#wtf is that name Celine
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ozarkthedog · 10 days ago
Again, I say after watching the Materialists trailer, who would choose anyone over Pedro Pascal??????
You say he has red flags? I’m colorblind.
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taehyungfirst · 1 year ago
I'm sorry if I am being dramatic but Tae is sooo fucking ethereal. Everything he does feels out of this world. How is he in the military and his star still continueing to rise so much. I really wanna know wtf BH has been doing keeping him on the sidelines all these years with all of his potential. And he's so damn smart too. The moves he has made during solo era up to now has been impeccable. JK once said something like it seems like he doesn't think about much, but he's actually always planning ten steps ahead, and I can totally see it. Him doing all those variety shows with his charming but down to earth vibes and becoming the face of Compose Coffee, people don't realise how much these things bring him closer to the GP. Even the way he has approached enlistment with such a fearless and enthusiastic attitude has stood out and has influenced so many young men to sign up for an elite and challenging unit. He will have so many men respecting and looking up to him, both younger and older gen. Seriously by the time he finishes his service he's going to have so many brands and big names beating down his door, they are all probably plotting already. Just before enlisting he told us not to be afraid for him and mentioned having a goal he wants to achieve and I'm so curious to see what he's got planned. Basically I'm just in awe of him right now.
I missed some good Taehyung praise.
When he signed with Siminvest and people were calling it cheap, just for Siminvest to be a company even bigger and richer than BH. Jinny’s Kitchen in Mexico, every variety show he did, Celine having to court Taehyung for one whole year before getting him to sign, Cartier sales skyrocketing, and the rival brand of Compose Coffee calling for an urgent meeting because since Tae became the model they’re losing money OHHHHHHHH he’s so smart and booked and requested 😭
Can’t wait for him to come back and rise even more, despite everything.
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that's so freaking weird dude wtf. i hope those people got reported??? ngl... i could harass them if you want. if they have tumblr or something... they really sound like they deserve to get fucked around with. but if not that, then i hope karma gets them
It's alright. I'd rather not give them attention, they don't deserve it. Silver is such a hypocrite about their friends too. I mean, they said they don't like people who assume pronouns, yet the people in the server did, because the name for our server name was Joey, they assumed ink used he/him, and Silver stayed friends with the people there after that! The whole sa not being censored thing is even grosser when you remember in Janus and Celine's thread that they talked about a YouTuber abuse! AU with our JJ fictive, he's 12, or the fact they talked about sex with Josephine, she's 4.
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raxistaicho · 2 years ago
Are we not engaged?
What, did you think I wouldn’t buy Engage just ‘cause I had ill hopes for it? You’d be wrong, bucko. Raxis from the past took notes while he was playing :)
Spoilers under the tags, I guess.
-Raxis from the past here
-Fuckin’ Timerra gets no real estate space on the cover because Marth has to have cover to leer at us.
-The game opens with a still image of the cover art why?
-Title screen is pretty at least.
-Skip power rangers intro.
-“Select a form” instead of “gender” again, that’ll piss off the shitbags on twitter who complain about this.
-Casual’s the default setting now, is that how it’s been for a while? Not sure. Still neat.
-Invisible Ties-like intro, I see.
-Timerra’s voice is young.
-Marth says the thing.
-Wait this flash-forward has no bad end? Boring. It’s like “hey here’s Marth” and a basic gameplay intro. Was I supposed to be tricked that this is a flashback instead of forward? But that wouldn’t work because Alfred, Ivy, Timerra, and Diamant are here, unless they inexplicably had duplicates in the past. Did we time travel or something?
-Why the fuck were the kids standing over Alear.
-”No way,” “no way.” Riveting dialogue.
-Game indofumps on me about how cool Alear is right away.
-The game wastes no time kissing Alear’s ass.
-Alfred and Celine coming to worship Alear while she was asleep is super creepy.
-ENEMY JUMP SCARE WTF LOL. Just BAM! Suddenly an enemy in front of you!
-”Let run!” okay Alear’s actually fine lol.
-So Vander is supposed to be a veteran knight but he’s all “your courage is legendary, Divine One, let us fite!” Dude, your charge just woke up and has no memory and you have no idea how good she is at fighting, are you TRYING to risk her life?
-And then Clanne and Framme decide to give tanking a try, who the fuck trained these clowns? They’ve got no discipline between the three of them and they’re making a mockery of the supposed sanctity of their position and the Divine Dragon by extension.
-”Remember Fire Emblem?” asked Marth.
Chapter one was just another basic tutorial, I don’t see anyone struggling, even though it’s made to look tense at first with Clanne and Framme appearing to be in danger.
-Lumera is introduced tits first okay.
-Lumera’s infodumping us again.
-Does this war have a name?
-Nobody knows where Sombrom came from. What, was my guess about time travel right?
-What does Lumera DO? Does anyone live in this holy land?
-Lumera was gonna gather the rings herself but she didn’t get around to it. Fucking incompetent protector.
-The game’s rushing into fights.
-Lumera’s defeat quote doesn’t sound appropriate for a training battle, so whatever happens to her after this I’ll see her again after this chapter.
-I didn’t get a chance to fight the two sword cavs because Lumera rushed wtf ahead to lay the smackdown on Vander lol.
Chapter two you just gotta mind archer range and Lumera’s mobility with Sigurd.
-Lumera’s spike clips through her shawl thingy. I can’t unsee it.
-This game’s pacing is unreal, it’s just blitzing through everything to get to the next fight.
-Red Alear dream. Marth’s cadgy about Alear’s past.
-Alfred’s a fucking goofball. Can’t take flower country seriously after seeing its prince and his retainers.
-At least Etie’s abs aren’t spray-painted like Rinkah’s, what with her rocking 10 base strength.
-First human boss is a generic woman, that’s actually pretty cool.
-Why didn’t Lumera pick Alear up and fly her away instead of just tank the dark magic.
-”Divine Dragon” keeps being used like a noun. My “Divine Dragon” energy. Really clunky.
-I don’t think Lumera is Alear’s real mom, she said she was happy to “become” Alear’s mother.
-Lumera dies way too early for me to care. It lacks both the time spent getting to know her that Greil and Jeralt had and also it drags out way too long to have the cruel suddenness Mikoto had.
-Alear’s voice actress is doing her damndest to save the scene though.
-Lol pinky promise.
-Lumera says she’ll talk with Alear again? So I doubt she’s dead for good.
-Lumera has enough life in her for an extended infodump while DYING. Is she operating under Practical Guide to Evil rules?
Chapter Three is getting better, you have to carefully be aggressive so you don’t have to fight too many of them at once. This game’s pretty well playtested mostly, Etie exactly one-shots these pegasi. That said, Framme does dick-all for damage so it’s healbotting for her.
-So Corrupted have been attacking Freline long enough for Alfred to sail to the holy land seeking help. Alear just woke up this same day so what the fuck has Lumera been DOING? Isn’t she supposed to be protecting the land?
-The Somniel can only be reached by Divine Dragons, so WHY NOT KEEP THE RINGS THERE? Why doesn’t Lumera just live there, she didn’t appear to be doing any actual protecting from the holy land!
-Vander Alear C: Vander is devoted, Alear is awkward about it. Nothing new learned.
-Framme Alear C: “Four three two one, who’s our favorite dragon?” Fucking kill me. Framme’s a fangirl but that was obvious during her literal first moment.
-Framme Clanne C: Framme and Clanne are the same fucking character, jesus christ.
-Framme Vander C: Vander is devoted, Framme is kinda lazy. Scene feels like it ends before it’s supposed to, like one of those Three Houses cutscenes with multiple scenes but it stops at the first.
-Bam! Jump cut to Firene!
-Alfred infodumps us on the land. Apparently Firene is a land of plenty, next to a shitty canyon and a shitty desert, and yet nobody attacks them because Solm is chill and Brodia is busy attacking Elucia.
-Brodia is trying to expand their territory yet they’re on the good guy side. Imperialism okay then?
-Celine’s retainers aren’t as annoying as Alfred’s. Also Celine herself seems to be more mature than Alfred, which is... not remotely what I expected, to be honest.
-I feel like the game’s trying to trick me into warping Celine into danger to save Chloe and Louis.
-”Village pillage” fml.
That’s all for now.
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pseudophan · 4 years ago
the critics said that france has the highest chances to win and like wtf
i feel like theyre just shocked france doesnt have a terrible entry for once chebxhsbdb definitely not a winner imo but its a bit more memorable than anything else theyve sent since celine dion in like the 70s 💀
nvm celine dion was switzerland i officially cant name a single french entry
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lunartonehana · 4 years ago
Pokemon Rejuvenation V13 Reaction Thread 8/10
Spoilers for V13 under cut
still scared btw
Oo Risa battle?
Masked Man?
Is helping us???
Oh shit Celine?
Not Reshiram
Lmao didn’t heal gonna soft reset
Lmao I can’t heal
Bye bye revives
Swampert literally two shotted it after clearing the red health bars???
Done with Lavender’s part
Oh we’re done with Aelita’s path
I wonder if things change depending on who u choose first
Door stuck
Battles Round
Bttes und
Idk what the thing is
Thank you random person from the reborn website
A bunch of dead bodies send them to the moon
Why was Flora there???
Ig she might’ve ended up the way she is because of the school?or gdc itself
Amber’s door
*shoves saki to the side*
I wasn’t prepared for Zetta’s fight
I am kinda stuck with the team I have so that was lowkey hard
Oh Amber
Ig it’s gonna be a repeat of Aelita’s thing
Oh it’s Amber’s side of this event
Amber has a wierd Toxitricity what is going on here
I really do have to play this game again from the beginning huh
My theory is that every main character has one special formed pokemon
K that’s done with
Xara again?
Xara and Risa??
The dittos
r called Comet and Cosmia
Wait Risa is sick
Masked man is anti-blakeory
Oo young flora
The blakeory’s def broke her
Dear god these puzzles are annoying
Holy fuck that final one was hard
Oh Flora and Cassandra used to live in Oblitus Town?
Oh shit
Gdc is a death cage woo
Xenpurgis was approved
Zetta changed appearances
oof my sprite changed in the bat scene
Yo we’re beating shit up
Thomas you bitch
Ruh oh it’s finally Saki’s time
The red haired bitch
Oh shit that’s adam’s head
Fucking hell what is going on
Woohoo traumatizing kids
Traumatized child
Oh wait is Xara the red haired bitch
Ig Risa might be in the clear
Risa in debt for trying to live
Those bitches are apart of Team Xen
They are the bitches both of them
I wonder how Risa is involved in the story then
What in the world is up with these machines
Does Crescent have a new identity?
Thomas is a…good guy?
The memory people are here
The red haired bitch has a whole ass motercycle
This place kinda reminds me of bladestar
The whole gang is here
Oh Risa works for the puppet master
Oh the real Risa story
Risa is dead…?
Oh those idiots are using Cassandra to their advantage
So that’s Cosmia and Comet’s purpose
Red haired bitch has no name
Finally me
Ooo it’s our backstory
Oh shit Storm-9 already hit us
Crescent ooo
Ooh she’s from the Miera region
We’re from the Miera region
Oh the diary says all the protag names+ana
I wonder what happened to Crescent’s parents
What the fuck is that monster
Damn are we an asshole..?or is that the voice within us
I wonder if what happens changes depending on who the player choose
I’ll find out when I play on my two previous save files
Aw shit that’s our brother
Oh in this playthrough I am Ariana btw
What are these jellyfishes
We saved Crescent aww
Are we going to battle ourselves???
Oh hell nah
Uh what is with this battle
My team isn’t ready
Fuck the Blaziken
Fuck the Volcanrona
I’m gonna fucking lose I wasn’t prepared
Oh wait were we supposed to lose
Oh so those we’re Nihilego
Oh we aren’t even Ariana
in a sense
Damn that was a lot to take in
Maybe I like the puppet master
We killing Grandpa Blakeory
Oh Aelita is the traitor
Good for her
Oh shit Celine
Those bitches want to lower Celine’s league numbers
Oh shit that isn’t even Adam,Val,and Saki’s bodies???
That means Crescent was replaced or kept in captivity
Aelita said I had pretty eyes :)))))))
What the fuck
First galar mon that we got woo
Annie Mae
Sus imposter amongus
Okay I got it right both times
Yup Tuff puff is Naganadel
We’re fighting the bitch
I wish we could change teams ugh I don’t really like my current setup
Soft reset :)
Fuck I am stuck with my current team this isn’t good
I just want to swap out roserade with a bulkier mon for naganadel
Society if I had one more revive>>>>
I need to take a rest, I’ll play more later and hopefully beat the red haired bitch
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thatskepticalbitchcara · 4 years ago
What do you think Molly will name her baby? Selby posted her lil baby is called Celine, that’s honestly so cute. Like Auntie Di is gonna eat her up. Weirdly so happy for Dianna in a way
it’s honestly SO CUTE. when dianna was like “my little best friend” on the pic w her and molly’s pregnant belly wtf 😭 she’s such a sweet angel. but i have no clue about names but i bet it’ll be a boy.
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hannawatchesesc · 5 years ago
So hi! I wrote that rant few days ago, and decided to watch Eurovision: The Story of Fire Saga just for… fun(???) This is my edited live reactions, and serious not spoiler free nit picking.
Here you go, so you don't have to watch it. These are in the order of appearances.
This is made with EBU???
Why the fuck Americans cannot play Europeans without terrible accents
Not really sure if Iceland has this terrible electric grid? If the power will cut if you use two keyboards and disco lights, maybe you should be worried about your infrastructure…
Picturing Icelanders as wool/fur dressing people living in the 1950’s, seriously.
Yep, for sure the Nordic way of life, living with your parents as 50-year-old.
I think these names aren't Icelandic
Iceland: whales, wool, fur, knitting, Vikings, glaciers, and icebergs. Elves. Lava fields. Northern Lights. So many jokes about being relatives and everyone knowing everyone.
I think only thing they forgot is Blue Lagoon and the football chant.
The after recording of the dialogue is terrible????
Ja Ja Ding Dong is really kinda good. It should have been in Icelandic, and it could have been "the iconic national winner which never qualified for finals, but everyone back home loves”.
What is that 1950’s buss? This movie makes Iceland seems like a third world country, not the 16TH RICHEST in the world based on GDP per Population.
People not caring about national final…
I'm going to die of second hand embarrassment.
I don’t understand this “Iceland is in the middle of nowhere, so they have never seen modern stuff” narrative. I’m surprise they didn’t travel to Scotland in Viking ship.
Like Icelandic people, have you seen minifridge and hotels before? Based on this movie, you haven’t.
There aren’t any pre-Eurovision things at all for performers.
Oh god I hate these accents.
Why they talk like toddlers all the time? It's like adult people in Europe don’t use adult vocabulary when speaking English. (Like, they just used word "club dancing"?)
I feel like this Russian song isn't really the song Russia would send...
I see the homophobia commentary, but he is so stereotypical Russian oligarch type of character.
Pls. Shouldn't there be a little more people in rehearsal? Press and audience maybe?
They haven't rehearsed at all? Have they sat at home for two three months doing nothing?
They just casually decided remix their song and start rehearsing it DAYS before semifinal.
No costumes, no staging, no choreography?
I think Iceland has champagne glasses.
How they don’t know other competitors? Lars is supposed to be ESC superfan.
I this sing along part was kinda fun.
In the bigger context just a fan service kind of feeling, like “see, these people are legendary right, here you go, have Alexander Rybak for like 5 seconds.”
And why they started it with Madonna and Cher? Very Eurovision related. Not at all used for Americans to understand even something. How about using ABBA and Celine Dion if you wanted something familiar for US audience?
Think how amazing this could have been if they would have talked their own languages!
Mark "second hand embarrassment" as my cause of death.
These American tourists are like one jab on Americans, and rest of it is making fun of Europeans being mean to them.
This movie is sooooo slow
Why Scottish hosts are from Eastern Europe?
As a Finn I'm not going to accept that cheap copy of Lordi was representing Belarus, mixed with 2015 Belarus???
And as a Finn I can say for sure Wonderfour would never qualify from our National Final.
Didn't they read the rule book first? Anyone? I think you can find it in PDF in Google (you can)
The staging is so underwhelming. And this audience wtf?
As if they wouldn't stop the music when performer could be hurt.
I think it's almost insulting to say, that audience would laugh at anyone in Eurovision.
Lars is super selfish all. The. Time.
Nobody checked if they were alright after that accident.
This voting system? Spain, Italy, UK, Germany performing? Too many performers on stage? I though Finland was in this semi, but hey, I think they just guess starred and never made it to voting part even though they performed.
Did the Icelandic delegation just leave Sigrid alone in the green room?
How the fuck this movie can lasts 2 hours?
Now Switzerland and France are giving points, and they are not in this semi?
Russia was one of the countries in the scores, but he said that he wasn't performing in this semi?
He is going to die to hypothermia before reaching the shore. Water is super cold if they are dressed like that.
Aand after saying that. Why they are dressed like that? It's supposed to be May? They were dressed like in the middle of winter when they were in Scotland. Even Northern Europe has spring in May.
Where are modulations? Wind Machine? Pyrotechnics?
How Finland is now in on final, when they didn't qualify from the semi WHERE THEY PERFORMED? Or where they moved to another semi? Was firs SF overbooked?
I don't know if this final confession would be allowed in Eurovision
And suddenly they changed the song?
Thank you, Graham Norton, for pointing them being disqualified.
So they had rulebook after all.
And everyone is like well this super basic ballad is so touching. I can most definitely name 50 similar songs
Language change, why.
Also, this movie had one ballad. That is the most unrealistic thing.
End thoughts
This whole movie seems like unnecessary prolonged version of this America Is So Winning Eurovision Next Year from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. I can't even choose which one is more offensive.
Out of all European countries they chose Iceland and Greece (super popular tourist destinations), Russia (well you know US-Russia relations) and UK to be the center of the story. I guess it could have been Germany and France instead of Iceland and Greece to be more even more obviously “European”
Making the semi look at least somewhat correct could have been so easy. How it is even possible to mess that up so badly.
Here is actor from UK, Sweden, and Greece! And all these Icelandic extras. Europeans!
Can we talk how problematic is the fact that 1) Will Farrell is 10 years older than Rachel McAdams (why Hollywood cannot cast actors that are same age and equally attractive?), 2) TWO attractive female characters are all over him like he’s the most amazing, charismatic and beautiful man in the Europe, 3) This movie isn’t passing Bechdel test
All the dick/incest/fart jokes are super American type of humour.
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bensakindofmagic · 5 years ago
21 questions
rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you would like to get to know better.
i was tagged by @billytheskywalker so thank you so much darling 
al, my sisters call me ché
real name?
favourite musician/group?
Queen, Elton John, Fleetwood Mac, The Cure, Lizzo, Lady Gaga, Celine Dion, SO MANNYYYYY
favourite sports team?
Harlequins rugby / England rugby (im a big rugby fan)
other blog?
@imfollowingawhiterabbit and @lowdenfordays (but that’s pretty dead now)
do i get asks?
every now and again, would love more (send me requests folks, i love them)
how many blogs do i follow?
261 (ie many)
tumblr crushes?
Courtney (@writingfortoomanyfandoms), Kate (@sweetheartben), Jenny (@fallingprincess), Vivi (@sonic-volcano — WHO I JUST REALISED I WASNT FOLLOWING WTF IM SO SORRY), Nick (@meddowsmoon), Steph (@radiob-l-a-hblah), i could go on for days
lucky number(s)?
don’t really have one, i guess 3?
what am i wearing right now?
dusky pink boiler suit and a white turtleneck with a black belt 
dream vacation?
honestly i want to buy a cheap old banger of a car and drive around ireland for like a month and sleep in pubs and BnBs and see everything and fall in love with a beautiful irish man
dream car?
ummmmm, maybe an old triumph herald? in pale blue 
favourite food?
BREAD. and italian. and thai
drink of choice?
good ol’ fashion builder’s tea. or g&t, depends on the situation 
ukelele (does that count?)
woefully, just english. but i’m going to learn italian 
celebrity crushes?
obvs ben is my no. 1, but also chris evans, taron egerton, jack lowden (all the blonde boys)
random fact?
i have a dog called alfie and he is the greatest thing in my life
lord knows i ain’t tagging 21 people so if i called you a crush, consider yourself tagged
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eisforeidolon · 5 years ago
Episode: Moriah
So the Carry On montage kicks in and it starts off actually making the season look interesting … until about halfway through it switches over to contrived nonsense focused on Perpetually-Clueless-Nougat and Inexplicably-Not-A-Vegetable.
I really feel like it's a clear illustration of why for me this season takes the cake with “The Worst” in big frosted letters across it.  I think twelve had some pretty good ideas, it was just that the execution left a lot to be desired as it shuffled to a vaguely unsatisfactory and perfunctory conclusion.  I can't remember if thirteen ever felt like it was properly doing anything other than treading water, which was boring but in a stolid sort of way.  This season?  Just took every halfway interesting idea it had and gleefully dropkicked them all off a steep cliff of stupid.
As for this episode in particular, it picks up where the last left off with Jack having broken out - and holy crap are the effects terrible.  Like, laughably whatthefuckweretheythinking terrible – it seriously looks like a low budget bad comic book movie regurgitated onto the screen.  Yikes.  
Not surprising at all that Dean is the one pushing to do the necessary thing and just get it done even if it hurts, while Sam says nothing but goes along and Castiel whines because he doesn't care if Jack is running around killing people indiscriminately.  It is kind of hilarious to me that Castiel thinks at this late date he can just stare down Dean and make him change his mind. ��Even if Dean wasn't already pissed off at him, seriously?  IS there some kind of defect where angels/partial angels are literally incapable of learning?
I had forgotten about the whole truth spell spoiler, so I was confused for a bit whether or not Jack was actually hearing people's thoughts or, since there was such a theme to them with several people being rejected, was hallucinating again and projecting his fears onto others.  (It was giving me weird I'm Afraid of Americans vibes, tbh.)  Though I guess actually it could still go either way?
I'm not sure what the point of Jack's whole truth spell actually is, though?  Like the show is trying to build up tension to some kind of a climax – but wait!  Let's pause in the middle for an exaggerated humor break!  Again, this feels to me like the current writers have heard people say that the show is so good at juxtaposing humor and pathos and thinks that means they are – when it really refers to the show of yesteryear.  They simply don't have the subtlety for it to do anything but wreck any momentum that's building.  Not to mention that too often their “jokes” make no sense for the characters in their desperation for a cheap laugh.  What does lying have to do with that bizarre nonsense with the woman with the staplers?  Since when has Sam ever shown any affection for Elvis or Celine Dion?  Sigh.
I did like the scene between Dean and the receptionist.  I also did think it makes sense that Jack would go back to his mother's parents in trying to connect with someone who might not reject him - and they would have since realized what happened to their daughter. I actually think it does work well as a way to show Jack that he is just as guilty of telling lies, too.  
I am not impressed with the writers whipping out a complete ripoff of the Colt via Chuck except guess what?  Now it's also TEH MOST POWERFUL EVAR version of itself!  With a dumber name!  Yay.  If I was even hopeful enough to create a season fifteen wish list?  Not having every conflict come down to arbitrarily fluctuating powers or sudden ass-pulls of McGuffins to solve things would be right near the top under NO MORE FUCKING PELLEGRINO GODDAMN IT.
I still don't buy all this crap about how Jack is supposedly the Winchester’s child.  Both from the stupidity of acting like he’s an actual child and from how the execution has been so much tell, so little show.  Nor do I buy that Jack doesn't have feelings, as much as we've been subjected to him angsting all over the place the last two episodes.
I do otherwise like the conversation between Sam and Dean about what has to be done about Jack, though.  
Castiel happily tosses over the Winchesters without a second thought? I am shocked, shocked I say!  Okay, not shocked, but vindictively gleeful that what his bullshit ever fickle loyalties gets him is tossed the fuck aside by Jack.  That I fully support.
Same with Dean not choosing to shoot Jack in cold blood.  Jack just accepting that Dean intends to kill him and surrendering shows that despite how fucking weird his explanation of what happened was, Jack does regret and care about what he did.  Obviously Dean is still upset about Mary, but it was that Jack didn't seem to care and was killing others which was the real problem, not that Dean was looking for revenge.  Again, if everything hadn't been so contrived to get us here, I think this moment did really work.  
Only to be pretty much ruined for me by the Chuck reveal.  I don't like what it says about the entire thrust of the storyline of the first five seasons in regards to free will.  I don't like what it does to the character of Chuck in service of yet again just trying to scale up to TEH MOST POWERFUL EVAR antagonist, that is totally more powerful and more scary than the last!
In a less abstract way, I don't like how obviously contrived the reveal itself is here.  Okay, say it's true that Chuck has been playing them their entire lives.  For that to be true, he'd need to have actually been good at it before now.  A real master manipulator able to play a very long game – but this episode, he just suddenly becomes shitty and transparent about it for reasons?  Why appear and intentionally try to goad them, why not just make the gun appear where they or an ally will find it?  Why not further manipulate the Winchesters' beliefs about what Jack's doing with some decent frame jobs?  The Winchesters don't even get to catch him out in a lie or a manipulation, he just suddenly goes full on I'm A Villain, Ask Me How!  
What Dabb & Co. don't seem to get about twists – since they keep throwing them out willy-nilly seemingly every time they get bored?  Is that a genuinely good twist doesn't just blindside you out of nowhere.  It's unexpected, but after it happens, you can see exactly how it makes sense and all ties together.  The impact of the shock being juxtaposed against the realization that it does totally work is what it gives it that WHAM! of impact.  When it doesn't connect like that, it's just shock for the sake of shock.  Which is weaker to begin with, but then when you do that over and over again, where your twists connect to nothing and mean nothing and a great deal of the time actually contradict the world's established continuity?  Even the shock ultimately just becomes a disinterested WTF.
And of course, even putting all that aside, what this sets up for next season is just a repeat of all the things that didn't work with the Amara storyline.  Remember how she was totally going to destroy all creation, but, you know, there were basically no consequences anywhere further away than Sam & Dean could drive or in more than one place at once?  This is the lesson they never learned about setting your human protagonists against ludicrously overpowered entities - you can’t actually scale up enough and everything just comes off slightly silly.  
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the-love-of-reblog · 6 years ago
My (mostly negative) Thoughts on Fantastic Beasts 2
Sorry y’all but I’m frustrated.
Fuck you with the Titanic in this fucking movie are you fucking kidding me???
“Your names is (whatever) Dumbledore.” Me, outloud, in the theater: BOOOOOOOO
Can’t Credence just like...be a random Wizard kid? Like why does everyone have to be related, this isn’t Once Upon A Time.
So like I know we all knew that Credence was coming back because of press for this movie but straight up, Credence should be dead and him being in this movie makes no sense.
I’m not against Queenie going over to the Darkside. It’s very interesting. But it should have been WELL. WRITTEN??? Like wtf bitch turns on a fucking dime. Give her more than one scene to side with Hitler. And also when her boyfriend doesn’t want to go what’s her motivation at that point??? UGH.
Leta girl I’m sorry you could have been cool but you were given nothing and then you died to spur our heroes onward. Why were you hated in the Wizard World? Can we get an explanation for anything? No one knew you killed your brother, so like...what was going on?
That drowning baby reveal was the only good part of the movie.
Ok the cat was the other good part of the movie.
Why did the big cat fight the little cats? Why didn’t all the cats just play? Just saying.
Actually I kind of liked what Depp was doing I KNOW. I’m SORRY. He’s an absolute fucker in life but he was kind of one of the strong parts of this garbage movie. Also he had a point about Muggles making A-bombs HEY THAT WAS A FUN MOMENT.
Remember when the Nagini thing was announced and we all said “That’s...questionable” but then we were assured it would be some really cool moment and it is...literally nothing? She did nothing. She was literally just there. Why did any of this occur?
Hey were is Flammel’s wife?
And why don’t they keep food in the house? Just because you’re immortal doesn’t mean you don’t get snacky what the hell?
That’s not how the Mirror of Erised works.
Why was there an amphitheater in a graveyard?
Are you seriously summoning your followers by draping Paris in black chiffon? You extra bitch.
The Niffler that came out at the end and stole the Glitter Brooch of Plot Point was a fullsize Niffler. And like...it Did Not take that thing. There was no way a groundhog zipped over Johnny Deppwald and he didn’t notice it took the thing. Which, fine, plothole, at this point, what’s another, right? Except we set up the Chekov’s Niffler of the baby Nifflers! Newt left a note saying “BRB going to Paris I took the Baby’s with me” and then THEY NEVER SHOW UP AGAIN. AND THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN THE PERFECT TIME TO USE ONE. Tiny baby Niffler stealing pins I would TOTALLY buy! But THEY FORGOT TO USE THE THING THEY SET UP AND I’M SO FUCKING ANNOYED WHYYYYYYYY????
Dumbledore just tell people you made a blood pack not to fight jfc everyone already knows you two used to bang like this makes way more sense and would help everyone.
Dumbledore remains a selfish jackass on the side of good who cannot communicate.
JKR McGonagall was not teaching at Hogwarts when Leta and Newt were children check your own timeline what are you doing?
Newt’s brother had a name but to me he’s just “GQ Percy Weasley” sorry bro.
This whole series has a major tone problem. We can track the rise and fall of Wizard Hitler and the quest to defeat him, or we can have unrelated misadventures with adorable magical creatures. Trying to do both is...uneven.
Bunty. Honey. Go get a new job. Please.
Flowers on a weird family tree...like...I get it and it’s stupid? Like I get it. But it’s dumb. It’s a dumb way of communicating a serious thing.
Casting for Young Newt was on point.
Ok so Leta switched the babies and no one knew. But they tracked the kid who went off with half-elf grannie and was handed off to the anti-witch foster mother (...ok) so everyone thought that that kid was LeBabyStrange. Meanwhile actual blood relative child was dead with the Titanic. Cue the Celine. So sad. Much tears. So in this world, there were 2 separate wizarding families transporting controversial male babies to America. On the Titanic. Two magical families -- in a world where Divination exists and is a real thing that people believe in -- decided to board the TITANIC with the magical babies they wanted to hide in America. Two of them. On the Titanic. Literally just...fuck off.
Are we really expected to deal with 3 more of these or is it just a trilogy? Because last I heard was 5 movies and I think I will cry. (“Just don’t see them!” BITCH YOU KNOW I’LL SEE THEM. FUCK.)
Leta’s wardrobe: the actual star of the movie. Gimme those shoes, girl.
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ursu1as · 6 years ago
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that’s URSULA SEYMOUR walking down the street, the 23 year old, who looks like precious lee. here in apple peak, they are a pharmacy technician/performer. some say she acts like ursula from the little mermaid, since she can be charismatic, but also a little bit scheming. — jen. 
im cryin hello this is ursuLAAAAAAAA, i also have PLOT IDEAS at the end of this post so pls holla at me and i shall holla at you !!
warning: mentions of drugs
by day -- apple peak apothecary pharm-tech
by night -- drug cartel queen and gentleman’s club performer, aka Vanessa Queen, aka The Sea Witch, she makes personalised drugs to suit your needs and wants!
appearance: short black hair, like ursula’s length in the animation, and plus-size queen, she flaunts it with GORGEOUS clothes and always jewellery and iconic red lip
more makeup when she’s vanessa queen tho
pharmacy technician at the apple peak apothecary
also a maker and supplier of drugs: runs her own drug cartel 
its very small tho and operates from the docks of apple peak
she supplies the usual drugs but also has her own concoctions
her specialty is making personalised drugs for her clients
they’re nicknamed SPELLS
she really doesnt hide lmfao
IN TERMS OF ILLEGALITY: any legal drugs are legal, and etc, but the personalised drugs are ALL ILLEGAL
codename: THE SEA WITCH
but her name here is VANESSA QUEEN, she keeps her life as ursula separate
as vanessa queen, she’s a little more ingenue and actually portrays herself more as the MIDDLEMAN when ppl see her at the gentleman’s club and want to work with The Sea Witch. 
she acts like she doesn’t know anything about this criminal business but little do they know SHE IS THE SEA WITCH
lots of ppl think the sea witch is a very old woman, like Tiger Lady stereotype
this is also her stage name for when she performs/sings sometimes at the bare necessity gentleman’s club
she sings a lot of diva songs: liza minelli, barbra streisand, aretha franklin, whitney houston, celine dion
as VANESSA: she dons heavy makeup and wears slinky clothing
but she very rarely performs, like maybe once a month or twice 
the criminal stuff is maintained usually by flotsam and jetsam
literally like ,... the makings of a criminal mastermind
she doesn’t really hide the fact that she ‘appears’ in these two places tho. if she gave you medicine that morning and you come to the club and see her perform she’d be like “yeah its me so what”
but ofc denies any criminal activity
she blackmails anyone who tries to tell on her
BUT HER CRIMINAL ACTIVITY IS VERY SECRET. you wouldn’t know unless you’re a criminal, or she told you! (PLOT WITH ME PLS)
she also has an interest in beauty products and makes her own body and face creams and lotions and toners and oils and things (she sells this on the side tho and doesn’y rly advertise it unless you’re ‘close friends’)
“i admit that in the past i’ve been a nasty, they weren’t kidding when they called me, well, a witch -- but you’ll find that nowadays i’ve mended all my ways, repented, seen the light and made a switch -- TRUE, yEs !!”
literally that’s it
ursula is a villain, but she understands in this world that to actually succeed, you need to do things that aren’t illegal lmao
for example, she would never tamper with the pharmacy, she worked her ass off to get that job
ursula was a genius from the start
she KNOWS magic from her past, so science came to her so easily and by the time she was 15 years old, she was experimenting and inventing things 
her interest lay in bio-engineering and chemistry
she was supposed to be set for life, she had a scholarship at a prestigious boarding school and was set for an ivy league school too BUT THENN
she got caught creating and supplying drugs to students at the school
HOWEVER, she had information on all the students and the families so she used this to blackmail the school and the lead families (there were probably like 4)
she released scandalous information on one of the families as proof she could do this
SO the wealthy families agreed they didn’t want this kind of trouble for a minor supplying drugs, so it was agreed that she would just be moved from a different school -- and her family name was tainted in that town ever since
THERE ARE STILL REPORTS AND ARTICLES ON THIS, but its all been kept down and muted by the wealthy families
AFTER HIGH SCHOOL, ursula decided she didn’t want to act too big anymore, to avoid unwanted attention, so she studied to be a pharmacy technician (also increasing her understanding of the human body and the affect of drugs and other things) and she MOVED TO APPLE PEAK (which was always the plan anyway)
someone from the criminal world pls work with her
all the villains should have a monthly/weekly villains meeting
villains having tea with ursula pls
someone who sees her singing at the gentleman’s club !!
SOMEONE WHO KNOWS HER AS VANESSA QUEEN AND THEY FLIRT A LOT (PLS GIVE ME A WOMAN I WOULD DIE) (and thats vanessa queen the performer, not the fence!!!!)
she'll be meeting you as Vanessa Queen
OR, if you already brought drugs from her before, pls recognise her at the pharmacy !!!! she won’t deny it lmao
ARIEL/TRITON PLOT: i was thinking they could be one of the families in the high school who wanted ursula to see justice but the other families agreed not to, so they were the ones who said she should be expelled!
FLOTSAM/JETSAM PLOT: as bodyguards, drug-runners, liaisons, anyone pLS
some milder plots:
someone who always has to buy prescription medicine at the pharmacy
“did you try and eat seafood again when you’re allergic wtf”
“try not to die”
“how’s that diarrhea”
someone who buys face creams/body lotions etc from her !!! (they’re really good and tailored to your body composition/face!!)
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orphudice · 2 years ago
also celine wa slike.a. child assassin 😨 she was assigned 2 kill eleanor but like ellie was like wtf. that's a kid. and then they escape from the ppl who were baby celine's "employers" who. did not treat them well sadly :( celine had 2 watch their childhood friends die. i could go on abt their trauma but yk.
eleanor + celine's gf, yumi had hapoy childhoods thoigh <3 i'm nit mean 2 all my ocs. yumi has dark blue eyes + short black hair. she's very down to earth but very optimistic
off the top of my head for name suges i have alora and lottie but i cld think of more soon!! also that is fucked uo trmaua but ellie seems rlly sweet love her <33 love celine sonmuch too btw theyre so awe:)))) yumi seems cool aswell!!
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markistarr · 7 years ago
Monster Mash AU // WKM+Present+Septic’s, suggestions & ideas welcome!
Gonna start off with the WKM peepos! :D (Please note that Benjamin, Chef, and George are NOT included in this list.)
Actor!Mark: Mr. A-hole over here--not his fault, the house corrupted him, but still, it’s fun to call him Mr. A-hole--is a demon. Yup. ~>->~
Just as an fyi kinda thing, demon’s do NOT have wings; tails, horns, and extra appendages (this also includes eyes) are fine and optional, but they do NOT have wings whatsoever.
Damien: Mayor boyo is a selkie! However, he has NO siren attributes, since then, he’d basically just be Dark if he were to have any. (@foxtamer113)
Celine: The untrustworthy seer is still a siren.
William: Our lovely colonel boi remains a classic werewolf. Why? Because, he’s a scruffy, vicious, wolf boyo™.
District Attorney: (Included here because we were this character, so it’s only fair) Skinwalker. Obviously.
Abe: (I have a feeling we’ll be seeing Abe in at least one of the up-coming Warfstache vids, so that’s why he’s included here) Draconian; lizard-man!
Now, onto the present day Iplier egos! ;3 (feat. my own, Milo! Along with other fan-based ones that aren’t truly cannon.)
Mark: Angel of neutrality; basically just a human but w/ fluffy wings.
Milo: Angel of wrath, due to merciless passage of rite.
Please note that angels of sin (of which Milo is, however he is of a specified sin) are basically just winged demons but minus the (optional) horns, tail, and other extra appendages.
Also, he was inspired by God of War ;n;
Dark: Zelren Walker--official name of just wtf this 2 in 1 edge deal is xd Mix between a selkie, siren, zombie, AND skinwalker (may remove zombie portion, but I dunno. We’ll see). (@foxtamer113 w/ skinwalker realization xd)
Is more of a shape shifter than the traditional selkie; can become a siren w/ bottom half seal whenever, but usually when he’s off for a swim.
Wilford: Still a werewolf...dunno why this would change.
Host: Spoopy boogeyman; boogeyman can take many forms, so...yeah. Shuddap!! ;u; I actually like this idea anyways.
Google Brothers: Djinn’s; Neil/Blue and Jasper/Red use this for their own advantage far more often than Hunter/Green and Oliver/Yellow do. Lil’ sneaky bastard bots... >__> (@yintsunami)
Dr. Iplier: Goody-two shoed vampire; prefers drinking from small animals or from blood bags; will drink from others if starved. (@foxtamer113)
Bing Bros.: Leprechauns! No, not the sterotypical kind! No sterotypes here, not for my Bing Bois ;v; (@yintsunami)
Trimmer: Wendigo. Obviously. ;v;
Jims: Brownies; lil’ elf peeps. Honestly, they’re adorable. (@yintsunami)
Silver: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
King: Low lil’ fae; squirrels seem to love him, for some odd reason. (@yintsunami)
Yan: Tanuki transgirl, ‘cause kitsunes are overrated! ~>->~
Mask: Spirit boi; what else would this spoopy boyo be?? xd
Bop: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Goop: He’s just...a pile of goop...he’s all melty and stuff, and...yeah.
Potato: Fairy; because why not???? Not even gonna do much w/ this guy anyways, but still wanted to include him ‘cause I actually thought that vid was funny xd
Chef: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Artist: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Now for them Septic bois! :p
Sean: Angel of neutrality, just like Markimoo. ;v;
Anti: Spoopy centaur, but w/ lower-half spoodr. Specified species is Black Widow.
Still a demon-virus thingy, but now w/ bonus of partial spoodr bod.
Six legs, two arms, pincers on inside of mouth, acid saliva (can change how acidic it is, however, so kissing him is still plausible w/out harm), and (optional) eight eyes.
Chase: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Marvin: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Jameson: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Schneeps: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Jackieboyman: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Robbie: Is already a zombo, so...I dunno. Ideas? Send ‘em in! I guess?? ;n;
Now it’s time for them ships+their lovechildren that they may or may not have! :D
Marline (Married; they never did get divorced) (this ones kinda obvious tho. May do fluff or angst w/ this one; we’ll see how my mood ends up being when I write it lol) (@foxtamer113)
Dilliam (Ex-boyfriends)
Marmien (Side) (just a blurb or two; most likely sometime before WKM transpired ;v;)
Darkstache (Married) (obvi)
Evanna: Werezelren Walker. Dear Lord... Has more selkie and skinwalker attributes than Axum.
Axum: Same thing as big sis, but w/ more wolf attributes.
Also, yes, of course the darkstache kiddos are gonna have fancy names; who do you think I am?!
Antimark (Married) (yup xd)
Cristian: Spoodrangel. Yup; more like how Vivziepop draws. Imagine Angel Dust but w/ wings and more human features.
Because of her heritage, Crissy’s part angel (specified in neutrality) AND part virus-demon.
Also, yes, her name IS intentional xd
Six arms, two legs, fluffy (feathered) wings, pincers in mouth, acidic saliva, and (depends on if Anti drawn/written w/) eight eyes; just like Anti but w/ wings and is basically just an anthro spoodr xd
Chase Brody x Niel/Blue (Boyfriends)
Teal x Jasper/Red (Ex-boyfriends)
Teal x Hunter/Green (Boyfriends)
Host x Dr. Iplier (Married) (don’t know proper ship name; sorry lol)
Meggie: Mash-up between boogeyman creature and vamp; wooo, this sounds fun! xd But seriously, she’s just like her pops, preferring to drink from animals such as rodents or drinking from blood bags.
Also, got the name from a series of books entitled Inkheart!
Tobi: Joi’s identical twin bro; has more of Host’s creepy boogeyman attributes than Meggie.
Joi: Tobi’s identical twin sis; since they’re identical, they’re both the same in physical attribute regards just w/ differing personalities.
Got any idea’s for any other ships and possible lovechildren? Would love to see those too! :D I’m open to anything; just make sure to tell me a name, and I’ll update this from time to time.
Oh yeah, also, if you think I missed any egos, feel free to tell me those as well; willing to add onto this list! ^^
~Eddie the Trash-Queen/King/Dad
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roxy206 · 3 years ago
I can’t watch two US seasons at once so hopping over to CDR season 1
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Under the cut because um I did not post as I watched so here are my live tweets of the entire season
What’s my name?
Aww Kiara
Okayyy Juice Boxx this entrance look
Omg not her getting stuck lollllll
Lemon’s entrance look AND confessional look alright
This entrance look hair Tynomi is rocking is gorge
Ilona reminds me of someone but I can’t figure out who
Ohh Scarlet’s photo came out really well
OH NO JUICE BOXX oh no hahaha
Omg Jimbo ahahahaha
Who stops going to someone’s shows because they’re sober??
Guest HOST wtf is happening here I’m glad they didn’t keep this going for season 2
Okay Lemon’s runway look seems so on brand though!
I feel like the rainbow box for Jimbo was perfect
Lmao Rita bringing the cheese curds out on the runway
Oof - what I loved so much about the judges on season 2 was how very constructive they were in their feedback & that does not seem to be the case at all in season 1 already
Juice Boxx is precious though oh no
Wow this Untucked moment ......
Damn it this is a first where my initial two faves are the bottom two in the first episode
Omg poor Lemon standing there crying
I really like Brooke Lynn’s episode 2 werkroom look
The death drops
Kyne is not helping her case at all
So Kiara is winning this challenge right
Lemon is so cute
Anastarzia 😭😭😭
Once again wtf is this guest host situation
I am SO GLAD they have photos for this first time in drag runway
Jimbo’s zombie walk is too good
Not the Trixie reference! 🤣
Wait … you know I really don’t understand the decisions for winner sometimes & I’m saying this with my fave just having won the maxi
Okay Tynomi this lip sync!
What are the odds I can finish this season of CDR *and* season 1 of DRUK before UK vs the World starts 😬 [answer- not good 😂]
Oh my god the queens who can’t speak French reading the teleprompter 🤣🤣🤣
Not so many of them SAYING “insert co-anchor name” 🤣🤣🤣
Ilona reminds me of someone but I cannot figure out who; The way I said the same thing watching the first episode 😂
Okay Rita!
Jimbo is killing me omg
I just have so many questions about these group numbers when they have matching or semi-coordinated outfits like did y’all make them there or??
Bottom three & top two are pretty obvious
Although I forgot they’re big on the runway so actually
I think Lemon should win the maxi but I bet Rita will
Lol alright I didn’t call the top correctly for this at all — we’ll see about bottom two but I for sure think the runway saved someone I thought would be bottom three
Poor Kiara ☹️
And I actually really liked her verse??
Priyanka’s excitement is so fantastic
Tynomi ☹️
Okay wow runway saved two I thought would be in the bottom
“This is not Toronto’s Drag Race” 😬
“I’m thinking about having a hot dog” 🤣🤣🤣
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Hello Rita’s runway!!!
Okay Lemon’s look is too out of place in the group but I still love it
Poor Tynomi ☹️
Her confessional is killing me 😭
“That was a motherfucking lip sync” so truuuue
No … really??
Rita reading Brooke Lynn yesss
For my own entertainment I really hope Scarlett wound up going with Fran
Omg Lemon doing Jojo - I really hope it’s good because THE POTENTIAL
Jimbo’s Joan OHMYGOD
Rita giving a reveal for the Celine runway - I love
Oh alright Priyanka this runway!
Jimbo’s boots!
Jimbo’s reaction to winning the challenge 💕😂
I looove I Drove All Night
Damn Kiara didn’t stand a chance here
I thought maybe it’s Kelly Osbourne who Ilona reminds me of but … maybe? Maybe not? I really am not sure
“I knew you were going to say that” 💛
Who the fuck are these people going out & violating queens jfc
Stacey being impressed with Lemon’s split so true
Ohhh Rita’s runway look
Please why did “Anita Hotdog” make me snort laugh 😂
“So completely different” 😬
Omg Jimbo’s talent portion of the pageant 🤣
Lemon 😂
and world peace
The dolls are fightinggg
Okay now THIS is the kind of look I’ve been waiting for this season from Brooke Lynn
RITA !!!
This runway look hello!
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Lemon & these acting challenges - so great
Oh wow I fully thought they were setting this up for Scarlett finally getting a maxi challenge win I’m actually surprised it didn’t go that way
I love that Amanda & Traci were guests on season 1
Oh fuck Rita & this puppet challenge DAMN
Priyanka’s confessionals kill me
Canada’s Drag Race has had the best groups in for the makeover episodes
Please the intros alone are going to make me cry
Dennis holding an Amnesty sign <333
It’s really interesting that the only theme they gave for the runway was family
I definitely think the story translated with Rita’s runway
I really love that CDR does donation prizes
Oh fuuuuuck listen I love Lemon so much but RITA THAT LIP SYNC
Jimbo & Rita in this national anthem challenge lmao
Not Rita bringing a lemon out on the runway
Did Jimbo just wear part of this runway look in Whistler this weekend?
“That’ll get edited out” — did not get edited out lmao
Oh noooo not the what advise would you have for your younger self
Gets me every time
Priyanka having two drinks & the producer saying we’re cutting you off lol
I did not see that maxi win coming
I did not see this bottom two coming either
I was waiting for at least one of them to rip their outfit
Oh my god this exit lmao
“I think I’m a witch” Rita lmao
“I’m not really doing Drag Race, I’m trying to learn English” Rita in the intro of this episode my god she’s on it lol
Ohhh I really like Brooke Lynn’s finale look
I’m excited for two out of three of these verses ... in the same way I’m excited about two out of three of the top three
Love Traci as the guest host for this episode
Okay vocals! I kind of wish Rita had sung her entire verse
I know I already know who wins but ... it’s so obvious
I love Rita’s drag
Aww all the queens back for Untucked!
Stopppp Priyanka saying Juice is a great drag queen
This is so sweet please
Juice’s finale look <3
The judges’ reactions to some of the queens aww
A year of hotel stays as part of the prize is amazing
Ritaaa the pants!!!
Not the three of them together at the end - what is it about CDR finale lip syncs that make me cry
What’s her name?
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lunartonehana · 4 years ago
Pokemon Rejuvenation V13 Reaction Thread 2/10
Spoilers for v13 under cut
Oh the icon changed into a different symbol, neat
Before starting the next part there’s a gift, its a shiny feebas! Pretty
Wait a damn second this isn’t a feebas????? It’s poison and fairy type???? Am I missing something here???
Oh well not gonna dwell on that
I literally have no idea where to go
Eep this is embarrassing
Oh we just have to talk to melia-
Ew geara’s back :/
Sashila group and damn there’s a lot of people
Alexandra’s apart of e8 wbk, but I didn’t remember Celine…?
Oh this chick is the champion huh
Reborn reference
Oh damn Dylan is apart of the e8
Celine is in ice..hmm
Oh Alexandra is the champion
Hmm i told myself i would be against the champion but i kinda like Alexandra…she’s gonna need to have some good reasoning
What the hell Nim is Storm-9
Oh shit she said our name right before being taken out of the stone thing
Wtf is this battle set up??? This vaguely reminds me of botw
The archtype theory regarding anathea might be right…interesting
Marianette being brought up this late in the game? It’s more likely than you think.
…Ehh really hoping the fairy/dark type gym spots aren’t occupied by allen/alice…but that’s probably gonna be the case
Melia battle
Oh fuck we’re playing on the damned fairytale field oh fuck
That battle was a headache,, oh well magnezone carry
Allen and Alice are the gym leaders ig
Cute little thing with Erin and the calender
Mega evolutions!
I lost against venam first try oops
Wait no mega ring yet
Aelita was only willing to open up once we came 🥺
Reset machine?
Oh wait 5 souls?
The reset already happened? That would explain the player’s memories back in Hiyoshi
Oh no we’re involved with it
Everyone in the group praising me as they should 😏
Awkward the obelisk interacted with us
What the fuck is this place
Black box finally put to use
Mom’s back????
This place is wierd and creepy. I like it.
Nevad is a bitch ass motherfucker
Wait this means will see Taelia?Or not since we didn’t actually know her
Adrest isn’t waking up…guess we need to see 3 more people die ig
Ruh oh our life levels are low
Wait I didn’t completely explore the options available on the core thing-
Crescent made Mom..?
Wait Crescent and I were besties at some point?
Oh shit Mom was created like right before the game starts
Lmao I lost quickly against Erin as Melia
Magical girl Erin!
I soft reseted for Ren’s battle but it turns out its been awhile since i saved-
Okay I am at the center thing again and I am gonna look at the other options
I only missed Crescent being the cohost
We are besties
Ren battle second try
I didn’t even realize the marowak had blizzard so guess who won
after the fourth try
Axis High! Also small Hazuki appearance
Mega-Z ring…?
I wonder what Amber was trying to give us then
Aelita being the leader we love to see it
(ik she has to for game purposes prolly but like i love her ok)
The post is getting big lol I’ll make another one
also sorry but this is brainrot material i can’t make coherent thoughts
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