interestingstuffs · 7 years
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qnsmade · 8 years
As Apple gears up for their annual WWDC (Apple Worldwide Developers Conference), we here at QNSMADE wanted to relive a moment.
One year and 2 days ago, on June 8, 2015, Craig Federighi, Apple's senior vice president of Software Engineering announced the relaunch of Apple News at the 26th’s WWDC, and he had this to say:
…but now, news is not just about the media titans, great content comes from all kinds of sources, and we want them all in [Apple] News, so whether that is a local newspaper, a blog, or a special interest publication they’ll all be here.
The “local newspaper” he mentioned was in direct reference to us, QNSMADE. We were streaming it live, patiently waiting to see when we would pop up on the screen. It was a major moment for us. Not to be a humblebrag, but they put us first.
Anyway, we hope you’d reminisce with us!
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applelover99 · 9 years
Apple - WWDC 2015
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goodappyo · 9 years
【 告白碎碎唸 】Facebook 又改變演算法之後,除了小編緊張,Apple News 也中我腦補的槍
前幾天又看到 Facebook 改變動態消息演算法 Again( 其實是不知道 Again 幾次啦 ),默默聯想到 Apple 才剛在 WWDC 宣佈了新產品 News。以下為腦補: 聚合器大戰: 新秀:Apple News 就像其他聚合器一樣整合了各大媒體,讓你在豐富的選擇內,選擇你喜歡的主題文章,而這個 News App 就像 Apple 自身的產品一樣內建在大概快一億的用戶的 iPhone 上(當然還有 iPad),當然 Facebook 也感受到這點威脅:倘若大家都用 Apple News 看新聞而不上 Facebook 看大家分享的新聞怎麼辦?
Facebook 本來就是個大型的聚合器,只不過它聚合的不只是「新聞」。而 Facebook 這次的調整,我覺得有默默的要讓喜歡看「新聞」類型的用戶看到更多他們有興趣的內容,進而變成一個適合他們的聚合器,再進而留下這群用戶,因為 Facebook 提供了他們真正想要的內容。
另外,在選擇的內容上也略有不同,就是這點不同,讓我覺得 Facebook 提供的內容會比較可靠,命中率會比較高。
在 Apple News 裡面,你需要主動的訂閱新聞主題,但依照我過往訂閱過一些新聞聚合器的經驗,會覺得這些「主題」很難完整命中,以「科技主題」為例子,我就對於比較硬體相關的資訊沒興趣,但還是一樣會歸納在該主題中。所以會覺得依照主題訂閱方式雖然說是自己選的,但是常常很難命中我心中有興趣的題目。除非 Apple News 也能學習我的閱讀興趣跟習慣(我相信 Apple 可以的!)。
在 Facebook 改變演算法,我自己腦補會覺得只要我微主動的停留,收看我有興趣的內容,Facebook 就能判斷這個內容是我有興趣的,往後就會推薦類似的內容給我。其實會這樣覺得是因為,最近很常點選一些文章連結,Facebook 下方推薦給我的「相近內容」,就蠻準的,常常讓我一直不停點下去。
以上是我對於 Facebook 這次的演算法的腦補,其實就真的很腦補啦,不要管我,因為我就是覺得 Facebook 不想失去「聚合器霸主」的地位,尤其是當別人又準備要提供蠻好的聚合��服務。但,身為果粉,我還是會給 Apple News 一個機會 with 很強大的耐性。
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dansfabrika · 9 years
PROUDLY ; @omeryesilbas hocamız Rusya'da katıldığı @worldwidedancecamp 'te hepimizin "gurur kaynağı" oldu!! :))) Hocamızın daha başlangıcı diyor ve devamını dört gözle bekliyoruz... "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them " Repost | Russia | @worldwidedancecamp @melvintim2 @junquemado @scott4syth @dukiofficial @danieljerome @baibaklints @bruvidal4 @mecnungiasar @chrisbanaga @kenzoalvares @ahmed_baja #worldwidedancecamp #wwdc2015 #wwdc #russia #sochi #dance #dancecamp #ornament#dancecamp #dancer #choreographer #instructor #inspire #believe #dansci #gurur #pushhard #workhard #dansfabrika #dope #turkey #istanbul
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cjmlgrto · 9 years
There's no other video that make me proud to be a part of such a brilliant community of designers or developers, or to say the least, inspire me to become a better software engineer. Apple's video team just keeps getting exponentially better.
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dansfabrika · 9 years
Russia | @worldwidedancecamp Thank you very much @melvintim2 for pushing me hard!! all the choreographers in camp pushing hard,inspiring me and for everythings .. @junquemado @scott4syth @dukiofficial @danieljerome @baibaklints @bruvidal4 @mecnungiasar @chrisbanaga @kenzoalvares and big thank to @ahmed_baja to make my dream come true man 🙏 #worldwidedancecamp #wwdc2015 #russia #sochi #dance #dancecamp #dans #dansci #dancer #inspire #believe #pushhard #workhard #dansfabrika #share #motivation #dope #turkey #istanbul (www.dansfabrika.com )
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mvvlasov · 9 years
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#обновил #старичка #iphone4s #ios9 #wwdc2015 #apple 🍎 👍
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cjmlgrto · 9 years
Don't know the difference between kerning and tracking? Why are font features so important? Apple's WWDC 2015 video explaning their latest system UI typeface has got all of that covered.
I've only just been catching up to the WWDC sessions, and so far, this one's my favorite. Hit the link to watch the video, and perhaps give yourself a little typographic refresher.
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swiftmanize-blog · 9 years
Swift 2.0 and later
Today I decided to create a repository of Swift knowledge for me but it could help you too. That’s it.
let author = "Ricardo Pereira" print(author) //Output: "Ricardo Pereira\n"
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