopping with you - Lloyd could clearly remember the frustration that the Red Ninja experienced that week.
- Well, he brought it on himself by getting on my nerves when he tried to play the role of “mother hen” with me – Nya excuses herself, although in a funny way.
- Do you think everything will be okay? – Lloyd suddenly asks, as if he expected Nya's response to take away some of the weight he now carried on his shoulders.
-Yes – Nya didn't think about it too much, she just said it with complete certainty that she had – Yes, everything will be fine. You will see -
- I hope so… -
That day, everyone was resting, so that the next day they would have a real plan.
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crystaleclipse10 · 2 months
Dragons Rising Season 2 part 2 teaser breakdown
my thoughts and feelings regarding the DR s2 part 2 trailer. I have not watched any external analysis. this is pure unfiltered me
it might be a long one especially with pictures lol
ig? spoilers below
So we start off strong with Beatrix punching someone or something. Given the red landscape, I'm thinking it's Lloyd in his vision. So that's great. Very interesting that they keep bringing her up in the visions but we haven't seen her yet. Maybe she'll show up in the Tournament?
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And may I just say that Source Dragon looks beautiful! Still in Lloyd's vision. The crown she's wearing is glowing and that might be significant. Could be showing her powers? Whatever those are. Fire or Motion would be my guess.
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Lloyd has a little close-up shot with him looking pretty worried. Could be in the vision still and I'm guessing it is given the red shading around his face. So yay another confusing/angsty Lloyd vision! That's what we're here for!
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We get a good look at the Tournament place! Idk if it's a palace or what. (again, haven't watched any other reviews.) But it's very big and colorful. The little TV in the background shows Lloyd doing something, probably fighting.
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Whoever this guy is, ringing a bell. Could be the start/stop of fights, that would be my guess. No idea who that is but he'll likely be significant and say some lines.
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KAIIII! Kai in the Netherspace! Still in his Climber Suit and I'm glad. We've seen people change outfits when they probably shouldn't have so I'm glad they didn't (yet) with Kai. He goes through an upside-door and walks into a room with at least three of the Forbidden Five! They're all facing to the right with their heads bowed. One of them is glowing and might be sitting on a chair or throne. There's no waaaaaay that'll EVER be significant (can ya hear the sarcasm??). I can't WAIT to see how they're gonna deal with him in there cause there's no way Kai won't get into a fight. I hope if he does it's to protect Bonzle. He's the big bro ever <3
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GROUP SHOT! Wyldfyre looks tamer with her new hair lol. And Cole's back with the group YAS! LLOYD IN HIS MASTER OUTFIT FINALLY! And all the suits look so cool. Riyu in the back—I wonder if he's competing or what cause idk how they're gonna deal with a dragon who apparently has a lot of potential, given the Source Dragon of Energy last season. Also Arin and Sora being excited is so wholesome cause they're just kids. Meanwhile the others (minus Wyldfyre) have already been in a tournament...
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Back in the Realm of Madness! But uhhh why is the Dragon Matriarch from Season 1 there?? And she looks injured. Reunion with her and Riyu. I hope she's okay.
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Wylfyre being Wyldfyre...she might be defending someone given her expression and the wall of fire.
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Sora killing it at the obstacle course (part of the fights maybe or training—not sure yet).
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The same guy who let the Ninja into the Tournament is on a hover device holding a phone on a selfie stick, so I'm gonna guess he's the announcer for the fights or social media watching them.
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Arin and Sora shot with the background doing that thing (idk what it's called lol) when they learn something shocking. Probably with epic music cause it's Ninjago. Without much context I have no idea what the revelation is but I sure can't wait to find out.
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Cinder with...fire??? It looks like Wyldfyre's Heat. Idk. Is that was smoke is supposed to look like?? I don't remember that at all from last season. If he can use Heat then Fy is in trouble.
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Sora racing through the undergrounds with a little dragon coming up beside her. I have to say it looks very cute. Not sure who it is or why Sora is down there but they could be helping each other escape or smth (idk if you all have a better idea lmk).
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Master Lloyd (hehe) fighting someone at night. I'm hoping it's not part of the normal Tournament but it's getting caught doing smth at night cause that's more fun imo. In that whole sequence he's only playing defense—just blocking attacks—and not trying to land a hit of his own. It would be crazy if he's fighting Jay. That would give a reason for no offense. Also the attacker's outfit is new.
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Jiro and Zanth fighting Imperium guards! They could be with Beatrix since Imperium stopped fighting dragons. I wouldn't be surprised if there were still guards loyal to the ex-empress.
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We've been here before... Hopefully Fy has a better time (though she gets blasted back by Cinder using Shatterspin in the video soooo idk). If Cinder is using Shatterspin, the Gong of Shattering and a wolf mask are readily available for him.
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Sora gets trapped by spears. She's got a new weapon too, more like a staff, glowing with her color. Did she make it? I hope so.
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Lloyd gets snatched by a dragon. Still in his Climber Suit so probably ep 11 or 12. He's falling but it doesn't rly look like he's worried about it? More like a controlled glide. Also yeah that's Heatwave. So happy he's finally getting more screentime.
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The Source Dragon of Motion! She looks awesome! ... That's the Monastery of Spinjitzu below. Holy Creation she is HUGE! I'm guessing this happens at the end of the season.
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Sooo that's the teaser. I am so very normal about this.
I'm curious why they didn't add more of Kai in the Netherspace. It could be more of a secret thing like how they hid Jay so far in the series by not putting him in ANY trailers or promo clips. Lots of mystery surrounding him. PLEASE let him fight the Forbidden Five at some point!!
If anyone reading this has more information, please don't share it because I don't want spoilers other than what has been officially released by LEGO.
Ik it's not too in-depth for an analysis but hey it's all based purely on what's in the video so spoiler-free! Hopefully the paused moments help. It's so fast I had to rewatch at 0.25x speed TWICE.
Season 2 part 2 coming in October!
I should add a link. https://youtu.be/D494MQMV34k?feature=shared
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whydoibe · 26 days
Ok so for this fanfic I am working this is spioler free I will update as their position changes
JAY-currently unwilling master of the monstary and pusdo father figure to wylfrye friend to the cragglings (to be explored why) doesn't like the ocean it crys to him about something he cant understand why nyas ok right? Believes kai is dead and wyldfrye has his power very depressed but hey that's what wylfyres for.
COLE- The exact same no changes at the moment besides having just missed jay on a quick visit, he ran because FSM dam the hoarder scary found jays left behind hood and has a little shrine for it fearfull of what it means. That its lost.
ARIN/SORA- the same for the time until they meet jay and wyldfrye just met jay now, currently heading to the monstary to get riyu home new students
WYLDFRYE- jays adopted daughter (sorry kais busy doing something else for the time) heatwaves adopted daughter master of heat currently a ninja in traing cant learn spinjitzu way to hot headed much like kai at first she's getting better jay loves showing her new inventions she's a sucker for a good mech race jay and her compete every so often. loves jays mums extra spicy chilli recipe.
KAI - status amnestic doesn't remember anything current name kai brookwalker he got a few of his names crossed name agent brookwalker or agent walker or agent brook depends on who you ask doesn't know he has a sister dispite her being his patner best friends knows he can control fire know one knows [UPDATE] has rembered bits and pieces and more surprisingly nadkan
NYA- status amnestic knows she has a brother doesn't rember much else besides a vague feeling of being the sea at some point name agent smith or agent nya walker smith she keeps tge name walker close to her she doesn't know why is aware she can controll water she gave it jay before losing her memories, misses sub agent garmdon.
LLOYD - was know as sub agent garmdon know just Lloyd he ran away and ended up finding rontu and egalt who took him in as he was part slowly rembering through medtation knows spinjitzu yet to use his elemnt it scares his to much it's too strong for him. Will be evil in season 2. Part 2 runs away after the administration comes after him, and joins ras
ZANE- Sorry for you, Zane, but your equpiment and / or know as sub agent julliean is close friends with agent walker and smith often companies them on missions for the thrill he does thier paper work for then he enjoys it so much agent walker doesn't think that's a good thing has visions of the past when asleep that's why he doesn't equipment doesn't rest he tells himself. Can controll ice the offices personal ac
PIXAL- currently under imperuim like Zane was will awaken soon though and keep watch till she is needed.
WU-the same mostly
GARMDON- found out how the merged happened looking for his son dispises wu he was meant to be the good one
Till sunrise jay is depressed and about to get more depressed I dub this au
ninjago dragons rising storm
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
This is the after math of jay vs nya fight just to know
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n8njago1fan · 3 months
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my honest reaction to wylfyres new look
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taddymason · 7 months
asks about kaida? don't mind if i do
what does kaida rhink about the other children in the ninja team (arin - sora - wyldfyre )
if she could die her hair any color which colro would she choose
is jay ever going to drag her to therapy
what is her vaforite fruir
would she go insane over hot chocolate or not
and one last one: when is her brithday and woul dhr celebarte it
Ty for the asks!!!
-Of the team she would probably get along with best is Wyldfyre, they would have fun making jokes and getting into trouble so it would be impossible to leave them unsupervised for less than an hour. I also imagine that Wylfyre of the kids would be the least interested in the whole amnesiac Jay drama, or that Kaida and Jay are such jerks to the entire team in the beginning. Like, she just wouldn't care and that's why it would be easier for Kaida to interact with her.
with Arin, I don't know why, but I imagine their friendship would be like that of Aang and Toph from ATLA, like siblings who fight sometimes with Kaida calling Arin nicknames and things like that. ALSO it would be important for these two to have something in common and that is that Arin really has no problem taking out an enemy, you know, by killing them, even if it goes against Lloyd's teachings. It would be curious for Kaida how someone who is practically a cinnamon roll at the same time he has her mentality of quickly having no problem killing if he needs it.
And with Sora, it's really interesting because I've been thinking about these two interacting and apart from coming from quite oppressive and strict realms, they are extreme opposites in many ways. Sora was the Imperium's prodigy that everyone had high hopes for but once she realized how badly things were working in her kingdom, her family completely abandoned her and she ran away the first chance she got. Meanwhile Kaida was a rebellious girl in whom no one had expectations, and she tried to run away and failed. But once she had a family she had no problem staying in the Administration even if she was aware to some extent of how bad that system was. So I think it would be interesting for them to interact and think about how they practically reacted in quite different ways to the problems of the places where they lived.
-I had this idea from @fancypersonaskeletonturtle, and that is that if Kaida could dye her hair it would probably be something reddish or white because fox colors.
-maybe later because that would require Kaida to agree to go to therapy to which she would just go into denial and say "traumas? pfff I don't have any trauma". guess who she learned it from
-She is not a fan of fruit but her fav would be kiwi.
-ACTUALLY, I have a christmas one shot of Kaida trying hot chocolate for the first time and deciding that she would be happy to drink that for the rest of her life; so yes. If it were up to her she would drink that every day instead of water.
-Her birthday is July 24. Since there are really no celebrations of any kind in the Administration, it would be strange for her to celebrate her birthday, but once she gets used to the idea of gifts she would ask to go camping somewhere really cool (she loves traveling between kingdoms more than material gifts).
Thanks for the ask, I love rant about the hellspawn
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marksartsypalace · 8 months
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Wyldfyre 🔥 she’s one of my favorite dolls I made. I measured how long it took me to crochet her and she took me almost 7 hours
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marksartsypalace · 6 months
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Starting my new sketchbook with Wyldfyre 🔥
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whydoibe · 28 days
Ok I have an idea for a fanfic I want to write so here it goes.
This is a rewrite fanfic were all the ninja expect Cole and jay end up in the administration losing thier memories and themselves jay would crash land at the monstary Cole still the land of lost things things don't realy change for him any way
PS this is just getting the gernal idea out there ok not the full fanfic
Jay would awake in the monstary, confused about what happened taking in the changes and going to look at Wu's research realising its all destroyed jay would stay strong for the first couple days until he enters depression once the bounty returns he starts a mission on mapping out the merged realms eventually becoming know to the cragglings as a saviour as he drawed the earth dragons out and relocated them to place much more aproate her he would encounter wyldfrye and heatwave seeing her elemnt he would grow fear full that no kais dead after realising the ninja may be dead jay goes full panic attack and stops exploring fear full of learning more of them have died taking wyldfyre and Heatwave back to the monstary at himself talking himself into it Wyldfrye imdently burning a picture of all the ninja by mistake causing jay to yell at her causing heat wave to step in jay would just start to cry wyldfrye would apologise were jay would open up to her why her elemnt was upsetting as it implies he's dead who she'd ask as jay just starts on this rant about all his friends and how they were wonderfull people all of them the best kai master of fire Zane master of ice Cole master of earth Lloyd master of green he thinks and nya his other half his wife the master of water. Wylfyre would take after kai much to jays amusement she would proclaim she'd learn spinjetzu and be better then all of them causing jay to smile and say mabey tomorrow now rest he reassured as she would run to claim a room taking kais which he would let her take if he's dead it's only right the master of fire takes it. Jay with wyldefyre would go out of self imposed exile interacting with the cross roads eventually paying a couple of kids entry fee for a mech race he's taking part in with wyldfrye he had forgotten how good it felt to tinker with machines wyldfrye wanted to do it for the thrill he did not expect to start fighting some people who kidnapped a baby dragon and see a random kid perform spinjitzu or at least a bloody good attempt at it.
He woke up to see the kids staring at him looking at his cuffs he smircked asking them if they'd ever seen an elemental power bang lighting sparkled over them as he got up ripping them of turning to the kid who looked like he'd just met the first master himself before jay noticed Lloyd's hood staring at the kid how did you get this he asked. Got it after the merged like right after all that was left of the ninja till I met u this is so cool he screamed a fan jay thought but a fan who knows spinjitzu how'd he learn that u did spinjitzu how jay questioned the excited kid.
he taught him self the girl with pink hair replied looking at him with similar but different admiring eyes ok jay stated let's get out here save that dragon then I am taking u both to the monstary he stated smirking pulling his hood down lightning sparking 5 4 GO
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