vvoidled · 1 year
wwonder howw the doc is doin
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weekly-watchdogs · 2 months
ANDYY.... A a ..... Nnsi8ddy ............. ......... ... ...
......... I love Andy from wWander over yonder................ ..a dh.y .............................. Anndy................. Andy thw watchodg............
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#6 lots of requests this week! more below cut
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thefumocat · 5 months
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wwander boykisser
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artsygoldfishh · 7 months
I made a non binary flag for when ur non binary and litteraly a seal plushie!!!! (This was kinda js a joke between me and @wwandering-andre )
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lodish · 9 months
*coughs weakly* wwanderer and kazuha meeting..... h.hello......? can anyone hear me i-its so dark in here..... i-im trying to find my way out *shadow demon steps closer*
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stewielin · 4 years
Rules: Name 10 favorite characters from 10 different things and tag 10 people
Tagged by beautiful @quirkilykc , thanks so much, never been tagged but always wanted!
Sooo, idk, thats just the characters that come to my mind as i write this.
(also me desperately trying to remember who my fav characters are)
Edmund Pevensie / Chronicles of Narnia
Lexa / The 100
Adrian Ivashkov / Vampire Academy
Santana Lopez / Glee
Effy Stonem / Skins
Dr. Megan Hunt / Body of Proof
Connor Walsh / How to Get Away With Murder
Daenerys Targaryen / Game of Thrones
Marcus Lopez Arguello / Deadly Class
Villanelle / Killing Eve
And now i have zero idea who to tag so my sorries in advance haha
@heavenlycreatures @gaywxnders @lovesfeline-eyes @theboredandkindaweirdhisotrian @theanishimori @wwander-womann @writingnthings @lets-just-read-kay @tisseglogg @jillpcle
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toseektoknoww · 7 years
also potsie called me out he says im wwander from wwonder ovver yonder nd i am physically in pain from the accuracy
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mp-knight · 5 years
For a T27 how about the little things/theories which we want to see/know for S3? I mean sure there are big plots like Hater's backstory, Monkeyboy, the Star Nomad, wWander being challenged , Peepers tempted to the darker side... But I think that also a small/medium plot like Awesome and his PTSD, another Captain Tim episode, the fantomatic purple haired girl (ok, maybe this one can play a big part for Hater but still)... can be really funny and interesting. (Sorry if there are grammar errors).
Wow that’s one huge mouthful of a T27th suggestion and I hope you won’t mind that I’ll split it up in some bit-sized topics
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karieengels · 7 years
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Looking for an adventure? A Walla Walla curated winemaker itinerary series is available to the public each Saturday from Oct 14 through Dec 16. Go to basilandsalt.com for more info #wallawalla #wine #wwander #wwvw #wallawallavalley #wallawallawine #adventure #wine #winetasting
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crownofscience · 5 years
journal number six
stupid stupid stupid STUPID eridia
of course he didnt wwant to spend the day you clingy fool wwhat wwere you thinkin.
as you may havve guessed vviktor came ovver tonight and before he left i asked him to stay. he said no. obvviously. he tried to play it off but he just seemed awwkwward about it.
i guess i really havvent changed much then. still makin people uncomfortable. still gettin ovverly attached and smotherin. still gettin left to sleep alone.
i guess i should try to meet neww people or somethin? i dont evven remember the last time i had to do that. its been sweeps since our friend group met each other and wwe nevver bothered expandin our circle. wwhy wwould wwe? twwelvve is already too many people to keep track of if you ask me.
maybe vvik knowws some places to go and hang out? then again maybe i shouldnt bother him wwith this. i dont wwant him thinkin i didnt get the hint. i guess ill just... wwander around? i bet i could find some maps of the nearby cities or something. that should at least givve me an idea.
anywway. im gonna go sleep wway too much and try to forget tonight evven happened.
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frenchphobic · 3 years
where r bitches getting moss blcoks where are the wwandering traders -_-
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raccoonemperor · 7 years
H-HEWWO yowu wwanderful bwautifuw pwwerson UwU, I luvw yowu so mwuch
okay I appreciate the compliments but do not ever say hewwo or anything like that ever again in my fucking house god dAMMIT
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percgrinus-blog · 7 years
on a much lighter note my url means wwanderer apparently in a language called latin
so im thinkin thats the title im goin to givve myself
its fittin
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THE 19/10/16 UPDATE
Alright hi people. Gotta fun story for you! I’m sick. So yeah, the end. I’m huddled up in my room, experiencing an uncomfortable amount of stomach pain, and I. thought “hey! why dont i just do a liveblog?” and now im here. prepare youreselves, we’ve got a whole 4 pages today! lets just get started.
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Oh right, we left off with these fellas. Jasprose looks more than happy to bother this guy, and Erisol looks like he wants to jump off a cliff but cant because he floats.
ERISOLSPRITE: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Jesus, not to good at socializing are we Erisol?
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Hey you! ERISOLSPRITE: nope nope nope nope nope.
Ok yep, he wants no part of this. I fuckin love Erisol. I mean. The fusion, not the ship. 
JASPROSESPRITE^2: HEY!! ERISOLSPRITE: leavve me alone JASPROSESPRITE^2: Stop that. ERISOLSPRITE: fuck thii2 fuck that fuck evverythiing. ERISOLSPRITE: and fuck you e2peciially.
Ok guys I’m relating to Erisol on an uncomfortable level. Also this conversation so far is golden. 10/10.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: I said stop it! ERISOLSPRITE: iill do wwhatever the fuck ii wwant. ERISOLSPRITE: wwho the hell evven are you anywway? JASPROSESPRITE^2: That’s my line! JASPROSESPRITE^2: Do you have any idea how baffling it is to have some random drifter appear now of all times? You’re a complete stranger! 
Its just about as baffling as everything else that happens in this fucked up story. PLUS, Jasprose, you were going around looking for fun. dont you be sassy with the depressed asshole for it.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: I mean, it's a welcome surprise and all, but I'm still perplexed!
Man I wish Jasprose did cat puns now.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Here I thought we were finally done with all the pointless bullshit. 
God I hate that I relate to Erisol.
ERISOLSPRITE: actually forget ii evven a2ked. ERISOLSPRITE: ii ju2t met you and ii already hate evverythiin about you.
Gasp! Could this be black love at first sight?
ERISOLSPRITE: and not the 2leazy kiind eiither. iim talkiing about the mo2t platoniic of loathiin my pump bi2cuit could po22iibly mu2ter.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Well, if you aren’t going to tell me your name I’m just going to call you whatever I want. ERISOLSPRITE: or... ERISOLSPRITE: you could go awway. 
Oh my god I feel bad for him. He just wants to be alone to wallow in his own self-hatred/pity. Which is weird, because normally I would hate somebody who wallows in his own self-hatred/pity.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: So tell me about yourself, sad sack! JASPROSESPRITE^2: How’s sprite life been treating you? ERISOLSPRITE: ugh.
Ugh indeed. Does anybody enjoy being a sprite? I mean, its great to be alive again (unless youre erisol), but other than that you just become kinda irrelevant. Gotta be kinda jarring to see life go on without you.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: I mean, two dull troll dopes in one? What a waste of a perfectly good kernel. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Where did yours even come from? There are precisely ZERO empty kernels remaining in this session. I would know! JASPROSESPRITE^2: The only logical conclusion to draw here is that timeline shenanigans are somehow involved.
Jasprose, thats the only logical conclusion anybody can ever draw. I’m guessing though, that Erisol was just on LOWAS during all that retcon bullshit? I think. None of this makes sense anyways though.
ERISOLSPRITE: wwho knoww2? maybe 2kaiia ju2t got bored. ERISOLSPRITE: but 2ure, wwhatevver. let2 go wwiith that. 2ound2 2en2iible enough. JASPROSESPRITE^2: I knew it! I love being right. ERISOLSPRITE: holy 2hiit, are you obnoxiiou2. 
I know, Jasprose is the best kinda obnoxious. It’s like this perfect blend between playful and snarky. 
ERISOLSPRITE: ii diidnt thiink iid evver fiind 2omeone ii hate more than my2elf but youvve done iit. ERISOLSPRITE: ... diid ii ju2t 2ay that out loud. de2perate much??
Of course you are, you’ve always been desperate. Also, auto correct is hating these quirks.
ERISOLSPRITE: the fact that ii evven entertaiined that thought and contiinue twwo talk twwo you iin2tead of nopiing the fuck out of here remiind2 me of ju2t howw depravved ii really am, and that the only thiing keepiin me from obliiteratiin my2elf ii2 howw much of a deranged kiick ii get out of my owwn 2ufferiing.
HNN youre so perfectly pathetic I love it.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Wow, are you a trainwreck or what?
No kidding Jasprose. Like, theres nothing this guy can do to ever be happy.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: You know, I think I might actually hang around a tad longer. I happen to find trainwrecks and other horrific disasters morbidly fascinating. ERISOLSPRITE: evvery moment ii spend wwiith you iis hell.
I can sum up this whole conversation so easily.
Jasprose: haha youre patheticness is fucking priceless Erisol: kill me
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Then why not leave? I’m hardly chaining you to the spot here, green cheeks. ERISOLSPRITE: ... ERISOLSPRITE: twwoo much effort. JASPROSESPRITE^2: See? Riveting.
He’s already explained this though! he literally just wants to see himself suffer.
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Nice panel. thats all I have to say on the matter.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: So now that we’ve established you’ll keep up our conversation purely out of apathy and an acute, masochistic sense of self-loathing...
Yes, yes exactly.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: (Also apparently some form of conflicted caliginous attraction to me. Aint that a doozy?)
HIUDNSA <3 FUcking love you Jasprose.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: How did you end up here? WHY did you end up here? ERISOLSPRITE: ii a2k my2elf that evvery 2iingle day. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Yes, yes, you hate yourself. I get it. Can we please move on? I need details! ERISOLSPRITE: fiine wwhatevver.
Oh wow, is he chilling on the self-hatred thing? who would’ve thought.
ERISOLSPRITE: ii followwed an orange biird guy twwo thiis planet that came from fuckiing nowwhere. ERISOLSPRITE: but then he kept tryiing twwo mumble hii2 2tandup routiine2 at me 2o ii fucked off.
Yep, that sounds about right for Davesprite.
ERISOLSPRITE: ii wwandered around debatiin the pro2 and con2 of fiinally 2elf-de2tructiing untiil 2ome 2ort of wwiindy 2hiit 2tarted happeniing.
Oh cool, John’s big quest thingy. Also, that’s kinda morbid... Like, I get this is part of his self-hating schtick, but he was literally contemplating suicide.
ERISOLSPRITE: iit managed twwo dii2tract me from gnawwiing exii2tentiialiism for a miinute there untiil ii stopped giivviing a 2hit and movved on. ERISOLSPRITE: then an iindi2crimiinate periiod of tiime pa22ed and 2uddenly you 2howwed up. ERISOLSPRITE: 2tiill deliiberatiin on that explodiing thiing by the wway.
DONT you fucking dare blow up you green asshole.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Prrr prrr, I see! So both you and Davesprite came the same way I did. JASPROSESPRITE^2: How intriguing. JASPROSESPRITE^2: But enough about how; let's move on to why. JASPROSESPRITE^2: So, Señor Fishface, what are your plans? Any unfinished business you might want to attend to? In need of a GUIDE, purrhaps? ;3
Jasprose, I think the last thing he wants is for you to guide him.
ERISOLSPRITE: meh. ERISOLSPRITE: not really. JASPROSESPRITE^2: That’s hardly an answer! Aren’t you curious about the cosmic significance of your continued existence? ERISOLSPRITE: fuck no. ERISOLSPRITE: iin fact that ii2 pretty much the thiing ii am the lea2t iintere2ted iin. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Well that’s just boring. ERISOLSPRITE: doe2 that mean youll leavve? JASPROSESPRITE^2: Let me think about that... JASPROSESPRITE^2: Nope! 
This poor fucking guy, Like, he needs to ollie outie outta  here quick, because his submissive self-hatred is almost making me feel bad for enjoying this conversation.
ERISOLSPRITE: fiigure2. ERISOLSPRITE: wwhat2 evven the poiint? ERISOLSPRITE: lookiing at 2kaiia ii can 2ee another uniivver2e frog ha2 2howwn up and relea2ed iit2 vva2t croak thiing. ERISOLSPRITE: wwhich mean2 the game i2 ovver and the player2 are probably reciievviin the ultiimate rewward a2 wwe 2peak. ERISOLSPRITE: 2o there ii2 liiterally nothiing left twwo do be2iide2 wwaiit around for an opportuniity twwo croak a2 wwell. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Now hold on a second! JASPROSESPRITE^2: I’m not so sure about that, actually. ERISOLSPRITE: wwhat noww?
Hm.. Im not sure if enlightenment is the first thing or the last thing this guy needs. Honestly I think he just needs a break.
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And he just
wants to die.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Well, while I was ignoring your dismal yakking, I think I’ve figured it out!
Goddammit Jasprose.
ERISOLSPRITE: (wwhat are you doiing.) JASPROSESPRITE^2: I am almost certain now that you appearing wasn't pointless after all! ERISOLSPRITE: (...)
She’s gonna say something that’ll make him feel more shitty, isn’t she.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Of course, I thought so at first. But then again, I bet Rose also thought that of me when I initially sprang into being only a few hours ago. And I turned out to be fairly important for the final climactic battle, didn’t I? ERISOLSPRITE: (*2iigh*) JASPROSESPRITE^2: I also thought Davepeta was fairly pointless but I agree with them now, that is definitely not the case. In fact their destiny has the potential to be quite grand!
Where are you going with all this? Come on Jasprose, don’t say something stupid to him. 
ERISOLSPRITE: are you goiing twwo get twwo the poiint anytiime 2oon. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Don’t interrupt!! ERISOLSPRITE: (wwhy me.)
I dont know man, they just dont see how great you are. 
JASPROSESPRITE^2: As I was saying. Let me dumb things down for you: Even though it may not be immediately evident how you’re meant to slot into place amongst the great puzzle of causality, that doesn’t mean a purpose isn’t waiting somewhere in the brush to pounce upon your puke green sprite tail! JASPROSESPRITE^2: And I definitely want to be here when that happens.
Is it just me, or is Jasprose giving off Vriska vibes? I’m not sure what she means by she wants to be there when it happens, but it’s feeling like she could start getting all controlling over his “destiny.”
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OOH HI KIDS! I’m hoping we get to see some interaction soon. It looks like John’s hanging out at the door, so probably not from him. BUT these other pairs might be interesting to see.
Dirk/Jake: Yeah this one was pretty obvious, I’m not sure with all the. timeline shenanigans, but I’m guessing they’ll need to work out some relationship issues.
DAD/Calliope/Jane: Not much to say on this pairing, other than it might be interesting if we get to see DAD talk? He probably wont though, let’s be honest.
Dave/Karkat: Ohh yis, the gay ship that nobody can agree on. WELL I CAN AGREE WITH MYSELF, and what myself thinks is that they are fucking precious together.
Jade/RoSE OH FUCK: OK DONT MIND ME JUST SHIPPING. Ahem. So THIS is a pairing we haven’t seen a lot of, despite them both being from the same session. WHICH IS INTERESTING, because they have a really neat dynamic. AND ALSO I FUCKING SHIP THEM
Kanaya/Roxy: This should be interesting as well! Again, I’m trying to wrap my head around timeline shenanigans, so who knows how much Kanaya knows about Roxy. But Roxy did the matriorb thing! And I feel like Kanaya is seriously gonna admire Roxy, which is likely going to be adorable.
Terezi/Endless Void: Seems like they’re enjoying a nice staring contest. Even though she’s blind-
ALRIGHT THATS ENOUGH OF THAT! We got a dialoglog to open
JASPROSESPRITE^2: We’re simply going to have to wait and see. :3 ERISOLSPRITE: yeah 2ure wwhatevver.
Waiting and seeing. Oh, I guess that’s not as controlling then. Though it is kinda unlike Rose to stand by and let the game do it’s thing. . .
HMMMmm.. . .
alright that’s the end of thaat. For only 4 pages, I think I made that reasonably long. Anyways, I’m gonna end this now. BYE.
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flippinoptimist · 7 years
oh hey wwe mostly skipped the part wwhere wwe introduce ourselvves properly, i mean, naut entirely, but mostly
hi im vel, im gonna be the Terrible, an im a transdimensional wwanderer kinda dude thats goin to wwizard school, likes robots an gadgets, an can get just aboat anyfin!
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seemsfishee-blog · 6 years
thepenumbraadv0cate replied to your post “anywways aside from that bullshit heres a basic update im finished...”
does that mean i can visit?
yeah of course
im sleepin in the cell but im allowwed to wwander the palace all i like
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