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figheel · 5 years ago
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Finally found the WM36 elites at Walmart. So excited to add Danny Davis to the collection more than anything! . . . . . #wweuschampion #batman #figurehunter #figlife #wrestlingfigs #wwe #wweelite #adamcole #toycollector #wrestlingfigures #scratchthatfigureitch #mattelwwe #realromangallery #wwemattelelite #toyphotography #wwenetwork #wwecollector #wwesmackdown #hellinacell #wwecollectors #figurecollection #aleisterblack #wwetoys #wwemattel #wwefigures #wweelites #wweelitecustom #wweraw #wweelitesquad #wwecustom @majorwfpod https://www.instagram.com/p/B91xeuGpOrY/?igshid=sl4346ca4sqk
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nickmaniwa · 7 years ago
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Since all of my Christmas orders have been filled, I can finally start posting some of the figures I’ve completed in the last couple months. The Christmas orders will be posted after they’ve been given. WWE Jakks Pacific Ruthless Aggression / Classic Superstars style Tripp Cassidy from his rookie year in professional wrestling. It is a Sabu body w/ different boots. The head is a mashup of a Chris Jericho & Ultimate Warrior that has been casted & painted. #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #jakksfigures #jakks #jakkscustom #wwejakks #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #customwwefigure #maniwafigs #indiewrestling #actionfigure #PapaManiwaApproved #PapaManiwaFigs #iwams #iwamidsouth #thecarnies #horrorshow #blueeyeddevil #theoddity #thecircusneversleeps #trippcassidy #sinnersnvrsleep
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nickmaniwa · 7 years ago
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Are you a pro wrestler & want your own action figure? Are you a pro wrestling referee, manager, valet & want your own action figure? Like pro wrestling figures but they don't make your favorite guy? Let me change that! Instagram.com/ManiwaFigs to see some of my work. I can do any style of pro wrestling figure from Funko Pops to Jakks Ruthless Aggression to Mattel Basic & Elite to anything in between! • My base price is $30 with shipping included in the US. The price goes up with level of difficulty, if I have to buy parts, special paints, if you request accessories, etc. I do have a lot of Jakks RA parts already however. Due to past customers not paying, I do request a down payment to begin the process. I can accept PayPal or a money order. Delivery time is 8-12 weeks. Rush order available for a fee. #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #jakkscustom #jakks #wwejakks #jakkswwe #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #customwwefigure #maniwafigs #indiewrestling #actionfigure #ruthlessaggression #wwerumbler #mattelrumbler #minibigheads #wwemattelelite #mattelelite #maniwafigs #nickmaniwaapproved #PapaManiwaApproved #papamaniwafigs
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nickmaniwa · 7 years ago
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Still a work in progress, haven't had much time in between wrestling shows to work on stuff but wanted to share what I had so far. #kassiusohno #chrishero #chrisheroaintnuthintofuckwit #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #jakkscustom #jakks #wwejakks #jakkswwe #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #customwwefigure #maniwafigs #indiewrestling #actionfigure #kingsofwrestling #PapaManiwaApproved #PapaManiwaFigs #iwams #iwamidsouth #wwenxt #nxt
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nickmaniwa · 8 years ago
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I've had a few people ask me if I could make more "cartoony" figures, lemme introduce you to Maniwa's Mini Big Heads. Perfect for that cartoony look & pricing starts at $20! If you're interested in a mini big head, shoot me a DM! Doesn't have to be a wrestling attire, I can make people in street clothes as seen in the second picture! #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #jakkscustom #jakks #wwejakks #jakkswwe #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #customwwefigure #indiewrestling #actionfigure #ruthlessaggression #minibighead #littlebighead #rumblers #wwerumblers #wwemattelrumblers #maniwafigs #bruiserbrody #dustyrhodes #arnanderson #dynamitekid #britishbulldog #eddieguerrero #britishbulldogs #daveyboysmith
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nickmaniwa · 8 years ago
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This is figure 3 of the #PapaManiwaApproved series - "Couch Potato" Mitchell Page. This would be based on Mitch's first gimmick in pro wrestling. Had the Droz BCA shorts & didn't want to paint over the flannel like design & put my thinking cap on. Sadly 1998 IWA photographs & video footage is very hard to find. I used the reference picture from Mitch's Facebook and some artistic freedom. Didn't want to chop up the figure, so gave him high tops instead of low tops. White knee pads and elbow pad. The shirt is a Henry Godwinn torso with sculpey molded over the overalls to make the shirt. The head is a Kane with added hair and goatee. The white on the knee pad and boots was probably the hardest part of the whole figure after I got the shirt down. Gave it to Mitch as a gift. I do take orders if you would like a custom figure. DM me! #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #jakkscustom #jakks #wwejakks #jakkswwe #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #customwwefigure #maniwafigs #indiewrestling #actionfigure #meanmitchpage #mitchpage #meanNhard #iwams #kotdm #kingofthedeathmatches #couchpotato #mitchellpage #iwaoriginal #bonecrushingaction #bcafigures
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nickmaniwa · 8 years ago
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Got this Bone Crushing Action Bob Backlund body in a parts lot from eBay. Doesn't really do much besides his arms moving up and down. Can't take it apart to fully paint it or at least I didn't want to try. I was trying to think of what to do with it and thought, "I've made Blake a Jake Crist, maybe he needs a manager"? Super simple JT Davidson, I painted the shirt & the goatee on the Steve Austin head. I do take orders if you would like a custom figure. DM me! #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #jakkscustom #jakks #wwejakks #jakkswwe #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #customwwefigure #maniwafigs #indiewrestling #actionfigure #jtdavidson #oi4k #theironmanager #ironmanager #ohiois4killers #bonecrushingaction
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nickmaniwa · 8 years ago
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WWE Jakks Pacific Ruthless Aggression / Classic Superstars style Austin Aries made by my custom mentor TxR. He will be in his #GenerationNext attire that he wore in #ROH, #TNA, #IWAMS, among other promotions. He's currently on #ebay with a $0.99 starting bid! Link in @maniwafigs Interested in this figure & don't have an eBay account? Send me a DM! #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #jakkscustom #jakks #wwejakks #jakkswwe #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #maniwafigs #customwwefigure #indiewrestling #actionfigure #wwe #ringofhonor #nwatna #iwamidsouth #austinaries #austinstarr #nxt #cruiserweight #205live #thegreatestmanthateverlived #gennext
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nickmaniwa · 7 years ago
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WWE JAKKS Pacific Bone Crunching Action Tripp Cassidy. Made this to help raise money for Tripp’s medical bills. The auction will end on Tuesday night to the highest bidder. To enter a bid, leave a comment with your dollar amount on this post on the @maniwafigs instagram. Every dime earned will go right to Tripp. The attire is a mix of eras with the old 6 shirt (a custom version of it due to the black shirt) & new clown paint. Figure is a Stone Cold Steve Austin Body with an Edge head repainted. Thought about doing Tripp Cassidy charms or keychains with a painted head. If anyone is interested in those, let me know! #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #jakkscustom #jakks #wwejakks #jakkswwe #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #wrestlingcustom #maniwafigs #customwwefigure #indiewrestling #actionfigure #newsouth #iwams #trippcassidy #iwamidsouth #deathmatchwrestling #theoddity #theblueeyeddevil #yourimaginaryfriend #thecarnies #schoolofroc #bonecrushingaction #jakksbca #AWE #atlantawrestlingentertainment #thecircusneversleeps #beyondwrestling #sceniccityinvitational
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nickmaniwa · 7 years ago
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Custom Funko Pop of “True Talent” Trent Richards. This was commissioned by his brother as a Christmas gift. The hair, facial hair & kickpads are air dry clay hardened & reenforced by super glue. Started as a blank DIY pop. Need a pop of your own? Custom prices start at $65, some of the lowest on the market! #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #mattelfigures #mattep #mattelcustom #wwemattel #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #customwwefigure #maniwafigs #indiewrestling #actionfigure #PapaManiwaApproved #PapaManiwaFigs #customfunko #custompop #customfunkopop #trentrichards #truetalenttrentrichards #funkopop
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nickmaniwa · 7 years ago
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WWE Mattel Rumbler “Mini Big Head” Gio El Futuro. People always ask if I can do more cartoony figures & the answer is my Mini Big Heads. Gio is a Latin Music artist coming up in Louisville, KY & saw my figures after I made one of Sean Patrick O’Brien. This is a Rock Mattel Rumbler body repainted w/ a modified Mattel Elite Rock head. Added the chains, hat, sunglasses, earring & microphone. Made an easier version with no removable pieces for his son as well. #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #mattelfigures #mattep #mattelcustom #wwemattel #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #customwwefigure #maniwafigs #indiewrestling #actionfigure #PapaManiwaApproved #PapaManiwaFigs #gioelfuturo #futuro #latinmusic #louisvilleky #mattelrumbler
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nickmaniwa · 7 years ago
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Finally had a chance to finish this KASSIUS OHNO. He is available for purchase. He’s great for posing & light play. The beard has been sculpted & the gear has been painted, so you do take a risk at chipping if you do more than pose with him. Used a Nikolai Volkoff body, HBK Jakks head. If you want him, hit me with a DM. You sadly won’t get it before Christmas but you’d probably get it before New Year’s! If you live in Kentuckiana, you could do a local pickup as well. #kassiusohno #chrishero #chrisheroaintnuthintofuckwit #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #mattelfigures #jakks #mattelcustom #wwemattel #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #customwwefigure #maniwafigs #indiewrestling #actionfigure #kingsofwrestling #PapaManiwaApproved #PapaManiwaFigs #iwams #iwamidsouth #wwenxt #nxt
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nickmaniwa · 7 years ago
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WWE Jakks Pacific Ruthless Aggression / Classic Superstars style "Iron Demon" Shane Mercer. I made this for Shane himself. It's a Christian figure with kickpads added, TTL Undertaker trench coat, Kenny Dykstra head with a Undertaker tongue added. The IRON DEMON belt is made from gorilla tape and ribbon strips. He has real electrical tape on his arms. Reference pictures if you swipe over and a picture of Shane with the figure. If you'd like your own Shane Mercer or figure of any kind, hit me up, let's work it out! #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #jakkscustom #jakks #wwejakks #jakkswwe #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #customwwefigure #maniwafigs #indiewrestling #actionfigure #ruthlessaggression #theirondemon #shanemercer #horrorshow #iwamidsouth #jcw #ovw #blacklabelpro #battleclubpro #iwams
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nickmaniwa · 7 years ago
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Made this one for my friend Ed (@itzawork). Opted for his casual gear in his @zubaz swag. Even threw in a @daysofthedead13 staff lanyard, this figure is perfectly Ed, LOL. I used an Eric Bischoff figure that I always called Karate Bischoff, from one of his Cyber Sunday appearances. Switched out the hands, painted the designs, used a Tazz head with added beard & a bandana out of a cut knee pad. So even if you have a figure of yourself already, I can make you in casual, street fight, bunkhouse brawl gear as well. DM me to order yours today! #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #jakkscustom #jakks #wwejakks #jakkswwe #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #customwwefigure #maniwafigs #indiewrestling #actionfigure #EdGonzalez #ItzAWork #PapaManiwaApproved #PapaManiwaFigs #heartlandwrestlingassociation #hwa #rockstarpro #zubaz #zubazpants #zubaznation #daysofthedead #rockstarnation
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nickmaniwa · 8 years ago
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I don't just make wrestlers. I can make referees too! Made this for @officialspo502 as a late wedding gift. Saw the Harvey Whippleman head while looking for another part and thought "hmmm...". Cut off the top of his head, sculpted the hair & added a man bun to the back. Switched out the hands on the ref body & he's done. Would you like a custom figure of yourself, a friend, a loved one, your favorite wrestler that doesn't have a figure, a custom creation of your own? I can do it! Pricing starts at $30 for basic of the basic. DM me & let's talk bidnizzzz! #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #jakkscustom #jakks #wwejakks #jakkswwe #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #customwwefigure #maniwafigs #indiewrestling #actionfigure #SeanPatrickOBrien #IronmanRef #IWAMS #Referee #PapaManiwaApproved #PapaManiwaFigs
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nickmaniwa · 8 years ago
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Slowly but surely making progress on @_zodiak_. Still got a lot more work to do but I'm really digging it so far! This one is spoken for by the Hybrid Monster himself. Want one of your own? Hit me up! #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #jakkscustom #jakks #wwejakks #jakkswwe #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #customwwefigure #maniwafigs #indiewrestling #actionfigure #zodiak #hybridmonster #iwams #wcwo #emerge
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