#wyatt full on grinning when robo says the gretzky stat is neat!!!!
kitnita · 5 months
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wyatt johnston & jason robertson postgame   —   DAL vs COL;   game 4   —   05.13.24
[hey wyatt, obviously these types of facts aren’t what you’re focused on, but you’re the only other player — the only other guy who’s ever had a short-handed goal and a power-play goal younger than twenty-one in a playoff game is wayne gretzky. how does that hit you?]   uh, um — it’s cool. yeah, i mean … yeah, it’s cool, um, i mean, i’m just … tryna do my part, in helping chip in, whatever that may be. um, yeah.  [hey jason. what’d you think of wyatt’s play — obviously, poking the puck away from makar, it’s just a fantastic play at the right time.]   yeah, i mean … credit our penalty killers, doing  a really good job. um, yeah, it’s a very confident play by him, um, trying to take advantage of it, try to produce, i mean, offense when he can — um, i mean, that wayne gretzky stat is pretty neat. um, yeah, i don’t — you don’t see many, uh, guys under twenty-one kill penalties, in itself; surely not out there scoring on the powerplay too, so, it’s a tremendous achievement. um, and it just shows how, how well and how prepared and how hard he’s come. and, i mean, it’s only gonna keep going up from here.
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