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jasvvy · 1 year ago
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schadentekkers · 1 year ago
please god i just need to see mao's match at kotdm before i have to go to capitalist hell with the worst cramps of my life on top of being sick
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grownassmanshit · 8 years ago
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Comes in and feeds a dude nachos, leaves on thumbtack ice skates.  Spyder Nate is a man of/for the people.
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nickmaniwa · 8 years ago
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This is figure 3 of the #PapaManiwaApproved series - "Couch Potato" Mitchell Page. This would be based on Mitch's first gimmick in pro wrestling. Had the Droz BCA shorts & didn't want to paint over the flannel like design & put my thinking cap on. Sadly 1998 IWA photographs & video footage is very hard to find. I used the reference picture from Mitch's Facebook and some artistic freedom. Didn't want to chop up the figure, so gave him high tops instead of low tops. White knee pads and elbow pad. The shirt is a Henry Godwinn torso with sculpey molded over the overalls to make the shirt. The head is a Kane with added hair and goatee. The white on the knee pad and boots was probably the hardest part of the whole figure after I got the shirt down. Gave it to Mitch as a gift. I do take orders if you would like a custom figure. DM me! #customfigures #customwrestlingfigure #customwrestlingfigures #jakkscustom #jakks #wwejakks #jakkswwe #wwecustom #customwwe #customizing #customwwefigure #maniwafigs #indiewrestling #actionfigure #meanmitchpage #mitchpage #meanNhard #iwams #kotdm #kingofthedeathmatches #couchpotato #mitchellpage #iwaoriginal #bonecrushingaction #bcafigures
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7money · 6 years ago
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Morning motivation... puma x Nike x worldwide #Kotd #kotdph #kotdtravels #kotdnia #KOTDM18 #kotdinthailand #kotdinkohsamui #KOTDM #kotdwar #kotdudes #kotdtv #kotdaddict #kotds #kotdcypherseries #kotdetdom #kotdwara https://www.instagram.com/p/BqAEusXFj7m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1actso8ho7zwi
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shitloadsofwrestling · 8 years ago
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2017 King Of The Deathmatches Rickey Shane Page [May 20th, 2017]
Bloodstained royalty arrived last night as the Granddaddy of ‘em all, the IWA Mid-South King Of The Deathmatches, took place in Memphis, Indiana. After three grueling rounds, Rickey Shane Page was crowed the 2017 King Of The Deathmatches by defeating the reigning King, John Wayne Murdoch, in the finals. Page first competed in a Great American Barbecue match against Masada, Bryant Woods, and Brad Cash in the first round. Moving on to round 2, Page took on former King “The Notorious Scumbag” Devon Moore in a Whackpacker Hogan Taipei Death Match, which Page survived by the skin of his teeth in, moving on to face Murdoch in a House Of Horrors Match. This match didn’t take place in a dilapidated home, but rather a ring surrounded by barbed wire with light tubes hanging from its ceiling, which Page used to dismantle the former King, Murdoch. Congrats, RSP!
Page has been racking up accomplishments, having won last year’s CZW Tournament Of Death, defeating another former KOTDM Matt Tremont in the finals.
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iqwrestler · 8 years ago
What if Onita stayed true to his 1985 retirement? Does hardcore and deathmatch wrestling as we know it ever become a thing?
Oooo tough call...very tough. I want to say yes but I don’t think it would’ve became a long lived from of wrestling and ecw would’ve been absolutely nothing. We still probably would’ve got IWA and KOTDM but once they went that pretty much would’ve been it imo. Onita was everything
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projectchoosedeath · 8 years ago
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Fell into an IWA MS 2005 KotDM hole.
Tank’s attire is mostly done, need a decent face reference pic, but so far I am most proud of the ghetto-biohazard tattoo.  
Oh, speaking of reference pics, found one for Dysfunction. HIS GENERIC NO MERCY FACE JUST GOT HIS ASS DYSED!  Although, it was from an event poster, wherein I think they increased the contrast or something so it looks high-res, so, prolly need to blur it....I just wanted to say the “Dysed” thing...:-(
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laurentianghosts · 8 years ago
finished watching TOD and my opinions havent changed about it not really feeling like a TOD. CZW is really dropping the ball lately.
Jeff Cannonball vs G Raver was okay. some cool spots, some shitty spots that got fucked up.
Conor Claxton vs Clint Margera was good, i thoroughly enjoyed it. Never heard of the Clint guy before, wouldve been cooler if he was related to Bam. Conor Claxton should’ve won the whole tournament tbh.
I didnt give two fucks about MASADA vs Shlak. It was basically one of my least favorite deathmatch wrestlers vs a nazi. hard pass.
RSP vs JWM vs Jimmy Havoc was eh. Page and Murdoch killed it at KOTDM last month, but their style just clashed with Jimmy’s, who imo is just boring as shit. would have rather watched Page and Murdoch go one on one. I dont think JImmy added a whole lot to the match except stealing the pinfall.
All the Dojo Wars guys showed the fuck up for that 4 way.  I fucking love Jimmy Lloyd and I cant wait for him to be on top of the deathmatch scene in a few years. I’d just wish he’d start wearing pants. This was a decent match
Cannonball vs Claxton was probably my favorite match of the show. It was pretty violent but also just a really fun match. I can definitely see Cannonball winning TOD in the next year or two.
My disdain for Jimmy Havoc and MASADA aside, their match sucked. Also fuck Jimmy Havoc’s haircut and his wack theme song.
Tremont vs Pondo is what you’d expect from an almost 50 year old Mad Man Pondo. The first fucking bowling ball spot was fuckin nuts tho. You can really tell Tremont is starting to wrap it up too. He’s says he’s not done after Onita in August, but he’s done doing tournaments. I can see him hanging it up after Cage of Death or whenever they’re done with this Awakening gimmick tho.
The scaffold match had so much potential. especially with that sketchy bridge thing. But all of that went away when Devon Moore possibly broke his ankle in the first spot of the match. Combine that with those shitty tables CZW’s been using that never break, this match flopped really hard. You can tell everyone involved was pissed. Finding out Danny Havoc’s last match is in September also sucks. This match was so disappointing I almost didnt even bother watching the finals.
The finals uhhh... happened. Knowing Jimmy Havoc was gonna win I just really didnt care about this match. And you can tell I wasnt alone cause the crowd was really starting to thin out, and the crowd that stayed wasnt really into it. 
This really feels like the end of true deathmatches in CZW and people like Conor Claxton and Jeff Cannonball deserve better. I do not regret my decision to skip going to TOD this year one bit.
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jasvvy · 1 year ago
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grownassmanshit · 8 years ago
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Necro at this point in time seemed really interested in hitting people hard.
(IWA MS KotDM 2005)
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projectchoosedeath · 8 years ago
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Stomach is being dumb so I called in sick.
- Finally found a good Brain Damage reference picture while searching for a Cult Fiction reference pic ON THE CULT FICTION FAN PAGE!  So, now I’m quite please as it looks like him...debating making his tattoo’s more accurate.  BUT, BD has the punisher shirt, Cult Fiction shirt AND spandex tanktop - so, he’s done minus blood attire.
- ZANDIG HAS HIS WATER BOTTLE FROM ToD 5.  Shit like this makes me wonder if I’m on the spectrum.  Also gave him the BALLER “CZW 4 Real” shirt as his other attire.  Thinking of moving The Icon to a hidden spot and making a blood attire sans shirt, but with mullet.
- Spent like, 2 hours drawing Corporal Robinson shirts.  Suspect.  Fixed his pants for attire 1 to emulate KotDM 2002, created NGI attire (call this the ROUGH Corp look), and then made JCW Corp complete with white boots, afro, and JCW jersey.
IF anyone knows what it says on the back of that CZW 4 Real shirt OR the Corp IWA shirt from NGI - please let me know.  
And still looking for a Lobo reference pic.  I would literally give someone a dollar.  THAT COULD BE YOU!  
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shitloadsofwrestling · 11 years ago
Matt Tremont speaks about IWA Mid-South's King Of The Deathmatch [2014]
Tomorrow, the prestigious King Of The Death Match emanates from The Rustic Frog in New Albany, Indiana! One of the contenders that several believe will become the 2014 titleholder is Bulldozer, Matt Tremont. Watching this video... I mean, how could anyone believe otherwise?!
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jasvvy · 1 year ago
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grownassmanshit · 8 years ago
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Hellaware acting like my wife, every time I throw her the car keys.
(IWA KotDM 2005)
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