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Huge arms, big tits, wide shoulders, fullbeard:
wuhen you wanna meet your next big boyfriend, visit the gym"Tarus": you won't be disappointed...
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dinomitegirl · 6 months
i miss lyney wuhen is he getting a rerun PELEASEEEEE hoyo PLEASSEh i am beidng. DEPRIVED
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eulchu · 1 year
How much do you wanna bet that at least 60% of the capacity of the pixel playground venue are gonna be occupied by paid seat fillers
now why would i bet on that wuhen i already know
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an i thjknk…….zoeys kinda only a little bit of a dirty girl now.but onfg wuhen she gets called thst in honey quen abshsjwjejs estelle would be lookin at her like :o
yeag !!!!
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biigbri · 4 years
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One of my favourite albums of 2020, our man brings together funk,y baselines and the best jazz 🎶🙏🏻 #kamaalwilliams #wuhen #funk #rap #jazz #rnb #electronic #sax #saxophone #blackfocus #vinyl #vinylcollection #recordcollection #vinyladdict #vinylcollector #vinyljunkie #vinylporn https://www.instagram.com/p/CIGm300AUIm/?igshid=1a8kvoltji99z
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musiculture-fr · 4 years
Le Somptueux "WUHEN" de KAMAAL
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Venez lire l'article sur Le Site Des Musiques Métissées Et Urbaines. Voilà un album qui devrait ravir tout amateur de bonne musique groove, chaude, techniquement de très haut niveau avec une inspiration à la hauteur de la technique. http://www.musiculture.fr/le-somptueux-wuhen-de-kamaal/
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zwentner · 4 years
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𝗞𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗮𝗹 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗺𝘀, 污痕 𝗪𝘂 𝗛𝗲𝗻 🔥 . . . #vinyl #vinylporn #vinylcollection #vinylcollector #vinyloftheday #wuhen #kamaalwilliams #jazz #experimentaljazz #silvervinyl #records #recordcollection #recordcollector #wax #playplastic #instavinyl https://www.instagram.com/p/CDHBE9fAPvb/?igshid=4isw9sw2663r
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chesbae · 4 years
The book that I am reading recently and it is hard to stop!
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444names · 2 years
cities worldwide + countries
Abaice Adakan Adhing Afghanwei Agong Agpurg Ahasansk Ahranque Alatia Alexan Aleón Aloong Ambad Andaegrev Anseruss Anwei Araipetna Arthan Ataity Ateng Atnangda Auchanmir Aucheng Babad Badaldiv Badel-jad Badeshan Badosabir Badoulsao Baltan Bandu Banetnam Banewyon Banka Barisrang Baysiaou Beijia Belgon Belhon Belovakur Bermad Bhosiang Bincago Biroto Bonne Boumping Bragong Braka Bratao Bridjark Briopary Brizhou Brussey Bulgo Bulon Bulsan Burda Burnst Burut Cagres Cagujrad Calan Camania Canakhou Cardi Carusto Casakry Cashi Cauch Chadenia Chancia Chandi Chano Charu Chelphia Chend Cheng Chengadan Chengou Chenia Chentou Chentrosi Chiang Chiko Chilang Chitai Chuago Chujian Cochenla Coladaba Connang Coscon Cruzhong Cypru Cyrippo Daelém Dailegon Dalayes Dambazhou Damedad Dejeon Denhasian Densheng Detong Dombo Donacou Dongo Dubayan Edaelonea Edeontre Egosco Egualdi Egyiyang Elgizhou Elpizhou Emanan Eriamba Eshua Estraing Fahan Fordancis Forkis Frango Fuston Fuyad Galpin Gellín Ghandi Ghaoyan Gogrea Grash Greata Guade Guamstor Guanau Guanchai Guang Guanghan Guano Guanor Guater Guayermi Gueng Gujia Gujrailad Gujrasai Gwarsbul Hantalia Hanto Hantoalar Hengyao Henterd Huamand Huary Hujin Hunde Hundosare Huzbel Hànowitta Icaulgeou Icelém Indiver Injia Iracan Iscurs Istan Itenven Itzea Izaotswan Jabus Jadong Jadorg Jamsk Janban Jangong Jiangyi Jiankasui Jimace Jimang Jingchun Jorocan Kahakiv Kalba Kanjing Kaoza Karsk Kartamba Karthia Katia Katvia Khoul Kingogo Kobang Kolaj Kolittaia Koscow Kuadi Kuran Lajary Lalong Lannana Lashand Legre Lemirsk Lepang Leqinn Lesbounil Lesta Lestras Lexian Lezue Libyang Limong Lipinin Lisaizea Lisbo Liuya Liuyabad Liuyan Loreapurg Luancharg Luaraj Lucklan Lucknoi Ludivia Lufeira Luoka Luoyan Luoyanix Luxemel Luzhai Macolan Madaejan Makou Males Maleza Maloong Maluchels Manan Mangenia Manggujin Marabian Mardabin Maridade Mascelo Medkisba Medmoptia Meecheles Menista Mentina Mersabian Mexindon Miliu Minit Mirosheng Miroster Mogarang Monasan Monashang Mongjuáre Montalyan Monte Morez Morra Morraibia Mozhoparg Mudaban Mulgarban Mulines Münch Münchenla Müncixia Nacagou Nagou Nailla Naity Nammande Nands Nanquand Nashu Nashunia Neizhou Neizmiro Newyong Nisakand Nisham Odisik Omadidero Otand Otodou Pakah Palika Pallang Parbaopin Paushifah Perea Petheng Pethersk Petna Petodanti Phichan Phing Phires Phnona Pores Porgerra Porta Prach Prangde Prany Purkey Purum Pyong Pyongch Pyore Qihamad Qiund Qiuneing Quanjia Quintanan Quiyang Rakhavaty Ressey Reste Riamas Riscau Ritia Ritoul Riyang Rizand Rooccow Rosso Rotong Rumpin Rwayan Sabarican Saila Saing Sakie Saloon Sanancia Sanhaixin Santedend Santper Saozaou Sauda Sealeguay Sengeraj Senshmi Sericoit Shand Shangal Shangju Sheno Shenyanta Shiang Shuay Shuilan Shuzheng Sility Sintia Slomara Slong Sloonia Sofina Stong Sudavade Sunezue Sunmin Surgelan Surund Sweira Swicarken Syder Syricow Ségolgiu Ségoyan Taichana Taittang Tambida Taninei Taway Tbili Terong Tersk Thiong Tiand Tiang Tobar Toniguai Treallan Triagour Tromascen Tugaozhou Tunes Ugada Uguad Ultince Uragpung Urger Urgerad Uzhou Valbah Vating Verea Vidahad Vidamil Vidanji Visbue Wedagao Wuhen Wujia Wujing Wuxema Wuxemad Wuxembai Wuxemian Wuxia Wuxicash Wuxingera Xiangzhez Xicoita Xindi Xinow Xinshhao Xisamping Xuanji Xuzberus Yersk Yerton Yixia Yonderio Yonica Zecia Zholia Zhong Zhonteng Zhopt Zhujracel Ziladan Zilan Zilland Zimbinney Ziyan
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lesbonoi · 3 years
cowmo wamda i wish thAt wuhen you got born
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The Flame’s Daughter | ep 37
Tfw your older brother wants to kill the guy you like...
Liexiang doesn’t want to admit her feelings when they both know that Jinghong was the reason Wuhen died, but her hesitation and immediate denial only confirms Wuxia’s suspicions. Surprisingly, he says that he won’t kill Jinghong and that he would allow them to marry if, and only if, Jinghong abandoned Thunderbolt Clique for Liexiang. She correctly guesses that he would never do it.
Later in the ep, the two lovers have a really good discussion about the difference in expectations for men and women. Jinghong begs her to come away with him, which is essentially asking her to die with him. If a man dies, his woman is expected to follow suit. She says that Swordless City is a powerful sect now, and they needn’t both die. “It’s not the same,” says Jinghong. Liexiang demands to know why. 
Jinghong says that he’d be dishonoring the memory of his fallen brothers by becoming part of Swordless City. This is an unacceptable answer, so she drugs him and brings him back to Swordless City. His martial arts are temporarily gone, and she’s counting on that being a protective factor. Liexiang thinks he’ll be safe if she can convince Wuxia that Jinghong agreed to the condition. 
Despite all the shit she’s seen her brother do, she still wants to trust him. Liexiang, sweetie....
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eulchu · 1 year
it's funny cause dream uses fake tan but he's still noticeably paler than george 😭
ITS CRAZEEEH remember wuhen people would make dream tanner tjan george in fanarts . not me though i always knew
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megaalexmark · 5 years
Latest APPAULING Videos from Wuhen, Must Watch! (Brutal)
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the-bio-hole-blog · 7 years
NAME: Yurei Touzoku Age: 20 Occupation: Academy student by day, notorious thief by night Race: Human   Appearance: The kind of person you look at and realize they might not talk too much. Medium length black hair, where's glasses. Most of the times he wears the academy's school uniform since school hours is the only time people really see him. When wearing casual wear, just jeans and a black blazer. Has a "tattoo" under his left eye. Personality:  As a student, he is calm, cool and level headed. He can range from being indifferent to being outright cheeky. With the huge array of mannerisms towards people he's able to hide his identity well as a thief. As a thief he's cocky and confident even when his life is in danger. He also taunts his enemies. Towards friends and ally's he's kind and considerate of their opinions. He knows full well it isn't a one man show. He is willing to risk everything of his own sake for his teammates. Orientation: Appreciates dating and the concept of love but due to a lot of stuff that happened to him, he just doesn't know what to do about his own love life anymore. BIO: Yurei was born under strange circumstances. First off, being born in the true Earth, the one where all fantasy creatures reside while 90% of humans live in the mirror Earth with America, Europe etc etc. In the small human colony that resided in Wuhen of the eastern kingdom, Yurei was born on a cursed year, a cursed day, and a cursed hour. Naturally as such society had already ruled him out as a cursed child. The only one who nurtured him was his mother that truly loved him. His mother had always instilled with him the value that even if the world treats you like an outcast, you should never stop doing what is right and helping others. That didn't stop the bullying really, but Yurei endured. As he got older, Yurei began seeing things most normal kids shouldn't be aware of, such as how corrupt the government could be, how the people were slaves of their own cognitions of what they deemed "Peace". But what could a simple kid do right? So he lived with that awareness all the way to freshmen year of college. The years had hardened most of Yurei's heart but there'd be times where his good faith in people would take over. And when that happened....things took a turn for the worst. When Yurei found a catchild being kicked by a drunk passerby, he intervened quickly. But of course, with his reputation of being a cursed child, the drunkard was a travelling politician from another kingdom. And with that, the politician had the police under his thumb and had Yurei arrested instead. Now the cursed child had a criminal record of assault, and the cat child he rescued earlier was nowhere to be found to provide a testimony on his case. Instead of being sent straight to Juvie, he was put on probation. But due to his record, his school expelled him. And he was forced to transfer. His mother eventually got Alexandrios Academy to accept his application during his probation period. And sent him to the Kingdom of Dawnington to resume his studies. When he arrived, he was taken under the custody of Anne. She was his guardian until the probation period ended and she had to report to his probation officer twice every month. When Yurei arrived to register into Alexandrios Academy, he was already treated harshly, students began judging and making him a social outcast. He was branded a criminal, and yet he attended a academy that trained the next world heroes, leaders, etc. Things couldn't get worse for the problem child.......but it did. For one day, he dreamt...and in that dream, he encountered a voice. Something about a helping Yurei, something about true justice, and something about contract. But the dream was so fleeting that Yurei couldn't even remember it fully. As the days rolled by, things started feeling weird, his senses were almost on overdrive, but they didn't feel drug induced. They felt natural. And on that day....no one noticed he was there...like, he didn't exist. He could see himself clearly and everyone else. But when he turned to see a reflection of himself....there wasn't one. Yurei was freaking out at this point and it took even more days to figure out how he was doing it....but eventually he figured he could apparently alter his existence in the cognitive minds of people and make himself unseen. As the days passed, Yurei tried to just adjust to whatever gift he was given and that was when he met his first friend, another social outcast that would eventually become his second in command. Yurei and his new friend found each other in an odd circumstance that involved the second being prepped for expulsion by a teacher who used the system to do whatever he wanted. Yurei decided he couldn't just let that happen to someone who was innocent and used his abilities to obtain proof of the teacher's wrong doings, even went and stole his friend's expulsion records that apparently had the headmaster's forged signature. Something was going on. But Yurei used it to bring the corruption to light and cleared his friend's name, of course....due to his ability to not exist, he wasn't given the credit and life at the academy went on and people still treated him like dirt. His friend however found out about Yurei's gift and that was when the proposal of the idea that they should become vigilante thieves came up, stealing from the corrupt to help those who couldn't help themselves. Yurei was a little opposed to the idea but eventually gave in. Because his friend was right, that someone needed to take a stand and show the rotten adults of the world that they couldn't be stepping on people forever. And as the heists began from small to grand, Yurei's group of thieves got larger. Each member was someone that Yurei had saved, like his second in command. They are his family and he'd risk everything for them. As time went, his friends finally got to see Yurei's true colors. Yurei was a true gentleman thief with a personality of gold. Notes: His smile/smirk/grin will drop your pants.
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dareal3snoveldotcom · 4 years
Chapter 461 - Hubby, Wait For Me | Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss
Chapter 461 – Hubby, Wait For Me | Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss
Finally, the crowd behind them slowly became further and further in the distance. They were safe. Or at least it seemed that way… The crazed horse also slowly calmed down and went to nibble on some grass by the roadside. Jiang Wuhen hung upside down from his seat. His head had even bounced around during the ride. Sadness was written all over his pale face, his full life appeared to be shortened…
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dareal3snoveldotcom · 4 years
Chapter 1150 - Regrets | Returning from the Immortal World
Chapter 1150 – Regrets | Returning from the Immortal World
Chapter 1150: Regrets Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales Xue Wuhen frowned and hesitation could be seen on her face. However, she recalled that she had Han Qingwu who came a few days ago, so she shook her head and said, “Although I may be able to ascend and become an immortal, I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you, Daoist Tang. I prefer freedom than becoming an immortal.” “I understand.”…
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