#wug x captain
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whatthesavannah · 2 years ago
My Y/ns pt.4
Name: Astrid Civis Valentine
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Gender Identity: Genderfluid
Relationship Status: Dating someone
Family: Stan the water man(bio father), Captain Magnum(step-father), Esme Dove Iplier(sister), Kitty Jade Hugo(sister), Mark E. Iplier(brother-in-law)
Dark: They have no idea who the fuck he is but all they know is their sisters don’t like him so neither do they, he doesn’t understand them as a person at all
Wilford: They’re pretty sure he confused them for Kitty, he kinda freaks them out a little, and they’re pretty sure he’s the only person that can resist their charm
Yancy: Yeah, he also confused them for Kitty, they don’t really have an opinion on him
Captain Magnum: I mean, they don’t have a bad opinion on him, kinda just meh, they’re just happy that their dad’s happy
Engineer!Mark: They’re special boy :)
Celci: She can be a little strict for their taste but it’s understandable
Gunther: Yeah, they like him as much as Mark does
Burt: They quite enjoy his company
Tyler: *head pats*
Danny: Honestly, they really like him! But not like that
Brian: They have a mutual respect for eachother, in a ‘we’re both way more powerful then everyone here and we’re great cause of it’ way
Bandit: Hell yeah, women
Allu(Lady): They really do like them.. until they try to kill them
Occupation: Space Captain
Song for vibes: Gallowdance, Lebanon Hanover
Ok byyeeee!!!
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jrtbo · 2 years ago
that's f*cking masterpiece.😤👌💖💘
Iswm if captain could speak/act on their own before they got interrupted
Captain/Yn: do you not see you built the warped core in the first place?! MAYBE IF YOU SAW HOW DANGEROUS IT WAS YOU'D NEVER USE IT AS A POWER SOURCE!"
Mark: "I..."
Captain/Yn: "*starts going off on how people kept on blaming them for what mark did*"
Iswm: wait this isn't how this is supposed to go-
Captain/Yn: "shut the fuck up-"
Mark: "who are you talking to???"
Captain/Yn: "No, because bye *uses wormhole device that was somehow there again to go back to see Yancy*"
Wug: "would you like a cookie?"
Captain/Yn: "*stops themself from saying no* ofcourse, I'd love one wug"
Wug: *happy noise*
Yancy: *performing 'the last goodbye'*
Wormhole device: ok say bye bye now
Captain/Yn: No.
Wormhole device: Wait wha- *gets ripped off of the captain's hand and thrown onto the window, which breaks the window in the process*
Captain/Yn: *jumps on the table and through the window while yancy and the others stop their performance in confusion and shock*
Captain/Yn: *hugs yancy and cries*
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in-space-with-wug · 3 years ago
Sometimes, while tidying up your small space in Wug's ship, you hum. Whether it's bad or good or soft or loud, you hum to keep a little noise in the otherwise noiseless area - keeping time with the little beeps that the ship makes at times. You'll do it in other areas too, sometimes without realizing it.
Wug does, and at some point he starts doing it to. You don't notice it at first (mostly because you were either asleep or not around him) but when you do, you ask him about it. A simple, "Is that from your people?"
"What do you mean, Captain?" Wug turns away from the controls for a minute, tilting his head slightly.
"You were humming."
Wug nods. "You have been doing that. Wug likes the noise." You felt like he was smiling under his helmet, and you feel your ear-tips heat up slightly. "Was too quiet before." He starts humming in a more over-exaggerated fashion before turning back to the control panel, seemingly preferring to stare out into the vast emptiness before him.
Well, that was sweet. A smile creeps onto your face as you turn to keep doing your thing, eventually finding yourself humming along with Wug.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years ago
can you do wug headcanons 🥺🥺🥺 like what if we took them abroad in the invinsible 2
Anon you don't know how much I love this idea.
Also I’m kinda making my own Wug oc here so ghdhghhf
“Captain, what did you bring aboard the ship?”
“...a coffee.”
“I meant the big alien standing behind you. What does it want?”
“Hey, his name is Wug. And he’s here to help.” You glare at Celci while patting the armored alien’s chestplate.
Unlike the one you and Mark met, this one was apparently a drifter, only having his small cruiser as a home. So he docked with the Invincible II after you sent out a distress signal.
“Wug seen scary things out there,” he grumbles. “You give Wug home, Wug protect Captain.”
“Yep, so he’s gonna be my personal bodyguard from here on out. Now since--”
“Awh man I wanted to be the Captain’s bodyguard!!”
“Me too-!”
“Will you guys zip it?!!” You snapped at the two whiny crew members. “Anyways, since Wug is officially part of our team I expect each and every one of you to treat him with respect. Understood?”
Everyone just nods and welcomes Wug aboard. Mark is the only apprehensive one but doesn’t object.
You give Wug an Invincible II patch to put on his arm. “I’ll show you around and help you get settled in. Our quarters are made for humans but we can accommodate.”
Although you don’t see it because of his helmet, he’s already crying with happiness.
‘Captain is so kind to Wug,’ he thinks. ‘Wug will protect them to the end!’
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callmegkiddo · 2 years ago
I don't need to ship my captain sona with celci
I don't need to ship my captain sona with celci.
I don't need to ship my captain sona with celci............. :,)
Maybe maybe i do
Genderfluid captain x sassy women :,)
Me: *ships Captain Spencer with Gunther, Mack, Wug, Engineer, and Crewmate Tyler*
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lavocedililiana · 8 years ago
FNM 6 Maggio 2016
Post recuperato dal forum:
Il 6 Maggio si è svolto presso la cartoleria "L'Altra Cartolandia" il secondo torneo Standard della provincia di Belluno e quinta tappa del torneo ALEATOR. Negli ultimi articoli pubblicati per la pagina ALEATOR si parlava di un percorso di successo nell'aver riportato Magic nella nostra provincia, e questa strada è lastricata di piccoli grandi risultati come è stato quest'ultimo torneo. Sedici giocatori si sono sfidati per il secondo torneo Standard, con un meta molto variegato e assolutamente molto competitivo. Un anno fa era difficile addirittura trovare un sesto giocatore, ora possiamo vantarci di poter parlare di una comunità stabile e in continua crescita: che dire se non Chapeau!!
Bene non vi annoio oltre e passiamo alle cose serie! Non c'è torneo senza vincitori, e non ci sono vincitori senza buoni mazzi! Quindi vediamo cosa hanno giocato e quali sono le loro opinioni sulle partite disputate!
Quarto Posto: Alessio Riccardi
Mazzo giocato: B/R Vampire Madness
Lista mazzo:
4x Erede di Falkenrath
4x Neonato Insolente
2x Falkenrath Insaziabile
3x Visitatrice del Manicomio
2x Olivia, Sul Piede di Guerra
3x Drana, Liberatrice di Malakir
2x Convocare la Stirpe
3x Ballo in maschera di Stensia
4x Temperamento Focoso
4x Voce Torturante
2x Pioggia Battente
3x Impulso Omicida
1x Ob Nixilis della Fiamma Rinnovata
3x Terre Selvagge in Evoluzione
1x Palude Rovente
3x Rovine del Presagio
8x Montagna
8x Palude
2x Terra Ribollente
2x Sussurri Malevoli
2x Furore Insensato
2x Morsa dell’Oscurità
2x Obliterazione Infinita
2x Sgretolarsi in Polvere
3x Costrizione
Vediamo le partite:
1° - vs. Daniele Guadagno (W/G Tokens) – 2-1
Tre belle partite. La prima la vinco io con un buon controllo del board. La seconda è vinta da lui dopo aver visto, una dopo l’altra, morire ben 12 mie creature, esiliare 2 Drana e calare un’Avancy. La terza è vinta da me in uno scontro aereo violento, dove Daniele riesce a portarmi a 1 pv ma il turno dopo i miei vampiri volanti attaccavano scontrandosi con la sola Avancy, unica sua creatura che potesse bloccarli.
2° - vs Luca Da Col (R/W Equip) – 2-0
Un po’ di fortuna in questo match, che comunque mi ha sempre visto in vantaggio creature. La prima partita mi ha visto con una mano iniziale con tre Temperamento Focoso, cui si è aggiunto il quarto qualche turno dopo. Grazie a questi ho pulito il board dalle creature più fastidiose, mentre i miei vampiri attaccavano i pv avversari. Luca dal canto suo riusciva sempre a calare creature e ad equipaggiarle, in particolare quando ha calato l’Aggressore Temerario, potenziando le creature già sul board, c’è stato un momento di timore. Al 5 turno sono comunque riuscito a calare Ob Nixilis e grazie a quello ho aumentato le pescate, e quindi le risposte alle sue creature. La seconda partita mi ha aiutato la side, in particolare i due Sgretolarsi in Polvere, carta poco usata ma che in un meta pieno di mazzi con terre non base ha il suo perché. Quando Luca al 4 turno ha saltato il drop della terra, con in campo solo una pianura ed una terra doppia bianca/rossa, spaccare quella terra e rimuoverne una seconda dal suo mazzo (oltre a farmi vedere la sua mano) ha di fatto bloccato la sua partita, dandomi modo di attaccare praticamente indisturbato.
3° - vs. Alex Magagnin (Eldrazi red) – 1-2
L’unico match perso della serata è quello contro il vincitore del torneo, cui ho comunque strappato una partita, quindi non male. Semplicemente il suo mazzo è stato più veloce del mio nel gettare creature attaccanti sul campo di battaglia. La seconda partita, dove ho vinto io, ho avuto una delle mani più cariche di danni e di creature veloci che il mazzo poteva offrire, ma nella prima e nella terza dove ho pescato due mani di media velocità i suoi Totteri sono stati più veloci. Chapeau.
4° - vs Alessandro Dall’O (Naya Planeswalkers) – 2-1
Onestamente il mazzo che più mi ha messo in difficoltà. Mentre contro Alex di fatto era una gara di velocità, il mazzo farcito di Planeswalker di Alessandro mi ha trovato assolutamente impreparato, soprattutto nella lista principale dove tutte le mie risposte a creature si sono rivelate inutili di fronte ad un mazzo che di creature ne aveva veramente poche. Prima partita, 1 a 0 senza storia per Alessandro, con 4 Planeswalker, Dromoka e tanti danni sul groppone. Seconda e terza partita: side vieni a me! Stavolta sono state le 3 Costrizioni a salvarmi. Nella seconda partita una Costrizione nella mano iniziale ed una pescata poi, nella terza una pescata al secondo turno. Ho potuto far scartare per due volte il Planewalker col costo di mana più basso dalla mano di Alessandro rallentando il suo gioco e costringendolo sulla difensiva, mentre i vampiri si potenziavano grazie al Ballo in maschera di Stensia.
Considerazioni generali
Ho costruito questo mazzo alla “vecchia maniera”, ovvero ho visto le carte che avevo, ho visto una meccanica che mi piaceva (Madness) e ho cercato di montare qualcosa. Niente liste online, solo un po’ di partite di test. Alcuni mazzi sono oggettivamente forti, ma i piazzamenti dipendono molto anche dal tipo di mazzo dell’avversario, quindi dal meta che si incontra durante il torneo, e di questo risentono molto anche le liste dei top8 mondiali che si trovano online. A volte il mazzo inaspettato da molti più frutti del mazzo usato da qualche campione internazionale.
Il bello di Magic è anche questo!
Un ringraziamento molto speciale va a Tiziano Cogo, Fabio Cazzaro e Alessandro Dall’O per avermi fornito qualche carta, essersi prestati come playtester del mazzo e come AggroCoach, (“La violenza non è la risposta. La violenza è la domanda, la risposta è “si” cit.).
Terzo Posto: Nicola Rossetto Mazzo giocato: Mono White Humans
Lista Mazzo
18 x Plains
3x Anointer of Champions
2x Consul's Lieutenant
4x Dragon Hunter
4x Expedition Envoy
3x Kytheon, Hero of Akros/Gideon, Battle-Forged
4x Knight of the White Orchid
4x Thalia's Lieutenant
4x Thraben Inspector
4x Town Gossipmonger/Incited Rabble
4x Always Watching
2x Gryff's Boon
4x Declaration in Stone
4x Hanweir Militia Captain/Westvale Cult Leader
2x Lantern Scout
2x Gryff's Boon
3x Silkwrap
2x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
2x Westvale Abbey/Ormendahl, Profane Prince
Due parole sul mazzo:
La lista del mazzo è qui:
(il secondo mazzo, "Boss Humans"). La sideboard è diversa ma non di molto e comunque a parte silkwrap e gryff's boon non l'ho usata. Di base è un mazzo W humans che punta tutto sulla velocità. 18 terre e 22 one-drop, robe che neanche in modern. Non ho nessun merito di deckbuilding, la lista è spudoratamente copiata da internet. Purtroppo ultimamente ho poco tempo per le magic e quindi non ho modo di provare mazzi. Anche questo l'ho costruito e portato senza mai provarlo e infatti ho pagato la cosa già nella prima partita.
1° - vs Kevin (G/W/U Bant Company) - 2-1
Matchup discreto, CoCo è forte contro humans, ma non contro questo humans che è ridicolmente veloce. Prima partita tengo una buona mano con una sola terra, convinto che mi basti quella. Errore fatale, partenza troppo lenta e sconfitta inesorabile. Seconda e terza partita più brevi, parto veloce e il mazzo di Kevin non riesce a starmi dietro.
2° - vs Andrea (B/R Thopters) - 2-0
Pensavo fosse un brutto matchup, invece è più lento del previsto e quindi favorevole per me. In generale due partite brevi, sono sempre riuscito a aumentare la costituzione delle mie creature per evitare lo scambio creatura-tottero, Mi sono fatto sorprendere come un cretino da una counterspell su un knight of the white orchid e quindi ho giocato tutta una partita con 2 terre, ma il topdeck ha aiutato.
3° - vs Yuri (WUG company) - 1-2
Versione diversa da quella di Kevin (e per me peggiore) con molto flash e i comandi di ojutai per recuperare vita. Prima partita da manuale (per me), partenza veloce e buonanotte. Seconda partita da manuale (per lui), resiste in qualche modo, poi scendono mostri e buonanotte. Terza partita più combattuta, io in topdeck mode dal terzo turno causa mulligan a 5 ma con un'ottima presenza in campo, lui indietro ma in recupero. Alla fine decide tutto un Descent upon the Sinners con delirium che mi lascia 2 turni per topdeckare una creatura (con due Always Watching in gioco e Gryff's Boon in cimitero bastava una qualsiasi per bloccare l'angelo 4/4). Niente topdeck, curtain call.
4° vs Cristiano (BG seasons past) 2-1
Matchup vario, dipende in maniera critica da cosa pesca lui. Prima partita parto lentino, lui rimuove qualche creatura, rampa un po', poi cala Languish, Kalithas e Seasons Past. Buonanotte. Seconda partita parto velocissimo, lui non pesca Languish e buonanotte. Terza partita sul filo di lana. Parto velocino, lo porto a poca vita ma un doppio Kalithas gli permette di stabilizzarsi un po'. Nel frattempo io continuo a pescare terre e arrivo a 7 in gioco e 2 in mano (con 18 nel mazzo). Mana flood totale che però mi permette di giocare Always Watching e recuperare Gryff's Boon dal cimitero nello stesso turno e rubare i suoi ultimi punti vita. Della serie che ogni tanto va di culo...
Secondo Posto: Yuri Barzan
Mazzo giocato: Bant Company
Lista mazzo:
4x Forest
3x Plains
2x Island
4x Prairie Stream
3x Canopy Vista
4x Evolving Wilds
3x Lumbering Falls
2x Yavimaya Coast
4x Sylvan Advocate
4x Duskwatch Recruiter // Krallenhorde Howler
4x Reflector Mage
4x Bounding Krasis
1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer // Nissa, Sage Animist
2x Tireless Tracker
2x Void Grafter
2x Archangel Avacyn // Avacyn, the Purifier
4x Declaration in Stone
2x Dromoka's Command
2x Ojutai's Command
4x Collected Company
1x Descend Upon the Sinful
1x Tragic Arrogance
1x Dragonlord Dromoka
2x Dragonlord Ojutai
3x Negate
2x Hallowed Moonlight
1x Seasons Past
2x Dispel
2x Invasive Surgery
Sarebbero stati necessari un paio di Dromoka's in più, forse da mettere in sideboard se non direttamente in main. Come al solito mi sono trovato molto male nel decidere una sideboard, non ho una buona visione di quali siano le carte da togliere/inserire rispetto ai matchup 'previsti'. Mi sono trovato molto bene con 4 Declaration ed ho trovato interessante provare i Void Grafter rispetto alla versione precedente con 4 Tireless Tracker (che erano un po' troppo lenti, per quanto assolutamente distruttivi).
Per quanto concerne i miei avversari, sono molto soddisfatto della massiccia presenza e della varietà dei mazzi presentati. Mi sono molto divertito a giocare in particolare contro un certo mazzo Superfriends. Citazione particolare per il monobianco assassino di Nicola Rossetto, che ho battuto in modo volgarmente immeritato ed ingiusto: davvero difficile da fermare.
Mazzo Giocato: Red Eldrazi
Lista mazzo:
4x Hangarback Walker
4x Hedron Crawler
4x Reality Smasher
3x Thought-Knot Seer
4x Vile Aggregate
4x Thopter Engineer
3x Pia and Kiran Nalaar
10 Mountain
3 Foundry of The Consuls
1 Sea Gate Wreckage
2 Ruins of Oran-Rief
1 Mirrorpool
2 Westvale Abbey
3 Shivan Reef
3 Battlefield Forge
3 Outnumber
1 Spatial Contortion
4x Chandra, Flamecaller
1 Roast
SideBoard (15)
1 Thought-Knot Seer
3 Eldrazi Obligator
1 Roast
1 Boiling Earth
2 Rending Volley
2 Warping Wail
2 Tears of Valakut
1 Spatial Contortion
1 Kozilek's Return
Sono molto contento del numero dei partecipanti, è bello vedere sempre più persone interessate. Per quanto riguarda il torneo devo dire che sono rimasto sorpreso dal mazzo di Alessio durante il terzo Match. è il primo mazzo "Vampire" che si presenta ai nostri tornei ed il risultato è stato eccellente. Oltre all'ottimo piazzamento sembra divertente da giocare. Durante il secondo match contro il mazzo di Zanolla invece ho davvero rischiato grosso. Mi ha letteralmente obliterato la seconda partita e mi sono aggiudicato la terza partita grazie ad una serie di Ingest davvero fortunati. Ad ogni modo la cosa più importante è vedere la nostra community crescere. Tirando le somme direi un altro riuscitissimo evento. Spero si possa replicare con il torneo Modern e di riuscire ad integrare ogni tanto il formato Pauper
Ebbene avete potuto sentire l'opinione della top4 del torneo. La follia di Innistrad sembra esser piaciuta particolarmente alla nostra comunità, forse perché la rotazione ha portato una ventata di novità che Battle for Zendikar e Giuramento dei Guardiani non erano riusciti a portare, e se al Pro Tour e ai Grand Prix si stanno vedendo finalmente archetipi nuovi e un meta sempre più diversificato, anche nel nostro piccolo fino ad ora abbiamo potuto apprezzare una varietà di mazzi notevole che lascia spazio a sorprese e al divertimento.
Nella speranza di poter vivere altri tornei così vi saluto e AD MAIORA!!
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in-space-with-wug · 3 years ago
Sometime during your travels, you had noticed Wug wearing more things than usual. It was usually small accessories at first, like magnets (a popular Wug fashion choice), but at some point it shifted to Wug wearing a hat and a scarf. It looked silly, but it definitely fit Wug's character.
You never asked Wug about it, despite the way that Wug would ask if you liked it; you would say that you did, of course - "I like the scarf a lot, especially - it looks really soft."
And suddenly, a few days(?) later, you found yourself with a matching scarf - you had no clue if it was smaller or not, since you could likely use it as a wrap-around shirt/dress, but it was definitely the same color. It clicked when Wug happily called it your favorite color - even if it wasn't quite your favorite, at this point you didn't have the heart to tell Wug.
After having wrapped the scarf around yourself, you gave Wug a smile and told him that yeah, it was your favorite. Wug seemed very proud of himself, and Wug's accessories were definitely more endearing now knowing the meaning behind them.
Sure, maybe it wasn't really your favorite color...but it did hold a special place in your heart now.
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in-space-with-wug · 3 years ago
a/n: long internal monologue sorry ;w; i like monologuing hh -- just platonic wug fic ft card games ! i like wug a lot and think that wug would make a great friend :3 no title bc idk what to call it lol
It had been a while since you left your colonists in the hands of your trusted crew - well, your trusted Celci, at least. You always felt she would be better in charge of a large group of people, or at the very least she would have a good eye for someone who would be able to run them well.
You? All you had were your handsome and/or beautiful looks, so people tended to trust you naturally. That might be why one of the many aliens you met on your journey was so excited for you to call them in to ask if you could join them while traveling. Wug was a good friend, always happy to help - and you were a curious space explorer, much happier to be out on a ship rather than leading a large group of people.
Wug was certainly an odd fellow, as were the other members of his race - most, if not all of them, were named Wug. It was confusing, not being able to understand the language of the Wugs, but it wasn't like any of them were trying to propose to you because of your outstanding looks or something. Or maybe they were - you couldn't understand them, after all.
Outside of your stops at intergalactic fast food restaurants and the occasional visit to check out an unknown planet, it was just you and Wug. The time was passed mostly with card games or route making, or with Wug telling you about what he did before you started to tag alone with him. It was hard to understand everything he said, what with Wug's little grasp of the English language, but you understood that he was sort of a wanderer, looking for uninhabited planets for his species. Well, it used to be any planet until you convinced Wug that there are definitely other planets that are good for his ever-expanding species that are uninhabited.
There were times where Wug would buy you random things, because "Wug saw this and thought of you, Captain!" You've told him before to call you by your first name, but Wug got embarrassed about the thought of it for some reason. Something about Wug customs or something like that.
You really didn't understand this odd fellow at times, but he was cute. Like a puppy. Man, you really did miss Chica. She was a great pup, easily the best of your crew. If you could have put her in charge of the colony you would have, but you settled for putting her as the vice-president - not that Celci agreed with it, but since she was the President, she could do whatever.
Anyway, back to the present - existing with Wug in Wug's spaceship. Rather, you and Wug were playing an intense card game that Wug grew up with. You hardly understood how to explain it, but if you had to guess it was kind of like Uno, except the goal was to make the other person lose all of their while only having less than five cards in your hand? It was difficult since you couldn't understand some of the wordier cards, but you matched patterns together once you were able to notice the similarities between certain cards.
"Uh, so..." Your brows furrow as you stare intently between your hand and the pile of cards in front of you. "This one." You slap down a card from your hand and look up, giving Wug a toothy grin.
"You are doing very good, Captain!" For some reason, it feels like Wug is trying not to hurt your feelings. Wug draws a card before placing one down. "It says to remove two of your cards."
So Wug does notice your trouble with trying to understand the cards. Wug has likely been laughing at you this entire time beneath his helmet, though you couldn't truly blame him - you would do the same if you played this game with your old crew.
"'Kay." You put two of your cards to the side - you and Wug had 3 cards left each, even with you drawing and placing down another card. "Go fish," you joke.
Wug gives off a confused aura - or, at least, you assume he does, so you explain the reference as he discards one card before drawing + placing another. 2 cards for him, 3 for you.
"Go... fish?" the alien responds, eyes flipping back and forth before landing on you.
You crack another toothy grin before looking intently at the card on the pile and the ones in your hand. This one looked... "This is the one you played before, right?" you ask, placing one that looked like the card from before down.
"Oh! That is a retrieve two! You have saved Wug from losing! Haha!" Wug seems very happy about this development, and though it seems that you will lose again (Wug - 10, You - 0), you don't really mind. His enthusiasm is cute. It makes you want to pet his helmet and give him snacks.
"Oh dang, guess I played the wrong card." The smile on your face doesn't waver as the two of you continue playing. Though you still have no grasp of what Wug's language actually is or how to read it whatsoever, you do start to recognize the difference between "retrieve" and "discard" even though the words for them are uncomfortably similar.
The round, of course, ended with Wug winning. He collects the cards to shuffle them and put them away, before looking at you seemingly expectantly.
"Yes, Wug?" you question, resting your chin in the palm of your hand.
"You said you would teach Wug 'go fish.'" Wug tilts his head ever-so-slightly, and you feel your chest fill with warmth. You get up to find your bag of miscellaneous items before pulling out a pack of cards that you were very familiar with, down to knowing which cards were what due to the slight rips and folds on some of them.
"Okay, bud," you say as you sit back down. You give a rough explanation of the game as you hand out the cards, before telling your space companion that he can show you the card he's asking for and you, in return, will tell him what the number/letter on it means.
This does, eventually, lead to him referring to certain individual letters by their card name for a while, though you do manage to correct Wug on it. You, being amazing, didn't mind it all too much. Wug was a friend and learning about him was an adventure all of its own, and you were happy to be able to learn what you could.
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in-space-with-wug · 3 years ago
The first time Wug ever asked you to play a non-card game, you were confused. You had no clue if Wug knew anything like charades, and there was certainly no way the robotic giant could play Twister - their movement was much too clunky for that.
When the alien reached up to the left-back side of their helmet, and their face screen changed, you were floored. And very, very worried, until a minute or two later, a few shapes popped on their screen -
Two smallish rectangles near each side, a thin line separating said sides, and a ball sitting in the middle.
Motherlovin' Pong. An absolute classic. Who would've guessed?
After a quick explanation from Wug of how to join as Player 2 ("Grab Wug's hand, hold thumb, push."), you two were into the game, with the small white ball bouncing between both sides of the screen. It was fun, though definitely a little awkward on your end - the most you had touched the alien before this was patting them on the back whenever they seemed down.
Wug seemed happy when they got the first goal, and pouted a bit when you got the second. It went on like that for a while, the both of you swapping goals - until you got lucky enough to get two goals in a row, putting the score at 11-10. Wug's screen flashed the win screen showing that you were the winner, before it went back to the screen that first appeared.
It wasn't exactly like Pong from home, since it didn't have the start screen, but...it was still nice to have something other than card games.
Wug reached their hand to the same spot from earlier, their screen going black again before their eyes popped up. They asked if you had fun, and you confirmed that you did - it had been a while since you had even thought of the game, let alone played a version of it. And then they asked if you wanted to play again.
The two of you played Pong for a long while after that.
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in-space-with-wug · 3 years ago
may i request something fluffy along the lines of a captain with severe sleep deprivation and a sheer stubborn will to keep on trudging on after everything, with our good ol’ engineer mark finally getting them to relax? thankyou!
A soft knocking at the door pulls you back to New Earth. You wipe the crust from the corners of your eyes and call out a gravelly "Come in."
The door doesn't creak as it opens, both from good building and good caretaking. The fluffy head of your semi-trusted head engineer pokes in before his body follows. He has a mug in his hands as he strides toward your desk.
"Hey, Captain." Mark gives you a sad smile as he sits the mug in front of you. "Brought you some tea today. You need to try and sleep."
You shake your head and frown, eyes narrowing at the cup as Mark starts to worry over you. His voice fades into the background as you pick up the mug and sip at it, eyes drifting off toward a far wall.
A hand waves in front of your eyes, and you blink yourself back enough to look at your second-in-command once more. His brows were knit together, his lip between his teeth as he tried to think of something to say.
What was there to say? It was his fault.
"Cap," Mark murmurs softly, moving around the desk in order to put his hands on your shoulders, "you need to relax. We made it out, the core is destroyed - there's no way we're going back."
That's right - Mark wasn't there the first time you lived through a good ending...he had died because of that window.
But maybe it would be different, this time...? After all, he was with you. He was there when you resolved the paradox.
But what if?
Your eyes close as you slump forward slightly, relaxing into the other's touch and taking a long sip of tea. "I don't want to sleep," you mumbled after a long silence, throat soothed by the warm drink. It still hurt to talk, only a little.
"I know, Captain," was the quiet response. "I... I don't like sleeping either." His hands stilled for a moment, grip tightening as the seconds passed, before relaxing again and continuing his attempt at massaging your shoulders. He had gotten better since the first time he tried.
After another few moments, after your mug was empty, Mark stopped his massage and turned your chair around. You give him a tired look of confusion as he pulls you up to your feet. You stumble into his chest, leaning heavily on him for support, as he starts to lead you away from your desk and out of the room.
"What are you doing?" you grumble as you try to pull away, to return to your desk - the sun had risen fully by this point. "I need to work."
"You need to work on sleeping." Mark's voice made you huff and try to pull away again. He let you go and you almost immediately fell to the floor, had he not grabbed you again before you could topple over. "Captain, you can't even walk by yourself - as much as I hate to say it, let Celci take over for the day. And tomorrow. She won't mind."
Your eyes widen slightly as you look up toward Mark, who had made a specific rude role on the ship just for Celci. You bite your lip and turn your head toward the floor as Mark continues leading you to your room.
Despite not being in there for a week, outside of showering as best you could and getting clothes, the room was clean. No dust to be found. It smelled different than you remember, but it was comforting. Warm.
"There you go, Captain," Mark says as he helps you sit on the foot of the bed. He moves to the head in order to pull the blankets back and you do your best to stand, leaning heavily on the edge of the bed in order to make it over. A smile forms on his face as he sees you trying. "Good job."
His voice had been a whisper when he said it, though you had heard it over all of your fears of trying to sleep - of seeing all of those universes, those timelines...
Mark gently leads you onto the sheets, making sure you were comfortable before pulling up the blankets and checking you over once more. He sits in the chair beside your bed - had you ever noticed it was there? - before picking up a worn book on the bedside table.
You eye the book warily, though a rough yawn forces you to close your eyes. The yawn causes your eyes to water and you quickly wipe at them before focusing on Mark once more.
He just smiles at you and reaches over to pat your head. "Try and rest, Captain. I'll be right here." The brunet leans back in his chair, opens the book, and starts reading. His narrating voice is a soft rumble that slowly lulls your mind into a state of calm, until you don't focus on anything else except for it.
It doesn't take you long to fall asleep, though you wouldn't remember falling asleep once you woke up. You couldn't quite remember any of the dreams, either, which let your soul rest a little easier.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years ago
I finally met wug outside of noir route still precious...
Anywho/lh, request for headcanons or whatever you wanna write, that continue to the one wug joining the crew headcanons you made? If that's allowed from someone who didnt give the original request-?/lh
with Captain Y/N Mark and Wug shenanigans mayhaps?
Ideas are mostly engineer!Mark (or any other of the crew if preferred) getting jealous and a bit petty that Y/N is potentially spending more time with the Wug because they're trying to help them get used to the ship and all or smthn ejfjjs apologies if that's too little or odd, I'm very, very bad at thinking of anything nonfnaf, but I have, wug brainrot.../lh
- Salt Anon
It’s fine to expand on requests! The Wug brainrot is HUGE so I get what you mean
Honestly? Having a Wug bodyguard was one of the best decisions you’ve made, especially for this drifter whom you took in and treated with kindness.
He still sleeps in his cruiser, but gave you a beacon for you to summon him with should you ever be in danger.
He gets fast food for you and your crew from that Wug McDonalds on a regular basis. Even if someone’s not hungry, you tell them to never say no to a Wug’s offering.
You gave him a tour of the ship, smiling as you gestured to everything and your crews’ assignments.
Being surrounded by humans constantly helped him understand your language better, eventually able to speak it fluently and hold an intelligent conversation with you. 
He still refers to himself in third-person but he’s made a lot of progress.
The only crew member with some animosity towards Wug is Mark.
Of course, he’s insanely jealous of the big hulking alien deserter taking his place by your side. That should be him.
He only holds back the urge to hit Wug with a wrench bc you told everyone to be respectful to him (and we all know Mark knows a thing or two about “respecc”).
Luckily Wug isn’t really bothered by Mark’s clinginess. He just thinks it’s one of those “cute human customs” but will offer to punch him (Mark) in the face if he sees it bothers you.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years ago
Masterlist: MarkCU x Reader
Tumblr media
Darkiplier 🥀
DAMIEN Flashback
Broken Inside
Not Heartless or Cold
Happiness Potion prompt
“I fell in love with you, not them” prompt
“Weak” prompt
“Cemetery” prompt
A Good Date (ADWM/Chocolate Ending)
Captain confronting Dark about the mirror (ISWM)
Wilford Warfstache 🎀
Never Forget
Pranks w/ S/O!Reader
Human Heart (Valentine’s Day)
“Blind” prompt
Memory Potion prompt
The Interview Ending
“You’re gone, I’ve watched you disappear” prompt
Meeting Wilford after cutting the yellow wire (ISWM 2)
Googleplier 🖱
Yandere Googles
Valentine’s Day Hurt/Comfort
“Shut up and let me help you” + ”Idc how tough you are, you can’t ignore that” prompts
“You’ve shown me what love can feel like” + ”I wouldn’t change a thing” prompts
Captain encountering the Googles (ISWM)
The Host 🗣
Yandere Host
Bad Memories
Witch!Reader restoring Host’s eyesight
“I can’t sleep, can I stay here?” prompt
"You look like you could use a hug” prompt
"I used to think I didn’t deserve love….” prompt
“Career” prompt
Meeting Captain (ISWM 2)
Dereksons (Eric & Derek) 📺
Safety and Warmth (Eric)
Swapped Bodies (Eric & Derek)
Comfort Drabble (Eric)
Calming Potion prompt (Eric)
“I want to be happy, but I don’t think I deserve it” prompt (Derek)
Bim Trimmer 🎤
Bim x Nonbinary!Reader
Comfort Fic
Valentine’s Day
“I wouldn’t change a thing about you” prompt
Yandereplier ❤
Yan x Rival(?)Reader
Yan x Yandere!Reader
Yan x Incubus/Succubus!Reader
“You make everyday worth living” + “Don’t you trust me?” prompts
“Accidental” prompt
Dread Potion prompt
HCs: Yan falling for his senpai’s best friend who’s in the music club
Yan falling in love with Reader who is Actor’s kid
Actor Mark 🎬
"What if I never get better?” prompt
“I thought I told you to leave” prompt
Dread Potion prompt
Child!Actor meeting Time-Traveler!Reader
“I think I’m in love with you..” & “Stop pretending you’re okay…” prompts
HCs: Actor w/ S/O who has a “lovey-dovey” nature
Captain seeing through Space/Actor!Mark’s façade
Confronting Captain & Space!Mark post-ISWM 2
Yancy 🔗
Teasing (Suggestive)
“Breakdown” prompt
Sneaking Out
“You mean to say you’ve never been touched?” prompt
“I had a dream where I killed you” prompt
Visiting Yancy
Illinois 🥾
Shrine of the Bat
Super Strength Potion prompt
“I didn’t mean it, please forgive me” prompt
“Bad dream?” prompt
Another Adventure
Partners Reunited (ISWM)
Illinois saving Reader from drowning (angst)
Hanahaki Disease
“Well this is awkward” prompt
Dread Potion
Captain Magnum ⚓
Shrinking Potion prompt
“Cunning” prompt
In the Soulstone Ending
“I’ll keep you warm” prompt
Heist Mark 💣
“After everything we’ve been through…” prompt
“I’m better now that you’re here” prompt
Truth Potion prompt
“Brave” prompt
“Life isn’t worth living without you” prompt
Space/Engineer/Noir Mark
Mark reacting to Aro!Captain leaving him a valentine
Captain treating Mark’s wounds
“Eliminate” word prompt
Mark being jealous of Captain’s friendship with Gunther
HCs: Mark being jealous of Captain’s bodyguard Wug
HCs: Comforting Mark after the ship malfunctions
HCs: Captain being kind to Mark & having a heroic nature
HCs: Captain “fixing it from the outside” the right way
HCs: Noir!Mark married to a flirty Captain who stills charms him
Mark & Captain slow-dancing on bridge
HCs: Mark getting jealous when Captain praises everyone but him
Mark begging Captain not to exit airlock (post-ISWM 2)
“You’ve been my best friend [...] I’m in love with you” prompt 
Other Egos
HCs: Dr. Iplier helping Reader who has medical phobia
King of the Squirrels Fluff
ISWM 2 Variants
HCs: Dating Murdock (Murderiplier)
Hug Me, Bring It In (Sad!Mark)
Multiple Egos
HCs: Eric, Yancy, Yandere, & Illinois w/ S/O who has terrible bad luck but never actually dies
HCs: Illinois, Eric, Dark, & Wilford reacting to Fem!Reader’s kid calling them dad and mom
Dark & Mayor Damien meeting (Old Friends AU)
HCs: Dating Cooliplier, Chefiplier, Goopy, Yan, Eric, & Priest
HCs: Dark, Host, Google, Oliver, Bim, Dr. Iplier, Eric, King, Yan, & Jims being pulled into S/O’s lap
Ipliers meeting Yancy, Captain Magnum, & Illinois after AHWM is released
“Free” w/ Yancy & Illinois (post-ISWM “Frozen” route)
HCs: Dark, Bim, Host, & Space w/ Werewolf-Vampire hybrid Reader
“Projection” w/ Wug
Gunther w/ Captain who remembers WKM & misses Abe
HCs: Crew learning Captain is a vampire
HCs: Mack falling for co-Captain
Teen!Reader comforting Dad!Stan after a nightmare
HCs: Werewolf!Captain’s journey through ISWM
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