#wtsdevo goodstarts
walkthesame · 8 years
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Little Steps of Big Faith (#wtsdevo goodstarts)
“Noah did everything just as God commanded him.” -  Genesis 6:22
            It’s tempting to put together a list of all the things that need to fall into place before we can have a good start. I easily slip into this when it comes to my own dreams and plans. It feels so much safer if all our materials and opportunities are carefully catalogued before we contemplate stepping into a God-sized assignment.
           But Noah did not slip into this mindset when God called him to step into what seemed an impossible task and I’m challenged by Noah’s response. In Genesis 6, God commands Noah to build the ark, giving him all of the details on how this ark was to be built. The ark needed to be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high; the perfect size to keep safe the people and animals who would enter it.
           I can hear the flood of questions that would have spilled from my own lips in this situation: “How is this possible, God? When will I find the time? Build an ark that size – me and what army?”
           Noah’s response, in comparison, is simple, but so powerful. The first thing Scripture says is, “Noah did everything just as God commanded him” (Genesis 6:22). Noah didn’t question how this was possible or demand that the details be made clearer to him. God had given him the first step of the process and Noah faithfully followed and obeyed where God led him.
           He trusted that, when the time came, God would reveal the next step and that’s exactly what God does in Genesis 7-9, as He leads Noah, his family and the animals safely through the flood and then out into the newly dry earth. One step at a time, God led Noah through the whole process and Noah trusted that that was more than enough. Noah understood that he only needed to follow through on the very next step and that God was faithful to reveal the rest in time.
           See, when it comes to good starts, it’s not so much about having every step of the plan laid out for us. When we trust that God is faithful to lead us through in His time – no matter how impossible the task appears – and we ourselves faithfully follow Him, there’s nothing holding us back.
           It’s just a matter of beginning.
Devotional Series: Good Starts (#wtsdevo goodstarts)
By: Alexandria // Personal // Walk the Same
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walkthesame · 8 years
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Freedom in a New Beginning (#wtsdevo goodstarts)
New beginnings are sometimes scary. That can be true for some people when it comes to thinking about having a new life in Christ. I have discovered that some people are scared that God is going to force them to go to Africa or do a year-long mission in the slums if they decide to give their life to Him. For some people yes, when they get renewed in Jesus they feel called to that, but God doesn't force people to do things that they don't want to do. He gives us the desires of our hearts, so whether it be feeling called to other countries to serve, or just to serve in your workplace by being kind to everyone, God is just pleased with us choosing to be made new—becoming free in Him. Coming into a new life in Jesus doesn't mean being pushed out into the mission field or attending church three times a week. Although, those can be very beneficial, new life in Jesus is about receiving love and giving love, it’s about changing your life in that your past no longer defines you, and your character becomes Christ-like through the renewing of your mind with His Word and Spirit. It’s about realizing your true identity, which is a son or daughter of God. Yes, God expects us to have a changed life when we become a new person in Jesus, and this can be expressed right where we’re at. In the work place, in our homes, at school, and in the mission field. He calls us to just be—His beloved, His family, His people.
 We don’t have to perform works for it, we don’t have to go on a radical trip to be renewed in Him. All we have to do is ask for Him to change us, be determined to follow Him in all our ways, and learn to receive His love and grace freely, as well as give it freely. Being made new in Jesus isn’t scary—it’s adventurous, fun, and freeing, and anyone can receive this new life right where they’re at.
Devotional Series: Good Starts (#wtsdevo goodstarts)
By: Kiana // Personal // Walk the Same
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walkthesame · 8 years
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The Comeback (#wtsdevo goodstarts)
“You’re too far gone.”
The devil is a liar. That is all he ever has been and all he ever will be. This statement you see above is his weapon to the brokenhearted, the beaten, the damned. This is his way of trying to not only get you to hit rock bottom, but ensnaring you there in such a way that you feel you will never again have the strength it takes to do something, anything to rise to your feet.
Now, the good thing about rock bottom is this: Once you’re there, the only place to look is up. Whenever we stop looking at OURselves and OUR situation and start looking up to the face of The One who created and saved us, we have the opportunity to see that we aren’t too far gone. This is just the start, a start of a life filled with the joy and peace that comes with knowing we are held by a Father who has a specific path for each and every one of us. The best part about all this is that He never changes.
Hebrews 13:8 says that “He is the same yesterday, today and forever.” So if in the beginning He loved us, then that means He also loved us when His son was dying on a tree, He loved us while we were in our mother’s womb, He loved us before we could even speak His name, He loved us when we were so lost and broken we thought about ending ourself, He loves us now, and He will love us through eternity. And that is the amazing miracle that is the love of the Lord our God.
Devotional Series: Good Starts (#wtsdevo goodstarts)
Posted by: Conner Folger\ Personal // Walk the Same
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walkthesame · 8 years
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A Good Start (#wtsdevo goodstarts)
Nehemiah 4:6 “…for the people had a mind to work.”
This Sunday, my pastor taught on some passages from the Old Testament book of Nehemiah. When Nehemiah rallied the people of Israel together to rebuild their crumbled city, they did not only see the work that needed to be done, they did not only talk about the work that needed to be done, but they “had a mind to work” – and they did the work that needed to be done. Because they had a good start, they were able to accomplish all that God had set before them.
In chapter 2 of Nehemiah, we learn that the people “strengthened their hands for the good work” (2:18). They saw what needed to be done and adequately prepared themselves to do it. Nehemiah had an organized but simple plan that the people were able to follow and stick to. They were not aimless in their work, but focused and determined until the city was rebuilt.
 We can learn a lot from Nehemiah and his people’s example. To finish a job well like they did, we need not only to see what needs to be done, but prepare ourselves and prepare a plan to accomplish it. Most importantly, like Nehemiah, we need to keep persevering until the work is done! As the people worked, the Lord was with them. The Lord is with us, too, as we do our work unto Him rather than unto men (Colossians 3:23). Today, I’m asking God to give me a “mind to work” so that I can start this new year and new semester in a way that is honoring to Him and to what He has called me to do.  
Devotional Series: Good Starts (#wtsdevo goodstarts)
Posted by: Rebecca Hankins \ Personal //  Walk the Same
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walkthesame · 8 years
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A Fresh Exchange (#wtsdevo goodstarts)
“And leaving everything, he rose and followed him.” -Luke 5:28
The best part about fresh starts is that they can happen any day at any time. That means it's okay if you've already relapsed from your New Year’s resolution. Every breath is a chance. The idea is simple enough, but the actual manifestation isn't so easy. It requires much more from us than just the decision or the will to start afresh. We need to be fully surrendered—emptied of anything in God's way of changing us. He is the power that both leads us to change and sustains it.
For some of us it could mean letting go of everything. For others it may not be so drastic. But none of us have put on the new without first taking off the old. Every fresh start begins with the detox of emptying out the former. As Christ bids us to come follow Him, we can let go knowing that anything He offers is infinitely better than what we leave behind.
In this verse we read of Levi, a tax collector, who was actually on the clock when Jesus called him. This was his job, his security, his comfort he exchanged in an instant for a new beginning with Jesus. It was risky and the cost was great, but the reward was immensely greater. We can safely trust our lives under His lordship. Even if we forsake all else, our temporal loss is eternal gain (Matthew 19:29, Philippians 3:8).
Devotional Series: Good Starts (#wtsdevo goodstarts)
By: Julian // Personal // Walk the Same
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walkthesame · 8 years
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Greatness starts from the small (#wtsdevo goodstarts)
Small beginnings have defined some landmark and memorable moments throughout the Bible and these have proved that no matter how small, little or in-significant a start has been, the impact it makes is incredible. At first it may seem like our start isn't all that awesome or worthy enough to be remembered down the road. It might look weird, awful or even embarrassing. But fast-forward time and how you feel about your start may surely change.
The impressive trees you see around you don't all start like that. In the beginning they are little tiny seeds or plants. But with time they end up becoming mighty and majestic in size providing shelter and making our world a tree-more beautiful. Nature aside, taking some examples from the Bible - consider Moses. His greatest story started from his exile - forgotten and insignificant. But as time progressed, he became one of the greatest prophets with one of the greatest stories in the Bible. Even better - Jesus! His story started in the most insignificant of circumstances. No one really knew Him or even cared. But fast forward to today, and there is no greater name than the Name of Jesus. 
What I am trying to share is that, greatness can be achieved without having to have your beginning all great and mighty. All that is needed is a whole lot of faith and belief. Belief in that you will reach the finish line of your journey and faith that nothing will come your way knowing that Jesus is leading you to where you should be. Time will pass but God will reward your patience and faithfulness with something beyond your expectations. ____________________________________________
Devotional Series: Good Starts (#wtsdevo goodstarts) By: Jude \ Personal // Walk the Same
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