#wtf hide his eyes again................. i was like girl hes just lines but the singular english comment in the section below agrees w me
joelletwo · 7 months
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the hottest sakamoto has been hiding from me in the rerun ops
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sweetaesuga · 4 years
in your heart | his fridays
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pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: fluff, angst(?), established relationship, fratboy jk, ex-fuckboy jk, bookworm reader!
warnings: language, implied drinking, these two are crackheads basically
word count: 1.1k 
synopsis: your fridays without jungkook.
timeline: takes place after the events of in your eyes. 
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a/n: my posts aren’t showing up under the tags :(((( so sorry for posting this many times. i tried linking a card of current issues going but it’ll hide this🥺
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Something doesn't feel right.
It's surely the empty seat besides you where your boyfriend would usually reside but not today. He decided to go to a party his fraternity was throwing. He deemed you would hate him if he was to go to one ever since you started dating which is why he hadn't gone to one in so long. Jungkook even took you out for dinner. 
The whole night consisted of him being sweet to you, way too sweet. Not a jokingly insult was hurled your way how you two normally act towards one another. He took the chance to ask you if he could attend the party. 
The question struck you a bit. You didn't want him asking you permission to go somewhere, you never wanted to be that couple. You didn't want to eventually become the girlfriend who hogged all of his attention. You just wished he wouldn't bail out on you all the time like he used to. You assured him that he didn't have to ask you permission to go to such places yet he still felt awkward. 
Jungkook💓: are u sure about this??
Jungkook💓: i can always not go u know
Jungkook💓: if ur not ok with it 
sugar mama🥺: I'm fine with it!!! 
sugar mama🥺: Go have fun just don't do anything stupid without me
Jungkook💓: ok i luv u
His response threw you off. You've only been dating for two months and none of you have ever told each other you love one another. You don't dwell too much on the topic, simply brushing it off as Jungkook just being excited and he didn't genuinely mean it.
You sat on your couch, searching through Hulu. You contemplated whether or not to watch Rick and Morty, the show you two watch together. Knowing your boyfriend, he would whine about you watching it without him. You exited and scrolled through Netflix. Your attention was divided, one on the movie you were watching and the other on Jungkook's text. In the end you selected a random movie, choosing to just have it as background noise to swallow the silence in the room that was normally filled with Jungkook and you. 
You explored through your Instagram. Reloading your page again, your heart stopped. Taehyung had uploaded a picture. He was taking up most of the picture but Jungkook is still seen in the edge, grinning like an idiot with a bottle of beer in his hand. The others are a blur. 
You felt guilty for going ease from the sight of no girl nearby. You were still insecure despite his comfort. 
You liked the picture, reading the caption before going on to the explore page. You find yourself looking at memes, sending the funniest ones to Jungkook. You didn't care that you sent him twenty-two messages and he'll probably respond the next morning as long as he sent you twenty-two texts back instead of a singular response. 
It's around one in the morning when you receive a thread of messages from your boyfriend coming all at once. You were half awake, body threatening to enter slumber. You frowned with squinted eyes when your phone screen shined. Tiredly, you unlocked your phone. 
Jungkook💓: hiiiiiiiii
Jungkook💓: i miss u i'm sorry for not being there with u
Jungkook💓: forgive me🥺🥺
Jungkook💓: i think i'm drunk but not really
Jungkook💓: thank fuck autocorrect gets me cuz i'm like typing the wrong shir rn
Jungkook💓: i'm in my bed rn :((((
Jungkook💓: n i miss u so much like
Jungkook💓: so so sos osos osos odiosos much
Jungkook💓: wtf my keyboard just wrote that
Jungkook💓: is that spanish???
sugar mama🥺: Idk 
sugar mama🥺: R u ok???
sugar mama🥺: How much did u have to drink?? 
Jungkook💓: idk they just kept common u know??
Jungkook💓: fuckhdn i meant comming*
Jungkook💓: wait but like did u mist me too🥺🦆🥺
sugar mama🥺: Ofc i did🙄
sugar mama🥺: Now go to bed ur gonna feel like shit in the morning
jungkook💓: bet 
jungkook💓: IMG_3725.JPG
jungkook💓: dont my toes look prettyyyyukjd
sugar mama🥺: Stop we said we weren't into this feet shit n go to mf bed
Jungkook💓: ooooooo someone's mad that i got prettyer feet than them😌
Before you can reply to him, his name flashed over your phone screen. You swiped across the screen, bringing your phone up to your ear. You regret doing so as Jungkook screamed into the phone that he has more beautiful feet than you which you can not deny. There's a hiccup before he continued. "I'm like so fucking drunk right now. I miss you so much, I wish you came," his speech is a little slurred but you don't mind. "But I know you hate being surrounded by a lot of people, claustrophobic bitch."
You laughed into the speaker. Jungkook enjoyed every second of it. "You know what? At least I'm not afraid of a microwave." 
You heard him gasp on the other line. "Microwaves have the potential to blow up and shit! Why the hell are you afraid of a spider that's not even half your size?" Jungkook shook his head, remembering how last week you forced him to kill a spider in the corner of the room. He tried to convince you to leave it alone but you weren't having it. 
"They're fucking spiders! Almost everyone in the world is afraid of them even your mom!" he stayed silent for a second. Right when he was ready to defend himself he suddenly realized his mother does have a fear of spiders. "Aww, cat got your tongue, bubba?" 
Jungkook giggled, laying out on his bed. An empty spot next to him where your body would occupy it. He doesn't say anything else, choosing to listen to your breathing. You call out his name, wondering if he dozed off. Jungkook hummed into the speaker. "I think I'm going to have to cut this short and go to bed. I love you," he smiled only to be met with silence. His cheeks burned in embarrassment and he was ready to open his mouth and drunkenly take everything back. 
"Goodnight, don't think you're going to remember in the morning but I love you too," your voice was quiet. It almost drove Jungkook to tears from how small you sounded, almost as if scared to confess to him. 
He hung up first, falling asleep quickly despite being disturbed by the void place besides him. You don't fall asleep right after. In fact, you don't sleep the whole night. Your mind too focused on your conversation. 
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