#wwe shop got jokes
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They did NOT do this 😭😭😭
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chihuahuawashere · 10 months
Guide dog!
As kids Perona and Kuina tried everything they can to make sure that Zoro doesn’t get lost. As big sisters it was their duty to make sure that their little brother is safe.
But they didn’t realize how hard the job will be. He’ll be practicing with his wooden swords one second and in the blink of an eye his gone. Literally /poof/ and the girls panic every single time. And don’t get then wrong they really tried everything.
They tried teaching him how to read a map and how to tell form his left to his right but nothing really seems to click for him. It’s like his brain was switched on backwards or there was no switch in that part of his brain.
Which was so confusing to them because he’s a really smart kid academically from reading to writing to math but this one life skill that he needs in order to survive isn’t working and it’s making his sisters more and more worried as they get older.
One day when Perona and Kuina had to wash the clothes in the river zoro really did wonder off and he was deep into the woods. And it took /hours/ to try and find him and once the sun has long set and it was dark dark they finally found Zoro chilling with some birds. And Perona had had enough she yelled “He just doesn’t want to walk in a straight line! It’s so simple” she really snapped at him for it. She thought that this was a cruel running joke and was over it.
And zoro being the baby brother was really shocked up by with and didn’t talk for a whole week after that. Honestly was just too scared to miss up and get yelled at again.
Kuina as the older sister scolded her and made her apologize and made Zoro apologize for running off (again)
But they were back at square one again. And honest to god they really tried everything they tired: 
At first it was holding on to one of their hands as they walk but he’ll get embarrassed and let go and wonder off
They’ll even from a line and hold onto rope kinda of like a kindergarten line (Kuina in the front Zoro in the middle and Perona in the back) but Zoro would still wonder off.
From having a backpack leash on him. (He takes it off and runs) he thinks that there to stupid looking
Trying tie rope on one hand and tying to one of there own hands (he CHEWS off the rope) and runs
They even had a backpack with a hole in it. And with the hole had dirt rocks dried petals anything so that when he ran off there’d be a trail behind him. It kinda of worked until he took it and the trail ran cold.
They even tried making little cards for him to carry and when he was lost to give it to someone so they can help him find his way back home. It’ll have his name his sisters name and their address. But that never worked because zoro was to prideful to admit when he was wrong
At this point Kuina and Perona were 15 and Zoro was 14 and he was getting really tired of his village and was looking for a was to run away any minute. And they still haven’t found a way to keep Zoro from getting lost.
That was until one day when Perona and Kuina were walking back home after being done grocery shopping they heard barking and splashing. Turns out some evil little kids were trying to drown a puppy in the river. Perona and Kuina dropped their bags and chased after the boys. Perona isn’t afraid to square up with and elementary schoolers.
While Perona was WWE body slamming the kids into one another Kuina ran into the river to safe the mutt. Once the kids were crying their way back to mommy Perona grabbing all the bags so Kuina can carry the tried wet pup back home.
To their surprise Zoro actually stayed home for once instead of running off. And he’s sure glad he did! He got to see a doggy! After helping Kuina wash him off and helping Perona make some food for the puppy they decided to keep the doggo.
But instead of imprinting on Kuina the pup imprinted on Zoro! But the dog acted just like he older sisters. Also tugging on Zoros shirt to go one way or bumping them head on Zoros leg to go another way and even fact snapping it get Zoros attention. And making sure that he followed his sisters.
It was like the dog /knew/ that zoro couldn’t walk in a straight line. And soon after the little puper became Zoros guide dog! And Perona and Kuina never really had to worry so much about him. They still worry don’t get them wrong! But they have one less thing to worry about now!
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thlayli-ra · 3 months
Omg i didn't know you were scottish, did you expect to like drew in the past? It must be funny to you
I mean, I've always liked Drew - Scotland is a small country so we're always very excited when one of our own succeeds. By the time I got back into wrestling, he was home in ICW which I kept tabs on then, and I've followed him since from his return to NXT then to the main roster. However, he was never one of my special guys...
..until he started feuding with Punk! In the beginning, it was kinda like living vicariously through Drew lol but over time he's really burrowed his way into my brain. No denying he's a very bonnie specimen and looks incredible in a pair of trunks! I'm not sure what changed exactly but this feud and this pairing has just ignited something in me like a stick of dynamite!
Maybe it's because Drew is so unapologetically Scottish. He wears a kilt, has tartan on his gear, bagpipes blare out for his entrance and a lot of what he says and does are little nods or in-jokes for Scots, especially Scottish football fans (I come from a football-daft family). This whole feud has such a Scottish flavour to it, and it's so surreal for me because... IT'S CM FUCKING PUNK!!! The guy I have been obsessed with for over nine years and is so far removed from my world that he's practically fictional to me!
But he's out there wearing Scottish-inspired suits (according to my conspiracy theory), he's pronouncing Glasgow horribly and THEN he's in Glasgow, the exact same city at the exact same time as me, like I'm breathing the same bloody air as him and it's utterly mind-blowing! He was in the Celtic shop that I passed that very morning, he's taking photos of street art that I have also taken photos of. He visited the goddamn Necropolis - and look here's me, four years ago, in the Necropolis, in my goddamn CM Punk hoodie!!!!
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It's sooooo surreal and wonderful!
Going to Smackdown in Glasgow was also a turning point for my love of Drew. He was our go-home dark match and it was my highlight of the night! Seeing him in his blue gear, waving the St Andrew's flag, talking about taking WWE to Murrayfield one day (MY BELOVED MURRAYFIELD!!! Ngl I welled up at that!). It cemented his place in my heart and once the show was over I went and bought his shirt. Now I even have a Punkintyre-inspired outfit (Drew T-shirt, Punk hoodie.... so I think that means Punk's topping???)
Anyway, sorry, this got loooooong! So yes, it is funny to me! And awesome! And I love it! And I never, ever want it to end and I'll be devastated when it does! And I also find it funny when fanfic writers mention his strong Scottish accent because he has such an American twang. He did get a lot broader while he was home though. Anyway...
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missmeowfam310 · 2 years
Lee Know knows everything 2.
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hello again, first of all, I wanna say thank you to anyone who read this, liked it, and reblogged it. so, here is the second part (maybe the last). I actually like this one better than the first one. (you'll see why)
summary: first time, lee know being extra, (and lovey dovey)
warning: minors DNI, slight smut (not so graphic cuz I can't write actual smut, I can only read it), dirty jokes, praising, love making.
wordcount: 2.3 k
“hey stupid”
He answered your call after literally the first ring.
“hey, you’re still in the supermarket right?”
You asked him hoping that he was still there.
“yeah I’m still looking for the drink you had asked for”
“oh good, could you please get me jelly bears too?”
“oh okay”
“thank you baby”
“your welcome babe, be back soon”
“hmmm don’t be late”
And the call ended.
It was the time of the month, your cravings are wild, but fortunately, you have the best boyfriend ever, he offered to go to the supermarket to get you all what you desired, sweets, chips, snacks, the list was long, but he never complained, even though you had expected him to, but he didn’t, he gladly took the list and went out shopping for you. Lee Minho the boyfriend was still the friend-lee know but your boyfriend was more gentle and caring, lee know would smack your ass if you tried to mess with him, but Minho would take it with a smile (smack your ass lovingly) and cuddle you violently as a way to take his revenge, like that one time you called him in the middle of an intense game with his friends, you were so brave, but also so bored and you needed and craved his attention, you expected him to WWE you down but instead he was like:
“oh wait till I finish the game and I’ll bite you till all what remains of you is your bones”
You freaked out, you tried to hide, almost peed yourself when he found you, he lifted you on his shoulder like a potato bag, threw you on the bed and started tickling you with power, biting you everywhere, he even lifted your shirt and bit your stomach -which in fact hurt a bit-, you ended up begging him to stop, apologizing pathetically with teary eyes, when he stopped you were left breathless, his head was on your chest, your hands were in his hair, you were panting and he was giggling at you.
“that was mean”
You said after a while.
“you saw it coming baby”
“ah I kinda expected you to slice me into pieces and hide them in the fridge”
“that was my main idea, but our fridge is too small, so”
“yeah it can barely hold our snacks”
These conversations are so usual in your relationship; you have a psycho of a boyfriend.
“I’m home”
He says this phrase whether you’re at his house or yours, whenever he comes, which melts you heart, and he’s here with SNACKS.
He showed up opening his arms with the plastic bags in his hands, you ran to him, grabbed the bags and ran back on the sofa.
His expression was priceless, his hands were still in the air, he finally got them down, smiled and followed you to the sofa.
“in case you wanted more”
“oh babyyyyyyyyyyy”
You heart was going crazy
You put down the bags, jumped on him and hugged him.
“oh so now I get my hug?”
He said, holding you tight.
“oh shut up, I kovkkc”
“what? What was that”
“oh don’t play dumb you’ve heard me”
“no I did not”
You backed off a bit and he looked at your eyes a bit curious, his hair was a bit messy so you tried to tidy it up while repeating what you said using his hair as an excuse to run away from eye contact.
“I told you I love you”
You said in the tiniest and lowest voice ever, you’ll never get used to it, saying these words out-loud and actually meaning them, but his smile? His shinning eyes, almost glittery, his teeth, they are all worth it, he just got you a bunch of snacks from the 15mins away supermarket because you said you wanted it, well you didn’t really ask him he offered to do it himself, but you’re still grateful for his flat ass, and he definitely deserved hearing these three words, which to you, are hard to say.
He took your face with his both hands, showered you with kisses all over it.
“oh you lob me??”
More kisses
“of course you do”
Even more kisses
“I just got you the whole supermarket you little weasel”
He finally kissed you, on your lips, it felt different than all the kisses he just planted on every corner of your face, this kiss was slow, full of emotions, you could feel his love, the warmth from his hands on your face, the way his thump was rubbing your cheek. He backed off with his eyes still closed, smiling, leaned his forehead on yours, finally opened his eyes to meet yours.
“I love you more you know”
You said with a smile as you kissed his nose after saying it.
“are we about to fight over who loves the other one more?”
He asked with a little giggle as his kissed you again but with more power.
“No let’s not, let’s EAT”
You both started picking your favorite snacks, which is probably why he took a lot from each one because you both definitely have the same taste.
You turned on the TV and played the show you both watch together and started it watching it, you avoiding and postponing to watch this episode for the past two weeks because your friend told you it had bed scenes, which will be EXTREMELY awkward to watch it with your weird boyfriend, you have no clue how he’s going to react, but you played it anyways, you HAVE to go through this “episode” to go further in the “show”.
You and Minho had never done anything further than simple make out sessions, little touches here and there, but never the real deal, you thought he wasn’t ready, so you didn’t try to go further, but you’ll see today.
The episode started normally, the casual drama, until the main character started acting jealous because of his girlfriend’s male friend, they got into a heated conversation, that “somehow” led to having sex?
As the two characters were stripping each other’s clothes off, you took a look at Minho’s expression and he looked so immersed in the scene, so you continued watching, and them finally having the real sex, moans and all, dirty words, you took another look at his face and he was smiling while biting his lips.
“why are you smiling like a weirdo at a freaking sex scene?”
“no I was just wondering, if you’re into dirty talk”
He left you in shook, this statement did something to you, you felt something.
“I mean, I am if you’re willing to talk dirty to me”
You gathered your courage to finally say it, you acted unfazed while your heart was pounding in your chest.
“of course I am willing to talk dirty to you”
And that’s when you heart fell into your panties, you swallowed and turned to look at his face and he had this look, that he’s willing to give you whatever you liked and more, and it melted your heart, he never showed you if he actually wanted something.
“No, baby. Do you WANT to?”
He stayed quiet, looked at his hands, you felt sorry, because you always assumed what he wanted without actually asking him yourself.
“there are few things that I really want, and one of them is definitely talking dirty to you”
He said with a soft expression, you don’t know how does he always manage to look so soft while saying the craziest shit, as if he talking about his cats or his grandmother, and you love him so much for it.
“And? What do also you want?”
You asked with a smile, to comfort him and encourage him to talk openly and freely.
-at this point the show is totally ignored-
“I want to make you feel good, and give you all the love in all the ways possible”
“I want to kiss you till we’re literally out of breath, stroke your hair as I appreciate you, kiss your shoulder and smell you”
 “oh baby why are you crying???? We don’t have to do all of th-“
You didn’t even realize you were tearing up.
“oh shut up”
You snuggled into, hugged him tightly.
“I want you to do all of that to me”
You whispered in his shoulders.
“I want you to love me even harder”
“you do?”
He asked quietly as he stroked your hair, his tone had changed and it hit you hard since you were literally on his lap, his head was in your neck, his voice was sending shivers through your whole body, goosebumps.
“yes, I’d very much like you to love me and appreciate me in all ways possible, I really want to love you back too, show you how much I really love you, and make you feel good”
The kiss he planted on your neck affected you more than it should, your fingers found his soft hair and played with it, as he planted more kisses.
“we shall continue this once you’re really comfortable, ready, and definitely not on your period”
You moved you head to look at him as he looked at you too, with his blinding smile.
You kissed him deeply and backed off to say.
“yes we shall” 
Minho was still the same weird Minho, but a more extreme version, he became flirtier, throws dirtier jokes, like that one time he asked if you liked being choked.
You were texting your friend, she was making jokes about her ex which made you laugh, while Minho was sitting right next to you, staring at you with curiosity.
“who are you texting and giggling with?”
He asked calmly, and you, being you, replied:
“the one I’m cheating on you with”
Without even lifting your eyes from the phone, because you were actually telling your friend what is currently happening, you can tell he’s jealous and he wants your attention, Minho’s usual cat behavior.
“you’re asking to be choked, aren’t you?”
With a threatening tone he sarcastically asked.
You answered, looking straight into his eyes, it felt like he was challenging you to answer, and you are always up to a challenge.
“hell yes”
“so you ARE into choking, noted, good to know, nice nice.”
He giggled at your blank expression, staring at the void, you thought he would be flustered by your answer, but turned out you had fell in his trap, again, there is no wining, he’s always one step ahead of you.
He giggled, throwing his head back
“I was joking baby “
you should’ve gotten used to his jokes by now, but no he still manages to get you all flustered.
Today Minho was exceptionally adorable? He was clingier than usual, he followed you around like a lost puppy, even when you were making something to eat, he was back-hugging you, smothering small kisses all over your neck, while whispering cute stuff in your ear like:
“hmmm you smell nice”
“ohhh you’re so fluffy”
He was literally glued to you, you weren’t complaining though, giving him head pats, appreciating this soft and loving Minho, it’s not like he is not affectionate at all, there is always this balance between lovey dovey Lee Know, and little shit devil rabbit Lee Know.
“you love me more today”
“I love you lots already what do you mean more”
He whined at you and bit your shoulder as you smothered the cream cheese on your sandwich.
“ouch Minho”
“you love pain don’t act all hurt”
You laughed shocked at his reply
“what the actual heck lee know?”
You left your sandwich on the plate, turned your neck to look at him, lifting your eyebrows at him.
He looked at you smiling while patting on you head, stroking your hair and said:
“you said you liked being choked, remember?”
He was biting his lips obviously holding his laugh, sometimes you hate him, for getting under your skin.
“please can I finish making the damn soundwich?”
You turned to finally eat your sandwich but he turned you around again, you will start getting dizzy
“I love you so much you make me want to bother you all the time I can’t help it”
He said while holding your face with his both hands landing a small kiss on your pouting lips.
“I love you”
You hit him on his shoulder
“I already know so stop repeating it”
He had said it million times already but it still feels like the first time, you hate how affected you get.
“you don’t love me do you?”
Here we go again, his dramatic ass is at it again.
“shut the fuck up and let me eat my damn sandwich”
“I knew it, you will always choose food over me, and by the way, this is MY bread and MY cream cheese, so technically this is MY sandwich”
“yeah and you are MY boyfriend, what yours is mine”
He back-hugged you again.
“yup that’s right, I’m YOUR boyfriend and you love so damn much you can’t live without me, and my food”
Said it in soft voice, moving his head in your neck like the small kitten he is.
“yes, I admit, I can’t live without you nor your food”
You played along, smiling.
You were just about to put the sandwich in your mouth when he asked
“you still love me, right?”
He sounded serious this time, you gave up, you’re not eating this sandwich, not today, so you put it in the microwave, and turned around to face him.
“Of course baby, I love you, I love your cute small three cats, I love your cute teeth, your long lashes, your laugh, I love how you smell in the morning, I love your clothes that fit me just right], I love when you randomly kiss me, I love how you look at me when I’m not watching, and I lo-“
He is pro at cutting you off with his passionate kisses now.
He kissed you, and you lost all the senses nothing on your mind but him, no smell but his, no touch but his, no sound but his. He held your neck with one hand while the other one was wrapped around your waist pulling you even closer, your chest touched his, where these fast heartbeats, yours or his? You didn’t know, your arms found their way around his neck, your fingers pulling at his hair, you both were immersed in the kiss that’s getting deeper by the second, between your kisses that got sloppy, you barely managed to say:
“to the bedroom”
Never cutting the kiss, he wrapped both of his arms around your hips to lift you up, walking stably to the room, I guess the gym is working because two months ago he couldn’t lift the coffee table, and now he’s lifting YOU up.
“Oh, my strong boy”
You mouthed on his lips, and he smiled “only for you”
You moaned “that’s hot”
You kissed him harshly, bit his upper lip, and pulled at his hair even harder.
“oh getting rougher I see”
He mischievously said while putting you on the bed slowly, lowered himself slowly, not kissing you yet, he decided to play with your messy hair as he was staring at you with so much love in his eyes, got you all emotional and in your feels, but you just HAD to ruin it.
“are we about to kiss right now?”
“yes, and so much more”
Deserved, you can’t really try him without getting immediate payback
The way he leaned to kiss your cheek softly and slowly, taking his time, every kiss he landed was burning, and as he was kissing you, his hands were drawing shapes on your waist under your t-shirt, your hands were playing with his hair, which smelled so fucking good.
He was soft and gentle, as his kisses were.
“Do you still wanna keep going?”
He asked when he got to your pants, did he hear your racing heartbeats?
“hell yeah why would I want you to stop now?”
Breathless, you sounded.
“you could’ve just said a small “yes” but you being the dramaqueen that you are…”
Dead serious, he looked, but you guess he’s nervous too, both are mumbling random shit.
So you took his hands and looked straight into his eyes.
“it’s okay baby, you’re doing good, keep going”
You comforted him hoping he’d keep going in that pace. H took your hands that were in his, planted a kiss on each one of them, and lifted them up near your head on the mattress, tangled your fingers, and began kissing you hard, while his whole body melted on yours, you didn’t think he was heavy, he was warm. You detangled your fingers from his, and moved your hands under his shirt, around his waist, he felt so soft and warm, he got your message and got up to take his t-shirt off, and damn what a sight, the way he lifted his arms, his cute belly, he had big ass biceps, strong back, strong ass thighs, he had a bit of muscles here and there, but you really adored his cute belly, he was just beautiful and graceful. You reached to touch him probably, your hands went from his belly to his chest, to his shoulders, and ended up on his neck, pulled him down to kiss him again, it seems like you’ll never go somewhere with this because you’re both so addicted to kissing each other, so you reached to your own shirt to take it off as he stared at you in awe.
“stop it”
You said because he kept staring, it’s not like he had never seen you shirtless, but he always never looked at you like it’s first time he sees it. You could feel your skin tingling under his eyes, his admiring eyes.
“damn, how could you be so beautiful in every freaking situation?”
With  bored face you said, as you took your bra off, and he started taking his pants off, ‘oh it’s happening’  you though, you were starting to freak out but tried to play it coo. Until you saw him pulling the blanket over the both of you, safe, comfy and warm, that’s what you felt.
“how about YOU take my panties off for me?”
The look on his face was priceless, the way he smiled shyly after it, giggled in tiny
“I think I’m so in love with you?”
You said , dead serious, because the way you felt in this particular moment, in the most sexual moments ever, you felt so in love, he never made you feel uncomfortable, how can he be so, perfect?
“in love?”
He asked, because yes you both say “I love you”, but “in love”? it’s so much more, deeper and sensual.
“yes, Minho, I’m pretty SURE I’m in love with you”
He smiled again, flushing, you didn’t know how you could you take it, it was an overwhelming feeling.
“just fuck me already you’re wasting our time”
You had to escape this overwhelming feeling, your heart was about to burst out, you will lose your shit, you were also impatient.
staring directly into your eyes, getting closer, but not kissing you yet, then you realized he was reaching down to take your panties off, you stared away, embarrassed and shy, considering the way he his fingers touched your thighs as he was sliding the panties down, oxygen, air, a breath, ah…
But of course this dork HAD to ruin it by swaying your red cute panties in the air while laughing at it
You slapped his shoulder
“what? I said it was cute”
He said with his cute little pout.
Then he reached to his own boxer, to take it off.
At this point you were a hair close to fainting out.
But the way he held your hands after it, kisses you slowly, sensually, calmed you down, the Lee Know affect, you call it.
“you okay pumpkin?”
He asked as he stared at your expression trying to read it, you were obviously nervous, but it’s only natural.
“yes baby, keep going, I’m perfectly fine”
He reached down to prepare himself, when he was done preparing, he looked at you, gave you one of his beautiful smiles, and grabbed both of your hands, kissing as you both connected for the first time, the discomfort at first was bearable, you needed to breathe, so he broke the kiss.
You hear his panting, he was breathing heavily, was it because you weren’t as relaxed as you should be? you tried to breath out, relax, remind yourself that this is Minho. You heard him sigh.
“you okay?”
You asked him and breathlessly giggled, looking a bit shy.
“I’m the one supposed to ask you this”
With a red face, he said.
“I’m okay baby that’s why I asked you”
“I’m alright love, you’re doing great”
“you’re doing great too, you’re doing so good”
You both were sucker for compliments in these type of, situations…
You were both taking your time, then slowly things got heated, the room was filled with moans, sighs, and groans, you weren’t so loud, not in bed at least, and you also found yourself enjoying praising him, he groaned louder every time you did.
“you’re doing great, yes baby just like that”
You loved how it felt like you were both equal, no one is less than the other.
“I wanna be on top ”
You said out of the blue, you had this burning urge to see his face as you were pleasuring him, he changed positions, and held your waist up to help you lift yourself.
It was worth it, the look on his face, the way he closed his eyes, mouth a bit opened, he still managed to look soft in the most sexual moments ever.
Your found your pleasure in pleasuring him, you liked the feeling, making him feel good, but you couldn’t ignore the burning sensation, you were a sweating mess, but not as much as Minho, whose hair was sticking to his forehead, so breathless, so lost in his own pleaser.
His grip on your waist was so tight and harsh, he’s close, and so were you.
The closer you both got, the louder you became, till you both reached you highs, that blissful feeling.
You fell on his chest, feeling sticky, but it didn’t matter at this point.
As you both were heavily breathing.
“you did so good, you were so good for me, beautiful”
He said, moving your hair from your face, to look at you properly.
“was I?”
“oh yeah”
You kissed his chest and held one of his hands near your chest.
“only for you”
You said with a smile.
“only for me”
You giggled at his childish tone.
“we definitely should do this more?”
You whispered.
He agreed but the way he was still panting and breathing told you otherwise.
You whispered, but the slap on you naked butt told you that he heard you.
“wanna go another round? Huh?”
“no I was joking sit the fuck down”
“that’s what I thought”
(I hope you all like it, tell me what do think)
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toriblxck · 11 months
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“I deserve the world, so I’m gonna give it to myself”
Victoria Black. 29. WWE Media Producer
( an oc blog, dependent for wrestlehq. fictional purposes only. )
Name: Victoria Renee Black
Nicknames: Tori, Vickie, Ria
Birthdate: March 17th 1994- 29
Fc: Coco Jones
Occupation: Media Producer for WWE
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
Currently Living: Atlanta, Georgia
Sexuality: Straight
Victoria was born as the only child to her parents, Monica and Samuel Black on March 17th 1994. From a young child, she was always an extroverted child and was somewhat of a social butterfly throughout her childhood. It was her parents who ignited her love for wrestling, watching Raw every Monday as a family and attending the live events whenever they came to town.When she was Fourteen,her mom got a divorce from her dad and gained sole custody of Tori, moving her to Atlanta. When she was in her senior year of high school her mother tragically passed away due to a stroke and she was forced to move back to Michigan with her father. Once she turned eighteen she moved out of her father’s house unable to further withstand his controlling and narcissistic behavior. Wanting to honor her mother and follow in her footsteps, she decided to ditch her dream of being a fashion designer and pursue the same career as her mother as a media producer. As a straight A student her entire life, her senior year of high school she received a full ride scholarship to Spelman College, a private all- female HBCU in Atlanta, Georgia where she graduated with her Bachelors in Broadcasting and a minor in communications.Completing the move to Atlanta after graduation, she began working as a producer for WSB-TV but felt as if she was stagnant in life and not living up to her full potential. After coming across a job posting for a vacant WWE media producer role, she decided to combine her two loves and take a risk applying for the position. The rest as they say, is history.
Victoria’s personality is often described by her friends as incredibly kind, intelligent and fiercely loyal to those who she’s closest to, but come across her or anyone else the wrong way and she’s quick to bite your head off. She’s unserious at the best of times and loves to laugh and joke ,but once it’s time to work, she’s laser focused. As a Pisces, she’s very intuitive and deeply connected with her emotions which can lead to her being sensitive at times. Once you get her chatting about her interests, she’ll become a complete motormouth as she’s extremely passionate about all of them.
Interests and Hobbies: anime, shopping, hair and makeup, reading, playing sims, music, watching TikTok, etc
Friends: TBD
Best Friend: TBD
Hey y’all I’m Sierra and this is my baby Tori! She’s Open to any and all connections whatsoever whether it be Best Friend/Friends,One Night Stand, Enemies etc! Of course, if there's a connection that I didn’t list on here, still feel free to message me! I'm very flexible and love all plot ideas! Can’t wait to talk with y’all soon!
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blushiftedx · 1 year
More sad posting about bray Wyatt but bear with me, remembering the good times is a good thing yknow I’ll include a cut if you don’t wanna read a really long post
I started watching wrestling in late 2019 when SmackDown switched to fox so the fiend was always very present in my experience
me and my friends, the horror movie lovers we are, latched onto the spooky characters which ofc included him and the undertaker etc and some of our favorite running jokes came from watching wrestling and bray Wyatt specifically
I even got to see him live (be it from the nosebleeds lmao) at the end of 2019 during the Daniel Bryan feud and we went crazy it was so fun hearing people cheer for the obvious bad guy because he was just that fucking good, you couldn’t hate him
after he was released we were totally devastated ofc because he was our fav and it was all we could talk about and for that nearly year I think when he was gone it was a running joke with my mom that every raw and every SmackDown it was “bray Wyatt’s totally coming back” “nah not yet there’d be a build to it” so on and so forth
so when that arg style return came about before extreme rules we were hyped as hell and I remember standing in my living room watching my mom jump up and down with a level of giddy that was off the charts nearly crying as he made his entrance at the end of the show
The uncle howdy gimmick introduced me to one of my favorite so bad it’s good movies which I posted about before, hysterical (1983)
then for her birthday months after I plotted with my dad to get her some merch so we ordered some stuff from the wwe shop (I got myself a shirt too, it’s honestly one of my favorite shirts with the moth and the red circle) and I bought a hurricane lantern and replaced the bulb inside to be blue and hid it so I gave her the merch and she was grateful but I brought out the lantern and she squealed like I’d never heard and then we turned it on and realized it was way too bright but every time he’d show up she’d be sure to turn it on and blind me in the process lmao
it even seeped into other media, every time someone would say “fiend” my mom would jokingly look at me and raise her eyebrows like oooh!
She called me specifically to tell me he’d died. And I’ve never felt my heart sink like that, I thought I’d misheard her and then I thought she was bluffing but I looked it up and. Ouch.
I will NOT be okay this weekend
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narcosmx · 3 years
being the arellano's younger sibling would include...
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a/n: i know it aint, i know it aint my unediting ass writing again! you know it's your girl . may be a little short but i am just dipping my toes back in. paciencia mis amores
okay but imagine being the arellano's significantly younger sister or as pancha likes to call you "the accident"
like the rest of the siblings are like in their preteens and teens at this point even javier is in double digits
then momma arellano is like surprise shawties???
then your born and your mom can barely pry you out of benjamin's arms, he's just staring down at you like your god's gift to this fucking earth
whispers imagine being the families rainbow baby ANYWAYS
with that being said, you are obvi the princess of the fucking arellano gang
and that's mon's older sister, can you imagine how fucking hard he would go for his younger sister??? for his nena ??? i don't think you comprehend this
but also the softness that all the brother's bring that i just ugh chef kisses get this guys
benjamin lowkey sees you as his first child, let's be real. his first like soft love. first like oh shit i love this child more than i love myself moment. i cry at the idea of like at a very young age, benjamin would bring you home flowers and he'd tell you and show you how gentlemen should treat you and carries on the tradition to his own daughters
dina sees you as like her mini me, she's taken you under her wing since the moment you could walk; typical like cool older sister that gives the best advice, talks benjamin down when you fuck up and sees so much more in you than you could ever fucking imagine. you are the embodiment of her dreams and all this family worked for.
ramon sees you as his partner in crime; you're attached at the hip with ramon since you're a baby. he's the brother who would sit on the floor and watch cartoons with you, piggy back rides everywhere, pick you up from school early to fuck it and have ice cream, but also above everyone the most protective over you. no one and i mean absolutely no one can say shit to you, about you, around you. ramon would die for you bitch you are the only reminder that this world is good and he has good left in him. he wants to live up to the ideal you've had of ramon since you were like 5
and panchita well he's the typical older brother; he convinced you that you were actually adopted, encouraged you to do stupid shit so he could laugh, launched you into pools (idk why i have the vibes he taught you how to swim), wwe body slammed you into the couches, dropped you once and got jumped by ramon for it, but would die for you. no one can potentially put you in danger BUT ME
the idea for the roxanne; well it was actually dina's idea. mom and dad 2.0 aka dina and min noticed you snuck out one night. benjamin is FLYING OFF THE FUCKING HANDLES and dina always the cool and collected one is just like we just need to make the place to be in tj a place we own. at least you'll know she's safe bacause she's not just going to stop when you blow up on her, she'll just get better
and hence the roxanne was born and like the place to be in tj, plus you don't have to pay for shit, plus vip treatment a huevo
just being a spoiled rich bby once you get older i am crying them giving you everything they couldn't have at that age
having a guard with you 24/7 like you literally joke to mon that you might as well put one literally up your ass because they are everywhere
going out for a morning jog, not without the car trailing you. going shopping? barron's coming and OH OHOHO we will get to him later because picture this you were growing up while they were making money, you went to private schools and obviously learned english... and barron originally didn't speak much spanish and you being the line of communication... i digress
the junior's are a gang of your professional bitches essentially i live for it but kitty doesn't complain about going shopping with you because he lowkey lives for it (whispers so does mon)
throwing big ass house parties i just the glam life GUYS THE GLAM LIFE
did i mention protective older brothers? if a guy; boyfriend, guy your seeing, random ass guy even raises their voices at you they have three men breathing down their throats, mon has a gun pointed straight to their fucking head and dina is ready to chop this man's balls off and make him eat them
just guy drunk or high off his ass harrassing you and it's literally just mon coming up from behind him with this fucking sadistic grin on his face like "how about you apologize to my sister and i'll consider making out little talk outside quick"
but part of me is also here for you fucking mirroring ramon's sadistic smile and luring the guy in for a kiss and you fucking smash him with a bottle and throw his ass to the floor, heel on his throat like "i don't fuvking think you know who you're talking to" and RAMON IS IN THE CORNER LIKE WHAT THE FYCK FUCK YEAH AND DINA IS LIKE THAT'S MY GIRL AND BENJAMIN IS SILENTLY SMILING proud girl dad moment
"mon get this piece of shit out of my sight" and he's like "a tus ordenes, mi reina" like bow as he drags this poor poor soul away
and this is where i debate your roll in this org
because i can see benjamin wanting you straight ass out of it and dina at some level does too for plausible deniability you truly don't know shit so the government can't come after you
but part of dina and mon also want to groom you into the business; you've grown up around it, you know how it works, you're a fresh set of eyes and ideas and the police aren't on your ass
and panchita is like motherfucker aren't you like 5
idk why i feel the need to add this here but benjamin is 40 putting you in your mid 20s btw
anyways i also think this would make a sPICY backstory for a love interest
barron is an obvious one which could be suPER FUCKING FUN because you obviously spend a lot of time... a... lone... together
mayo is an option and they could see it as a way to connect mayo to the org
or or or dare i say the most forbidden of them all...
anyways more later ahahah tune in next time to my late night rambling
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Prompt: Requested, by the amazing @howdareyouhydra , Thank you for your request babes, I hope you’ll like it 😉
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Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, smut (implied), light cursing, Roman making us love him even more 🥰
Editor: @rheacanbreakme
Tag: @ziasaph , @marlananicole , @akiko-tanaka , @wickedsunfire , @sassymox , @nicolewoo , @saccreigns , @mindofasagittaruis , @reigns-5sos , @auawdo , @lustyromantic , @babydee17 , @yungbludjazz360
Notes: I just love this 💕 You can check out my previous stories on my Masterlist if you’d like (it would make me your girl here very happy 🤗). And now, let’s get to the fun part, shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy...
I don’t know about you, but - I. Fucking. Hate. Celebrating. My. Birthday! I’ve never liked, I think it’s dumb and pointless to celebrate being one year closer to your death. But Roman on the other hand, lives for it! He likes doing EVERYTHING: the planning, the shopping, the partying...there’s not one single thing in this process that he doesn’t enjoy.
So to me, it’s no surprise when he stepped out of the bathroom, fresh out of the shower, asking
“What do you want to do tomorrow, birthday girl?”
“The same thing I do every year, Ro. Absolutely nothing” I grinned
“C’mon, Y/N. Ever since we got together you never want to do anything on your birthday! Why is that?”
“What’s the point of celebrating the fact that I’m getting old, wrinkly, saggy and dusty?”
“Damn, baby” He said, laughing “Why so cynical?”
“What’s so interesting about it anyways?” I asked and looked at him “Unless of course, you’re going to dress up as a Samoan warrior and give me a lap dance?” I teased
Roman came closer to me, took the book I was reading out of my hand, and tossed it on his side of the bed
“Do you want a lap dance, baby girl? Because I can give you one” He wiggled his eyebrows, reaching for his towel
He looked so good with his hair wet from the shower, water dripping down his tanned skin with only that white and teasingly low towel around his hips.
“Don’t tease me like that” I swallowed hard
“I’m not teasing! If my girl wants a lap dance, she will get a lap dance” Roman leaned down until his lips were close enough that they could brush against mine with every word he said.
“If she allows me to throw her a birthday party, that is” He whispered
“You’re being mean! This is not fair” I protested
“Life isn’t fair, baby” He smirked and continued “So, will you let me plan a birthday party for you?”
“Will I get my lap dance?”
“Oh baby” He nibbled my bottom lip “You will have the Samoan warrior, the tribal chief...” He trailed off
*Fuck! Now I’m screwed! Roman knows how much I’m a bitch in heat for his tribal chief persona and now, he’s using that against me. The fucker* I thought
“T-The tribal chief too, Ro?” I shuddered
“Of course!” He chuckled lightly “You haven’t seen him in a while...I bet you miss him, don’t you, baby?” Roman teased and I nodded
“Can I start planning your birthday party then, Y/N?” He said with a shit-eating grin on his face, knowing he had won the moment he mentioned ‘the tribal chief’.
“Yes” I whispered, and Roman...stepped back
“Where are you going?” I asked, confused, when I saw him walking towards his MacBook.
“I have a birthday party to plan, baby” He winked
And I knew the asshole was going to leave me there, on the edge, until that stupid birthday party was over.
Roman organized everything beautifully: the decorations were impeccable, the food was absolutely delicious, and he invited all of our friends and family. Jey was singing karaoke (extremely off key), and I was talking to Naomi when Roman appeared by our side.
“Can I steal her for a moment?” He asked her
“Of course! She’s yours anyways. Just don’t be too loud, ok?” She winked, making me blush and Roman laugh
“I have a gift for you” He smiles excitedly
“Is it you in a Tarzan-style loincloth?” I joked
“No, I’m saving that for your next birthday” He smirked “C’mon” Roman said, offering me his hand
He led us to our bedroom and told me to sit down on the bed.
“I was debating what I should give you as a birthday gift. After a lot of thinking, I finally decided and I hope you’ll like it”
Roman handed me a blue velvet jewelry box. When I opened the box, I felt my heart stop as tears rolled down my face.
“Baby, I- how?” I asked in between sobs
“I know a guy, who knows a guy...” He smiled
With shaky hands, I held the necklace in my hand. It was a delicate gold chain with a small glass vial pendant. Inside the glass, there was a small piece of paper written ‘to my little ladybug’ with my grandfather’s handwriting. I recognized that paper, it was from my grandfather’s last letter to me before he passed away. The letter got damaged in a flood but, curiously enough, those four words managed to remain intact and untouched by the water. Roman knew how much my grandpa meant to me, and how upset the flood incident made me. He was the only father figure I’d ever known, so when I lost him I lost a part of me as well. At ten years old, a piece of my heart was buried with him in that graveyard. And even though he never met Roman, I know he would be happy with my choice for a husband.
“Do you like it?” Roman asked, softly
“I love it! It’s the best gift I could ever ask for!” I said, my tears drying up
“The chain and the top of the pendant are solid gold and the glass has triple reinforcement. I wanted to give you something that wouldn’t break and that you could wear 24/7” He explained
I stood up from the bed and hugged him tightly “Thank you so much, baby. It’s the most perfect gift!” I sweetly kissed his lips “You’re welcome, baby girl. The most perfect gift for the most perfect girl” He kissed my forehead softly and I asked “Would you put it on for me?”
“Of course, baby” He smiled
We were sharing one more hug when someone knocked on the door
“Y’all decent?” Naomi asked, opening the door with one of her hands covering her eyes
“Yes we are, you nasty” I giggled
She took her hand off her eyes, and saw us hugging “You two are the cutest! Are you ready for some cake, Y/N?”
“Yeah, let’s go” I smiled
Everyone had left, and I was sitting on one of the stools in the backyard, caressing the pendant Roman gave me, with my mind lost in a daydream, when suddenly he appeared next to me
“Are you ok, babe?” He asked
“Yes” I smiled fondly at him
“What are you thinking about?”
“Nothing...everything” I responded
“Wanna talk about it?”
“No, thank you. My heart is at ease”
“You sure?”
“Yes” I leaned against his shoulder
“”Good, because I have another gift for you” He said in a playful voice
I stared at Roman, amused, as he ran to our living room and returned with his WWE Title Belt tossed over his shoulder. His whole demeanor had changed, he became cold, presumptuous, smug, prideful and cocky.
“Oh, fuck” I whispered
Roman smirked and turned around, entering the living room once more
“Let’s go, Y/N. Don’t make your tribal chief wait!” He called
And I ran as fast as I could...
Please if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
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♡ starting prompt: based off a tweet i saw that said ‘we always kinda shipped them together. he kept scoffing that he didn’t like her and yet he always look at her first when someone made a joke to see if she was laughing too’.  
♡ pairing: walter hahn (WWE / NXT) x fem reader
♡ lyric inspiration: “come with me and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination. take a look and you’ll see into your imagination. i’ll be begin with a spin....”
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes
"who’s that?” Walter asked his blond friend. Marcel looked up to see you, headphones in and blaring music so loud that everyone was able to hear. “oh, that’s ( your name ). she’s Timothy’s-,” before he could finish the sentence, Timothy came up to you and gave you a quick hug, “that’s his manager. she also works in the front office,” he continued. 
Walter’s eyebrows went down in confusion. never in the time that they were together in RingKampf had he ever took interest in having a manager and from the looks of it, you were the exact opposite of Tim. from afar, you were bubbly, excitable, and cute. 
Tim was nothing of the sort. polar opposites one might say. 
you were sitting in your seat as Tim was eating lunch. dancing to whatever you were listening, Walter couldn’t help but laugh at your antics. he knew Tim like the back of his hand so the decision to make you his manager was either his doing or something that was out of his hand. 
“she’s....interesting,” he said under his breath, making Marcel look at him for a moment, “any particular reason why you’re so interested in her? she’s been his manager for a while now,” Marcel put in. Walter shook his head, deciding not to respond. 
you were Tim, watching as he scarfed down his dinner while you finished up a few papers that needed to get done for next weeks taping. you were supposed to be dressed and ready to go by six but because of Tim’s new storyline with the boys from Imperium, you had to figure out a few things before the match. 
Timothy was a bit hard headed at first, stating that he didn’t need a manager but after a while, he got used to having you around. you were almost like a pest that he cared about like a sister. 
“hey, your friends are over there! why don’t you say hi!” you exclaimed, seeing Walter, Fabian, and Marcel in a corner, speaking to each other, “no. we’re not supposed to be speaking with each other,” was all he said before continuing to eat. 
you huffed before scooting out of your chair, “well, I’m going to say hello. since we’re going to be working with each other, I guess it’s only right to get formalities out of the way,” you stated, making Tim’s eyes go wide in panic. 
he instantly tried to get you to come back but by the time he tried to reach for you to come back, you were already prancing over to them. 
“hi!” you exclaimed happily. Fabian, the friendliest of the bunch gave you a smile, “i’m ( your name )! Tim’s manager. it’s nice to meet all of you!” you introduced yourself, giving them your hand to shake. 
Fabian introduced himself, giving you a hug instead. Marcel on the other hand just took the handshake and murmured his name to you. Walter remained looking at you, not bothering to say anything outside of giving you a simple head nod. 
to the untrained eye, like yourself and others, Walter’s reaction was a given. he was never a man of many words yet to the boys and Tim, they could see that Walter was holding himself back. almost like he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words. 
you giving Walter a smile, one that would’ve made anyone fall for you but he just turned his head to another direction and started to speak to Marcel in German. you gave Fabian a confused look, wondering why he didn’t tell you much but you felt a hand clasp onto your shoulder a second after. 
“evening boys,” Tim’s voice spoke from behind you. you gave him another look, wondering why he went back on his word from earlier, “they’re looking for you in makeup and they’re pissed,” he whispered into your ear.
your eyes widened, realizing you were beyond late to get your makeup done. you gave them a quick goodbye, shoving your work into Tim’s hands and screaming at him to put it into your office before basically darting off to the makeup station. 
Tim, Fabian, Marcel, and now Alex who had shown up looked at Walter with suspecting eyes. no one said a word but Tim could sense Walter had taken an infatuation with you. 
a few weeks passed since your encounter with Walter and the rest of Imperium. since you were working 'against’ them now, outside of the ring, you got a bit close to Marcel and Alex. they would invite you to sit next to them when Tim wasn’t with you. 
you tried to get closer with Walter but he always closed you off. he would say absolutely nothing to you and when had too, it wasn’t anything besides a few words. at first you thought that maybe you just annoyed him to the point where he didn’t like you but eventually, Tim told you that he was just that way with anyone that didn’t know him. 
“good morning to my favorite Germans!” you said, running up to Marcel and Alex, engulfing them into a forced hug. they stood stiff, basically embracing the forced hug, “and Walter!” you added on, giving him a brief wave. 
“where’s your boyfriend?” Alex asked, looking around. you fluttered your eyebrows in confusion, “boyfriend? wanna tell me who that is?” you asked. Marcel gave you a hearty laugh, “Tim. he’s asking for Timothy,” he stated. 
you let out a laugh, louder than you intended as you sat down next to Walter and Alex, “Tim? my boyfriend? that’s like saying it’s gonna snow in Florida. never going to happen,” you joked, trying to calm down your giggles. “very defensive about it, aren’t ya?” Alex added on. 
“people love the idea that we’re secretly together but Timothy is like an annoying brother. I love him but I wanna kick his ass 90% of the time. the other 10 is caring that he doesn’t get killed by you guys.” 
before you could continue, you heard a producer call your name, telling you that you were needed to clear up a few things for Hunter. you told them goodbye and went over to the producer. 
“so she’s single, huh?” Alex said, tapping his chin. Marcel looked at him, “why do you care?” he asked. Alex shrugged, “now that we know maybe this idiot will ask her out,” he mentioned. 
Marcel let out a laugh as Walter stared at him annoyed, “yeah right. he actually has to make conversation first and he can’t even do that with her. I’ve been hearing a few people have been interested in asking her out. not that she knows or anything,” Marcel said quietly. 
he actually had no idea if anyone was interested in you or not. personally, he could have cared less but he knew his best friend better than anyone else. Walter liked you, he was just too much of a chicken shit to actually admit to it. 
“who?” Walter asked almost immediately. Marcel closed the circle in, “for starters, in the NXT roster is Jordan Devlin and Sami Zayn from Smackdown has been rumored to have gotten her number,” Marcel lied. Alex perked at the names, “and how did you find out?” he asked, a bit suspicious that he knew. 
Marcel shrugged, not bothering to say anything for a moment, “oh, just heard a few of the girls talking yesterday while I was working out,” Walter stared at the table, his mind racing with thoughts. he never knew others actually had taken an interest in you, not that it was wrong to do as such but he was taken back that it was more than one person. 
“what has you so quiet all of a sudden?” Walter shook his head, not responding as he got up, taking his jacket with him and leaving the table. “I wonder what his problem is,” Alex murmured. Marcel laughed, “he’s finally going to grow a pair and ask her out,” Marcel stated. 
you were working in your office, sorting through a few different files you needed for a storyline in the women’s division. it was already late into the night as you filed the sheets away and started to get your things ready to leave.
“of course this week had to be my busiest week, now I have to call an Uber home,” you groaned. you had put your car in the shop because of a few issues it had and it wasn’t expected to get finished until at least Monday, “god damn it Tim, you just had to leave,” you huffed. 
just as you pulled your phone out, you saw Walter walking out of the locker room, “hey Walter! what are you doing here so late?” you asked, trying not to make it awkward, “I stayed working out late,” he said. 
you nodded, “ah, don’t overwork yourself now,” you mentioned, “but give me a second? I need to call an Uber home. my car is stuck at the mechanics until Monday and Tim already left,” Walter’s eyes widened, realizing this was his chance. 
“I have a car, I can take you home?” he asked, trying not to come off as intimidating. you perked up in relief, “really? that would be so amazing!” you said happily. he grabbed his keys and jiggled them, “my cars on the other side of the building,” he said.
you followed behind, trying to make conversation and interestingly enough, he was actually responding to you like a normal person would. not those snippets of conversations he would say around the others. 
the entire ride home, you were trying to crack jokes, seemingly trying to make him laugh which ended in you making an idiot out of yourself and making him laugh that way instead. Walter had never realized he actually liked you as much as the others would joke he did but now that it was just the two of you, he could sense the feelings were there. 
the ride to your house was a bit on the shorter side. you lived in a small two bedroom house, closer to Full-Sail than he thought. just as he put the car into park to let you get out, you turned around and gave him a smile, making Walter glad that it dark outside and you weren’t able to see his sudden red face. 
“I know this is weird but would you like to come in? I have food I made for myself this morning after I came from work and I’m sure there’s enough for you.” 
Walter sighed in relief. 
“I would love too.” 
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I’m going through the Wayback Machine and bringing over some fics that I wrote when I was imaginingwwesuperstars!! Well, at least what they have archived…and has been edited since the original post. Down to the last of them! I hope you enjoy!
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Today was a long day.
Finn had just finished his first day of physical therapy, after having surgery two days ago. While he was busy almost all day in physical therapy, you decided to do some shopping. You made sure there would be enough food and water to get you through the night as you two had an early flight back to Orlando tomorrow. Finn was expected to check in at the Performance Center and continue his PT there.
The moment you walked through the door, you fluffed and propped up some pillows to keep him relaxed while his shoulder would be getting iced. Once he laid down, you gave him his stress ball and turned to take off his shoes for him.
“What did I do to deserve you?” Finn asked as you untied his shoes.
You looked over at him and smiled before removing his shoes from his feet. He watched as you placed them on the floor and turned to him. You saw a lone tear fall from his eye and you gently wiped it away with your thumb.
“It’s pretty easy to explain when you have such low standards.” You joked, causing Finn to smile a bit as you gently ran your fingers through his hair. “Let me go get you some ice, okay? Then you can tell me about your day before your camera shadow gets here.”
Finn nodded, his eyes closing as you leaned forward and kissed his forehead. You quickly left the room and made your way down the hallway to the ice machine. You left a text to your and Finn’s best friend, Kevin Owens, checking in with him and letting him know how Finn was doing. You knew how much it meant to Kevin to get updates on Finn. You put your phone back in your pocket and filled up your ice bucket before making your way back to your room.
“They just called. They’ll be here in 30 minutes.” Finn told you.
You nodded and grabbed a clear bag and filled it with ice. You tied it closed and sat next to Finn on the bed, resting the bag on his shoulder before kissing his cheek. You rested an elbow in the corner of his pile of pillows to keep eye level with him, using your hand as a resting place for your head. With your free hand, you began to smooth back his hair repeatedly as a means of comfort.
“Kev wanted me to tell you that he says hi and he misses you. He wanted me to let you know he sent you a picture of him drinking some milk out of a glass with you on it.” You told him, offering him a small smile. Finn smiled back but it faded pretty quickly. “So tell me about your day. You said you wanted to wait until we got here to talk about it.”
“My doctor was telling me exactly how bad this was.” Finn started, his eyes finding yours. “It was bad, Y/N. I know he told you after the surgery but I didn’t realize it…my dream of getting back in 4 months is completely crushed.” His eyes began to water. “Today, working on moving my shoulder, it was agony. It still hurts a little, but it was rough….I don’t know how to get through the next six months of this, Y/N. I really don’t know. I mean, I heard that the first month is the hardest and it gets better, but right now…it doesn’t feel that way.”
Now you understood why he wanted to wait to talk to you, especially now that you see the tears in his eyes. Finn never cried much but when he did, it was because he was completely crushed…he sounded so defeated right now.
“Finn, there’s no beating around the bush so I’m gonna say it. I know you’re gonna feel this way for a while and it’s okay. You’re gonna get mad at me for smothering you or something and you’re gonna be angry with yourself because you’re gonna think that you should’ve done something different. You’re gonna feel good some days and you’re gonna feel the opposite on other days. It’s all part of the journey.”
Finn soaked in your words as you continued to brush your fingers through his hair.
“It’s not gonna be an easy road but it’s gonna be worth it because nothing good in life is ever easy. You’re not the most patient man but you’ll have to learn to be more towards yourself.” You continued. “At this point, you have no choice but maybe you need to be reminded of it. And I will be here to help you along the way because I love you. When this is over, you’re gonna look back on this first day and feel some sense of pride in how far you came. You’re gonna be happy that you overcame an obstacle in your path.  It’s gonna be alright, Finn. I promise.”
With his good side, Finn cupped the side of your face and leaned in to kiss you. He deepened the kiss almost immediately, his fingers brushing your hair to the side.
“Can you distract me for a bit? Just help me forget for a little while?” Finn asked you, keeping his forehead against yours as you broke apart.
You nodded and kissed him once more. You broke away from him and straddled him, lifting your shirt over your head. Finn’s left hand gently glided the slide of your waist and jean clad leg as he watched you unclasp your bra. You noticed his breath catching as you let the straps slide down your shoulders, your bra falling down. You tossed it aside as you leaned forward, joining your lips once more as his fingers ran up and down your back. The fingers on Finn’s right hand gently played with your left nipple as your breast hovered above it.
You moaned into Finn’s mouth and ground against his hardening erection at the sensation. You separated your lips and gently kissed down his chin and trailed to his neck. His fingers threaded themselves into your hair when you lightly suckled and kissed his spot, earning a light moan from him. You trailed down and lifted up his shirt a bit so that your lips could touch his skin. You glanced up at him as you continued your way down, watching him as he closed his eyes and panted in anticipation. You unbuttoned his pants and lowered them down along with his briefs, his erection resting proud against him. You looked up and smiled at him when his eyes opened, watching, waiting for your next move.
You slowly began to lick from base to tip, your eyes remaining on Finn’s face as he groaned, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment as he relished the feeling of your tongue against his cock. You swirl your tongue around the tip of him, his eyes snapping open as he moaned, loving the sight of what you were doing. His fingers gathered up your hair the best he could to hold it back as you slowly began to take him into your mouth.
“Fuck…” Finn whispered as he felt himself hit the back of your throat.
You started off slowly at first before taking your time to increase your speed. Finn’s moans and pants increased every time you sped up, his grip on your hair getting tighter and tighter.
“Y/N? Y/N, baby, I need you.” Finn panted. “I need to be inside you.”
You released Finn’s cock with a very audible pop, offering him a small smile when you did it. You stood to the side of the bed to remove your jeans and panties before straddling him once more. Finn’s hand rested on your waist as you positioned his cock at your entrance, slowly sinking down onto him. You both released a groan of relief as he filled you. You slowly started rocking your hips against him while Finn’s left hand busied itself with your right breast.
Your glance fell on the clock on the nightstand next to the bed…you then realized that you had 10 more minutes before the WWE camera crew got here. Not a whole lot of time anymore. You leaned back, resting your hands on his thighs and began to ride him. Finn’s hand lowered to your thigh, squeezing it as he watched his cock disappearing inside of you before reappearing once more. God, it was one of the most erotic sights he’s ever witnessed.
You moaned as you felt your orgasm building and building. But you wanted to hold on for Finn. You wanted him to go first…you needed for him to go first.
“Oh…ah, fuck, Finn.”  You moaned, your right hand moving to play with your nipple.
“Yeah, baby.” Finn growled before his thumb went to play with your clit. “Cum for me, love. I need it.”
Your moans turned into cries as you came all over his cock, not slowing down as you rode it out, hoping to pull his orgasm from him.
“Fuck, fuck…” Finn groaned as he felt you tighten around him. “Fuck, Y/N, let me cum in your mouth. Please.” He begged, concentrating so hard not to let go just yet.
You quickly moved off him and wrapped your lips around him. After one suck, he was gone. He moaned loudly as he emptied himself into your mouth, his body shaking and quivering as you gently sucked him to take everything he was giving you.
Finn laid there, panting for a moment before he looked down at you as you licked the head of his cock. Your eyes met his as you placed a gentle kiss to the tip, causing him to smile.
“Come here.” Finn said, still smiling.
You did as he asked, placing kisses on his body as you made your way back up. He cupped your face once more before kissing you.
“I love you, Y/N. I don’t know what’d I do without you.” He continued, his forehead resting against yours.
“I love you too...and let’s hope we never have to find out.” You told him.
“Let’s hope not.”
You gave him another quick peck before pulling away, dressing him back up. You dressed yourself after and heard a knock on the door as soon as you had put your shirt back on.
“Do I have great timing or what?” You asked Finn, slightly bragging as you quickly went over to the mirror to check your hair.
Finn smiled as he watched you answer the door. He’s always felt so lucky to have you in his life, but in this moment…he’s never felt luckier. He knows everything will get better because he has you…and he started seeing this as a blessing in disguise. The recovery time off just meant he got to stay home with you for a while. And there was nothing bad about that at all.
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
My Cousin is CRAZY! (Ben10 alien force)
My cousin is crazy
It was Saturday morning in Bellwood and 15 year old Ben Tennyson was slowly waking up to the smell of bacon and eggs. It was strange because his parents were on a vegan kick at the moment but he decided to roll with it and opened his eyes as he went to sit up. And then groaned out loud as he took in stock of his attire and what he was sleeping in. Not for the first time since Gwen had started working out hardcore last year the girlish Ben had found his cousin perv'ing on him and deciding he should be her sissy baby wife. Despite making his lack of interest in such plans clear MORE then once, It hadn't of stopped Gwen from snagging him up at random times and dressing him up. Case and point, he was currently in what he estimated as 5 princess reaz's diapers (he'd sadly become familiar with the different brands because of Gwen) and a dark pink top with lighter pink puffed out shoulders and a semi skirt that didn't even cover half of the diapers. The top also had a red heart on the front with white writing in cursive declaring 'i wove my mommy' going along with the top and diapers his hands were in locking mittens meaning any attempt to use the omnitrix was doomed to fail and his feet covered in booties with slick bottoms so Ben would end up having to crawl unless he wanted to fall on his ass every 12 steps. 'At least she didn't put the paci in my mouth this time.' Ben thought with a sulky though a pat on his head told him she had put the silly over sized bow in his hair again, the damn thing pink with white poka dots. As for what he was in, again this wasn't a shock to him as it wasn't the first time but he was still less then pleased to have gone to sleep in his own bed in a pair of boxers and wake up in the hot pink crib Gwen had built just for him during her wood shop class. And of course since she wasn't shy of telling people who it was for Ben had been forced to endure even more teasing at school though ironically just verbal, no bullies had darned to lay a finger on him and have to deal with Gwen's almost super human power and bulk. The last bully who had tried had been found hanging from a flag pole by a pair of Barbie pants. Struggling to get to his feet on the purple sheet covered queen sized mattress and ignoring the fuzzy white and pink blanket and pillows in the crib with him (not to mention a dolly or too) Ben took in a deep breath and then hollered at the opened door frame of Gwen's room. "GWEN YOU SICK BITCH! YOU'VE BEEN TOLD TO STOP KIDNAPPING ME AND DRESSING ME IN DRAG AND HUGGIES! COME IN HERE AND LET ME OUT OF THIS OUTFIT BEFORE I GET YOU IN SHIT WITH YOURS AND MINE PARENTS AND GRANDPA MAX TOO!" It was the only threat that normally worked as while they're parents thought it was mostly cute, they all agreed that Gwen kidnapping Ben crossed a line. other then that though it was fair game if he was out of the house. Grandpa Max was nicer about it in Ben's view as he made the rust bucket a official safe zone that even Gwen respected and so Ben found himself hanging out less with Gwen and Kevin and more with Gramps. Kevin for his part was all too happy to stay out of it, treating the whole thing as a bullet dodged when him and Gwen had never hit it off and a better Ben then him. Ben didn't have to wait long as he swore he could almost feel the food steps of Gwen as she made her way towards the room.
Between the insane amount of weights she worked and the reps she put into and a unexpected growth spurt Gwen looked like she could of been a WWE at her 6'10 height and 320 pounds of mostly muscle. She kept her Orange hair short and was wearing a pair of grey jogging pants and white under shirt that showed off her girl abs. "Awww is my darling widdle wife to be awake?" She coo'ed, cupping her hands together and flashing Ben a big smile. "Gwen, for the LAST time, I'm not going to marry you. I'm not going to be your sissy baby, now PLEASE let me go. I'm not joking, I'll call Grandpa Max over and get you in SO much trouble." Ben huffed, trying to look intimidating but his outfit made that all but impossible. "Awww such a silly widdle gurl! Did widdle Benny forget that this is our parents couples retreat weekend? And gramp's is off on Plumber work! That means I got widdle Benny to myself allll weekend." Gwen gushed and came over, lifting him out of the crib with ease and holding him up so she could give his padded rump a sniff. "Ah crap baskets..That was THIS weekend?" Ben whined, not even bothering to point out he would of said something if he had used the diapers. He'd tried to make plans to hang out with cooper for that weekend but had clearly gotten his dates wrong and was capital S screwed for the next 48 hours. "Hmm Doesn't smell like Benny has made me a present yet..but I know you will soon enough. you just love to make presents for your hubby don't you?" Gwen coo'ed and moved him down enough she could give him a Eskimo kiss. "Oh yeah. highlight of my weekend, fudging a diaper." Ben said sarcastically. "Now now, I know you're just grumpy because you didn't get to play with me last night, but I had to take care of a few things. But we have allll weekend sweetie. And if you promise to be a good little gurl for me I'll be nice and spoil you with all the junk food you want. After all you need to put on some baby fat." Gwen chuckled and kissed his cheek. Ben groaned, Gwen was always trying to chub him up, but given the fact he'd been subjected to the 'wonder's' of a baby food and formula weekend before, and the fact he was trapped regardless he just hung his head. "Fine, I'll play along. but for the record, you need help." Ben huffed. "Oh please, I can handle my widdle wife for a weekend!" Gwen chuckled and carried Ben off towards the kitchen.
Strapped into a wooden but painted light pink high chair, Ben played along with his crazy cousin and held up his arms so she could remove his top and replace it with a hello kitty bib. "Now Benny, if I remove your mitten's and let you feed yourself, you're not gonna do something stupid and try and use your silly little watch now are you?" Gwen asked. Considering between her bulk and her magic Gwen out classed most of Ben's aliens anyways and she always made sure he was sorry for trying to go alien on her after he timed out, Ben decided that having the freedom to feed himself was worth playing along. "Yeah I'll be good.." Ben said and held up his hands. She studied his face for a second, as if deciding whether or not to trust him then smiled. "I believe you. I really hope we can have a nice weekend together and I don't end up having to spank you. it hurts me then it does you when I have to." Gwen said then moved to free up Ben's hands. 'Bullshit on that one!' Ben thought but wisely kept his thoughts to himself and just flexed his fingers, and looked at the watch. "I'm not going alien, I'm just checking to make sure no alien got primed to go while the mitten on so I don't accidentally go alien and get my cheeks tanned." He said, and then after getting a smirk and a nod from Gwen checked the watch. Thankfully nothing was primed and he made sure to show the psycho and then wiggled in the high chair as he waited on her to plate up some num nums for him. Everything else aside, Gwen really was a excellent cook and she didn't hold back as she put the piled high plate of scrambled eggs and Bacon and some pancakes down in front of Ben and handed him a baby fork and knife. She had also poured on the maple syrup and set down a one liter baby bottle full of chocolate milk for him and kissed his cheek. "Eat up little lady.Oh, did you want me to put a show or something on for you while you eat up? I think Sumo slammers is having a marathon on channel 6 today." Gwen asked, nodding to the Kitchen TV her mom had had put in back during the 90's. "..That would be agreeable yes." Ben said, trying not to break out into a silly grin before he started to dig into the food, watching as Gwen was proven right. 'you know.. the huggies and drag aside, I could get used to being spoiled like this.' Ben thought.
Gwen smirked as she watched Ben chow down and kick his legs ideally in the high chair. while she would of preferred he watch something a little less violent she had changed up her usual plan for weekend sessions with her soon to be sissy bride. Trying to enforce the baby food and sissy programs only made him fight it more so she was gonna meet him halfway and try to ease him more into baby gurlhood. One added bonus though she noticed with a big grin while she had her normal bowl of high protein gruel was that Ben was even more of a messy eater then normal as he watched his show, getting syrup all over his face and bib and eggs and bits of bacon were all over the place. 'He's such a big baby! I love it!' She mentally squealed. It only got better as halfway though his plate, he reached for his his ba-ba and held it with BOTH hands like a good baby gurl and she was fighting the urge to squeal out loud. Anytime she tended to praise him for his babyish behavior he always tried to cut it out. Finishing her gruel she washed it down with a protein drink and noted that Ben was squirming around lots in his high chair, with most of his food gone and the little sissy had packed away HALF of his milk already. "Doing alright over there baby gurl?" She asked. Ben seemed to snap out of his show induced trance and blushed. "I uh..I gonna potty..and I think I got a gas bubble stuck." He said, poking two fingers together. '..Is he asking me to burp him?' Gwen wondered but was ALL grin's "Well that's no good! here, let me help you out. whats a little gas between husband and wife?" She said. Coming over she grabbed a dish towel and a wet dish rag, putting the towel over one shoulder and then moved Ben's num num's and ba-ba over onto the kitchen table and removed his bib. washing the big baby's face and chest down she removed the tray and lifted him up, swooning as his legs wrapped around her and he helped her get his head over the towel. Rubbing his back she gave it all of three firm but gentle pats before Ben let out a massive belch over her shoulder and spit up a little bit of milk. "Uh...T-Thanks Gwen." A sheepish Ben half coo'ed and then switched shoulders and nuzzled into her. "Do you want me to set you down so you can go and hide while you make potty?" She offered, clearly trying to meet him half way was working wonders. "I..I Uh..no." Ben Mewed into her shoulder, which of course muffled his voice but she got the jest of it. "You wanna use your diapers while your bride to be holds you tight and praises you for being a good girl?" Gwen asked, grinning ear to ear and holding Ben close and rubbing his lower back. "I..I dunno..Maybe..I mean..If I can't use the potty..I guess it's.." Ben Mumbled into her shoulder, She could tell he'd of rather used the bathroom, which was a touch disappointing to her but still, with him willing to go in his pampers while she held him being his second choice that meant she was making headwind. "Do you wanna keep your face in my big strong shoulder or be turned around facing away from my?" She asked, then leaned down and kissed his neck, knowing from Julie (who had dumped Ben mostly because she shipped the pair) just how much he loved having his neck kissed and nibbled on. Case and point Ben didn't even really reply, just snuggled into her harder. Taking that as a answer Gwen made her way over to a kitchen chair and took a seat, Ben's legs on either side of her lap and his arms hugging her, while one of her strong hands rubbed and patted his pampered bottom. Her other hand was rubbing and pressing on certain spots on Ben's back and it didn't take loud before her efforts were rewarded as a muffled poot came out his backside, then anther and anther and she could feel him starting to push and grunt. "That's it baby gurl, let it all out. make me a nice big present." Gwen coo'ed sweetly in his ear and follow up with giving him a gentle start of a hickey on his neck as he began to fill his pretty pink diapers. "G-Gwen! Dun! N-Not while I'm pooping!" Ben meekly whimpered, though he tilted his head in such a fashion that he was offering her a even better shot at his neck. "Heh, Somebodies gonna be a tsundere diaper sissy for me huh? That's ok. I think it's adorable." Gwen chuckled, feeling the lumps of Ben's 'present' to her fill up the back of his diapers and mentally giving thanks to whatever mage had made the spell that allowed her to only smell strawberries in cream as Ben loaded his huggies. 'Maybe if he's a good gurl at our wedding, on our honeymoon I'll cast it on him too.' Gwen thought. Food for thought later, She had a good little gurl dumping his guts in his pampers for her and whimpering for his reward and as such, she leaned down and started to gently nibble and suck away on Ben's neck, smirking as the little sissy let out a soft "I love you.." as she did so.
The end
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dc-ships-nstuff · 4 years
Hi can I pls get a ship? I’m Lebanese, I got olive skin, dark brown eyes & curly hair I’m 5’7 with an hourglass (big bobs & 🍑), I’ve got an attitude problem like I just can’t with ppl anymore, love animals, reading (Dracula is my fav) I’m a gamer, I’m also a singer, 10/10 will fight a hoe, love WWE, I’m pretty introverted & keep a small group of friends (✨trust issues✨) & id die for all of them, I look rude and tough but I’m actually a huge joke around, will die for people/animal rights 😊😊
hi babe. honestly i debated between two people for you, because both would be awesome fits, but in the end, i chose jason todd over roy harper.
so here we go, jason todd:
-the two of you are tight. like tight. when you’re together, nothing else matters except for the two of you. and you’ve got your small group of friends and he’s got his, but at the end of the day, it’s the two of you against the rest of the world, and neither of you would have it any other way.
-the two of you are loyal to a fault. he coached you on how to use a couple of his weapons (oh yeah, i’m talking the whole teaching you how to use a gun by sliding up behind you and okay i’ll stop now.) but i’m serious. you’re fierce with your love, and you’d do anything to keep him safe, and vice versa
-there’s a wall in your bedroom that’s just a floor to ceiling bookshelf, filled to the brim with novels, old and new. there’s not really an immediate order to it, but when you look closer, you see that it’s arranged by what books the two of you like the best. and you’ve got varied tastes too. jason’s usually fond of the classics, but you’ve gotten him to pick up a contemporary novel or two. now you’ve got a well-worn copy of catcher in the rye sitting next to the song of achilles. when the two of you are in a tired but playful mood, you’ll pick out a fun sci-fi novel (hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is a favourite of jason’s, but he won’t admit it, so you make him read it “for you” as much as you can). slaughterhouse five makes the two of you emotional. pride and prejudice has a permanent spot on jason’s bedside table as his personal all-time favourite
-you love gaming, but jason honestly doesn’t know the first thing about it, so you sit through rainbow road on mario kart and laugh helplessly as you wonder how someone with such brilliance in the combat field and affinity for weapons can fumble a controller so badly. but you refuse to give him a pity win, no matter how much jason begged for one after he got over his pride. he’s gotta work for it if he wants to win. (who’s he kidding. you’re never going to let him win on any game)
-the two of you are both multilingual, you bc of your heritage and jason bc living on the streets and in the manor, he was surrounded by a conglomeration of languages and managed to pick up more than a few things. this sometimes comes in handy bc language kinks are definitely a thing. but the real reason you love being able to talk to him in another language is so you can complain about people behind their backs. i’m talking straight up insults at the sexist jerkwad in line at the coffee shop, the two of you just tearing him apart, but no one else knowing it. when you want to make a pointed comment, barbed insult, or just a stupid joke, you say it in another language, and jason always lets out a snort, if not fully bending over in laughter
-the two of you volunteer at the animal shelter, you with excitement, him with happiness at just seeing you happy. he’s not the biggest fan of animals, but over time, through your coaxing and stubbornness, he grows fond of a couple of them. (one week, the two of you show up on saturday instead of wednesday like normal, and find damian there. awkward, stilted words turn into flowing conversation under the supervision of a pack of floofy dogs, some cats, and a gerbil. to this day, jason loves you for giving him the beginning of a relationship with damian)
-the two of you stood up and said leather jacket rights
-in the morning, you’ll wake up before him and start making breakfast, singing along to the music on the radio. he’ll wake up a little later and just lean against the doorway to the kitchen, watching you with a love-struck expression as you sing so beautifully, and shake your hips as you dance around the little room, a spatula in your hand that you use as a microphone, because man he can’t believe he got this lucky. 
-jason teaches you how to fight. you’re pretty fit, but he pushes you and pushes you, working on strength increasing exercises and proper fighting techniques day after day without fail. it’s exhausting, but over time it becomes less so, until you beat him in a sparring match one day and realize huh, would you look at that, i’m a badass. and nothing can beat the feeling fluttering in your chest as jason looks up at you from the mat with pure pride written on his face
in conclusion, the two of you are wrapped up in each other. he’s in almost every part of your life, just as you are in his. he’s a little possessive, but so are you. and neither of you attempt to hide how utterly in love you are. 
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imagine-docx · 5 years
bras and bets
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Summary: You own this small lingerie shop in Davenport. One day near closing this man comes in, shopping around. Little did you know, he was shopping because he lost a bet between him and his best friends. 
Warnings: None pals.
A/N: Alright, so this is my first time dabbling into WWE writing. Also, I’m using my knowledge as a lingerie sales associate to write this. I hope you guys enjoy this! - Amanda
Owning a lingerie shop was the best thing you’ve done. You were able to be surrounded by things you love and were able to make money off of it. After rushes, you were typically left to clean it up before another tidal wave of customers.
Fridays were semi busy. People came in prior to closing just to get a nice set before their lucky night out or because they are heading out of town that weekend and forgot to get some bra and panties. The racks near the fitting rooms were trashed. You had two racks worth of bras and panties that were to be rehung, as well as two baskets of mix matched bras and panties that belonged in the boxes.
Typically near closing no one came in, leaving you the chance to try and clean as much as you can before leaving for the night and coming in to deal with it the next morning. You were humming along to the music that coursed through the speakers. 
You were organizing the rack based off of what goes to each spot of the store. The bell rang, signalling someone walked into the store, “Hi! Welcome to Avec Amour. Let me know if you need any help.”
He let out a soft, “Alright,” before going and looking around the store. 
His eyes glanced over the displays and his fingers occasionally ran across some of the lace. His eyes were fixated on a mesh bralette with red roses covering the nipples. “This one looks great on make different body types and skin tones! There’s a set to this one. Let me know the sizes and I can definitely grab them for you.”
He turned around, “Oh about that…” He trailed off.
“It’s for me,” he said shyly.
“That’s not an issue,” you said offering him a reassuring smile. 
“Not like that,” he rushed out, “I lost this football bet to two of my friends, and now I have to wear a bra for them.”
You chuckled, “That’s not a problem,” you flipped the sign on the door from open to closed. “Just head to the back near the fitting rooms and I can definitely do the fitting for you.”
“You don’t have to do all of this,” he said, “I can come back tomorrow, you’re closed for today.”
“No don’t worry about it sweetheart,” you said grabbing the navy blue measuring tape off of the desk.
“Isn’t the owner going to be mad that you closed early?” He asked, taking off his denim jacket and placing it in one of the empty rooms. 
“Nope, I’m the owner, so I don’t mind,” you said offering him a smile. 
“I never got your name, I’m Seth,” he said reaching out to shake your hand. You shook it and told him your name.
“Shirt on or off?” He asked.
“On for now. Once we get trying, definitely off,” you responded wrapping the tape around your fingers.
“How do you want me to stand?” He said, standing up straighter than he usually did.
“Just your normal posture is fine.” You said pushing a piece of hair behind your ear.
“How do you want my arms?” 
“To your side please.” 
He let out a big exhale, “Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing. Stand in your normal posture and it would be done in a blink.” He nodded and you gave him a reassuring smile. 
You took the measuring tape and reached around him, once under his bust, and a second time over his bust, taking mental note of the two measurements. “That’s it,” you concluded.
“That’s it?” He asked.
“Yeah, you’re a 45DDD,” you said wrapping the tape around the back of your neck. “So many brands don’t make a size 45, they make them in a 44 or a 46. If you want it tighter, go to a size 44 and if you want a loose fit go to a size 46.”
He nodded along, pretending he knew what was happening. “So is that it?”
“Not yet, there are still many styles you we have to look into.” You grabbed a black pen and lavender sticky note. “Wirefree or do you want wire?” 
You grabbed two different bras that had to be put back. You showed him the difference, “This one has a wire underneath, this one doesn’t.”
He looked shocked, “You guys wear wires underneath your clothes?”
“Depends on the person. Either they wear it or despise it.” You said, putting them back on the rack.
“I don’t know about the wire,” he said, pushing up his black glasses.
“Alright, I’ll put that as a both until you try it on.” You took note of it on the tiny paper. “Push up or no push up?” 
“Not at the moment, but if I see something I like I wouldn’t mind,” he said.
“I need the support, so straps.” he joked.
You let out a laugh before taking him around the store and showing him the different options and sizes that would fit him. 
Eventually the two of you made it back to the dressing rooms, with handfuls of bras that were of different colours, styles and sizes. You rolled out a third rack and put his options on them. “So I’m assuming you don’t know how to put on of these on.”
“I don’t know how to put them on, but I sure do know how to take them off,” he said wiggling his eyebrows, which resulted in a laugh from you.
“Alright comedian, this is the time you’ve been waiting for, strip.” You said chuckling.
He pulled the black shirt from his body and the matching black beanie from his head, “You know I do crossfit?”
“You know, everyone who I’ve ever talked to, they always say that they do cross fit,” you said, fixing the straps to fit Seth’s shoulders.
“Yeah, it makes you seem cooler,” Seth said. You chuckled and buckled the back. “Ow, this underwire hurts.”
“Beauty is pain,” you said, before helping him out of it.
You helped Seth through all of his choices. Eventually he settled on a red pushup bra and a military green lace bra with no padding.
“Sorry to keep you an hour after your shift ended,” he said fishing his wallet out of his pocket. 
“It’s not a problem, if I can help you, that makes my day a thousand times better,” you said offering him a smile. “Alright so it’s $163.85”
“Jesus, who knew two bras would be this expensive.” He said, “Credit,” he said before inserting his card into the machine.
“Anyone who wears a bra,” you said, giggling. You wrapped up his two bras and placed it in a white bag with navy blue wrapping paper sticking out. 
“Thank you so much for helping me,” he responding putting his credit card back in his wallet which then went back into the jeans of his pants. 
“That’s not a problem,” you said walking him to the door, “See you around?” 
“Of course,” he responded before exiting your store. You flipped the lock and walked to the back.
You let a smile sit on your face while you were grabbing your stuff and getting ready to go home. 
- - -
Roman, Dean and Seth had the habit of walking around the street after getting coffee on Sundays. The three of them passed by before stopping, “So did you ever ask her out?” Roman asked. 
“Nope, I panicked.” Seth said, taking a sip from his cup of coffee. 
“So you went in and bolted out? I would pay to see that,” Dean said, laughing and earning a chuckle from Roman.
“Nope, I got her to help me for an hour because I was buying bras,” Seth said.
“You bought bras instead of asking her out?” Roman laughed.
“Yeah, almost $170 dollars worth of bras,” Seth said. 
“How did you buy $170 dollars worth of bras? Jesus Christ.” Dean said, shocked. 
“Told her that I lost a bet to you guys, and needed to wear a bra.” Seth responded nonchalantly before  he looked into the shop. Upon looking in, he saw you and your coworker Maya laughing and putting away bras and panties.
At that exact moment, you looked out of the window and saw him. You let out a million dollar smile and waved at him. Seth waved back and you went back to work.
“So you ever going to ask her out?” Dean asked.
“Maybe if I don’t wuss out and buy another set of bras.” Seth said before the three of them started their walk again. 
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darktammy · 5 years
Coffee Shop (Part 7 Final Chapter)
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if you wanna be tag in this story let me (Enjoy the last chapter)
Tag @sexymoxx @balorbarnes @instantbouquetdestinysblog @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @sausagefest1996 @xprincessofthefallenangels @myadm1234 @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @ambrosesnerd @ambrollinsbabe @queenofthekingslayer @queenofthearchitect @ambrosiac1993 @musicallyinclinedthings @softambrollins @sithlita @thatwrestlingfan91 @thelonelunatic @livlyf247 @wwesarahjaneroszko @thejulietfarciertlove @thepalaceofmelanie @queenbutterfly2018
You was laying the hospital bed with this little strap around your waist, the Doctor was keeping a close eye on your twins. All while Seth was sitting right next to you getting worried. “Hey babe I’m so scared.” Seth look at you with small smile, “I’m just as scared as you are baby, I just hope my kids are alright.” You both smile as you felt your labor pain kick in. You start to cry out in pain as Seth held your hand. The doctor walk right in as he look at the paper that was reading both of your twins heart beating. “I’m so sorry but we have to do this now, nurse get her into the next room.” Seth lookup as he start to panic, “Doc what’s wrong? Is everything alright?” The nurse came in as they move you into the next room. “Mr. Rollins we have to do emergency c-section on your fiance please stay calm as we take you into the next room.” The doctor spoke to Seth as they both exit the room.
You was in the operating room with Seth, both of you was starting to get worried about your twins. “Oh god Seth what’s gonna happened to them?” He look down at you, “Your gonna be fine everything is going to be fine.” You nodded your head as you laid there wandering what was happening on the other side since they put a blue tant up. “The doctor said one of babies heart was starting to slow down babe.” Seth told you, “But try not to worry too much ok babe?” You nodded your head as you try to keep calm from the shocking news. “I’m right here Y/n.” Seth told you as he held your hand.
A few minutes past as you and Seth waited for the doctor to give you the good news then you both start to cry out with joy as you both heard your first baby’s cry. Seth smiles as he gave you kiss on your forehead. “Your son Mr. and Mrs. Rollins.” The both of you look up to see him crying in the doctor's hands. Seth gave him a kiss then you did as the nurse took him to get clean up. Then you guys heard the second cry as you both knew it was your daughter. Seth couldn’t wait to hold them both in his arms.
After an hour past the doctor stitch your belly as you laid in bed with smile on your face. You had your son Colby in your arms while Seth was holding his daughter Rose. Why that name for his daughter you don’t know, but you didn’t care. “I can’t believe it there here.” You look up at Seth with a smile. Seth walk over to you with a smile on his face, “I know I can’t believe it they look just like me.” You look up at him as you smiled drop, “and I carried them for almost nine months sweetheart.” Seth laugh as he gave you a kiss.
You guys made it back home with your twins as Renee, Dean, Roman, Galina a few others were all very happy to see you both coming home. Seth place his daughter who was in the car sit down on the island along with her brother. You both had a smiles on your face as everyone walk up to your twins. “Look at them so cute look at my god babies.” Renee said as she pick up Rose, “Look at them so cute.” Galina pick up Colby, as she look at Roman. Holly smiled as she walk up to you, “Aww thank you for having my grand babies look at them, they look just like my son.” You smiled as you look up Seth, “Yeah they do even tho I carried them.” Seth laugh as he gave you a kiss on your forehead.
The night came fast as everyone start to head home while you and Seth laid together in bed holding each other. “Hey Seth I always want to know what happened that night when you left the locker room?” Seth look down at you with a smile then he kiss you again, “You’ll see soon babe ok?” You nodded as you smiled. “So Mr. Rollins I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a bit corny if you know what I’m talking about.” He laugh, “You mean horny?” You sigh as you look down. “Can you let me have it least one joke in?” “Nope that was bad babe.” He did his little evil cackle laugh at made you so mad. Seth kiss you as you both made love that night.
The next day you was in the Coffee shop while Holly was watch the twins at her home. You made sure everything was in order as you remember it your first day there. You heard about the WWE want to come over to the shop just for an interview with Seth about his dream come true. You laugh at it but agreed as long as the kids stay out of it. That day came as you watch them set up the cameras just so they can talk to Seth. “Well babe this is it, there going to be asking you a lot of questions about this place.” You said looking over to Seth, “Yeah well as long as I got you here I’m fine babe.” You smiled as both kisses each other.
The whole thing was a success as you see that there was more people coming to the shop which means that you had to work twice as hard as you made sure everyone got everyone's orders right. You couldn’t help it, but you was so happy that your life had change in a blink of an eye. “Hey Y/n Seth needs you back home like right now.” You look back to see Josh with worried look on his face. “Is he alright?” Josh shook his head. “Just go now!” You did just that as you ran out of the shop and into your car driving straight home.
You made it home as you turn off the engine to your car. You got out as you ran to the door unlocking it you open it up only for you to be surprise. “SURPRISE!!” You look around as you was in shock holding your chest. You saw all your friends in the living space as you walk right in. “What’s going on it’s not my birthday and I know it’s not Seth’s so what the hell?” You said walking in. Seth walk up to you as he pulled in for a hug. “I have bigger surprise for you in the backyard come on.” He said pulling you into the back. You look around the everything in white. You gasp as you look around to see a mini altar in the backyard. “Seth...is that…?” He smiled, “Yes baby.” You look at him, “You really mean it?” He shook his head. “I put a ring on it didn’t I?” You smiled as you kiss him.
Later on that night you had a white wedding dress on with some white pumps. You look over at Seth’s mother has she hands you the white flowers. “Look at you, you went from hating my son to now loving him. I knew something like that was going to happen believe me a mother knows best.” You laugh as you gave Holly a hug. Seth in the other room was with his father and his brothers. “Hey man you did it told you was going to get Y/n, even tho…” Dean said looking at Seth. “Hey man the most important thing is that his marrying Y/n.” Seth smiled as his stepfather fix his bow tie. “I’m very proud of you son.” Seth smile when his father said that. “I’m just happy that I got the women of my dreams dad, and if it wasn't for my coffee shop who knows what would have happened really.” You’ll be dating Becky and we would have been wondering if you would still be happy.” Roman said. Seth look over at him and nodded.
Seth was standing in the backyard with a priest in front of the altar standing there proud. On his side was his buddies Josh, Roman, and Dean. While on your side was Dixie, Renee and Galina. Everyone who was there got up as you started to walk down the aisle with a smile on your face. Your father who walk you down the aisle had a smile on his face. Once he made it up to Seth he let you go as he past you on to Seth. You nodded at you father as you look at Seth and for the first time in your life you now saw Seth for the first, seeing him as a true man and you knew it was all because of you.
The priest said his words as you both keep your eyes on one another with a smile on your face. You both said your vows to one another on how it’s funny a dream of Seth’s is what brought you both together. Everyone laugh but you both was thinking the same it was faith either way. You told Seth how much you mean to him now more then ever and how you do want him in your life for now and forever. Seth who had a big smile on his face said what he did to you back in high school was something he will never forgive himself for. But now that he found you again and made you into something new made him the best man ever and that his happy that he will spend the rest of his life with you. You both put the rings on each others finger. “You may now kiss the bride.” Seth Lean in as his gave you a kiss, everyone start to cheer on. You both had finally found your happiness you both have beautiful twins and you both now are living happily ever after.
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nicolewoo · 5 years
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Life In The Fast Lane
Summary: Life with Fergal Devitt ran at full speed, but he tries to slow it down.
Pairing: Finn Bálor (Fergal Devitt) x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, rough sex, SMUT (18+ only peeps) Do not interact if you’re under 18!
Fergal and I laughed and joked over breakfast. He’d taken me to a fantastic little coffee shop with a funky atmosphere and some great food.
“I love it here”, he said after the waitress took our order.
I glanced around trying to forget my desire to hold his hand. “This reminds me of my coffee shop at home.”
Ferg stopped looking around and looked directly into my eyes. “Tell me about it.” He prodded.
Well, they have great coffee, teas, smoothies and food. They have the absolute best brownies ever.” Ferg lifted his eyebrow when I said that.
“Brownies? T’at doesn’t sound healthy at all.”
I chuckled, “It’s good for the soul.” He rolled his eyes at me. “If we’re going to be together, you’re going to have to understand that sometimes I need chocolate.” I was trying to look determined.
He started laughing, “Ah, ok. Got it.” he giggled.
“I love working from the coffee shop. They’ve got wi-fi, and a lot of us who own our own businesses work from there. It gives us a chance to collaborate with other business people.”
“Sounds pretty awesome.” Ferg smiled. “We’ll have to visit when you go home.” The conversation lulled as we ate, and I used the time to watch him. Those eyes, the veins in his arms, the way the shirt stretched over his chest. This man was beautiful, and he was mine. I couldn’t wrap my head around it. I’d spent years admiring him. Not just his looks (which were stunning), but his heart, his generosity, his kindness. How did I ever deserve this man? I knew. I knew it was a gift from God. One that I wasn’t going to take for granted. I thought back to the times I’d taken for granted with my husband, and I felt a twinge of guilt.
“What’s going on in t'at beautiful head of yours?” He asked.
“There’s just so much changing so fast.” I mused.
“Changin’ for the better?” he prompted. I nodded in agreement. “Yes, better, but just so fast.”
“Luv,” he started “My life runs fast. All da time. Yur gonna have ta get used to it. I’m gonna take t'ings as slow as possible with’ us, but my whole life is fast.” He said gently. “You’ll learn to roll with d'a punches. I’ll help.”
I nodded yes, “I understand.”
Fergal set his empty plate and napkin to the side. “We should start planning for tomorrow. I am headed back to Alabama, to see t'a doc about my shoulder.” He sounded as if he was trying to say it gently. “I’d like ya to come along.” He said. That made me smile. “Really?”
“Yeah!” he laughed. “WWE has a couple of apartments by t'e hospital and physical therapy. Right now, Seth is staying in t'a same apartment as me, so if ya come wit’ me, he’s gonna find out about us.” He peeked at me to gauge my reaction.
“Ok, but I need to see when I’m going to start work.” I said.
“I already cleared it with the McMahons.” He looked sheepishly at me. “We’re supposed to start watchi’ NXT episodes while we’re t'ere.”
Part of me was happy, but part of me was mad. Did he even have a right to adjust my schedule? I realized that he was just trying to make this work. “Ok, but please consult me if you want to change my schedule.” I asked. He nodded in agreement.
“Sorry babe, jus’ wanted to get our life together started.” He paused, “So, what’s on the agenda today?” he asked.
My mind started swimming with everything on my schedule. “First, I need to run my business.” Fergal nodded in agreement. “Then I’m hoping to find a gym to work out in.”
“I can help ya t'ere.” He chimed in. “The performance center has a state o’ t'e art gymn. I’m headed there to work out today too. I’ll get ya in.” Work out in front of Ferg? Not ideal. They say some women look sexy working out. I was NOT one of them, but what choice did I have now?
“Well, the performance center was next on my list. They want me there about 3 pm.”
Ferg’s eyebrows lifted in surprise, “Already? Guess t'ey want to you sign an employment contract before we go to Alabama.”
We decided on a plan of attack. First, get tickets to Alabama. Second work. Third pack. Fourth work out. Fifth, meet with William Regal at the performance center. Yeah, my life was about to get hectic. I looked back at Fergal. He dialed his phone and smiled up at me.
“Katie!” he said on the phone. “Can you get me another ticket to Alabama? Yeah. Name’s Y/N.” He waited while Katie did her magic, “Tonight? Yeah. We can do that.” She’d booked us a red eye flight leaving Orlando at 11 pm. Fast… too fast. But this man is worth it.
We headed back to the condo, and Ferg ran some errands while I worked. After I packed, we went to the PC for a good workout. I caught Ferg watching me a couple of times, but we were each focused on our own workouts for the most part. Rather than head home, I showered at the PC and got dressed for my meeting. Fergal stuck around and introduced me to different talent and staff, some of whom I met at the dinner party” until Paul walked in.
“Ferg” they clasped hands and did a half hug. “Didn’t know you’d be here.”
“Jus’ got a workout in. Figured I’d stick around and introduce Y/N to people.”
“You plan on staying for the meeting?” There was a slight annoyed sound to Paul’s voice.
“Nah man! I’m gonna work with d'a talent until she’s done. Help get dat ring rust off me.” A look of relief passed over Paul’s face. “You get Y/N all to yourself for a while.” he joked. “Jus’ give her back when you’re done.”
William Regal was an imposing man. I didn’t realize he was 6'3” until I was standing in front of him. Regal in front of me, Paul at my side…. I felt…. small in comparison, and it wasn’t just about the height differences. Here were 2 men who helped make WWE what it is. The amount of knowledge and experience these 2 had was astonishing. They were both so calm while the butterflies in my stomach were doing somersaults.
Fake it till you make it. I repeated to myself over and over as we settled down in a conference room.
Regal had been kind, gentle and incredibly polite when we met, but it wasn’t until the 2 huge men sat down that my nerves began to settle.
“I’m really happy to have you here, Y/N” Regal said. “We are getting ready to make some big changes around here, and from what I hear, you’re the right person to help us.” He had heard about me too? Is there anyone in this company that wasn’t talking about my work or my personal life?
The three of us started filling out paperwork. All standard paperwork except for the non-disclosure agreement. I skimmed the document, and was surprised to find that this NDA wasn’t standard. I wasn’t even allowed to tell co-workers about what I was working on.
“Can I ask why?” I looked puzzled.
Regal tapped his finger on the document and said, “sign first, and then we’ll explain.” I looked to Paul who simply nodded yes. Oh hell…. at this point in time I might as well trust them. I signed.
“Great.” Paul looked at Regal, “Any more paperwork?”
“Nope. All done.”
“Ok, here we go. William and I are working on making NXT the third brand. As it is, we are already running it like a third brand, but we’re working on getting a TV deal. If we can make that happen, Vince has agreed to make NXT a full brand.” Paul said. My mind swam with the possibilities.
“Essentially,” William said, “it will split NXT into two. One main brand and one developmental. Like Paul said, we’re already operating that way. Your job is going to be largely based on helping our social media reflect a professional brand like RAW and Smackdown.”
And now I knew why the NDA was so strict.
Paul took a deep breath. “Got it?” I nodded yes. “We know this is going to be different from what you’re doing for your customers, but we didn’t make the decision to hire you lightly. You’re on top of social media trends, and you’ve got a fresh eye. We are going to rely on you to tell us what we need to hear.” William chimed in, “Even if we don’t want to hear it. Can you do that? Can you tell truth to power?”
Truth to power? Yes. Yes. I can do that. “Absolutely.” I nodded.
Paul continued, “Good. There’s going to be times when we as a company are apt to do things the way they’ve always been done. We need YOU to ensure we make changes when and where necessary. Because of that, you will have un-fettered access to William.” I arched a brow, which elicited a chuckle from both men.
“You’re going to be on the road from what I understand.” William asked.
“After a couple of weeks,” Paul chimed in.
“I actually like that,” William continued. “You’re not going to be working around our social media team, so you won’t fall into the trap of doing things the way they’ve always been done. You are going to be a breath of fresh air for the whole department. I CAN’T have your supervisors restricting what I hear from you.” It all made sense, and internally, my mind fought with the whole concept that I was going to be so important. The more they explained it though, the more I understood the reasons for it. NXT was going to be it’s own brand, and Paul wanted to run it HIS way. Ok. I could do that.
The meeting continued for a couple of hours as we discussed what my duties would be, and how I was going to do my job from the road. While in Alabama, I was to research 15 NXT stars’ social media accounts and report my ideas on them to William Regal. I was also to research NXT’s online reputation. I thought to myself that I’d just done the same thing for the whole company preparing for this trip. The only difference was that I was going to be able to go into much more detail.
By the time I left the meeting, a crowd had formed around Fergal. He was helping an athlete learn a new move. I knew this kid was one of the ones I was going to be looking into. I looked through the files that Mr. Regal had given me. Yes…. There was this kid…. Ricochet. He was built, tan and from what I could see, incredibly talented. I found a table to set the files on, and began figuring out who all was gathered around Fergal.
There were 7 of my stars glued to his side; soaking in any information he could teach them. This was a great sign that these wrestlers were dedicated to their job, plus I’d be able to get Fergal’s input on their wrestling and their personalities.
Paul walked through as I was watching the wrestlers with a big smile, “Already started, huh? Or are you just watching Finn?” He teased.
“Can’t I do both?” I joked back. He gently patted me on the shoulder, and off he went.
The flight was late…. stopping at the grocery store when we landed made us even later. We didn’t get to the apartment until 2 am. I put the groceries away and we headed to bed. I may have been tired, but years of waking up at 9 am every day had trained my body…. I woke at 8:45 without an alarm. I silently cussed my body, but I knew I needed to get up and work. But first….. breakfast.
I got to work quickly knowing that the guys would want healthy food. I chose to make a giant kale quinoa power bowl. As I started cooking the onions down in olive oil, the whole apartment began to smell great.
I was adding the kale in when I heard Colby’s bedroom door open. I heard him long before I saw him.
“Damn Ferg that smells amazing. I hope you made enough for 2………..” As Colby turned the corner, I realized he was wearing nothing but underwear just as he noticed that a woman was cooking.
“Ahhh” His hand shot down to cover his privates, “Orrrrrrrr 3, I guess. Give me a second, please.” He asked as he ran back to his bedroom. He returned moments later with shorts on while he pulled a shirt down. “Sooooo, you must be…” he had obviously heard about me and forgotten my name. He took a seat at the breakfast bar.
I gave him a warm smile, “Y/N” I said. “You’re Colby. I’m a big fan.” I stopped cooking and shook his hand as he took a seat at the counter.
“What are you making, and seriously, is there enough for 3?” he laughed as he tried to smooth the frizz out of his hair… finally resorting to putting it in a ponytail. “Absolutely!” I chimed. “It’s a Kale Quinoa power bowl.”
His eyes widened, “I’ve never knew kale could smell so good.” He said sincerely. “How do you like…..”
I was interrupted by Fergal’s sexy morning voice, “Good god woman! What smells so good?” he asked while walking to the kitchen.
Ferg and Colby greeted each other with hand shakes and half hugs. I pretended not to see the look Colby gave Ferg. Afterward Ferg snuck behind me and wound his arms around my waist as he peeked over my shoulder to see the food.
“Low fat, low carb, low salt, high in protein. Will that do?”
Fergal laid a gentle kiss on my temple. “Darlin’ if it tastes as good as it smells, it will do fine.”
I asked how they wanted their eggs and finished the dish while the boys discussed their recovery.
When we finally sat, and started eating, Colby dead pan said “Ferg, marry this girl. If she can make kale taste this good, she’s a keeper.”
Fergal just laughed as he grabbed my hand. “It really is great, babe.” He squeezed my hand and we started talking about me working for WWE.
“I know Paul is a huge fan of yours, but to get your girl hired here and on the road with you? That’s huge Ferg.”
Fergal ran his thumb over my knuckles. “Nah man. She got herself hired. T'ey wanted to work wit’ her before I even met her. She’s pretty damn special.” Ferg looked deep in my eyes, and I couldn’t help but smile shyly.
Colby wadded up his napkin and threw it at Ferg. “Get a room, you two.” he joked. “You must be really special to charm Paul like that, Y/N.”
“Eh,” I said. “Just passionate.”
“Don’ sell yourself short.” Ferg raised my hand to his lips and kissed it.
After breakfast, the guys headed to PT, while I stayed to work. The 3 hours they were gone were all it took for me to run my business. I was just starting to look through the WWE files when Ferg returned without Colby.
I heard the door open and turned to see Ferg coming in. He didn’t speak; just walked over to me, pulled me to my feet and started kissing me…. so softly…. so tenderly. Good grief! This man could kiss! Ferg began running his hands over my back as we kissed. Slowly, tenderly, teasingly. I hummed as he pressed himself closer to me and started kissing me more passionately. His fingers began digging into my skin, desperately.
I couldn’t even think. The work on the table next to us; the past; the future; everything disappeared from my mind. All that existed at this moment was Fergal and me.
He began to gently push me back toward his bedroom. As we entered the room, he closed the door and locked it. His kisses went deeper. His fingers pushed into my skin harder. He started guiding me toward the edge of the bed. One of his hands was wrapped around my waist, and the other was cradling my head when I felt the bed against my legs. He laid me down as gently as a parent would lay down a child. He sank down on top of me. Between the passionate kisses and the gentle actions, my head was swimming. I didn’t know what to expect next, but I knew I needed him. I moaned into his mouth, and felt his lips curl into a small smile.
Fergal sat up, his legs straddling me, pulled his shirt off then mine. As he laid on me, kissing me, I reveled in the feel of his skin against mine; both of us burning with desire. His hands began rubbing my side, my hip, my arms and then he reached my nipple.
In a matter of seconds, he went from gently palming my breast to sucking my nipple, and I went from gently rubbing his back to digging my fingernails into him. He must have liked it, because I felt him smile against my lips again. He moved his legs between mine; easily pushing my legs apart. He sank back on top of me and began teasing my nipple with soft sucking and gentle nips. He switched sides, concentrating his ministrations on my other nipple. Each time his teeth gently grazed my nipple, I felt a twinge run through my body ending with my heat clenching, hoping to find friction, but finding nothing, and I moaned in disappointment. I wanted him so bad it hurt.
Each time I moaned, he pressed our hips together. I could feel his hard cock through the clothes, and my core clenched again. I moaned, he pushed. I moaned, he pushed. When will he give me what I want?
When he didn’t show any signs of moving, I reached my hand between us and tried to undo the button on my jeans. His hand followed right behind and pulled mine away from my button. “No, love,” he whispered and pulled away just enough for me to see the determination in his eyes. “Let me make love to you MY way.”
“Your way is going to drive me insane,” I whispered as I leaned up to kiss his chest.
He smiled a bit, “Love, trust me.” He pulled back from me again and looked deep in my eyes. His hand reached up to stroke my cheek. “Do you trust me?” he pleaded. Yes, yes I did. I nodded yes; which earned me another gentle smile. He leaned down to kiss me again. A deep, soft, long kiss that melted everything inside me. My nipples got harder, my core got wetter, my skin got more sensitive. He slid off the end of the bed and leaned over to kiss just above my waistband. “I” kiss “want” kiss “to” kiss “worship” He undid the button “your” down came the zipper “whole” he licked where my zipper had been “body.”
He slid my pants and underwear off then his own. The sight of his cock fully erect sent another jolt of desire through me as I prepared for him to fill me, but instead, he reached for my right foot. He began massaging my foot. It was so gentle and so intimate. Then my other foot. He began massaging up my legs, peppering kisses as he went. As he reached my knee, he wrapped his arm around my legs and bent them up. He laid the first kiss on my inner thigh; sweet sweet torture. Massaging, kissing, licking his way slowly up to my core. I was certain I was going to go insane, and my body tried to buck up against him. Then the lick…. across my slit. I felt everything inside me tense. Another lick. A gentle kiss on my bud. Oh fuck. I can’t handle this. I can’t……Finally, his mouth surrounded my clit and his tongue began to flick over it. Fuck Fuck Fuck. My body bucked against his mouth.
He glanced up at me; his beautiful blue eyes so full of love and lust. He slid two fingers inside me. My body clenched again, this time relieved at the feel of his fingers inside me. Slowly, he slid his fingers in and out, sucking and licking my bud. It was tortuously slow. Tortuously gentle. Tortuously amazing.
Instead of the quick, violent orgasm I was used to, my body slowly built up to my bliss. He looked up at me again and nodded his head. I fell……. slow, hot white tingling throughout my whole body. My orgasm was more intense than any I could remember. It lasted for days and days. His fingers continued to fuck me as I came.
When I had stilled, and his fingers pulled out of me, he began gently massaging my hips, my stomach, my breasts. He buried his face in my neck, gently kissing and sucking. I still couldn’t move. I was completely at his mercy. He slowly, carefully pushed against me, the head of his dick sliding against my slit just once before he entered me. Once inside me, he stopped and kissed me. I reveled in the feeling of him filling me up. My body bucked against him and I saw him smile. “Wasn’t that orgasm better than normal?” he asked.
“Mmmmmm yes,” I answered.
“D'en let me go at my own pace.” He chuckled. He lowered his head and took my nipple into his mouth. He flicked his tongue over the sensitive skin then removed his mouth and blew cold air over it. I didn’t think it could get any harder, but it did, and he closed his mouth over it again. He may have been trying to slow things down, but I felt his dick twitch inside me. I moaned. For a fleeting second, I thought he was going to lose control, but he didn’t. He just kept torturing my breast with his tongue while he stayed still inside me. I ran my hands over his ribs, his back, his ass, feeling all of his muscles…. all tight…. He needed a release. My body bucked against him again, and his cock twitched again. Then, he began to move. Tantalizingly slow. Tantalizingly gentle. Kissing my lips, my neck my breasts. My hands exploring him. My heat pulsing around him. This was it………….
I heard the front door of the apartment close. “Ferg!” Colby yelled out.
“Fuck” Fergal said against my neck.
“Ferg! Where are you man?” Colby knocked on the bedroom door. “Dude, you in there?”
“Fuck” Fergal pulled away from me, and out of me. I moaned in sadness.
“Get off the girl, Ferg.” We heard him try the doorknob, but the door was locked.
“Fuck off!” Fergal yelled, and Colby started laughing.
He began teasing us. “Seriously, get off the girl. I’m hungry!” Colby said. The look on Ferg’s face was so stern, I was happy it wasn’t aimed at me. “I’m gonna kill him,” he whispered to me as he grabbed his shirt. “Get under the covers” he barked. I did, and Fergal held the shirt in front of his dick as he answered the door.
“What da Fook do ya want?” He asked Colby.
Once Colby saw Fergal, he started laughing. “I was joking but, I guess I did interrupt something.”
“Yes you did!” Fergal growled. “What do you want?”
“I was hoping we could go to lunch so I could get to know Y/N better.” Colby raised his hands in surrender and backed up a couple of steps. “Why don’t I come back in 15 minutes?” he offered to placate Fergal.
Fergal slammed the door in Colby’s face and yelled, “Make it 30 minutes” He looked down at me with lust in his eyes, and he yanked the blankets off my body. Colby kept talking…. something about picking lunch up and bringing it here…. some apologies…
“Now, where were we?” Fergal surveyed my naked body. He knelt at my feet and said, “Ahhhh. I remember as he leaned in and placed a kiss on my knee. “That’s it, I was working my way up from here.” He teased.
“NOOO!” I half yelled half giggled. He began gently rubbing and kissing my thigh. “You were much further along than that.” My hands pawed at him, trying to find something to grab onto so I could pull, him up to me.
He quirked up the corner of his mouth pretending to be thinking hard. “Nope. Nope. I think I was about here,” he said as his tongue flicked over my clit a couple of times.
“No.” I laughed…. “farther than that.” A couple more flicks made me moan. He slid his fingers inside me again, “Was I here?” he smiled up at me as he curled his fingers over my g-spot.
“Fuck!” I cursed.
He curled an eyebrow at me. “Are you cursing or reminding me where we were?” He had a devilish grin.
“The latter.” I chuckled.
“Ahhhh. Yeah. I remember.” Fergal said as he slid into me. Once he was inside me he stopped. ���I’m sorry about Colby. He kind ruined my plans ta make slow love ta ya all afternoon.” I nodded. “Guess we’ll jus’ have to speed t'is up.” He grinned. He knew I wanted to go faster. He began to rock back and forward at a slow pace; an evil smirk on his face. “But I’ve got a little time to play.”
I listened as a low moan escaped my mouth. The sound made Fergal’s dick throb inside me. He pulled back so his tip was barely inside me. He slowly ran his hands down my legs. When he reached my knees, he raised them up and put them on his shoulders. Then he slammed back into me. Fuck! He was so deep. I exploded and he stilled.
When I opened my eyes, I saw him smiling at me. “Ya look amazin’ when ya cum, darlin’. I could get addicted to watchin’ you.” Then he pulled out of me, got off the bed ad flipped me onto my hands and knees. He gave me no warning as he climbed up behind me and slammed back into me. Fuck Yes! I wasn’t sure if I said it out loud or just thought it. Either way, Fergal seemed to know. Digging his fingers into my hips, he yanked me back and filled me completely. My body took over. My hips bucked, my back arched, my hands grabbed at the blankets. A stream of moans, exclamations and feral sounds came out my mouth, but I couldn’t control it. All I could think about was him hitting my g-spot over and over and over.
His husky voice brought me back to reality. “Cum for me now” he grumbled as he pushed even harder and deeper into me. He was so deep, it bordered on painful… blissfully painful….
My body was wracked with my next orgasm, and I felt him let go. He bucked into me a few more times as my core squeezed every drop of semen out of him. We both collapsed and recovered for a few minutes.
“Did ya know you cuss when you cum?” He taunted me. He rolled to face me and propped himself up on his elbow. I think I blushed, and he laughed. 
“I think I made more sounds than cussing.” I put my hand over my face in embarrassment.
He quickly reached to gently remove my hand. “You got nuttin’ to be ashamed of, luv. It felt amazin’ knowin’ I was making you feel so good.” He stroked my cheek with his thumb. “I t'ink you started speakin’ in tongues.” He teased.
“You’re just too damn good.” I sighed. “And now we have to get ready for lunch.”
#wwe #wwe smut #finn balor #finn balor x reader #smut #nsfw #fergal devitt x reader
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🌔🔥Miami Nights🔥🌔
Prompt: Roman’s little bossy attitude towards Y/N will lead them to one of the most sensual nights they’ve had.
Word count: Long...
Pairings: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, jealousy, a little bit of angst, “make up sex”, cursing, dirty talking (‘cuz we already know I’m a sucker for it!), praise kink and even a little bit of ass worship (because you can never go wrong with that! 😉)
Tag: @jibbles26 , @lustyromantic , @reigns-5sos , @mindofasagittaruis , @nicolewoo , @saccreigns , @ziasaph
Notes: So, the fact that I’m a lover of rough smut is no secret (I mean, have you seen the shit I write?!) but something that hits you different is a good old sensual smut! Just the intimacy and slow deep movements of it are just worth drooling.. I’ve been wanting to write a more sensual scene for a while so here you go! Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊)You can check out my other stories on my Masterlist and my newest story as a fixed post. Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
My heels click clack fast upon the stairs as I make my way down to the first floor, severely searching for my phone around the living room.
“What are you looking for?” His deep voice echoed from behind me
“Jesus Christ, Roman! You startled me. I’m looking for my phone, have you seen it?”
“Do you mean this one?” He showed me my phone in his hand
“Oh, thank you baby. I-“ I stopped when instead of giving me the phone, he tossed onto his joggings side pocket.
“What are you doing? Give me my phone, please”
“Where are you going to?” He asks, ignoring my request
“My boss called saying he got a last time meeting with that big potential French buyer and asked me to help him with the translation”
He raised his eyebrows “And you’re dressed like this” He scoots closer, pulling at the hem of my black pencil skirt “Just to meet him?”
“I have to dress nicely. It’s a work meeting, so yeah, I need to dress in work clothes” I spat, not really liking where this was going
“Couldn’t you have ‘dressed nicely’ with pants?”
“What’s your point, Roman?” I ask slightly annoyed
“My point is: You’re dressed in a pencil skirt that will make any alive man stare directly at your ass, your cleavage is so deep that I can see your bra” He leans in “You’re wearing your Givenchy perfume, makeup, heels...all of that, just for a meeting with a buyer?” His voice had an incredulous tone to it
“Yes! I just told you it’s a work thing, how do you expect me show up there? With sweatpants and flip flops?!”
He’s still staring at me as he coldly said
“You’re not going out on that outfit”
“WHAT? Are you kidding me? Since when do you prohibit me from wearing something?”
“Since now!” He growled
I bitterly laughed “Sorry my dear, but I’m not one of our children! You don’t tell me what to do. You’re my husband, not my father!”
He closes the distance between us
“Do you really expect me to believe that you’re looking all hot like that for a last minute meeting? I’m not that dumb, baby girl. To me, that smells like there’s some other male trying to piss at my lawn and I don’t like that” His voice is dangerously low
“Are you suggesting that I’m romantically seeing my boss?” I ask in disbelief
“No, you wouldn’t do that. But him on the other hand, always had a soft spot for you. So yeah, I think he pulled together this whole ‘last minute meeting’ thing just so he can be alone with you. That’s why, you’re gonna go upstairs take off that makeup and that outfit and put on something less provocative”
“I’ve ALWAYS dressed like this to work! Even when I worked at the WWE and you’ve never had a problem with it before”
“I have a problem with it now” He growled
“Roman, are you listening to yourself? You better bring that attitude down! That whole ‘tribal chief’ gimmick thing is going up your head”
“You’re not leaving this house in that outfit!” He roars
“That’s nonsense! Give me my phone back, please”
“No” He calmly answered
“Give me my fucking phone, Roman” I spat
“You want your phone back? Go upstairs and change that outfit” He explained like if I was a kid
“Give me my phone!” I try to grab the phone out of his side pocket, but before I could, he grabbed my wrists forcefully. Locking them in his grip, behind my back.
“Oh, you’re in big trouble now” He devilishly laugh
I try to release my wrists from his grip but it was too tight
“Roman, let me go”
“Why should I? I mean, you were brave enough to try to take your phone away from me, so you can be brave enough to free yourself”
I try to pull on my wrists but the more I try to the harder he grips
“Roman, you’re gonna hurt me, let.me.go” I punctuated so maybe he’ll understand
“Stop fighting then!” He pushes me forward with the hand that is on my back securing my wrists, I tripped and he holds me in place by my ass, with his free hand
“This is mine” He slaps my ass forcefully, making me look up at him with pure hatred
“Don’t give me that look” He warned
“You’re gonna make me loose my job!” I start to fight against his firm grip, in despair to release myself
Roman then holds my body against his by my waist
“Behave” He chuckled
I was already pretty annoyed, to be honest, so I spat
“If you don’t let me go, I swear to God I’ll forget that you are my husband and I’m gonna kick your balls so hard, they’re gonna fly out of your mouth!”
He stares at me and let me go
“My phone, please” I reach out my hand so he can place the phone in it, which he obliged.
The front door opened and the kids ran inside like maniacs followed by Jey, who’s holding some bags from the local Candy Shop.
“This isn’t over yet” Roman whispered
“Man, I tell you, the amount of candy that shop has is out of this world!” He chuckled while chewing on something covered in chocolate. He looked at us and said
“Uh oh, I feel some tension...Did I had a bad timing?”
“No, Jey” I say “You couldn’t have a better timing not even if you tried to!” I look away from Roman to get my hand bag and the kids ran to us to show what uncle Jey had bought them.
I came home around 10 p.m. The reunion was a success and we had managed to close a deal with one of the French buyers we were hoping to get a contract with. He was in Vancouver for business and was able to attend the meeting through a video conference.
One part of me was excited to tell Roman about it because he knew how much that contract would help me in both career and money wise. But the other part of me was still mad at him for that little stunt he put up earlier.
I walk through the living room to place my hand bag and phone at the coffee table when the lamp by the armchair went on.
“Did you had fun?” Roman asked with a cold voice
“Sweet Lord, Roman! Do you want to kill me?”
“It must have been quite fun, I mean, for you to have came back home just now”
“You do know there’s a timezone of -3 hours from Vancouver to Florida right?”
“I didn’t asked that, I asked if you had fun”
I look at him in disbelief and say
“Look, I don’t know what’s up with the whole Samoan Don Corleone thing, but I’m really tired” I sighed
“Come here Y/N”
“What? You’re gonna ask me to kiss your ring too, Don Samoan?” I mock
He cackled at my little joke and stood up from the armchair, walking towards me.
“You and your clever little mouth, right baby? Always putting yourself in trouble with those pretty lips” His smile fade-away and he quickly pulled my head up by my hair
“I think you’re forgetting that you’re walking on thin ice right now and I wouldn’t test me if I were you”
“Where are the kids?” I ask faintly
“At Jey’s, for a sleep over” His smile is now purely evil
“Did you planned this, then?”
“C’mon baby, how are you gonna be able to scream my name while I fuck you senseless if the kids are at home?” He leans in to sniff the nape of my neck
“I love when you wear this perfume, it drives me crazy! It makes me want to fuck you all night long” He sucks on my neck “You look good enough to eat Y/N. That skirt baby...it’s gonna be the death of me! Give me a 360, baby girl” He said, intertwining our fingers and slowly turning me around while whistling at me.
“What is this all about?” I ask, suspicious about his true intentions
“What do you mean?”
“The whole complimenting me for the one thing you made a whole fuss about it earlier”
“What? Can’t I compliment my gorgeous wife?” He asked innocently
“I’m not saying that! I’m just saying that I find it suspicious the fact that earlier we almost got into an argument because of this outfit and now your throwing praises at it” I crook an eyebrow at him
He smiles “You know me so well it’s actually embarrassing!” He chuckled
“Ok baby girl, you got me! I felt guilty, ok? I regretted being so rude with you earlier, you didn’t deserve it”
“So why did you do it, Ro?”
“Because I got jealous! I mean, the time we have together is short and it’s mostly taken by the kids, we barely have any alone couple time and I miss you! I miss having my wife, having you: Y/N! Not the mom version or the professional version of you, but just my wife. All to myself” He scoots closer “So when I saw you dressed up all nice like this, smelling so good and looking so beautiful I remembered how it used to be back then...when you worked at WWE and I used to sneak out to your hotel bedroom at night so we could spend the night together because you didn’t wanted people to know about us. I remembered the amount of convincing that I had to do, for you to finally agree to make us an official thing. How we thought that our marriage wouldn’t survive with me being on the road and you at home with the kids. How many times I couldn’t sleep at night ‘cause I got scared thinking that I could lose you after that fight we’ve had when Ben was born” Roman hugs my waist and look me in the eyes “I felt the same fear earlier today, I know that’s on me and not on you but... I couldn’t help it, I got carried away by my jealousy and I apologize for that. You’re a beautiful woman! Gorgeous face, delicious body, a goddess in the bedroom, strong personality, such a kind soul and a heart made of gold. And I’m a selfish man! I don’t wanna lose you, I can’t afford to lose you...I want you all to myself, body and soul” He leans in to capture my lips in the most romantic, sensual, long kiss.
“Do you forgive me?” He whispered
“I don’t know...maybe I need some more convincing” I tease him and he laughed, knowing it was all good between us
“What can I do to convince you, baby?”
“Lose the shirt and the pants and sit on the armchair”
He happily obliged, sitting on the armchair with eyes filled with excitement
“Can you help me with this?” I point towards the skirt’s zipper innocently
He smirked and I got closer to the chair. Roman reaches the zipper, pulling it down torturously slow.
“Take it off, Ro”
He slowly pulls it down, savoring every inch of my ass being exposed to him, with each tug at the skirt he nibs and kisses the recently discovered skin. And I couldn’t be happier to be wearing a new lace set in a beautiful midnight blue shade.
The skirt became a pile of fabric around my ankles as Roman growls: squeezing, biting, licking and kissing my ass while I take off my white dress shirt.
“Fuck Y/N, baby...I’m in love with your ass”
I giggled at his choice of words
“It looks so fucking good in this blue color. Is this a new set?” He asks, still kissing and biting it.
“Yeah, I bought it last week. I thought it looked good so-“ I couldn’t even finish my sentence due to the forceful tug he gave my hips so I could sit down on his lap.
“It looks insanely good, baby” He whispered in my ear, kneading my breasts softly through the lace.
“And the bra too...they make your boobs look full as fuck! I love it”
I feel his erection resting against my ass and I can’t help but grind my hips to it.
“Hmmm baby, you’re so hot, so fucking hot. The hottest woman I’ve ever met” He pressed my hips further down to his bulge
“You never fail to turn me on baby girl, you’ve always had the power to make my cock rock hard for you”
“Just for me?” I ask with a voice raspy from pleasure, reaching my arm around his neck so I can pull his lips towards my ear
“Always just for you, baby. Ever since he tasted you, he got addicted and wants only you” Roman whispered
His voice always worked wonders on me. How deep his voice is, the things he says...it was always an infallible combination.
We explored each other’s body until we couldn’t wait it anymore.
I stand up to remove my lace panties and bra and he loses his boxer briefs, sitting back at the armchair with me on his lap. I lifted up a bit, so he can enter my core and oh, how I missed my man!
I start a front to back motion, holding onto Roman’s thighs for support while my thighs are closed shut in between his opened ones. I circled my hips in deep, slow circles from time to time so he can sink all the way in.
“Yeah, keep doing that baby girl. Fuck, it looks so sexy when you ride me like this” He moaned
And that’s my intention: a sensual, lustful, intimate sex.
Roman roamed one arm around my hips until his hand stopped at my mound
“Spread your legs a little bit, baby” He asks
I do it and two of his fingers start to rub my clit at the same pace of my riding.
“Oh, Ro...fuck me babe, that feels so good” I reach my arm back, so I can toss it around his neck, pulling him closer to me. The change of positions made his cheek rest against the side of my breast. I look down and see him staring at his hand on my clit.
“Baby” I wine, making him look up to me. And when he did I leaned down to capture his full lips in a deep kiss.
Once apart he cupped my cheek with his free hand
“I love you Y/N, so fucking much baby girl”
“I love you too Ro, the only man I’ll ever want” I smiled
“Promise me?” He asked
“Promise” I leaned down to kiss him again
I felt him twitch inside of me, a sign he was close to coming.
“Are you gonna cum inside this pussy, baby?” I smirked
“I can’t hold it back anymore, baby girl. You’re riding me so good and your pussy is milking my cock so nicely that I just can’t hold it” He laughs and kisses the side of my breast
“Cum for me baby, cum right on your pussy” I whispered in his ear
“Mine” He growled and turned up the pace of his fingers on my clit
“Yours” I moaned as I could feel my own release rising
Roman pressed our foreheads together as we reach our high in between moans. As we’re recovering our breath he says
“Damn baby, that was something!” Taking a deep breath in
“Did I just took your breath away, Reigns?” I chuckled
“Fuck yeah, that was the hottest sex we’ve had in the last 2 months”
“You’re unbelievable!” I laughed hard
“What? I’m serious! My girl is always giving me some breath taking sex” He said seriously, pulling me closer to his chest
“I’m glad you think that way because I already want a round 2” I sucked on his lower lip
“Oh baby, you’ll have the round 2, 3, 4, 5...’Cuz the kids won’t be back until tomorrow at 9 p.m.” He licks my neck
“Are you serious?” I whispered excitedly
He nods “I told you I missed my wife” He winks and take me on his arms bridal style
“Let’s go baby girl, round 2 awaits!” He laughed carrying us up to our bedroom
Where our night was just getting started
Please let me know your thoughts on this? Feedback is always appreciated 🥰😘
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