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I see we picked a good time to come back to London, it seems we get to say hello to everyone!
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hana-morgenstern · 11 years ago
My dear twin sister...
Helena Highsmith, where would you be? Your twin sister whom you haven't seen in fifteen years is looking for you.
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xsophie-collinsx · 11 years ago
Good old rainy London. I guess I shouldn't have got so used to Alicante's sunlight.
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maxlightwoodlewis-blog · 11 years ago
I didn't think it was possible to get lost thrice in one day.
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emilypenhallow · 11 years ago
Home || Jemily
It was a familiar routine, and yet so rare, when Emily was granted the blessing of being able to tuck her children in at night. It was a procedure that had changed very little since the birth of her son although the children had changed and grown so very much. Never once had she taken the opportunity for granted, as she had always made a point to remember that even though she wished to be with her children for all eternity, that would not be the case. After all, her own mother had been taken from her much too soon. As was not surprising when one lived the life of a Nephilim. It had been a horrifying thought, to worry whether she would leave her children in a similar way. Perhaps not torn apart by Lycanthropes, but leaving her children as young and with scars that would never heal. The fear had been there when Nate was five years old, then Ella, then Rachael. Fear of repeating the pattern. But now she had since long passed her mothers last age, and been granted that much more time with her family. Her own mother lived through her and her children; just as she lived for them.
As always, Emily had begun with the youngest, giving Rachael a kiss on her forehead, then Ella, after reading both the girls a story of their choice. And even though he kept pointing out that he was too old for that now, she had kissed Nate goodnight as well. He would always be her baby boy And she simply could not help it. Even after all these years she did not feel as if she had showed him how much she really, truly loved him. Then she had asked him of his training — a substitute for the usual story as she feared he would have shooed her out of his room had she gone as far as to read him something — before gently closing the door behind her and heading to the bedroom. As she had so many times for the past fourteen years, but fewer than she desired. She loved being the Consul, knowing what a great honour it was and doing her very best to fulfill her duties, but she loved her children more and they were the ones suffering from her absence. She owed them more than she was giving.
As Emily walked into the candlelit room with the familiar massive wooden dresser and bed dressed in golden satin, lace curtains covering the windows but giving her a view of the starlit night outside even so, she saw him standing there — a familiar figure, defined muscles visible through his white dress shirt, leaning casually against the desk as he greeted her with a dashing, warm smile. She could swear that he had not changed at all since they had met. Although, he had. Not only was his hair streaked with gray, but his expression was so mature. He was not the boy in the woods, or the one who had carried her through the Institute when she was wounded all those years ago; and yet, he was. He was still her Jon. If only by his smile and the look in his eyes. Whereas Emily… The gray streaks, the mature face, they all suited him terribly, made him more handsome, even though she had doubted that to be possible. Unlike her. Her reflection was someone else looking back at her and filling her chest with discomfort. Even though the signs were that much fewer on her, they were ten times magnified when her eyes met the mirror. Emily was painfully aware of the fact that her body was aging that much faster than her soul.
With a bright smile Emily moved towards her husband, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face in his chest. “Hello,” she mumbled into his shirt, gently removing her feet from her shoes so that she could stand on the tips of her toes. “I’ve missed you.” She reached for his head, brushing her fingers through his hair. “What have you been up to in my absence?”
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helenawate-blog · 11 years ago
The Truth Behind All This || Helena (W) & Daniel
For the young fourteen-year-old Helena Wate, today couldn’t have gotten anymore confusing. First of all, there was this boy who told her that is was the 19th century, not the 21st. That same boy also vaguely said that she was a Mudane, which she didn’t understand. Of course, she was human. What else would she be? Second, there was this woman, dressed weirdly who looked exactly like her mom, Hana but claimed that she wasn’t. Lastly, that woman asked the brunette if she was the woman’s twin sister’s daughter. As far as Helena was aware, her mom didn’t have any sisters. However, neither she nor Zach knew very much about their parent’s past and how they met. Perhaps, it was a time to find out.
She had followed that boy to this place called the Institute, which looked like an old church from the outside, but a residence on the inside. Walking around the place, looking for anyone she knew, which was just her mom, dad and Zach.
After what could have been merely ten minutes or even hours, Helena saw her dad, who stood out from the crowd of people by the different clothing he was wearing from all the others. Running towards him, Helena called out, “Dad!” and put her arms around him when she reached him. “Dad…Where are we? Why is everything so different…a-and…does mom have a twin sister? Where is she, anyway? And Zach?” Helena questioned, letting out all these questions that had been stuck in her mind.
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genevieve-highsmith · 11 years ago
Together In London | Genevieve & Marcus
With Elodie on Genevieve's back-- her short arms around her older sister's neck for support-- and Anna holding her hand, the three Highsmith ladies walked from the drawing room of the London Institute to the gardens. Having just arrived in London, their Mama and Papa were still catching up with the Herondales and Will, Genevieve assumed, was in the library. The London Institute was just as Genevieve remembered it, and she could not wait to see more of the city with her family. It had been a year since the Highsmiths were in London and the city being a second home to Genevieve, she had missed it dearly. 
The three conversed in French as they walked, and it wasn't until they were only a few meters away from the entryway of the gardens when Genevieve spotted a figure. It was Marcus Lightwood, she saw, and she was just about to greet him when her younger sister beat her to it. "Marcus!" Anna squealed, letting go of her older sister's hand and skipping towards the male Shadowhunter. Marcus, being Will's parabatai, was and always had been a close friend of their family. In fact, the Lightwoods of Alicante were quite close with the Highsmiths and it was a pleasant surprise to find them in London at the same time as they were. "Bonjour, Marcus!" Elodie greeted, and Genevieve slowly put her on the ground. "Ah, so you meant what you said? You will help me look after my sisters today?" The older Shadowhunter girl asked with a gentle smile on her lips. The two had crossed paths about an hour ago, but with Genevieve looking after her sisters, she couldn't talk long. However, Marcus had so kindly offered to spend the afternoon with her and her sisters and Genevieve accepted and appreciated his company.
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emmelinelightwood-blog · 11 years ago
Emmeline Lightwood - Daughter of Gideon and Sophie Lightwood
Emmeline Lightwood was born a year after her parents' marriage, which took place after her mother's Ascension. Being their first children, she grew up in a loving environment, mainly in Alicante, but with frequent visits to London so as to meet their old family friends.
The girl has her mother's brown hair and shy behavior but her father's green eyes and gentle nature. It takes a while to actually get to know her, but in general, she is friendly with everyone. She is really good friends with Genevieve Highsmith since the two families have always been close, the little brothers being parabatai and the trips to Paris frequent.
Emmeline is a skilled Shadowhunter like both her parents, but prefers to do indoor work than being out on the battlefield. Sure, she can slay demons just fine, but what she truly loves is staying in the library, reading and researching, helping the other Shadowhunters with knowledge and books rather thhan swords and seraph blades.
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Matthew Granville Fairchild- Son of Charlotte and Henry Branwell
Matt is the second son of Charlotte and Henry.  He was born in December 1886, 8 years after Charles and was a joy to both of his parents. The two were surprised to find out about his arrival but Charlotte easily found time to welcome another son into her life, and Henry was as crazy as ever inventing toys for him. Charles was happy to finally have someone to play with, although like any siblings he would sometimes tease him. Henry would often be oblivious in his own world, but Charlotte would quickly and swiftly put a stop to it.
Matthew loves both of his parents but finds he is closer to Charlotte. When he was a young child, he enjoyed following her around as she worked, pretending that he was her right hand man. He would often sit beside her with a quill and ink writing down his thoughts as she wrote important letters.
Now that he is a little older he has grown out of following his mother around, although he does look up to her believing she is very admiral for achieving so much so young. Sometimes a flash of his father can be seen in him when he is deep in thought, allowing something crazy to escape his mind. With his mother’s success, he works hard to try and be a brilliant Shadowhunter and hopes for a love as great as his parents one day.
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maxlightwoodlewis-blog · 11 years ago
Maxwell Gideon Lewis - Son of Isabelle & Simon Lewis
Max was born to Shadowhunter parents who left the Clave and lived their lives as Mundanes. He was barely a year old when a greater demon attacked their home in Manhattan, and when the Conclave of New York came, they were all too late. The baby boy's parents were killed by the demon, but miraculously, the boy was unharmed. It was Izzy who found him, sleeping inside a wardrobe in the master's bedroom of the house, and when the baby boy opened his eyes, it was then that Izzy decided that she would raise the boy as her own.
The process didn't take long. Max had no other living relatives, and as head of the New York Institute, Izzy was more than capable to raise a child. However, Simon had been slightly reluctant. He was a vampire and knew nothing about fatherhood, and he was afraid he wouldn't be much help. But he changed his mind, eventually, and when the baby boy was brought to the New York Institute, Simon and Izzy couldn't have been more excited.
Izzy and Simon never kept it a secret that Max was adopted. It would have been impossible to make the young boy believe he was theirs for Simon was a vampire, after all. He was told of how his adoptive mother found him, and Izzy shared with him the very little knowledge she had about Max's biological parents. He was also told about who he was named after: his adoptive mother's late younger brother.
Max is adored by both of his parents. He's very close to the both of them, but has an especially tight bond with Izzy. He is slightly timid and would never be the one to start a conversation. He's a very affectionate boy, but he can get a little sensitive at times.
Although he enjoys training, Max would rather sit and play video games or listen to music. He tries his best not to let his mother down, though, and Izzy is proud of him for being a good Shadowhunter.
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hana-morgenstern · 11 years ago
Spawn Week Bio for Hana
I know this isn’t necessary for the parents, but I felt that it kinda is for Hana because her life has changed drastically since future week.
When Hana met Daniel, her actions towards him changed; it was different from the way she acted towards others. She cared for this supposed Mundane boy, who was in fact a Shadowhunter, who wasn’t aware of it.  The two of them got closer, even to the point of a romantic relationship when Hana got her emotions back with the help of Daniel who spent time with her. At first, they were sure that they couldn’t engage in a relationship because they were from different centuries, yet that only became an ignored matter sooner or later.
However, their relationship was ephemeral, because it was time for Daniel to go back to his own time, the 21st century. Though the two didn’t want to part one another, they knew they had to. 
Over the course of five years, Hana has been through a lot of difficulties. Starting with a few years back, when all the Shadowhunters from the London Institute were fighting against Mortmain. Hana was there, of course and that was when Mortmain announced the truth to everyone. About how he found out about Hana’s death, and to bring her back to use her for his own good, and making sure that she forgot every meeting. He also announced that this was the reason behind her mood and general hatred towards most people. When the news reached the Enclave, Hana was sent to the Silent City and was forced to stay there until the Silent Brothers got information out of her from repeated use of the Mortal Sword. They weren’t able to get much information from her, as Mortmain had made sure that she forgot the meetings afterwards.
After a couple of months, Hana was sent back to the Institute, but she still didn’t like the place. She never really liked them to begin with, and now she was receiving stares from the constantly increasing number of residents. Knowing her parents had already received news on this, Hana went back to the Morgenstern Manor and as lived there since.
She and Jon had grew closer, and they were in a relationship for a year and a half. After Hana’s return from the Silent City, she was still traumatised from the thought of Mortmain brining her back and using her as a spy, and most of the time Jon was there to wipe her tears away and tell her that it would be okay. Hana knew that Jon still loved her; she could see it in his eyes whenever he looked at her, and now that she was back to her old self—well, not completely. But she did have feelings for Jon again, and it was the exact same feeling she had eight years ago, when they were younger and the exact ones Jon wanted to bring back five years ago. She loved him just like he loved her and she knew they had a chance at a future together.
However, Jon stated that he didn’t want to hurt her and ended their relationship. That was when Daniel appeared, in the 19th century as if he had never left. Much to her surprise, Daniel had loved her even after all these years and searched for the warlock, Magnus Bane, and convinced him to bring him back to the 19th century. Just when Hana Morgenstern thought that she would never have a happy life with a loved one, Daniel Wate came along and proposed to her, something she never expected. Getting married in the 19th century, as her last memory for the 19th century, the two of them, especially Hana, said their goodbyes and departed for the 21st century.
Now, Hana and Daniel have a son, Zachary “Zach” William Wate and a daughter, Helena Cassandra Wate, and the two of them is as happy as ever, and Hana is glad that she left the 19th, though she misses it sometimes. Even though at first, she was confused and bewildered at all the technology, with the help of Daniel, she was able to learn their use. She currently works as a designer, designing modern dresses with a 19th century twist to them in design. A couple years back, her husband surprised her with a boutique and she works there often, sometimes with the help of her daughter, Helena.
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emmelinelightwood-blog · 11 years ago
I missed London... even the rain.
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genevieve-highsmith · 11 years ago
Home Away From Home | Genevieve & Will
They had just arrived in London and after putting their trunks in their respective bedrooms with the help of her brother, Genevieve and her sisters explored the London Institute, as if it had been centuries and not a year since they've last been there. They went to the dining room, the drawing room, the library, the kitchen. They also wandered around the garden and the sanctuary. And when Genevieve stepped inside the training room, she was filled with the desire to pick up a weapon and train. However, it was not the time for training, she decided. Finally, after about a half hour of exploring, she and her sisters settled in the bedroom their uncle Will had provided for them while her parents went to catch up with their old friends. Their brother Will, on the other hand, was nowhere to be found but Genevieve suspected that he was in the library. He was always in the library, after all.
Genevieve sat perfectly still on the floor of her bedroom as her two sisters braided her hair. Elodie hummed the tune of the lullaby their mother always sang to them before they went to sleep, while Anna simply untangled her older sister's hair with her small fingers. The sound of the door opening caused all three heads to turn and the ladies smiled at the sight of their brother on the doorway. "Will!" announced Elodie excitedly, letting go of her sister's hair to hug her older brother. 
"Où avez-vous été?" Genevieve inquired as William stepped inside. Despite of the years between them, the two always seemed to get along. They never once engaged in quarrels of any sort, and Genevieve adored her younger brother just as much as she adored her younger sisters. 
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helenawate-blog · 11 years ago
Where am I...?
This isn't Canada...
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genevieve-highsmith · 11 years ago
Genevieve Alexandra Highsmith - Daughter of Jean-Pierre & Helena Highsmith
Genevieve was born on a summer day of the year 1879 to Jean-Pierre and Helena, when the two were living in the London Institute still. She was named after her father’s late sister, and besides sharing her name, the young Shadowhunter shared her late aunt’s looks as well. The color of her eyes, however, she inherited from her mother.
The young girl received much love and care from her parents growing up. She was her papa’s girl, and Genevieve always loved spending time with both of her parents. She was rather spoiled by her father, but not to the point where she became a brat. In fact, Genevieve is quite the opposite.
The eldest of four children, Genevieve is very responsible and has a good head on her shoulders. She’s very levelheaded and because of her intensive training and studying, looks at everything at a logical point of view. She’s intelligent, and kind, but slightly timid. She’s also often teased for being such a stickler to the rules. She’s very loyal, though, and protective of those she cares about.
She was born with a double parabatai rune birthmark on her chest, and her parents both concluded that this is because she was born before their parabatai bond was severed. She was not only born with the birthmark, but also great skills in the art of battle. She is fast and has sharp instincts, even at a tender age. Both her parents trained her, and Genevieve enjoyed every bit of her Nephilim upbringing.
Having grown up together, the Highsmith children are quite close to the Herondale children. Besides the Herondales, they also had a good relationship with the Lightwoods of Alicante, and her brother even became parabatai with the younger Lightwood boy.
Genevieve is a very dedicated Shadowhunter, but even so, she would always put her family above everything else. It is also because of her dedication that she could not believe her parents had broken the Law. She was shocked when her mother and father told her their story. But Genevieve considers her parents’ love story to be the greatest. However, it is also because of her parents’ happy marriage that she’s not very keen when it comes to romance. Being a witness to her parents’ great love, Genevieve wants the same for herself, but is convinced that the kind of love her parents have is very, very rare. And so, for she does not want to set herself up for disappointment and heartache, Genevieve is cautious when it comes to love and has actually never been in love. She’s had crushes on some of the boys her age in the Institute, but because they were so.. well, immature, and none of them were like her father at all, her crushes never developed to something more, even when those boys and a few others showed interest in her.
Whenever she’s not in the training room, Genevieve can be found either playing with her younger sisters, or in the Paris Institute’s library with her brother, sitting on a sofa, reading a book. She enjoys reading every now and then, but does not have the same passion for the written word like her father and younger brother. Her true passion is being a Shadowhunter, and she has easily become one of the greatest warriors of her generation.
Genevieve is currently nineteen years old. She is an older sister to Will Highsmith, and to five-year-old twins Elodie and Anna. She is very caring towards her younger siblings and would do just about anything for them.
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