#wtf it is 14:11 noe
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103. Koper, Ankaran en Piran
Het is 18:12 en er lopen 3 fluffy Golden Retrievers over het strand, dus het leven is goed.
Oh... ja... Hallo vanaf het strand in Ankaran.
Gisteren heb ik de Warblers reünie livestream gekeken, dus het werd weer laat. Heel veel spam in de chat, helaas. Kan je geloven dat er nog steeds CC shoppers in 2020 zijn? Wat zielig.
Vandaag zijn Kath en Sophia weer om 8 uur vertrokken. Waarschijnlijk zijn ze weer gaan hiken of zoiets. Ikzelf kwam "vroeg" om 10:00 mijn bedje uitgerold, want ik wilde toch nog een beetje leren voor mijn GLINT examen. Rond 13:20 stond Cristina voor de deur met de fancy auto. Ze had blijkbaar een gratis update gekregen. Tijd voor het strand.
Nou, ik dacht dat de maatregelen nog van kracht waren: niet zwemmen. Blijkbaar had ik het dus fout, want Cristina schreef dat ze wilde gaan zwemmen. Dus tijd om mijn bikini te zoeken.
... dat ligt dus nog in Nederland. Yay. Dus geen bikini. Oké dan.
Cristina en ik reden door Ljubljana en zo zag ik dus delen waar ik nog niet geweest ben. We gingen de 3e ophalen. Sofia, niet te verwarren met Sophia, komt uit Madrid en we hadden nooit gesproken, maar ik herkende haar van B&T. Ze had in die gastlezing over de verlenging van het leven een hele discussie met de leraar en de spreker. Geen idee waar het over ging, want we waren al 2 uur bezig en ik had het wel gehad en toen ging ik thee zetten.
Goed, hi. Het is inmiddels 12:36 en gisteren werd ik na het schrijven van het bovenste deel moe, dus ik ging liggen op het strand. En ja, we waren pas rond 23:30 thuis en ik was mega moe, maar natuurlijk heb ik snel een overzicht gemaakt van wat ik wilde zeggen.
Dus hier is een soort van inhoudsopgave:
Of het echt een goede inhoudsopgave is.... nou nee. Je ziet wel. Dit wordt een lang ding, jongens. Ik heb rond de 40 foto’s, dus ik denk dat ik weer foto’s apart ga posten in een photoset, want anders wordt het echt mega lang.
Dus ja, ik werd vanochtend weer eens vroeg om 8:00 wakker wegens het gordijn of omdat ik een een keer vroeg ging slapen, maar natuurlijk bleef ik liggen t/m 10:00 en toen kocht ik mega dure stonks (107 Bells per turnip??? AFZETTERIJ DAISY-MAE) en er zit een deuk in mijn telefoon, want mijn Switch viel uit mijn handen op mijn telefoon. Gelukkig is mijn Switch oké.
En nu zijn we hier.
Let’s go.
Sofia werd dus opgehaald en ze nam haar tijd. Cristina zei al dat het typisch Spaans is om te laat te zijn. Toen was het tijd om naar Ankaran te gaan. Een kamergenoot van Cristina zei dat dat een klein stadjes dichtbij Koper en Piran is en daar is dus een klein strandje.
Helaas moesten we meteen een omweg nemen, want er was een vreselijk ongeluk gebeurd en alles zat vast. Toen Cristina en ik op Sofia aan het wachten waren, reden er ook al 3 ambulances. Een auto heeft een motor geraakt en wow, er was echt niets meer over van de motor. We herkenden het eerst niet eens tot en met we de stoel van de motor zagen.
Lulu, dit is waarom pa geen scooter voor je wilt kopen.
Ha, ik wilde de kleine speelgoed scooter opzoeken die ik voor Lulu had gekocht en ik vond alleen deze Yuri On Ice fanart:
Houd het maar bij deze scooter.
We reden dus al meteen fout, dus hoera. Uiteindelijk kwamen we goed terecht en het was ongeveer een uurtje richting Ankaran. Het uitzicht vanaf de snelweg was heel mooi. Ik wilde eerst geen foto’s maken, want ze zouden waarschijnlijk een beetje wazig zijn, maar de bergen waren zo mooi.
Uiteindelijk maakte ik deze:
Ik had eerder foto’s moeten maken, want er waren zoveel vogels aan het schijten. Cristina heeft gereden, want ik kan alleen automaat en Sofia heeft geen rijbewijs. Het ging zeer goed, maar op de snelweg hield ze automatisch links aan, want in Australië rijden ze dus ook links. Op andere wegen is ze eraan gewend om rechts te rijden, want ze woont nu eenmaal in Zweden, maar op de snelweg is ze sneller links. Ik heb een paar keer “Cristina, you’re on the left” moeten zeggen, want achter ons gingen mensen bumperkleven. Eén keer had ze het zelf door, want iemand haalde ons in vanuit rechts.
We kwamen aan in Ankaran en het was geen echt zandstrand zoals Cristina had gehoopt, maar het waren ook geen stenen zoals in Koper.
Er was ook een grasgedeelte.
We bleven niet lang, want we hadden honger. De Boni is overal in Slovenië, niet alleen Ljubljana, dus we gingen op zoek naar Boni in Koper. Koper is een drukke stad aan het strand en het was ook zeer druk.
We hadden de Boni app gecheckt en we zochten de Sarajevo 84, de Balkan grill. Blijkbaar is het een keten, want dat is dezelfde als de Sarajevo 84 in Ljubljana, het restaurant in de kelder waar ik met pa, ma en Lu ben geweest.
En er was een kat.
Er zijn zo weinig katten in Slovenië die gewoon rondlopen. Er zijn mega veel honden, maar amper katten.
We wilden dus Boni bestellen, maar Sofia is vegetarisch en de serveerster zei dat ze alleen vlees hadden. Dat was raar, want de Boni app zei dat er ook vegetarische gerechten waren. We probeerden het uit te leggen, maar de serveerster kon niet goed Engels en bleef de hele tijd “no” zeggen, dus we bedankten haar en we gingen weg.
Op de app zagen we een pizzeria in de binnenstad, so off we go. Zo zagen we ook wat van de binnenstad. Ik had een soort van Italië gevoel.
Sofia is links en Cristina is rechts.
Alles was ook tweetalig en de radio in de auto was ook Italiaans. Overal zag je dus “DOBER DAN/CIAO” en “IZHOD/USCITA” enz. Tijdens het rondlopen had ik ook de hele tijd het nummer Sanremo van MIKA in mijn hoofd, want het lijkt erop dat het nummer gaat over de Italiaanse stad Sanremo en de sfeer. Het nummer gaat eigenlijk totaal niet over Sanremo en de sfeer (kijk de video voor de echte betekenis), maar hey whatever. Voor nu deed ik even alsof het over Italië ging.
Na een paar minuten lopen, bleek de pizzeria ook dicht te zijn. Heel veel dingen waren dicht. Ik las al eerder dat niet alle horecagelegenheden op de kust open waren gegaan, want ze zijn te afhankelijk van Kroatische en Italiaanse toeristen. Er was nog een Sarajevo 84 in Koper, dus we dachten: “Waarom niet?”
Deze Sarajevo 84 lag op de rand van het oude centrum en deze serveerster sprak wel Engels, dus ze gaf Sofia een grote pot met bonen in saus i.p.v. vlees. Aangezien we Boni gebruikten, kregen we ook salade, fruit en soep. Dat waren we helemaal vergeten.
De soep was ook een romige groetensoep i.p.v. een watertje met een smaakje zoals andere restaurants serveren.
Volgens mij was het rond de €3,90 voor dit allemaal. Wacht, ik pak effe de app erbij. Wow, het was €3,81 voor brood met worstjes/bonen, romige soep, appel, fruitsalade, paprika, tomaat en de uien.
Het hele eerste deel van het terras zat ook goed vol. Het was heel goed en de bonen waren heel veel. We hebben de appels meegenomen en ook wat restjes brood. Cristina en Sofia waren zeer geïnteresseerd in mijn eco boterhammenzakje.
We hadden een late lunch en Cristina is dus een mega grote fietsfanaat. Dit wist ik al, maar ik had dus even Handgespaakts Facebook opgezocht en ze was mega enthousiast. Toen had ik ook nog The Cakehouse’s Facebook opgezocht en Sofia en Cristina zeiden de hele tijd “wow” en “ooooh”. Cristina wilde toen ook pa’s fiets zien, dus pa heeft de fietsen doorgestuurd en lang verhaal kort: Cristina heeft haar ogen uitgekeken.
Toen vroeg ik voor foto’s van haar fiets en blijkbaar staat haar hele telefoon vol met die dingen. Op Instagram volgt ze ook alleen maar fietsaccounts en fiets hashtags.
Ze heeft haar fiets meegenomen uit Australië en ze heeft een fietsketting (een kettinkje met een fiets, niet zo’n onderdeel van een fiets) om haar nek en ze wilt haar eigen fietspak maken. Oh en ze wilde meedoen aan een project van Ljubljana om de stad fietsvriendelijker te maken.
Ik liet haar foto’s zien van de fietsenstallen in Utrecht enz. en wow, dat was heel veel. Sofia kon niet geloven dat dat echt was.
Daarna wilden we terug naar het strand, maar eerst liepen we over de boulevard van Koper.
Ja, ik zie nu pas dat mijn vinger voor de camera zat, maar de zon was zo fel, ik zag mijn scherm niet:
Ik heb nog meer foto’s van Koper. Je vindt ze hier.
Ik probeerde een foto met weinig mensen te maken, want alsnog, het was mega druk. We liepen dus rond en er waren ook overal kleine kraampjes. Er lag ook een groot park naast het water.
Toen namen we auto terug naar het strandje in Ankaran. Ik had eigenlijk geen echte zin om te zwemmen, dus toen de anderen voorstelden om snel een bikini te kopen, zei ik dat het niet hoefde. Ik had gelukkig wel een korte broek bij me. Toen we weggingen, had ik namelijk een jas en een lange broek aan, want mijn kamer is nog steeds frisser. Gelukkig was ik slim genoeg om dus die broek nog mee te nemen en ook slippers.
Fun fact: Australiërs noemen “slippers” geen “flip-flops”, maar “thongs.” Ja. Thongs. Denk hier even goed over na en bedenk welke complicaties hieraan vast zitten.
Ik wist dit, maar Sofia was helemaal verbaasd.
Op het strand had ik een soort van crisis, want waarom is een maatschappelijk construct gecreëerd rondom ondergoed? Ik wilde me eerst niet omkleden op het strand, maar toen dacht ik: wtf???? Waarom is een zwembroek zo anders dan een onderbroek.
Serieus. Het is zo raar?
Ankaran was iets rustiger dan eerst, maar inmiddels was het ook al 18:00.
Cristina en Sofia zijn meteen het water ingegaan. Ik begon met het bovenstaande deel te schrijven. Toen kreeg ik een beetje hoofdpijn, dus ik heb mijn ogen dichtgedaan. Ik sliep niet, maar oma zou het “rusten” noemen. Het was heel rustig, ook al begon een baby op een bepaald moment te krijsen.
Ik was nog van plan om een beetje het water in te gaan, maar bij de tijd dat ik mijn ogen open deed, was de zon weg en werd het koud. Cristina en Sofia waren zich ook meteen weer aan aan het kleden.
Dus geen water voor mij, maar het werd echt wel koud. Met de zon was het juist heel heet, maar zonder zon merkte je pas hoe koud het was.
Het zag er wel heel mooi uit toen de zon begon ze zakken.
Zie meer foto’s hier.
Nou, toen we nog in Koper waren, zagen we de ijswinkel VIGÒ. Die is ook in Ljubljana en eerder die dat was Cristina aan het praten over hoe goed het was, dus toen we het in Koper zagen, hadden we bijna ijs gehaald, maar we hadden net die mega grote lunch gehad.
Nu, terug in Ankaran hadden we wel zin in een ijsje en we wilden ook nog naar Piran. Helaas zagen we snel dat er geen VIGÒ in Piran was, maar andere keer dan maar. Plus, VIGÒ is nu eenmaal ook in Ljubljana, dus ik krijg echt nog wel eens VIGÒ ijs. Cristina zei dat ze geweldige smaken hebben.
Dus we pakten onze spullen in en pa had inmiddels gereageerd op Cristina’s fiets, dus Cristina ging toen alles aan Sofia uitleggen. Inmiddels had Cristina ook een trui met een fietsmerk aan. Sofia kent niets van de fietswereld en ze was verbaasd dat er zoveel te vinden was. Ik weet net iets we weinig, want ik had geen idee hoe ik schijfrem moest vertalen en toen Cristina voorstelde dat ik het gewoon uitlegde, zei ik dat ik niet eens wist wat het was in het Nederlands. Gelukkig begreep ze het na “round thing” en “brake somewhere”.
Cristina zei dat ze mega veel geld had uitgegeven aan haar fiets en ik zei dat het oké is, want iedereen heeft een passie en ze willen niet weten hoeveel ik heb uitgegeven aan mijn Switch. En nu wilt Sofia langskomen om mijn Animal Crossing eiland te zien. Zelf heeft ze geen Switch, maar dit spel is zo populair dat zelfs mensen zonder Switch YouTube video’s over Animal Crossing bingen. Ook kopen heel veel mensen een Switch alleen voor Animal Crossing.
We reden dus naar Piran en ik had gewoon echt weer het Italië gevoel. Je reed door de bergen met die smalle slingerwegen en het uitzicht op het water vanaf de bergen waren geweldig. Ik wou dat ik foto’s had.
Net zoals de weg naar Koper stond er Italiaanse radio op, want de radio was mega kut. We moeten constant van zender veranderen, want alle radiozenders zaten rondom de grens. Cristina en Sofia kunnen Italiaans verstaan, want het lijkt op Spaans.
Op een moment kregen we een station genaamd #W o W. Ja, de muziek was niet geweldig.
Op weg naar Piran stelde Sofia ineens voor om naar Izola te gaan i.p.v. Piran, maar ze kon ons niet echt overhalen. Ze had zelf snel door dat haar argument een beetje vaag was, dus we reden richting Piran, maar de GPS liet ons naar een klein straatje buiten Piran rijden.
Sofia pakte toen Google Maps erbij, maar ze keek niet goed en ze had dus een hotel buiten Piran aangeklikt. Oh God.
Uiteindelijk vonden we het en na heel veel gezeik over parkeren, gingen we op weg naar ijs. Piran was heel mooi.
Eenmaal in de stad kwamen we er achter dat het heel leeg was. Dit was raar, want de parkeerplaatsen waren allemaal vol, vandaar dat we naar een parkeergarage buiten de stad moesten gaan.
Een groot spektakel was natuurlijk het plein. Zie hier mijn panorama foto:
Er stond ook een standbeeld op het plein.
We besloten om even rond te lopen door de stad op zoek naar ijs en het was wel mooi, maar ik snap eigenlijk de hele “hype” rondom de binnenstad niet. Dit is blijkbaar één van de meest toeristische plekken in het land. Misschien komt het omdat het zo levenloos was wegens de leegte.
Ze hebben het ook de hele tijd over de “middeleeuwse stijl”, maar het leek op elke Italiaanse stad waar ik tot nu toe geweest ben, alleen nog smaller. Sofia vond het wel geweldig dat er mensen gewoon wonen en dat het dus niet allemaal 100% toeristische bouwwerk is.
We waren dus op zoek naar ijs. Inmiddels had ik een ander nummer van MIKA in mijn hoofd, namelijk Ice Cream, en dat nummer gaat helemaal niet over ijs oh my god.
Het andere hoogtepunt van Piran is natuurlijk het water.
Voor nog meer foto’s van Piran, zie hier.
Dat is wel heel mooi en er waren overal (enigszins lege) restaurantjes met uitzicht op het water. Helaas het restaurant met de goede recensies over het ijs was dicht, dus we liepen maar verder en we vonden een ander pleintje met krijttekeningen.
Natuurlijk tekende Cristina een fiets.
Zie hier haar hele proces.
Ik tekende natuurlijk Quinn.
Tijdens het tekenen, zagen we een kleine krabbetje. Ik heb nog nooit een krab zo zien lopen.
De binnenstad was dus niet mega indrukwekkend, maar het water dus wel.
We besloten om terug richting het plein te lopen voor ijs. We zagen een klein cafeetje genaamd Caffe Galeria met live muziek en we gingen er zitten. Geen idee hoe ik de video in een blog post moet plaatsen, dus hier is de link naar een korte video van de muziek.
Helaas was er geen ijs.
Dus uiteindelijk kwamen we bij een cafeetje op het plein en we zagen ijs bij Kavarna “Piran”, dus daar hebben we ijs gegeten.
Inmiddels was het rond de 22:00 en we moesten nog ongeveer anderhalf uur rijden. Dit was mega laat voor Cristina, maar ze was nog wakker genoeg om te rijden. Goed, want Sofia kan niet rijden en misschien zou het me lukken om met schakelauto te rijden, maar ik had ook al een kleine migraine sinds 18:00. Yup. Ik dacht eerst dat het kwam door het intensief luisteren naar Sofia, want haar Engels is niet geweldig, maar ma zei dat het ook door ze felle zon kon komen.
We hadden alleen wat problemen met parkeergeld, maar gelukkig was de automaat op één of andere reden in het Nederlands, dus ik zei snel dat “Buiten dienst” betekende dat we niet konden pinnen.
Toen pas zagen we de grote letters CASH ONLY. We zijn dom.
En ja, toen terug naar Ljubljana. We hadden Sofia eerst afgezet en toen gingen we naar mijn huis en we hebben over nog meer fietsen gesproken.
Inmiddels begon het te regenen, dus net op tijd.
Eenmaal binnen heb ik meteen een paracetamol genomen en water opgezet voor noedels. Toen even naar huis gebeld en toen snel nog op de laatste minuut naar een K.K. Slider concert op Animal Crossing gegaan (priorities!). Ik lag om 0:30 in mijn bed! Wow!!!
Ik zei al tegen Cristina: “Might fuck around and go to bed early.”
Ja, Cristina ook. Zij is vandaag met de auto naar de bergen gegaan om te fietsen. Dus dat was mijn dagje. Het was gewoon heel fijn en ik had echt zo’n zomervakantie gevoel wegens de Italiaanse sfeer en uitgebreide lunch en wegens het ijs. Het was heel goed.
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Mysterylover watches Bleach episodes 42-43
1. RENJI’S BACK!! Feels like it’s been awhile. And...he’s being woken up by a monkey. Huh. Not how I expected this episode to open.
2. Back to Ichigo vs RukiBro. (Yes I know he has a name, Byakuya. But for now I prefer RukiBro). And the arrival of Yoruichi aka Hot Cat Lady.
3. Um did CatLady just try to kill Ichigo? I thought she was on our side! Or is this a Genjutsu kinda thing? (a few seconds later) OK it’s a drug.
4. Ooh so RukiBro and CatGirl have a history, huh? Dangerously tempted to start shipping them now. And their banter is pretty hot too. Also WTF? Another training montage? CAN WE JUST RESCUE RUKIA ALREADY DAMMIT
5. Is it me or is this Sentaro guy doing more to try and save Rukia then our heroes are right now?! The leads keep getting caught up in ego-fights or (I’m assuming) going out for drive-thru (Uryu and Hime Where the F are you) and the Reapers who like Ruki are like “We’ll do everything we can”. Damn. Sure are showing up our leads right now.
6. HOLY SHIT KNOCK ON WOOD THERE THEY ARE! Like 2 seconds after I complained about them missing again, there’s Hime and Uryu! It feels like it’s been forever. GET OFF HER COMMANDER CREEP. SHE’S GOT A WIFE BACK HOME WAITING FOR HER. AND ALSO SHE’S LIKE 16. GTFO.
7. Every word out of Orihime’s mouth is reminding me why I love her. And this plan was hers, of course, because she’s the smartest and the best. And I’m starting to think Uryu has a crush on her. (and who could blame him).
8. ”I learned some Karate from Tatsuki” YES. “I was thinking I was with Tatsuki again” immediately starts stripping. Because Tatsuki is her wife. OMG I MISSED HER SO MUCH. Please go save Rukia right the F now.
9. Isn’t this like the 5th time this arc that Ichigo has been so badly beaten he needs nursing? At this rate he’s spent more time in the hospital than Deku does and that’s gotta be a record.
10. Dammit why do they keep talking up RukiBro like nobody could possibly kill him? Like, maybe he is super strong but they gotta at least try to save Ruki!
11. YES WE’RE OPENING UP EPISODE 43 WITH ORIHIME. Thank goodnes. Her fairy friend warrior is injured, oh noes. I mean they’re kinda dicks but they do help her out so I don’t want them to get hurt. And Hime is guilty about it!
12. Ooh and Hime’s gonna have a training montage too? YAS. This scene is so weirdly sentimental. “Not suited for combat”? Well he does have a point that Orihime is a bit of a pacifist. Though it’s a little annoying that the most OP badass member of the squad is getting benched from fighting, i’m guessing, cause she be a girl.
13. Oh man wtf did you creeps do to Hime and Uryu? And this squad of nice soul reapers?! And of course Hime saves everyone and feels bad about not saving enough people. Oh god I’ve missed her.
14. “Is she crying out of fear” bitch please Orihime knows no fear. She tried to save the enemies and is sad she didn’t save enough. Skullface has recognized that Hime is OP but is planning to experiment on her. So he’s cancelled, but at least he recognizes greatness when he sees it.
15. Squad dude calls her a “delicate woman’ Hime promptly bites him. I’m starting to realize that she’s like the girl version of Goku. I feel like the series is going out of it’s way to get her out of the fight because if she was involved it’d be over too quickly.
16. Apropos of nothing, Uryu and Hime look real good in those Soul Reaper uniforms. Like, dayum. They’re already the prettiest characters and now they’re sharp-dressed too.
17. And skullface has hurt his lieutenant? and punched her? And doesn’t care she’s dying? My god soul reaper society is so freaking cancelled.
18. Wow Uryu. Like 5 seconds fighting without Hime and you’re basically dead already. Getting rid of her was such a dumb idea. Sure, get rid of your Shield and White Mage while you’re fighting an OP opponent. Seems like a great idea.
19. Uryu gonna protect the Lieutenant now? Yas. He and Hime being kind to to their foes, cause they’re the best.
20. OMG WTF?! “collecting bodies” experimenting, good god so fucking cancelled. and this guy killed Uryu’s master? PLEASE KILL HIM URYU. “MY NAME IS URYU ISHIDA. YOU KILLED MY MASTER. PREPARE TO DIE”.
#bleach#mysterylover watches bleach#renji abarai#ichigo kurosaki#byakuya kuchiki#yoruichi shihouin#rukia kuchiki#orihime inoue#ishida uryuu#orihime is baaaaaackk#starting to get the feeling that she was benched#because if she was around#this arc would be over in like#2 episodes#wow i wrote like 2x a much as usual#thats what hime being back does to me
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Are you dating a narcissist??
QUANTUM HEALING & THE 22 STAGES OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AN EMPATH & A NARCISSIST: 1 The empath gets attracted (ENERGETIC ALIGNMENT) to a narcissist. Their relationship (albeit: FRIEND. PARENT. CHILD. FAMILY. LOVER. STRANGER) starts. Empath loves deeply and unconditionally. They feel emotionally fulfilled even though the narcissist plays no role to develop a stronger bond. The empath feels satisfied and thinks their love is reciprocated just by being around the narcissist. 2 The empath gets the false notion that they have finally met the kind of love (AKA CONNECTION) that people don’t find even once. Narcissist affirms this by creating an illusion that leads the empath to believe that what they have is special. The empath feels a deep bond that is almost impossible to break free.(ENMESHMENT OCCURS BY THIS PHASE) 3 Sometimes it appears that the narcissist wants this relationship as much as the empath. Actually, what they want is someone who invests their time, energy and love and is in their complete control. (ROOT OF ALL NARCISSISM DERIVED FROM UNCONSCIOUS: CONTROL DYNAMICS, PROJECTIONS, LACK OF SELF-WORTH, ABANDONMENT, & FEAR) 4 As the time will pass, the narcissist will make the empath feel weak, un-confident (DIS-EMPOWERED) , and bereft of the abilities to do even the simple things. The narcissist will never launch an open attack, but use statements like “don’t want to hurt you but…” to point out some shortcoming. They will try to take over anything which symbolizes control such as handling bills or making decisions about purchases. The empathy will be looked down upon for their interests and many such things that form their identity. Gradually, the empath starts to believe that they are less capable and they “need” someone like the person in their life. They get the notion no one would want them. (THE START OF GAS-LIGHTING AND SCAPEGOATING) 5 For an empath, this relationship (ALBEIT: FAMILY, FRIEND, LOVER, ETC) will be everything as they are the ones who are in love (LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY) OutSIDE of love, they would always want to soothe and cheer the narcissist, talk to them, help them and do whatever it makes them feel good. The narcissists project themselves as the victim of their past, their relationships, and the circumstances. The empaths are givers; they try to make up for all the unfortunate things that have ever happened to the narcissist. (THE EMPATH SUBCONSCIOUSLY TAKES ON THE EMOTIONS BEING PROJECTED OR MANIPULATED TO EMOTE BY/FROM THE NARCISSIST AKA BEGIN TO EMOTE/VIBRATE AT THE SAME CONSCIOUSNESS AS WHAT IS BEING PROJECTED THUS ALLOWING FOR THE NARC TO FULLY MANIPULATE THE EMOTIONS, THOUGHTS, AND FREE WILL CHOICES OF THE EMPATH - AGAIN ON AN UNCONSCIOUS ENERGETIC/VIBRATORY LEVEL) 6 The empath has a good and a clear heart and cannot imagine the deep and unresolved wounds of the narcissist are not the same as their own.Healing those wounds is different from their own. (MANIPULATION OF THE EMPATHS ENERGY BODY AKA AURA FIELD - THIS IS INTENTIONAL COVERT EMOTIONAL ABUSE TO YOUR HEALTH:MIND.BODY.SOUL AND THE NARCO IS FEEDING OFF THE MANIPULATION OF YOUR EMOTIONS, THOUGHTS, AND ACTIONS. Google/YouTube: ENERGY-VAMPIRE) 7 The relationship is all about the narcissist. The empath realizes this slowly, and a time comes when they feel afraid to talk or fight for their needs and desires. In their attempt to please they don’t want to voice their true needs. They would rather be likable than give any reason to be disliked. But, secretly they are not too happy. (CONFLICT AVOIDANCE 101 IS A SELF-INFLICTED DETRIMENTAL STATE OF ALLOWING - IT IS FAR BETTER TO BE AUTHENTIC, TRANSPARENT, AND TRUE TO YOUR PERSONAL ALIGNMENT TO YOUR JOY - REGARDLESS OF ANY OTHER PERSONS THOUGHTS OR BELIEFS. QUESTION YOUR OWN BELIEFS. OBLIGATION IN AND OF ITSELF IS A SELF-INFLICTED BELIEF, ESPECIALLY IF THE OBLIGATION - REGARDLESS OF WHO TO - ONLY MAKES YOU FEEL WORSE - ALLOW YOUR FEELERS/EMOTIONS TO BE YOUR GUIDE. TRUST YOUR GUT. IF SOMEONE MAKES YOU FEEL BAD ABOUT YOURSELF EVERY TIME YOU ARE AROUND THEM - DO YOURSELF A FAVOR & SEVER TIES WITH LOVE --> SELF LOVE) 8 The more devotion, love, care, affection, and effort the empath puts into the relationship, the narcissist feels completely in control over the relationship. The empath literally dances to the tune of the narcissist. As long as the empath continues to appease/JUSTIFY/SATIATE the narcissist, it’s impossible to detect any problem in the relationship. The problem occurs when the empath finally reaches the breaking point. (YOU WILL KNOW WHEN YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH. STOP JUSTIFYING YOUR THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS, & ACTIONS TO ANYONE, AND STOP DOING STUFF FOR OTHER PEOPLE OUT OF OBLIGATION OR TO SATIATE SO AND SO TO AVOID THE POTENTIAL OF MALICIOUS, BITTER, RESENTMENTS, CONFLICTS, OR ANIMOSITIES DOWN THE ROAD. BE GRATEFUL FOR THE AWARENESS NOW VS RESENTFUL FOR THE PAST EXPERIENCE - FORGIVE YOURSELF OF THE CHOICES YOU MADE WHILE YOUR STRESS WAS BEING INDUCED & YOUR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES MANIPULATED. THE NARC IN YOUR LIFE IS/WAS THERE TO TEACH YOU A LESSON. IF YOU DO NOT LEARN THAT LESSON - THEY (NARCISSISTS) WILL CONTINUE TO MANIFEST IN YOUR REALITY - REGARDLESS OF HOW MANY YOU'VE ALREADY 'SEVERED BONDS' WITH. HEAL YOUR WOUNDS, IF THE INFECTION HAS NO WHERE TO INFECT, THE 'VIBRATORY' NEED FOR "HEALING/LESSONS" WILL DISSIPATE ;) ) 9 Finally, the empath raises a voice because they can no longer keep up with the suppressing ways of the narcissist. Day after day their emotional needs remain unfulfilled. This happens because from the beginning of the relationship they have believed their NARCISSIST's emotional needs are all that matters. When they finally understand their well-being also matters, and speak out, they seem selfish. The narcissist does not like it. (YOU WILL FEEL THIS IN EVERY FIBER OF YOUR BEING STARTING AT YOUR GUT. OF COURSE THE GAS-LIGHTING & SCAPEGOATING CYCLE KICKS UP A NOTCH HERE. YOUR NARC WILL HAVE YOU QUESTIONING YOUR OWN SANITY AND BELIEFS WHILE CONCURRENTLY MAKING YOU FEEL WORSE ABOUT YOURSELF. ANY ATTEMPT TO BREECH A HEARTFELT CONVERSATION ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS AND HOW THEY/HE/SHE IS DIRECTLY MAKING YOU FEEL WILL BE MET WITH NOT ONLY DENIAL, BUT NOW AN EVEN MORE INTENSIFIED ENERGY OF THE CULMINATION OF PROJECTED: ANGER, RESENTMENT, MALICIOUS, AVARICE COVERED BY DENIAL THAT YOU WILL 100% FEEL, AND TRY TO ADDRESS ONLY TO HAVE THE SCRIPT FLIPPED ONTO YOU HAVING YOU IN A WHIRLWIND OF SELF-PRESERVATIONAL JUSTIFICATION WHILE LEAVING YOU APOLOGIZING WHILE WONDER WTF JUST HAPPENED) 10 The narcissist is an attention seeker. They get satisfaction when people fuss around them. (THEY THRIVE IN CHAOS) Their needs can never be met, they can never be satisfied. They may move to other PEOPLE, partners, open a new business, travel around the world, get involved in new creative pursuits, and so on and so forth, but they will never be happy. The empath isn’t aware of this fact. (MUCH OF THE TIME NEITHER IS THE NARCISSIST) 11 When the empath finally bursts out something like “My feelings also matter,” the narcissist is quick to call the empath “crazy”. They call them over-dramatic and their concerns unfounded. This kind of dismissive behavior is the tactics used by them to gain control over the empath’s mind. (PSYCHOLOGICAL TERMS: GAS-LIGHTING & SCAPEGOATING - UNCONSCIOUSLY MAKES YOU QUESTION YOUR OWN SANITY, AND MOST CERTAINLY MANIPULATES YOUR EMOTIONS AND FREE WILL CHOICES OUT OF ALIGNMENT WITH YOUR BEST INTEREST OF HIGHEST INTENTIONS) 12 The empath gets confused. Why they have meted out such behavior, is beyond their understanding. They start blaming themselves and wonder if they are at all worthy of being loved by anyone at all. (UNTIL THE EMPATH HEALS THE NARCISSISTIC TENDENCIES AND INTEGRATES THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL FRACTURED ASPECTS AND CHILDHOOD WOUNDS, ABUSES, OR TRAUMAS - THE NARCO/EMPATH CYCLE OF DETRIMENT WILL PERPETUATE, AND SHOW UP IN ONE RELATIONSHIP AFTER THE OTHER SUBCONSCIOUSLY SCREAMING FOR ACKNOWLEDGMENT & INTEGRATION) 13 At this point, the empath is not able to understand that they are just being manipulated. (Google Scholar: ENERY VAMPIRES or ENERGY MANIPULATION) Their NARCO has bent everything around them to create a twisted view of the circumstances. There can be anything around them to let them know the truth that they are the one who is “right” (VALIDATED) and it’s their NARCO who is tremendously “wrong” (and MALICIOUSLY SPITEFUL). AWARENESS IS EVERYTHING - THE MORE AWARE YOU BECOME OF THESE PATTERNS, THE MORE CONTROL YOU HAVE OVER YOUR CHOICES. JUSTIFYING ANYTHING TO A NARCISSIST IS WASTED ENERGY THAT WOULD END UP 'FEEDING THEM' - LEAVING YOU DEPLETED. 14 The empath will try to communicate with the narcissist in all truthfulness (HEART-FELT AUTHENTICITY, TRANSPARENCY, & SINCERITY) The narcissist will, however, justify their behavior and pass the blame (WHICH LEAVES YOU FEELING LIKE THE BAD GUY AND QUESTIONING YOURSELF AND YOUR BELIEFS WHILE LOWERING YOUR OVERALL ENERGETIC ALIGNMENT TO HEALTH, JOY, LOVE, AND SOURCE AKA WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING BAD ABOUT YOURSELF OR YOUR CHOICES, GUILTY, AND SHAMEFUL. THIS IS ENERGY MANIPULATION 101, AND COVERT PSYCHOLOGICAL & EMOTIONAL ABUSE.) 15 It is normal to feel lost, confused and hurt. But despite all the heart-break, the empath will need to be calm and do some self-evaluation to figure out how they became so defenseless. This is how they will start transforming. (TRUE SPIRITUALITY IS TRUE HEALTH/WELL-BEING IS ALCHEMICAL TRANSMUTATION IS INTEGRATING PERSONAL SHADOWS TAKING BACK YOUR POWER: FREE WILL. ULTIMATELY - WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS OR FEELS ABOUT YOUR LIFE, YOUR BODY, YOUR CHOICES IS NOE OF YOUR BUSINESS - THEIR IDEAS SIMPLY DO NOT MATTER; BUT ESPECIALLY 1000% "Dont Make A Flying FCK Homeboy" {to quote Sausage Party} IF THEIR IDEAS MAKE YOU FEEL WORSE ABOUT YOUR SELF. YOU DO NOT NEED THEM IN YOUR LIFE & YOUR PRECIOUS LOVING SOUL DESERVES SO MUCH MORE -- YOUR AWARENESS, ATTENTION, FOCUS, FORGIVENESS, ACCEPTANCE, PRESENCE, & UNCONDITIONAL LOVE) 16 The EMPATH will know that they are by nature HEALERS. They have the inner strength to help others in the right ways, sometimes as a duty and sometimes when life brings them to such situations. (DISCERNMENT IS KEY. YOU WILL FEEL WHAT YOU NEED - QUESTION IS WILL YOU LISTEN OR WILL YOU DOUBT/DENY YOURSELF) 17 The empath has to realize the bitter truth that not everyone deserves their love, care, and affection. Not everyone who seems distressed and unhappy is revealing their true self. There are some people who have sinister motives and have a very different outlook towards relationships and people than they do. Not everyone they fall in love with (FAMILY FRIEND LOVER OR FOE) can be trusted so quickly. (NOT EVERYONE IS DESERVING OF YOUR ATTENTION, EFFORT, AND TIME - WHICH ARE ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS PRICELESS COMMODITIES. WE MUST LEARN TO DISCERN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SOMEONE'S INTENTIONS VS THE WORDS THEY ARE SAYING OR EMOTIONS THEY APPEAR TO BE EMOTING. THEIR WORDS MAY SEE IN ALIGNMENT WITH YOUR TRUTH, BUT THEIR INTENTIONS/ACTIONS WILL FEEL/SEEM QUITE DIFFERENT. TRUST YOUR GUT. TUNE INTO YOUR EMOTIONS. IF IT DOES NOT FEEL GOOD TO BE AROUND SOMEONE - DO NOT BE AROUND THEM - THE ONLY OBLIGATION YOU EVER REALLY HAVE IS TO YOURSELF. STOP LETTING OTHERS MAKE YOUR CHOICES) 18 In this situation, the empath must realize that they too are in a very bad situation something of which the narcissist in their life always spoke of. But, in their case, it would be different. They would make positive efforts and heal themselves. The narcissist will not.(KNOWLEDGE IS POWER AND AWARENESS IS EVERYTHING. TO KNOW THYSELF IS YOUR POWER. FOLLOW YOUR JOY. LET GO OF THE CHOICES YOU MADE IN YOUR PAST, THEY ARE NOT NOW - YOU ARE. RELEASE IT. RELEASE WHAT NO LONGER SERVES YOU - RELEASE WHAT NO LONGER ALIGNS YOU TO YOUR JOY AND THUS HIGHEST INTENTIONS. RELEASE ALL ENERGY CORDS THAT NO LONGER SERVE TO ALIGN YOU TO SELF LOVE. YOU ARE SO WORTHY - YOUR NARCISSISTS KNOW THIS - THAT IS WHY YOU INTIMIDATE THEM, AND WHY THEY FEEL THEY MUST TAKE IT AWAY FROM YOU VS DISCOVERING IT WITHIN THEMSELVES. TRANSLATES INTO THE NEED TO BE CONSTANTLY ENTERTAINED/VALIDATED BY OTHER PEOPLE. -- KNOW THE CYCLE IS THEIRS, SO WHEN THEY CYCLE BACK TO YOU DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR GUILT TRAPS TO SUCKER BACK INTO THEIR 'FOOD-SOURCE'. 22 The empath will be stronger, wiser and be more cautious about who they time, affection and love. (YOUR TIME IS PRICELESS. IT IS PRECIOUS. AS IS YOUR ATTENTION AND ENERGY. DO NOT GIVE IT TO THOSE WHO DO NOT APPRECIATE IT OR WHO ONLY WHICH TO HARM IT/YOU. REMEMBER LAW: Love Above Will - QUESTION EVERYTHING AGAINST THE RESONANCE OF YOUR OWN SOUL: ASK YOURSELF: WILL THIS ALIGN ME TO JOY, LOVE, HAPPINESS OR WILL THIS ALIGN ME TO GUILT, FEAR, SHAME. GO WITH YOUR GUT. RELEASE. CUT CORDS. FORGIVE. HEAL. LOVE. AND THRIVE ON! YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THESE EXPEREINCES, AND THEY ARE INCREASING COLLECTIVELY. THE SOONER YOU ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR OWN NARCISSISTIC TENDENCIES AND CYCLES - THE SOONER YOU CAN FLOW INTO THE VORTEX OF LOVE, JOY, & ABUNDANCE - HAPPILY DANCING IN THE RAIN! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P47Tn2iEC5A
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1 - 1OO 🤪
this is so wild but i can’t sleep so ima give this a try lmao
1. A selfie? i dont like taking pictures
2. How old are you? im 22
3. What is your birthday? september 4th
4. What is your zodiac sign? ima virgo
5. What is your favorite color? blue or gold
6. What’s your lucky number? my lucky number is 4
7. Do you have any pets? i had two dogs but one of them died
8. Where are you from? im from houston, texas
9. How tall are you? im like 5 foot 7 inchs maybe a lil more taller
10. What shoe size are you? ima size 10
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? shit before 2 years ago i only had 2 pairs of shoes but now i have 10 talk about the come up
12. What was your last dream about? damn i aint even going to lie. last night i had a dream of my tio luis who jus died. it started wit me in the kitchen and i heard some one knocking at the backdoor and when i opened it, it was my tio luis. and i stared in shocc like i couldn’t believe it. i told him in spanish how can you be here you died.. and he said no mijo im right here - as he laughs and enters- then i call my mom over and she started to cry right at his feet.. and im still just looking at him like hoping it wasnt a dream that if i wake up he’d be here.. and my uncle was just talking to me in spanish and im still there in the kitchen so happy that i can hear his voice again.. and im looking at him in his eyes and i see life like i see him so happy joking around.. he brought stuff from the dollar store.. like he always did.. and i swear i wanted to low key cry my eyes got watery when he finally started to leave through the back door. he just said “mijo ima go to sleep” and i didnt want to let him go to sleep. but he said “ i have to go im sleepy” then i hear him laughing as he closes the backdoor like he always did at nights..
13. What talents do you have? i am very talented in basketball
14. Are you psychic in any way? i in no way have any psychic bone in my body haha.
15. Favorite song? i have so many favorite songs by tupac i cant pick but i would always listen to unconditional love by tupac
16. Favorite movie? my favorite movie is john q hahaha id hold up a hospital for my kid shitt
17. Who would be your ideal partner? someone who is compassionate and humble. she has to at least have those two charecteristics
18. Do you want children? i want 4 kids
19. Do you want a church wedding? i dont really want to have a weeding but if my wife would want one id do it.
20. Are you religious? yes but the way im living i cannot be one to preach.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? i have been to the hospital because i was having horrible chest pains
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? yeah i came across a few bitch ass cops.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? i met carlos mencia and k-rino
24. Baths or showers? showers definitely
25. What color socks are you wearing? black socks
26. Have you ever been famous? never been but i wouldn’t want to be known at all i rather stay in the background haha
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? i honestly wouldn’t want to be. i cant stand having so many people looking up to me and having the world all in my business.
28. What type of music do you like? rap, oldies, soul music, and depends on some rock songs.
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? never and i will never do it lmao.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 8 pillows
31. What position do you usually sleep in? i sleep wit a whole bunch of pillows in one corner of my bed sleeping on my back
32. How big is your house? it isnt big at all
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? i dont eat breakfast.
34. Have you ever fired a gun? i have fired a lot of guns
35. Have you ever tried archery? i am a natural at it lol i swear in high school the gym teacher wanted to put me on the team but i didnt want to commit to it.
36. Favorite clean word? would either be “interesting” or “ ridiculous “
37. Favorite swear word?i say fucc a lot but my favorite would be saying son of a bitch
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 3 or 4 days
39. Do you have any scars? i have a scar on my shoulder where a bullet graced me and i have a scar on my left arm where i left the led from bullet shrapnel in it wit some glass because i didnt want to tweeze it out. its just some white spots on my left arm
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? i wish ya boy never even had a valentine before
41. Are you a good liar? i could be but i would rather not lie. it saves me from havin to remember a lie.
42. Are you a good judge of character? i would say im right most of the time about a person. i told noe not to fuck with playboy luis and noe didnt listen and playboy snitched out noe and now they both locked up in garza east pen
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? i have done a british accent, i have done the Ugandan knuckles do you know the way accent, i have done cholo accent before lmao. im actually ridiculously good at the cholo accent.
44. Do you have a strong accent? some times i do but for the most part i do not.
45. What is your favorite accent? spanish accent
46. What is your personality type? ima caring person that has a quick fuse and isnt afraid to speak what i feel about anything. oh and i like to joke around a lot.
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? i own some gucci flip flops thats the most expesive clothing i ever own haha.
48. Can you curl your tongue? i can do a taco wit my tongue
49. Are you an innie or an outie? what does this mean ? lmao. im so confused. but if this means if i like being inside than go out i would be inbetween. i go out when i want to get stuff out my mind.
50. Left or right handed? right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders? i hate them and i will kill them on sight.
52. Favorite food? chicken and potatoes i live off of them
53. Favorite foreign food? i havent expirienced curry yet and definetly not enough foreign food but i only tried chiniese and vietniese food.
54. Are you a clean or messy person? both lmao. when im depressed i just throw stuff around but when im back to normal i be like hella clean and i like to reoganize stuff.
55. Most used phrased? “get em outta here coach” or “koooobe”
56. Most used word? “wtf” that counts as one word lol.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 30 minutes
58. Do you have much of an ego? i do not have any kind of ego and im grateful for it,
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? bite i literally bite cough drops and my homie told me you’re told thats not how you’re suppose to take them .
60. Do you talk to yourself? i actually have caught myself talking to myself a lot of times lmao.
61. Do you sing to yourself? i sing/rap a few songs
62. Are you a good singer? i am terrible at it
63. Biggest Fear? my biggest fear is not being happy
64. Are you a gossip? i dont like gossiping at all.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? double jeopardy
66. Do you like long or short hair? depends on how short the girl has it and how long. but for the most part i would say long.
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? i can do up to like 20
68. Favorite school subject? math and science
69. Extrovert or Introvert? im an ambivert which is both extrovert and introvert.
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? no i haven't but i wish i could have when i was at florida
71. What makes you nervous? sendin a risky text lmao idk.
72. Are you scared of the dark? no but my house is haunted tho i got used to shit missing and popping up again. the previous owners were devil worshipers and had pentagram and goat blood on the walls of the ceiling
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? no, i dont want to emberass the person if they say something dumb but if thet did something that needs to be addressed then yeah ima say something
74. Are you ticklish? kind of
75. Have you ever started a rumor? i started a lot of rumors that celeberties are dead when really i meant they career is dead lmao.
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? idk what this means
77. Have you ever drank underage? hell yeah my uncle used to pass me beer when i was 7 years old
78. Have you ever done drugs? i have done xanax, lean, and smoke weed
79. Who was your first real crush? some girl name stephanie in kindergarden haahaaha if that dont count then a girl name yahaira hahahaa i had a crush on her since 1st grade and dated her in 8th grade but i got expelled from the school and lost contact wit her.
80. How many piercings do you have? 0
81. Can you roll your Rs?“ im columbian and mexican of course haha
82. How fast can you type? apparently not fast enough ahahaha
83. How fast can you run? bfore i gained a lot of weight i could run pretty fast
84. What color is your hair? black
85. What color is your eyes? brown
86. What are you allergic to? im allergic to hay it gives me rashes haha. oh an tomatoes.
87. Do you keep a journal? no but i wish i did cause it would be therapeutic
88. What do your parents do? work
89. Do you like your age? hell no i feel way to old i miss being young.
90. What makes you angry? when someone lies
91. Do you like your own name? i honor my name lmao im named after two people
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Xavier and mia for the most part
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? i want whatever God gives me.
94. What are you strengths? i dont give up easily i am determined and i am competetive
95. What are your weaknesses? i overthink and can be a bit negative.
96. How did you get your name? my dad named me after his brother an himself
97. Were your ancestors royalty? hell nah
98. Do you have any scars? on my shoulder and left arm
99. Color of your bedspread?blue
100. Color of your room? blue
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All of them 😎
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed? Closed(2) Do You Have Freckles? Nah (3) Can You Whistle? Barely (4) Last Song You Listened To. Paradise (what about us?) - within temptation ft. Tarja(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour? Purple (6) Relationship Status. :) (7) What Is The Temperature Right Now? Idk cold(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky? Nah (9) How Many Followers? 270-some (10) Zodiac Sign. Aquarius (11) What Is Your Eye Colour? Grey (12) Take A Vitamin Daily? Nah (13) Do You Sing In The Shower? Nope (14) What Books Are You Reading? Girl with the Dragon tattoo and a few for my literature class (15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14. "When it rained, he jyst crawled in under his ears and was as warm and snug as you could please" (16) Favourite Anime? I wanna say Tokyo ghoul (17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of? No idea (18) Do You Collect Anything? Keychains tbh(19) What Did You Have For Lunch? Nothin yet(20) Do You Dance In The Car? Yesm (21) Favourite Animal? Cat or rabbit or wolf (22) Do You Watch The Olympics? Sometimes (23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed? Anywhere between 10 and 2 (24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now? Nope(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean? Ocean (26) Favourite Tumblr Blog? No ide (27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water? Don't care (28) What Makes You Happy? @xerinos :^)(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now. Can't on mobile (30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music? With (31) Dogs Or Cats? Cats(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be? Blue?(33) PlayStation Or Xbox. PlayStation (34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean? Ocean (35) Do You Believe In Magic? Nah (36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing? Grey (37) Can You Curl Your Tongue? Noe (38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It? Both(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You? Nope(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now? Nah (41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? Probably (42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? Nah(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams? YES(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes? Sure but after like 6 or 7 hours I start feeling sick (45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry. Your Name is the first thatcame to mins. (46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds? Peanuts(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be? Uhhh probably just like Iced Earth or Sonata Arctica(48) Are You A Picky Eater? Meh (49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper? Nope(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning? Nah (51) Do You Like To Read / Write? Meh (52) Do You Like Your Music Loud? Yes (53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Neither. They both suck (54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up? Hail The Apocalypse - Avatar (55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather) winter (56) What Are You Craving Right Now? Anything. I'm hungry (57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed. Nah(58) What Is Your Gender? Female (59) Coffee Or Tea? Tea(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About? Nah but I have to study for my Swedish final/ nej, men jag måsta studerar för min svensk slutprov :^) (61) What Is Your Sexuality? Bi(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning? LOL NO(63) Favourite Pokemon? Milotic(64) Favourite Social Media? Snapchat ig(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories? Meh(66) Do You Get Homesick? Meh sometimes (67) Are You A Virgin? Nope(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now? Some like $40 colour 0rotection stuff (69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free? Car wtf(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? Nope (71) Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? No idea (72) Do You Miss Your Ex? Nope (73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now? No idea(74) What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? Blue? Idk (75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? Nope and nope(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate? UHHHJHH instant noodles I think (77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone? Nothing (78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not? Wow uhh idk probably not because I'd panic (79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? Ofc(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? Ofc lmao (81) Do You Like Meeting New People? N O (82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them. Nope (83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed? Kinda open buy mostly closed (84) What Are Three Things You Did Today? Nothing yet (85) What Do You Wear To Bed? T-shirt and sweats (86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now. UHHJJ spf moisturizer, jeju volcanic lava cleanser/scrub, honey and brown sugar exfoliate stuff, naked 2 UD, tarte liquid eyeliner, mabelline mascara, UD foundation, Laura Mercier loose powderThat's the main stuff (87) Are You A Day Or Night Person? Night (88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc. LMAO Overreach, league of legends, assassin's creed (1/2/brotherhood/revelations/3/4/unity/syndicate/origins), bloodborne, witcher 3, horizon zero dawn, nier automata, finalfantasy (7/8/10/10-2/13/13-2/lightning returns/14/15), dark souls (2/3), resident evil 4, skyrim, destiny(1/2), devil may cry (1/2/3/dmc), bioshock 2, borderlands (1/2), darksiders (1/2) That's all I can think of atm (89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened. Something something cannibal cultists. The other night (90) Favourite Soda Drink? Coke (91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite? ???? (92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More? Jeans (93) How Do You Look Right Now? Terrible (94) Name Something That Relaxes You. Kitty (95) What Tattoo Do You Want? I got a few in mind (96) Favourite YouTuber? Boris ig
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Thoughts on Game of Thrones 07x06 - Beyond The Wall
Okay, so I watched the leaked episode. Technically, it wasn’t really a leak since one of the foreign HBO syndicates broadcast the episode several days early. So if you don’t want to know what’s going on (and there will be pictures this time), DO NOT CONTINUE. If you do, you only have yourself to blame. Enjoy!
1. I almost thought Tormund was bi but realized he was just playing head games (pun totally intended) with Gendry. 2. The Hound basically telling Gendry, "Look, you're not dead and you got a shag. Quit being a pussy." 3. I thought Longclaw was going to drive a wedge between Jorah and Jon. I'm so glad it wasn't. And for Jon to offer to give it back to Jorah - very honorable. 4. Littlefinger's plan is coming into motion. He's going to try to convince Sansa to kill Arya. 5. This is when Bran needs to step in and remind them both they've been pawns. 6. Does Sansa REALLY think Cersei cares about the soap opera between the Stark sisters? Cersei's got bigger problems. 7. Fear makes people do unfortunate things. Pretty relevant analogy to our real life current events. 8. Arya's "I'll go with anger" line reminds me of Cersei's "I'll choose violence" line. 9. Oh, and Arya's archery practice memory was a callback to season 1, episode 1. 10. Love Arya's analysis that her father knew she was never meant to follow the rules. 11. "Gingers are beautiful. We're kissed by fire, just like you." - Tormund to The Hound. 12. Don't be hatin' on gingers, Hound! 13. Tormund's learning new slang words for his genitals. Is this a quest or a grade school field trip? 14. Tormund's describing his crush, not realizing she beat the shit out of The Hound. Yep, grade school field trip! 15. Tormund is wild for a blond-haired Amazon who would tear him apart and eat his liver.
16. Thoros has brought Beric back six times? Once again proves my theory he's actually Buck from Ice Age.
Can't unsee it now, can you? 17. Jon: "What's the point of serving a god who no one knows what he wants?" Profound. 18. Beric: "Death is the enemy. The first enemy and the last." Again, profound. 19. It's called a penis-showing game, Dany. 20. "He's too little for me." - Dany (to Tyrion) about a relationship with Jon / Say what?!? 21. "You've been known to lose your temper from time to time, as all great leaders do." - Tyrion
22. Tyrion is giving the "Rome wasn't built in a day" speech. 23. The vision from season 2 where Danny was about to touch the Iron Throne but doesn't and sees the ghost of her husband Khal Drogo and their son Rhaego may be a sign she may die after the war but without ever becoming Queen which is why Tyrion's conversation IS important. 24. Meanwhile, back at Camp Idontwanna.... 25. Damn, an undead bear?!? 26. Yeah, Littlefinger, you REALLY don't know where that scroll came from.
My Bullshit-O-Meter is maxxed out. 27. Littlefinger is gonna suggest Sansa make an example of Arya. 28. Oh, so he's convincing to sic Brienne on Arya? 29. Throso's a functioning alcoholic with a flaming sword. Reminds me of a really crazy night of D&D. 30. Whoa! Jon slashed that General (?) and the rest of them crumbled. Bonus! 31. They got one! 32. Damn, put a muzzle on that thing! 33. Shit, they sent Gendry back to Eastwatch WITHOUT A WEAPON! 34. OMFG, they're gonna end up surrounded on that rock. 35. The Hound has Gendry's warhammer! 36. Oh noes, Gendry! 37. HE MADE IT!!! 38. RIP Thoros! 😢 39. And then there were five...
40. The Hound knows not to let good booze go to waste, but Jon's not having it. 41. Yep, Jon and I are thinking the same thing. Wights are like vampires - kill the head vampire, they all die. So go after the Night King. 42. Watch some twist happen like "The Lost Boys". #fuckmax
43. Notice the strange smile on Sansa's face at getting an invitation to King's Landing? Makes me want to slap her. 44. You know Littlefinger had something to do with that. 45. Brienne is going in Sansa's place?!? 46. Oh shit! She's gonna see Jaime! 47. Double shit! Cersei told Jaime, "Don't ever betray me again" after she told him she was pregnant.
48. How much do you wanna bet Brienne and Jaime hook up, Cersei finds out, and loses it on Brienne? What if she accuses Brienne of treason, forces her to trial by combat, and Brienne volunteers herself as her own champion....before Cersei names Jaime to be HER champion? They'd be forced to kill one or the other. OR Jaime could kill Cersei (fulfilling the prophecy) but then The Mountain would kill him. I need to stop thinking about this.... 49. Brienne knows Littlefinger is a threat to the Starks. 50. Sansa, you thought it was safe at Winterfell with Ramsay Bolton until he proved you wrong. Put your ego aside and listen to Brienne. 51. Sansa, you cunt. 52. Awww, sleepy dragons! 53. Yay! Dany to the rescue! 54. The Hound is having a one-sided, hardcore snowball fight. 55. Shit just got real. 56. This fight is BADASS! 57. Yep, the Red Shirts are gone. 58. DRAGONS!! 59. Dany's holding out her hand to Jon but he's willing to fight to the end. 60. Oh shit! The Night King has a giant, icy spear.... 61. MOTHERFUCKER! WHICH DRAGON DID HE HIT?!?!?!? 62. Dany looks white as a ghost. 63. Speaking of, where the hell is Ghost? He hasn't been around all season! 64. Night King almost got Drogon. FUCK! 65. And they almost lost Jorah! Just when we got him back! 66. Jon?!? 67. JON?!?!? 68. YES! JON'S LIKE A CAT! 69. WTF is he thinking going up against the Night King's army by himself?!? 70. UNCLE BENJEN!!!! 71. Benjen sacrificed himself for his family. Again. 72. Is The Hound going to King's Landing with that whiny pile of bones? 73. Dany was waiting for Jon..... 74. She's seen the stabbing scars on his torso. Now she knows it's not a figure of speech. 75. Sansa's falling further into Littlefinger's trap. 76. She found Walder Frey's face!! 77. Arya playing the Game of Faces with Sansa.
78. "The world doesn't just let girls decide what they're going to be." - Arya
79. Holy shit, Arya's gone DARK!! 80. Sansa just got burned more than those Wights during the battle. 81. Now Sansa's the last one seen with the Catspaw dagger. Let's see where it ends up. 82. Dany doesn't need or want Jon to bend the knee at this point. So far, he's never given her reason to doubt him. 83. Awww, he called her Dany! 84. Way to kill the mood by bringing up your creepy brother, Dany. 85. Jon called Dany MY QUEEN and I got goosebumps. 86. OMFG, Jon's eyes right now.... 87. Poor Jon's blue balls... 88. WTF?!? 89. NO! 90. OH FUCK NO!!!
92. Well, at this point I think it's safe to say there's now a level playing field.
Until next week.....
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