abyssal-ali · 9 months
what would you do if they never found us out? - masterlist
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Stephanie Brown
Rating: M
WC: 12k
Ao3 | Main Masterlist | Beta'd by @skylarkblue <3
Summary: An I Can See You (Speak Now (Taylor's Version), Taylor Swift)-inspired fic.
Jason and Steph meet in Gotham, returned from their respective death-caused hiatuses. The age-old trick of kissing for a misson leads to a partnership to take down their mutual enemy, Black Mask. Still healing from her past, Steph is cautious about falling for her partner, but it might already be too late...
you brush past me in the hallway
something's changed; it's something I like
but we kept everything professional
I spend my time trying not to feel it
then we kiss, and you know I won't ever tell
what would you do if I went to touch you now?
CW's and WC's are provided at the beginning of each chapter.
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daydreamdarlingg · 1 year
chapter three of wwyditnfuo is up now!! (very long title, i know) sorry for such a short chapter, but i hope you like it!! <3 read here:
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abyssal-ali · 9 months
wwyditnfuo - 6: what would you do if I went to touch you now? (Final)
M | 1.9k | Ao3 | Masterlist | Main Masterlist | CW: kissing, sexual content
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Chapter 5 ->
Steph begged off patrols for the next couple nights, both because she wanted to think without any distractions, and because she needed to study for her finals. 
Jason waited patiently for her consensus, dropping off mugs of chai and bowls of veggies and hummus as she studied, but otherwise leaving her alone. She appreciated it more than she could say.
For nine whole days they barely saw each other, Steph studying and Jason consolidating and organizing his new acquisitions.
On the tenth day, Steph had taken her last final and felt that she’d done decently. Jason was home earlier than he’d been the rest of the week and made ribs and rice for their supper.
They had a lovely, companionable time eating and cleaning up, leading into Jason suiting up for patrol. “Are you coming out tonight?” he asked Steph, who was making a mug of mint tea.
“I don’t think so. Kinda tired from all  the studying, y’know? I’ll probably be fine to go out tomorrow, though.”
“Okay. Have a nice evening. I should be back around one-thirty or two.”
“‘Kay. Stay safe!”
“I always do.” He headed out and Steph curled up in her bed with her tea and the latest book by her favourite author.
When her tea was done, she set the mug on her bedside table, turned over, and fell asleep.
The clock on her bedside table glowed green with the numbers 1:27. Steph rubbed her eyes and flicked on the lamp beside the clock. She’d had a lovely dream about Jason and her in the future, happy and at peace.
Listening for the sound of Jason’s presence in quiet footsteps, showering, or making a post-patrol snack, she found nothing.
She slid off her bed and rummaged through her pile of clothes on her chair for her Wraith costume.
Sufficiently donned, she locked the door and safety measures and headed out to Jason’s head warehouse, where his tracker told her he was.
Using the shadows to her advantage, she slipped through the defenses and into Jason’s office, where she found him cleaning his guns.
Once they were locked away, she slipped up behind him and wrapped him in a bear hug.
He froze.
“What are you doing here?” “I thought I’d come see you. Figured you’d be free.”
“Everything okay?” He turned to face her, so she pulled her hood and mask off.
“No,” she said somberly. “You’re not my boyfriend.”
She felt him relax a little at that. 
“I’ve been thinking about us, and I agree with you. We do work well together; I think it would be a shame to not at least try and see how much further we can go. Jason Todd, will you be my boyfriend?”
“Only if you, Stephanie Brown, will be my girlfriend.”
“Of course!” She nodded vigorously.
“Then I’m your boyfriend.”
“And I’m your girlfriend.”
“That sounds right, hearing you say that.”
“Does it also sound right when I say I love you?” She asked a little hesitantly.
Jason stared at her, speechless for a second. “It sounds just as right as me telling you I love you.”
Steph launched herself at him, wrapping her arms and legs around his neck and waist as she kissed him fiercely. He kissed her back, matching her just as passionately, stroking his thumbs over her thighs as he deposited her on his desk.
He was just as good as she remembered…no, even better than her dreams. 
His hand skimmed up her side to graze her bre-
A knock at the door had them separating, panting for breath.
“What is it?” called Jason, a little hoarsely.
“It’s Jeff…one of the inside alarms has been disturbed in the last ten minutes, and it’s not one of us,” called one of Jason’s men.
Steph looked at him sheepishly. “That was me.”
“It’s all good, Jeff, Wraith said it was her,” Jason called back.
There was a pause, then, “Wraith is in there, Boss? We didn’t see her…”
Jeff sounded awfully smug, thought Steph.
“Just drop it, Jeff,” Jason sounded tired. He mouthed to Steph, “They’ve been hounding me about why you haven’t been around. I said I was giving you space and now they’re all convinced I’ve majorly screwed up with you somehow.”
She stifled a snicker in his neck before hopping off his desk, missing his warmth already, and opening the door. “Hi, Jeff. I was just sneaking in to see if I could catch the boss-man off guard. I hear you’ve been giving him trouble for me?” At Jeff’s nod, she continued. “That’s so sweet of you guys, and I’ll definitely be requiring your services again sometime in the future-”
“-Hey! What’s that s’posed to mean?!-”
“-but right now it’s okay for you guys to let him out of the doghouse. He was being considerate and letting me decide that I wanted to be his girlfriend.”
Jeff’s eyes filled with stars. “You’re officially Mrs. Boss?!”
“Er, we’re not married-”
“-Jason! But we’re dating, yes.”
“Bill owes me $50,” crowed Jeff. “Congratulations, Boss, Mrs. Boss!”
He hurried off to spread the news and Steph looked back at Jason with a raised eyebrow. “We should get out of here before they all come in like that.”
“Brilliant of you, Mrs Boss,” he teased, flipping his hood over his head and pulling hers up for her. “Let’s go.”
She raced him back on her bike, laughing and enjoying the wind blowing through her braid and cooling her overheated body. He really needed to stop looking so good doing the most mundane things, although there was hardly anything mundane about driving a bike and doing things like killing her torturer for her.
She raced up the stairs home while Jason locked up their bikes, stripping out of Wraith’s costume as fast as she could.
Her boots, mask, and cloak were off by the time Jason came in and her costume was unzipped to her waist.
“Hey,” he said, grinning stupidly at her, his dimple showing.
“Hey,” she said, grinning stupidly back.
He kicked his boots behind him, shrugged his jacket off and let it fall on the floor, stalking towards her to wrap her in his arms and kiss her silly against the wall.
“You’re so smart,” he kissed down her neck, mouthing at her pulse.
“You’re so strong,” he kissed down her chest, pulling the top of her suit off.
“You’re so beautiful,” he stared deep into her eyes, telling her what he saw in her. “I love you.”
She let his words wash over her, feeling his love.
“Your bedroom,” she said, squeezing him tighter as she kissed his face.
They managed to get there fairly smoothly, only pausing twice to press into the wall and grind against each other. 
Steph managed to get his pants undone and his shirt over his head to run her fingers along the divots in his muscles.
He shivered and his abs flexed as she got lower and lower. She settled on the edge of his bed, looking up at him with a flirtatious glare, daring him to stop her as she pulled his pants and underwear down.
Her eyes got bigger and her mouth watered as she glanced down again.
Bravely wrapping her fingers around him, she licked long, wet stripes up his length, pausing to suck at the head.
She attempted to take him in as far as she could go, pausing when he hit the back of her throat. A little farther…she pulled off with a sputter. “It’s been a while since I gave a blowjob to anybody. Guess I’ll have to practice more,” she winked at him.
“Anytime you want,” he assured her, leaning her back to unzip her sports bra and fling it away. “Your breasts are a work of art,” he told her seriously, running a fingertip around her areola.
She wiggled her pants off as he licked and nipped at her breasts, sending lovely thrills through her.
“Contraception?” he glanced up at her, his eyes dark and cheeks flushed. She couldn’t wait to wreck him even further.
“Implant. I’ve learned my lesson,” she said, scooching up his bed as he crawled after her. “Feel free to come anywhere.”
“Noted.” He hooked her legs over his shoulder and proceeded to wring a string of curses and praises intermingled from her as his tongue proved he could use his mouth in any and all ways that would fluster her. “Come for me, there’s a good girl.”
She arched her back, fingernails digging into his shoulder as she came, moaning his name.
He emerged from between her thighs, flushed and glistening as much as her, telling her how good she was. “That was the hottest thing I have ever seen,” he informed her, licking his lips clean of her juices. “We are definitely doing that again.”
“No complaints here,” she laughed weakly. “Anytime you want,” she mimicked him. 
“Do you need a minute?” he asked.
“‘M good, just want you in me.”
He kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose, and finally her mouth as he lined himself up.
With slow thrusts, he worked his way in, moving slowly to let her adjust. “You feel so good.”
“So do you,” she panted, lifting her hips to meet his. “You can move faster.”
He did so, still keeping the pace slow and steady as he kissed all the skin on her he could reach.
She brought her hand up to thumb at his nipples and he shivered.
“Oho, sen-there!-sitive, are we?” Steph took this information in gleefully.
Her nails left red marks down his back as she came, clenching around him as hard as she could to make him come with her. 
They lay there, too tired to move for a good five minutes. 
“That was insane,” she panted. “You’re good at that. 5 stars.”
“Any other notes for your review, my lady?” He shifted on his side to stare adoringly at her and kiss her cheek.
“Mmm…I think I’d need another test run to make sure it wasn’t a fluke.”
“Say the word, love.”
She shivered at the endearment. “Ready to go again?”
He winced. “Okay, I might need another minute, no reflection upon you–actually, yeah, it is your fault; you sucked the soul out of me and I need to recover it.”
Steph snickered. “I’m putting that on my resume.”
“That better not be a resume for future boyfriends because I intend to be your last,” he warned her, half seriously.
“Wow, so threatening, I guess I’ll have to stay with you,” she leaned over to meld her lips to his.
Ten Months Later
“Jay, can you come look at this paper for me?” Steph called from her room (she slept in Jason’s room now but kept her room as her place for studying.)
He took the paper she handed him and began reading.
“Resume, Stephanie Brown. Skills: Soul-sucking through mouth and vagina, excellent cuddler…” He read through her fake (but not really) resume, chucking at her responses and inside jokes.
“Seeking position as Jason Todd’s…fiancee…” He looked up at her sharply. “Steph?”
“Jason Todd, we’ve been through a lot together, as partners, friends, and lovers, and there’s no one else I’d rather have to face life with me, whether it’s the scarcity of good chai or overthrowing and killing evil crime bosses who’ve tortured us. Would you do me the honour of becoming my husband?”
“Yes, I’ll be your husband, Steph. I love you so much.” 
He picked her up in a twirl, pressing kisses all over her face. She wiped a tear from her eye and one from Jason’s, kissing him back with all the love in her heart.
(And the Bats left them alone in a tentative truce and they lived happily ever after.)
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abyssal-ali · 9 months
wwyditnfuo - 2: something's changed, it's something I like
M | 2.5k | Ao3 | Masterlist | Main Masterlist | CW: -
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Chapter 1 ->
Steph curled up in the corner of the sofa, putting Jason’s throw pillow in a chokehold. “Okay, what’s the plan, O Master Tactician?”
Jason snorted. “Well, I just met you, I only had enough time to figure out who you are and ask you to join me. We can plan together.”
“Oooh, do you have a whiteboard with red string?” Steph asked, only half-joking.
Jason eyed her. “No.”
Ah, well, Can’t win ‘em all.
“I do have a wall with red string, though.”
“Wait, really?” Steph perked up. 
“Yeah, I’ll show you.” Jason stood up, Steph following him down a hallway to an empty bedroom.
The far wall was covered in neat rows of sticky notes, red and black lines of string criss-crossing the columns. The closet doors were open, showing boxes of ammo and weapons stacked on top of each other. A row of papers printed with Black Mask, Joker, and Batman’s headshots was pinned to the wall by knives. 
“Wow, so…crime-lord-y,” Steph barely stifled a giggle.
Jason frowned at her, but she could tell it was so he could stop the grin creeping at the corner of his lips.
“You can use the sticky notes and string if there’s anything you want to add.”
“No pins, yet you throw knives?” Steph arched her brow at him, moving closer to read the writing on the sticky notes. “What a fascinating dichotomy. I imagine your landlord won’t be happy when you move out.”
Jason leaned against the doorframe, shoving his hands in his pants pockets. “I own the apartment block.”
Steph glanced back at him. “Really? Huh.”
Thoroughly impressed by the plans laid out in those little notes, Steph grabbed a pen and pad of the notes to add her own observations about Gotham she’d noticed since her return from Tanzania several months ago.
“So, how are we going about Mask’s ruin? Are we going for just his assets, or sending him to Arkham? Is it gonna be in handcuffs or were you thinking an ambulance?”
Jason straightened. “I’m planning on hunting him till I drop him, burning each and every place he thinks is a safehouse as he runs away, haunted by my tracks as I burn everything he holds dear one at a time until he has nothing left. When he is completely and utterly ruined, then I will take him out.” His voice had gone hard, no trace of the joking guy Steph had been getting to know.
It was a shame his plans didn’t line up with hers.
She interlocked her fingers. “I’m not so sure about the killing part, Jason.”
She wanted to go to medical school, become a nurse like her mom, help people, heal people. Steph wasn’t sure she could help Black Mask if he needed medical aid, but she knew she couldn’t look him in the eyes and end his life. She hadn’t even fully planned out her strategy for confronting him; what was she doing allying with a known crime lord and serial killer? What had she thought was going to happen? Clearly, her incident with Black Mask hadn’t taught her to curb her impulsive tendencies enough.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know if I can help you. I have to go.”
Steph brushed past him out to the entry, tugged her shoes on, and fled into the night.
Stepping out of her apartment on her way to Gotham U the next morning, Steph found a note tucked under the doormat of her apartment.
Curious, she picked it up and opened the envelope, which was sealed with an old-fashioned red wax seal. Snorting at his nerdiness and dramatic streak, she was unsurprised to find it signed ‘Jason’.
Once she was on the subway to Gotham U, she opened the note again to read it properly. His handwriting was a neat cursive, easy to read (or at least, better than some of her professors’.)
I’m sorry you ran off like that. I hope I didn’t scare you away for good. 
Can we talk sometime soon? 
Your partner (I hope),
Steph pulled out her phone and added his contact, staring at his name for a while. She’d mostly been processing befriending, kissing, and partnering with Red Hood last night, but there was also the ‘Red Hood is Jason Todd is the second Robin’ issue to consider.
Narrows Robin, as most of those also from the Narrows called him, was her childhood crush. He’d cared and influenced Batman to care more about those in Crime Alley and the surrounding area, and he’d been one of theirs.
She could still hear his bright cackle as he kicked a goon in the face, swinging over the city with mama bear Batman right behind him.
Comparing that to the deep laugh from last night, she couldn’t quite see the resemblance. The lines of his face were similar, especially if she thought of Jason Todd, not Narrows Robin.
As a fellow Narrows-citizen, she could certainly understand how Narrows Robin became Red Hood, particularly if she recalled all the rumours that swirled around his purported death. 
Chewing on her lip, she decided to send him a quick text so he’d have her number. Although, if he’d tracked her apartment down, he wouldn’t have much trouble finding her number. 
Steph: Hey, it’s Steph
The subway was not attacked, burned, stalled because of rogue attack debris, or in any way compromised for about one in three days per year, which meant Steph arrived on time– early, even– and had plenty of time to meander across campus to her first class.
A notification ding alerted her to a new text from Jason.
Jason: Hi
Steph: Hey. Sorry about running out like that. I needed some time to process.
Jason: It’s fine. 
Steph: I’m free tomorrow evening if you wanna talk then?
Jason: Sure. Want to patrol for a bit together?
Steph: You’re cool with me shadowing the big bad Red Hood?
Jason: 🙄Yeah, you’re cool enough.
Steph: !!! If only I coulda added that to my Robin resume😭
Jason: Robin resume???
Steph: Did you not know that I was Robin for a short time? In between T’s terms
Jason: *you* were girl-Robin?
Steph: … 
Steph: Yes.
Jason: Cool
Steph: gtg class is starting
Jason: Class?
Steph: Are u just prtending u haven’t stalked me or do u really not kno
Jason: I figured I’d let my partner tell me about themselves on their own. I’m not B.
Steph: mihgty considerate og u
Jason: It’s remarkably easy.
Steph: 😂
Steph: Facts
Once she was seated in her class, she returned to her conversation.
Steph: Anyways yea I’m at GU for nursing
Jason: Aspiring to be a hero in the suit and out, huh?
Steph: Shut up
Steph: No
Steph: I just want to help people
Steph: I only became Spoiler and Robin to stop my dad
Steph: But then I became infected with the vigilante bug and I can’t stop now
Jason: It’s a curse
Steph: Tell me about it
Jason: Makes you feel alive
Jason: The wind in your hair as you grapple through the city
Jason: The skyline shining as a testament to our perseverance
Jason: The sound of people out late at night because it’s safer for them now
Jason: The cool stone of a gargoyle against your back as you read
Steph: Wow
Steph: That was beautiful
Steph: Do you write poetry?
Jason: I’m more of a prose guy but I won’t say no to a nice sonnet
Jason: And thank you
Steph: Can I see something you’ve written sometime?
Jason: Sure
Steph: Lecture is starting. Text you later
Jason: Bye
The next night saw Steph dressed in her new vigilante uniform. After Black Mask had uncovered her as Spoiler, and Batman obviously knew she was both Spoiler and Robin, she had needed a new alias.
She yearned for her purple cloak and face mask, but alas, the new vigilante had no particular opinions about the colour purple, and stuck to basic black and brown–the better to hide in the shadows with, my dear.
Wraith had a simple black bodysuit, brown leather belts and boots, and a black and brown cape and hood.
She swung up to Red Hood, who was sitting by a gargoyle, kicking his feet over the edge and taking a swig from a bottle of water. His helmet sat at his side, only a domino covering his eyes.
“Hey.” She sat beside him, the cool from the stone seeping through her gloves. “So, what do you do on patrol?”
He chuckled. “I was just about to ask you what you did.”
She shrugged. “I don’t have a set patrol yet. I was still figuring out how to avoid the Bats and you. Mostly, I patrolled around campus, and around my old and current neighbourhoods.”
He tilted his head. “You tryin’ to stay undercover from the Bats or are you still just setting out? I noticed you don’t take on any of the big players.”
“I’m avoiding Bats where I can. He interfered with Spoiler’s mission enough. I just want to help with the small, everyday stuff. I’ve changed from wanting to take on the big guys. My dad is dead, so now I have no nemesis. I never really wanted one.”
Jason hummed understandingly. 
“Well, I usually meet with my lieutenants, go patrol the outer edges of my territory, then work my way inwards and take care of whatever needs to be done.
“I think I’m accepted as the boss of this area now, so things are usually quiet around the middle area of my territory. I take that time to patrol the fringes of my territory or do recon on projects. At the end of my night, I meet with my informants and take care of business deals.
“But of course, this is Gotham. I’m just as likely to be fighting a Rogue as I am to stick to my routine.”
They laughed together, acknowledging Gotham’s fickle nature as only natives could.
Jason heaved himself up and extended his hand to Steph. “Shall we go?”
She took it, marvelling at how easily he pulled her to her feet. Just imagine how else he could manhandle you–
“After you, monsieur,” she bowed deeply, letting him lead the way down the fire escape to where their bikes were parked.
The patrol went smoothly, Steph mostly hanging behind Jason as he went about his Red Hood business. He was firm but fair, commanding respect from all he interacted with.
Her heart melted a little when she saw him being hugged by a couple kids and the way he interacted with them, how he crouched to their level and let them ask questions about his getup. When their questions were temporarily exhausted, he asked them why they were up and out so late, and then took them back to their home a block away. 
Upon hearing their response of ‘sneaking out to see Red Hood’, he laughed and told them if they really wanted to contact him, he’d give them a phone number.
“You don’t have a signal like Batman,” said the girl, who was maybe six or seven.
“No, I use phones, like everyone else. The signal is a silly way to call Batman, don’t you think?” He asked. “With a phone call, you get an answer immediately.”
The brother and sister laughed at silly Batman as Jason carried them home, one in each arm.
“Who’s the lady with you?” asked the girl, the more outgoing of the two. “She’s pretty.”
“She is,” Jason winked back at her. “Her name is Wraith. She’s my patrol partner tonight.”
The kids pointed their home out, and Jasonn headed up the steps to knock on the door.
A tired-looking woman answered, noticeably startled to see Red Hood knocking on her door, with her children in his arms, whom she had thought were safely in bed.
Red Hood reassured her they were fine, gave her a number to one of his burner phones, and said good night to the kids, making them promise not to sneak out again before he left.
He joined Steph in the shadows again. “Sometimes I get little fans and have to take them home, too. But most of the people looking for me are significantly less happy when I take care of him.”
Steph stifled a giggle at his dark humour.
Once the patrol was over, they headed back to Jason’s apartment, where he made them more chai without Steph even having to ask.
“So, you’ve processed things enough?” he asked, sliding into the chair opposite her and leaning forward, elbows braced on the counter.
It really showed off his forearm muscles to their best effect, Steph noticed wistfully.
“Yeah. It was just a lot of stuff all at once that I wasn’t even remotely prepared for,” she replied.
He nodded, blowing on his chai to cool it before he drank it.
“Is there anything I could attempt to explain for you, any questions I could address?”
Steph sighed, sipping at her chai to distract herself temporarily.
“I can’t murder someone. I’m a nurse. I heal people. It’s…a big step to partner with someone I know is going to kill a person. I’m not judging you for your values and actions,” she hastened to explain. “But it’s different from you being some Rogue I might cross paths with, to personally working with you to cause someone’s murder.”
“Execution,” he corrected, but otherwise stayed silent, sipping his tea.
“Murder, execution, whatever,” she waved her hand. “I’ll be aiding and abetting someone killing someone else instead of stepping in, like I would if it was any other situation I came across. I’m sure you understand that this is a big deal for me.”
“So…what are you proposing, then? Continuing to work with me, but turning a blind eye to the end result? Not working together at all? Betraying your convictions in the end?”
Steph slouched in her seat, huffing a blonde curl out of her face. “I don’t know. It’s gonna take a while to get to the end of the plot to ruin him, right?” She tapped her fingernails rhythmically against her mug, enjoying the quiet ceramic clinks.
“Probably, yeah. There’re still things to plan.”
“How about we keep our partnership until I settle this matter for myself, then. I’ll decide what to do once we’ve gone further with the plan.”
Jason eyed her from over his mug. “Sounds fine, partner.”
He drained his mug and got up to rinse it out.
Returning to retrieve Steph’s mug, he braced his palms on the counter, his large form leaning into her space.
“Now, shall we deal with the elephant in the room?”
“Elephant?” Steph asked mindlessly, falling into his unique blue-green eyes, admiring the tiny freckles dotting his face, the perfect white curl over his forehead.
How did he wear that Red Hood helmet for hours every night and yet still have such perfect curls effortlessly, while she had to go through a fifteen-step hair care routine if she wanted semi-presentable curls? It just wasn’t fair.
“Steph?” “Hm?”
“Do you want something to eat? The way you’re eyeing me, I’m a little concerned for my safety.”
Feeling her cheeks burning, she slapped at his hand, a hit he let her land.
“What were you saying about elephants?”
“Ah, yes. Is now a good time to deal with the elephant in the room; namely, what are we doing about the…kiss from yesterday?”
Aw, crap.
Chapter 3 ->
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abyssal-ali · 9 months
wwyditnfuo - 5: then we kiss, and you know I won't ever tell
M | 1.6k | Ao3 | Masterlist | Main Masterlist | CW: Steph gets a little bloodthirsty, kidnapping, implied/mentioned torture/murder, relationship talk (ew), slight Tim bashing ig?
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Chapter 4 ->
Steph glanced around the noisy, flashing-light-covered dance floor that was a front for Black Mask’s headquarters. She and Jason had agreed to arrive separately and meet up later, like they had the first time they’d met here.
Someone behind her brushed her arm, a slip of paper sliding into her sweaty palm.
“Meet me at the place we first met.”
She glanced up and around, spying the edge of Jason’s jacket disappearing around the doorway to the less legal part of the establishment.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this again,” Steph mumbled against Jason’s neck as they huddled in the dimly lit hallway.
“Not you two again,” scoffed Mask, coming up behind them with Li and two bodyguards.
“What can I say, you have such a welcoming atmosphere here,” shrugged Jason, dropping a smoke bomb at his feet.
Steph used the darkness to take out the bodyguards before they could call for help, leaving Li to Jason. He incapacitated her easily enough and turned to Mask, who had his handgun out, waiting for the smoke to finish clearing.
The lights in the deserted hallway flickered and went out, thanks to Jason’s hacker lieutenant outside.
With swift, precise movements, Jason disarmed Mask and jabbed a needle in his neck, pressing the plunger and knocking Mask out.
Steph high-fived him with glee. Giving him a quick peck on the lips, she danced down the hall to their exit point, keeping an eye out for reinforcements. 
Mask was loaded into the back of the truck and driven to the warehouse Jason had specially prepared for him.
Having already decided she’d let Jason deal with Mask once they took him down, she headed back to his main warehouse to check with his lieutenants that the seizing and distribution of Mask’s assets was going smoothly. The business assassination she could deal with; the physical, not so much.
Jason peeked into her room, still smelling like his shower. 
“Hey, Jay.”
“Hey. You okay?”
“...yeah? I didn’t get a scratch on me; we’ve trained too much for that.”
“I know,” he smiled. “I meant emotionally and mentally. Any regrets about helping me, maybe, or some still-raw PTSD?”
She shook her head slowly. “I actually feel good. No qualms popping up. Maybe that should worry me, but right now I’m just relieved that we’ve actually done something about it. I’m glad you took point on it, because if it was up to me, I’d have just gone and stabbed him in the heart or something and wouldn’t have considered the vacuum his lack of presence would’ve opened up.”
“That’s why partners are good to have,” he mused. “May I hug you?”
She blinked, but nodded. “Sure. Are you okay?”
His arms wrapped around her, his large frame secure and comforting. “I’m fine. But just because you’re fine doesn’t mean you don’t want or need a hug.”
“Oh. That’s thoughtful of you.” She leaned against his chest, listening to his steady heart rate as she thought over their plans.
“Is he dead?”
“Not yet,” his voice was a nice rumble in her ear.
“Can I watch?”
“Of course.”
The door creaked open, letting the light cast long shadows of their figures across the cement floor.
Mask was tied up securely, his suit torn and bloodied, matching his body and creepy face. 
Steph had thought she would feel more…something…but all she felt was satisfaction and rage, mingled in equal parts.
“So this is what it’s like to be tied up by someone bigger and more powerful than you, hurting you for the pleasure of it,” she spat.
The eye that could open looked at her with a burning gaze.
“You probably don’t even remember me,” she crouched by his chair, staying a safe distance away. “You tortured me and laughed when I cried–just because you could. I don’t know and I don’t think I want to know how many people you have harmed like that, but I’m glad you get to experience being on the receiving end this time.”
Mask stayed quiet. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know if it was by choice or if Jason had done something.
“I’ve said my piece.” She said quietly to Jason, who offered her a hand. She took it.
Once she was standing again, she turned on her heel and spat at the cause of her nightmares. “Rot in hell.”
Standing a safe distance away, she watched as Jason’s bullet ended his life.
“Want another hug?” Jason knocked on her door again.
She nodded, wrapping her arms around his waist and sniffing his neck. “Your soap smells good.”
They stood there in comfortable silence for a few minutes, revelling in the peace of the moment.
“Want pitas for supper?”
“Oooh, that sounds good. Yes, please.”
“Want to help me make them?”
Steph pulled away slightly to look up at him. “Me? In your kitchen?”
“I know, will wonders never cease,” he grinned, showing a bit of dimple. “As long as I’m there, you should be fine.”
“Okay,” she agreed, following him to the kitchen. He pulled out a bunch of spices, mixed them in a large bowl, and dumped ground beef in. “Have at it,” he gestured her to the bowl.
“Just…mix it together?”
“Yep! I’ll get you a plate and then all you have to do is squish the beef into rectangular patties and put them on it.”
She looked at the bowl dubiously but set to work while Jason puttered around at the counter behind her.
“So…about our partnership…” she started cautiously. “I guess it’s over now, since our goal has been achieved?”
“Looks that way,” Jason said cryptically, drizzling oil in a pan.
She sighed inaudibly, slapping the next patty into shape a little more forcefully than was required.
“You’re gonna be busy for a bit with taking care of Mask’s assets?”
“Probably. I’ve got Bill to take care of some of it; why?”
“Just wondering what you’ll be up to now.” She shaped the last patty slowly. “I’ve got the last exams for this semester next week and then I’ll be available again.”
“Mhm,” he replied, not listening as he sliced cucumbers with neat, quick motions. Of course he was a whiz with a knife in the kitchen as well as in the streets. “Good luck with that.”
Rolling her eyes, she pulled out plates and glasses and set up their usual spots on the island.
“You haven’t been trying to hint about that conversation we had at the beginning of our partnership, have you?” Jason stuffed the last bite in his mouth, chewing as he watched her carefully.
“‘I wouldn’t be mad if we reconsidered it after our partnership dissolves,’ I believe were the words you used about our relationship.”
She glanced at her empty plate, suddenly wishing she hadn’t eaten her pita so fast. Ew, relationship talks. “I may have been wondering if you recalled it, yes.”
“Mhm. And you think the time has come for reconsidering?”
“Could you tell me why you were reluctant about it in the first place? You had fewer reservations about a professional-slash-friendly relationship, but a romantic one tripped you up.”
“I don’t mix business and pleasure since my ill-fated farce of a relationship with Timothy Drake.”
“Harsh,” he said blandly.
“There was way too much of a power imbalance. We were too busy figuring out our lives and patrols to deal with a relationship, too. Plus, I was dealing with giving my baby up for adoption and all the baggage that came with having a teen pregnancy. It affected our working relationship, and we didn’t even have a proper talk about identities and all that. It was a disaster and ill-advised from the very beginning.”
“I see,” Jason said slowly. “That sounds like it was a difficult time.”
“It was. But at least I can use that as a benchmark to see how far I’ve grown, right?” She smiled sadly. “I just want to prove…to everyone, to myself…that I’ve matured past that girl and that I don’t make mistakes like that anymore.”
“Okay. Could you give me your reservations about having a romantic and working relationship, or just a romantic relationship with me?”
“That it won’t work out. We’ll drift apart as partners, in either sense. Troubles in one relationship will bleed into the other, and with a high-stakes job like vigilantism, we can’t afford squabbles that will distract us and quarrels that will leave us with blind spots and open antagonism, and then we’ll hurt each other because of our issues.”
“Valid reasons,” he agreed. “Can I tell you how I see it? Not pressuring you, just saying my point of view.”
She made a ‘go on’ gesture.
“I think that your relationship with Tim was your relationship with Tim. I’m not Tim, and you’re certainly not the girl you were at that time. We’re much more similar than you and Tim were (and I’m aware that being too similar can have its own challenges but that’s not the point right now). Our identities aren’t an issue and we already work well together as partners and get along just fine as friends. In my opinion, we’re basically dating but calling it friendship. The only thing that we aren’t doing as friends is sleeping in separate beds.”
Steph blinked. “I hadn’t thought of it that way.”
“Every relationship will have some issues. But so far, we’ve resolved them rather maturely. They haven’t carried over to patrols. I think, if we gave us a chance, we could be great together. But if you think differently, I’ll accept that. For now.”
“You make good points,” Steph agreed, running her finger around the rim of her glass.
“I thought,” he agreed smugly.
“I just…need a bit more time. To get over my fear of relationships. To process everything.”
“I’ll be here when you’re ready,” he reached out and held her hand in his. “Whatever you decide.”
Chapter 6 (Final) ->
0 notes
abyssal-ali · 9 months
wwyditnfuo - 4: I spend my time trying not to feel it
M | 1.8k | Ao3 | Masterlist | Main Masterlist | CW: moral dilemma, suggestive flirting
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Chapter 3 ->
“Honey, I’m home!”
Jason looked up at Steph’s entrance of his office in his headquarters warehouse. She wasn’t known for being quiet when she didn’t have to.
It was a part of her healing process, allowing herself to acknowledge when she was safe and that it was okay for her to be loud. Growing up in an unstable household and then becoming a vigilante at a young age did nothing but hone her need to be quiet at all times, but since her death and mandated rest, she’d been working on healing and breaking some of the habits she had held.
“Hey, Steph, ‘sup?” Jason leaned back in his chair, looking away from his computer. 
“Nothing much, just wondered how your plans were going. Also, I brought back Thai for supper.”
Jason’s eyes lit up. “From Banh Mi’s?”
“Is there any other option?” she snorted. “I left it in the insulated bag in case you wanted to work later.”
“I can eat now,” he pushed his chair up and draped his arm over her shoulder, directing her to the eating area. “While you inhale your pad thai, I can update you on the plans.”
Steph pinched his side. “I do not inhale my food!”
“I beg to differ.” Evading her crab-like fingers, he swept her up in a bridal carry, depositing her in a chair at the long table. 
Meals evenly distributed, they dug in. “So, I think the plan is sufficiently set up.” 
Jason began outlining their plan to ruin Mask while Steph chowed down, slower than usual thanks to the brick forming in her stomach.
With the near execution of their carefully-laid plans, she had to make a choice. Was she going to continue to help Jason kill someone? Someone who was by no means innocent, but who was she to judge someone else? There was a line of justice for this reason. Granted, Gotham preferred to rely on any means of justice but legal, but that didn’t make it right.
Could she stand to interfere with the proper procedures of justice and live with having someone’s blood on her hands?
“Hm?” She looked up, seeing Jason eyeing her with a concerned expression.
“Are you alright?”
She sighed, setting her cup down carelessly. “How do you live with having their blood on your hands?”
Jason’s hand covered hers, his thumb stroking hers. 
“Ah. Your decision. How about we move to the sofa,” he said, standing and pulling her gently to the worn sofa standing in the corner. 
Once she was curled into his side, his arm around her shoulders while he still stroked her thumb, he answered her question.
“Someone needs to take care of the people that I do. Some choose to do so by less lethal, more socially acceptable means–they lock them up, they prosecute them, they take down the crime rings. There are cops and lawyers and judges and all sorts of morally acceptable and lauded people who enforce the laws. But there is always going to be crime. Those law-enforcers are always going to have a significant percentage of them being just as bad as the criminals they judge–even worse than the criminals, since they let them get away with it–by taking bribes and overlooking evidence and abusing their power, thinking they’re above the law.
“But if there’s someone who is blatant about not being above the law either, who is keeping them in check, then they’re far less likely to attempt a crime, knowing they won’t get a slap on the wrist for it. They can attempt to blackmail the person above them, but what is that going to do? The person will laugh in their face and admit to it with pride. 
“Of course, there are flaws to that as well, such as the person being a tyrant who only craves power and will do anything to get it, who crosses moral lines and doesn’t discriminate between the innocent and the guilty. That’s why I have people I trust to help me and will take me down if I ever become like that, which I sincerely hope will never happen.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, my mom.”
Steph tilted her head. “Your mom? I thought-”
“Not my bio mom. Or who I thought was my bio mom.” He grinned at her confused face. “Moms love me. I got adopted another time, after I came back. She’s a badass who helped me become the Red Hood and will also stop me if I ever stop doing the good I want to.”
“But, what about being judge, jury, and executioner? I’m not saying I disagree with you, but being the sole upholder of the law shouldn’t happen to anyone, no matter their motives or self-restraint.”
Jason nodded. “Good point, Steph. But I’m not the sole upholder of the law, am I? I’m on several most wanted lists, there are Bats aplenty who would be happy to restrain me if I emerged past our tentative boundaries, and I have my lieutenants–people who work for me, yes, but they also have their own values and moral codes, and aren’t afraid to disagree with me.”
He cleared his throat. “As to how I live with blood on my hands…I know I’m known for my bloody takeover, but I keep my kills to a minimum, and only kill those who even the law would deem guilty of multiple offences. And we could get into those nuances, but maybe we could save that debate for another time. 
“I am aware that I am guilty of breaking several laws on an almost-daily basis, but I don’t exactly let it bother my conscience. I know that I’m guilty, and I accept that. I went into this knowing what I would be doing and the realities of my job. I don’t relish killing, but I do relish the fact that every carefully plotted kill I have committed makes innocents’ lives better.
“Does that help you?”
Steph chewed on her lower lip as she fit more pieces into the puzzle that was Jason. “Yeah, I think so. Thank you for explaining that; it makes me feel better about…well, everything.”
“Anytime, Blondie,” he said quietly.
“I think I’ll stay back from patrol tonight while I think this over, if that’s okay?” She stood.
“Of course. Thank you for keeping an open mind, Steph.”
The soft smile he gifted her warmed her long after she’d left the room. 
The next day, Steph slipped out before Jason woke up, heading to the college library to get some extra time studying in peace. She came back late, texting him that she’d skip patrol with him again in favour of studying. 
She felt Jason peek into her room when he came back, but she kept her breathing steady, back to the door, pretending that she was already asleep.
The day after that, she got up early for her morning classes, intending to get a quick workout done in the gym before snuck out again.
Workout completed, she headed to the shower to wash off the sweat.
Fresh and sweet-smelling, she stepped out of the tub to realize that she’d forgotten to bring her clothes with her. Hoping that Jason was still asleep, she wrapped her towel around her body and tiptoed down the hallway to her room.
“Want to play strip poker?” 
She froze, hearing Jason’s voice from behind her.
Slowly, she turned, grasping the front of her towel with her free hand. He was still in uniform, though his helmet was nowhere in sight, and was looking her up and down bemusedly.
“That sounds a little unfair, doesn’t it?”
He hummed, following a droplet of water from her hair to her neck to her cleavage. “You’re right. Strip twister?”
Snorting, she turned back to her room. “No, thank you.”
“Ah, it was worth a shot. I couldn’t sleep, so I made waffles. They’re in the oven if you want some breakfast.”
“Thanks,” she muttered, turning the knob and escaping into her room. 
Ten minutes later, she forked another waffle and dragged it onto her plate. 
Jason eyed her abnormal waffle voracity, but wisely said nothing, turning bacon in the skillet. 
She flipped another onto her plate, simultaneously chugging her glass of milk and glaring at him, daring him to say something.
“You are what you eat,” he said, turning back to his bacon.
“Eat a lot of snacks, do you?”
He cast a look at her over his shoulder. “Are you calling me edible?”
She flushed, realising she’d spoken her thoughts. “No, I called you a snack. There’s a difference.”
“Sure there is,” he said mildly. “I’m glad to be proven wrong that you’re avoiding me. I didn’t see you for two days and we barely texted, so I was getting a little worried, but that was silly of me, wasn’t it?”
Her cheeks puffed like a chipmunk’s as she stuffed the last bite of waffle in, grabbing her backpack and hoodie.
He hummed. “Good. Have a good day, Steph.”
“Bye, Jason.”
Damn him for knowing me so well. 
Jason held the door open, gesturing for her to enter. “Ladies first.”
Wraith and Red Hood were coming from a spar, practicing with their gear on and with a wider area to take advantage of, utilizing all the free space of the warehouse in a simulation of their plans.A handful of his underlings had been there as well, playing the part of Black Mask’s men.
“Can we talk about the plan?” Wraith pulled her hood down, looking back at her partner.
“Sure. Want some water?”
Handing her a glass of cool water, he filled one for himself, leaning against the fridge. “Here good or d’you want to move somewhere comfier?”
“Here’s fine.” Before I chicken out.
Taking a deep breath, she said, “I want to help you with your plan. The whole thing.”
His eyes widened slightly, but he stayed the same otherwise. “Okay. Do you want to talk about why, or is that for another time?” “I can talk about it now,” she glanced at her glass, watching the water ripple. “I have a therapist, as you know.”
He nodded. They’d joked before about how hard it was to find a therapist who wasn’t a criminal in Gotham.
“And she knows some of what happened with Mask. We’ve discussed the repercussions of some of my trauma before. But…as much as I’ve moved past it and healed…I still feel…I don’t know…a little unsafe. A little–a lot–angry. I want to get my revenge. I want to make sure no one else ends up like me. I want to live without having that niggling worry in the back of my mind, saying that I might end up like the helpless, alone girl trapped by a sadistic monster. Again.”
Jason wrapped his arms around her, smoothing down her hair with soothing motions. “We can make sure that you feel safe again.”
She sniffed, smelling his slightly spicy sweat and the aftershave he used. She associated that aroma with safety, now. Pulling back slightly so she could see his face, she told him so.
“I don’t feel like that scared, helpless girl when I’m with you, Jay.”
His eyes lit with genuine happiness, his arms tightening around her, almost bruising but only making her feel safer. “Thank you for telling me that, Steph.”
Chapter 5 ->
0 notes
abyssal-ali · 9 months
wwyditnfuo - 3: but we kept everything professional
M | 1.6k | Ao3 | Masterlist | Main Masterlist | CW: casual discussions of murder/violence
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Chapter Two ->
Jason’s hand wrapped loosely around her wrist. “Please don’t run again.”
Steph glanced down at their joined hands, then up at him through her bangs. “I’m not gonna run.”
He gave her A Look, but released her. 
“Fine, we can talk about it. We did it, it’s over, what’s there to talk about?”
He settled back in his seat, raising an eyebrow at her.
“Is it going to make things awkward? Are we going to ignore it? Are we going to do it again?”
His calm list of questions turned her awkward fidgeting back to tapping on her mug.
It was one thing to kiss a guy or even have a one-night stand and never talk about it again because you never saw each other after that; it was a whole new experience to kiss a guy and then become platonic partners with him.
Okay, she’d kissed Tim and they’d kind of worked together as Robin and Spoiler, but that went disastrously. They’d been younger and stupider then, or at least she had been, and their weird relationship was not healthy.
…On that note, partnering with a guy who was planning to murder at least one person probably wasn’t the healthiest, either, whether they had or hadn’t kissed.
“I don’t think it would be awkward if we didn’t make it awkward–which I am aware I’m doing right now, yes–but ignoring it will make it worse,” she said slowly, staring into the murky depths of her chai. “We’ve acknowledged it and now we can move forward, past it, I think. I don’t think it would be a good idea to continue down that path, since we’re basically work partners. Y’know what they say about dating at work,” she flicked her eyes to his, then down to his mug.
“Okay. I can’t say I’m not disappointed, but I understand. Strictly friends, then?”
Steph stared at his hand, held out for her to take.
Was she really going to refuse the hottest guy in Gotham, who was also genuinely nice and respectful, knew about her night time activities and supported her, and also made the best food ever, because she was letting her foolish teenage decisions and consequences dictate her actions today?
Yes, yes she was. 
She shook his hand. “Friends.”
Girl, what are you doing?
“But,” she blurted, pausing Jason from where he was standing to clear up the kitchen. “I wouldn’t be mad if we reconsidered it after our partnership dissolves.”
He shot her a sly grin. “I’ll have to look into speeding up our plans, then.”
Steph covered her blush with a faceful of mug, downing her chai in three gulps.
Steph joined Jason’s training when she could, since his apartment had a whole room devoted to work out equipment and safe training spaces. She wouldn’t have to make do with her crummy equipment or worry about people at the gym, and she had an excellent teacher, who quickly had her upping her skills and improving her techniques.
It was fun to work out with someone who knew what they were doing. They could make fun of Batman and the Robins together, discuss very-likely-illegal techniques and happenings that would be questionable if overheard, and watch each other’s exercises for proper form, et cetera.
After a workout and shower, Jason would make them chai, and then they’d go to his evil plotting lair and they’d discuss the best plans and proceedings to ruin Black Mask.
Jason was also a surprising help in her medical studies, since his time with the League of Assassins and travelling the world gave him a wealth of knowledge about the human body and medical procedures.
It was useful to know where nerve endings were when you were a torturer, and knowing which parts of the body would not cause immediate death if injured or removed made an excellent anatomy student. Knowing how to patch up and treat a person who was injured, whether yourself or someone else, was a valuable skill, especially in their field of work.
Steph found herself at Jason’s place more than her own. It had been lonely, being by herself all the time. She’d volunteered at Leslie’s clinic when her schedule allowed, but the majority of the time, she was alone.
Alone at home, studying or sleeping. Alone on patrol, with no backup if things went sideways, even if she was stopping petty theft and escorting drunk girls home. Alone at university, not daring to make friends for their safety, but also, how could she connect with them?
Alone, alone, alone.
It was nice to make a friend in Jason, someone who understood her and her struggles, her PTSD and the war she was fighting to make people’s lives better. He cooked when she would’ve either scarfed down $1 ramen or a granola bar, too tired after studying and volunteering to think about anything else.
They worked out together, practicing spars and running simulations of possible future events. They planned together, Jason respecting her ideas and her current struggle with her moral code. He asked for her help and input, unlike many she could think of (namely, Batman and Robin).
Jason also made her laugh, cracking dark jokes as he read her textbooks over her shoulder, or recounting some story from his Robin days as they patrolled.
Steph had practically moved in at that point, having a full half of his closet and most of her daily things scattered across his apartment.
Jason never minded, either; she was pretty sure he’d been just as lonely as she, based on comments he’d made about how glad he was to have another person to cook for, or for another brain to bounce ideas off.
“Why don’t you just formally move in?”
Steph choked on her pho.
“That’s a new way to start dinnertime conversation,” she got out, reaching for her water.
“Well, you’re practically already moved in,” Jason shrugged. “Just end your lease and save your money and live here. I don’t mind. It’s nice having you here.”
Steph considered it. “Fine. But I’m paying rent here, too.”
“As if I don’t already notice you sneaking money into my wallet?” He rolled his eyes. “Of course you can pay rent.”
“Then it’s a deal.”
“You have tomorrow off from classes, right?”
She nodded.
“Great, I’ll bring the car and we can haul your stuff over in one trip.”
Steph blinked, her spoon frozen midair. “You don’t have to help, I can manage.”
“I know, but it’s your day off. It’ll save you time if I help. It’s not like my business is going to suffer if I go out an hour later than usual,” he shrugged. “Unless you’d rather I don’t help.”
“No, I appreciate it. It’s not like I have a whole contact list to call to help.”
“Okay, then. Start early and have a relaxing afternoon, or sleep in and start later?” Jason’s teal eyes peered up at her from under his white bangs as he ate his pho.
“Ummm…sleep in a bit, pack and move, and then relax?” suggested Steph.
“Sounds good.”
A knock sounded on Steph’s door, ten minutes after she woke up.
Yawning, she opened the door, her hand hidden behind it grasping a baton.
He blinked at her holey T-shirt and sweats that she used as pajamas, then looked back up at her. “I brought breakfast.”
“Come in! Welcome! Make yourself at home!” she snagged the paper bag from his hands, opening the door wider for him to enter as she peered into the bag. “Oooh, waffles from the diner by Monolith Square? You’re the best!”
He smirked, self-satisfied. “I know. You’re welcome. So, what are your plans for packing up? We each take a spot, we both work together till one room is done..?”
Steph looked up, her waffle-filled cheeks puffed like a chipmunk’s, her eyes wide as a deer in the headlights as she recalled every single thing she had left out that she absolutely did not want Jason to see.
“Did you eat already?” She deflected, heading to her (thankfully closed) bedroom door.
“Great,” she said, sounding less enthused about her possible distraction being taken away than her five essays all due on the same weekend. “The boxes are over there–” she waved at the stack of cardboard in the corner by her bookshelves “--you can start packing my books, I guess. No judging my tastes.” She waved her finger at him, seeing him eye her shelf of old bodice-rippers, then disappeared into the depths of her room to scream into a pillow.
Panicking over, she quickly brushed her hair, put on a cuter change of clothes, and filled a box with the absolutely-never-to-be-seen-by-Jason things, like her vibrator.
With Jason’s help (and since half her things were already at his–their–apartment), the packing and moving didn’t take long.
Now they were relaxing on Jason’s couch in the living room, eating pizza and watching John Wick: Chapter 2. 
“Could you do that?” Steph asked around a mouthful of pizza, glancing at Jason from the corner of her eye.
“What, kill a guy with a pencil?” He snorted. “Yeah, I have.”
“Was it like the movie?” Her attention was focused on her partner now.
“Movies always increase gore and action for the views. Of course, I stabbed the guy in the neck, not through the ear like John here did, so there was a bit more blood, but it was with my foot, so I couldn’t be quite so precise at the moment. Easier to aim for the neck than the ear canal,” he shrugged.
“You stabbed a guy in the neck with a pencil using your foot?!” Steph exclaimed.
Steph watched Jason nonchalantly take a bite of his pizza as he stared at the screen, now showing John Wick entering the museum.
Jason Todd was a fascinating man.
She was glad she was living with him.
Chapter 4 ->
1 note · View note
abyssal-ali · 9 months
wwyditnfuo - 1: you brush past me in the hallway
M | 2.3k | Ao3 | Masterlist | Main Masterlist | CW: mild swearing, non-graphic violence, kissing, panic attack
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A quiet string of vehemently uttered swearing made Steph’s ears perk up as she crept down the dark hallway of Black Mask’s HQ. Those were some…creative insults. Steph silently applauded their speaker, though she didn’t think she wanted to meet them or be on the receiving end of their ire.
The door embedded in the hallway swung open and a figure strode out, brushing by her. In true Gothamite fashion, he continued past her without apology, deeper into the HQ.
Steph gently tried the door and found it unlocked. Peering into the dark recesses, nothing stood out to her. She closed the door with a quiet snick, disappointed. Looks like she’d have to go after Mr Creative Threats. If he was a False Facer, she’d take him out, use his ID for access to the more private parts of Black Mask’s operation…yeah, that should work.
Steph peered around the corner, tracking Mr Creative Threats about halfway down the hallway. Taking in his considerable bulk, she planned her attack to best utilize the element of surprise. If she timed it right…
Her arm closed around his throat, her other hand coming up to block his instinctive retaliation.
Except…he didn’t do anything. Momentarily thrown off, Steph’s hesitation cost her.
Mr Creative Threats dislodged her arm, twisting and pinning her to the wall, his forearm across her throat, her wrist tightly in his grip and his foot across hers, stopping her from kicking out at him.
Dang, not just another goon hired for his size.
Steph huffed, blowing a strand of loose blonde hair out of her eyes. He was kinda cute…if he wasn’t holding her against the wall. He looked like he’d be a sucker for some flirting and the dumb-blonde look. Hah, as if.
“What are you doing here?”
Ooh, even his voice was sexy, a low, quiet rasp. 
Steph glanced down shyly. “I’m just looking for the washroom.” Wiggling a little, to brush her curves against his body, which–whoa, dude, how often do you work out?– was encroaching on her personal space, she glanced up to see how he’d react to her blatant lie.
His face held the same expression as before.
Ugh, has he injected a paralyzer or something to become a False Facer? This was gonna make reading him so much harder.
The muffled sound of voices steadily growing louder broke into their quiet rendezvous. 
“...now, Li.”
“Right away, sir,” the voice of Black Mask’s secretary came from just around the corner.
Steph turned to Mr Creative Threats, running through ways to get out of this. The oldest trick in the book flashed to the front of her mind, and she mentally rolled her eyes. There was a slim chance it would work, but–
With a jerk, she fisted the lapel of his leather jacket, pulling him down to her. He loosened his grip on her other wrist in surprise and she moved it up to dig in his hair (wow, that’s softer than mine).
Okay, this guy knew how to use his tongue, and not just for threatening. 
With a quiet moan, she opened her mouth for more, meeting his in the middle. His foot lifted off her and his leg slid between hers-
“What are you doing here?”
Ah, deja vu. Okay, don’t panic, Steph, maybe he’ll be so stunned by your phenomenal kissing that he’ll forget to tell his boss you’ve infiltrated.
His hand slid from her curls slowly as he turned to face the group of bodyguards surrounding Mask and Li.
“Oh, uh-”
“This isn’t the way to the bathroom?” Steph blurted, pitching her voice a little higher and subtly widening her eyes. She swatted the guy’s chest. “Baaabe, I told you it was too quiet!”
“Well, you were the one who didn’t care where we had a quickie,” he rolled his eyes.
“Get outta here!” Mask snarled, waving them off. A bodyguard escorted them back through the halls to the club, the flashing lights and thumping bass becoming clearer and clearer.
Steph hurried to the bar and downed a sparkling water, the strange, tasteless fizzing distracting her nerves from the close call.
Distracting yourself from a nerve wracking situation by overloading your nerves with a different distasteful situation was a brilliant solution, if she said so herself.
Okay, so he hadn’t ratted her out to Mask. That was good; the question was why.
Did he think he could try something? Well that ain’t happening, even if he was the best kisser she’d had in ages. Was he not particularly loyal to Mask? Wait, was he even an employee of Mask or a False Facer?
Steph turned to scan the club for Mr Creative Threats Mr Fantastic Kisser and almost yelped when she saw him still at her elbow.
“Jerk! You scared me!”
He smirked. Oh good, his face isn’t paralyzed. 
Oh bad, he’s hot. Like, Hot.
“I haven’t left. What’s there to scare?”
“Uh…thanks for the assist back there or whatever…”
“Oh, is that what we call the hottest makeout in six months, now?” He raised his eyebrow, his eyes glowing green and blue under the flashing lighting.
“Do you work for him?” She asked point-blank.
“Who’s him?” He teased. 
She gave him her best BatGlareTM.
“No, I don’t. What were you doing there? Do you work for him?”
She shook her head. “I think we might have been looking for the same thing.”
He  held out his hand for her, leaning close to whisper in her ear.. “Shall we retire to more private places to discuss this, babe?”
Against her minimal Bat-training advice blaring in her head, she took his hand and let him lead her to a black motorbike in the parking lot outside the club.
“Know how to ride a bike?” He asked, handing her a helmet.
“Yep, have my own.” Jamming the helmet on, she swung expertly onto the back, wrapping her arms around his waist.
The guy was solid, damn. She’d have to get his workout regimen later.
The ride to Old Gotham was short and fast, the only way to travel, in Steph’s opinion.
He cut the engine and turned back to talk to her. “Wanna go to a coffee shop instead?”
A little surprised at his offer but impressed, Steph shook her head. “Here’s fine.”
“Cool.” He jogged up the steps of the fire escape to the second level of the small apartment building. Unlocking the door, he swung it open and motioned her forward with a bow.
“After you, m’lady.”
On her way up the steps behind him, she’d moved one of her knives to slide up her jacket sleeve, just in case he turned out to be, y’know, a typical Gothamite criminal with a smooth side. Rubbing the flat metal edge against her skin reassuringly, she stepped into the surprisingly homey apartment. 
“Nice digs,” she commented, taking in the throw pillow on the sofa, the neat row of thriving plants on the windowsill, the painting of the Gotham skyline hanging on the accent wall.
A tiny part of her was relieved that he wasn’t living in his mom’s basement or appeared to be a psycho who only knew to decorate with shades of beige and grey.
“Thanks.” He hung his jacket on the hook by the door and kicked his boots off. “Want some tea or something to drink?”
“Ooh, do you have chai?”
He did a double take at her on his way to the kitchen, but nodded. “I’ll make it myself. Want to watch? Just don’t spill the tea–you know, the recipe–to anyone. Family secret,” he winked, and Steph’s heart did a funny little flip.
She followed him to the kitchen, kicking her own shoes off first, and leaned on the island watching him move around his kitchen with ease, whisking a multitude of spices together that created a delicious pungent aroma.
“So, do you like to cook?” she asked to break the silence. 
It wasn’t awkward–on the contrary, it was comfortable– too comfortable to belong to her and this stranger who’d brought her home from a club after a makeout that would remain in her mind for many nights to come. He didn’t even bring her back to sleep with him (although if the chai tasted as good as it smelled, she just might sleep with him after all).
He nodded in response to her question. “Do you?”
“I prefer the eating part of cooking,” she laughed.
His eyes crinkled in a heart-stopping smile that met hers. “A perfect match, then.”
Steph blushed furiously, cursing her pale skin. Even her time in Tanzania hadn’t tanned her enough to cover the telltale flush.
“So, wanna tell me why you were skulking around Black Mask’s HQ and tried to take me out– I’m thankful it wasn’t meant to be permanent.” His hands steadily stirred the mixture in the bubbling pot.
Steph sighed. Of course she couldn’t avoid it, they were here to discuss it, after all.
“I…kind of have a vendetta against him, and I was trying to get information on him I could use.”
He snorted. “I don’t think there are many who don’t have some type of grudge against Mask.”
“So, why were you there? Fair’s fair.”
“No, fair is foul and foul is fair,” he shook his head, eyeing her from under his white bangs.
Steph straightened in surprise. “Macbeth?”
“You’re a bookworm too?” his eyes lit up and his stirring paused. 
“Yeah, I am! My current favourite read is The Dispossessed,” she eyed his reaction.
“Ooh, nice. I really enjoyed the themes exploring prison abolition.”
“Oh, a Lit Nerd,” she said, suitably respectful. “Anyways, talk books later. You were there, why?”
He chuckled as he poured the chai into two mugs, sliding one across the counter to her and keeping one for himself.
“I was there to keep up my tradition of screwing around with his stuff, and I’d hoped to gain some intel I could use against him as well.”
Hm. Liked to play with Black Mask. Clearly, Mask didn’t know who…wait a minute. How had she gone home with a guy whose name she didn’t even know?!
“So, you like trouble, huh? Can’t blame you; I came home with you and I don't even know your name.”
Smooth, Steph.
Mr Fantastic Kisser–wait, don’t think about it or you’ll do it again, go back to Mr Creative Threats and remind yourself to stay on guard–laughed. Ugh, why was it so sexy? Life was unfair, Steph decided.
“I’m Jason.”
They shook hands mock-formally.
“Yeah, you could say I like trouble. I prefer to say trouble likes me,” Jason grinned lopsidedly.
Oh, he’s good.
“Ditto.” Steph sipped her chai, deciding a burned tongue was worth avoiding the analysis her mind was running. Breathing rapidly in and out, she panted, “That is amazing chai. I might be a little bit in love.”
Jason simply smiled smugly and sipped his own chai, slower than her, of course.
So, Mask didn’t know Jason’s face. Jason regularly antagonized Mask because he also had some grudge against him. This meant Jason covered his tracks, whether it was his face or his goons, well.
Hiding behind her mug, Steph eyed Jason’s physique thoughtfully.
She wasn’t sure if she liked the direction her thoughts were turning. 
“So, do you antagonize any other crime bosses in Gotham or is Mask special?” 
Jason snorted. “You can just come right out and ask, you know.”
She huffed. Know-it-all. “Are you the Red Hood?”
“Yes, I am.”
Cocking her head, she continued. “Why tell me? Am I gonna end up in a duffel bag?”
“No, that was just to make a statement. I have no plans for your death; on the contrary, I have a vested interest in keeping you safe. I want to propose an alliance.”
Steph blinked. “An alliance?”
Jason nodded. “You’re the new vigilante ‘Wraith’, are you not?”
Steph’s mug met the countertop with a clink. “How’d you know?”
“Hunch. I like to do my research. You’re Spoiler, aren’t you?”
Steph’s vision blurred, Jason becoming an unfocused lump across from her.
Nononono get out get away go go gogogo–
“Whoa, hey, I’m sorry. I’m not gonna tell anyone, I haven’t told anyone. It’s okay.”
Shaking, Steph realized she was at the front door, yanking her shoes back on, Jason crouched a couple feet away, his hands held up peaceably.
A shuddering breath escaped her and she dropped her shoe.
“Sorry, I just- that’s not a thing I like brought up out of the blue.”
Jason nodded. “Sorry.”
“Yeah, I was Spoiler. I guess if you found that out somehow, you know what happened?” She straightened, her breathing slowly evening out.
Jason nodded, slowly getting up and extending his hand to her.
She took it and he pulled her to her feet, squeezing her hand before he let it go. 
“Good, then we don’t have to talk about it.”
“I get it,” he said softly. “I was the second Robin.”
Steph’s head jerked up.
“Yeah. Jason Todd, ‘a good soldier’, at your service,” he bowed mockingly, the title dripping bitterly from his lips.
Steph slowly sank to the sofa, recalibrating her thoughts.
Jason collected their mugs and handed her hers before sitting on the floor across from her. His fingers twisted in the carpet’s long strands. 
“I died, woke up six months later in my coffin, dug out with my fingernails and belt buckle, lived off muscle memory, got taken in by Talia al Ghul, trained, came back here as Red Hood.” 
His short, flat recounting twisted Steph’s heart.
“I’m so sorry that happened to you, Jason,” she said softly, leaning forward to rest her hand on his shoulder.
“So, even Robins, huh?” He looked up, attempting normalcy. 
Steph followed his cues. “It appears so. Even Robins, Best Robins, right?”
“That’s definitely how it goes, yeah.”
“So, you think we can turn these top-tier Robins into a top-tier flock of Robins?”
“Yeah, I do. Want to help me take Black Mask down for good?”
“Heck yeah, I do.”
Chapter 2 ->
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abyssal-ali · 9 months
Deck the Balls
Inspired and forced to write by the lovely @boldlyanxious <3
Pairing: Jason Todd x Stephanie Brown
| Rating: M | WC: 5.5k | Ao3 | Masterlist |
Steph is a huge Christmas girlie. Jason is confused by her…overenthusiastic decorating, but she shows him the error of his ways and convinces him to join her on the side of Christmas decor. AKA 5 times Steph makes Jason realise how fun decor can be and +1 time he showed her. JaySteph Fake Dating for the Holidays AU with a side of smut.
champagne problems
Under the Red Hood (of Mistletoe)
Santa Baby, Hurry Down the Chimney for Me
Those Christmas Lights (Light Up the Fireworks in Me)
Kiss me Underneath the Mistletoe +1 I'ma be Under the Mistletoe
The ao3 link at the top will take you to the works to read. The parts are too short and I'm too lazy to post them separately and then link everything like I did for wwyditnfuo :)
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