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theonlymaddd · 6 years ago
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This saturday ima pop ALL THE WAY OFF at METROSEXUAL with sis @thekandymuse & brutha from anutha mutha @frankiesharp over at @metropolitan_bk ! Make sure to roll thru cuz with a 2am happy hr u know shiz is gonna get wild! #drag #dragqueen #shows #brooklyn #nyc #gay #proud #living #life #beauty #wig #lewk #look #wurq https://www.instagram.com/p/BovKr_3Dk11/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rley0xrebimv
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777eros · 2 years ago
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mmh.. Wurq?......
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blackphoenixalchemylab · 7 years ago
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Welcome to our weekly roundup of cherished news bits! This week’s batch:
☠ A new (and long-extinct) genus of gibbon was discovered in a 2,300 year old Chinese temple. 
☠ A Yale-Harvard team puts the recipes of ancient Babylon to the test.
☠ Inform your city friends: ‘Abolish ICE’ classes have begun popping up in New York.
☠ As for the rest of us, we can help abolish ICE by wearing this beautiful tee shirt design by Molly Alice Hoy!
☠ Our friend at Wig Wurq reviews the wigs of Ocean’s 8.
☠ In which a 16th century St. George statue gets a little too restored.
☠ Meet Candy Lee, a trans wrestler who’s working her way up to the WWE.
☠ No, Mara Wilson will not be doing mushrooms in the woods with you. 
☠ Got a buck? Help our friends The Nobodies fund their fully-inclusive drag pageant, MX. NOBODY.
☠ Behold: One of the first stop motion animated films ever made!
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rrbalpb · 4 years ago
1Q: If CEJQ is coded as XVQJ, then BDIP will be coded as:
Answer (b)
2Q: If LODES is coded as 46321, how will you code the word DOES?
A) 1234
B) 4321
C) 3621
D) 3261
Answer (d)
3Q: What comes next in the series: 26, 24, 20, 18, 14, ?
A) 8
B) 10
C) 12
D) 11
Answer: c)
4Q: What comes next in the series: 37, 10, 79, 16, 48, ?
A) 22
B) 20
C) 12
D) 18
Answer: c)
5Q: Find the odd letters:
Answer: c)
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hus-pus · 7 years ago
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I have never seen anyone ever spell work as "wurq" what is this
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ramparga118 · 7 years ago
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You. better. WURQ, bissshh!! 🖤🦊✨ 🎩 & 🕶 BY: @bronbermudez #strikeapose #fabulous #androgynousforlife
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l-mint-l-blog · 7 years ago
She doth wurq
hashtag animashun
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wigwurq · 7 years ago
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We all know who wins at the end of the Battle of the Sexes, the 1973 tennis tournament/public spectacle between 29yo Billie Jean King and 55yo Bobby Riggs and yet it is a win that we all needed to see again in 2017 in movie form. I really wish this movie had come out on November 10, 2016. It would have been cathartic to see the reaction shots of misogynist men seeing a lady reign supreme and, well, it still felt cathartic now, almost a year later. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE WIGS? Let’s discuss:
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When we first meet Ms. King as played by tanned insect Emma Stone, she has  subtle Farrah waves. This wig isn’t terrible. Meanwhile, Sarah Silverman serves up Jacqueline Susann realness with some extra frosted action in this gingham fantasy cocktail dress. YAYYYS MA’AM. I think I need to renew my wedding vows so that my mom can recreate this lewk.  
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 Anyway, after getting no respect from Bill Pullman (yes, BILL PULLMAN), Billie Jean decides to start her own damn ladies tennis tour (wurrrrrqqqqqqqq!) and nothing says the start of ladies tennis tour like a trip to the salon, amiright?
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There at the salon, BJK realizes that she might have some feeeeeeeeeelings for the lady hairdresser. This is also where the movie gets really boring (nothing against lesbian love, obvs - sadly it is expressed as really moody and boring in contrast to the fun of the rest of the movie!)
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 Anyway, whatever - you go, gurls. Again, this wig is fine.
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As is this shorter shag the lady hairdresser/new mistress gives her.
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Oh meanwhile, BJK was apparently married at the time to a blonde Ken Doll and possibly the most supportive husband of all time. Dude straight up looks the other way at lesbian affairs, will totally ice your knees, lawyer up all your Virginia Slims tennis deals all while looking like he’s going to escort Barbie to a date at a 70s disco ski lodge or something. 
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Back to Emma Stone’s wig, I guess my biggest problem is that is just doesn’t look like BJK’s real hair. HERE is the real BJK and Bobby Riggs (who looks pretty much exactly like Steve Carell - a good dude wig for once!) But BJK? NOPE. I don’t know why it’s so hard to find a feathered 70s shag wig that has the body and texture of this hair. WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO DO?!
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The other ladies of the Virginia Slims Tennis Tour all serve up (that is actually a pun here - ugh TENNIS) some good lewks - most of them wiglessly. Oh and if you look into the center of this picture you will see a Becca/Jules SuperBad reunion! They’re also apparently really good friends in real life - thanks internet! 
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These lady tennis players also serve up FASHION. JUST LOOK AT THESE EFFING TENNIS DRESSES. Here is where we get to the true stars of this movie:
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ALAN EFFING CUMMING and also Wallace Langham (aka Josh from Veronica’s Closet) play the dudes who design these glamorous tennis gowns and also provide support, wisdom, and general sassiness. If this story were a fairy tale, they would obviously be the fairy godmothers (all puns intended).
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I think that Alan Cumming’s hair is just styled into the coif it should always be and Wallace Langham is wearing a wiglet but DAMN IT WURQS SO WHATEVER. Also at the end of this movie (absolutely no spoilers) Alan Cumming absolutely does his best Rupert Everett in My Best Friend’s Wedding impersonation and it makes me wonder what Rupert Everett is up to and can he be in a movie with Alan Cumming please? Thanks.
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Oh also - basically everyone is in this movie INCLUDING ELISABETH SHUE. She doesn’t wear a wig but I just want everyone to know that she is getting work and looks AMAZING.
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EVERYTHING SHE IS DOING IN THIS PICTURE WURQS. I amend my previous statement: I want to be Elisabeth Shue in this picture when I grow up. 
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theonlymaddd · 8 years ago
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THIS!!!!!! Educate yourself!!!! Wurq @sharonneedlespgh
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jovengia · 8 years ago
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I am so tayerd. Werk. Werq. Wurk. Wurq. 😴😴 Kalma lang. Keri on. #goodnight #sleepislife #hibernate #april #friday #keepcalm #carryon #kalmalang #kerion #motivation #feminist #ctto
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poly-mode · 8 years ago
A hot minute piece (live/wark) #LEAPYEAR 263/366 with #brianmjohnson @carolyncares #niko #thevizsla #live #wurq #paperwurq #wark #werq #werk (at Los Angeles, California)
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wigwurq · 5 years ago
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You guys. I have a lot of feelings about this movie so buckle up - many spoilers (if one can even spoil the plot of Little Women?) ahead! Note: this is one of my favorite childhood books. I had very strong opinions about it when I read it then. When Jo turned down Laurie, I honestly threw the book across the room, I was so upset. I grew up in the wilds of CT and felt a strong connection to Jo always. Our New England roots are so intertwined that my mom (who I saw this with) and I even knew the carriage master who worked on this film! We are so very white! I have seen every movie version (excepting the Lea Thompson modern day version which clearly DOES NOT COUNT). I even watched the Maya Hawke PBS cinema verite version last year! I did not like it! Clearly, the gold standard remains the 1994 Winona Ryder adaptation but what about this one? And what about the wigs? Let’s discuss.
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We begin at the end. Because that is what Greta Gerwig has decided! Rather than make a strict adaptation of the novel, she turned the whole story on its side, its inside, and its outside. So the end somehow runs parallel with the earlier events in the story leading to a bizarre non linear narrative which honestly must have been really difficult to follow if you didn’t already know the story. I kept feeling grateful that my husband didn’t see this because he would have been so confused! And as someone who is very familiar with this book, I even was confused sometimes and had to use wigs to help me know where in the narrative I was! THANK YOU, WIGS!
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The main hair that helped here was Florence Pugh’s bangs. THANK YOU, BANGS! When Amy is young, she has them and when she is old (aka 20) she does not. And here’s the thing: ALL THESE WIGS WERE GREAT. So great, in fact, that it was sometimes difficult to even determine who was wearing a wig, a fall, or just using their own hair. WHICH IS THE SIGN OF GOOD WIG WURQ!
The main wigs were that of Jo, Beth, and Aunt March with random bits and pieces on the others. I gotta say - I guess Florence Pugh and Emma Watson just have really nice hair?
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Saoirse’s wigs were consistently good - even in the part where she sells her hair and has this sort of pixie cut! This could have gone the way of many a man wig where the back taper juts out but it did not! YAY!
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And then there’s Beth. Here played by that chick from Sharp Objects and in this very ok red wig, for the first time I wondered: was Beth supposed to be on the spectrum? She was always the “quiet” March sister, who is shy and only likes playing the piano and taking care of poor kids with scarlet fever (warning: that does not end well!) But in this version, she seems to have seriously troubling social skills, plays with dolls well into her mid-teen years, and generally seems a little...slow? Was this a choice? My mom also took issue with the fact that she looked way too healthy, with red ruddy cheeks, to be dying of scarlet fever. ALSO! The non-linear storytelling of it all compresses both bouts of scarlet fever into one sequence, with the March patriarch finally coming home in the middle, which you can’t even celebrate for more than two seconds because then BETH DIES OF SCARLET FEVER YEARS LATER! WHAT.
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And the patriarch of the March family SHOULD be celebrated because he is played by BOB ODENKIRK!! Obviously, as a man he plays second fiddle to the little WOMEN in this movie (get it?) but I could always use more Bob Odenkirk, always because he is wonderful.
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The matriarch of the March family is played by Laura Dern, whose hair and acting are always flawless. Truly, I think having Laura Dern and Bob Odenkirk as your parents is already WINNING.
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But then you get Meryl Streep as your aunt! Which means that Bob Odenkirk and Meryl Streep are siblings and I COULD WATCH AN ENTIRE MOVIE OF JUST THAT PLEASE. Anyway, Meryl Streep is of course perfect as is her old lady wig.
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It should be noted that I could definitely watch an entire movie of just Meryl Streep turning down various men who offer to dance with her at Meg’s wedding. Please give me this sequel, I demand it.
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Speaking of Meg’s wedding - it was nice! This was definitely THE YEAR of Florence Pugh to be wearing flower crowns but this time it did NOT end it with the death of a bear or boyfriend (#Midsommar). Again, Laura Dern is amazing and I worry for Beth. Not pictured: Meg’s hot husband! 
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Speaking of hot husbands! The main issue with Little Women (as I reported at the beginning of this review) was always Jo’s refusal to marry her bff Laurie and instead marry this old German dude named Professor Bhaer. It was always confounding and bizarre, but this time Greta Gerwig explained it perfectly by casting this HOT AS HELL dude to play Bhaer and now all is understood and forgiven except for the fact that he’s French now for some reason and there wasn’t really any romantic buildup for them (mainly due to the weird non linear storytelling) but still: HE’S HOT SO I’LL ALLOW IT.
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Also making Jo’s romantic decisions easier: Laurie was played by Timotheeeee Chamalet. I do not like Timotheeee Chamalet except that one time he played a total asshole in Lady Bird. My mom spent most of the movie asking me why Laurie was played by a 12 year old and I still don’t have an answer for that! He also wears these billowy shirts the entire time that a friend of mine compared to the Seinfeld puffy shirt and I can’t unsee that because it’s too accurate. ALSO! After (rightfully! For the first time!) turning Laurie down, this time Jo considers actually marrying him while he is off getting married to Amy in Europe seconds after her sister died and Jo even writes him a letter trying to take him back when she then has to go tear up and throw in a river like she’s the old lady in Titanic and honestly: THIS WHOLE SECTION OF THE MOVIE MADE ME VERY ANGRY! HARRUMPH! SAOIRSE YOU STAY, NOW CHAMALET AWAY!
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Oh! Also! Chris Cooper plays Chamalet’s granddad and I cannot argue with this casting or this hair. Also: I totally forgot that Beth made him these truly outrageous slippers once and why did she never consider a career in cobblery? I feel like for her social condition, this would be a good idea? Also this screenplay leans HARD into the plight of 19th century womens’ finances so: this could have been an option were it not for the goddamned scarlet fever.
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This movie almost won me over in the end with the lovely way it showed Jo’s school at Aunt March’s old house and how it allowed for all (living) March girls to explore their artistic eccentricities while also presenting Laura Dern with a cake with goddamned leaves on top of it AND WITH HOT BHAER YES. Still: the storytelling here is GARBAGE as is Chamalet as was that whole letter to Chamalet section. STILL: I must admit the wigs were good. 
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theonlymaddd · 8 years ago
Oh yknow feelin my yonce wind fantasy outside of @monsterbarnyc a while back! Thank @whostesstickles for getting this fierce moment lololol! #drag #living #fantasy #wurq
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petersonmblr-blog · 10 years ago
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