#wwdits tickle fic
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So What’s the Big Deal?
AN: this is for that one anon a while back that was asking for more wwdits fics, the nuzzling prompt was perfect for namdermo fluff! Hope y’all enjoy, here’s day 8!
Guillermo thought that maybe, just once, it might be different. His... he was hesitant to use the word friends right now, so let's just say his roommates had been fairly reasonable with him lately, especially in comparison to his early years as a familiar. Nandor wasn't completely distant anymore, and he occasionally showed some semblance of affection. Colin Robinson didn't always drain his energy, and even Lazlo and Nadja started to use his real name!
... Most of the time. But Gizmo wasn't the worst, as far as nicknames were concerned.
He let out a deep sigh. Did Gizmo even qualify as a nickname? That sort of thing had always seemed like a fun in joke, where your friends gave you a cooler name than your own because they liked you, or it fits your personality better. They called him Gizmo because they couldn't bother to learn his real name for the longest time.
Most of the time he was the butler, the babysitter, the maid, but sometimes, they really made him feel like their pet.
Lazlo wouldn't stop fucking whistling at him. He had just told him he was busy, and now he was determined to make him drop his current task just to make him start a new one.
"Oh my god, what?" he cried out in frustration.
"Oh good, those ears of yours do work."
"Did you need something Lazlo?" It was best to cut to the chase with this lot.
"I do indeed! You see, a very large, very dead rat appears to have crawled inside the engine of my automobile, and you get to fish it out!" he finished with a smile, poking Guillermo's arm for emphasis.
"Ew, no! I'm busy, Nandor told me to have this done by the time he gets back. And besides, I have an order I need to go pick up."
"Come on Gizmo, it'll only take a second!" Lazlo insisted.
"I said no!"
"That's the spirit! Follow me!" He completely ignored Guillermo's protests and drug him away by the wrist, leading him to the garage.
It wasn't a rat, and it definitely wasn't dead. The possum had sprung to life as soon as Guillermo tried to lift it by its tail. It hissed and thrashed in his grip, scratching all the way up his arm, slicing through the thin rubber gloves he was wearing. He yelled out in pain and dropped the creature straight back into the engine. It flopped around on the inner mechanics before launching itself straight at Guillermo.
Lucky, he was able to catch it mid air just before it could latch onto his face and tear him to shreds. It still reached out for him, hissing and snarling in his face and lunging against his grasp.
Lazlo did nothing but watch as he wrangled the possum into a trash can and carry it outside. Okay, he held the door open for him, but he literally did nothing to actually help.
He didn't even say thank you!
Guillermo tried to calm himself down as he walked to the nearby bakery. The poor cashier gave him a concerned look when he walked in covered in bloody scratches.
"Possum," he explained bluntly and she nodded in understanding.
"Ah. Well, I hope this makes up for it!" she chirped in her customer service voice. He smiled politely.
"You and me both." He grabbed his bag and stuffed his wallet back into his pocket.
“Thank you, have a nice day!"
"Thanks, you too."
"And happy birthday!"
Guillermo paused with his hand on the door. That was the first time he'd heard that today.
"Thank you." He quickly rushed out before he burst into tears from a perfectly normal interaction. He didn't expect those words to hit him so hard, but hey, it's been a rough day.
He was relieved when he got home. He wanted nothing more than to rush off to his room before any of the vampires saw him and demanded his attention. Thankfully, no one seemed to be awake yet. What the hell, it was his birthday, a little pizza wouldn't hurt. It was still a few hours before sunset, so the delivery guy should be fine.
He placed his order and began the arduous task of deciding what to watch. He browsed through the downloaded movies on his laptop, pausing when he came across Sixteen Candles. How fitting...
He always did like that movie. And it at least felt festive for the occasion.
He clicked play and nestled into a hoard of blankets and pillows, keeping an eye out for his delivery.
He was halfway back to his room, pizza box in hand when he ran into Nandor, still in his sleeping robes.
"Guillermo, there you are!"
He was so close to the freedom of his room.
"Hello Master."
"I heard about what happened with the giant rat," Nandor began in his own form of apology.
"It was a possum."
"Same thing. Are you okay?" he asked, tilting his head as he took a step forward.
"Yeah, I just finished cleaning the scratches." Guillermo tried to step around him. "But I'm actually watching a movie right now, so..." he trailed off, excusing himself.
"Really? What's it about?" Nandor asked, deciding to follow him to his room. Well, if he really wanted to know...
"This girl's whole family forgets her 16th birthday, which is, like, a big deal for humans, all because her older sister's getting married the next day. But hey, at least they had a good excuse." His tone was a little harsher than necessary, and he made his annoyance clear when Nandor invited himself into his room.
"Oh please, I'm sure someone remembered," he said flippantly. Guillermo barked out a laugh.
"That's rich, coming from you."
Nandor's brows knit together in concern. "Guillermo, what's wrong?"
"You really don't know what day it is, do you?" he asked, hanging on to the last bit of hope.
"... Tuesday?"
"It's my birthday!" Guillermo didn’t like how long it was taking him to respond.
"So, like, what's the big deal?" God, he hated just how clueless Nandor could be.
"Get out," he said calmly, pointing at the door.
"Wait-" Nandor called out, and Guillermo looked at him expectantly. "Is it really your birthday?" he asked sheepishly.
He nodded, arms crossed over his chest. "Yeah, it is. But I know you guys don't really care about that sort of thing, so it's fine." He turned away, grabbing a slice of pizza to indicate the discussion was over.
So why was he still standing there?
"Guillermo... Are you mad at me?" Of course that’s all he cared about. And he really didn't want to deal with this right now.
"No Master, I'm just tired. So can I please just watch my movie?"
Nandor didn't know what to think. Sure, Guillermo said he wasn't angry, but his whole demeanor said otherwise. He was hesitant to leave if he upset him.
"Of course! You know, I too enjoy a good moving picture," Nandor wandered closer to the bed, peering down at the screen. Guillermo sighed.
"Do you want to watch it?"
"Thank you, I'd love to!" Nandor exclaimed and immediately flopped down next to Guillermo, taking up a fair amount of space on the bed. He adjusted himself until he was comfortable before resting his chin on his shoulder to see the screen better.
Well, maybe this day wasn't the worst.
He hadn't been very far into the movie, so he played it from the beginning for Nandor's sake. This almost felt... nice. Normal. But in the back of his mind, he knew Nandor was only doing this because he felt guilty.
The vampire shifted in his seat, hugging him closer and nuzzling into his neck slightly. Guillermo tried to scrunch his neck, lips twitching into a smile. Nandor's beard was scratching against a particularly sensitive spot right behind his ear. Finally, it grew to be too much, and Guillermo had to shove him away.
"Stohop! That really tickles!"
The silence that followed sent a chill up Guillermo's spine.
"I'm sorry, it really what?" he asked deviously, flashing his fangs with an evil grin. Before his familiar could answer properly, he buried his face in his neck, drawing out a shrill squeal instead.
"Nohohothihing! Just forget ihihit!" he cried frantically, desperately clawing at Nandor's arms wrapped around him. That rough beard returned to the soft skin of his neck, and a hand flew up to hide his blushing face. He wasn't even facing him, but he felt he needed to hide.
"Nooo, I don't think sooo!" he cooed directly in Guillermo's ear; the hot breath and rough stubble sent goosebumps across his whole body. He was downright mortified when he felt fangs trace and nibble just below his jaw, and he immediately snorted.
"Nohoho, plehehease!" he whined as Nandor wrestled his arms down to his sides, leaving him utterly defenseless. He began nuzzling against the nape of his neck and behind his ears, growling and nipping just to hear the frantic jump in laughter each time.
"What an adorable weakness for you to have! You better hope Nadja and Lazlo don't find out about this, they love themselves a helpless, ticklish neck," he taunted, and Guillermo could practically hear his grin.
Fuck. "Dohohon't you dahare tehehell them!" he tried to sound threatening, but it wasn't coming across as planned.
"Don't worry, I don't plan on sharing," he set his worries at ease, but he honestly didn't know if that would be worse.
"Nahahandor! Just lehehet mehe gohohoho!"
"It's funny, hundreds of men said the exact same thing, and it never saved them. Then again, they weren't laughing like you are."
"Just kihihill mehehehe!" he yelled dramatically, and Nandor couldn't help but chuckle along.
"On your birthday? I couldn't! But you might wish you were dead by the time I'm through with you!" he threatened.
"M-mahaster, plehehease!" Guillermo could only squeal and thrash as he was tickled from behind. His pleading went ignored, and Nandor nuzzled deeper against his neck, causing him to let out an adorable gasp. His nose scrunched and he snickered and shook his head back and forth. The not quite so unbearable torture persisted.
He couldn't believe this was happening to him. He couldn't believe Nandor actually felt bad for forgetting his birthday, and was trying to cheer him up. He could deny it all he wants, but Guillermo knows that's why he's really doing this. Then again, his master loves having any kind of power over someone, so he'll take that with a grain of salt. But he was being gentle with him; he was intentionally being playful. In his fuzzy, giggly mindset, that had to mean something.
And then curious, probing hands slipped under his sweater, and all those nice thoughts flew out the window because now Nandor was kneading his hips and belly. He barked out a surprised laugh, hands flapping by his sides where they were pinned. He managed to slip an arm free, weakly tugging at the invading hands.
"Uh oh, we can't have that," Nandor muttered as he pinned his arm above his head. Guillermo shook his head frantically as nervous giggles spilled past his lips.
"Nohoho! Nahandor, plehehease! It tickles!" he begged, and he could feel the smile pressed against his neck stretch wider.
"Oh my sweet Guillermo, the real tickling hasn't even started yet," he taunted, relishing in the choked yelp that caught itself in his victim's throat.
He didn't have time to question what that meant before he was screaming in laughter. Nandor hugged him closer as one hand dug in his exposed pit while he blew a relentless onslaught of raspberries on his neck.
This was shaping up to be a long night.
#tickletober#tickletober 2024#guillermo de la cruz#nandor the relentless#lazlo cravensworth#what we do in the shadows#wwdits#wwdits fic#wwdits tickle fic#ticklish!guillermo
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Holding Out
fandom: wwdits, Nandor x Guillermo
an: oh boy this idea hit me and i finally wrote it down. also first fic on this blog!! im def open to feedback, i want to get better, i just ask for kindness <3
Guillermo wasn’t one to ask too many questions about every escapade Nadja and Laszlo got up to, but the sitting room was almost destroyed. He looked in awe at the mess of cushions, books, torn paper, and akimbo furniture as Laszlo ushered the familiar towards the disaster.
“Be a good lad and tidy this up, eh Gizmo?” He drawled, patting Guillermo on the shoulder before sauntering upstairs. Guillermo groaned and got to work, adjusting the flipped couch and picking up debris from the broken side table.
It didn’t take him nearly as long as he thought it would and all he really had left to tackle at this point was the shelves of books and knickknacks artifacts. Quite a few had been knocked loose and he was putting them back where they belonged. A couple of the top shelves were just out of his reach so Guillermo used one of the tables to give himself a boost, he could feel it teetering under his weight from one of the legs being shorter than the rest (due to a separate incident). He leaned forward onto his tiptoes to place some sort of chalice back where it belonged when the table lurched and Guillermo could feel gravity working against him as he tumbled back and fell.
Guillermo anticipated the hardness of the floor but was met with a torso and was cradled by someone’s arms. He tilted his head up and saw the quizzical expression of Nandor.
“Nice catch, Master.” Guillermo said with a bashful smile.
Nandor scoffed, helping Guillermo down, “You must be more careful, Guillermo…” Guillermo brightened.
“If you die, who will iron my capes?”
Guillermo frowned. Moment over.
The familiar straightened his glasses as his Master looked him over. “Sorry. I’ve just got to put the rest of this back. Nadja and Laszlo really tore up the place.”
“So I heard.” Nandor said with a smirk that threatened to send a blush creeping over Guillermo’s cheeks. “Well, don’t let me keep you.” He continued, making a shooing motion toward his familiar.
Guillermo rolled his eyes before looking back at his makeshift step stool. “Actually Master, do you think you could give me a lift? It would make this a lot easier.”
Nandor looked aghast, “Now what would be the point of having a familiar if I have to do the work?”
“You’ve lifted me to fly plenty of times, this isn’t any more than that. I just need a boost.”
Nandor grumbled and let out a “fucking guy” under his breath as he reached for Guillermo.
Nandor’s touches were never gentle. He wasn’t rough with Guillermo, but his movements were usually pretty stiff. So it totally took Guillermo by surprise when he felt the vampire's hands latch on to his hips and curl his fingers for purchase. He yelped and Nandor immediately let go. The familiar instinctively wrapped his arms around his chest and took a step back, the back of his leg hitting the table. Nandor looked him over quickly, concern on his face. “Guillermo, I know you’re a weak little human but I didn’t think I grabbed that hard. Did I hurt you?”
Guillermo shook his head and batted away one of Nandor’s hands as he reached for the same spot. “No! No, sir. It’s just- I’m- It tickled, that’s all.” Nandors eyes snapped up to look into Guillermo’s, his look of concern morphing into a look of playfulness at the mention of the word.
“Tickled? Guillermo, have you been holding out on us?” He smirked, causing Guillermo to gulp and butterflies stir up in his stomach at the hunger in Nandor’s eyes.
What the vampires got up to in this house wasn’t a secret, and Guillermo had to clean up the little playroom they had plenty of times. And he couldn’t blame them, branching out and trying new things seemed normal for an immortal. One of the things they had fun with was tickling each other. Sometimes light and playful, other times for hours on end. Guillermo couldn’t deny his jealousy but he’d never ask to participate.
Standing here now with Nandor crowding into his space, Guillermo couldn’t help feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement. “Y-you never asked.” He countered, a smile already tugging on the corner of his mouth.
Nandor 'tsked' and reached forward quicker than Guillermo anticipated and latched back on to his hips, squeezing gently, Guillermo barked out a surprised laugh before it teetered out into a stream of giggles as he wriggled from side to side, trying to disarm Nandor.
The vampire grinned, his fangs poking over his bottom lip. “Guillermo! I am barely touching you. Is this one of your bad spots, hm?” He squeezed at his familiar’s hips in rapid succession causing Guillermo’s laughter to jump up into a cackle and had him folding in on himself like a pill bug. Nandor used his momentum to gently toss Guillermo onto the couch and straddled him with one leg, using one hand to gather up Guillermo’s arms and pin them to the arm of the couch.
Guillermo caught his breath, giggles still slipping between his lips. His giddy smile didn’t disappear as Nandor loomed over him with a grin that made Guillermo’s heart flip and sink simultaneously.
“Where else are you ticklish?”
#wwdits fic#wwdits tickle fic#ticklish!guillermo#nandor the relentless#guillermo de la cruz#wwdits#my fic
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WWDITS 6x01 "The Return of Jerry" rewrite/fix-it fic
Rewrite of 6x01, I used the actual script in some parts to carry plot and so that the actual structure of this project resembles the structure of the season, but 90% of it is rewrite. I am planning on rewriting all of season 6 as God intended, with fully fleshed out plot lines carried over from seasons prior to season 6, and character/relationship development. I'm trying to make this as true to what they tried doing without it sucking so bad, meaning that structure (ie Cannon Capital, Jerry, will stay as points, but they're used to further the plot and relationships of characters instead of just. Being there. And then getting thrown away) Basically I'm just trying to fix everything I'm pissed about. I'm trying to stay pretty true to the tone of the show though. This will integrate past plot points like the extra djinn wishes, the Guide being a bamf sex freak, as well as Nandermo+Guidja canon. I also think Guidor as a cope could have been fleshed out better as a precursor to Nandermo. I'm also planning on doing Guillermo is an EV as well as Nandor turns human via djinn wish so stay tuned. I promise this will make sense. I'm eventually planning on publishing this on ao3 when my invite gets accepted.
tags/cw: Jerry desperately wants the Guide. Colin fucks the Guide also. The Guide is getting crazy tail. Nandor and Guillermo are kind of a divorced bitter couple who don't know how NOT to hurt each other yet bc like. Duh. They've been bad at communicating and they've hurt each other. NADJA AND LASZLO DON'T RANDOMLY FUCKING HATE EACH OTHER AND ARGUE? Also Guillermo lives in the house so he doesn't freeze and piss in a bucket? But they leave him alone (boundaries), Angst, also some silly, mentions of sex/some sexual content, generally setting up exposition, I don't really know how to do tags bc it's my first fanfic n I wrote this at 3am. Spot the raven cycle quote and you get a cookie. If you know me irl no you Don't.
Another night had fallen on Staten Island. In the library of the vampire’s mansion, Nadja read, Laszlo smoked, and Colin Robinson coughed in intervals, breaking up the silence–much to the chagrin of the other two. Many nights passed this way, the three of them relaxing together in amicable silence. At the sound of rapidly approaching footfalls from the foyer, Laszlo opened his eyes and looked towards the door to the library disinterestedly. The door slammed open, and Nandor walked in briskly.
“My god, man, what’s the matter?” said Laszlo.
“What’s got your knickers in a tickle?” said Nadja. She grinned toothily at a camera, evidently pleased with her wordplay.
“I…happened to be in the foyer,” said Nandor shiftily, eyes flicking to a camera briefly, “and I realized that since Guillermo is–ah–no longer with us anymore, that there is now a space below the stairs, which I intend to use for my ‘calisthenicals.’ I wanted you all to be aware of this.”
Laszlo started and stood up, brandishing his pipe. “Like hell you will! I should have you recall that before Gizmo moved in, I happened to use that space to store my prrrrecious volumesehhh,” he said, enunciating the words.
“I should think not,” Nandor retaliated, “since I distinctly remember calling ‘dibs’ on that space upon moving in and signing our vampire roommate agreement.”
“Well I didn’t know you COULD th—”
Behind them, Colin Robinson’s eyes widened and glowed greedily.
“I know who would remember!” Nadja interjected suddenly. Nandor and Laszlo turned towards her expectantly. She snapped her fingers. “Jerry the Vampire.”
Recognition dawned on all of their faces.
“Jerry!” said Nandor.
“Stand up fellow, whatever happened to him?” remarked Laszlo.
“I don’t remember, but what a great guy,” Colin Robinson said.
They blissfully reminisced together for a few seconds. Their faces fell.
“Shit shit shit shit shit,” said Nandor urgently. He ran into the foyer and down the stairs, the rest of the vampires in tow.
The basement of the mansion hadn’t been cleaned in perhaps a hundred years, and that was a conservative estimate. Nandor had said he would eventually get around to it, which really meant that Guillermo would get around to it. In any case, it had never happened. Nadja coughed into her lacey glove, waving her hand in front of her face in an unsuccessful attempt to clear the dust from the air.
“What a grimy, stinky shithole,” she said.
“A shithole we forgot we left Jerry in!” said Nandor indignantly.
Laszlo addressed a camera. “Once in a while, a vampire will fall into a super slumber. It’s an extreme decision that a vampire can choose to undertake for a variety of reasons. Times are dogshit, for example. Though believe it or not, one of the top reasons vampires go into super slumber is loneliness. Eternal life can be quite shit if you don’t have someone by your side. That’s why I’m ever-grateful that I have my darling lady-wife Nadja by mine!” He chortled boisterously.
Behind him, Nandor knocked something over, sending a plume of dust into the air and eliciting another chorus of coughing and hacking.
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly.
“Ah–but in any case, they awaken only when their fellow vampires wake them,” Laszlo finished.
“We were supposed to wake him up on New Year’s Eve, 1976,” said Nandor.
“We–um–forgot to wake Jerry up,” Nadja added. She laughed humorlessly. “Oopsie.”
“We had a lot going on,” said Colin Robinson.
“In any case, does anyone remember where Jerry’s coffin is?” Nadja said.
For a few minutes, the four vampires sifted through the debris and mildewy wreckage of forgotten furniture and clothing.
“I believe I’ve found it!” Laszlo exclaimed triumphantly. “Nandor, help me pry this lid off.”
As the lid came crashing off, they recoiled from the stench within. Nadja gagged.
“Yikes,” said Colin Robinson.
“Jerry seems to have broken into six or seven pieces of old wet meat,” grimaced Nandor.
“What have we done!” Nadja wailed.
Laszlo regarded the coffin with a furrowed brow before shaking his head.
“This isn’t Jerry,” he said. “It’s leftover body parts from a project I abandoned years ago. Couldn’t be fucked. That’s all.”
Nandor and Nadja exhaled in relief.
Laszlo retrieved his pipe from his coatpocket, where he had–apparently–been storing it, still lit. He regarded the coffin pensively. “Would that I could create life...reanimate dead tissue. Whomever unlocks that mystery would be a god amongst men.”
“Like Frankenstein,” said Colin Robinson.
“Who the fuck is that?” retorted Laszlo.
“Victor Frankenstein?”
“Never heard of the man.”
“Riiight,” said Colin Robinson.
Nadja walked over to another grimey box and tried to pull the lid off, face scrunched up with exertion. She huffed irately.
“Laszlo, shut the fuck up for a second and help me with this,” she said.
As the lid crashed down with a bang, the vampires looked on in anticipation. A round-faced, jovial-looking vampire slowly arose from the coffin. Standing, he yawned sleepily, stretched, and opened his eyes.
“Hey guys. Happy New Year 1976 amirite? Nadja, beautiful as ever,” he said.
Nadja preened, pleased.
“Dr. Cravensworth, I presume?”
Laszlo curtsied. “You presume correctly.”
Jerry smiled.
“Heyyya Jer-bear,” Colin Robinson said, attempting a close approximation of a smile.
Jerry stopped smiling. “Hi.”
Colin Robinson’s sorta-smile fizzled.
Nandor smiled fangily. “Good to see you Jerry.”
“And you, great warrior,” said Jerry, bowing slightly. “So, how’d conquering the New World go?”
In the library, Jerry held his face in his hands in agony. “So let me get this straight. Not only have we not conquered anything, but you let me sleep for 50 years.”
“Yeppers,” said Colin Robinson.
“Instead of 20.”
Nandor shifted. “Well, we did conquer part of Ashley Street and–”
“And there’s a camera crew here just. Recording us. And our dark vampiric deeds.”
“Well, yes,” Nandor said, “but they’re cool.”
“Uh-huh,” Jerry said flatly, unconvinced.
While Colin attempted to catch Jerry up on the last 50 years of current events via We Didn’t Start the Fire, to Jerry’s exasperation, Nandor mulled on Jerry’s words. It had been a while since he had thought about conquering the new world, and the idea that he–the greatest warrior in Al Quolnadar, and most certainly the world–had forsaken this conquest, didn’t sit right with him. He had changed. What’s happened to me? he thought miserably. What do I have to show for any of this?
“Actually, Jerry has a point,” Nadja said suddenly. “Why did we let the documentary crew film us?”
“We are exalted, powerful, beautiful immortal beings,” said Laszlo. “Who wouldn’t want to know more about our lives?”
“Of course, but why in the first place did we allow it?” She thought for a moment. “You know who would remember? Guillermo. We must speak to him.”
Nandor shook his head. His eyes flickered. “No, I forbid it. He…has his own life now.” He stood from the chaise and walked out.
Nadja stood and followed him out. Hurrying to catch up with him, she caught him by the arm. He turned, blinking rapidly. She appraised him in an uncharacteristically tender way.
“Nandor…” she said softly, “you know that it’s okay to admit that you miss him a little.”
“I admit nothing!” he thundered. “I found him this new home. It was the least I could do for him. He wanted his independence. He wanted a new life. A new job. A new…master. Away from…us.” He jerked his arm away.
Nadja narrowed her eyes and her posture stiffened. “Just because you do not wish to see him does not mean I cannot see him. Take me to Guillermo, Nandor.”
The last few years of Guillermo’s life hadn’t really belonged to him. He closed his eyes, and savored having a space to himself for the first time in…years? Decades? He felt older than he had in a long time. He wondered if this was what it felt like to be a vampire, feeling years slip by in what seems like minutes. He was exhausted. The space under the stairs hadn’t really been his, after all. It was a place he was allowed to be, allowed to exist in, in return for his service. His life, really. And what did he have to show for it? Failed friends, failed loves. He had nothing.
When he had first started looking for a place to live, he had found very quickly that not getting paid for the last 13 years of his life had left his options slim. Nandor had helped him, then. Laszlo has wanted to put him in his old jack-off garden shed, and then decided against it because firstly, it would have been too much work to move the jack-off equipment, and secondly, Nandor had reminded him that Guillermo would freeze and have to piss in a bucket if he was left in a shed outside. So they had settled on the room in the basement on the opposite side of the hall from Colin Robinson for the small sum of $350 a month. He had nothing, but this space was his. He had saved up for fairy lights, a poster, and a nice mattress. He had a lavender candle. A small rug. It was nothing, but it was his nothing. He just wished he could stop thinking about–
“NANDOR. If you keep stepping on my dress I will beat the absolute living shit out of you.”
Guillermo opened his eyes and sighed. The relaxation had been nice while it lasted. As Nadja’s heels clicked down the concrete steps of the basement he shared with Colin Robinson, he threw off his duvet and stretched, sitting up and grabbing his glasses off the milkcrate he was “upcycling��� as a nightstand. As he did, he heard a loud rapping knock on the door.
“Guillermo would you please open the door please, before I lose my complete fucking shit?” Nadja asked sharply, voice muffled by the door.
Guillermo obliged and yawned, wiping sleep out of his eyes.
“Hey guys,” he said, voice low and raspy. He looked briefly at the cameras, then at Nandor, then at Nadja. Nandor’s gaze lingered on him. Guillermo thought he saw…no. He was done with that. “What’s going on?”
“Wait, so who’s Jerry?” Guillermo asked.
Nandor scoffed from the bed. “You wanted to be away from us, so now you miss things. This is how it is now. You wanted this instead of–” he stopped abruptly.
Guillermo looked at him sharply, but Nandor was avoiding his eyes, instead tracing the glitter portrait hung in the middle of the wall that, years ago, he had made as an anniversary gift for Guillermo.
Nadja offered a quick explanation in Nandor’s stead, and Guillermo nodded, satisfied.
“To your question, Nadja. You…I don’t know. You guys let them start filming because you wanted to show people how cool you guys were,” Guillermo started.
Nadja started to stand from the stool in the corner of the room, apparently satisfied with this explanation.
“But,” Guillermo continued, “you also wanted to see how you all would change. Like…revisiting the past you. Laszlo and you had mentioned wanting a kid or something? Or well, Laszlo had mentioned creating something. I assumed he meant sex. Nandor wanted to get married. You wanted power and admiration. Colin Robinson…I actually don’t know what his goals were. And obviously, you expected that you’d have dominion over the New World by this point.”
Nadja plopped back on the stool, quiet. She got up again just as suddenly.
“Thank you Guillermo for that very long, very useless, dogshit explanation. I am going to leave now.”
Guillermo scoffed and raised an eyebrow, looking at a camera. “Okay, sure. No problem.”
As the cameraman followed Nadja up the stairs, Nandor lingered for a moment. Guillermo looked at him. Nandor’s thumb traced Guillermo’s duvet almost imperceptibly, but Guillermo had learned a long time ago how to pick up on things most people didn’t notice. That’s how he had found them after all.
Nandor stood up and inhaled sharply.
“The job is good? Panera bread?” he asked, all business. Guillermo could do the same.
He nodded and smiled tightly. “Absolutely. It’s great.”
“Your new master–eh–boss? He treats you…well?”
“Better than I could have ever imagined,” Guillermo raised his gaze to Nandor’s. Nandor stepped back slightly, eyes glinting flintily.
“Looking back on it, I guess you got what you wanted, didn’t you? You got married. To Marwa,” Guillermo said quietly. Because he knew it would hurt. Because there were no cameras.
Nandor breathed softly, shakily. “And so did you,” he said coldly. Because he knew it would hurt. Because there were no cameras.
Nandor paced the foyer. Guillermo was a fucker but he was right. He had wanted to get married. And he had gotten married. And it had failed. And he was still unsatisfied. His familiar had humiliated him, hurt him, betrayed him, and here he was playing landlord with him and pretending things hadn’t changed after the Derek fiasco. Jerry was right. He was a warrior, he was Nandor the fucking Relentless, and he did not relent when he wanted something.
He needed a win.
He wanted that space under the stairs.
Laszlo sat quietly in the library, lost in thought. Nadja had informed the rest of the vampires about what Guillermo had told her and Nandor. Creating something, yes. He had been pulling his own dick the last 50 years and hadn’t the slightest god-defying achievement to show for it. He would make something beautiful, something that defied comprehension. This time, he would finally make his creation. And this time, it would be perfect.
Nadja wanted…more. She had achieved power and respect. She had sat on the Vampiric Council, albeit in a shitting pencil-pushing role. So, when that got boring, she made her nightclub. She was a doer! She had achieved what she wanted in the vampiric world. It was time for something new. Something novel. Something so disgusting and absolutely different from what she’d already done that it could only be called human.
Colin Robinson walked gingerly to his room. All of the negative feelings in the house would normally be a feast for an energy vampire. He hadn’t meant to feed this much, but the energy soaked in whether he liked it or not. Ordinarily, it would have been great. But this…this was too much of a good thing. His ass had gotten absolutely massive. From the side, it genuinely looked like someone had taken it in MS Paint and stretched it out. It had its perks of course—the Guide had certainly noticed, and their passionless, mind-blowing hookups had gone from happening 20 times to about 38 times a week. But there was the other issue. His pants didn’t fucking fit anymore.
Guillermo closed the door to the bathroom, toweling off his hair. Nadja’s doll had grabbed his glasses and run off with them somewhere, so he peeked into the sitting room where the vampires were sat in their evening activities. Except they weren’t doing anything. They were static.
Guillermo furrowed his brow bemusedly. “What is going on with you guys?”
They didn’t acknowledge him.
He sighed. “Not my place or my job, but something is clearly wrong.”
“Maybe the fact that I have turned into a huge giant pussy?” Nandor muttered.
“That I am a complete scientific failure?” Laszlo said loftily.
“ I still feel as though I haven’t reconnected with my Antipaxian roots?” Nadja said.
“That my pants don't fit anymore?” said Colin Robinson.
“No,” said Guillermo, “I was going to say Jerry.”
The vampires looked at him in shock.
“Like listen. He’s a great guy, right? He was a great friend?”
They murmured their assent.
“Such a great friend,” Colin Robinson said eagerly.
“I’m sure,” said Guillermo. “But sometimes old dynamics just don’t work anymore.” He avoided looking at Nandor. “I think you need to be honest with him and yourselves.”
“So you think we should chop off his head and let his corpse be picked at by birds in the backyard,” said Nadja, looking around the room for assent.
“Yes, douse him in holy water,” agreed Nandor.
“Stake through the heart,” suggested Laszlo.
“You know there’s other ways to break off a relationship instead of going straight to murder, no?” said Guillermo.
“Such as?” inquired Laszlo.
Jerry walked in.
“Shiiiiit,” hissed Nandor, sinking into the sofa.
“Jerry!” said Guillermo smilingly.
“Jerry Jerry Jerryyyy,” Nadja half-sang nervously.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” Jerry said, eyes darting around the odd scene.
“Well, uh,” Guillermo started, “I just heard you’re the whole brains behind the New World conquering plan!”
Jerry smiled and rolled his eyes. “Guilty as charged!”
“Well then, you’re really gonna like what we have to show you.”
The Guide glanced at Jerry with confusion. “So is the plan for me to fuck him?”
“I mean you can, but that’s not really why we brought him here,” said Guillermo.
“Well then, why did you bring him here? P.S., I probably will fuck him but more out of boredom than anything else.” She sighed. “Such is the plight of The Guide.”
“I brought him here because he's everything you've been waiting your entire life for. He wants to take over the New World,” Guillermo said.
Her eyes traced Jerry with much more interest, considering him. “This cannot be true.”
“I swear it,” Guillermo promised.
The Guide smiled.
“Lieutenant,” Jerry started.
“Oh there’s really no need for such formalities,” The Guide protested, turning to face him.
Jerry stared at her intensely. “I think,” he said, taking her in, “that you’ll find I’m a stickler for the chain of command.”
The Guide eyed him hungrily. “I think,” she purred, pulling him in by his lapels, “that I will like him very much.”
#wwdits#what we do in the shadows#wwdits spoilers#what we do in the shadows spoilers#nandermo#guidja#nandor wwdits#nandor the relentless#wwdits guillermo#guillermo de la cruz#guillermo x nandor#nandor x guillermo#the guide#the guide wwdits#wwdits nadja#nadja of antipaxos#laszlo cravensworth#wwdits laszlo#nadja x laszlo#nadja x the guide#fix it fic#wwdits fanfic#wwdits fic
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the reason it takes me forever to write anything is because I can't enjoy writing (or reading) a fic where there isn't explicit consent and a safeword!
Thank you for all the lovely prompts in my inbox!! I am getting there with the steddyhands and wwdits :)
also I know a few people wanted me to post nsfw fics, and thanks to @nhasablogg there will be a blackbonnet nsfw tickle fic coming up :)
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Living Up to the Name
AN: This really got away from me, but it’s nandermo, can you blame me? We have a serious drought of wwdits tickle fics & like, what fucking gives they made it canon that the vamps tickle each other (or at least Nandor & Lazlo) & no I will not find a gif I am useless like that This one dips a pinky toe into the spicy pool, so be warned. Literally nothing happens, but bondage is involved & that’s about it. But day 20: relentless just SCREAMED nandermo & I just had to do it justice.
Guillermo was used to the odd requests the vampires would ask of him, some a little too odd, so it was no surprise that he'd become desensitized to it. Strangely enough, it was their more mundane and tame requests that threw him for a loop.
He'd just finished vacuuming the drapes (yes they needed to be vacuumed) when Nandor walked in. "Guillermo," he said, announcing his presence and grabbing his attention.
"Hello master," he greeted with a smile, one Nandor shyly returned before growing serious once more. He was doing that thing where he wanted to say something, but wanted you to be the one to prompt the conversation, so he just lingered in the room until you cracked.
"Did you need something?" he asked when Nandor didn't continue on his own.
"I've just been thinking a lot."
"Oh? What about?"
"Me, obviously." Guillermo couldn't help the amused scoff that slipped out, nor the fondly annoyed look he gave the cameras. Nandor either didn't notice, or didn't care. "Mostly about who I used to be. How I used to be able to make entire countries bend to my will. My reputation as a heartless conqueror," despite the awful words, his voice grew soft with nostalgia. "People used to fear me Guillermo. Some loved me, most hated me. But they all feared me."
Guillermo set down the vacuum attachment and turned to face him. "And do you... miss?... that?" he asked hesitantly.
"Of course I do. What kind of a question is that?" Nandor shot a look of his own towards the camera, as if to say "is this guy for real?" He even went as far as to subtly point at his familiar. Well, as subtle as Nandor was capable of. He let out a heavy sigh. "My name used to mean something. Nandor the Relentless. Now I'm just... Nandor."
"Is that really such a bad thing?" Guillermo asked, brows furrowed. Nandor rolled his eyes exaggeratedly.
"I guess not," he grumbled, lower lib jutting out in a pout and he kicked the leg of a nearby table. "But I've gone soft," he said dejectedly.
"No, no you're not soft. You're still just as ruthless as ever," Guillermo tried to comfort him, feeling incredibly awkward as he did so. But it seemed to work at least.
"You really think so?" he asked. Guillermo nodded. Nandor broke out into a wide grin, fangs on full display. "Heh, thanks. These hands used to make people scream," he reminisced, flexing his fingers. Guillermo couldn't help but stare at the movement and swallowed.
"Still do," he added before he thought better of it, eyes going wide. Nandor straightened his posture, watching Guillermo carefully. "I mean- Lazlo and Nadja get pretty loud," he quickly added as an excuse. Nandor smirked and stood up, walking over to Guillermo.
He tried to busy himself so he wouldn't have to look in Nandor's eyes. It still didn't help the flutter in his heart when Nandor towered in front of him.
"Oh Guillermo..." the tone in his voice made him snap his head up to look at him. He didn't know if the hungry look in his eyes frightened or excited him. "Did we make you feel left out?"
Guillermo fumbled for the right words. "N-no, no, I-I'm good. More than good," he stuttered.
"It's okay, no need to be embarrassed here."
"I'm not-" but Guillermo cut himself off, knowing better than to try arguing with Nandor of all people.
"It's only natural to be curious. You could've just asked to join, we totally would've let you," he flirted, making Guillermo blush. "You know, I've wanted to make you scream for mercy for quite some time." The boldness of the statement threw him off guard.
"Have you now?" he asked, voice higher pitched. Nandor must've thought it was out of fear, because he clarified.
"Oh I wouldn't be hurting you. I'd just tickle you until you begged me to stop. But I won't." Guillermo felt his cheeks heat up, his throat going dry. "It's not so bad. Just ask Lazlo.
Guillermo shook his head. "I don't- I don't need his input."
"Very well. Follow me." he gestured with a single finger for him to come along. Obediently, he followed.
He'd only ever been in their... playroom to clean it, and he certainly never thought he'd be brought back here. Never thought he'd be so willing to go either, but life is full of surprises. There were various tools and toys lining the walls and spread out on tables for display, and there were various bondage set ups to choose from.
"Go ahead, make yourself comfortable," Nandor insisted. It was a little hard when Guillermo could hear his pulse racing in his ears. He decided to play it safe, laying on the king sized bed against the wall. Nandor sat next to him, looking him up and down with a kind of excitement Guillermo didn't often see. The fact it was directed at him made butterflies flit about in his stomach.
"Good, now take off your shirt." When Guillermo only stared at him in shock, he clarified, "Trust me, it feels much better without clothes." Guillermo ducked his head and blushed.
"Okay yeah I got it," he rushed out. He took a deep breath and pulled the shirt over his head. "So I-I'm guessing you're gonna just- tie me up?" Nandor chuckled at that.
"No silly, I'm horrible at knots! We have cuffs for that!"
"Of course you do," he mumbled under his breath as Nandor retrieved them. When he came back, standing over the bed, he must've sensed the nervous energy coming off of him in waves.
"We don't have to do this if you don't want to," he said, surprisingly gentle as he rocked back and forth on his feet. Guillermo furrowed his brows.
"What? No, you wanted this. And I mean, come on," he said, his own voice casual and almost teasing. Nandor cocked his head like a curious puppy. "It's just tickling. How bad can it actually be?" he asked skeptically and almost immediately regretted it.
"Oh you'd be surprised, my dear Guillermo," he all but purred. His heart all but skipped a beat as he laid down on the bed, raising his arms for Nandor to cuff. He did the same his his ankles, testing them to make sure they're secure but not too tight.
His hands hovered over his bare torso for only a moment before diving for the hips. Guillermo shrieked and instantly started bucking. "I thought about starting off slow, but I think we're both too eager for that," he teased, drilling his thumbs over his hip dips.
"Ihihi'm nohohot! S-slow ihihis good!" he cried through his laughter. Nandor hummed, thinking it over before agreeing.
"You're right, we have all night. Why rush things?" he asked, feral grin overtaking his features. Guillermo giggled nervously, the sound growing stronger when Nandor's hands touched down on the tender underside of his arms. Fingertips dragged ever so lightly from his wrists to his armpits, and Guillermo never knew something he could just barely feel could be so torturous. His laugh was short and breath and he was already desperately tugging on his arms. Nandor looked down at him with such adoration, hands never faltering in their movements. Up and down, up and down his arms he went, leaving goosebumps in his wake. When he finally decided to quit playing with his food, he let his hands reach his underarms, drawing lazy circles and playing with the hair.
Guillermo snorted, nose scrunched adorably as his arms flexed and strained to come down. He was barely even touching him, and Guillermo was giggling like a little school girl.
"Wow Guillermo, have you been working out?" Nandor asked when he noticed the bulging biceps on display. "You've been hiding all of this under shapeless sweaters," he lamented, reaching up to feel the muscle. Funny, he'd never known his fucking biceps were ticklish, until now that is. Nandor was just squeezing them, admiring the muscle and he was practically in stitches.
"I just lihihike sweheaters!" he yelped, arching his back. Nandor acted on impulse, having done this many times with both Nadja and Lazlo and was used to adapting to their bodily reactions. Which was why he shoved his face down onto his belly, growling and nibbling against soft skin as he shook his head, adding even more tickly vibrations to the cocktail of neurons firing in his brain.
Guillermo positively screamed with laughter, light and airy snickers turning to full on cackles in an instant. The combination of soft lips, sharp fangs, and that stupid motherfucking beard had him in an incomprehensible state. And honestly? He couldn't complain. Oh it was horrible, yes, but it was Nandor.
Speaking of, he was feeling rather proud right about now. He was unraveling Guillermo's sanity with each passing second, not only that, but he had agreed to this. The big, strong, vampire killing machine was nothing but a hysterical mess under his fingers, and it was perhaps the greatest power trip he'd felt in ages.
"Ohoho fuck oho shihihit thahahat's ahahawful!" he screeched, thrashing as much as his bonds would allow. Nandor didn't bother to raise his head up when answering, instead speaking directly into the skin and sending him into another round of quiet snickers and chuckles.
"Good, I'm not trying to be nice," he deadpanned, causing a shiver to crawl up Guillermo's spine. Nandor smirked against his stomach before grazing ever so slowly with his teeth. Guillermo swore and bucked violently, deep boisterous laughter bouncing off the walls. It tickled so much that he didn't even notice when Nandor's fangs accidentally pierced through the skin from all his squirming. He sure as hell noticed the tongue that started lapping at the puncture though.
"NAHAHANDOHOHOR NOHOHO! NOHOHO TONGUE OHOHO FUCK PLEHEHEASE!" he shrieked at the top of his lungs. Every part of him was screaming to get away, but those damn fuzzy cuffs prove effective.
To Nandor, the helpless plea might as well have been singing praise. He glanced up and managed to catch Guillermo's eye while he caught his breath, shooting him a devious wink. He shook his head, tugging on his arms.
"Nonono Nandor, whatever it is, don't-"
Nandor, of course, didn't listen, and instead, maintained eye contact as he drug his tongue across his tummy to wiggle straight into his bellybutton.
It's a good think Guillermo was laying down because he felt his legs give out, slowly losing their fight. He was full on cackling now, writhing from side to side and thrashing endlessly. Nandor flicked and swirled his tongue inside his naval, sending him spiraling closer to madness. Each thrust of his hips in an attempt to alleviate the sensation only made it grow worse as Guillermo snorted once more.
"I think you're even worse than Lazlo," Nandor mused aloud, making him blush even more.
"Shuhuhut thehe hehehell up!" he snapped, mirth masking any malice that might've been hidden in his words. Nandor gasped, forming his hands into claws and vibrating them on his exposed tummy.
"Guillermo, I am shocked! You ought to know better than to talk to your master that way," he threatened, a playfully dangerous edge to his voice. Guillermo's eyes widened.
"Ihihi'm sorry! Ihihi'm sohohorry!" he squealed when fingers began working themselves between each rib bone, bubbly snickers and snorts spilling from his mouth.
"I'm afraid sorry isn't good enough," Nandor said without an ounce of sympathy in his voice. He straddled his waist and loomed over him, anxious excitement filling him to the brim. He really hoped that Nandor didn't notice how much he was enjoying this. Which seemed unlikely, seeing as he was practically sitting in his lap.
The sound of buzzing snapped him from his thoughts as he looked at Nandor, who now held an electric toothbrush in each hand. Guillermo felt his heart sink and jump in his throat simultaneously.
They started out in his armpits, making him jolt with a loud peal of laughter. When they didn't move away, his laugh got faster and more shrill the longer the torment continued. Nandor drug the spinning brushes down his sides, relishing in every twitch, gasp and giggle. The toothbrushes made their journey back up, this time taking a detour across the expansive chest.
Guillermo's laugh got more frantic and hysterical as Nandor circled his nipples. He snorted, shaking his head and biting his lip to keep the laughter at bay. It was no use once he touched the brushes down on those sensitive buds. If Nandor thought he was thrashing before, it was nothing compared to this.
"Nahahandohohor plehehease! I ca- I cahahan't!" Guillermo begged through helpless laughter. Nandor cocked his head and hummed.
"Can't what?"
"Ihihi cahahan't tahake ihihihit," he whined, twisting side to side to try and dislodge those downright torturous spinning bristles.
"Aaawww, you poor thing," Nandor mock cooed, leaning down to whisper, "I don't care."
Nandor wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. After all, he had a relentless reputation to uphold.
#tickletober#tickletober 2023#tickletober day 20#nandermo#nandor the relentless#guillermo de la cruz#what we do in the shadows#wwdits#wwdits fic#wwdits tickle fic#ticklish!guillermo
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I'm a scary ghost and I'm implanting thoughts of making a wwdits tickle fic in your head, oooooo~ 👻
I’m Scrooge & you’re all three ghosts telling me I have to stop being stingy & keeping all my ideas to myself
Seriously tho, I need to write more wwdits! Nandor is canonically ticklish! Apparently Lazlo is, according to Nandor, Lazlo & Nadja are so affectionate, Nandor tried tickling Colin awake to see if he was faking his death, like they’re giving us so many breadcrumbs to follow & it feels like I’m fucking Sherlock Holmes noticing shit no one else is talking about & I can’t stop thinking about
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I really am exited so much that you want to write about Nandor, because i just finished watching the series and there's ZERO tickle fics about him and im do disappointed!!!!
Even though not only is he a canonically ticklish character, but also does he clearly percieve tickling as a sexual practice!!
(Remember when he told Lazlo "no rimming, no sucking, no tickling, no fingering, no fucking" literally in one line, as synonyms. And also remember how he was erotically tickling Freddy's nipple with a feather, which i also appreciate so much as a representation of tickle kink, even though i prefer to see Nandor as a lee)
Overall, im really really REALLY wait for you to write about him on ticklectober, because this lack of a content about him is just not fair
Omg I know, there’s like, NO tickle fics for this show & it’s a downright shame! Like there’s apparently multiple canonically ticklish characters, especially if we take Nandor’s word from the quote above.
There’s literally so much potential, I hope we see more fics!
As for his more kinky side, I don’t know if there’s any kink those vamps don’t have, I’d say that it’s pretty tame among some of their other, um, interests.
Sadly, I must break the news that the wwdits fic I have lined up currently is with ler nandor instead of lee, but I will be sure to amend this mistake in the future. In the meantime tho, I do have a fic where they all play hide & seek & Nandor does get wrecked in that!
#asks#anon ask#what we do in the shadows#wwdits#wwdits fic#nandor the relentless#tickletober#tickletober 2023
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I love your wwdits tickle content, especially of Nandor and Guillermo. There's just not enough wwdits tickle content! You keep me fed fr 💅
KSVAKAOEFK THANK YOU SO MUCH OMG! I’m so desperate for wwdits content, & I swear I’m like the only one giving us the fics we deserve. I mean, they’re canonically ticklish, so what gives? So glad I can keep you full & fed☺️
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A Relaxing Massage
AN: A day late, as many fics probably will be for the rest of the month. Nandor is so demanding so you can’t blame Guillermo taking advantage of his sensitivity
Guillermo quietly dusted the knickknacks in Nandor's room, listening to him complain about his sore muscles. As usual, he was dropping not so subtle hints about what he wanted while still beating around the bush. Guillermo had just about had enough of it.
"We'll do you want me to do something about it?" he huffed, placing his hands on his hips. Nandor's demeanor immediately shifted to a much brighter one.
"Why yes please! Thank you so much for offering," he said, already rolling onto his stomach. Because Nandor couldn't see him, Guillermo allowed a fond smile to grace his features. He turned away for a moment to set down his things, only to be incredibly flustered when he turned back to see Nandor removing his shirt.
"Uh, w-what are you doing?" he asked, cocking his head to the side quizzically. Nandor paused and looked at him as if that were the dumbest question in the world.
"Taking off my shirt, what does it look like?"
Guillermo blinked at him. "Yes, I see that. But why?" Nandor scoffed.
"How else are you going to rub oil on me?" he asked casually. Guillermo nearly choked.
"Wow, I, okay. Sure," he conceded, looking away to hide his blush. And because he was the only one who knew where anything was in the house, he grabbed the bottle of oil on the nightstand. He poured a small amount in his palm and rubbed his hands together before smoothing his hands over the expanse of Nandor's back. A deep, contented sigh escaped him as his body relaxed under his hands.
Guillermo worked over the tense muscles, earning another pleased hum. He could feel a few knots under the skin that he had to work at, melting them away like butter. Nandor moaned, his body putty in Guillermo's hands.
He rubbed along each side of his spine, straying a little too close to his sides near his armpits. He clamped his arms down with a short giggle. He looked over his shoulder and chastised, "Careful Guillermo, you know how ticklish I am."
"Sorry master," came the automatic response before he could realize the opportunity at hand. His hands froze where they were, right at the crease of his arms and ribs. Nandor noticed the pause, sensing danger.
"Guillermoooohohoho hehehey!" his warning fell flat as it morphed into a giggly plea. The familiar turned bodyguard merely chuckled as he continued the playful torment. He knew Nandor didn't really mind.
"Relax, this is a massage technique I picked up in England," he bluffed, scribbling his fingers in his pits.
Nandor tried to think for a moment, but the incessantly wiggling fingers prevented him from getting very far. He supposed that he could be telling the truth. But probably not.
"Fucking guy," he spoke through clenched teeth. He was fighting a failing battle against the laughter bubbling inside his chest.
Guillermo continued with the massage, tickling him as he did so and turning the man into a melted puddle of giggles in his coffin.
#tickletober#tickletober 2022#guillermo de la cruz#nandor the relentless#what we do in the shadows#wwdits#wwdits fic#wwdits tickle fic#ticklish!nandor#day 7: massage
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Hide and Shriek
AN: First fic of 2022 woohoo! I finally got around to writing a full length wwdits fic because those vamps are fucking babies who need to be wrecked. I’m really happy that I got to post it before the new semester started! Please enjoy Guillermo playing hide and seek with our favorite vampires!
"I'm boooored," Nandor whined rather loudly, tilting his head back dramatically so his voice carried through the room. Guillermo sighed, straightening the knickknacks on the shelf in front of him.
"What do you want me to do about it Master?" he asked, sounding exasperated.
"I don't know, we could play a game or something," he suggested from the couch.
"Okay well how about the quiet game? I like that one," he said. When Nandor hissed, he rolled his eyes, "Okay so not that. Why not hide and seek?"
Nandor seemingly perked up. "What's that?" he asked curiously.
"You don't know how to play hide and seek? It's a kids game," Guillermo said with a smirk, shooting a glance at one of the cameramen who barely suppressed a snicker.
"Yes well I was a child a very long time ago! Need I remind you that I am a vampire?" he defended himself, sass in his voice.
"Not at all, you make it abundantly clear," he snarked right back. Nandor squinted at him, unsure if that was meant to be an insult. Guillermo explained how to play the game. "So one person counts while everyone else hides, then you have to go around trying to find them."
Nandor nodded along, clearly interested in the game. "Okay, and what happens when you find them? Are they punished?"
Guillermo cocked his head, brows furrowing together. "Um, no. No, nothing happens, you just lose." Nandor visibly deflated, waving a dismissive hand in his direction.
"So you just go "aaah I found you! I win!" That sounds very boring Guillermo, great job," he mock praised. The sound recorder and camera man shared a knowing look. He was in one of those moods, which meant a long day for the crew, and frankly everyone else in the house.
"Hey it's only boring if you suck at playing. It sounds to me like you're just afraid to lose. I mean, who knows, if you're good enough at hiding and the seeker gives up on finding you, you could win," he said, trying to cast doubt on his master's skills. He knew Nandor would take the bait; he never backed down from a challenge.
"Hey I could totally win! I just think it doesn't sound very fun. There's no excitement," he argued, just for the sake of arguing. "I mean what am I supposed to do while I wait for you to find me? I just think there needs to be higher stakes to spice it up a little," he said with a shrug.
"Trust me, I'll make sure you won't want to be caught," Guillermo said darkly, and even the camera crew were slightly scared and interested to see what the vampire slaying bodyguard had in mind.
"Why? What are you planning?" Nandor asked sitting up. It was clear he shared the same unsettled curiosity.
"Well... I don't know yet, but it'll be something fun. For me, it won't be for you. You'll probably hate it," he said confidently. He was totally bluffing. Collin Robinson appeared in the doorway, having been eavesdropping.
"You know, you should douse him in glitter. It goes everywhere, and you won't get it completely off of you for a good two months," he suggested. Guillermo shook his head.
"Absolutely not, because I know I'm the one who'll be stuck cleaning it."
Collin chuckled and shrugged. "It was worth a shot. I was kind of looking forward to it. But if you're still looking for suggestions, I got one-"
"No thank you Collin Robinson," Nandor interrupted, waving him off.
"But I was gonna-"
"Full offense Collin Robinson, but your suggestions stink," he said with a half apologetic grimace. His mouth dropped in shock at the insult. He turned to address Guillermo as he spoke.
"What I was going to say is that when he loses the game you should just tickle him. It seems to really annoy most people, I always get a great feed when I do it." He glared at Nandor as he left, "How's that for raised stakes?"
"Fucking guy," Nandor mumbled under his breath, glaring right back at him. Guillermo clapped his hands together to get his attention.
"So are we playing the game or not? Because I still have some work to do around the house-"
"Nooo we are playing this game! But I am not going to be the only one. Nadja! Lazlo!" He stood up from the couch, calling their names down the hall. They both peaked out from one of the rooms, looking only slightly annoyed.
"What is it?" Nadja asked crossing her arms.
"We are going to be playing hide and seek and Guillermo is it," he declared.
"I think you mean you are going to be playing hide and seek. That game's for fucking children," Lazlo said, poking him in the chest.
"Then there would be no point in playing! Oh, and you won't want Guillermo to find you," he said cryptically before running off giggling.
"Wait why won't we want him to find us? Oh forget it, he's already gone." They could already hear Guillermo starting to count. Lazlo grabbed his wife by the shoulders, looking at her lovingly.
"My love, you know I adore you. But you're on your fucking own. Bat!" And with that, he transformed into a bat and flew off to hide in some tiny little nook and cranny.
"Oh you bloody bastard! Fine, I'm off to find a hiding spot that's way better than wherever you are!" she called out and stormed off to hide somewhere. Guillermo paused his counting, cracking an eye open to glance at the camera. "They're not gonna be very good at this," he smirked. He finished counting and set off to find where everyone was. The hunt was on.
He started on the lower floor, going from room to room. He noticed the door to his master's room was cracked, which it certainly hadn't been before. He stepped inside, taking a look around. Nothing stood out to him immediately, but he just knew someone was in here. After checking a few hiding spot, he walked over to he coffin in the middle of the room. He tapped his fingers on the polished wood, a sly smile on his face.
"You know, if it's not you in there Master, Nandor's gonna be pretty pissed that someone else hid in his bed," he said loud enough for them to hear. Nadja tensed up, squeezing her eyes shut and biting her lip. She silently begged him not to open the casket, not wanting to be found so soon, but alas, she saw light peak in as he opened the lid.
"Huh, for some reason I didn't expect to find you first," he mused.
"Yeah well, neither did I," she grumbled, sitting up in the casket. Guillermo stood on the stool next to it so that he could reach in. He hesitated only slightly before reaching out to squeeze her sides. She squealed before slapping a hand over her mouth, smacking his hand away with the other.
"What the hell was that for?" she snapped. He offered a sheepish grin. "This is what happens when you lose." He squeezed her sides again and she fell into bright, bubbly giggles.
"Fucking stohohohop!" she demanded, twisting back and forth.
"I will in a second," he assured, scribbling his fingers over her stomach. She snorted, legs kicking wildly as her laugh bordered on cackling. He pinched up her ribs before burying underneath her arms.
"Ihihi'll bloody kihihill you Gihihizmo!" she cried out between her incessant giggling. Guillermo figured since she was too busy laughing, he wouldn't correct her on his name. Because he feared her wrath the most, he was true to his word and let up soon after.
"Urgh I never should've played this game, I just knew there was going to be some stupid twist like that," she complained, sitting back up and straightening her dress. When she saw the camera pointed right at her, she blushed and rose a hand to cover her face. Guillermo politely offered her his hand to help her out of the coffin, but she shoved it away and stomped down all by herself with a huff.
"I hope there's no hard feelings Nadja. But if there are, it was all Collin Robinson's idea," he said, not above throwing him under the bus.
"Of course it was," she hissed. "Im going to go finding that stinking shit and make him pay. As for you," she said, pointing a finger at him and advancing on him. He gulped, taking a few steps back. "I hope you know what you started. Because I will have my revenge. And I know my husband and he will be more than thrilled to help me after this. So I'd watch it if I were you," she threatened, poking all over his tummy and sides, making a few giggles of his own slip out. "But do go for his knees and ears, they're my favorite spots," she advised with a tiny smile.
She left, but not before properly threatening the camera man, glaring him down and pointing at him as well. "And don't you fucking dare air that!" She hissed for good measure, leaving the room with a twirl on her skirt.
Guillermo made his way to the library, having a good idea of where he could find Lazlo. He knew he was in bat form, having heard him yell so out loud before going off to hide. He gave a heavy sigh before browsing through the vast porn section, moving the books and magazines out of the way to search for him. The third shelf from the bottom had a book propped up like a tent. Perfect. He reached down and grabbed something small and fuzzy. He pulled his hand out, cupping little bat Lazlo in his hands. It was rather adorable.
He transformed back with a heavy sigh. "I should've known you'd end up looking for me in here." Guillermo nodded in agreement.
"Yeah I don't think anyone's surprised." And before he could psych himself out of it, he lunged forward, pinning him against the bookcase.
"Oh shit he's attacking me!" Lazlo cried out in fear. He was completely justified in his response, he was still just a tad bit weary of him since learning he was a vampire slayer.
"Yeah, a tickle attack!" he declared, squeezing his hips. Lazlo barked out a surprised laugh, curling in on himself. "Whahahat the hehehell?"
Ah, so this is what Nandor had meant. "Whahahat ihis the meheheaning ohohof this?" he asked, slowly sinking to the floor. Guillermo found it interesting how he wasn't really fighting back.
"Nandor thought I needed to spice up the game," he said, this time throwing the blame onto his master.
"Thahat stupid bahahastard- dohohon't!" he squealed and scrunched his neck, hysterical snickers filling the air. Guillermo scratched blunt nails over the shell of his ear and just behind it. His head shook back and forth, a scrunched up smile on his face. "Ihihi'll bihihite you!" he threatened, but even he knew it was a weak lie.
"I don't think Nandor would appreciate that, and frankly neither do I," he taunted, bringing his other hand up to flutter at his neck. Lazlo's knees gave out from under him when he tried to make a dash for it and Guillermo went for his ribs.
"Nohoho you can't dohoho thihis to mehehe!" he whined through his laughs, squirming on the floor.
"Sure I can! You agreed to playing the game after all, so you just have to face the consequences," he said in a chipper voice, scratching between each rib. He was clearly enjoying turning the vampire into a giggly mess and wasn't afraid to show it.
"Don't forget to go for the knees Guillermo," Nadja coached from the doorway. Her eyes sparkled and she wore a sadistically gleeful yet loving grin. He listened to her instructions and squeezed around his kneecaps, making him shriek in hysterics.
"Plehehease hehehelp mehehe!" he begged to her.
"I would except I'm rather enjoying the show," she said with a quick laugh of her own. She shot the camera a guilty and unapologetic look before turning back to watch her husband become undone.
"Thihihis is soho uncalled for ahahand uhuhutterly humiliatihihihing!" he cackled, curling on his side and kicking his legs out.
"Maybe for you, but I'm feeling rather proud of myself," Guillermo boasted before finally backing off. He gave his back a gentle rub as an apology as Lazlo sat up.
He gave a dramatic cough, acting oh so pitiful after such an assault. "I hate you, this will not be the end of it. Mark my fucking words," he threatened, cheeks still a noticeable pink. Nadja cooed and helped him stand up to leave. He still wore a small smile, trying and failing to will it away. He looked at the ground, casting quick glances at Guillermo and the camera, clearly embarrassed. He paused before leaving, stopping right in front of the cameraman and leveling him with a glare. "And don't you dare air that fucking tape," he threatened before making his leave. Nadja got right in front of the lens, waggling her eyebrows with an open mouthed grin before attacking her husband from behind, making him scream in laughter once more.
Guillermo couldn't help but smile himself. "Well, I guess now I know how to keep them in line from now on. Should've done this years ago," he said to himself.
He saved the best for last. Oh how he would enjoy this. Years of bossing around, playful mockery, and just overall whininess lead to this moment. Nandor's had this coming for far too long, and Guillermo definitely planned on making up for lost time after this was over.
After scouring the ground floor, he made his way up the stairs and began searching for his master. "Nandoooor, come out come out wherever you are," he called out in the empty halls. His voice echoed until it reached Nandor, causing a chill to run up his spine. An anxious excitement built up inside his chest as he heard his familiar grow closer.
After a few rooms came up empty, Guillermo made his way to the cape closet. When Nandor saw a crack of light from the door opening, he went completely stiff. He hid his face behind one of Lazlo's large and extravagant collars, hoping Guillermo would overlook it.
The familiar turned bodyguard scanned the hanging capes, smirking to himself when he saw his master's shoes. "Damn, where could he possibly be?" he mused aloud. "There's nothing in here but empty, lifeless capes," he said with a taunting tone. Nandor had a feeling he knew he was in there.
Guillermo ran his hand over the hanging capes, pausing when he reached Nandor. "Now wait a minute. This cape isn't supposed to be lumpy!" he teased, beginning to poke and squeeze up his torso. Nandor squirmed and started giggling, so he emerged from the forest of capes. He held his hands in front of him for protection, a nervous smile breaking out over his face.
"Ohokay you found me, you win," Nandor conceded, fangs peaking out from behind his lips. Guillermo tilted his head, a sly smirk on his face. "Wasn't it you who said it would be boring without raised stakes?"
Nandor's mouth hung open and he glanced at the camera as he thought of a smart retort. "People can change their mind you know." Guillermo's smirk only grew upon hearing those words.
"Yeah, I bet hearing your friends laugh up a storm, knowing you're next would make you rethink some things," he teased. Surprisingly, Nandor's cheeks flushed a bright pink, which was unusual for the vampire, except on rare occasions. Mostly regarding Guillermo... Interesting.
"Nooo that is completely unrelated!"
Guillermo rolled his eyes with a fond expression in place. "Sure it is Master." He flashed a wide, smug smile at the camera before pinning Nandor to the wall. The vampire was taken aback by just how quick he was and struggled against his hold.
Guillermo looked over his shoulder as Nandor continued his escape attempts, playful annoyance written clear on his face. "Pft, this guy, amirite?" he gestured to the taller man with a nod of his head the same time Nandor muttered, "Fucking guy!"
"You know, unless you're laughing hysterically I don't wanna hear it from you," Guillermo taunted. He used his leg to swipe his feet out from under him, catching him in a dip just before he hit the floor. They were both frozen for a moment, just staring into each other's eyes. They each wore a faint blush creeping up their cheeks.
"Oh Guillermo..." Nandor said, just a tad bit breathless. "You nearly fucking dropped me!" The camera crew barely contained their collective sigh. Just when they thought they were having a moment! Apparently, Guillermo didn't appreciate his little outburst either and let him drop the rest of the way to the floor.
Nandor whined, rubbing the back of his head mostly for show. He looked over at the camera and pointed, "You got that, right Dave? He just let me plummet to the cold hard ground like a rock- hey don't roll your eyes at me!" He was too busy monologuing to notice Guillermo straddling his waist until it was too late.
"You're a bit of a drama queen, you know that?"
"Yes, Nadja tells me quite often," he said begrudgingly.
"Well I feel like we've drug this out long enough," Guillermo mused, cracking his knuckles. Nandor tensed at the sound, squeezing his eyes shut as he braced himself. He waited a few seconds and... nothing.
Nandor peaked his eyes open, immediately regretting it. Guillermo looked downright evil staring him down like that, fingers wiggling above his belly. He let out a small squeak, nervous giggles bubbling up his throat. His reaction in turn made Guillermo chuckle. Nandor squirmed under him, pouting slightly.
"I thought you said you were going to get on with it!" he whined. Guillermo cocked his head with a smirk, arching a brow.
"Eager are we?" he teased, drumming his fingers on the soft flesh. Nandor shook his head, trying hard to keep his giggles at bay.
"N-no! I mohohost definitely aham not!" he denied, blush growing stronger. Guillermo skittered his fingers over his belly, drawing out more reluctant chuckles from the vampire. He kneaded the small amount of pudge of his midsection, earning a few snorts and swears.
"H-hohohow cahan you dohoho this toho me Guillermo?" he cried out dramatically.
"Oh I've been wanting to do this for ages, I was just always scared what you'd do to me. But now I know you won't do anything!" he chirped.
"Excuse me?" he barked out through his laughter. Thanks to his recent meal, Nandor's blush was a rather rosy hue, which Guillermo just adored. "Ihihi wihihill kihihill you for thihihis!"
His familiar rolled his eyes. "That's a big fuss for something you asked for," he taunted. Nandor tried to hiss through his hysterics, but it just turned into a stream of very cute and very nonthreatening snickers.
"I dihihid noho such thihihing!" he denied adamantly. Guillermo cocked his head, a downright evil smirk in place as he cocked a brow.
"Oh really? But you still insisted on playing even after Collin Robinson's little twist," he noted, digging his fingers into his belly. His laughter raised an octave, and he thrashed around as he started spidering his sides. "You knew it would end like this," he said in a matter of fact tone.
"Ihihi thought you would gihihive up!" Guillermo gasped in mock offense.
"I'm the only one who cleans this house; I know it better than the back of my hand. You really think I'd just give up without searching everywhere? Your fate was sealed the moment I started counting," he taunted over the sound of Nandor's hysterics.
He dug his fingers into his belly, drawing out loud cackles. Guillermo giggled when his master let out a loud shriek, curling up on his side. He flashed a wink towards the camera before leaning in close to his ear to tease him.
"Kitchy kitchy coo! Who's a ticklish vampire?" he asked in a patronizing, babyish tone. Nandor growled through his boisterous laughter, hiding his face in his hands.
"Nohohot mehehe!" he cried defiantly. Guillermo cocked his head to the side in amusement.
"Oh but it's definitely you. Why else would you be so giggly?"
"I dohohon't gihiggle!" Nandor argued, causing the other man to shoot one of his signature looks at the camera.
"Of course you don't Master," he agreed with him easily, but let his hands continue their work. When he pinched his hips, Nandor let out a sharp cry that quickly dissolved into deep, frantic laughter. He slapped at his hands, bucking like a bull.
"Guillermo! Thihihis ihihisn't fahahair!" he whined. His face was scrunched adorably, fangs on full display thanks to his wide, joyful smile.
"Um, after everything I do for the four of you I think this is completely fair," he deadpanned, but a satisfied smirk played at the corners of his mouth. "Besides, you agreed to this. Insisted on playing, actually, so if you really wanted to you could stop me. Probably," he winked, scratching up his sides. Embarrassed snorts and snickers escaped as he thrashed about on the floor.
"Ohohokahahay you mahade your pohohoint! Ihihi gihihive up, you win! You wihihin!" he conceded, desperately trying to crawl away. Guillermo chuckled and released him, using a hand to straighten his master's rumpled clothes.
"Damn right I win," he flashed a very satisfied grin at the camera. "I hope it's safe to say you're not bored anymore."
Nandor sat up with an exaggerated groan, cheeks still tinged pink. "I uh, think it would be hard for anyone to say they're bored after that," he admitted, keeping his gaze down. "But even if they were, they'd have to be very stupid to admit it. I mean, you could pounce at any moment!" he pointed out, giving him a weary look that Guillermo met with a fond one of his own. With only a hint of smugness.
Nandor turned his attention to the camera crew that had just documented his demise. "And as for all of you!" he hissed, pointing an accusatory finger at them. "If you so much as air a single second of what just transpired I swear on John that I will make every day of your lives absolutely miserable!" he threatened. He was bluffing, but even his bluffs were frightening enough to make you pause for thought.
"No you won't Master. They're just doing their job," Guillermo took up for them. Nandor turned to him, head cocked to the side with narrowed eyes.
"Well maybe they're doing their job a little too well," he grumbled. Both of their attention was drawn to the sound of high pitched hysterics ringing through the halls.
"Mm, sounds like they got Colin Robinson," Guillermo noted casually, hiding the devious smirk that wanted to take place. His plan of throwing the blame away from him seemed to be working.
"Good. This whole thing is his fault, he should have to endure it just like we all had to," he said, feeling no remorse for the energy vampire. "In fact, you're next."
Guillermo paled, cocking his head to the side to look at him. He blinked a few times, lips twitching from nervous energy that hadn't been there a second ago. "W-wha-what? But I was just playing the game-"
"Yes, but you forget who you are playing with. Did you think I was just going to let you get away with this?" he asked, amusement clear in his tone.
"Well I-"
"I'm already dreaming up the perfect plot for my revenge. Oh, and just so you're aware, Nadja and Lazlo are a ruthless pair." He let out a low, evil chuckle. "Oh you really fucked yourself this time," Nandor taunted.
Guillermo sighed, a giddy energy swarmed around him and put him on edge. "I guess I have." He would soon find out what it was like to be totally at their mercy. But until then, he would be jumpy and anxious, casting glances over his shoulder and keeping a good distance between all of them.
As it turns out, that episode had the highest ratings of any one to date. And the hell that the vampires put the crew through was worth it.
#what we do in the shadows#guillermo de la cruz#nandor the relentless#lazlo cravensworth#nadja cravensworth#wwdits#wwdits fic#wwdits tickle fic#ticklish!nadja#ticklish!lazlo#ticklish!nandor#i had a blast writing this#they literally all deserve it#guillermo finally gets retrobution#listen#guillermo may look like a lee but he has such ler energy#he's ready to SNAP
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Nandor and Guillermo holding hands 🥺
Thank you for this, I’ve been dying to write something for wwdits! Nandor is v soft for Guillermo but he tries to hide it. Slight spoilers for season 3.
Guillermo couldn’t believe this. After everything he’s done for them! After all the slaying to save their lives, they stick him in a fucking cage like some animal that needs to be feared. On one hand, he could understand it, but on the other, he knew they were dillusional jerks. There was no way he’d ever consider hurting them, but he was seriously considering swapping out some of their jewelry for real silver.
Sure the situation wasn’t so bad. At least he could leave to go get some actual food, and now he had all the time in the world to binge his shows. He was laying on his bed in the middle of an episode of Gilmore Girls when he got a visitor.
“Hello Guillermo. I just wanted to check up on you and see how you are doing,” Nandor said, announcing his presence. Guillermo didn’t look at him, only taking one earbud out.
“Oh hey Master. I’m fine.”
Nandor stood there, looking slightly lost. He walked over to the cage, resting his chin on one of the bars as he looked down at his familiar.
“Are you sure?”
“Mhm. Just peachy,” he answered, tone a little tense.
“… Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’m watching Gilmore Girls. Do you want something, or did you just come down here to stare at me?” he asked, his frustration slipping through.
“Progress is slowly being made in deciding your fate. I think I’m starting to convince them not to kill you,” he said, offering a small smile.
“Yippee,” he said in a monotone, raising one hand weakly in the air.
“Guillermo are you mad at me? You know it wasn’t my idea to imprison you.”
“No, whatever made you think that Master?” he asked, sarcasm clear in his voice.
Nandor stuck his arm in the cage. “I’m sorry about all of this. Give me your hand.” Guillermo paused the episode, looking at him skeptically.
“Because I’m sorry about all of this. And I really think you could use a-“ he paused, visibly struggling to say the next word. “Ffffriend right now.”
Guillermo couldn’t help the small smirk that graced his lips as he placed his hand in Nandor’s. “Wow, that was really hard for you to say,” he teased. Nandor nodded, not meeting his eyes.
“Look Guillermo, I miss having you around, and not only for chores. I promise that things will work out. Do you believe me?”
Guillermo let out a heavy sigh. “Well it wouldn’t be the first promise that never came through.” Nandor gave his hand a slight squeeze.
“Hey none of that. I’m serious, I’m going to fix this.”
“… Okay.” He sounded tired and dejected. Nandor gave a small pout.
“I haven’t seen you smile at all since we stuck you in here.” Guillermo scoffed.
“Well gee, I wonder why.”
“You know it wouldn’t kill you to smile every once in a while. Just go “hi Nandor, it’s great to see you,” or “hello Nadja, you look lovely this evening.” It might help your case.” Guillermo looked at him with an unamused expression.
“Why, so she can just hiss at me and throw more raw chicken at my face?” he sassed.
“Hey I thought you loved your chicken! You always eat it all by the time we give you more.” Guillermo shot an annoyed look towards the cameraman outside the cage. Nandor reached in with his other hand and turned his head to look at him.
“Hey, I’m really trying here. And I just wish I knew how to make you happy.” Nandor dropped his gaze to the ground, tracing light shapes on Guillermo’s wrist. His lips twitched up as he gently tugged on his arm. Nandor’s grip tightened so that he couldn’t escape the touch. His brows were furrowed and he had an adorable pout.
“Heey, I am trying to be nice here!” he scolded.
“S-sorry master,” he stuttered, watching as Nandor’s larger hands wrapped around his own.
“Some of my wives would do this when I was upset to try and calm me down. It never worked, but I would pretend it did,” he admitted. Guillermo let out an amused snort.
“Of course you did master.” He wore a small smile that wasn’t quite genuine.
“Mhm. So could you at least pretend like I did?” he asked, a little snappish. Guillermo rolled his eyes. He then flashed a clearly fake smile, all teeth and dimples.
“Okay that was a bit much,” Nandor deadpanned.
“Hey, you said to pretend,” he teased.
“Yes, but you ruined the mood!” he said, throwing a hand up in the air. Guillermo arched a brow.
“There was a mood?” Nandor sighed, running a hand down his face.
“Yes, there was, but you ruined it now!” he whined, crossing his arms and pouting. Guillermo had to fight off an amused smirk.
“I’m sorry master. Here, try again,” he offered his hand through the bars of the cage. Nandor took his hand once more, tracing spirals and shapes from his wrist to the palm of his hand. Guillermo tried to stay still, he really did, but his palms were incredibly sensitive and Nandor’s tracing was driving him mad. Giggles bubbled up his throat and his fingers tried to curl in a fist as he tried to twist his hand away.
Nandor smirked, scratching at the center of his palm. Guillermo shrieked and fell into a giggling fit, nose scrunched adorably. “Nahahandohor don’t!”
“You never told me your hands were ticklish! That’s so funny,” the vampire teased. He blushed and hid his face in his other hand.
“You nehehehever ahahasked!” he shrieked.
“Well I’m certainly going to do this more often now that I know,” Nandor declared as Guillermo descended into bubbly laughter. And he really didn’t mind.
#asks#anon ask#short fic#sentence starters#not really but kinda#what we do in the shadows#wwdits#wwdits fic#wwdits tickle fic#ticklish!guillermo
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Top 22 of 2022
End of the year tag game created by the lovely @otomiya-tickles This was so much fun, you always make the best tag games! Thanks for tagging me!
Part 1: Fandom Faves
01. Favorite new fandoms of the year:
Our Flag Means Death, The Boys, Moon Knight, Workaholics, The Stanley Parable, (I know I’m super late to the game but this game rocks) Godless, other seasons of critical role, inside job & uh… does Goncharov count?
02. Favorite new ships since this year:
Blackbonnet, not new but still my faves, Namdermo, & Shadowgast & probably some more that I’m forgetting
03. Favorite anime/TV show of the year:
Despite not seeing the new season, my fave anime this year is Demon Slayer. As for my favorite show of the year, I think the latest season of WWDITS wins
04. Favorite movie of the year:
Prey, Pinocchio (Guillermo del Toro), but if I had seen NOPE it would undoubtedly be that, Where the Crawdads Sing, others I’m sure. But this year I have barely seen any new movies & I haven’t seen any new marvel film starting with Spider-Man NWH (I know I know, you’re gonna beat me with rocks & all that jazz)
05. Favorite character of the year:
Caleb Widogast has had me in a headlock ever since I first saw him & he hasn’t let me go since
06. Favorite soundtrack of the year:
I genuinely don’t have an answer xiavaowh I don’t tend to remember what movie soundtracks I like unless it really stands out, & I’ve barely seen any new movies this year. But my favorite soundtracks in general are Wild America, The Kings or Summer and O Brother Where Art Thou
07. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year:
I don’t keep up with what is published that year, but my favorite book I found this year is Night Film by Marisha Pessl
08. Favorite game of the year:
Favorite game actually released this year? God of War Ragnarok. Favorite one I’ve played this year? Either Doki Doki Literature Club or The Stanley Parable
09. Highlight of this year to remember:
Fuckin’ Goncharov babyyyyy!
Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2022:
Goncharov obvi, the queen’s death crab rave, Nov. 5th anniversary, & all the memes that came out this year. I have no grip on time so I have no idea which ones came out this year & I’m so dead inside I can’t force myself to remember
11. Favorite fan art of the year:
I don’t keep things organized enough to be able to actually find my favorite fan art specifically, but @fluffomatic is one of my fave artists on here, along with @ssnicker-doodless & @shyticklemonster r, @fluffy-alien alien but of course tons of other blogs as well!
12. Favorite fic of the year:
Bold of you to assume I can pick favorites & actually remember them 12 months later skagdk fr tho, some of my favorites are You Got My Devotion & Temptation, Frustration, So Bad It Makes Him Cry- @nhasablogg A Gentleman's Torture- @august-anon & uh, basically every single critical role fic. But specifically Waiting For My Mind To Go To Sleep & Embarrassing and Undignified- @chockfullofsecrets lightning damage- @spritewrites & something good to celebrate- @sapphicquill
13. Favorite ask game of the year:
Even tho I never really get asks when I reblogged that kind of stuff, I really enjoyed the list of questions on the fic writer ask game
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger:
I finally managed to participate in tickletober & finish it despite 2 major deaths in the family at that time, can someone say coping mechanism?
15. My own best fic/post of the year:
I gotta go through & actually look but Draw Me Something as Pretty as You did the numbers this year, like ever other steddie fic lol. MY personal favorite tho was Dare to be Bold & actually got over 100 notes.
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year:
Too many of my tickletober fics tbh but that’s what I get for writing for microscopic fandoms like new girl, tuck everlasting & wolf 359 which all clock in around 10 notes each. You’d think with only 4 notes my Night Film fic What A Prize would win this category. But my Imposters fic Junk in the Trunk & Workaholic fic Pizza Payback tie with a whopping 1 note!!!
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected:
My recent “porn bots want me carnally” shitpost. I guess because it’s so relevant? (Seriously don’t get me started on that, I had close to 10 try to follow me yesterday alone)
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year:
I made a kofi! So if you feel like supporting me or you really want a fic, feel free to commission me!
Part 3: Next Year
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year:
Mark my words I WILL make a Goncharov tickle fic, just you wait & see. I also want to write more for new or smaller fandoms I enjoy & get back to writing my chaptered fics. I also have some long one shots I want to make
20. Goals for next year:
Keep writing as much as I can, get back into physical art like oil painting, post more of my chaptered fics that I accidentally. I also want to read more fics because I really fell behind this year due to mental health & school
21. 2023 releases I look forward to the most:
The new season of The Legend of Vox Machina & uuuuhhh yeah I’m brain dead, I have no fuckin’ clue what’s coming out next year
Part 4: Spreading Love
22. Shoutouts to people who made my 2022 a better year:
I can’t promise to remember everyone, but I can sure try. Thanks to everyone for making this year not suck as much as it could’ve, y’all don’t know how much it makes me smile
@happyandticklish @ticklishraspberries @ticklish-touch @raybidtickles @shunniebuns @sugarfics @hypahticklish @fluffomatic @fluffy-lee-boa @fluffy-alien @a-fluffer-nutter @a-simple-lee @lemonsandstrawberries @tickletastic @anasticklefics @tickle-bugs @tickle-fight-club @rosileeduckie @thebest-medicine @peachytickles @poesparakeet-fics @eldritchtickles @tickly-floof @spritewrites @august-anon @ticklygiggles @sapphicquill @nhasablogg @chockfullofsecrets @sunlitanon @shyticklemonster @ssnicker-doodless
& a ton of others! Love you all & I’m so glad I have y’all in my corner!
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