jonquilla · 9 years
               There were times when she was so utterly restless, when she would wake before the sun rose and sleep when it had set seemingly ages ago. It was yet one of those days, and there was nothing left to do, and frankly, she found herself b o r e d. Today, her time was her own, such a rare occurance. Mother had begged asked to take Draco for the day, his grandmother absolutely and utterly adoring of the tiny child. Her heart swelled with love, and pride, at the mere thought. Her mother was very much capable of being warm and kind, no matter what anyone might say.                 One of the House-Elfs appeared with a plop, startling the blonde. A gasp of her own, and the House-Elfs eyes widened, and what would come next, Narcissa already knew and she spoke quickly, in a tone that would likely infuriate Lucius if he ever heard her speak to one of them like that. When Narcissa was alone, their servants were treated with something they didn’t see often, a form of kindness. Once again, something that would undoubtedly baffle her husband. They were merely servants, she often tried to tell herself -- but her own memories would invade before she could ever let her fully believe herself. With parents that were so busy all the time, Narcissa had spent more time with their servants than they would have liked -- she had grown fond of them, and ever the lady, please and thank you slipped past her lips at times, and the habit had stuck. She was a lady, and anyone doing her bidding was to be treated with some sort of  respect and she surely wasn’t going to allow anyone hurting themselves in her presence. It was such a sharp contrast to Lucius’ treatment of the servants, it almost felt like she was keeping a dirty little secret from him.                 “Oh, Dobby, you’re here, wonderful.”                 “Dobby came as quickly as possible, immediately, Mrs. Malfoy.”                 “I know you did. Would you--- ”                 The wards recognised another presence then, and Narcissa froze. Had she invited anyone over and forgotten? Surely she wouldn’t be that daft.Then again, she had almost forgotten Draco at the bookstore earlier that week..  Yet another secret she would have to keep. For the sake of her husband’s sanity, of course. Perhaps it was even him, the wards would always alert her if someone apparated, but it wouldn’t specify who exactly. Always a surprise.                 “Never mind, continue with tending the gardens, and tell Pippy to fetch us tea, thank you.”
                The grand hall was the sole place one could apparate if approved by her husband, and Narcissa made her way over calmly to the figure in her hall, all smiles and a pleasant tone to her voice.                                             “Good afternoon, would you like some tea?”
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serpentinexprince · 9 years
It was a miracle he hadn’t gone stir crazy. Twelve hours spent at the office, negotiating and shaking hands with the very type of wizard — if one dared call them that — that churned his blood, and he could do nothing. His wand had glowed hot in the pockets of his robes, teasing him, reminding him of the temptations he was forced to swallow for the sake of perception — and swallow he did, for despite the fire burning bright within him, he was no fool. Status and influence were weapons just as powerful as the wand his fingers itched for, and there was a time and a place for each. The former took precedent while the sun was up, when prying eyes paid perhaps too much attention to the movements and mannerisms of the Malfoy heir — a curse of good breeding, he supposed. Once the sun had set, however, once the comfort of night offered its protection, its empowerment.. that was when he truly came alive.
“I don’t think you realize how desperately I need tonight,” he sighed, shrugging his coat from his shoulders and tossing it over the back of an armchair for the elves to hang up. “Is everything in order?”
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ignorekarkaroff · 9 years
Reclining in a seat not designed for such leaning, Igor had his wand up. It was pointed downwards, and he was twirling it, his wand motion was akin to doodling in the air than any magic handiwork. His head was in a similar position, relaxed and almost lolling around, but his eyes were locked, eyebrows furrowed and still. Their straightness exaggerating his gaze, if one could describe it as such. It would be difficult to believe with the intensity of his expression, that the subject of Igor's magic was a simple rodent. He was no expert in zoology but it did look rat-ish, and while he was disgusted at the presence of the creature in such a place, his first reaction was to rush the Imperius Curse incantation. And here he was, controlling the movements of a small animal. "When was the last time we had a raid?" He asked, elongating his vowels and allowing the question to have a lilt to it. "I'm at a point where I'm practicing my curses upon smaller creatures, not the larger ones we're targeting. Do you not think that says something about our activity?" He allowed the rat to flip in the air briefly, and sat up. "—Were you there when I did the thing..." Igor tried to remember, but couldn't. "...with the mudblood, it was some time ago, quite amusing."
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Legs crossed over one another with a crystal glass of the strongest alcohol in one hand and a cigar in the other, Rodolphus shot an unimpressed glance to the person hovering over the seat beside him. “It’s taken,” he informed rather curtly. 
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