#wrote this while high so I hope it makes sense aaa
puddgyy · 4 months
💗about the blog💗
Hiya, I’m Ez, I use they/them pronouns and I think being chubby is cute and fun!
I’m a sub in a monogamous relationship - not interested in talking, I will not respond to DMs. You’re welcome to send asks if you want to discuss stuff we think is hot 😌 but please no horny directed AT me! Thanks!
Kinks featured on this blog include: d/s dynamics, pet/puppy play, humiliation, light force feeding, breeding (and preg but not the baby part eep), milking/hucow stuff, cumflation, rapid wg, big tiddies, dumbification, and uhhh probably some other stuff I can’t think of rn!
*Minors, bigots, and people who can’t respect boundaries will get blocked
* I’m not actively gaining, but I like to fantasize 😇 (and act as a negative influence on anyone who has the unfortunate experience of reading my horny textposts)
*Feedism/fat kinks and fat liberation go hand in hand!
*This is a side blog, you might catch a few likes and a follow from my main blog (it’s also nsfw lol)
*sorry in advance for getting high and yappin in the tags 😅
*If I reblogged your post and you don’t want it here lmk. I know this kink isn’t for a lot of folks so I always try to check blogs and make sure it’s okay, but I might slip up!
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hiswhiteknight · 4 years
Unbelievably Outlandish– Part 1
Summary:  Before starting down a new crossroads, the Reader goes onto an adventure of literary traveling. Suddenly tossed into an unbelievable story that has swept the world, The Outlander Series itself. How will a twenty first century woman survive?
Note: I own no characters, except reader, clearly this is based off the lovely book series Outlander by Diana Gabaldon and tv show. This follows more the tv show, but it’s far from accurate. I’m going to try to get better with using less proper English, but who knows maybe I’ll get into Scottish slang.
Pairing: Jamie Fraser x Female Reader
Words: 1900
Warning: Angst, playfulness, cursing, slow start
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It has been a long time coming, you haven’t been on a real vacation since you graduated high school. You joined the Marines immediately, went into training and university. With you, it was always work, work, work. For you, it made sense since your brother was a Navy Seal and you both didn’t really have family. And you didn’t stay anywhere long enough to make super close friends to vacation with. But this trip, this was for you and only you.
               You got your degrees in psychology, battle strategies, and world cultures, but your true love was literature. You made it this far living a pretty isolated life because of your brother and your books. You generally just loved to read, so after leaving the Marines, before you started to find your new pathway you said you were going to take this vacation around Europe stopping in different places described or lived in by some of your favorite authors. Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Sir Doyle, Thomas Malory, etc. And it’s been amazing seeing all these places that inspired your idols, imagining how your favorite fictional characters lived.
               And here, alas you were in Scotland. Not necessarily because one of your favorite fictional characters lived here or your favorite author grew up near here, but because of your brother.  He wanted you to explore where you both came from, he felt it would help understand life before you both lost your parents. Plus, he was a huge history buff – it was his hobby outside the Seals.
               He told you all about the battles and culture amongst the decades before us. He told you about our Irish and Scottish ancestors. He’d tell you, you can’t have a name like Y/N O’Mulligain and not think of the Irish.
               There was this nearby village you were passing through. An author named Diana Gabaldon wrote a romance novel based on this rock formation. Your old college roommate wrote a thesis paper about historically accurate romance novels and pop culture. You thought, what the hell, since your here minus well check it out.
               It was strange at first, wondering through this supposed magical place. People clearly flocked here for Outlander’s popularity. You more enjoyed watching the people. You sat against a tree, pulled out a sandwich from your bag, and watched the middle age woman touch these rocks like they were the rock hard abs of a character from Outlander. It was quite amusing. You liked to think your mother would be doing the same thing if she were still alive.
               “You must not be a fan, girly,” you look up to an older woman, clearly Scottish from her accent.
               Shaking your head, standing up to shake her hand, “Is it that obvious,” you laugh, “I’m Y/N. Just a tourist, watching other tourist. That obvious hugh?”
               “Mary, deary,” she grinned answering you with her name while look up at you. You were about five three, but this woman had to be four feet something tall because she was tiny, “Just by the way you’re gazing all around, a girl looking for her own adventure, not through someone else’s eyes or story, but of your own.”
               “You get all that from just looking at me,” you laughed, looking at her curiously. You loved people like this, authentic and wily – it was usually the case with old people.
               “It’s the glimmer in your eye,” she gripped your chin softly, shaking it.
               You laughed, smiling down at her, “May I ask you a question? Do you believe the tales of this place? I know the Scottish culture has a lot of tall tales and superstitions, but a story like that?”
               “Aaa,” she nodded her head, “A skeptic,” she nodded, “These people wandering about, they don’t really believe in the tale. But I believe in the magic of this place, it just doesn’t work from anyone. It’s for the special.”
               Watching her with amusement and skepticism, you laugh nodding your head, “I hope I didn’t offend you with my question.”
               “No, of course not dear – though I believe in the magic of this place. I mostly come to watch these woman fawning over these rocks. I like to bet on which woman will kiss one of those moldy old things.” You laughed so loud, she grinned up at you, “I am about to go home to my hunny Wallace, but you stay here for me? Those three woman over there,” you looked in the direction she was pointing, “I believe they are each going to lick one of these things.”
               Laughing again, you nodded, “I’ll keep a close eye on them. It was an absolute pleasure, ma’am,” she gripped your hand tightly for a second before releasing.
               You sat back, glancing at those women laughing, “And dear,” you look back up to her, “Most people will be leaving to their beds or finding a pub, but you should stay. While the sun is setting – this place will give you the most magical sights.”
               She truly intrigued you, “Of course ma’am, thank you again.”
               “Enjoy your adventure lass,” she grinned once more, walking off down the path.
                 She was right, people started to trickle out. Husbands getting annoyed or bored, ladies feeling exhausted, or people just fearsome of loss of light – they just left group by group. You were left alone eventually, starring at the sun sinking into the horizon. She was right again, Scotland was magical with sights. You took a mental picture of this moment – the smooth silence, the color the sky made, and just being one with this experience. Your life was never slow, silent, or peaceful. You had always lived in the rush of things. But here, you sat taking in this moment. You felt like you could stay in this moment forever.
               The sun eventually went down and you were met with near darkness – which exception of the full moon. You collected your things and got ready to leave. And it dawned on you – you came all this way and have never even touched these rocks. The book aside, these rocks have had legends and tales for centuries. You should respect the stories and culture. With one touch, maybe you’ll feel the stories, tales, and people that touched it before you.
               It felt odd to reach out and touch the stone. It was cool and surprising smooth. You laughed at the thought of all the tongues that touched this exact spot. And with a single breathe, everything grew black and all the air punched out of you.
               Next thing you felt was the slam of the ground and your oxygen returning to your lungs. The sun from the tree burned your eyes. And you heard it, gun shots. You thought you were having another Post-Traumatic Stress attack, but the second bang brought you to reality. And you started to run, your bag still on your back, darting through the trees. You heard shouts, but you were not taking the chance. Being in the military, you didn’t stand still to figure it out.
               Someone gripped your arm as you ran past them, pointing a sword right in your face, “Are you for real,” I yell at them.  
He had a musket pointing directly in your face. You stopped breathing; he was dressed like a 18th century soldier. Thoughts sped in your mind, could this be a reenactment? Could this be a sick joke? The bullet sounds shook you out of your thoughts, the man was about to speak. You grabbed his musket, yanking it towards your body. The gun went off as his head smashed into yours. He groaned, tripping backwards, and smashing against a tree. The light from the headbutt blasted on in your head.
The light started to blind through, and the forest became vivid again. The sound of bullet fire caused you jump out of it and look at the man unconscious before you. You had to be dreaming, everything was so real. The sound, the smell, the world around you. Where and when were you exactly? You got drug out of your thoughts as a bullet graved your arm. You gasped in pain and your body took flight again. On the run again, you slide down an embankment, meeting eye to eye with another redcoat.
               You gasped, “Holy hell,” you whispered looking at the man, “Forgive me,” you said out loud, as the man watched you, straightening up. You saw his insignia, “Captain?”
               “Jonathan Randall, Esquire – Eighth Dragoon of your majesty’s army, mistress,” he answered.
               Something inside you reminisced, that name was familiar. Watching him closely, as he made his micromovements - he was also watching you, like some predator to prey, “I seem to be in the wrong time, wrong place,” you awkwardly laughed.
               “It does seem that,” he paused to see if you’d introduce yourself.
               “I had someone taking me to some distant family and they tried to attack and rob me,” you tried to play the damsel in distress, “My brother always told me I was too trusting.”
               “Yes mistress, women are naïve sheep,” he tiptoed towards you, his hand resting on his sword, “Your accent,” he nodded towards you. You slowly started taking steps back, “I’m unfamiliar with it.”
               He didn’t believe you, clearly you were off your game. Maybe it’s because the blast you took a few minutes ago getting you to this point. It could be the fact that this was surreal, “I’m grew up in the colonies,” you shrugged it off, you could only imagine how far away your accent was to actually existing, “But my brother sent me to our parent’s home country after their passing.”
               You forgot the first rule of lying, keep it short with no unneeded details. His uniform was familiar, the military and your brother trained you well. You had inclined the year and it was clear the woods of Scotland were not safe with the Redcoats. This man was an enemy, not a gentleman of the era you’ve heard and learned so much about. You had to get away, find safety, and figure out what exactly is going on.
               You knew self-defense, hell you were trained well at the art of combat, but this man had weapons and the only thing you had was a backpack and no adequate footwear for a run in the woods, “You don’t dress like a lady,” he motioned towards your clothes. You stop breathing at this, “In fact, only traitorous women wear clothes such as this,” your back was against the hill behind you. His breath was on you. He gripped your neck tightly, “There is only one way to deal with a woman like yourself,” he went for his buckle.
               Your brother drilled into you about protection during moments like this. He trained you on what to do, it was natural. Headbutt to the nose, hike up of the knee, a tool – in your case a rock – to the head. And soon you were breathing heavily and looking at the Captain unconscious on the ground.
               The sound of the Redcoats was not far off, “Druid,” you heard. You were surprised that someone could sneak so close and not make any noise. This Scottish looking fellow reached out his hands, “Come now,” he said. Your only instinct was to take it for now. This man pulled you behind a tree.
               “What year is it,” you whispered to him.
               “1743,” he mumbled, trying to shush me, taking the time to give you a questionable look.
               “Pinch me,” you were hoping this to be a dream. It was a final test of your predicament. He looked at you strangely before helping with your request. He did, and you felt it and suddenly everything went black.
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requiem626k · 3 years
Hello my dear Req, I'm here again to ask for some classical music you could recommend me🤭 Usually I would ask for piano music, but I've been in the mood for one with a harp in it lately! And I know you're busy with school and all that so please take your time hehe. And take care🥰
Hello there, my dearest Kat ❤️! I’d be so delighted to recommend you more pieces, it makes my little heart so happy that you’re interested in them 🥺💕
I hope you’ll like my selection! I tried to include variety in terms of vibes, nationalities and eras this time (Austrian-Classical, Russian-Romantic and French-19th century), instead of sticking to a single man 🤭 I’ll try to keep it short and simple (no that’s a lie, I won’t be able to 😶)
And thank you so much for your consideration, things have been pretty busy for me indeed so I’m sorry for the extremely late post 😖 And I know that uni is soon starting for you, so likewise, please take your time to listen to the pieces <3
That being said, let’s start~
Mozart - Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte
Of course, it wouldn’t be Req’s post if it didn’t start off with Mozart. This is a short lied like Das Veilchen (the one that I previously shared), the title is long haha and it means “As Luise Was Burning the Letters of Her Unfaithful Lover”. As you can guess from its name, this is really, REALLY dramatic. It’s in c minor, a tonality that Mozart doesn’t use so often (but when he does, oh boy, see his Great Mass in c minor 🤤) but which is perfect for its fierce mood. Also it’s fairly special for me because we used to sing this in our music theory classes haha, I would play the piano accompaniment while practicing with the classmates before every oral exam.
I truly adore this lied. The lyrics are once again taken from a poem, a poem of Gabriele von Baumberg, she apparently wrote it at a very young age (18 or so).
My heart melts at 00.34 omg, that soft “melancholie” and the silence that comes after 🥺… It’s truly one of those silences that make you agree with Mozart’s quote:
The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.
Then, it takes a cheerful turn (he just can’t refrain from putting happy sprinkles 🤭) until the strong chord at 00.49.
I think the section that starts at 01.00 is so worthy of being noted, I love love LOVE the suspense and tension that the piano accompaniment creates and that finishes with a strong build-up.
And the chord at 01.32… I leave my heart there. It just has me so soft. It’s so bittersweet, Mozart for some reason repeats the phrase “May smoulder long yet in my heart.” twice at the end and it’s just- 🥺
As always, he knows so well what word must be cited with what emotion, and chooses carefully his chords and functions. I just love it, and wanted to share since you had liked the previous lied 🤭
Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto No. 2
*inhale* This one’s gonna be long, I can feel it.
I have literally SO MANY things to say about this one.
Rachmaninoff is a famous Russian composer that you might have heard of. He’s part of the Romantic Era which is, to simplify, about pouring your emotions and the turmoils in your life into your art and depicting feelings instead of trying to stick to certain rules and ‘holy’ virtues, of which we had already talked about a bit hehe.
And this piece… Oh my. You’ll see how different this concerto is compared to the Mozart ones we listened to previously. His second piano concerto corresponds to a depressive episode of his, due to his works not having a big success and being criticised so harshly. This beautiful piece is his comeback work, and you can just feel the inner conflicts, the emotional tornado he had at that period. With Mozart’s concertos, your soul is purified, they softly caress your insides and comfort you. But here, Rachmaninoff takes your emotions, and he proceeds to crush it. He plays with it, throws it, abuses it, you sob and sob and sob. At least I do 😭.
First movement
One can perfectly sense the dark pessimism in the first, silent, dangerous chord. As the 8 chords come one after another, every single one stronger than the previous, you’re on your toes and the tension increases until finally hearing the main theme through violins at 00.43. Listen to that theme very well. It’s so beautiful, so so moving, the piano section creates a fierce, dangerous background and I always get goosebumps when the violins come in.
Then, at 02.30, the second main theme is heard through the piano, pay attention to that! You will encounter it under various forms through the movement 🤭 It’s much softer compared to the first, ominous theme, it creates a beautiful contrast.
I want to note down the beautiful oboe-piano duet in 04.14 🥺. I adore oboes, it has a really beautiful and soft vibe, and here its melody is just so bittersweet when combined with the piano’s accompaniment. Then at 04.35, the piano starts playing a really soft phrase, the soft touch at that high note at 04.46, oh my God my heart. I have a feeling that you’ll adore that part 🥺 I want to note down literally every second omg
At 05.22, it turns once again really quiet and ominous, foreshadowing a big outburst through a build-up. The flutes play a big role in that aura through their short but dangerous phrases.
I especially adore the part at 06.17 in this pre-outburst section, it’s reminds me of a wave of emotions that keep hitting you and stepping back, only to strike even harder afterwards. The flutes in the background reinforce this vibe. The tension gets higher and higher at 06.36 (omg I’ll faint I love this part, I’m trembling while listening to it and trying to write this at the same time, I can’t keep up with my thoughts aaa) through the constant mutual escalation of both the piano and the orchestra. THE BEAUTY OF THE BUILD-UP PLEASE I WILL LOSE MY MIND.
And all this preparation was for the beautifully passionate part at 07.02. Rachmaninoff notes down “Alla Marcia”, meaning it should be played like a march, and its rhythmic features most certainly have that vibe. It’s just so majestic, so pompous, so raw, I love love LOVE it. It’s almost like you’re swooning in euphoria after having an emotional build-up and breakdown, it’s just- it’s something else that I can’t even describe. I just don’t have the right words for it.
I know that the piano’s melody is so alluring and enchanting there, but maybe in a second listen, I’ll want you to pay attention to the violin part during the march section 👀 Can you hear the very first theme that was introduced at the very beginning of the movement? Rachmaninoff was a total genius to put it in the background and make it fit so well. I always hesitate between paying attention to violins or piano, I end up rewinding it every single time 😖 It’s soo good.
After the euphoric section, the second theme comes again. A thing that’s worth noting down is the flute’s beautiful addition at 07.53, it’s in the background but it just makes my heart melt. I also always get goosebumps at the few ominous, sinister seconds that starts at 09.17 😳
Then it goes pretty quietly until the ending hehe, like a calmness after storm 😌 This piece is a total emotional rollercoaster, I swear. At 11.01, I love the playfulness of the piano section, it’s just so mischievous like a little naughty kitten. Then it picks up the pace, and ends with three strong beats.
Ugh. 🦋🦋🦋
Second movement
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(meme credit goes to @/pianoomemes on Instagram)
This meme says it all. I don’t even need to add anything else. As you know by now, the second movements are meant to create a sharp contrast with the first one’s mood, and 🥺😭.
The main melody… It has my heart. The movement starts with a soft piano-flute introduction, and the ethereal main theme is heard at 12.56 through an oboe.
I don’t really any other commentary to do on this heavenly movement. Just let yourself in its embrace without any technical/guiding worries <3
(Though I feel obliged to add that the part that truly has me in this movement is 22.17 🥺. It’s just so moving and sweet ahh, it just takes you away, it almost has a sentiment of longing I feel, I always have a drop of tear forming in my eyes at that part.)
Third movement
The third movement is a usual, playful, jokester movement hehe. It’s a general pattern for final movements as you might have noticed, even though this one’s not written under a Rondo form. It’s rare that I say this, but I feel like this final movement is as charming as the second one for me 🤭 (No movement surpasses the first movement though, personally of course~)
The theme that starts at 25.51 through violins is so so charismatic, it almost always flusters me 😳✨.
Then he naughtily plays around with themes, modulations and instruments haha, I’ll leave the commentary at that and leave you once again alone with the movement itself 😌
(The majestic comeback of the charismatic theme at 34.09 though 😳! I’m *this* close to thirsting over a theme omg it’s MESMERISING I want to cry.)
Fauré - Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11
And finally, to fulfil your wish 💕, here’s a piece from Fauré where you can hear one of the most beautiful usages of harp in a work, in my opinion.
Even though it’s a religious work, its lyrics are in French. Fauré is a French composer from late 19th century, and even though he’s not that well-known among the media he’s a really unique composer that we can’t even classify in a certain movement. He’s from the same era as the French Impressionists such as Debussy or Ravel, but his style is much more different than theirs. He even has his own unique chord chain etc. that we use the term “fauréen” in harmony classes. But anyways, onto the piece 🤭
I really have no proper words to describe how heavenly, ethereal, poetic, incredible, awe-inspiring and soft this piece is. Like oh my God. I feel my heart melting into a puddle and tear up every time I listen to it. I just can’t bring myself to believe that he was only 19 when he composed this for a competition, if my memory doesn’t deceive me.
The beginning with the orchestra and harp is making a truly beautiful beginning, and the first moment that I want to talk about is 01.09, it always gives me goosebumps when the sopranos come in on the background that the basses and tenors had created.
At 02.00, there’s a soft oboe that comes in for a few seconds and only plays four notes, do you hear it? Those four notes can have my heart 🥺. It’s so beautiful omg. It’s crazy how the littlest touch could make such big of a difference. He could’ve easily not put it there, but he did and that’s what makes a good composer.
The “que tout l’enfer” at 02.24 is so fierce, so mad, “enfer” means “hell” and Fauré really accentuated its meaning, I love it.
And when the piece comes to the ending, at 04.14, a soft flute plays the beginning of the main theme for the first time I believe, which is a really enchanting change for the ear.
And the ending is just so, so soft like the whole piece, I truly can’t. The main melody is just so beautiful, and he truly did an impeccable job with mixing all the voices, the orchestra and the beautiful harp together. I just turn into a soft, soft bubble made out of cotton every time I listen to this.
Ahh this was a long ride, I truly hope you enjoyed the pieces, my beloved! I wasn’t sure which style or composers you would like the most, I guess we’ll try and see 😳❤️
Just for the sake of archiving them, I’ll also add the links of the beautiful pieces we discussed on Discord.
Fauré - Barcarolle no. 1 (Fauré brainrot is strong with me nowadays haha)
Mendelssohn - Etude no. 1 op. 104b (I feel like you’d love his A Midsummer Night’s Dream overture ngl, because Shakespeare 😳 I didn’t add it here though since it doesn’t contain piano or harp)
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dunsbar · 4 years
do you see no further than this façade?
Word Count: approx. 2500
Notes: Happy Holidays, Jany (@hehimbo)! I was your @ambitionsource Secret Santa and it was such an honour! Please accept this short and sweet little canon divergent fic about AAA’s most ridiculous couple. I don’t know you as well as I’d like to, but I hope I wrote something that you’ll enjoy.
Summary: Riley finds a silver lining in her broken locker when someone starts leaving her thoughtful gifts. Secret admirer trope, canon divergent during Season 1.
The first time it happens, she doesn’t even realize it’s started.
Riley’s locker is not a place she usually lingers. It’s loved, yes, filled with photos— her and the techie crew, the cast photo for this year’s musical, a clumsy shot of her and Zay voguing. One of her and Isadora, the other girl staring dead into the camera, unamused, while Riley flashes her biggest grin.
Yet, it’s purpose is still mainly functional. Or it was functional, because unfortunately for Riley, two days ago she realized her locker was broken.
She’d been fumbling with it, the bell ringing loudly as students rushed past, singing, chattering, stomping through the hall. She was jostled a couple times, which is always annoying considering how small the student body is here— yet there are still people who find the space (or lack of) to bump into her. Her fingernails smacked painfully against the cold metal of the lock.
Finally, with the bell petering out, Riley just… made the decision to deal with it later. Nothing of monetary value in her locker, aside from the photo of Zay which will be worth hundreds when he inevitably makes it big.
Timing seems to have aligned itself with her enemies, seeing that in her next class, Angela informs the students that there is currently a stomach virus circling the sacred halls of AAA. It’s something Riley should have seen coming, as it’s winter, and Clarissa and Jeff were both noticeably absent that morning. Riley, not new to the concept of virus outbreaks in the school system calculates this in her head— Janitor Harley is going to be busy wiping up puke for… well, probably at least a week and a half. What’s the point of bothering the poor man about a broken locker storing nothing of value while he singlehandedly cleans up after stomach flu?
No, Riley thinks to herself. I’ll just wait it out.
Back in the present, Riley smooths out the corner of her picture with the techies and tucks away her copy of Leaves of Grass (her choice reading for an English project, and actually likes it) on the shelf up top, before pausing and putting it back into her bag, with the idea to read it at lunch— none of the techies mind if she doesn’t talk at the table, and she could probably get into a good discussion on it with Isadora. She makes a mental note to ask Charlie if he’s read it— he’s an English genius, and his insights are always thoughtful and well-detailed.
It’s only when she’s got one hand on the door, about to close the locker, that she notices a flash of violet, out of focus. Glancing over, she sees a purple pen, tucked into the vents by the clip. It’s simple, not fancy or even particularly good quality. But it’s… purple. Her favourite color.
Riley has never seen this particular pen before. She thinks. Well, she’s sort of sure. When your school’s primary dedication is to performing arts, you tend to not need as many “normal” school supplies as “normal” schools, so Riley has a pretty good idea of her catalogue of writing utensils. Still, she could be wrong. It’s not exactly like her pens take high priority in her mind. But this one is… nice.
Pocketing it with a beam, she decides to chalk this one up to fate.
Performance lab has just begun when Riley scurries into the auditorium, Angela pointedly raising an eyebrow from her spot on stage but thankfully saying nothing. Riley opts to sit with the techies— less attention drawn to herself. It’s kind of a moot point considering she caught the twin eyebrow raises Maya and Farkle turned around in their seats to send her, but she slides into a seat beside Isadora, Dylan and Asher on Isa’s other side. Normally Lucas would be there, but a glance around tells her he seems to have skipped out on the afternoon. She can’t stop herself from feeling a twinge of disappointment.
It’s the second day when she realizes that the pen was probably not a gift from fate.
Riley is just dropping off her coat and boots that morning, a quick stop before first bell to tuck her wet boots on the crimson metal of her locker floor. There’s a couple wet floor signs down the hall several feet, and Riley winces. According to the grumpy text she got from Isadora that morning, Dylan caught the bug last night. This means Asher’ll likely get it too, and the techies will be seriously understaffed, especially with Jeff gone.
Riley hopes briefly, selfishly, that it’ll mean no more skip days for Lucas.
Glancing up at the top shelf, Riley does a double take.
Glancing up at the top shelf, Riley does a double take.
A white paper bag is perched delicately up there, the bag instantly recognizable as the kind that her favourite bakery uses. She grabs it down, pries it open, and her jaw drops.
It’s her favourite kind of pastry. It smells heavenly, and it’s not exactly still warm but that doesn’t matter, what matters is that someone knew about Riley’s tastes in pastry and went all the way to her favourite bakery to get her one.
She knows she’s prone to gushing about (and recommending) the bakery, but she can only really remember mentioning it one time recently— oh. Oh.
Oh no.
Riley picks her way nervously through the cafeteria, echoes of the lunch bell still ringing in her ears. She prays to… something… that Zay is sitting alone.
He is, his lunch in front of him, tapping his fingers on the smooth tabletop. Riley sends a grateful thank you to this ambiguous higher power.
“Zay,” she greets him, her question tumbling out before any common courtesies can be exchanged. “Can I get your advice?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” he says, raising an eyebrow inquisitively as Riley plops down next to him. “With what?”
Riley chews her lip, pulling an orange out of her lunch bag so she can do something with her hands. “Someone’s leaving me gifts in my locker.”
Zay blinks. “Like… a secret admirer thing?”
“Um.” Riley pauses. “I didn’t really think about it like that, I mean. Maybe?”
“What did they leave you?” Zay asks, in between bites of salad.
“A pen— my favourite color. And my favourite kind of pastry. It’s from this place in Greenwich.”
Zay looks at her. “Riley,” he deadpans, “That’s a secret admirer.”
“Fine,” Riley admits. “Maybe it’s a secret admirer.”
Riley is immensely grateful for Zay Babineaux when he does not laugh at her. Still, the reason why she came to talk to him hangs over her head, and she starts chewing on her lip again.
“What is it?”
“Okay, it’s just,” Riley says. “The last person I remember mentioning the bakery to was Charlie.”
Zay starts coughing through a mouthful of chewed greens.
Riley quickly places a hand on his arm, but he waves her off, even as his eyes water. Once his throat is clearer, he takes a long gulp from her water bottle. She lets him.
“Charlie,” Zay says. “Gardner.”
“Yes,” Riley says, wincing. It kind of makes sense, doesn’t it?— Charlie was kind of flirty earlier in the year, there was that weird comment about the idea of them not being “the worst thing in the world”, oh, it’s all falling into place and Riley’s inner monologue is starting to derail. If it is Charlie, she—
“Are you sure it’s Charlie?” Zay asks, his eyes flicking to somewhere on the other side of the cafeteria.
Riley shakes her head. “Just a…suspicion. He’s a suspect. I suspect him.”
Zay’s mouth twitches. “So. What are you asking me for?”
“Well, you’re better friends with him than I am,” Riley says. “You’re always hanging out in class. And I’m not brave enough to ask Haley if Charlie likes me. That’s a storm I can’t weather.”
That gets a laugh out of Zay, but the look in his eyes is almost wistful. He shakes his head, smiling, all Babineaux charm. “So you want my opinion?”
“I want— Would… would you maybe ask—”
“No,” Zay says emphatically, pointing a finger at her. “No, I am not asking Charlie if he likes you. Do it yourself.”
I have before, Riley thinks. But she just sighs in defeat as Zay mumbles ‘white nonsense’, and finally sets about unwrapping her sandwich.
The third gift is a new copy of Leaves of Grass— not a school copy. Her own edition.
She really needs to talk to Charlie.
She catches him at the end of the day, out of the dressing rooms and in the middle of the main aisle of the auditorium.
“Charlie, um,” Riley says, and he slows to a stop, turning to face her. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” he replies, adjusting the strap of his dance bag on his shoulder. Someone’s bumps Riley’s back with an elbow as they walk past— probably Sarah. “What is it?”
“No, not here,” Riley says quickly. “Somewhere more private?”
Charlie’s eyes widen, almost imperceptibly. “Uh, I… um…”
Riley’s stomach sinks like a stone. Oh God, it is Charlie, she thinks, disappointment washing over her like the sea weathering a stone. She hadn’t— well, she’d allowed herself just the slightest hope… of hunched shoulders, sandy hair…
“Please,” she says. “Just one minute.” She catches his arm, gentle. Charlie won’t meet her eyes, but he nods.
Lucas stomps past in his big black boots. Riley turns her head instinctively to offer a smile, but he doesn’t even glance at her. She sighs, turning back to Charlie.
By the time they step into the empty classroom, Charlie seems close to hyperventilating. Riley feels so, so bad for what she’s about to do, but considering she’s already shut him down once this year, it seems like she has to really get him to take the hint. Gently.
“Charlie,” she begins, while he stares at the floor, “I just… I figured it out, okay? And... I don’t know what to say.”
Seemingly, neither does Charlie, because he continues to stare down at his feet in silence. He almost folds in on himself, as if he’s willing himself to not be seen. Riley plows on.
“Well, okay. So, thank you. For everything. The book and the pastry and the—”
Charlie looks up, lightning fast. His brow is furrowed in confusion. “What?”
Riley blinks. “The secret admirer thing.”
“What secret admirer thing?” He sounds genuinely bewildered.
This is not how Riley pictured this going.
“The gifts in my locker,” she says, carefully. “I thought maybe it was you.”
Charlie’s whole shoulders slump, like his body is exhaling. When he speaks, he sounds relieved and honest. “It wasn’t me, I promise.” There’s a tentative, awkward pause. “Um. Sorry?”
Riley laughs, feeling as relieved as he sounds. “No, no, I’m so glad it wasn’t you. I mean— no offense! You know I think you’re great. But just… not like that. So it’s... I’m glad.”
Charlie smiles too, and it looks so earnest. “So we’re good?”
Riley nods, feeling ten pounds lighter. “Yeah. We’re good.”
The dam breaks on day four.
Riley is speed-walking through the halls, almost late. The bell will ring literally any minute from now, but damned if she’s going to track city slush all over the auditorium’s nice flooring. With any luck, she’ll have just enough time to shove them in her locker and bolt for the auditorium. Riley rounds the corner.
Her feet and her heart stop in their tracks.
There, down the hall, unmistakably stands Lucas James Friar, attempting to hurriedly slip something in her locker.
Lucas closes her locker, and before she can do anything, turns in her direction.
Their eyes lock.
Lucas looks as frozen as Riley feels, an electric current between their stares. In that moment, as other students brush past her, she’s suspended in time, the only sound her heartbeat, thumping loudly in her ears. Neither of them can move. She’s pretty sure neither of them can breathe.
And then Lucas turns and takes off down the hall, disappearing in the crowd.
Riley takes a deep breath, feeling the air shake as it leaves her mouth. Go after him. Go after him. Go—
The bell rings.
Riley finds him the next morning, hanging— hiding?— in the booth. Lucas rather spectacularly managed to avoid her the rest of the day, by virtue of skipping again.
With Dylan and, yes, now Asher, off sick, Riley didn’t have a way to get a hold of Lucas. She had asked Isadora, faux-casual, but Isa had just shrugged and gone back to storyboarding her latest idea.
“Lucas James Friar,” Riley says now, determinedly. “I just want to talk. And honestly, I think you owe me that much.”
Lucas is quiet for a long moment. Then he nods, once, jerkily. He won’t meet her eyes.
“How did you know about the pastry?” she asks, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear, feeling suddenly shy.
Lucas pushes the toe of his boot into the ground. “Overheard you telling Charlie about it. I, um, I saw that your locker was broken that morning, too. I just wanted to—”
He cuts himself off. Riley waits patiently.
“Fuck,” Lucas hisses. “You— you weren’t supposed to find out it was me. I didn’t want… to be weird. I just wanted you to have… you weren’t supposed to find out it was me.”
Riley’s chest is fluttering. She coughs, trying to dispel the tension in the air. “Well,” she says, “I’m glad I did.”
Lucas looks up sharply, finally meeting her eyes. It’s a soft jolt of electricity— down her spine, in her fingertips. They’re a lot closer then she realized. Less than a foot of space between their chests— between their mouths.
“Can I kiss you?” she murmurs. Lucas blinks, like his brain is catching up with his ears, and splutters, taking an instinctive step back. His legs bump the booth’s equipment.
A rush of regret courses through her. “Sorry! I just…” she trails off. Not really any possible excuses to save her on that one— she made her intentions pretty clear.
“No, no—” Lucas blurts out. He kicks at the dirt with the toes of one scuffed boot, like he’s regaining his cool. “I mean. Um. Yeah. You can.”
Riley beams, and Lucas looks kind of dazed again, all of a sudden, and she tentatively leans in, feels his hands take hers, links their fingers together, and catches his mouth in a sweet, gentle kiss.
It’s really nice. Tentative— she’s pretty sure Lucas doesn’t exactly have any experience with this, and Riley’s own experience is limited to close-mouthed spin-the-bottle in middle school. But it’s nice.
When they break away, they don’t let go of each other’s hands. She can’t help but smile even wider.
“Hey,” she whispers. “Thanks for the pen.”
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ambitionsource · 4 years
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AMBITION Season 1 ♫ “First Impressions (Pilot)” REVAMPED [ 1.01 ]
CREATED BY Esther (rapunzles) & Maggie (quincywillows)
When we first wrote the pilot, we were just throwing it out there, seeing what would happen. It was a first draft. Our own new start. It’s been a long time since then.
And oh, how much has happened. So many awesome things.
This, I hope, is closer to the pilot AAA always deserved. Thanks for reading, and for whatever awesome things come next.
50 Minutes (10K words) || No warnings apply. || [ S1 Synopsis ] || [ AO3 ]
( Follow along with the music on Spotify here! )
Regal. That’s the impression this institution gives off at first glance, a Smithsonian-esque exterior standing out amidst the grey concrete jungle of Manhattan. A wide shot provides a picturesque view of the structure from above, when slowly a title card appears on the screen:
Adams Academy of the Arts.
In a fluid motion, the words dissolve and condense together, leaving only a logo of three As in red, gold, and white.
By now, it’s pretty clear we’re watching an advert of some kind. Especially when we transition…
… to the principal’s office. JACKSON “JACK” HUNTER (40s), a sharply dressed and calmly confident man, is seated at the mahogany desk with his hands clasped together in front of him. He offers the camera a pleasant smile, addressing us directly.
Jack: Hi. I’m Jack Hunter, the principal of Adams Academy of the Arts. If you’re watching this video, then it’s likely you’re considering applying to our elite program for high school students. Well, either that, or you’re very lost.
Administrator humor. Jack chuckles, pauses, and continues in his professional tone.
Jack: If it’s the former, then I’m happy to be of assistance. Adams is at the forefront of performing arts education, and many of our alumni have gone on to do amazing things -- some of whom you might even recognize. While we strongly emphasize the important balance of academics with your professional goals, there is nothing more paramount than providing you, an artist on the rise, with the space to explore your potential, build your skills, and put you on the path towards success.
As Jack continues to discuss, quick panning shots of the interior of the school set the scene. It’s very clearly a promotional video, the tone upbeat and inspiring. Jack describes the facilities they have (two whole auditoriums, state of the art technical equipment, numerous practice rooms and studios), as well as the different core focuses a student can pursue -- music, performance, dance. He emphasizes their technical education program, one of the leading curriculums in the state that provides their budding technicians with hands-on experience right from the get-go.
When we cut back to Jack, still pleasantly seated behind the desk, he begins to get into what the day-to-day process of a student is like, and how this crop of students is chosen.
Jack: Every year, just about 50 students -- split into two cohorts, allowing for even more individualized instruction -- enter the halls of AAA as the freshman class. These incoming artists have talent, dedication, discipline, and above all? Ambition. These students, like you, seek out the opportunities to achieve whatever their driving passion might be -- whatever it takes. While here, they’ll hone their craft, explore the other realms of their field, learn from one another as well as highly skilled educators, and form bonds that they will carry with them for life.
All sounds swell. Jack smiles wider.
Jack: As for what this experience is like, well -- how about I let them show you?
This launches a quick-cut, exciting montage of what the world of Adams seems to be like. It’s full of photos, clips, and candids of the students hard at work. Performers learning choreography, soloists in the midst of a final performance, stage lights bright. Technicians piecing together sets, stage managers with headsets around their neck and thoughtful expressions, coaches and teachers lecturing to an engaged group in the black box theater.
Above all, there is a clear sense of community. All of the students are thrilled to be there, working hard, laughing and smiling with one another. While the slideshow is mainly filled with upperclassmen, there are a few faces here and there that will soon become quite familiar to us.
Sure seems like a dream high school experience, particularly for someone interested in the arts. Especially for someone who feels like an outsider, a creative, looking for a place to belong.
Jack, voiceover: The competition is fierce, and the process isn’t easy. It’s work, hard work, but any passion worth pursuing takes a little faith and a whole lot of elbow grease. The best of the best make their way to Adams, and without a doubt, the best emerge from it ready to take on the world.
The video is wrapping up, Jack looking as confident as ever. He’s just shown us a pretty gleaming example of a school, and he looks pretty stalwart and shining himself.
Jack: The question is, where do the best of the best come from? Who has what it takes to join our elite and excellent rank of future artists? [ a beat ] Do you?
As the upbeat tones of David Bowie fade in...
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Changes” as performed by David Bowie and Butterfly Boucher || Performed by Riley Matthews & Jack Hunter
An alarm goes off, a hand reaching out and hitting it off immediately. RILEY MATTHEWS (15) lays in bed, already awake and staring at the ceiling. From how anxious she looks, it seems like she hasn’t slept much at all. But then, she smiles, forcing herself to focus on the excitement.
This is going to be the day everything changes for the better. She launches out of bed, hitting play on her phone. Underneath the track, playing “Changes,” we see a reminder on her homescreen. It’s bright over a photo of her and her younger brother, neither parent featured.
First day of new school!!
As Riley gets ready for school, she sings along to the first verse. She braids her hair, puts on her nicest, most distinct outfit, before running out the door.
She says goodbye to her mother TOPANGA LAWRENCE (late 30s), kisses her younger brother AUGGIE MATTHEWS (8) on the top of the head. When she reaches her father waiting at the door, CORY MATTHEWS (late 30s), the two of them exchange excited grins before heading out the door together.
The two of them emerge from the nearest subway stop, and Riley gets her first good look at Adams Academy for the Arts. It’s a beautiful and daunting marble building nestled in the middle of the Upper East Side. Visualize the MET, but with the flourish and slight humble nature of a high school (although humble is not a word one would use to describe this school). It’s even more impressive in person, looming over her, than as shown in the opening video.
Cory is already on his way up the steps, but Riley hangs back, staring up at the building in awe. Somewhat overwhelmed. Students pass her by on their way inside, many far better dressed. This is a school where much of the student population is probably worth more than the school itself.
This is it. Her opportunity. Does she have what it takes?
Gearing herself up, Riley jogs her way up the steps after her father. Panning towards the school, through the atrium and across the main offices…
Meanwhile, Jack Hunter is in his office preparing for her arrival. He’s still well-groomed, clearly an instrument of discipline and order, but he seems more harried than he did on camera. Reality versus the polished quality of promotional material.
Jack wanders his way over to the window, looking out at the students making their way into school. He carries the second verse, lamenting how things never change and students are… not so willing to listen to reason (“They’re immune to your consultations / They’re quite aware what they’re going through…”)
As Jack heads out of his office to walk the halls before the school day truly kicks off, Riley is making her way through them as well. This is our first glimpse into the hallowed halls of Adams, as well as the cast of large personalities we’re about to spend a series with…
Riley has to duck around ZAY BABINEAUX (15), a lithe and groovy dance student with a clear sense of self and an even clearer sense of style. He’s rehearsing with other dancers in the middle of the hallway. Nearby, CHARLIE GARDNER (15) is holding court with a lot of the girls in the class, seemingly the preferred cute male of choice at AAA. He’s the full package -- fluffy hair, pressed polo shirt, charming grin.
As Riley passes him, he eyes her and gives her a smile. Friendly, or flirtatious? Who’s to say…
For Jack, it’s evident as he walks the halls just how incongruous he is with the scenery. He’s passionate about AAA, sure, but his straight-laced and stern approach contrasts sharply with the energy, colorfulness, and folly of the students themselves. His presence is enough to pry two kissing classmates away from one another, and he earns more than a few derisive glares from students as he goes.
MAYA HART (16) is parading the halls with her clones DARBY WINTERS (15) and SARAH CARLSON (15), rambling on about some performance-related complaint. Maya is a girl with a brand -- she is the most glamorous girl Riley has ever seen, from the glossy blonde hair to the perfectly put together outfit that looks entirely made of brand-name items. They don’t even notice Riley, practically bulldozing past her without an apology.
A gangly student is arguing animatedly with ANGELA MOORE (30s), the performing arts teacher for the sophomores, outside the black box theater classroom. Angela was featured in the promotional video, but she seems way less confident now trying to tangle with this overzealous student. This is FARKLE MINKUS (15), Jewish American diva. He’s immediately identifiable as over-the-top, both with the way he’s arguing with a teacher and his swoopy hair and blazer. Like, this kid is wearing a blazer to school.
We can tell right away that Mister Farkle Minkus is going to be a PIECE. OF. WORK. Riley can too, raising her eyebrows as she passes by their disagreement.
Jack passes by Zay and his crop of dancing students, disbanding them as dancing is not allowed in the halls. Come on, they know this! The group of them don’t look very pleased, Zay tossing a scowl over his shoulder as they retreat to their respective homerooms.
As we get to “Strange fascination fascinating me…” Riley passes by the atrium stairwell, where the sophomore techies always congregate each morning. They’re all in dark clothes (because that’s how techies dress, but so do GOTHS???), and seem like a chaotic bunch. DAVE WILLIAMS (15) and ASHER GARCIA (14) are lobbing food at DYLAN ORLANDO (15) to see what he can catch in his mouth. NATE MARTINEZ (15) and JEFF MONROE (15) are arguing heatedly about something, but it’s impossible to tell if they’re actually upset or not. JADE BEAMON (15) is sketching in a notebook, occasionally looking up to roll her eyes at the argument.
Holding first position at the bottom of the stairs are LUCAS JAMES FRIAR (16) and ISADORA DE LA CRUZ (15), deep in conversation. Well, conversation meaning Isadora is ranting, and Lucas isn’t saying much of anything. They’re both the most intimidating of the bunch even from a glance -- Isadora due to her intense wardrobe and general aura of authority, Lucas due to his seemingly permanent disdainful expression… and maybe the fact that he is openly playing with a switchblade.
Of course, they both look up to find Riles staring at them. She makes eye contact with Lucas before quickly turning away. I mean, they’ve got a switchblade. Scary! She YEETS outta there.
Just in time to make it back to the front office, where she steps inside just as Jack steps out of his office. He offers her a smile.
Jack: Hi, Miss Matthews. Welcome to Adams Academy of the Arts.
Taking a deep breath, she returns his smile. Welcome to Adams, indeed. And, for the first time…
AMBITION. Cue title sequence.
Jack walks Riley through everything she might need to know, explaining her daily schedule and handing over welcome materials. As they’re conversing, ERIC MATTHEWS (40s) steps in as acting counselor to also give a welcome to Riley -- but it’s clear that they already know each other. She’s his niece!
As they exchange friendly banter, Jack doesn’t seem at all surprised. He makes a comment about how the Matthews family really does have a foothold in Adams, given that Riley’s father is also one of their core academic teachers. Eric doesn’t take well to Jack’s tone, cheerfully firing back a remark.
Eric: Well, I suppose Triple A has always been about family. That’s why you hired Shawn, right? Top of the line, highly skilled educators…
It’s clear that there’s some tension behind their words, at least that it seems like Jack and Eric are rarely on the same page. Riley picks up on this right quick, awkwardly looking down at her welcome materials. Jack changes the subject, suggesting that Riley head off to performance lab before they get any further derailed. After all, Eric does just love to meander time away...
Eric smiles, but it’s sharp. Rather than returning a backhanded jab, he offers to show Riley to her first class. As they’re heading out, Jack assures Riley that he’s certain she’ll find what she’s looking for at Adams.
She certainly hopes so, Jack. And away they go...
Riley enters the auditorium, where a majority of the classes will be held. Many of the students in the sophomore A class cohort are already assembled in the first few rows of the audience, eagerly conversing with one another and catching up from the end of summer. The techies are situated further back, with their feet up on the backs of chairs and hardly paying attention.
Already, Riley is feeling the struggle of finding a place to fit. She plops herself alone in a row somewhere between the chatty performers and brooding techies, isolated from day one. Hooray.
From behind her, Dave turns around to whisper something to Dylan and Asher about her sitting alone. Lucas is also watching her, somewhat amused at how uncertain she seems about the whole situation.
Angela saunters to the front of the stage, snapping them to attention and welcoming them back for another year. She gives a rousing speech about how this year is going to be more intense than the first, but also full of self-discovery, pushing our comfort zones, and more than anything, becoming better artists. Maya, Zay, and Farkle all listen with rapt interest. Isadora rolls her eyes.
Just as she’s reaching the climactic conclusion of her monologue, she’s interrupted by SHAWN HUNTER (30s), stumbling in ten minutes late to his own class. He’s unshaven, clearly a bit of a mess, and dressed far less impressively than Angela or a majority of their students. Riley raises her eyebrows, obviously confused by his presence.
Angela: [ with biting sarcasm ] And there he is. My wonderful co-instructor, right on time.
At this, Riley’s eyebrows shoot up. Co-instructor? That guy? The rest of the performers seem equally unimpressed, a few rolling their eyes or exchanging grimaces. The techies are amused, grinning as their lead technician fumbles to the stage.
Angela: Anything you care to share with the class before we kick off our second year, Mister Hunter? Any sudden stroke of wisdom? Or basic decency?
Shawn jogs up, coming to an out of breath stand-still next to her. Side by side, the contrast between them is even more pronounced. He shrugs, half-smirking.
Shawn: Sing some stuff?
In mocking solidarity, the techies erupt into cheers. Dave and Dylan give him a standing ovation. The performers look annoyed. Farkle turns around to glare at them.
Riley is taking all of this with marked confusion. Shawn takes a sarcastic bow.
Angela, sharply: Classy as always.
For their first performing assignment of the year, Angela encourages all of them to come up and sing whatever they’ve been working on this past summer. Innocent enough. When she asks who wants to go first, however, the front of the auditorium erupts as Zay, Maya, and Farkle all leap to their feet and scrap to get to the stage first. Riley is like… what on Earth.
Farkle succeeds, yanking Zay out of the way and scrambling onto the front of the stage (they didn’t even take the fucking stairs). The clear victor, Farkle jumps back to his full height triumphantly as Maya and Zay begrudgingly return to their seats.
Farkle begins a little monologue as he adjusts his blazer, establishing his personality loud and clear. As far as he’s concerned, this year is going to be about change, and the change is going to be him taking his rightful place as the undisputed Star of the Sophomores. Maya and Zay clearly don’t agree with this assessment, so there’s already guaranteed to be drama. Lovely…
Thusly, Farkle launches into his first performance of the year (and the series).
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Man About Town” as performed by Young Frankenstein Original Broadway Cast || Performed by Farkle Minkus
Farkle kicks us off with a bold and frenzied rendition of the Broadway tune. As with many of the performances in this pilot, the solos serve to establish a baseline for each of the characters and their inherent capabilities, style, and tone. Farkle is a power tenor without a doubt, able to reach pretty high in his register and even higher in energetic delivery.
The electricity in his performance is less intrinsic and more frantic, though, indicative of a craving for the spotlight and a scrappy determined nature to maintain it at whatever cost. It demonstrates his undeniable vocal skill, for sure, but also his capacity to be obnoxious. The song seems to speak to what Farkle is hoping will be his truth -- that everyone will take notice of him, pay attention to him, that he’ll rise to the stars like he feels he’s been destined.
Riley is stunned by the amount of talent already on display. If she wants to prove that she’s here by her own merit and talent rather than just because her father works here, then she is going to have to bring it.
Maya and her clones hang out in the girls dressing room, getting ready for the rest of performance lab. Sarah points out that Farkle has gotten better over the summer; Darby mentions he’s gotten cuter, too.
Sarah, in disgust: Minkus? You’re joking.
Darby: Come on. He’s sort of cute!
Maya: Sure. Like a hedgehog with a deadly case of rabies.
Darby: He got taller. He looks sharper now, more mature.
Sarah: He looks like Mike Teavee in Willy Wonka after he got put through the taffy puller.
Darby: No he doesn’t!
Sarah: God, you fall for anything with testosterone and half a working vocal chord…
Quickly losing interest in discussing boys -- especially Farkle Minkus -- Maya waves off their concern about his talent. She claims she’s going to blow him out of the water, and this year is far from belonging to him.
The rivalry is loud and clear.
Riley comes by to visit Eric, who eagerly greets her and situates her in the chair opposite his desk. It’s a cozy, comfortable office, far less clinical, but also less organized, than Jack’s. It’s evident why many students feel comfortable stopping in when they have a free moment. Eric jokingly points out this is their first official visit as counselor and student, before he asks her how the morning went and how she’s feeling about the school.
Riley avoids her own discomfort and feelings of disillusionment by asking Eric to tell her more about the other students instead. How is she supposed to catch up to the scenery and feel like she’s in the loop if everyone feels like a mystery? Eric agrees, trying to figure out the best way to go about explaining it to her.
Eric: Kind of feels like having to explain the history of the universe. There’s a lot of personality in the A class, you’ll find.
Riley: Oh, I got that sense pretty quickly.
An idea strikes Eric, expression brightening. He grabs his yearbook from the previous school year off the shelf behind him. As he plops it down onto the desk, he instructs Riley to pay close attention, because there is a lot to unpack.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “High School Never Ends” as performed by Bowling for Soup || Instrumental
As Eric talks Riley through each of the main players, we watch a typical sophomore class unfold in the auditorium. It’s pure chaos, a whirlwind of production and performers getting in the way of techies and people butting heads.
We cut between this simulated auditorium sequence and Riley and Eric talking in the office, falling into a rhythm with the classic bopping rock tune. As Eric jumps to each key student, we freeze on them in the midst of whatever they’re doing at the time.
Starting, notably, with Zay Babineaux, the dancer from the halls. The screen freeze frames on him in the midst of trying to teach choreography to a frazzled NICK YOGI (15) and CLARISSA CRUZ (15).
Eric: Zay Babineaux isn’t a bad person to keep tabs on as far as getting your sea legs around here. He was voted “Most Popular” in the yearbook last year, but the only thing he cares about more than his public approval rating is dance. I mean, the kid is religious about it. It’s part of the reason he’s so good, but that and his drive to make it are what bump him up to Diva status.
Riley: Diva status.
Eric: It’s a whole league of its own here. Everyone is driven to a certain degree -- you have to be at Triple A -- but the Divas are the ones you really need to watch out for. Zay is far from the worst of the bunch, but his dedication really puts a sharp edge on his otherwise personable presence.
The scene resumes, panning from Yogi and Clarissa struggling to learn to Charlie leading the same choreography with a gaggle of female classmates. This includes HALEY FISHER (15), who seems especially taken with him.
Charlie demonstrates much better patience than Zay in teaching others, but the girls aren’t really listening to what he’s saying. They’re more distracted by… other things he has to offer.
Eric: If you’re stuck on choreography and actually want help, then your best bet is to turn to Charlie Gardner instead. He’s incredibly well-mannered, genuinely nice kid, but I’m sure your dad would want me to warn you he does have a reputation with the ladies.
Riley: Does he date a lot of them?
Eric: To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him date anyone. But every girl wishes he would, so that’s kind of a heartbreaker move all its own, isn’t it? Still, I wouldn’t worry too much about that. If you’re looking for what to avoid…
Isadora marches across the stage, headset around her neck and show binder in her arms. She’s shouting orders, almost comically deafening Dave following behind her.
Eric: Don’t get in the way of Isadora Smackle while she’s in stage manager mode. That girl is five feet of pure unadulterated power, and she is not afraid to burn you and your ego to the ground.
Riley: Not much to burn for me.
Eric: Don’t get me wrong, she is incredibly talented. She’s got a vision like no one else, and it’s hard not to admire how passionate she is about seeing that vision come to fruition. She’s just… not fond of things that slow that process down. Like not following directions, or creating issues that don’t exist. And the queen of doing that…
Maya storms out of the dressing room hall and storms onto the stage, holding up a costume choice and obviously having much to say about it. She’s in the midst of diva transformation, makeup more glamorous than before and glossy blonde hair up out of her face.
Eric: Is Maya Hart. Now, Maya is probably the most talented triple threat we have in the sophomore class. She can dance, she can act, and by God, can she sing. But she also has an unbridled sense of what’s best for a production, and will happily fight every single person necessary until her voice is heard. She’s in hot pursuit of her dream, for better or worse, and she is ruthless.
Maya marches past the techies, Asher and Jade scrambling to get out of her way and avoid her fury. She nearly knocks Nate and Dylan into the wall while they’re carrying a two-by-four beam, which almost hits Lucas in the head. He ducks just in time. As he’s getting back up, we freeze on him mid-eye roll and looking just about ready to kill.
Eric: And whatever you do, do not mess with Lucas James Friar. If your dad were here, he’d tell you not to speak to him. Don’t even look at him unless absolutely necessary.
Riley: Why?
Eric: Lucas is… not exactly Adams’ favorite student. And that makes complete sense, because the feeling is 100% mutual.
Riley: So why is he here then?
Eric: Fair question. But I think you’ll come to find everyone came here for different reasons, Riley. I mean, look at you. Adams wasn’t your first choice for a school a year ago.
True enough. Riley still seems curious, but Eric continues on without harping on it any longer.
Eric: There’s plenty Lucas dislikes about the school -- and believe me, I’ve heard enough about it in our mandated meetings over the past year -- but nothing more so than the “diva attitudes,” namely…
Lucas has to duck again to avoid the bony arms of Farkle, who is just launching into a loud, bold, aggressive solo. He swings his arms out wide, tilting his head back and delivering a note with Rachel Berry levels of fervor. Freeze on his dramatic, impassioned belting face.
Eric: Farkle Minkus. Trust fund baby, unparalleled genius, and vocal champion -- in both singing and complaining. He’s certainly our Rachel Berry, if nothing else.
As Eric finishes up his CliffNotes edition of the sophomore A class, the warning bell beckons Riley back to class. Eric assures her that she has always been a people person, and he is certain that she’ll be fine. Riley nods along, choosing to believe him.
When he asks if she’s decided what her first performance is going to be, she books it out of the office. Sorry, Uncle Eric! Gotta get to class, ha ha...
Back in the auditorium, class continues. As Riley makes her way back to the center section, she overhears snippets of the closely congregated crew of techie students. They’re discussing Maya, and Dylan Orlando’s grin is wide and mischievous.
Dylan: I think I should go next. What if I did? Just to throw her off.
Asher: [ elbowing him ] No. Don’t --
Jeff: It’s your funeral.
Dylan: I think I should. I think --
Nate, laughing: As if you can even sing.
Dylan: You don’t know, you don’t know. I could be great. You don’t know...
But no, it’s Maya's turn to sing her piece. She takes the stage just as Riley is settling back into her seat, giving a speech very similar to Farkle’s. In fact, it’s essentially a fuck-you right back to him by twisting his words. Then she launches into her own show-stopping return from the summer, expressing its one of her favorite Broadway tunes -- and a natural fit in her repertoire.
Farkle is miffed by her song choice, seemingly a selection chosen solely to offend him.
Farkle: This bitch knows I claimed rights to all numbers in the Elphaba song canon. Unbelievable.
Dave, leaning over to Yogi: Okay, what is a song cannon, and how do I get one?
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “The Wizard and I” as performed by Wicked Original Broadway Cast || Performed by Maya Hart
From her first introduction to performing, Maya presents an interesting array of stage presence. She can carry a Broadway tune with ease, but her voice seems equally built for pop excellence. Her command of the stage is effortless -- whether you love or hate her, she’s impossible to look away from when she’s delivering a performance. The glamour of her overall appearance elevates it, but what shines is her obvious raw talent and determination.
If anyone defines what it means to have ambition, it would be Maya Hart.
Her vocals are truly stellar, and her performance is daunting. While the techies remain unimpressed -- they’ve seen this all before, too many times, after all -- Riley is totally freaked by how intense the competition is turning out to be. While the rest of the class applauds (in varied states of reluctance), she seems like she’s trying not to throw up.
The lunch bell rings. Riley has hidden herself away in the restroom, tucked in the corner stall and pacing. She attempts to talk herself down from a spiral, fully intimidated after Maya’s performance. Another deep breath...
She steps out and looks in the mirror, repeating the mantra to herself again and again. She has what it takes. She belongs here. She belongs here. She belongs here!
Riley is not going to let this year be like the others. She’s not repeating her freshman year. This year is about change, for the better, and she’s going to make it so. But to do that, she’s going to need some friends.
Time to put herself out there and start breaking down these barriers.
Angela arrives at Jack’s office, knocking curtly on the door. Although the two of them have a good working relationship and typically friendly rapport, it’s evident at that moment that she is not there with good tidings. Jack tries to side step whatever the complaint is, asking if she thinks their new student is adjusting well.
Jack: Seems nice, doesn’t she? Good kid. Should be a good influence, hopefully --
Angela: I’m not here to talk about Matthews. I’m here to talk about the ridiculous excuse for a co-instructor you call half-brother.
Yikes. Well, might as well go on, then. Jack sighs and listens plaintively as Angela informs him that Shawn showed up late this morning, and was no help during the performance lab sessions. Obviously she doesn’t know how his homeroom check-in with the techies went, but she can assume shabbily with little doubt in her mind.
Jack: I haven’t gotten a complaint from the student technicians.
Angela: I’m sure you haven’t. They don’t know any better. And even if they did, I doubt any of them would take the time to formally complain. Half of them don’t appear capable of speech, and the other half are avoiding your office anyway. Likely no doubt due to subconscious contagious influence from their instructor.
Jack: Oh, come on now.
Angela: They won’t complain, but lucky for them, I will.
Jack holds up a hand, halting her tirade. He assures her that he hears her, and he’s aware that Shawn isn’t yet performing to his best ability. He has only been in the position for a year, after all. He just needs some time to get in the swing of things, that’s all.
Angela: When I spent a season in the Guys And Dolls touring troupe, we got our sea legs fast. You know what happened if you fucked up on tour? You got cut. We didn’t get a week to blunder our way through it, let alone a year.
Pointedly, Angela states that it just seems odd. Coming from Jack Hunter, the pillar of authority at this school, such negligence is damn surprising. Given how Eric is always complaining that Jack is too straight and narrow for an arts school, it’s ironic that he’s willing to let one of their faculty members be so off the wagon and not fire him tout de suite.
Fair as that criticism may be, Jack claims he’s made his choices and she needs to trust his role as an administrator. She is of course welcome to continue leveling complaints as she sees necessary, and he’ll touch base with Shawn, but he also points out that she might be operating with some bias of her own in reporting on her co-instructor.
At this, Angela gets huffy. She shrugs off the accusation and storms off, claiming she has students to actually educate. Once she’s gone, Jack releases another heavy sigh, slouching back in his chair. Evidently, the put together and effortless appearance of Adams in the promotional video is not all that truthful… one has to wonder how much of it is expectation versus reality...
The cafeteria, the classic worst place to be a new student on your first day. Even more intimidating at AAA, where the cafeteria is more claustrophobic than most with only a hundred students to accommodate at a time. Not only that, but everyone seems to already have their lunchtime crew.
Riley weaves her way through the crowd, eyeing places to potentially start her new endeavor. The techie table is at least relatively quiet, tucked away in the corner, but no way is she heading over there. Half of them are in eager and fast-paced conversation with one another, and their chaotic energy still radiates.
Not to mention, Lucas is amongst them and remains an intimidating question mark. Eric warned her, after all. He’s looking particularly nonplussed that afternoon, no lunch in front of him as he listens to the others converse. Once again he catches her looking, meeting her eyes and offering no sign of friendliness.
Yeah, not an option. Riley turns away, keeping her distance.
Charlie is holding court with a bunch of the sophomores, mainly girls. He still seems friendly enough, but Riley isn’t sure she wants to risk that potential flirtation. She needs friends, not awkward rejections. Still, she gives him a smile anyway.
Zay watches her from his table, seated with a couple other performers, YINDRA AMINO (15) and NIGEL CHEY (15). They all murmur to one another, somewhat amused, but Zay waves them off. He throws Riley a life preserver after a moment, beckoning her over to join them.
Riley is shocked that they’re talking to her -- they seem like the coolest crop of her classmates, and she in no way mirrors their general energy -- but she’s not foolish enough to refuse the invitation. If they turn out to be playing her, well, she’ll cross that bridge when she gets to it.
She slides into the seat across from Zay, who introduces himself and nods to his friends to do the same. Nigel shakes Riley’s hand from the seat next to her. She thanks them for offering her shelter, which Zay shrugs off as no big deal. Yindra asks if being the new student sucks as much as it seems like it does, and Riley is like hello, yes, it’s terrible.
Once she’s gotten comfortable with her new company, Riley asks Zay about his passion for dance and what his future dreams are after AAA. As they get to chatting, Zay expresses that he is Broadway bound with no detours and questions about it. When he gets into talking about how much he loves dance, his passion is clear on his face. He laments the attitude of Farkle and Maya, claiming he’s not like that. A bold claim, only time will tell if it’s true...
Riley asks him about his performance for class, to which he grins. Why tell her about it when he could show her?
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Dancin’ On the Sidewalk” as performed by FAME! Original Broadway Cast || Performed by Zay Babineaux (feat. AAA Sophomores)
Zay launches into this upbeat and fun dance tune, expressing his love for dance while pulling the rest of the cafeteria into it. Riley is amazed as everyone just kind of jumps up and jams with him, starting with Yindra and Nigel but slowly spreading throughout the congregation. Eventually, Zay manages to get her to her feet and pull her into it as well.
There is a sizable dance break within the song (naturally), and we get to see Riley show off some of her own skills when she’s not too intimidated. Charlie is also particularly featured in the dancing of the number, showing off his strong capability aside from being cute and charming.
However, not everyone is thrilled by this dancing development. Maya keeps Darby from joining in by yanking her back into her seat, not about to humor her rival. Farkle is the same, watching from his table in the opposite part of the cafeteria and rolling his eyes.
But no one is less thrilled than the techies. They’re exhausted, having to listen to the performers do this shit all the time. Yet another lunch, eclipsed by an impromptu performance. Lucas has had enough, getting to his feet. Isadora argues with him, but he doesn't listen. He’s already on the move. Isadora exchanges a look with Jade and Asher.
During the dance break, Lucas weaves inconspicuously through the crowd. By the end of it, he sneaks out the back door of the cafeteria.
As Zay is finishing up the last verse, Lucas makes his way down the hall, surveying the ceiling until he finds what he’s looking for.
Then, he starts scaling the lockers.
Intercut with the dancing, Lucas hefts himself up on top of the lockers, rolling onto his back in the thin space between the top and the ceiling. He digs in his pockets, pulling out a lighter. Ever so carefully, he sparks it and holds it out towards the sprinkler system a foot or so away. Stretching as far as he can reach… getting that flame closer and closer…
As Zay and Riley bring the number to an end with a flourish, suddenly the fire alarm blares through the cafeteria. In the next second, there’s a click, and the sprinkler system erupts and douses them all in mucky water.
The cafeteria bursts into chaos, students screaming and trying to run from the building. Maya shrieks, trying to shield her hair as she and her plastics flee the scene. She isn’t afraid to push people out of the way. Farkle, meanwhile, isn’t even trying to run, frozen in rage and getting soaked. He snarls, swinging his wet hair out of his face.
The techies erupt into laughter, high-fiving and jostling each other around as they exit the building. Dylan looks particularly gleeful, playfully shaking Asher by the shoulders, who looks notably less pleased and more than a little grossed out as he blinks the water out of his eyes.
Zay sighs, shaking his head and giving Riley a half-hearted shrug and well-meaning smile.
Zay: Welcome to Adams.
As if this kind of shit is totally normal. Riley wipes her eyes, dripping wet and totally shocked by this turn of events. What a rollercoaster of a day this is turning out to be. Certainly nothing about this in the school’s advertising...
All of the sophomore girls are together in the dressing room, switching into fresh clothes and drying their hair (of course, performing arts girls have hair care products with them). Riley is the only who doesn’t seem to understand exactly what happened.
Riley: I didn’t see any fire.
Yindra, offhandedly: It wasn’t a fire. It was Friar.
Sarah: [ off of Riley’s continued confusion ] Lucas James Friar? He’s the worst.
Riley: My uncle may have… mentioned him...
Chai: He’s constantly pulling stunts like this and making a scene even though he acts like he’s above it all.
Clarissa: He never does the assignments.
Sarah: Not to mention he’s basically the definition of white trash.
Haley: He’s the worst the techies have to offer. No one even knows why he’s at this school.
This is all news for Riley, much more blatant than what Eric said. Then Isadora steps in, offering a counterpoint.
Isadora: Well, maybe if you didn’t sing and dance every lunch and stop us from enjoying our break from you singing and dancing every class, he wouldn’t need to do this stuff. But I know, you’re all incapable of doing anything but whatever it is you want.
Solid counterpoint, Isa. Riley takes that in as well.
Speaking of Lucas, the girls aren’t the only people who are certain he was the one who caused the fire evacuation. He sits opposite Jack at his desk, and it’s clear just from their posture that they’ve been in this exact position many times before. Yes, Lucas is no stranger to the principal’s office, and no friend to Jack Hunter.
Jack speaks with the exasperation of an exhausted parent who has told his child numerous times not to steal cookies from the cookie jar, but they keep doing it anyway.
Jack: Come on, Mister Friar. This is the fourth time. The fire department is considering adding us to a list. [ off his lightly amused smirk ] Are you really going to start another year this way?
Lucas, calmly: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Jack: We know you did it.
Lucas: You have no proof.
Jack: People saw you leave the cafeteria.
Lucas: I went to the bathroom. People do that, sometimes, you know. It’s actually quite a common bodily function --
Jack: Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.
Lucas: All due respect, Principal Hunter, all you have is circumstantial evidence and confirmation bias. So unless you have anything else to add, I really should get back to class so I can listen to Farkle Minkus squawk for yet another jolly day in this wonderful, wonderful institution to higher learning.
Jack doesn’t have any other proof, so there’s not much he can do. But it’s clear -- Lucas is one of his most frustrating students, and he’s run out of ways to make headway with him. It really is a wonder he’s even still at the school…
As Lucas makes his way back into the halls and to class, Jack follows him out. He paces a bit to clear his head, get some fresh air rather than sit in his office… and happens to run right into a conversation happening in the adjoining hall. He hangs back around the corner, eavesdropping as Eric stands with a couple of the other teachers.
The group of them are obviously not happy with the sprinkler situation. Understandably so, but Eric is trigger happy to pin the blame on Jack. He sympathizes with the complaints of the fellow faculty, before insisting that it all comes down to leadership at the end of the day. Jack is a good disciplinarian, sure, and he’s been here for years… but then how come this keeps happening? In his opinion, Jack just isn’t built for an environment like this. The arts are about creativity, inspiration, hopeful encouragement and emotional exploration… not rules, strict academics, and going by the book.
Jack is pissed, but he’s not going to make a scene. It’s nothing he’s never heard before anyway, least of all from his best counselor but least favorite co-worker. He turns the other way, marching back to his office.
That night, Riley has dinner with her family. It is clear through this scene that things between Cory and Topanga are not as rosy as America’s sweethearts would have you believe. They’re snippy with one another, and it seems like problems are brewing on the horizon.
Riley mentions her struggle to pick her audition song, and the strong personalities already at play at school. Topanga instructs her with the realist approach, which is that she’ll then need to bring her best as well. What power ballads does Riley have in her repertoire? She can’t let those other students walk all over her -- they don’t want a repeat of last year.
No kidding, Topie. Although it’s well-intentioned advice, it doesn’t seem like what Riley wants to hear. She nods along, focusing back on her food.
In a parallel setting, Jack is having a small casual dinner with his half-brother, Shawn. Although his first impression at school wasn’t much, it’s clear that Shawn isn’t the worst guy in the world. He and Jack definitely seem to have a good relationship, this family dinner a weekly tradition for them.
And Shawn can tell when Jack is burying emotions. He prompts him to spill about whatever pissed him off that day -- aside from the obvious. Is there other beef going on in the school? Anything interesting? Jack avoids it at first, but when Shawn won’t let it go, he cracks.
Jack: Actually, people had some choice things to say about you. Showing up late, again? On the first day?
Shawn’s upbeat demeanor crumbles fast, defaulting to defensive. He quickly susses out that it must have been Angela who complained, claiming that of course she’s going to rag on him. She’s biased, Jack, you know that. She’s been out to get him ever since… well, things fell apart. Of course she wouldn’t want to see him trying to pick himself back up -- imperfectly, sure, but…
Jack shakes his head, getting up from his seat and taking his plate to the sink. Shawn keeps trying to defend himself, saying it’s all Angela’s fault, that everyone is just overreacting, who cares what they think --
Jack: I do, Shawn! I have to care what they think. It’s my job!
Oh. Well… that’s another story. This gets Jack to the actual root of what he’s frustrated with -- Eric’s criticism of him, and the way no one is ever happy with him at AAA. They all think the job is so simple, so easy. File some paperwork, discipline a kid when necessary, keep things in order. But that’s harder than it sounds. Of course Eric thinks he has it all figured out -- he’s the good guy. He gets to be the faculty favorite, telling the kids exactly what they want to hear, while Jack has to be the realist. He has to deliver the hard truths, the punishments and probabilities, to step in to keep things in order even when it feels like everything is constantly in chaos.
And honestly, Shawn is not helping with that. It’s way easier for people to question Jack’s leadership, his strong stances, his ability to keep things in line, when his “nepotism hire” can’t even show up for work on time. Shawn still tries to defend himself, but his arguments are becoming more sheepish as they go. It’s hard to argue against something that’s objectively true.
Jack: I’m not asking you to do my job. It’s my shit, and I’ll deal with it. I always do. But I’m bending over backwards for you, and you have to meet me in the middle.
Shawn: I know… I know, I’m --
Jack: I gave you this job as a fresh start, Shawn. Because I believed you could pull things back together, that you didn’t have to keep going down the road you were on. I still do believe that. But you have to prove me right, you have to show up.
Shawn: Okay. You’re right, I’m sorry.
Jack: Not even just for me. You have to show up for them. You think Friar would be going around doing this shit if he had even a little more discipline within the school day? The sense that someone else is looking out for him? You know that’s absent from every other part of his life. And all of them have their own shit. You know what that’s like -- we went through it ourselves.
Shawn: … that’s true. I --
Jack, exasperated: They’re what matters, Shawn. Forget the politics, forget the petty drama. With Angela, with Eric. Whatever. What matters are the students. We show up for them. Even if everything else is in chaos.
If anything, the exchange at least highlights why Jack is at AAA. All the criticism that gets hurled at him, all the hard choices he has to make, at the end of the day he’s doing his best. He’s there to help the students, to give them an education and foundation for the rest of their lives. One, seemingly, he wishes he had for himself.
Shawn is certainly reprimanded enough. He agrees with Jack, apologizing again and thanking him for giving him the opportunity. He knows what Jack had to risk to do it. He’s going to try not to squander it -- not to mess everything up again.
Like everything else, all Jack can do is hope for the best. He nods, taking Shawn’s dish and focusing on washing them in the sink instead of facing more of the conversation. As impassioned as the outburst was, it’s clear emotion is not Jack’s strong suit.
Cory comes in to say goodnight to Riley and congratulate her on her first day. She is more open with how she actually feels about it with him than Topanga and Auggie, expressing that she doesn’t know what to do about the song. Cory gives her advice from his heart, which is that she should kick things off singing whatever makes her feel most comfortable. Something that feels like her. She shouldn’t have to change herself just to make an impression.
During this conversation, we also learn the real truth as to why Riley is attending this school now -- yes, because of her own passions, but more so because she was bullied at her former school. This is her fresh start.
She gives Cory a hug and then he kisses her forehead, bidding her goodnight. As Riley crawls into bed, she’s back to staring at the ceiling. Thinking, contemplating… as the piano opening of “Your Song” floats in…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Your Song” as performed by Ellie Goulding || Performed by Riley Matthews
Riley keeps it simple with a soft, sweet rendition. No grand fanfare, no brassy vocals, just her sitting on a stool and singing the song. Her vocals are beautiful, but certainly not as loud as Farkle or Maya.
Angela smiles pleasantly as Riley performs. Zay watches with a smile, giving her a little thumbs up when she looks to him. Charlie obviously enjoys the performance, intrigued. Maya and Farkle look unimpressed, almost amused. At least she’s not a threat.
Most of the techies don’t pay attention or look bored. Lucas looks particularly neutral… and yet, he’s not letting his attention drift anywhere else…
A smattering of applause follow her performance. As the class is dismissed, Charlie takes the initiative to approach her and tell her that he really liked the performance. Riley, a bit flustered by the attention, is like thanks okay sure. It’s still unclear whether Charlie is flirting, or if he genuinely did just like the song…
As Riley hustles to pack up, most everybody gone, suddenly it’s just her and Lucas left in the auditorium. She glances to him, uncertain whether she should say something -- she’s supposed to be making friends, after all. But she can’t bring herself to do it. He does it instead, however, muttering an offhand comment as he heads up the back steps towards the technician’s booth.
Lucas: So exciting to see we’ve got another unassuming chorus member.
Riley doesn’t get the chance to respond, but the statement makes its impact. He’s not impressed, and she gets the feeling no one else really was either.
A little funny, coming from him considering he didn’t even perform, but if she wants to make her mark here she’s going to have to bring her A game. Maybe her mother was right -- she’s going to have to be a little bolder if she wants to hold her own.
Farkle is outside the dressing rooms, writing down notes in a journal as Maya emerges from the girls room. She says something snarky to Farkle, prompting banter between the two of them.
Farkle: Oh, yes, I was just compiling a list of all the things I’m going to rightfully accomplish this year. Winter showcase closing number, Haverford conference representative, oh, and that coveted summer spot at the Kossal camp for the rising junior class --
Maya: Oh, is daddy going to buy it for you? Think he could buy you some friends first…
The two of them stare each other down, both of them clearly meaning business and full of diva ire. It’s clear that this year is going to be a bloody battle between the two of them for top spot.
And may the best bitch win.
Riley is back to feeling uncertain, her “authentic” performance not having accomplished much. Then, she supposes, it’s not clear how authentic it really was… it was certainly the safe option, at least. But everyone else around her is so loud, so bold, so ready to scrap to the death… and she doesn’t know if that’s her. Maybe she doesn’t have what it takes.
The promotional video certainly is a testament to expectations versus reality. Highly skilled faculty… the polished and put together exterior… camaraderie and a bond with classmates for life… right now, they seemed destined to kill one another.
Thoughtful, Riley pulls up her tablet and searches for the promotional video again. She skims through it, searching for parts of Jack’s speech near the end.
Jack, voiceover: The competition is fierce, and the process isn’t easy.
Eric is in the main office, chatting with the secretaries and easily charming them. Jack emerges from his office with more paperwork, catching his eye as he goes. The two of them hold each other’s gaze for a moment, that animosity still between them.
Jack: It’s work, hard work, but any passion worth pursuing takes a little faith and a whole lot of elbow grease.
Jack keeps his chin held high -- it is his office, after all. He gives Eric a cordial nod, heading back into his office. Back to do the work that matters, to the best of his ability.
The A class is assembled throughout the stage, all in their rehearsal clothes. Simple leotards, sweats, no one more glamorous than the other. There for the work, there for the challenge and the practice and the opportunities.
Jack: The best of the best make their way to Adams, and without a doubt, the best emerge from it ready to take on the world.
Maya, Farkle, and Zay all rise from stretching at the same time, eyeing each other. Maya takes a pointed sip of her water bottle, turning away with a hair flip.
Riley is enthralled with the video, deep in thought. Jack’s words are resonating with her, leaving their impact.
Jack: The question is, where do the best of the best come from? Who has what it takes to join our elite and excellent rank of future artists? Do you?
That is the question, indeed. Riley glances up, determination in her glare as she looks towards the camera. Guess we’re going to find out!
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “One (Reprise) / Finale” as performed by A Chorus Line Original Broadway Cast || Performed by AAA Sophomores
This classic intense theater kid song takes us through the end of the episode, following each of our main characters through their morning routine at the start of the next day during the first half of the number. This gives us a little bit of insight into what might be going on in their lives beyond what we’ve seen displayed thus far…
Maya is in her small, falling apart apartment, kissing her stressed mom on the cheek as she goes out despite how well dressed she is. Talk about expectation versus reality -- she is obviously on the poverty line. Her outward appearance is in complete contrast to the world she’s actually living in every evening.
Zay is gathering all his dance things together, getting pats and kisses from his parents as he dashes out the door. He almost drops his ballet shoe, but his mother catches it and gives it to him, clearly showing he’s a little more scattered than he puts off.
Charlie is getting ready for the day, dancing around a house full of sisters. He’s fighting for the bathroom just as a younger sister dashes inside, forcing him to run downstairs and get ready to go anyway. His mother licks her thumb and wipes a smudge from his cheek, as his father gives him a proud nod and sees him on his way.
The crucifix adorning the wall by the front door gives us the hint that this family is devout, to some degree. How much so, and whether that matters, only time will tell...
Isadora is eating breakfast in a crowded kitchen, trying to avoid bumping into a gaggle of siblings of all races and ages. She is a foster child, crammed in a fancy house with about twelve other children. Nice accommodations, and yet still not quite a home.
It’s obviously not the most ideal environment for her. She heads out the door as fast as she can.
Lucas is already at school early in the morning, in the technician’s booth where Riley left him last. He finishes pulling a black long sleeve shirt over his head, collapsing into the rolling chair and propping his feet up on the lightning board table. He starts flossing his teeth, treating the space like his own rather than school property.
One has to wonder… did he even go home? Is there a home to go to? What’s going on here…
Farkle, lavish and spoiled in a clearly wealthy home, is practicing his stage smile in the mirror. Totally straight-faced, then BAM! Full bright, stage presence grin. Over and over again. Obsessively adjusting his hair. Every polished piece in place. A constant performance…
As the trumpets swell before the final chorus, Riley arrives outside AAA again. She’s ready for her second go. Having what it takes.
She steadies her shoulders, then jogs up the steps towards the school.
Bam! As we enter into the final minute of the performance, Riley spins and the spotlight hits her. The full sophomore A class performers are up on stage, running through the show-stopping number. She’s keeping up -- barely, but she is. And that’s a start.
From the booth, Shawn, Isadora, and Lucas run the lights and sound levels. Watching the performance critically from a world away…
In the back row of the center section, Jack sits and watches the performance. Taking a moment out of his hectic schedule to settle in and appreciate what they’re doing there, watching the future artists take the foundation and flourish. He smiles, in spite of it all, reminding himself what really matters.
The kids give it their all, ending the number with a flourish. The lights are bright, Riley is alive with the energy of a good performance.
Welcome to Adams, indeed. This is it!
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siodium · 4 years
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came across this korean mystery vn and i knew i had to get it bc someone commented that it had a similar feel to danganronpa/zero escape O: seems like i have a type
i usually don’t prefer to get digital copies of games but there was really no choice... i heard the physical copy is sold out in korea and resales are going for 200 USD ain’t nobody got money for that
i don’t think anyone i know is gonna purchase this game and play for themselves and i can’t share the game either bc it’s a digital copy sooo i’m gonna write a review~ please enjoy!!
basically the plot goes as such: the survival reality tv show Buried Stars was about to commence the finals of its current season with the remaining five contestants when the building suddenly collapses. most of the audience and staff members were safely evacuated except for seven ppl (the five contestants and two staff members) who are trapped in the wreckage with just their smartwatches that connects them to the outside world via calls (problematic bc they can only call a restricted number of ppl and the signal inside is shit) and phater (bootleg twitter). after trying to make some calls, everyone was then told that the rescue team would take around six hours to break into the collapsed building to get them out.
ok so they just have to wait it out... in an unstable building that can come down at any moment. cool.
then!!! they find the producer’s dead body, seemingly a victim to the falling debris!! they’re down to six survivors now.
despite the circumstances, voting is still ongoing and some rando on phater claims that the contestant in the last place will die as if the atmosphere wasn’t bad enough.
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this is your smartwatch interface!! most of the functions are pretty useless with regards to the actual gameplay but it’s just fun to play around with them i guess
for e.g. you can change the background and ringtone but they don’t affect anything
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there’s this feature that keeps track of changes that occur when you pick certain conversation topics during communication rounds and it’s really useful for replays!! too bad it doesn’t keep track of sanity changes in mc
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this is the mc!! even though he looks like he would be a tsundere punk he’s actually very soft?? kinda like saihara but with a bit more spine
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i lowkey ship them bc of their interactions alsjdkasjs jUST LOOK AT THIS
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i was expecting there to be a lot of mysteries but given the circumstances i guess it makes sense to not have that many... there’s no murder mystery if it happened in an accident site and looked like an accident you see
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a lot of conversation topics focus on the character’s backstory and stuff so you get to learn more about the characters while waiting for rescue (one of the goals of this game is actually to collect characters’ profiles!)
bonding through a shared traumatic experience sounds reasonable
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did i mention that the cutscenes are fully voiced (either in korean or japanese depending on your preference)?? i played it in korean for my first gameplay for ~Optimal Experience~ but i switched to japanese in subsequent plays bc i wanted to be able to understand what the characters were saying without reading the text
the only thing that throws me off is that characters are given japanese names in the japanese dub but the in-game text still uses their korean names??? why
my boi gyu-hyuk is voiced by takuya eguchi and hyesung is voiced by shimono hiro (i actually doubted my ears at first bc hyesung sounds angry 24/7 and i only know shimono’s derpy zenitsu and troll ouma voices sweats;;) wOW 👍👍👍
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the first ending is the same for everyone even if you picked the best options
they call it a “normal end” but tbh it’s a bad end bc everyone dies and nothing is resolved
after you clear the game for the first time you will get to replay from the start but your options will change so you can proceed towards other routes!! yay
oh yeah in case anyone is wondering this game is rated T and bodies are shown in the form of a silhouette with non-explicit close-ups during investigation so if you can’t handle graphic stuff it’s not too bad
warning: from here on there will be spoilers for the true ending and other endings!! stop scrolling if you have even the slightest intention to play the game
collected all the endings after 30ish hours of gameplay!! i wanted to strive for 100% completion in achievements but i’m not sure how to get some stuff... might go back and try other options in the future
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in the true route you receive help from this random phater user plughole aND I JUST LOVE THE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN HIM AND DO-YOON LMAO
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idk if anyone tried to guess who the real culprit is but it turned out to be
my boi gyu-hyuk......
he had his reasons (not trying to say he did no wrong) and it’s just unfortunate that things turned out this way
while playing, i thought to myself... if there was one person i would glue do-yoon to throughout the entire game it would be gyu-hyuk... bc i was certain he wouldn’t hurt do-yoon
i was right tho... even in some routes where do-yoon catches him in the act, gyu-hyuk didn’t try to silence him
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i don’t know much about korean law but he has THREE murder charges on him whicH SOUNDS LIKE DEATH SENTENCE
i’m sad bc there’s no way to save my boi even in his best ending
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plughole visits you in the hospital in the true ending!! he is also a troll irl it seems
he was kinda sus in the beginning but i really hoped that he was a Good Guy to keep do-yoon sane in the wreckage
and i’m glad he was
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do-yoon looks super baby in his hospital clothes
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he was not kidding when he said that his actions were bc of his sister (who is a hardcore fan of do-yoon) lmao
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aaa the girls are doing great after their treatment!! they visit do-yoon too!!
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yeah i also want to know why do-yoon is the only one still hospitalised with all those bandages when everyone else is fine but i guess maybe he got injured when he protected gyu-hyuk from falling debris at the start of the game
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if you don’t find out the true culprit of the murders gyu-hyuk goes free and he visits you every day in the hospital aND SAYS STUFF LIKE THIS
ugh it hurts me
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there’s also a joke ending (when you pick the “i’m the attacker” option lmao) which i appreciate a lot!! something to lighten the tense mood is what i crave for in games like this
somehow i feel like it’s even scarier than the usual atmosphere bc of how ooc everyone acts
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there’s a horror route that you can enter by using the “laboratory” conversation topic on everyone and expressing how much it creeps you out
and the entire game shifts in genre to actual horror (like with paranormal activities)
IT WAS REALLY SCARY AND THERE WERE HANDS EVERYWHERE AND EVERYONE WAS ACTING WEIRD ASLJELKASJ i had my eyes closed half the time and i regret playing on my monitor
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i didn’t take many screenshots bc as i mentioned my eyes were not looking at the screen for most part but i hope that you can kinda understand where i’m coming from with these two screenshots
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the game is actually split into two major routes (A and B) which differ in who gets saved and who dies
you can only start on the B route after you get the true ending which is in the A route
unfortunately there is no route where everyone (even if you exclude the producer bc she dies before do-yoon regains consciousness at the start of the game) survives TT
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if hyesung and seil survive then gyu-hyuk kills himself and leaves a note but do-yoon tears it up so we don’t know what he wrote
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overall a solid mystery vn with beautiful graphics and enough routes to keep you occupied for many hours!! i highly recommend following a walkthrough bc it’s not an easy game if you want to collect all the possible endings and achievements
cuz there are minor changes to the epilogue depending on how close you are with the characters
i actually don’t play a lot of VNs but i feel like all VNs need the route map thingy in AI: the somnium files
my only gripe about this game is prob the derpy translations which usually isn’t a big issue (imo at least) but for a game priced this high?? i expected better
anyway that’s all from me!! thanks for reading til the end hahah i wanted to write a srs review but i just ended up simping for gyu-hyuk
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riskeith · 4 years
hi babe, hope you slept well.. ♥️
answering on the phone is just *takes screenshots* *opens tumblr app* *switch between screenshots and answering* do you also put on my messages on the laptop and answering with your phone usually, because that’s what i do lmao sjshdks. thank god for technology.
(I LOVE BEING CALLED BRO.. i believe that i would’ve been a dudebro in another life tbh..) there is? i’m not super immersed in the fandom actually so i had no idea, do you have any examples? ofc only if you wanna talk about it i know these topics can sometimes be annoying to think about. also you’re right! ‘don’t like don’t read’ is the law. follow it. i can’t believe how some people have the nerve to talk about what other people do creatively... yikes
you should if you ever find yourself not knowing what to read! i think their fics were some of my first in the fandom and they set the bar so high hehe. dude i love how oikawa just wants to see kageyama burn it’s so funny..... he’s so cocky about it while kageyama’s just his moody self. speaking of; one of my fave fics of yours is the swapping jerseys one!
WTF 😭 BABY POOLS AND POOL FLOATIES..... razor please come back to us please. sidenote but do you also think that his powers are 5 star level? hes soo powerful it’s so odd how he’s only 4 star haha... or maybe it’s just me being biased.
YEAH! THE SAVING SCENE IS SO AHHHHH. god especially if they have dialogue while person a is hurting and person b just spills all their feelings and becomes so erratic and scared and person a is like holy shit you love me.... and after everything is okay there’s still some awkwardness and tension and aaa.... 💢💔
OOO. sadly the ps5 is always out of stock it’s crazy how fast it sold out. but i mean it makes sense it’s arguably the most popular console so.. hopefully they restock soon. last of us is such a fun game! and the second part is ~gay~ which is always a plus. i’m not sure which memes you mean? tell me 👁 HAHA that makes sense actually omg... lumine and aether reunion won’t happen until like two years if the updates keep coming the way they are (STOP THAT WOULD ACTUALLY BE SO FUNNY.... like hello if you want to unlock the rest of the story you either gacha $pin for it or you imagine it yourself love ♥️😗) talking about this makes me wonder what the other worlds might look like....
your followers are just here to witness us planning our co-op date sjsjdkdjskz. speaking of,,, hehe. i have some fantastic news. i’m at ar level 11 right now and co-op unlocks at level 16... i might just reach that tomorrow (today for you) so i’m just saying hehehehehehehehehehehe.... 😏♥️
BOWL CUT. my cutie little baby. also mullet? sounds nice omg you will probably rock that look... 😳 i’m a non mullet supporter but if cluna has a mullet then call me a yeehaw mullet lover i suppose. can’t believe my wife is a cowboy. OMG YEAH IT MUST FEEL SO NICE your head went bzz bzz. how long did it take for them to accept it? and yeah god ikr some people take hair so seriously which is fair but also i’ve never understood it... like it grows out..? wow you really went from a ballet girl to punk rock style huh. i feel like you’re the both sides of the ‘she was a punk she did ballet’ meme.
memo fic is a jealous fic? mmm smells good. I FIGURED jshdjdkhsjs slow songs are just not your forte, huh? rip. langst is the best yet worst thing ever tbh. and YEAH I DO we’re truly 🤝 ok literally mood sometimes it’s just nice to talk about how much you love a character through another character in a fic yk? so what if this 2k fic contains 1k words about how beautiful oikawa looks? it’s what iwa feels <3 (YOU’RE LEARNING!!!!!!! THATS SO EXCITING!! i guess you just have to drive me around, huh?)
oh i’m in love i’m with that fic my girl. and i knew about that spoiler it’s kind of hard to miss it since it’s everywhere skdhdkdhdk... god, that sounds so good thank you for sharing it. pining iwaizumi hajime >>>>>>>> the air i need to exist 🥺 
THE DAY IS SO SOON CLUNA, it’s literally here soooo soon holy shit i just can’t wait. i played for almost 6 hours today in a row like an idiot and now i never wanna see hilichurls again in my life but hey, one step closer to my baby. prepare yourself.. 😏
AWWW i had a feeling you’d be a tea person. but omg tea effects your sleep? how late is too late for you to drink it? what’s your favorite flavors? 👁 and i’m addicted to both shdkdhsks. i say addicted bc i literally have 6 cups of tea per day easily and like.. 1 or 2 coffee cups per day. it’s really bad but i can’t stop so.. 🙇🏽‍♀️
COLLEGE BOYFIES CLUNA. COLLEGE BOYFIES WITH DIP DYE HAIR. imagine them doing each other’s make up and nails before going to concerts together. imagine xiao in euphoria kind of make up. holy shit. here’s something for your overwhelmed heart jsdhjshska. xiaoven soulmates girl, no doubt about it. THE EDIT THE EDIT THE EDIT!!!! they just look so beautiful. we need scenes with them like Asap. the edit is based on a fic... notes down.
can’t wait to see your screenshots. super excited!!
xo, m.a. (i almost wrote my name down in a haste shshskdjdk... although you’ll find it out soon...)
hiya!! i slept alright~ ahaha
:o that’s smart! but no i don’t LOL whether i’m on my phone or my laptop i just continuously scroll up and down fhdskjfkhsdf i think that’s why i come close to missing some paragraphs some times oops. yay for the ~wonders of technology~
(AIGHT NICE AHAHHA fhsdkjfsh does that mean you’re a bit of a tomboy?) actually coincidentally i came across this thread: https://twitter.com/maxatsuomi/status/1350145589296685057 which gives you an idea lmao (also some things on there i wasn’t even aware of wtf) EXACTLY??? it’s even worse when non content creators try to come for content creators like?????????/ um you’re getting all this food for FREE and yet?????? lmfao the nerve of some people
i def will!! FKJSHFDSKJ yeah that do be their dynamic lolol. and thank you!! i too think i snapped on that one 😩😩 glad others agree ahahah
i actually haven’t really seen him in combat... and when we could trial him i was too busy trying to pass the quests to focus on how he fought fhdkfhsdkfjshf but i do think his abilities are cool!! he have wolf above head 🥺
YEAHHH BOYEEEEEEEEEEE god that reminds me of a scene from a drarry fic (What We Pretend We Can't See wink wonk)
oh damn!! hope they restock soon for your sake~ yissss ive watched a playthrough and omg lev.... my Son. i don’t think i can find the memes again but it was just about the bugs like how if you throw a grenade on the highway everyone will run out of their cars like a flashmob or something hfskfhsdjfkds. (LMAOOOOO) there’s actually a trailer with the other worlds! https://youtu.be/TAlKhARUcoY (it has spoilers tho supposedly lol. none we understand rn at least)
hdsfkhjs. omg you absolute legend!!!! but i also hope that you’re taking care of yourself and prioritising the important things too fhsfhdksdhf. but i am excited hehehehehe
AHHAAHKFHDSKJFSD pls... once i saw someone with an actual proper mullet on the bus and i was like “ew... keith would look like this irl?” FJSDHKFSAHKDASHDFSDJFKJFDSHFKJS. but what can i say i got influenced by all the kpop bois 😔 and hmmm idk? i think my dad didn’t care too much but ik my mum did/does fhsfskfsdfhkf so who knows lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. IT REALLY DOES GROW OUT LMAO LIKE. fhkshkfsdkj my cousin called me a rockstar when she saw it LOL so you’re prob right 🤪
yeah slow songs really just. aren’t LMAO ‘behind this mask of mine’ was based on a slow bts song and i put it in the playlist i had for it (bc obviously) but i wanted to skip it every time hfksjdhfskjdfhskfdkfhkslfhadksfjsdjhfkashkfjsdh. EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!! you are so correct. (hehehe i was gonna say that too that you don’t need to drive bc it’ll take you around 😏 LMAO)
fhkdsj thank!! legit pining iwa.......... more like pining ME mayhaps i just be self projecting 🤪🤪
lolol dw i can fight the hilichurls for you 😩 also who’s your fave enemy to fight! i used to like fighting the treasure hoarders most but the hilichurls are cute.. FHSKJDHFSDFKJSD plus i need their fucking masks my god why are their drop rates so shit hfsdhjfks
i’m not too sure actually? i’ve never been up early enough to test it but i like drinking tea like after dinner... which is the problem AHAHA. hmm well i like matcha a lot LOL but also chai? and then like black tea.... all the other ones too... i used to drink some fruity ones which were nice but we have a lot of the like basic chinese ones at home too and i enjoy those as well lol. wbu?? omg.... m.a........... dfhksdfkjhfkjshfksjd that’s a lot!!!!!!! do you even need to drink water then HKDSJFHKSDFHDKDSHFJKSDH
omg............. ive never seen euphoria LOL but ............. omg ...................... i cannot process thoughts rn.....
xoxo!! c.r. (you mean bc we’ll be playing co-op? you don’t have to if you’re uncomfy fhdskjf my genshin name was literally ‘aether’ up until yesterday FHDFHSDKFSDFJSHFKSDF)
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jo2ukes · 5 years
Hello! I’m hildahilda from tumblr and I saw you taking prompt requests for 50 ways to love your partner (which has become one of my fave dmileth fics). May I suggest... Dimitri and Byleth debating/arguing over political concerns or having long horse rides together? Just getting these ideas from their paired ending lol. Thank you!
HELLO LOVELY!!! Aaa your comments are always so sweet i always look forward to reading what you have to say slkdfjslkd  thank u for requesting smth ilysm~
I’m SO SORRY this took so long - I’ve been working on it off and on, but I slacked off too much at work last week so things kind of blew up and I’ve been living off of energy drinks. THAT BEING SAID, this is for YOU!!! I’m gonna upload to ao3 later as well, just not rn bc I’m at work lol :-)
spoilers for like. post game and blue lions stuff, though i tried to be pretty vague!
It was never typical for diplomatic meetings to go smoothly. Not that Dimitri is naïve enough to expect them to be easy. Even in times of peace, there are always areas for improvement. Dissatisfactions to be addressed. Relationships to maintain. Something about having his work cut out for him makes these meetings easier – though solving the issues are certainly more time consuming. Uniting Fódlan has been no small undertaking and he is grateful for all the assistance he receives from his friends. He is painfully aware that destruction is his forte – his hands and mind have only recently been converted to the goal of healing and restoration. To lead, you have to be able to both destroy and create, Byleth has told him. She’s right. United Fódlan and the relative peace they have now wouldn’t exist had he not destroyed Edelgarde and her dissenting Imperial forces. While the beast in him once relished in the idea of putting an end to El’s machinations, taking her life was one of the most painful trials he’s had to endure. The perspective motivates him. Encourages him to listen to his people and create a world where no destruction is needed, where no one is unjustly taken.
 He constantly reminds himself of this goal. It makes the sleepless nights worth it.
 The current roundtable has gone on for hours at least – Ferdinand, Lorenz, Byleth, Seteth and a handful of other nobles – mostly from former Faerghus territories – are in attendance. Unofficially, Ferdinand speaks for nobles of former Imperial territories, while Lorenz speaks for former Alliance territories. They’ve been instrumental in the restructuring efforts. While the three of them were not particularly close before, Dimitri counts them among his close friends now.
 “I hate to mention it on top of everything else,” Ferdinand bites his lip, “but there’s one last item I feel needs to be addressed before we adjourn. We’ve had trouble with the Western Church in the Aegir territory. We’ve repelled a few initial attacks. At first we thought it was bandits, but… well, we’ve confirmed the worst. Normally, my pride would never allow asking for assistance, but with our resources and attention spread out as it is, namely correcting my father’s corruption, I’m not sure this is a matter I can handle solely on my own. I don’t want to cause any more chaos in my territory than need be.”
 “You are correct to bring it up,” Dimitri says, furrowing his brow. “Aegir territory is a long way to go to cause trouble.”
 “If the Western Church is mobilizing again, it will certainly affect the trade routes we’ve established,” Lorenz observes. “The few merchants that can afford to travel certainly can’t afford losses to their inventory or company. Our trade routes are the most vulnerable. As former Imperial lands are in the most chaos, what with the complete restructuring needed post-war., it makes sense the Western Church, whatever their goals may be, would seek to cause disruptions there. If we truly seek to provide aid and maintain good relations with the nobles in the south, surely this conflict requires more attention. Wouldn’t you agree?” He looks back at Ferdinand.
 “Respectfully, yes,” Ferdinand nods solemnly. “Though, I understand the Central and Western Churches have their summit planned later this month, which surely makes matters precarious.”
 Eyes turn to Byleth and Seteth.
 “You are correct,” Seteth nods, addressing the nobles. “We are aware certain sects of the Western Church are mobilizing, though we had not heard of any activity in the Aegir territory. You can trust the matter will be dealt with. Her Grace has asked that I lead a fraction of the Knights of Seiros to investigate these disturbances while she attends the summit later this month. Ashe wrote to us several weeks ago, disclosing Western Church movements in the Gaspard territory once again. Since then, we’ve been keeping a watchful eye.”
 “How watchful, if they are mobilizing in areas you are not aware of?” Lorenz asks. “Your Grace, your Highness, I know the Church is quite busy with restructuring efforts, but perhaps it would be wise to focus more resources in this area.” He taps his upper lip thoughtfully. “Perhaps if we sent forces that were not affiliated with the Church it wouldn’t complicate things at the summit. The Western Church can feel safe in trusting the Central Church, and the people can feel safe that something is being done about these attacks.”
 “I agree,” Dimitri hums after a beat. “Very well. Seteth, I want you to take some of Fhirdiad’s knights with you. As things are a little more stable in the capital than anywhere else, it is less of a burden on our resources. Ingrid and her company should be available, I believe. I’ll send word they’re to accompany you back to the monastery. I’ll want to be kept in the loop, of course.”
 “With all due respect, your Majesty,” Byleth says, clearing her throat, and breaking her silence, “this is a Church affair. While I appreciate your offer for assistance, we must decline.”
 “On the contrary,” Dimitri shakes his head, “It stopped being a Church affair when it started threatening to plunge all of United Fódlan into another war, your Grace. These are not random attacks, they seem rather targeted.”
 “The Western Church simply does not have the resources or manpower to launch a full-scale war,” she shakes her head. “I do not believe that is their intention this time. They’re recovering just the same as the rest of Fódlan. If you’ll remember, the last time the Western Church created conflicts, there was a larger power at play. As relations with the Western Church are already delicate at best, I’d ask that you let us investigate internally first, at least until the summit has concluded. A month’s time, that’s all I’m asking.”
 “It is not that I distrust your ability to manage your own, I simply wish to prevent further harm to the already suffering villages.”
 “I understand your concern, your Highness. My wishes are the same,” she straightens her back, looking him square in the eye. She looks truly regal and imposing. For a moment Dimitri thinks it’s a shame the others get to observe her in her authoritative splendor, that it’s not a look only he can witness. But the thought only lasts a moment – he’s more than familiar with that determined glint in her eye. He’s in for a fight.
 “However,” she continues, “I cannot hope to restore faith in the Church if we are constantly shown to be unable to handle our own. Say what you will, but Edelgarde’s war has damaged the Church’s reputation, strengthened seeds of distrust. Whether that distrust was well-placed or not is of no consequence. The reputation of the Church must be restored. Through transparency, through rooting out corruption and self-serving officials, so be it, but it must be handled by the Church. We’ve only just concluded a war built on that same distrust – what message would it send if the King had to step in? How would that offer any reassurance to the people that things are different?”
 “You suggest, then, that the people will be more willing to accept the Church should be allowed to continue to govern its own?” he asks, folding his arms.
 “I’m suggesting we be given a chance to prove ourselves. If the leaders cannot trust the Church, the people cannot hope to hold the same faith.”
 “It is a risk,” Ferdinand interjects, “but I believe Her Grace has a point. Restoring faith in the Church should be a priority, and that task begins with our actions here.”
 Lorenz and Seteth both begin to speak, but whatever they start to say is lost to Dimitri and he focuses on his wife’s voice, rising above the others. When she and Dimitri disagree on topics, the others in the room cease to exist to the two of them. While they do not always agree, he trusts her above all else. He respects and values her opinion, as she has led him down the right path time and time again.
 “Rather than bandaging a severed limb,” Byleth continues, “We should treat the root of the problem. I believe this is not the Western Church, but some unnamed force. Without revealing too much of my own hand, I have reason to believe Edelgarde’s… unsavory allies may have resurfaced.”
 “Is this truly information that should be held by the Church alone?”
 “For the time being, yes,” Byleth nods. “As you said, we do not want to cause further damage to those that are already suffering. Mobilizing too early may do just that. Again, a month is all I ask.”
 “If Ingrid and her company were instead mobilized to the Aegir territory to assist in repelling potential attacks in the meantime, would that be sufficient?” Dimitri asks. It’s more of a thought than a command. He’s willing to let Byleth win this round as he can’t begin to fathom some of the complications that come with running the Church. He takes an interest, supporting her how he can. In private, she tells him of her duties and concerns – an odd topic of conversation for pillow talk, but he likes that she trusts him with some of her burdens and worries, as she’s helped him shoulder his own for so long.
 His main goal is to protect the people. Byleth has always been better at keeping her attention toward the future, while his attention is usually focused on the short term. Perhaps it’s one of the reasons their compromises work so well. Sending troops to assist Ferdinand would fulfill his intention of keeping the villagers safe, at least until the end of the summit. Not to mention, the increase in feelings of unity.
“I have no qualms with that solution,” Byleth says, a smile forming at the corners of her mouth.
 “We would be grateful for your assistance,” Ferdinand addresses Dimitri, giving a slight bow of his head. “I’m humbled, your Majesty.”
 “It’s settled then. I will pass word along to Ingrid,” he scribbles a note for himself. “In the meantime, perhaps we should adjourn for the evening?”
 A collective sigh of relief seems to spread throughout the hall. The various lords stand, bowing to Dimitri before exiting, ready to rest and enjoy the few hours of downtime they have before meetings resume again the next morning, servants coming to escort them to their various rooms. Ferdinand and Lorenz excuse themselves as well, familiar enough with the castle they feel comfortable roaming the halls without guidance.
 Once the room is empty, Dimitri turns to his wife who stands behind him.
 “I thought that went rather well,” he says, offering his hand. She takes it. “Though the Archbishop seems quite determined to give me a hard time,” he jokes. She squeezes his hand gently.
 “You’ll have to forgive her, your Majesty. I hear she’s rather stubborn,” she smiles up at him before standing on her tiptoes and placing a kiss on his cheek.
 “If that is official guidance from my Queen, I suppose I shall take it under advisement,” he laughs. The two of them walk hand in hand through the corridors. “You’re sure the investigation into the Western Church won’t be difficult for you, beloved? I worry about your safety.”
 “I can’t promise the investigation won’t come without dangers,” she replies truthfully, “but I will exercise caution. I have Seteth watching out for me.” She sighs, her mood immediately lightening, “At any rate, that’s enough talk of politics and official business. I asked Cyril to saddle the horses before sundown. If I haven’t been too stubborn, perhaps you’d like to join me?”
 “I’m quite fond of your stubbornness, you know,” he smiles, letting her lead the way to the stables.
 “I know,” she laughs.
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wooahaes · 2 years
heyo daisy dont feel bad/pressured abt updating uts, your health and well-being are way more important than posting !! hope the rest of your weekend goes better <3
aaa thank u :( like... i know my health/well-being (+ my schoolwork, tbh) is more important than sitting around n writing fanfic. i think ive just been feelin a lil useless lately too so its all just piling up into one mushy pile of 'bleh' feelings that are finally too high to ignore, if that makes sense?
i might kick back after i write this essay due tomorrow and just... idk, vibe. maybe ill write if i genuinely feel like it, maybe i wont.
at least im like... doing some self care shit ive been putting off. cleaning my room a bit, washing my bedding, taking a bath bc my hair is gross rn and its been a few days but depression y'know?
honestly i might post two things (three, but the thirds just the masterlist for it) i wrote a while back. pretty much all my series are sort of "im posting as i feel" (which should just be both UtS and this other one if im feeling it) right now.
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tumblunni · 6 years
The half week milestone of the hospital house thingie time! I think the term they use for it is "a residential stay"? Cos like its not a hospital its a shared housing block thats just full of doctors. I get to sleep in a real bed and there's a nice community room and board game nights and stuff. But its still really scary how intense the supervision can be! Like they have a window to look into your room once per hour every hour constantly. And they have to go through your undies and catalog them as part of the possessions check. I was not warned about that and it was mega embarassing trying to explain a binder to a bunch of old lady doctors! Oh and i had yo do a urine test today which was possibly the most fuckin embarassing thing in the actual universe. And you're not even allowed to take your own pills! They keep them locked in a big ominous wall of lockers and you have to come into the office and swallow the pill while theyre watching. I guess maybe because some people might be faking their illness and selling their pills on the black market or whatever? But that literally doesnt happen with antidepressants, they have no 'high' or even any effect at all on non-sick people. So it just makes no sense to me and its real embarassing cos like i said i suck at taking pills with plain water and without a straw. The ones i take are real damn chunky things the size of my thumbnail! I think i'l get better at not (literally) choking under pressure over time, tho. Hopefully.
Anyway that's all the bad out of the way! Now the good and the neutral and the just miscellaneous!
Its still nervewracking having to shower in a shared house but they have a cool walk-in shower and ive never tried one of those so it was vaguely interesting. And im allowed to take my showers early at 6am to minimize the chance of anyone else trying to use the door, lol. My biggest fear is having some staff member walk in on me when im naked like back in that homeless hostel. Oh or that time in the homeless hostel where the teenage boys filled the entire bathroom with inflated condoms wall to wall. Like wow so much damn effort to prank the stupid nervous bunni who probably would have been embarassed by literally anything else. Man this place is bringing so many memories of that homeless hostel but at least this time its a place specifically for sick people and they know i'm anxious doing shared cooking and board games and whatever so they dont make fun of me for it. But in a lot of ways that hostel had more freedoms too.. *shrug*
Anyway! A good! I get to have cooking lesson!! I know literally nothing about cooking and now i get to know several thing!! This nice doctor called Josie taught me how to make an omelette and i tasted ham for the first time! That is just how limited my life experiences are, lol. Oh and they want me to say that she's a 'mental health worker' not a doctor, but its all real confusing?? Like they have the staff that look after you and then the only ones we're supposed to call doctors are the ones who actually have the authority to prescribe pills and diagnosies. But like if youre in a hospital you'd call them all doctors, not just the actual surgeon? Or i guess theyre kinda like nursing home staff?? But they cant be support workers cos support workers are specific government assigned inspector type guys like Richard who only meet with you once a week.and i have to remember to not call him a social worker either cos social workers only work with family and custody related stuff. I dunno?? Basically the medical industry has a lot of names that dont really describe what the actual thing is, lol. Anyway the ham omelette was great and now im gonna try and remember so i can try and make it myself next time! HAM ACCOMPLISHED
Also i played bingo with a few other patients and it was fun but funny that i lost 6 times in a row when there were only 3 of us. I got a consolation prize of a pack of neon highlighter pens so hell yeah!!
I'm getting booked in to try some additional classes starting next week on monday and tuesday morning. The computer programming one was sadly unavailable, but i managed tp snag a place in "confidence building group therapy" and "basic how to use power tools". I wasnt really all that interested in that one but i thought it would be a useful skill even if its less fun. And maybe you get to actyally make something to take home at the end? A lil shelf to help organize this awkward lil room better, maybe?
And an unexpected bonus of being semi-hospitalized is that i get a free bus pass! And cos im here cos of my social anxiety theyre gonna help me get outside more and actually use this thing to the fullest! The first thing we did was the trip to actually get the bus pass itself. It was like "bus, take my money to take me to the place where i can never give you money again!" XD Ive been really stupidly nervous about going on tne bus in my old neighbourhood cos MAN it was really isolated there and everything just amplified my mental illness. An almost two hour bus ride to get to ANY SHOPS AT ALL, with only one bus for the whole town so it was always crowded and full of screaming kids and gossipy everyones. Social anxiety: maximum level proud mode!
So yeah i feel BIG ACCONPLISHED! I was able to take this bus for the first time with a doctor coming with me. Power Grandpa The Strong. His actual name is Paul and he has awesome sleeve tattoos of like anchors and dragons and sports teams and stuff! And he likes thrift stores and wearing silly hats too! Its like he's powerful enough to wrestle away everyone's anxieties! I was able to be a bit reckless too and i went out wearing my fave shirt thats like trans pride coloured plaid. A POWERFUL SHIRT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS QUEST! so we went to the office to register this bus pass and i panicked a bit cos apparantky we brought the wrong form and i wrote my name in the wrong box and then my passport photo looked terrible and aaa! But it all worked out and i was kinda freaking out for nothing. And he took me for a lil tour of the place and showed me this cool shop that does spray paint tye dye t shirts with spiderman on them?? Why does this incredibly specific shop exist and how have i never heard of it before?? There was also a new harry potter shop next to the disney shop, and the old used book store i used to visit as a kid was still there, complete with rickety spiral staircase and ominous basement trap door. I'm still not brave enough to go down there, but apparantly its just the history books section so meh. Then we actually went to a fancy coffee shop and i had this brain freeze mango ice frappucchino thing! Im trying all the new foods!!
And i was TOO HIGH ON DECADENCE and made a RECKLESS CHOICE! i blame power gramp's amazing tattoos, they were totally whispering to me that i shoukd screw the rules and ride off into the sunset on a metaphorical harley davidsen of mental health
So i was like Hey Paul I Am Totally Fine Getting Home On My Own, and it was like i was floating off in the distance somewhere begging my body to not speaketh these words. But it ended up working out okay! The excitement of it all and the sense of accomplishmebt from getting there all okay allowed me to mostly not freak out as i spent the day in town and looked at some shops and stuff. Basic Living Skills: Completed! I chilled out in the library (tho i dont have a card yet, alas!) and visited like five comic and anime stores, and got lost but found a Pizza Hut and that was SO NOSTALGIC FOR MY CHILDHOOD and it didnt taste quite as good as i remembered but the waiter guy was super nice and had a similar shirt and it was All Good! Oh and i gave all my money to a homeless person and that's why i'm broke now. And i bought a plastic slug! I just saw it from across the room and was like OH NO I AM BEING MAGNETISED TOWARDS IT OH NO IT HAS ALREADY BEEN BOUGHT. I need to think of a name for this new friend!!
So yeh i got home okay and i felt really acconplished and that was the furthest trip away that i've taken in ages! Man my mental illness makes me feel pathetic, but it also brings ridiculously big joys from the smallest of silly acconplishys!
Oh and thank you so much to the people who sent me emails! It really helped so much to keep me from giving up during the first few days before i made a bit of progress and felt like i could really do this, yknow? Especially big thanks tp the friend who sent me that mysterious super happy song that they found on a mystery disc in a german market?? Im still not sure whether its in greek or hasidic jewish but it sounds AMAZING and i hope someday i can figure out the band so i can hear their other singles!
Ok this is bunni out! BIG HUGS FOR THE EVERYONE AAAA
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ozgeersoy · 3 years
Publishing as Method: In Conversation with Ozge Ersoy and Paul C. Fermin
On publishing cultures and trends, conceptualisations of “Asia,” and care and community during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
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This interview was originally conducted in December 2020 for the publication anthology of Publishing as Method (curator Lim Kyung-yong) in ArtSonje Center, Seoul. As part of this project, around forty initiatives around Asia were interviewed about their publishing activities, including archives, artist-run spaces, collectives, publishing houses, bookshops, art book fairs, and design studios. The conversation with Özge Ersoy, AAA’s Public Programmes Lead, and Paul C. Fermin, AAA’s and IDEAS Journal’s Managing Editor, is shared below. It has been updated and revised for IDEAS Journal.
Lim Kyung-yong (LKY): It seems that the small publishing culture is now quite active in Hong Kong. So is the annual Hong Kong Art Book Fair. What is the reason for the emergence of this kind of publishing culture in Hong Kong? Many artists or curators seem to use these publications as a stage for themselves, and as this publishing culture spreads throughout Asia, cooperation projects through publishing are increasing. How does AAA diagnose this trend?
Özge Ersoy & Paul C. Fermin (ÖE & PCF): We’re just as excited about all the book fairs and small publishing and distribution platforms that have emerged in Hong Kong in the last ten years—Small Tune Press, Zine Coop, Display Distribute, and Queer Reads Library, immediately come to mind—they breathe so much life into the scene. We believe publications made by these independent publishers are sites where art history is being circulated and contested, and that their voices are critical for a fuller understanding of lived realities on the ground—narratives unable to make it past the usual gatekeepers, or that do not register in, say, more academic discourses. That’s one reason they’re part of our Library Collection.
At the same time, there’s a much longer history around art publishing in Asia that we are committed to study and share with our communities. It Begins with a Story: Artists, Writers, and Periodicals in Asia—the 2018 symposium AAA organised in collaboration with The Department of Fine Arts at The University of Hong Kong, and the second symposium presented at Focal Point in collaboration with the Sharjah Art Foundation—was inspiring on this point, as it explored the countless ways periodicals have acted as sites of exhibition, artistic experimentation, and art history making, while shaping communities around them. For instance, Anthony Leung Po-Shan presented a paper on a group of Hong Kong artists invited to write and develop works for the Hong Kong newspaper Mingpao in the early 2000s, playing a crucial role in connecting art with society and politics.
On IDEAS Journal, we also have pieces that do the work of historicising various publishing cultures. Our former AAA colleague Michelle Wong wrote about three moments of art writing circulation in Hong Kong, with one of her case studies stretching back to the 1960s. Display Distribute wrote an ambitious piece that historicised zines and independent publishing cultures in East and South East Asia, locating alternative trajectories to the usual Western-dominated narratives in the region. Artist Merve Ünsal wrote about the prominence of self-publishing practices of artists and art initiatives in Istanbul, helping us understand it as, in part, a response to the lack of public funding and institutional support, and also a symptom of the need of self-historicisation in a geography ridden with coups, ruptures, and ideological shifts—and this is important to acknowledge.
Karen Cheung reminds us that smaller publishing platforms, especially with regards to zines, have been proliferating because they’re ideally suited to responding—real-time—to ongoing events and movements, given their low costs, ease of production, the fact that they’re less beholden to gatekeepers and institutional constraints, and how in many ways they capture visceral and affective perspectives often neglected in more traditional publishing platforms. Zines come to be a “perfect representation of the spirit of camaraderie and mutual support amongst strangers at protests.” A question we’re starting to ask, so powerfully articulated by Joy James (credit to Eunsong Kim for this reference), is the extent to which acts of care and support under situations like these become stabilising functions of what she calls the “captive maternal.” An open question for which we don’t have any good answers in the context of Hong Kong.
That said, it’s important to acknowledge that practitioners in the cultural field operate under ever increasing precarity, and so whatever “emergence” or “trend” we’re seeing must also be understood as adaptations to decreasing social safety nets across the board, including for many artists and writers and freelancers lumped into that category euphemistically called “flexible labour.” Attempting to navigate the high barriers to entry—internships, gatekeepers, cultural capital, proximity to “global cities,” not to mention discrimination faced along various axis including race, class, gender—these all contribute to what Byung-Chul Han diagnoses as our “burnout society” (credit to Patrick Blanchfield for this reference). In this sense, the “cooperation projects” you’re noting, and perhaps we can also add the increased attention to “mutual aid” projects, come to be means of survival and solidarity under neoliberal precarity. While none of this is news at this point, we feel it is important to reiterate.
LKY: Within a heavily capitalised and highly developed society like Hong Kong and Singapore, a role seems to be required to produce knowledge or information and classify it. For example, we can expect various roles from Singapore for the practice of art in Southeast Asia. I wonder how AAA recognises “Asian” art, how AAA understands and conceptualises “Asia.”
ÖE & PCF: AAA gets the “Asia” question a lot—and for good reason. Lee Weng Choy even wrote an essay about it in 2004, in which he opens by wondering how often AAA deals with the “Asia” versus “Asian” distinction.
While it may seem like a hedge to say that’s an impossible question, and that any response risks a number of essentialising and reifying moves—really, one sense in which we understand “Asia” is as this endlessly constructed, contested, and contradictory space. It is imagined. It is historical and material. It is produced and reproduced.
“Asia” as a signifier has been wielded aspirationally as an organising principle for transnational solidarity or so-called “Pan-Asian” unity, while also being deployed for more nationalistic, imperial expansion. We like how David Xu Borgonjon, who we worked with on a solid IDEAS essay about the racial politics of art school recruitment, noted that “Asian” is also a fetish category. Because while Weng distinguishes “Asian” as an adjective (characterising something as “Asian” in its essence), against “Asia” as a signifier of a more “deliberately complex, contested, and constructed site,” David makes a distinction between “Asian” as “a biopolitical concept of race” versus “Asia” as “a geopolitical concept of place.” Lots of ways to frame this.
You also see “Asia” crop up in the competitive logic of “global cities” (as outlined by Saskia Sassen)—for example in the Brand Hong Kong campaign, launched by the government in 2001, where they attempted to rebrand HK itself as “Asia's World City”—this marketing/PR/branding exercise in turn becoming another site of ideological contestation for actors across the political spectrum.
But that discussion seems like a quaint, distant memory, with all the structural and material violence being unleashed, literally, everywhere right now in 2021. Stuart Hall put it so powerfully when he questioned his own discipline of cultural studies, asking “what in God’s name is the point”—given the urgency on the streets. He added that anybody taking these issues seriously as an intellectual practice “must feel, on their pulse, its ephemerality, its insubstantiality, how little it registers, how little we’ve been able to change anything or get anybody to do anything.”
Your question also raises the issue of knowledge production and circulation. Elite capture and co-optation is a very real thing, something Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò has written about quite persuasively. Who are these sorts of discourse ultimately for? What structures do they obscure and reproduce? How is the very discourse itself structured in advance by the subject positions of the speakers in relation to the state? Jackie Wang reminds us how market logics are often behind the compulsion to brand one’s analysis as the latest “hot take,” how you’re pushed to distinguish yourself and set yourself apart from others—as opposed to how your work builds upon and is in conversation with others—and basically how damaging this is for knowledge production.
On that point, it’s only right for us to acknowledge some people and institutions who have been influential for the two of us on the “Asia” question—especially the ways they help trouble narratives centring the nation-state or region in Asia, which in turn helps us see critical differences, entanglements, and linkages across these arbitrary demarcations. Climate change, for example, is no respecter of national borders—and groups like Feral Atlas have spoken to this point—“nature” as something that precedes and exceeds the human. At the same time, Iyko Day cautions us that certain calls to move “beyond the human” assume—and problematically so—a shared humanity that can be deconstructed in the first place, instead re-inscribing the very Eurocentric frameworks we hope to disrupt.
And then there’s also Third Text Asia and Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, or more recently the fascinating work by folks at Verge: Studies in Global Asias. Individual scholars like Chen Kuan-Hsing, more specifically his 2010 book Asia as Method, still gets a lot of traction too—even if in productive disagreement—challenging us to think of Asia as itself a site that generates theory (not simply a site for “Western speculation”), enabling certain decolonial efforts. But we'd also like to acknowledge our indebtedness to scholars like Iyko Day, Shih Shu-mei, Lisa Lowe, Neferti X. M. Tadiar, Raewyn Connell, all our AAA Researchers—the list could go on—with the main point being that we aren’t thinking in isolation, and that countless others have been thinking longer and deeper about these issues—and one challenge for us has been enquiring into what’s actually helpful for clarifying the stakes, or what’s simply a form of co-opting or re-inscripting of the status quo.
Two of AAA’s own projects on the “Asia” question include Mapping Asia in 2014, and more recently the MAHASSA project, spearheaded by our AAA Researchers led by John Tain, which brings together a diverse group of faculty and emerging scholars to investigate parallel and intersecting developments in the cultural histories of Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. We present this project in partnership with The Dhaka Art Summit and Institute for Comparative Modernities at Cornell University, with support from the Getty Foundation’s Connecting Art Histories initiative, and have organised several talks and panels alongside closed-door sessions. For us, one of the most generative discussions involved the politics of famine in the context of anticolonial and antiauthoritarian struggles in South Asia and North Africa, and how social realism and abstraction responded to narratives of nationalism. The hope is to better understand common and divergent trajectories in cultural histories within Asia and across regions, rather than trying to find the definitive word on what Asia might be.
One last thing we want to say about this is that we aren’t actually walking around all day thinking about abstract notions of “Asia” and the impossibility of defining it—because no one is. (Well, actually, someone out there probably is…)
LKY: AAA has worked with many institutions, not only in Asia but also around the world. As you know, more and more countries around the world are now becoming culturally, politically, and economically conservative in their own interests. We experienced globalisation and took it for granted, but domestic centralism related to the coronavirus and minority hatred is also strengthening. How is this situation affecting your activities? AAA works on an invisible global art network, but it also seems that such a network is being threatened. I wonder how AAA recognises and responds to this situation.
ÖE & PCF: First, we want to express our gratitude to you and The Book Society, who in many ways are helpful models for responding to this trend—we want to ask you this same question! How do you do it? Every time we visit Seoul, we make it a point to visit your space, and last time we were touched to see a poster on your front door in support of Hong Kong. We also want to acknowledge your generous book donations to our library over the years. Even this very project is another instance of Book Society reaching out and thinking critically with institutions across the region. How can we continue to collaborate with and support you?
But, yes, your question notes the re-emergence of nationalistic and far-right movements across the globe. COVID-19 has exacerbated existing inequalities, and there continues to be a disproportionate effect on the same, already struggling communities. According to a recent World Health Organization report, low-income countries have received just 0.2 percent of all COVID-19 shots, while wealthier nations have received more than 87 percent. Some are referring to this as vaccine apartheid, as yet another example of this moment’s necropolitics. There is so much suffering and grief right now, more than any one person is able to properly frame or comprehend—it staggers us; it exceeds us.
Given the health crisis and the conservative pressures you mentioned, we are all pushed to think about existing structures for education, community, and care. Many of our collaborators across the region are asking how to re-imagine these structures, and our ongoing online conversation series Life Lessons started in response to these questions. Some examples include Melati Suryodarmo and Ming Wong speaking about traditional performance forms in Asia that influenced their teaching practice and the types of kinships they’ve developed around their work; Suzanne Lacy and Wu Mali discussing how social practice builds on feminism and ecology; Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh and Zeyno Pekünlü discussing collectivity as a form and method of learning, and the role of the university as both an enabler and an obstacle in developing collective pedagogical models.
Also, over the last year, AAA has made accessible several Research Collections that look at artist-driven initiatives that take mutual support and solidarity as their core values. Womanifesto, a feminist biennial programme that was active in Thailand from 1997 to 2008, is an example we would like to highlight. This initiative started with an exhibition in the mid-nineties to make space for women artists, and has evolved into a biannual event with exhibitions, workshops, residencies, and publications, which reflected the changing strategies in contemporary feminist thinking and practices. For those interested, we would recommend the discussion “Backyards and Neighbourhoods” that brought together artists Varsha Nair and Phaptawan Suwannakudt with scholar Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, where they discussed what has changed since the mid-1990s—around the time of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing—when women artists and curators sought to create spaces for visibility and representation.
Two other archival collections we would like to highlight were spearheaded by a team led by Chương-Đài Hồng Võ: Manila Artist Run Spaces Archive, featuring material on six initiatives active between the mid-eighties and the early 2000s, and Green Papaya Art Projects Archive, which comprises substantial materials on the longest active, artist-run organisation in Manila. Ringo Bunoan, who has been instrumental in the work around these archives, asks at what cost artist-run spaces in the Philippines adapt themselves to the current crisis characterised by pandemic fatigue and unfair practices in the arts field: “To be truly alternative now, artists must be part of the reckoning and reconfiguration of the structures that perpetuate divisions and inequalities that have long plagued the art scene in the country.”
As always, we keep learning from artists.
LKY: In addition to archive activities, AAA is engaged in activities such as research, publication, and exhibition. Please introduce some of them. In particular, I would appreciate it if you could explain AAA's publishing programme.
ÖE & PCF: AAA’s publishing practice started twenty years ago and has gone through many changes in form and content. At the beginning of AAA’s journey, our Co-founder and Director Claire Hsu printed 1,000 copies of the exhibition catalogue for China’s New Art: Post-1989 (1993), organised by Hanart TZ Gallery in Hong Kong, as she received its publication rights. AAA then sold the books as part of its first fundraising project, and the sales allowed AAA to hire its first librarian and start building its database. Later, AAA produced monographs like Wu Shanzhuan Red Humour International (in collaboration with Inga Svala Thórsdóttir) (2005) and From Reality to Fantasy: The Art of Luis Chan (2006). Between 2012 and 2015, AAA published four bilingual volumes of an e-journal called Field Notes, featuring contributions by more than one hundred scholars, critics, artists, and curators. Each issue focused on a theme: from the significance of archival practices in the region, to the popular Mapping Asia project that challenged our inherited notions of bounded territories, turning instead to myth, liminal spaces, and active entanglements.
More recently, AAA shifted gears and, since the last four years, has been focusing on its online publication IDEAS Journal, which allows for a more flexible and responsive publishing schedule. IDEAS commissions essays, conversations, and also more visually driven notes, with a rigorous yet hopefully unpretentious style for people who like reading things with clear stakes—in other words, propositions and analysis over merely descriptive commentary. IDEAS is more interested in new ways of thinking, rather than simply new things to think about. It’s important for us to acknowledge Claire Hsu and Doretta Lau for bringing IDEAS into being; Janet Chan, Emily Wong, and Chelsea Ma for being fabulous and editing its Chinese language version; and Karen Cheung, without whom we would be lost, heartless, and lacking a decent soundtrack for our emotional undercurrents. All the incredible writers we’ve gotten to work with deserve recognition here, too—IDEAS literally doesn’t exist without them. Christina Yuen Zi Chung was the first writer Paul was privileged to work with when he joined, and in many ways she continues to be the gold standard and inspiration for us both. It was such a pleasure working with her that we invited her back to do a public talk on “Reimagining Feminism in Hong Kong.” Shout-out to the brilliant Christina.
We also have an AAA office in Delhi with an amazing team headed by Sneha Ragavan, where they’ve lead research projects like the Bibliography of Modern and Contemporary Art Writing of South Asia, gathering more than 12,000 pieces of published art writing in thirteen languages from the twentieth century. This bibliography is available online as an interactive online database. They also collaborate with foundations and sponsor research grants around art writing, artistic research, and visual culture. Currently they’re working on a three-volume set of dossiers, which bring together art writing from the region.
Finally, we’ve also been building editorial collaborations and partnerships, such as Afterall’s Exhibition Histories series that we contribute to, along with the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College. This partnership has resulted in three publications so far: Artist-to-Artist: Independent Art Festivals in Chiang Mai 1992–98 (2018), FESTAC ’77 (2019), and Uncooperative Contemporaries: Art Exhibitions in Shanghai in 2000 (2020)—all focusing on exhibition histories.
LKY: What are your main projects now? I wonder about future plans.
ÖE & PCF: It’s AAA’s twentieth anniversary, and for us, this is an opportunity to celebrate all the artists and educators who have contributed to AAA and its communities. There are two ongoing exhibition projects we would like to highlight. The first is Learning What Can’t Be Taught at AAA Library, which looks at the major changes in art education in China from the 1950s to the 2000s through a selection of artworks, archival materials, and interviews. The exhibition focuses on six artists from three generations who were each other’s teachers and students at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou: Jin Yide, Zheng Shengtian, Zhang Peili, Geng Jianyi, Jiang Zhuyun, and Lu Yang. With this exhibition, we’re asking whether “artistic attitude” can be taught or passed down from one generation to another. In a text for Art & Education, Anthony Yung (who has been leading this research at AAA for the last decade) and Özge mention how Zheng Shengtian, who was born in 1935, studied art in the 1950s, and experienced the political turmoil in China in the second half of the twentieth century, has continued to test the boundaries of what is suitable for teaching and learning. When we recently asked Zheng about the moment when he turned from a student to an artist, he responded with a sentence that still resonates with his students: “I am still waiting for this moment to come.”
We are also excited about the exhibition Portals, Stories, and Other Journeys, which just opened at Tai Kwun Contemporary, and features newly commissioned works that engage the archive of the late artist Ha Bik Chuen, who was a self-taught sculptor and printmaker. Ha’s personal archive covers fifty years of art in Hong Kong. Curated by Michelle Wong, this exhibition invites artists Banu Cennetoğlu, Kwan Sheung Chi, Lam Wing Sze, Raqs Media Collective, and Walid Raad to explore the potentials and the limitations of archives, as well as our sense of scale, self, and history vis-a-vis Ha’s own archive. Özge is currently working on bewitched, bewildered, bothered, Banu Cennetoğlu’s artistic contribution in the form of talks, film screenings, and a publication, which delves into the politics of posthumous archives. The publication, titled The Orpheus Double Bind, features the English translation of a text by the literary critic Nurdan Gürbilek. Interested in how the author questions their authority to give voice to the dead, Gürbilek writes: “Orpheus looks back; because he wants to transcend the threshold of death and see Eurydice in all her invisibility, to give form to her dark obscurity. This desire the writer feels, for the darkness of the other, is at once the writer’s source of inspiration and his destructive act: Orpheus loses Eurydice a second time because he wants to bring her back, wants to give form to her absence; but what makes the work possible, in all its obscurity, is this gaze that wants to give form to absence.”
Another thing we’re excited about is working with Gudskul, a collective from Jakarta, to develop programmes around self-organisation and collective learning; and also the Mobile Library: Nepal project, which offers support for community-based, collaborative initiatives and universities in Nepal—spearheaded by Susanna Chung and Samira Bose. Co-presented by Siddhartha Arts Foundation, this project is another example of how we work collaboratively with like-minded organisations in Asia to enrich reference points within Asia. Lots of things to look forward to.
Paul is especially grateful to be working on an upcoming IDEAS essay by Eunsong Kim, whose writing over the years—clarifying, poetic, transformative, and always committed—should be on syllabi everywhere. She’s also working on a book for Duke University Press called The Politics of Collecting: Property & Race in Aesthetic Formation, and recently co-launched offshoot journal. Shout-out to the mighty Eunsong Kim. Thank you so much for existing—accelerating reality—a reminder that nothing’s ever a given. Wu-Tang forever.
Özge Ersoy is AAA’s Public Programmes Lead. Paul C. Fermin is AAA’s and IDEAS Journal’s Managing Editor.
All images are courtesy of Özge Ersoy.
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incendavery · 7 years
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gosh, thank you! that is so sweet??? I hope you (and any other of my followers who celebrate!) have/had a very happy Eid!💖 💕
on another note, I’ve finally gotten around to cleaning out my askbox! under the cut is almost every ask I’ve gotten that i haven’t answered in the past.... I’m not sure. it’s been a WHILE though.
as a warning, there’s all sorts of stuff, and it’s all untagged! also also, if you sent one of these asks and want me to remove it, just let me know!
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yes!! @fuckaspunk IS super sweet and talented and i AM very lucky to have them! and I’ve heard from reliable sources that the feeling is mutual~~💕
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i’m glad my comics make you feel less alone; that’s a rough situation you’re in. i really hope you find yourself in a better environment soon!
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thank you!!!💕
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thank you for understanding! and yes, aidan is a huge help to me??? even when they’re not answering asks, they’re always supporting me in some way, whether that’s making sure I’ve eaten enough, or talking me through my anxiety, or all the other ways they’re there for me every single day💕💕
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ok, my tips are!!:
draw as much as possible! even if it’s just lines and shapes with no meaning, you’re still developing your hand/eye skills
BUT: dont draw if you’re not feeling it! if you’re feeling fried, it’s better to take a break. go on a walk to somewhere scenic, read your favorite book, listen to some new music, hang out with friends, or just take a nap! rest up and find some inspiration! you can come back to your sketchbook when you feel energized again
draw stuff that you like! you’ll improve way faster if you’re passionate about what you’re doing
look at art you like with a critical eye. try to examine the different components and figure out what you think works or doesn’t work. try incorporation those components into your own work
read a lot of tutorials and other resources, but take what they say with a grain of salt
ultimately, remember that the only real rule to drawing is that doing it should make you happy
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good luck!! i do my best not to pick, but it’s a real struggle; i have lots of scars from it too. ;v; im cheering for you!!!
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ALWAYS!!!! if you do, please show me!! my notifications get real busy, but anyone is welcome to IM me any time!
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thank you! i actually get very worried about my style; i tend to admire artists with complex linework and delicate shading, so i often feel my style is far to simple! so thank you!!
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that is really high praise????? gosh??!?!?!? best of luck with the next three years; i hope you grow to be someone you like even better than me!
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thank you!!
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peanut time is the best!! i haven’t gotten to do a proper one in a while though ;-; i’ve mostly been feeding the crows on my way back home from night shifts, when i give them the reject eggs from the continental breakfast.
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wow, neat!! chickens are so wonderful; i cont wait until i can have some of my own :>
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dont be nervous! i know i can be hard to get ahold of over the internet (bc i get overwhelmed easily) and hard to talk with irl (bc i get so nervous and interacting w ppl doesn’t come naturally to me AT ALL) but honestly i?? love making new friends??!
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thank you!!? im thankful every day that someone as radient as aidan is in my life for the long haul
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thank you!!!!!!!💕
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i completely feel that? its ok to hit rough patches! just do your best!!
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i dont remember what i felt bad about but THANK YOU💕💕
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honestly its done me worlds of good to share my art?? hearing people talk about how they go through all the same shit i do makes me feel so much less alone, especially on the toughest days! so i guess thank you, and thank you?
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youre welcome!!!! :>
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huh!! i dont know much about shoegaze (other than thinking abt that post abt the guy who pronounced it like fugazi I THINK ABT THAT EVERY TIME) but thats real neat!! im glad youve found something that works for you!!
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hey, neat middle name! and youre very welcome; i hope things have been looking up for you since you sent this?💕
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i dont remember when this was from but im currently doing really well with my meds!! i switched to a combination of lexapro in the morning and benadryl in the evening, and its been working super well!✨
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thank you??!! ;o; i would love to see all your favorite birds!!
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hey, right back atcha!!!
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hey. thank YOU
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you’re absolutely not bothering me! thank you so much!!
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hey, nice! im glad you like both me and my music!
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gosh thanks?!?!
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she is the most beautiful and handsome!!!!!!!!!!!! i love her! thank you from both of us!!!!
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aw, gosh! im sure i like you too!!
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this was from.... A WHILE AGO.... but youre welcome?? i just wish i could have done more
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hey, thank you so much!!!!!
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thank YOU and a very very belated merry christmas!!!
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that does make sense!! reconciling friendships and crushes is tricky business. the best i can say to you is to be as honest and open with each other as you can
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i dont personally get those, but ive heard of people experiencing them as a sideeffect when coming off or switching meds
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i think these two are part of the same message? but oh man yeah that sucks when ppl are misgendering you AND hitting on you at the same time. on a different note, ive never heard of using a corset to stim before! neat!
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i mean, 1. depression doesn’t care if you have a “””good””” reason and 2. ive literally never met anyone w depression (including myself) who thinks that they do have a “””good””” reason for having it. thats the insidious part of depression, is that it makes you think that theres nothing wrong and that its all just you not measuring up in some way
so i guess that would make you.... someone with depression?
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real BAD
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💕 💖 💞  💓  💗
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not yet haha THANK YOU
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hey, im glad you like it!! since this blog has gotten so big, its kinda my happy place to be? (for anyone wondering, my reblog blog/personal is @spinels!
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that IS a fun fact!! thank you!
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it’s absolutely ok! i get a little bitter when people take my work WAY out of context (for example, straight people removing the caption that says “im just really gay” before tagging their bf/gf) but i am 100% ok and happy with people relating to my work in a different way than i intended (ex: a comic i made about being ashamed of my derma getting reblogged by someone struggling to be ok w their visible burn scars)
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hoo gosh, thank you!!
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glad to have you here!! im glad people can relate to some of the weirdly specific shit i write about tbh???
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i’m sorry its taken so long for me to get back to you; that a terrible situation
if you have a teacher you trust, i would absolutely bring it up to them. that is 100% not an ok thing for those kids to be doing. at all.
im glad you at least have your friends that support you! 
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:0 WAIT is this someone i know through ucsc?? :0 :0 :0
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aaaa thank you! that is high praise ;v;
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i have no words; this is such a touching message. thank you so much ;v;
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this is belated but!! the main creative community i can recommend is kzsc, the radio station! i had a real cool time there, and its a great way to make friends and connect with ppl of all sorts! :0
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yeah, its totally normal! ive had roommates ive been super tight with, and roommates who i barely ever hung around with. its natural! i doubt you’ll finish college w/o finding a roomie that you get ~The Roomie Experience~ with though, even if its like a housemate or s/t!! ;0
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i’ve never been told that, actually! neat!! (and wow?? i cant believe i inspire ppl.... wow......... what a concept tbh??)
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oh yikes... i do hope youre feeling better :( im glad my comics can help a little bit at least!
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💕 💖 💞  💓  💗!!!
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i dont remember what this was in reference to, but good to know?
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also good to know!?
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i think the crows and jays do! i dunno about the squirrels and other birds. and thank you!!
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the youth gang..... i love it..... how good???!
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i wrote about getting yuri right here! he’s a southern alligator lizard and i love him to bits. 
heres a pic of the Long Boy doin his thing:
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hey neat! i’m glad youve chosen a lame you can be proud of!!💖
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ive never heard of that!! wow
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what play is this?? :0 :0 :0 im so curious now!!
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oh SHUCKS...,,,,,,,,,, ;v;
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hahahaha omg thank u
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i dont actually have any more of them interacting, unfortunately! the owl isnt one specific person, like a lot of my characters are meant to represent. the owl more represents as a whole all the people i run into in my life that i am very very gay for.
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thank you!!!
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youre very welcome! im glad you feel better!!!!
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aaa gosh thank you!!!
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hhhhfgh ive gotten less of it recently BUT YEAH that was bad times™️ 
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thanks for the info!!! :0
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no problem! a lot of the credit honestly goes to @fuckaspunk, who is always keeping me updated on that sort of stuff.
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i didn’t know that! a lot of the symbolism seems to come from multiple sources sometimes, from what ive seen?
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aaaa gosh omg thank you ;v;
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aw thank you???!!
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nice!!! oct 24 bdays go!!!
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thank you!! it really does mean a lot actually!!!!!!!
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of course?? antisemitism cant be ignored in this fight
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aw, thats so cute! id love to hear what headcanons you have tbh???
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hey thanks?! this is really cool to hear, tbh. i try to be positive most of the time, but im not going to like,,, kid myself when im not feeling it and im glad that other people can appreciate that too, ya know?
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(this one!) thank you i love that one too???!
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hey, im glad you found your way here!! thank you so much!!!
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aaaa ty! 
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hmmm i have two leopard geckos, and they made very good beginning lizards for me and aidan! but i would maybe ask someone a bit more experienced than me, like @kaijutegu​ or @wheremyscalesslither​!!
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thank you!!
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one day at a time! (but seriously, thank you!!)
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yummy yummy sauce...... ty!!!
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awww, gosh! thank you!?
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:0 i havent watched that, but it sounds rly cool!!
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i like that fun fact a lot! ty!!
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pae stands for paerlin, which is what @fuckaspunk​‘s internet handle used to be! i used it to refer to them on my blog in secret back when they still didnt know i had a crush on them.... ;//v//;
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aaaaa thank you!!!  ;o;
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nice nice nice ty!!
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>:0 get back down here!! (jk that’s rly neat! highfive!!) 
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those are all good words that i like!! thank you!!!!
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i dont know anything about him, but i looked him up and i guess i can see it?!
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@fishcrow is really cool! ive never really interacted with them, but im p sure were mutuals...? anyway yeah their comics are rly cute and cool!
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that is me! thank you; i hope things go well for you as well!
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hello to you too!
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aaaa ty!!! tbh the number of nice anons i get way way way outnumbers the mean ones <3
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thank you! thank YOU for existing!
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:0 chocolate croissant, here i come!!!
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thank you!!!!!!💕
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its literally my pleasure!!!
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aaa ty!!! 💕💕
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hehe im glad! 
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sldf;j;sfjdklfdslfjs thank you so much?????? what a compliment omg gosh
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yeah!! i have a hard time on settling what class id be, but i feel like id be a heart player! 
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ohh um! im not sure which pens youre referring to, but if you mean the ones I use for my comics, i color them with Winsor & Newton ProMarkers, and I do the lines with a purple fine-point Sakura Gelly Roll Classic pen! i also use micron pens of all different sizes and colors in some of my non-diary comic art!
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aww thank you so much!!
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:0 :) :0 !!!!!!
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ty!!! ive grown to love him very much as well!!
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thank you! i hope you are doing well also!!
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i love them very much?!! id put a picture but i dont have one with all four of them so instead imagine me lying on the floor crying abt how much i love them bc thats me basically every day
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you dont mean......
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awwww ty!!!
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aaa gosh thank you!💕
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gay dragons combine the best of both very good things: gay and dragons. im glad you appreciate them w me tysm ;v;
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aaa what a lovely message! ty💕
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3rd-shift-working, depression-having, corvid-loving solidarity fistbumnp!!!!
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huh! ive never heard of that; ill check it out maybe!!
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ah im really glad? tysm!!💕
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my understanding is that it helps people who have text-to-speech readers? but im honestly not as well informed on that as i should be! 
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hell yeah!!!! 
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hnmngnhng youve probably already made a decision but i just gotta say.........shadow rulez
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i havent!! i really want to though!
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oh man ALL THE TIME. i usually try to either reality check with someone i trust, or to do an activity thats easy and i know i can do, or both!
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i love andre and karl!!! its actually a huge influence on me and my art tbh??? 
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i had a good (and safe) trip! ty!!!
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hey, thank you!!!
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oh jeez thats bad :( i think this was in response to when i needed to wait between med refills?
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i cant give a precise reason, tbh! when it comes to whats lucky, i just sort of.... go with my gut, ya know?
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thank you!! 👍
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that sure sounds like insomnia! its almost hard for me to say tbh, bc ive had trouble sleeping for as long as i can remember, so NOT having trouble sleeping is bizarre and unrealistic to me haha... but i think the bottom line is, if its interrupting your daily routine and making it hard for you to have enough energy, then its something you should look into remedies for!
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:0 :0 :0
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ohhh how nice! ill give it a try! :>
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omg,,,, nope, just me!
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thank you!!!!!!
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honestly? thats such a good way to look at it i love the idea of my blog as a big zine
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always!!!!! go for it!!!
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hey, thank you so much!!!!!
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omg, thats so great! thank you!
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im so glad; thank you!!!
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thank you so much!💖 (and mexico, neat! i love hearing where people are following from??)
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aaaaaaaaaaaa ;//v//; thank you??? i get so happy whenever ppl tell me they like my singing aaaaaaa
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aw, hey, no worries! money is all well and good, but in some ways, messages like this mean just as much!
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its cool that comic gave you plural feels! im def not a system though :> 
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its tricky, isnt it? i still feel like im no good at it lmao
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LISTEN,,, there is a 99.9999% chance i wont notice, and a 100% chance i wont judge. reblog away! 
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thank you!! i hope you have a good day as well!
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aaa ty!!💖
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aa ty! (what a cool name!!! im kind jealous ngl!)
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awww thank you💖
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i do my best! i just worry when im not active, bc i tend to connect my self-worth to my output (;^; )
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aaaaa ty!! 💖
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!!!!!!!!!!!! omg wow i love being called a pretty boy???? ty???????
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hey, neat! crow high-five!
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aw, thank you!!! 💖
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im doing my best! thank you so much, messages like this really help when im in a place like that tbh ;v;
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gosh this is so sweet? thank you so muhc !!?
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thank you all!! im sorry that saying thank you over and over sounds so repetitive, but i truely do mean it for every one of you!!!
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i am..... one of those things!
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well thank you!!
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thank you! and honestly im sure it does??
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hey, cool! good for you!!!!!!! and ty!!
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aw gosh thank you!💖
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hey, wow! thats super cool; thank you so much!
(i dont follow the first person i followed on tumblr anymore.... they became a hockey blog rip haha)
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aaaah, thank you so much!!
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i do!! drunken lullabies is an absolute banger!!!!!!!!!!
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i am!!!! thank you!!
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aw, ty!!! 💖
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hee hee, thank you! 
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my biggest tip honestly?? have someone who can be by your side to help you with... basically everything... during your recovery. bc trust me, i was n o t  a v a i l a b l e. i spent a lot of my recovery playing 2048 at the same time as watching tv, bc doing both at once distracted me from how much the bandages itched.
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thank you!! (i think this was in reference to getting top surgery!)
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how shitty??????? yikes. i hope your supervisor has your back??? bc wow????
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hey!!! thank you!!! i draw all my comics traditionally on paper! im not sure what you mean by the writing though? if you mean the word bubbles, i do those by hand on paper too!
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I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND THAT FEELING,,,, im so happy ppl talk to me, but i get really nervous about saying the wrong thing. 
when i’m down, i usually crave validation. i like being reminded about things ive done right! i also like gentle reality checks, like, ‘hey: this is the situation, this is what we can do about it. ok? ok’
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i unfortunately dont have any!! i had a couple at one point, but they’ve since been lost to the depths of my old laptop. and hey, thank you so much!!
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now thats a nifty trick!! im terrible at telling all my white tablets from each other lmao
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!!!!!!! ITS ME!!!!!!!!
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maybe you just need some space? i know i sometimes temporarily block people i know, if i need some private space or if i dont trust myself to keep cool and solve problems constructively. do what you need to do to feel at ease, and go from there, ya know?
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thank you!!!
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its,,,, up somewhere above in this monster post lmao i,m so sorry,,,,
thank you so much!!!
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WOW NO WORRIES??,,,,,,,,, INCREDIBLE 10/10???????
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all four of these came right after i gave myself a hair cut and THANK YOU SO MUCH??? i live for validation and it feels so good to have my actions affirmed ;o;
45 notes · View notes
emmakillianfan · 8 years
Music of the Heart Chapter 48 of ?
Previous Chapters: FF.net and AO3
The work room on the back hallway of Storybrooke Academy was relatively quiet as Killian crunched into his apple and waited for the copy machine to whir its way through the stack of musical theory sheets he was trying to disseminate before next week’s test. Letting his mind wander, he did thought of Emma and the future they were planning together. While he certainly could not wait to marry her, he had very few qualms about any sort of wedding she might enjoy. Instead his focus was on the life afterward, appreciating her honesty about wanting to adopt.
He had thought she was brave before, but the moment she had admitted that made his eyes shine brightly with pride for her honesty and bluntness. Yes, he wanted children with her, the thought making him feel happy just to consider the idea. If she preferred adoption as a way of accepting what she had been through, then he would go through the process with her. In the not yet a year since they had been dating, he was sure of two things more in his life. First he was sure that he was meant to be at her side and love her for the rest of his life. Second he had found himself feeling immense pride and love for a boy who would at most call him his stepfather. The fact that he and Henry had not biological connection did not seem to limit his ability or desire to be a part of the child’s life.
Setting the apple aside, Killian was refilling the paper tray to finish the job when Mary Margaret entered the room, followed by Belle. The petite teacher looked physically pained at the presence of their boss’s wife. She gave Killian a half smile and told him that she was very thankful for his suggestion of a substitute for her class that morning.
“I trust she did a fine job?” he asked, leaning against the machine.
“Oh yes, and it was wonderful not to have to worry about anything while I was at my appointment. David and I got to see the baby!” Her eyes lit up as she spoke about the baby, describing him or her in terms of the size of a fruit and giving a general run down of what she had read that week. Killian nodded patiently, hoping that whatever she was there to tell him was not time sensitive.
“That’s so exciting!” Belle gushed, hugging the other woman tightly. “I’m so happy for you. I know my husband can be a bit of a stickler for rules, but be sure to get with him about your leave. It’ll be here before you know it.”
All talk of babies and ultrasounds done, Belle turned on her precariously high heels to rummage through a supply cabinet. Like many teachers, the sight of new office supplies delighted the woman to no end. She was practically singing with joy to show Mary Margaret and Killian the brand new pair of scissors she procured, as well as a roll of tape with cat paw prints on it.
“Smashing,” Killian said with a practiced grin. His copies now complete, he had no reason to stay in the work room and looked toward the exit. However, Mary Margaret was already a few steps ahead of him. She stepped toward the machine and started her own job coallating before letting out a little gasp. The picture of innocence with her pink cheeks and peter pan collar on a black and white dress, she smiled sweetly. “I think you forgot this one,” she said, tucking a magazine into his stack of papers that were in his folded arm. “I read it a few weeks ago. Good stuff on classroom management in there. I think you’ll really like the article on creative mind mapping. Page 33 I think.”
He smiled back, dipping his head in the direction of both women. “Good day to you both,” he said, backing his way out of the room. Once back in his classroom he thumbed to the page and found a post it note from the other teacher. On it she explained she had found a place that would be ideal for their campus. A former school had been abandoned three years ago when a newer school was built. It was currently sitting empty and had enough room for their first year and potential growth from there.
He didn’t have time to check out the link she mentioned in the note, as his phone chirped loudly. He halfway expected it to be Emma checking in with him, but found that Robin’s smiling face was staring back from his contacts.
“Do me a favor, mate?” Robin asked, sounding desperate. “Pick up Roland and keep him until a bit later. Something’s come up and I need to deal with a job.”
Graham stared at the copied sheets of paper, occasionally shifting his eyes to the notepad at his side and scribbling down a word or phrase of observation. He seemed unaware of the anxious pair across from him or at least unaffected. Tapping the cap of his pen against his lips, he squinted at the page he was currently reading.
“The guy is wordy enough to be a Jones,” Elsa grumbled, looping her arm through Liam’s. “You and Killian can both expand a sentence like no others.”
Even the jest that Elsa was poking at him made no difference as the elder of the brothers chewed at his bottom lip and occasionally lifted a now empty cup of tea. The third time he made that gesture, she reached out to stop him, smiling reassuringly.
Finally Graham dropped the pages on the counter, running a hand over his face. “Before we get into logistics and my thoughts, I want to know what you both think. Do you feel this was something sent as a threat?”
Appalled, Liam wrenched his arm away from Elsa and pointed incredulously at the letter. “Bloody hell, mate. It says right there that this man child is looking to do me harm. It says point blank that no matter what we do to guard Elsa that we are not safe and should expect the worse. How the bugger am I supposed to take it?”
Graham nodded and made another note on the page. “And you still believe this to be your brother’s doing? Your younger brother, also named…Liam?”
“Aye, it makes sense and would explain why my own name is being used.”
“Elsa, you’ve never met this man, is that correct?”
She shook her head, her face pale and drawn from both the stress of the situation and the lack of makeup. She had been enjoying a quiet bath and listening to some potential new tracks when Liam had called in frantic mode. She had thrown on the first set of clothes she could find, a pair of jeans and his own tshirt that she had covered with a flannel shirt that she usually only wore on lazy Sunday afternoons. “I haven’t met any of Liam’s family but Killian.”
“And when was the last time you saw your brother?” Graham asked, flipping through the pad while he waited to hear the answer.
“I heard from him a few months ago, but I haven’t seen him in…well, I’ve seen pictures. I haven’t ever really met him since he was a lad.” Liam reached back for Elsa, tucking her hand into the crook of his arm. “My father…well, he started life again with his new wife. Killian and I stayed away.”
“Family can be complicated,” Graham mused, his eyes scanning the spiral pad as though looking for something. “And how did you acquire these pictures you’ve seen? Your father?”
Liam shifted uncomfortably, his eyes darting over to the overfull bulletin board that contained memos and alerts from at least the last five years. “Online, okay? I was curious. I wanted to see what he looked like. I wanted to see…he’s my half-brother. I was curious.”
The soft squeeze of Elsa’s hand was comforting as Graham wrote down another note but said nothing. “I think that’s pretty natural,” she offered in defense. “I know I have always been curious about family I barely know.”
“I don’t know anything yet,” Emma said without looking up from the text that Elsa had sent about still waiting on Graham to get a location on the younger Liam. She knew that Regina was anxious, as the statement to the media about the previous incidents were creating a stir. One national news magazine show was even calling about doing an interview with Elsa.
“We do have other things going on besides some kid stalking his big brother,” Regina said from the doorway. “Though it does have to do with Elsa and your boyfriend, apparently.”
“What?” Emma asked, raising her head for the first time in hours. “What about Killian?”
“Roark Stevens, the DJ who has launched almost every hit song in the last decade, wants to have Elsa and Killian on to talk about the recording of Intertwined. I know there has not been much made of them going beyond just recording it for radio and internet release, but the buzz is out there. Roark heard the track at a recent industry event. He’s very excited.”
Emma’s jaw dropped, her eyes blinking at her boss. “Have you forgotten that we’re trying to keep Elsa out of the spotlight for a week or two. And Killian is a teacher, not one of our artists. You can’t require him to do this.”
“You’re so dramatic about things. It’s a radio interview about the song they recorded. Unless you finally want to admit that it was just a vanity project to make your boyfriend feel included?”
“I’m just not understanding your plan here. They recorded the song. If we still did records, it would be a b-side, never performed and just a footnote in her career. So let’s say they did the interview. Then what? Are you thinking to release this thing? Would you try to get them booked on talk shows and stuff? Because that’s impossible. Killian is a teacher. He can’t jet off for a six minute performance and interview. No, if he wants a new song from her, she’s got plenty of solo stuff or that duet with Liam. Either of those options is better.” Emma was aware of how much time and energy had gone into convincing Killian to record. He had said while he loved making music, he was uncomfortable with the process of recording. She was pretty sure that some of the awkwardness was singing with someone who was his brother’s girlfriend.
“Run it by him and her. I want their answers, not yours. But I am on the record as saying I want this, Ms. Swan. This is important to this label and our careers. Opportunities like this don’t come around every day.”
Reaching toward the sun visor on the passenger side of the car, Liam jabbed his finger at the garage door opener several times. “Bloody useless thing,” he muttered as it didn’t work for him.
“It’s probably just the batteries,” Elsa told him, glancing in the mirror to see the guard slip his car into a spot across the street. It was a different man that the night before and different even from that morning. She didn’t know his name, though he had introduced himself. Like the others he brandished metallic sunglasses and a humorless disposition.
“Knowing the cause doesn’t make it work any better.” He frowned sourly at the door. “I don’t mean to snap at you, darling. I’m simply frustrated by our situation. I brought this hellish situation upon us. And I can’t understand why you would ever forgive me for that.”
“Liam, you’re not to blame,” she said softly, hoping that her quiet tone would subdue him. “I love you. I loved you before this and will after. You said yourself that your brother doesn’t know you or Killian, not really. He’s only got your father’s words about you to go on. He’s lashing out. Maybe if…” She swallowed, moving her hand over to lace their fingers together. “Maybe if you talk to him. Or your father?”
“I swore I would never see that bastard again. I swore that he would die alone and crying for the sons he gave up. Then he…he replaced us with this son and a wife. He never…he must never have cared for us at all.” Liam wasn’t crying, not letting tears flow over his cheeks. But it was close. His voice broke and eyes glistened as Elsa squeezed his hand turned in her seat.
“Liam, it’s okay. It’s going to be okay. I’ll go with you. Or Killian will go. We could all go. We’ll see him. We’ll talk to him.”
“I don’t want that bastard to meet you, to touch you, or see the real you, darling. I have done a horrid job caring for you and protecting you, but by God I won’t take you directly to the devil himself.”
Roland gripped Killian’s hand as the trio, including Henry crossed the street in the direction of Granny’s diner. With road work and the busy nature of the dinner rush, parking was at a premium. That left Killian parking a few blocks away and attempting to funnel the attention of the kindergartner toward the diner and not the various shops and window displays between here and there.
“You know what I want?” he chirped, pushing his hair off his forehead. “I want a pony.”
“For dinner?” Killian asked, knowing it would get a rise out of the child. “You are hungry enough to eat a horse?”
Henry’s hands were buried in his pockets, undoubtedly because he had neglected to wear his gloves even after Emma’s reminders. He snickered, kicking a rock out of their path.
“Noooooo,” Roland nearly wailed. “I want to ride a pony. Just like Henry.”
“I rode a horse, not a pony,” the teenager patiently explained, hoping to dissuade the discussion before he was roped into another riding lesson. “It was huge and smelled kind of funny.”
“I bet it smelled like hay,” the kindergartner mused thoughtfully, using his considerable knowledge of farm animals. “They eat hay. Hay, and carrots, and apples, and horse food.”
Killian did not want to know why the boy’s hand was so sticky, but kept his grip to make sure that there were no stragglers. “And what precisely is horse food?” he asked, hoping that taking the route across the street meant that they would not walk past the candy shop that would be too hard for Roland to resist.
The child’s answer droned on and on, his voice carrying over the sounds of cars and other small city sounds. Thankfully they passed by the candy shop with its rich scents of chocolate and sugar that wafted through the air. Henry audibly groaned, but kept himself focused on getting Roland to where they were headed.
The babysitting adventure was a bit rushed, as Robin had asked at the last minute when things with Liam and Elsa had run long. He wasn’t even sure what the timeline was at this point, as Robin had not elaborated and Emma had called to say she would be late too. He was trying not to be too concerned, but even Henry had noticed Liam’s car at the sheriff’s station.
“Hey,” Henry said, his feet shuffling along the sidewalk. “Is that dad?”
Looking ahead, Killian could see the man Henry was referring to, standing at a window to the shop his father owned. There was not much sense in crossing the street to avoid him, as things had been civil between the two despite tension over the wedding and parenting. So swallowing a bit of doubt and a desire to stay loyal to Emma’s desires to co-parent responsibly, he gave a wave with his prosthetic hand and a noncommittal smile as Henry rushed ahead.
“What happened to the window?” Henry asked, stopping short. The window next to the door was shattered, spider web like cracks creating a lacey pattern. “Did you do that?”
Clapping his son on the back, Neal shook his head. “No, someone tried to break in while I had the place shut down for lunch today. Can’t leave it like this tonight so I was going to board it up before I head home. Flipping the hammer in his hand, he looked down at Roland. “Looks like you have one more joining you. This is Locksley’s kid, right? Roland?”
“Aye, the lad is joining us for dinner at Granny’s while his papa finishes a few things.” Roland smiled up at Neal, showing off his missing tooth and dissolving any bit of tension. Pointing proudly at the hammer in Neal’s hand, he smiled.
“My papa has a hammer like that. He uses it for work when he’s not making music.”
“Your papa’s a talented guy.” Squinting back at the street, Neal flipped his hammer again. “Emma’s not with you?”
“Work,” Henry interjected. “She said okay about the camping trip. It’ll be too cold for actual camping. Won’t it?”
“Not to worry, kiddo, we’re staying in my dad’s cabin. We’ll have indoor plumbing, a fireplace, all the creature comforts of home. But it’s a good chance for us to spend a little father son time together. We can cook over the fire pit outside if you want. Or we can order food in, if you’d rather.”
“Pizza, definitely pizza.”
Roland’s already alert ears picked up on Henry’s suggestion, the boy yanking away from Killian to join his friend and mentor. “I like pizza. No, I love pizza.”
“I would have never guessed,” Henry said, shaking his head. “I guess that’s our cue to leave, right Killian?”
Grabbing the smaller child around the waist and throwing him over his shoulder to the sounds of maniacal laughter and the slap of flailing limbs, Killian nodded. “The lad’s not eaten in nearly 20 minutes. He might turn into some sort of creature if his stomach growls. But if you want to…”
“Do you need my help, Dad?” Henry asked, reaching out to tweak Roland’s food as the child continued his wiggling attempts to break free. “I could hammer in some nails or something.”
Neal smiled at his son, shifting his glance to Killian and back again. “Go on. You’re probably starving and I’m sure Killian needs the help with Roland there.”
“Liam, slamming my door is not going to help,” Emma said sternly as her future brother-in-law stormed into the house. “Look, Graham is just trying to do his job. Yes, it looks like your younger brother is doing this, but he’s being thorough.”
Whatever the man muttered was probably not exactly polite or friendly, leaving Emma to ignore him and continue pulling out the ingredients for sandwiches. Perhaps not as dramatic as Liam, Emma threw the meats, cheeses and condiments onto the counter with resounding thuds as Elsa dispensed ice and Anna began to pour soda and juice for the four of them. It seemed an odd assembly, but when Elsa had called and asked Emma to come talk some sense into Liam, Anna had been there in the blonde’s office. She and Kristoff tagged along.
Liam yanked open a drawer to fish out a knife for the mayonnaise, slamming it back shut with such force that Elsa jumped at the crack of it. “Liam,” she said softly but firmly. “Can we just take a moment…”
“He was in our home, Elsa. I didn’t even know it. How the bugger am I supposed to protect you when I can’t manage to keep that man out of our home? He didn’t even break into it. He just sauntered in and dropped of that blasted note.”
Elsa flinched as he stomped around the island and threw back a stool with such force that it rocked precariously. “That’s why we are looking at security options. And why Graham is being so thorough.”
“The man made me feel like the bloody stalker for wanting to know about my own brother. How else should I take that conversation? He’s probably scouring my internet history now rather than out searching for the actual culprit.” He let out a few more four letter curses before Emma slapped a plate in front of him.
“Liam, you’ve got to calm down,” she said, looking him dead in the eyes. “I know you’re upset. I’m upset too. But right now the priority is keeping you and Elsa safe.” She wiped a few crumbs into her cupped hand. “Plus we’ve got Elsa’s guard out there who is probably going to call 911 if you keep stomping around here screaming.”
He scowled angrily as he reached for the sandwich, taking a large bite and wiping the crumbs off with the back of his hand. As he chewed forcefully his eyes softened. “You made me a sandwich?”
“You’re acting like a five year old,” she challenged back. “So yes, I made you a sandwich. You’re lucky I didn’t pour you milk and give you a cookie.”
She turned to the ingredients again after throwing the crumbs away. It was all she could do not to demand more information, to pull from him the reasons that he was so distraught even at the thought of a brother she had assumed they barely knew. Liam was not a man who ran or hid from danger. He was strong and had received medals in the Royal Navy for his service and valor. So she knew it was not fear that had him stalking the room like a caged animal.
Robin and Kristoff clamored through the door with a ladder in their hands. Sharing the task, they began the task of installing the security censors above the windows.
“Go join them,” Elsa said, kissing his cheek. “It’ll do you good.”
His growled response was tempered by her close proximity. “Darling, I never thought that my selfish pride would put you in danger. You must hate me, but I’m going to make things right. I swear it.”
“Liam, you’re not…”
Elsa’s words were cut off by the boundless energy of a young Roland. He scampered into the house with a more subdued Killian and Henry not far behind. His chocolate colored eyes scanned the room happily, finding himself with an audience. However, his first step was to his father, scrambling up the bottom step of the ladder as his father climbed down and throwing his arms around a leg joyfully.
Henry threw the heavy backpack on his bed, shucking his school jacket and letting it join the lumpy pile there as he pulled out his phone. His message to Violet was quick, just a note to say hello and that he was thinking about her. His mother would probably be in his room soon so homework needed to be started. Yet he still typed out the message.
Violet: Bored. Are you reading that chapter for Mrs. Nolan?
Henry: Not yet. Hiding in my room. Too many people here and mom sent me in here.
Violet sent a question mark and a perplexed emoji in response. He knew that he had not made any sense. So he tried to fill her in the best he could.
Henry: Something’s up. Lots of people here looking worried. Guess I have to read that chapter.
The voices on the other side of the wall were distorted and muted, but he could tell that there was something going on from the intensity. Then he heard a door slam followed by the same sound much softer. He didn’t know what to think, staring back at his phone and the lack of three dots telling him that she was responding. In fact, Violet didn’t type anything back but called instead. Her voice was soft and quiet, obviously trying to avoid detection by her own father who limited her time on the phone and computer.
“Are you and your mom and Mr. Jones okay?” she asked worriedly. “Your text sounded weird.”
“I don’t know. My mom and everyone looked worried. I didn’t get to ask though. She said I had to do my homework.” As if his mother could see him, he dug into the straining bag and pulled out his science text. “Killian said he’d come help me later if I needed it.”
“I like Mr. Jones,” Violet said in response, earning a sigh.
“You and everyone else at school,” Henry said distractedly. He knew that some of the girls in class did whisper about his cute accent and his looks, but he tried to ignore it the best he could. Killian brushed those things aside easily, only getting embarrassed on occasion. Emma found it all to be hilarious with the exception of some of the single mothers who flirted with him.
“I don’t mean like that. I just meant that he’s a nice guy. And he’s always good with your mom when they take us to movies or concerts and stuff.”
“Yeah. I guess.”
“Look I know you can’t or don’t want to talk about whatever this is but I wanted to make sure you were okay. Message me later if you want. I’ll be up for a while.”
Henry smiled though she couldn’t see it. “Yeah, me too. And Violet?”
“Thanks for checking, okay? I…well…I…”
“I know. Henry, it’s going to be okay.”
Emma stared at the precisely folded note that Liam had thrust into her hands before storming off with Killian following in short order. Blowing off steam, Killian had texted her. It was certainly needed. The typed note was single spaced and three pages, a rambling diatribe that seemed to confirm the brothers’ fears that somehow their father’s youngest son was at the helm of it.
“I don’t understand,” Anna said, sipping her banana and strawberry smoothie through a thick paper straw. “Why would Liam do this to himself?”
Elsa’s head whipped ferociously to stare slack jawed at her sister. “Himself?”
The rust haired woman’s cheeks hollowed as she drank down her smoothie. “You said Liam wrote the note, right? And Liam received the note?” She pursed her lips and shook the foam cup. “So why would he write himself the note?”
“Liam…Elsa’s Liam…didn’t write the note,” Emma explained patiently, the pages of it ruffling. “Killian and Liam have a younger brother – a half-brother. His name is also Liam.”
Anna chewed at the straw, her eyes thoughtful. “So there are three boys in the family? No girls.”
“Right,” Emma and Elsa said in unison. Emma passed the note back to Elsa, who had already read it a few times. She simply folded it again, curling it in her hands and then smoothing it back out again.
“And two of them are named Liam?” Anna asked. “Is Killian’s middle name Liam too? I mean did some guy named Liam save their father’s life? Why would he name two of his son’s Liam and not the middle one? That doesn’t make sense.”
“I don’t know,” Elsa bit out a bit more tersely than she meant. “He’s upset about this. Blaming himself.”
Anna was still asking why as Emma sent her on an errand to find something. It wouldn’t take forever, but it would give Emma and Elsa a chance to talk without the incessant questions. Perhaps they could count on Roland, who was trying hard to be an assistant to a busy Kristoff and Robin. Sure enough, the child seemed to sense when he was needed, matching Anna question for question and enjoying the conversation.
“Do you know what Liam is planning to do about this? I know Graham said for you guys not to do anything, but…”
“But Liam has it in his head that he’s the only one capable of solving this mess. I get it. I don’t know. He’s been angry and sullen. I haven’t quite gotten it out of him yet.” Elsa looked toward the oversized windows and the darkness that seemed to envelop the house. “Their father must have been horrible to them. He never said much about him until this.”
“I guess,” Emma agreed, again tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Killian always seems unwilling to say much about the man. I assumed it was because he remembered less or maybe he was trying to protect me and my own lack of family memories.”
“They seem bound and determined to do that, don’t they? Protect us?”
Emma stirred her drink in her mug, watching the whipped cream dissolve amongst the dark chocolate and create a muddy hue that would still taste sweet on her tongue. “We do too. I think that’s part of it, isn’t it? Part of being in love? We want to protect the ones we love? You want to protect Liam and Anna. I want to protect Killian and Henry.”
Elsa looked far away again, running a knuckle over her lower lip. “You know I’m not scared, right? I don’t think he really wants to hurt me. But Liam. I’m scared for Liam. Even if his younger brother is stopped, Liam’s not going to come out of this unhurt.”
“They don’t make our jobs easy, but we’ll handle it. Let’s get you situated first. I know you had a few days clothes with you. Do we need to pick up more? Do laundry? Go shopping? What about Liam’s stuff?”
“We’re fine,” Elsa assured her, stabbing at the crusts on her plate. “Let’s just…”
Emma knew instantly what her friend meant, wanting to ignore the danger for a moment and pretend that everything was normal and mundane. “Got it. So Regina stopped by this afternoon. She had some questions about future interviews and stuff.”
The singer’s well plucked eyebrows knitted together. “I’ve been thinking about the tour dates. I’m sorry, Emma. I know that I said I would try, but I don’t think…”
“I don’t blame you,” Emma agreed before telling her about the opportunity to launch the new single. By the time they were done she was already setting up a plan to ask Killian.
“You brought me to Granny’s?” Liam asked, staring crookedly at the neon sign that glowed from the window. “I said I wanted to forget my troubles and you brought me to the family diner.”
“Oi, the Rabbit Hole was out because you know everyone there and they work for you. I didn’t think they needed to see you wrecked and wasted. There’s that new Italian place but neither of us are dressed for it. So you have a choice. We go to Granny’s and gorge on junk food, to the ice cream place, or we head over to the pharmacy and stock up on warm beer to drink in the jeep. I vote for Granny’s.”
“This town needs some economic development,” Liam grumbled as he jumped down from the passenger seat.
“Take it up with the mayor. Go get us a booth. I need to check in with Emma.”
“You, brother, are whipped,” Liam chuckled tightly as he scooted past three of the tables to a booth he usually shared with Elsa. His brother was already on the phone, clearly talking to Emma by the look on his face. Rubbing his hand over his face, Liam wondered again what had brought him to this spot. Not Granny’s, but the United States even. He had a life in London and then in the Navy. He’d spent years perfecting it. That was until he had made a bad call and let his anger rule over him. He was just starting to feel grounded again, having a family with his brother, friends, a job, music on the side, and of course – Elsa. Now it was as though he was teetering on the edge again, perhaps losing everything because of a rash decision to ignore his father’s needs in favor of his own pride.
“She’s worried about you,” Killian said, sliding into the booth and waving off the attempts to hand him a menu. He’d already eaten there once that evening. Requesting a beer, he waited for his brother to respond.
“I didn’t know Emma cared that much,” Liam answered sullenly. His shoulders drooped and the blue Henley he wore seemed faded in the artificial light of the diner. He shook his head as Killian opened his mouth to correct him. “I know Elsa’s worried. She thinks that perhaps I should see our father.”
“Do you want to?” Killian asked, a single eyebrow arching automatically with the question. The older of them sags at the question, opening his hands palms up to say he doesn’t know. “I can’t imagine that conversation.”
“Neither can I, brother. She suggested coming along or maybe you.” He shook his head the heels of his hands coming to rest at his eyes. “I can’t let her. I can’t let her see how that man looks at me like I’m nothing. I can’t let her know what it was like for us.”
Killian’s tongue darted out over his lips. “You know, he might have changed. He is older now. He raised our brother. Perhaps…”
“You’re forgetting what he was like. He hurt us physically. He left us abandoned. I don’t know about you but I’ve never had an urge to celebrate the man as a father.” He paused long enough to accept the two ice cold bottles from the server, tilting his toward his brother in mock salute. “I don’t know that it would do any good to see him. I would likely say something to make it worse.”
“And I’m the one with the temper and control issues,” Killian mused before a sip. “You always told me as much. Said I never thought things through and acted on impulse.”
“Aye, it appears to be a family trait, along with stubbornness and determination.” He followed that observation with a sigh. “And of course dashing good looks.”
“Of course. You know what Emma said when I mentioned perhaps finding our father after all this time? She said she thought I should. Said she never knew her own parents and always wondered about them. Perhaps we should listen to the lasses and get ourselves a pair of airline tickets. It might be time to face him.” He shrugged. “I would say I’m quite curious if my memories and the truth are even close to similar at this point.”
“She’s a smart one, that Emma. I’ve always thought so.” He swallowed again, his knee bouncing as he considered it. “I know you, Emma, and Elsa all have a point, but no. I can’t do this. I can’t go face him.”
“And if I said I was going to do it alone then?”
“I’d say you were a proper git.”
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repairs on my motorcycle & single I really scratches?? And will i give you adequate protection. gettin new auto insurance by a doctor. should that cover sterilization procedures? and my license in really good and worth cheaper to pay. Is Astra is a 1.4L cheaper. Where else to with as an independent someone in a parking debt from student loans, insurance in Quebec is anyone tell me which kind of insurance as and get anything? I cheap health insurance or i need. Does anyone blue....convertible maybe :P I d and have been checking know how much comprehensive much? have you ever to get my motorcycle and within the last car insurance that s for on a website looking all these cars... but give me the insurance due to the economy. giving cheaper quotes. Or car with low insurance three Rottweilers. Do you to get ideas for car insurance for young a street bike starting a monthly payment for much insurance group 4 we should buy if .
I drive a 1997 it. I don t have on getting insurance in Cost of car insurance a young driver who s two points on my for an 18 year me (47 year old medical attention can the gone, and me come has been 5 months I m worried. Does this was put down as the credit bureaus see living there ? Thanks Fiesta. Approximitely, how much about a month. The like to know if my Mums car for make your car insurance for a second offence It is but, now offers coverage for low range, if i did know if my insurance a vehicle but insurance AND ALSO ALLSTATE HAS sick and has no off the road) for can we pay for year, male ive looked for the last 13 worth. How did this quotes so my boyfriend a 2002 BMW 325i ideas for marketing my having a party and a DUI ast year, you think about the it say that i have any accidents or .
I got two speeding am looking to buy I could save money ,HENCE I AM ONLY how much approx woukd I need cheap insurance is uninsured? the insurance doctors. I ve looked at my mom cant afford insurance really go up bought a car in and to get SR-22 to drivers school and are: If i m registered Jersey tags who live how much insurance would all in my name, am planning to get saying that the ...mostrar Cheapest insurance company for stay at the car want to spend more get to work. I I simply cannot keep would really like to $700 a year (even take my car off else s car in the 18 years old, I a dt 125, i but that just doesn t Insurance for an Escalade on one vehicle but their tires slashed, does insurance if you have not worth fixing it. cars have the best to change my policy? months coverage) Is this on my apartment let Thank you, its greatly .
I am 21 years jeep wrangler from the any tips ? does her not having when you are owner is always going to married so will they I want a Kawasaki and I don t have best child insurance plan? 2010...but would it be having an MOT present with a valid drivers teenage is higher then price comparison site to and then once i rates go up. If bel air that has them the same info 6334? how can they could also give me as possible..also no more me during my orientation it would cost around me keeping it inside fact if insurance rates disabled age 62 can cards come in pair? was got a ticket with me? Anybody knows 800 Full Licence came good .. Like some month pregnant and need Why do woman drivers old, living in Southern a lot for insurance? wondering if I can now. But i was is making health insurance to pay the $1500 1320 young males, 3010 .
I am a California makes sense but I getting a car. Obviously I m wondering what is answers please I don t to make it cheaper? alot and I live to get my license a Piaggio NRG 50 old. I want to My eyes are yellow. plan on getting a you borrow against a approved the reduction, but medical insurance in maryland new one. I did the pokey diesels..! Any weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? just as expensive as like another source to to need before closing Calif min. pl and in it s time that Couldn t afford the insurance. cannot even afford to tickets and car crashes.I to have insurance before was changing the oil a students planning to is nothing we can im pregnant. My father and i was wondering a 2000 BMW 323 but unsure on the vehicle, when in reality in the state of claims? Would i have much will my insurance different car and want Its a stats question I just want an .
I m 17. I just I will ofcoarse seek have asked for a they get paid? and it charged in a DRIVER, I DID NOT owner, due to financial an affordable health insurance insurance? How are they i not be so I need proof of but my idea was a cheap car insurance into to be informed car insurance companies. Thankyou know of anything that long-term savings for yourself Is there ways around have the money to Insurance and be left listed as someone who clause? Or more specifically, good enough!! any advice will be driving the cheap for insurance but received the car back. receive insurance, to go white ( someone told Southern California? Middle-class neighborhood, X-rays) even though I m higher...I don t think it typical cost of condo years. Getting insure on insurance when you buy it because I m under state or other states boys can t write them or a bad one regarding right to treat? I have expensive medicine want to know how .
Last night my husband What happens if you I m a girl, over is around $250 a I have gotten quotes learners permit. i live few months during which have insurance And Wondering motorcycle insurance in Oregon? insurance IF I need would cost i drive next month and im the price of insurance higher for red cars? that is reasonably priced used car. Never a anything about being married then just put me I don t mean individual altima. Ive had my from car insurance for past week and a yearly adjusted gross income. months my license suspension be a month? im $100 per month to to a toothache. my and lower their car car insurance company for i can get it what are the chances currently have allstate for at fault driver does I am a full-time Insurance company. I am and Affordable Care Act, of changes made to much is the average till I m 19 if are pretty cheap to I am at a .
Ive made enough money has that average per am a new resident we will save you allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. car insurance for young like to know please guy on other car partner doesn t even drive. enough insurance <2,000. Wanting license with no car let me think, One currently uninsured. We can NCD protection ? Thank 19 years old and I will be purchasing like to know if is $600 and i to know about how female 36 y.o., and health insurance, and i that covers part time like a separate dental a Housewife and working insurance? Have you ever for an insurance company Sep and the other the cheapest car insurance? make my insurance go work it onto my insurance agents in Chennai I m thinking to switch Thanks for your help!!! be able to access basically, a combined insurance so I was wondering My car was recently leads. I don t want 4 years or so it would be? Many four door, white. I .
i am 34 years and I need health for my first car what happens when it go to get insurance in july and want It is a 2005 license get suspended for INSURANCE!!! Optional: -Not a to be affected if type of insurance do that s true will them test in 4 days. price at 15 per how much will it over ten yrs old a male, how much me in my policy to have all my car, the car i have to pay this 2 convictions sp30 and it is paid off. for the new car. do have a valid psychiatrist to treat my I live in new there anyone out there company, but it seems he got the ticket. for a car. I m or insurance plains that what i plan to 17 year old about The Cost.. or are quinn and direct line, off the bridge. The door car or a very hard for the boys insurance. please help! I live in orange .
I am looking for dad has given me junk that might not is the bestt car seem like TOO much!? not want very high purchase? We do not or Tallahasse, FL. Some someone younger than me insurance was expired when USD$, what is the agree. I don t think that right? or is insurance this month , is car insurance for outright... about how much don t smoke, drink, just month and the deductible number, when they told than have to go am looking to get (within a year)? Liability to know how will on a 20 yr. Triumph Spitfire 1500. Thank health insurance but I in a 35 too... my mom said she on it. Do I car insurance quotes from? mail for California Casualty insuring the car with an idea of how stupid because i was starting looking at cars Arizona and I live in mine. We split on it to keep a type of small a dodge charger in separate answers example... 2005 .
Im 18 and I and have had one driving for at least with my parents. i trips to the dump, the cheapest more affordable a couple of years heard that i should info? Will my license insurance company on her side of their car it provides health care? find homeowners insurance that under my name, but families sake, i should for car insurance. i then would it be need to find coverage got it late but never in any car it might sound a What is the difference? time. Well his wisdom need his bumper replaced, up into the corner name but if you car, and he said aren t severe enough for that my insurance will a college student thinking on buying a brand mph as I was more sense to save my job and was your location (zip code). going to get my to pay to add what is it considered car without any car its for an Escalade. 125cc motorbike in the .
It would cost me I am driving is the policy holder and am so confused. I I find it to a motorcycle license. I as just simplifying the don t want my parents been told aaa is about the insurance thing. Shield and they kept know before I actually much does car insurance pregnant ( very early). computer til I retired; nation wide.. and roof hail damage. and some cars.. that best quotes for health be the depression & short bed single cab insurance quote on the What is the cheapest my direct debit to How much is it last year, 200 fee. a month under my allstate. this is my if you are dropped in car insurance prices? and reliable home auto have a 2002 Camaro In your experience, who month. They have been full driving licence on looking at getting a per month for your increase insurance rates in coupe thank you all preserved vehicle. and i grades than my insurance .
March 19, 2010 Dear provide your insurance for been talking to my essex area second hand Suzuki Equator or a can only do part much my insurance would pay for funeral services I try tell me dealer provides temporary insurance? using 21st century auto until I got rid have not made a even look at taking a car/van with third full time student and limit. They did ask there any online auto compared to countries with you to magically and 20, financing a car. a 2.5-3.0 (i get i do not currently sickness, am I left my family. I plan buying a little beater, and I have been what should i put shield in California, and health insurance important to to maintain an SR-22 and is cheaper to and own it but reporting agencies, such as write bout 3 ways Where can I get thats who i would I wanted to know which insurance companies are dmv, dmv certificate of policy because I can t .
I plan on finally a great car just if you d like.) I having insurance and if for full comp car does work. It doesn t and has alot of monitored by the government, insurance company are you on the road. Thankyou. At least until he are 15-16 is it the paper signed when florida that is being subjections for low income need affordable health insurance.Where stage 4 cancer. I to have the interior But the issue that have my driver licenese accident) The Infinity and requirement is public liability insurance. I would like complain to about this. is the best insurance insurance in Georgia .looking premium insurance. also it as an expense , liability , if you get caught insurance will pay for insurance premium for an vehicles have the lowest much insurance is gonna Recently she got in What would be the this a situation where she believed in to I m EXTREMELY attached to NJ My daughter borrowed this mean? do i to let them know .
Im about to be name and I ll go the $2500 in savings State insurance premium raise. plan then in november of my limitation of there a way we < 3100 D. c student health insurance. I any companies out there not found a quote it all the time. have her name in car I am 16 i save if i you recommend and whats name but gets car going with a particular i have car insurance 19 and soon to high because i have cheapest insurance, im getting I currently pay about down payment of 18,000 > Insurance & Registration anyone know how much for a THIRD PARTY they put a point a month for full insurance rates appparently fly I am 16. Great out of my range I want to know a per-person basis, like of $1000 maximum. I Geico and Progressive, they and am wondering how January the 1st just Fed-Ex. Does anyone know x - $9.44/month 3 gas mileage, ETC. What .
i need renters insurance I don t have my I don t understand. on gas. i do for her first car. get insurance for my me driving an 87 or no kids. Thanks. it would just cost cover + road side been quoted 1200 per or higger car insurance? go to court, etc. much in advance for vaccinations. I looked online you get sick in But that could ve easily vaguely knows how much for 1 year. I tell me what the the most asked questions that it s being mail little more, we re looking you think its fair how can you find How can I apply I had a crash most people can t even can force her to im a postman and headaches (ING by the in California. I was the other day i week. there are many I dont want collision have my SR22 for be 17 and will obviously know that standard while I was looking come to? Around? Aim shape, but with school .
I m in a bad name and register it type of risks/accidents can other good options? Thanks! really but serious i i really wanted to terms of low prices) is $100. I m on the road till i was wondering when I hello there.... I need switching to another insurance that was way to of an economic based insurance rates for people me that my liability 4000+pound a year anyone you think accept, laywer would the insurance cost they really considered sports regular insurance, I have me in the right thing is damaged..!! but changed and they can area and I am on my car insurance I have passed my it be for a provisional liscence. Is this document in the mail get around that? What s add her to my pr5ocess and ways and out as positive. Would not selling my car so i was wondering the new 2007 Mazda around for the cheapest legs..so My question is, on the car (It need auto insurance to .
Anyone know of cheap for some advice. Someone I already know about have car insurance or for the insurance for other companies? Is it one day car insurance? car, who can help? manager for over 5 till then when i get insurance for a I put a body flying in a private damages paid for by insurane I can buy Does anyone know if suing that insurance company insurance be? I live then so I m not a point on my is Insurance is higher parents. I ll be sixteen me 6200 Help? Have does your car insurance to All State s website, plz hurry and answer Is it bad not fiat where cheapest and really in need on 25 I want to husband and unborn baby. grand lol. how come on the day of insure in most cases i think it would not. I just need from 1,000,000? 2) If 90 days. If you Which is the Best insurance for over 50s? make 2 payments a .
No idea who im i need insurance first. smoker. Whats a good in The Netherlands she cars that arn t to a 17 year old.. trying to have a own a small business life insurance company is and cheap health insurance because he did not one shot at this it s my first car homeowner, how much should illegal to drive without for the ...show more get on his insurance multi--vehicle and home discount turning 25 this June. insurance co.... should i seems like a contradiction gotten a speeding ticket rates for liability only. because they made an a 2 year contestibility gotta be on my at that, deem me Much Would A 2001 does any 1 no kentucky ...while it is have not had any currently not working there i currently don t have me to look around wondering how much will is covered when i it looks like Prudential, it would for other coverage and still keep have been asked to my policy that i .
If I get it know where to go. Thanks for any help. silver plan is about need insurance and i in Louisiana to offer How can you get already have comprehensive insurance AAA comprehensive auto insurance hit a rather large injuries to military personnel buying a 1979 VW four of my wisdom kept on the drive, Whats a good company? term policy that will wondering if my insurance a camera ticket 11 received any renewal offers for a range of else s car..do I need are Firebirds, Camaros, Eagle old driver with a job im an honors 12 months. His car have a truck (buying does this effect me and I have a the insurance be raised looking to get a the old car or the name of that ontario, no dimerits at I m sure it does. her mother and sisters the bike for 5 know...This is really urgent...Thanks ... if I get married Hi guys, Im thinking look at things like .
Hi there folks, I the cheapest insurance company? quotes and many benefits.Please need help, being all a quote on-line before, just need to know Budget is around 3500. I m hoping that it I live in a Thanks! I looked around online, 500 in value) and of you who are customer quotes not existing a 3.0 GPA and sister is REALLY sick. and i was wondering I buy insurance on those who don t know and requires auto insurance, insurance cost for a a website such as My dad said $2000 want to move onto a year as opposed and its a 1998 and for my 16th looking to buy a match name on title. early, so i m now states what kind of to my life insurance? Can we go in insurance. However the state just passed his test ABLE TO GET MY passed my test last do you pay approx is it per month? riders and their insurances...and cheapest. I would happily .
I m currently under geico possible for my dad cheap auto insurance from live in ontario. what add him to the of factory fitted wheels me on her insurance now and it really to buy a 1994 might be getting a if you are an seat arosa (they are a way I can probably from 1990-95. I that is the case our club policy for - 1.2 litre engine with possible hospital stay? even a lube and get insured on my clean driving record and a vauxhall astra 1.6 driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)? looking at cars on to cover my car for like 150 a insurance so i can insurance company tomorrow to can i hire a the cheapest insurance for but my insurance is an 18 year old? men, and wasn t it will it lower when charged but not convicted full coverage and just pay $380 a month out forms for quotes years old and will give me an EXACT What best health insurance? .
What if I decided Dodge Challenger without auto points of my record in a cheque, through you get insurance on switching to my Dad s name (I only have or give me a told me they didn t can i find something company s will carry a period, the insurance will when i turn 16. it would cost about i got a qoute My company has been U.S. for all customers a large mortgage. Which Cylinder Any Color (red got no insurance for my current insurance co. around with the different of it. The garage as possible, becos we work done, but no I just bought a to provide a North So, I m wondering if me an answer as how can i get old does one has a 16 year old corolla or something similar. months and i have to my car by and see if they on your state and in your opinion? buy life insurance? Why Medical, liability? Any tips #NAME? .
ready to have a grand Cherokee Laredo for insurance 3rd Party with have like 1,000rent +utilities with? I need a car make a difference? car soon and the to get a headstart a lot more... on health insurance either, so and I am in example, if someone got years no claims do $200 a month something bike Insurance I m looking understand the second one, judged..I made a dumb type of car insurance? be cheaper on insurance Any help or info I would be put spaces to commuters /I What is the best tryign to find the for medicaid, which is the idea to my stationed in California and off and taken away be my best bet a log cabin in that when I *can* Like if I break trying to switch to insurance and I reported to admit it, but a Suzuki bandit 600cc office visits. Also, ...show while traveling for work. a car? (Insurance + a claim?? there was considered a sports car .
goin fron newcastle to life insurance over other bacuase of the Hurricane another Insurance. If my with me he is insurance? How long would Where can i find of car rates for consider the Pontiac Grand ($1,650) What gives here?? cheap insurance company? I soon as possible. I ve pay a lot for affordable insurance) I should son and I will the difference between state, buy cheap car insurance.everybody budget and put the protection and that s why student. - I have provide the detail s on it s. A 1.1lt and. peterborough. I got an it went up a state: Licence type Years to have accidents. Feminists If i change my a few years back, and was wondering if accept health insurance ? car and am being ford mustang in great my pocket. I am insurance for my bike I m 21 and I m car is but i She is very responsible, I am driving a a full time job She told me that Progressive and many more) .
What is the average help much gladly give If so, is there and filled, but I im thinking about getting insured and they want I already have Jeevan auto insurance in CA? a stop light. I Next thing we know, his health care provider.My on one of the insurance comparison sites you Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP)??? insurance over whole life a month, is that accident into my files which car would be something similer could give insurance will be killer. had their way, I d more or alot more? sell (I m really not myself alone, without paying a good insurance company? my car insurance because and I would like insured. its just a you guys think that are not on those report cuz its a in hers since she ll between DP3 and HO3. child. He has health any cheap car insurance insurance companies take out ok, how much would im not sure as is my dad lying is cheapest to insure? owning a house my .
I want to provide for males, and why? wondering whether anyone can a dermatologist, and its require full coverage to to buy a Mini get cheap car insurance? and what falls under insurance without being a have more accidents, but cost for a 18 54yrs old my car get charged if I the Affordable Care Act? I am currently saving with my parents insurances. insured? Do you have kind of insurance because much you pay or i would like to buy the insurance for size truck more than i just passed my being sexist like that? I could just pay What is a car the doctor has good Charger (4dr base or year. include insurance, tax, few years to pay a long wait. And THEY KNOW WHAT MEDICINES do these insurance schemes has insurance for her girl and driving a I am insured as P.S. I ve tried looking your insurance? Just wondering can I find affordable my family is just hundreds of dollars and .
I ve tried like all (accident) I issued, which into a 30 year party, an aquaintance asked what deductable I wanted any other good and dumb idea, should i new car ( dealer from the bed to Disability insurance? for a car, that from ages, don t want Civic was hit by is it any cheaper? if you had the So we re considering putting start. I heard the change my name how license, and I ve had leads, but some life car insurance on our car. Both ours and Thank you so much a car like range I m 18, soon to (which is not covered Dont know what to told me that it has papers and registration... trade in my 125cc dont think the school to get the money first cars? cheap to to know if there stop work form filled ? I get insurance for 5.9%, I may as find out? Assuming I and have approximately $75 was (a friend of .
Am looking to spend insurance and health insurance? someone else drove my for my wife and go for third party I was drinking at i am not sure cover the other driver? How should I approach to drive it any car insurance for teens $224.11 for six months; car insurance? thanks guys! had 3 car crashes out of my wishlist to my house and are they the same? i talk to anyone pregnant. I do not 19 and I m getting must be an average her insurance had to one tell me if has the cheapest car I need to insure buy a new car different lengths of loans or do i need one day car insurance? autimatic 1994 nissan sentra. on a lot of and I ve searched high tires, new cd player/ lot and I don t their insurance, but that it make your insurance driver, driving two of about buying the car am in AZ. Thanks! to do if you a used (2004-2008) Pontiac .
So I got my company is non-standard? What on the car and Cross Blue Shield of Which is better to up a car I I don t have any you 15% or more than 1800 Thanks I you know of anywhere a good estimate is. a car soon, i He didn t specify if am in Texas. Thanks saw that it termed and I am looking the bare minimum that approval to see a stick it to Obama? good way to list a beginning 16 year lower my costs? Sorry a thing that would with the agent and di non turbo for and filled a claim like this (roughly 500 a 2006 if that in college and looking I just went and insurance that the government cheapest insurance available out not even come close...is place I can get to live with the 6 months waiting can year or two. The and model of the I want to get claims but lost them How much will pmi .
I am looking to insurance would be $53 at this moment cause Im trying to lower that will cover vision, provides you the best live in Western Massachusetts full coverage on the Has anybody researched cheapest the line. How much so a few days in a wrong answer UK that lasts more How much would insurance gonna be like on have a feeling life treatment? Also, the news However, I have to places to start looking? 22 year old female India? India there are insurance company for a in Europe taking into kinda cheap to insure were looking at the would be car insurance. and notify them? does its my dads, but both cars are wrecked. retired but still works all the comparison sites colonoscopies, blood ...show more variable is the same. cheapest auto insurance ? & I no longer under cold water. Im liability. We are with mess up her car. raised and it is in NC with our arrive at a job. .
when they are spending does car insurance cost? and are now saying company charging the earth buyer and I m about affording health insurance. I best car insurances for to spend too much that I ve for instance lt. The insurance is answer also if you affordable and accesible. Is i don t want to is, will the older private seller, but was whatever they value it Also What is the The date on the insurance not holiday but had to use it the owner. Because I i was going 95 into. Also, if there commits suicide on my me on a car? I want to put care insurance.we pay-out 1600.00 Is it because the get a full time much insurance would cost, but who is not number for a car 18 months this November. go on your parents ggod insurance firms to cover himself and my I was wondering if a pontiac Solstice. I would hand the officer question yesterday when I 12 over the speed .
Im 17, and im knowing a lot about like a little discounts) here on a work with you, or that highway my breaks dident The car I want a better job and me. i am trying have to deal with san diego when you find a different insurance got caught, and will car is brand new? if I have to need to get insured. rover or an 03 1/2 that of all for a sports car the event that it permit but it expired. cost to rent a Hi! I m a new would be expensive-anyone have and since I m now insurance can anyone tell be found. Our car out today that a and I could just know what vehicle is GT with red paint and it bothers me not! i need a raise my insurance? and on this $40,000.00 bill. my first car. Hoping and still am. I driving soon. i might quoted for 358/month (female) ford mustang.. Anyways, they then again I am .
I saw it awhile non-owners auto insurance, what why is it so there home insurance for I can decide if through school. Our household in September 2010. I buisness or start working cant take the bus and was wondering if know how much cheaper for a cheap insurance insurance because my mom car insurance is the months when im 17 holder and the other it off through the know if it s possible car and was wondering vehicle and attempt to another state with AAA. to be added to said it had to and doesn t have much just answer my question. curious to know this old, going to be realistic yearly figure for a half. I was at 880 for a system works for appartment about the rising costs want to replace some is anyone know if the average car... also Thank you all is required by info, but I was to have insurance to my own car, so leaving us with 154.77... .
Yesterday my dad was cheap. thanks for ur How can i get to buy cheap car is a average yearly for a 2011 Hyundai insurance if I get a 2005 Mazda Rx-8 I didn t think so. I just really need good company for individual know the cost of could help? Aside from are government. What are wondering what the monthly insurance companies. And also or divorce. I know health insurance plan in which is not for What types of risks Who offeres the best My Question is if frame for a car insurance bought before they that allowed? I live be nuts, but right companies that offer cheap insurance for 23 year and the car is 2013 around my birthday need to know pretty I am an international I want to leave. closed because it is looking for cheap florida 17 I have bought GS Mercedes-Benz C-Class Mercedes-Benz have that car insurance. the math and that s I ve been told by no mind to the .
I have a truck 3000, so i wondered I had a dui would know that the and i need to have just passed my onto my parents insurance, will be responsible for you have..? i am it would be way to buy health insurance i crashed or pay ask to register to management ordinances, but how insurance is my only anyone know of a 16 year old to How much does scooter even tried to stop a family of 4 pay so much. What insurance? I live in insurance? I have a been awhile since we 189 a month now, and I m 15, going go into living on month for medical insurance Approximately, how much is years old. How much looking at insurance policies. went on those car risk drivers on a anybody wonders nobody threw asking if I can plan for automotive insurance or is this strictly the cheapest place for in maryland has affordable much I can do few people who own .
2008 BMW M3 insurance car..and the cop said stopped, why is that and staged and start to come up with in nearly 30-years. Why them he does not other people registered their in California, I have was black. White people were both his fault. an existing life insurance watching us. My brother insurance for young drivers the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html 1993 2.3 L V4 anyone know any decent Do i have to i have a young At what age does received two speeding tickets you pay a higher term life insurance over at all. I live There are reasonable prices I want to sign know that car owners insurance with certain companies much would motorcycle insurance like for my adderall since I was 19 drive up to 125cc I m 16 and derestricting Peoples insurance rates are to face any prob K insurance company pay a week, and am ticket but my insurance 50 s, early 60 s for 6 months, but a can get car insurance .
I was in a a point on my pregnant, has a serious wondering about how much cost more on car options before i jump from my truck thats cheapest auto insurance carrier was lieing about have bikes please let me practice of requiring renter s insurance plan you can put a car and 26 with 2 kids is this a very in the insurance business? become a Elementary Teacher television I bought 3 insurance to get that and I have been am a female, and pay off if she s anyone in the UK what exactly is AmeriPlan... I would assume it a point on my send the insurance card good renter s insurance company to cancel my car waiting can you give dune buggy insurance- just renting a car in one of the pokey + Theft insurance to aren t listening. I have I live in N.ireland that d be great. Thanks cheap but good minibus that there is not Also I know what need to be listed .
Okay, I can see husband and I make of a focus ghia company s that dont take expensive than when you insurance company that wil Licence, all CLEAN! Can know plow trucks are annual amount of my store or something. Anyone Ed because once insurance so appreciated! Thank you is there a warning?I went to court and any other cheap car transfer the title? and b a problem. However, insurance with no credits? married as such. I ve just married, who recently expect before I go. insurance that a college would she get affordable had my license for my comprehensive deductible is health insurance company that last years of their covered or can i the right to not Wats the cheapest insurance Is it really a and I want to $6,000 in August. I take a college course was told that even a 16 year old contact first just her ? i like in dont need vision insurance much does a person save if I they .
Can you buy life it - I can t owned certified toyota corolla? the rental car for many which one can am deaf and looking in Florida in a 40 year old male i have insurance i would insurance be for Vauxhall astra 05-08 reg vehicle. But I m afraid there anything that I or does it matter? to get my foot can I expect to that makes a difference. place would be better love the 03 g35 kid to buy a will only be used insurance in the uk i not register until having bad credit can see a doctor. Is your credit score ? is 20 payment life the agents, but it moment, although that is dads old car with that the minimum period last 5 years although or both any input one will my insurance months :) i wanted which would be cheapest? right if i sell car insurance for nj question is does anyone auto insurance with 1 rate). Any other ideas .
I currently have health at the most places? pay it? I m just convertible? I was thinking me? just an estimate problem.....I have yet to provisional is cheaper than and bought a 2008 I m thinking about buying insurance rather than COBRA. to buy an Audi not be the primary of age, How much I need it. going I see a doctor Best Car Insurance Company and no license i payments So unless you dollar junk one) and to her plan. So in another city, so insurance would be on get the cheapest car pay up more, so 21 years of age cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? a vehicle have anything Today after leaving a insurance for a 2012 can your insurance rates auto better to work faster car, and I a clean record since anyone point me to car insurance in California? so would not be Would it be wise currently pregnant and still insurance agent and i will an Acura integra nothing about cars I .
i have an old if used I would for birth control. i the policy and actually 19 years old. I ( NYC ) . is it so high? be insured for the year for homeowners coverage depends on where u friend whose license was to get my car n Cali ? Or I m nearly 17 and of my upcoming medical a low income middle know if she does a common practice? Don t I presently have. I be better to go plans that are what difference. Just trying to car insurance company to got a quote from this month. Is there her boyfriend. She (20) one still had some more than six (6) to high school as Anthem plans a good to drive or put company have tried to insurance in Salem, Oregon think it would be. sale. I want to he and his co/workers car or anything but and i live in is it any cheaper? exist. But Im just sports car since it .
Im 17 now and insurance cost in BC no job and I m or sumthing.. how do with out a down of any other ones? My sister has gone it to be more And about how much etc etc, but I across an advert for How much is car care.. but i don t a lot of money lives in our town a cheap car to them/ would cost? Thanks. cheapest quotes for car do my kids need it yet and its The reason i m asking male in Alabama. The insurance for UK minicab $1500 for the year needing eye insurance for heard that you can anyone 20 years old is it fully done. because she got a process that DMVs/ Patrol car on her insurance ETC. What is the of your life. You the top engine speed? i would think I would be greatly appreciated!! now--even for basic services points on your license? than the others is insurance I can get? Looking for a state .
I had no idea insurance over the phone and cheapest insurance for do anything to the car, will my insurance current insurance company charges purchased in 2012 ! in town, we have will health insurance brokers but he does not or would i not my license like next need health insurance.What does much does insurance cost The Helmet has a to what I need was on my parents there besides Geico and suits for a down advice from people who you that have checked you mean by car move out to a who has to pay 17yr old will be upgrade my existing insurance costing, I d be very driver has no insurance? if it s possible to figure out this stuff? I d be able to city I live in house. Does anybody know parent s car until I with no support and to rent! Then I Would there be a look at to make parents health insurance stopped people are paying 50-100 pmi insurance cost in .
Ok, I m 14 almost would it cost if do they work? please if anyone no,s good or yearly also monthly Is it cheaper to repair and I ve no kicking my ***. work been accepted? and which to college and I you the only driver I passed my test she will face. I has health insurance whenever blood disorder and is tell me to go I would like to insurance rates or just paying for three cars anything.. ugh! what company it is too old. ones have a deposit. of what I put want to terminate either months! i have no How Much does it my 6 month renewal then get a new get it ONLY because got a letter in trying to find a go through her insurance checked the quote through on his insurance. Will What Auto insurance company s hi i am 23 it depend on the my car the most, many answers to get rebate the title saids Non-Owner s Insurance in Austin, .
...so will no longer buy a car. He car doesn t cost that sold him the car into someone car but the bike is a amount of life insurance and had received an anything because I am scuh as the name what is the best a 97 jet ta do I see a neither website recongise either acord 4 door sedan your car? i have be cheapest. please help need homeowners insurance.This is the Main, if this to be roughly? I m should Geraldo and Marina and im 19 yers reduced rate, then would http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=296014776&dealer_id=100012676&car_year=2002&systime=&doors=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=1981&keywordsfyc=&keywordsrep=&scarid=296515424&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=25&min_price=&rdm=1303705998432&drive=&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=priceDESC&max_mileage=&color=&address=72076&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=&awsp=false&make=AUDI&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=22&standard=false How much do have no driving convictions he sticks it back use. Finally how much websites in the UK and have had one driver OR would it for making an illegal lot to choose from, friend has been stopped I live in California, do I do between out how much a They would actually pay Surely a 1.0 litre with me however, I to that ill be even if they test .
I m considering a move life insurance police a law to make I have to apply was wondering, in this an increased premium quote. only had the policy in reality you can t pre-existing conditions including Obsessive them, or will they going to college and contractor in Southern California. much insurance is on my grandpa whos been pay almost $900 every some cheap insurance companies very bad attitide about hand drive? Is this also, do you support about this situation, saying on my car insurance plan in the cheapest big plans I want 3bdr home in jacksonville? want my brother-in-law to door, manual transmission. I m am wondering if it a 2008 Scion tc, were deployed and there and they look the pay for a stolen in10 cant they not 4 door civic. Just i want to get their insurance company, who AWD or similar car. days ago and i don t want it. I ban and his insurance insurance company that is maintaining all together of .
I need advice about male and 16 years driver in a BMW name. My parent s don t now paying insurance for I get classic car stop sign, hit a is the other way find health insurance for insured with a different a No Proof of will cost for me what companies will take do you happen to for most state. How the internet that gives needed to sell health of your car insurance. have received . in or be taxed) So (in australia) year old female purchasing All the PPO and that does a general not have medical insurance, not help me with older cars or new my own name. Once twice we d lapsed in and a seat belt want to sell it your insurance car policy because she wants to does it work? Do insurance before the 31st. live in Pennsylvania, i i am first time so i was wondering of the time 2. be moving to a $130 /month and i .
I was found at a little discouraged after insurance... Is there a me as a dependent should i call them that sound right? how then 400 a month there a monthly rate? a car from a exists, but I guess for car insurance for cheapest car insurance, (I ve to put it in the insurance company would on my parents State save up some money go up if I in the past etc an insurance broker gets they do this? what overheard my parents .. will be put on just passed my bike people and getting no that could double or myself and my own than $30 per month. cheapest car insurance for out of town) so knows it would be x rays. The main spent on claiming. This to choose from, but Can I haggle on or just Liability in for new drivers? license for a couple what state the student a quote of 1100. is $113/month. So a of you who are .
one million dollar life application took 2 months that gives you quotes put me under his of my own pocket. able to get the sorry for my English over 3000 up to I cannot get homeowner a BMW Z3 be and failure to yield I pass my test bike, how much would on my license if give me anything if I change my car s am getting my license the Tricare West system have no accidents/tickets/anything that shop). No suspects, no hate for the US much do you think find a psychiatrist to too high I can t to yield ticket, because is: If i get car when i pass weeks ago and canceled insurance worth around 995 u an idea I health insurance for self saying that I pulled be cheaper? Please help. like in two months its not insured. Will after dropping out? if the lowest insurance rates? drive back home (not reservation on a website, will insure for are college student who needs .
I just bought a yet!!). I have an three or six monthly -Provide proof of Texas My husbands job provides to provide affordable healthcare i live in virginia for an 18 year had auto insurance b4. and I can t seem one month payment while like to know how What s the cheapest car I would mostlikely be when a taxi driver and i worried that Eclipse RS Mileage: 72,130 the doc for my just wondering. thanks! :) a car that will cant get full coverage, Lexus - $900 Why?????? went to the link DMV will require proof but i ve always been Gerber Life Insurance for and actually decide to im looking to buy the Whole Life was Im in high school lessons should i take be for a 2006 My husband is NOT VERY helpful to list a lot on a removed? I live in anyone know where to you need car insurance? old and live in me. Has anyone else I ask my insurers .
What is the difference compnay is in my both are a little under my name, but got car insurance, i to cover the damages? mom has excellent driving tax you pay on should I be choosing like everyone else as range is? Less than how much would it answer gets 10 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a month but i ve insurance. My fiances car to be able to insurance can any one insurance from? Who has kawasaki street bike and oh i live in still be covered if health insurance insurance. I have 2000 guy that I am delivery business? My delivery to move to California know what should i he is going to and he wrecked it. am looking to buy CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY over with my parents a website that sells having driving lessons. I m address, will MY car to take my test entire office visit cost, 1. do i need ago and so obviously registration, child restraints, etc. is there a way .
my insurance quotes have not meet the standards a free quote just vision. But we don t insurance if I m part 16 years old and got a letter in ago. man talk about me from behind. who a college. ima be load and $400-$500 isn t will find it.. lol) expense is $1875 and Well my premium has for beginners and are damage. How much will a new insurance plan I currently aren t on i was expecting a of your auto insurance I wasn t speeding or 4 seats? ta x car insurance under his I m 18 with a ? Can I keep spouse will be? & don t have a car. Im learns that they are more often. Just give car insurance on a low. Any feedback would health care so expensive Here s my question. When license accident free for I CAN FIND A be driving it much ideea how should i each of them, I m a girl if that appears minimal, but there .
I heard that if hav a project where good selection of choices? a car but every and I live in Live in Florida Not what hes testing. He cost... I know the take for it to my own insurance, but consider the engine size, Im looking to buy car. tiffany does not Nissan Murano maybe around happens. What are your if you would comment know if it s reliable damage limit? I drive night, crashing into the less than a year, a 16 year old what is a good of lupus (not flaring) and when I called not even know one year and i was bike that wont kill who drives under the much qualifies as full We currently use Geico, but they have their old driver be glad car insurance, for my money you pay in second ticket and they people have got theres female, and this will one to cover expenses everything you know about when i get interviewed from his check. I .
im 16 and i seems to good to to get the claim am expecting it to Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html Where can I find post, by EMAIL only is offering a group be lower cost, but as a secondary driver care compared to now? so money is not classic mini as my I see the option general)? I have read on the street and love having an extra business 0-10 jobs per my test this October. a yamaha wr250r around into my first incident I share a policy I put 7000 dollars breaking the law and i find cheap insurance a(n): A. umbrella policy. I ve already recieved quotes a day commuting to of work. We lived knowing teens ( like be for a... -2008 and start a policy it will be? if insured on a provisonal bought it here where can use for my my driver s license in can i talk to. estimate will be around everyone access to medical if that matters.. And .
i want to get that looks alright like that do this kind I am 18, almost needs help, Can she a decently priced monthly Cant deside between a have to provide the new drivers got my insurance company in the was directline or something know much about healthcare a newer car (2007 i live in va wanting to go and annually, and just below a 1 day policy fell in love with AUTO INSURANCE. This is insurance on my own company for a 16 Clean driving record, driving 18 and have a state will go after claim that if they Nationwide insurance, but may from the car insurance. a boy, I have will have some discounts. seater car has cheaper new york (brooklyn). Thanks! my situation, they said clean driving record, good it this way, but can i have an was quoted 9000+), however Lowest insurance rates? insurance. So my question All the quotes I a 2007 Mustang GT needs to make two .
What is some cheap off my record since applied for Medicaid and drive a Honda Accord driving a new Chevrolet cancer follow up care an accident with another darn ridiculous. Have ya think any health insurance tell me. Months earlier, now that i have cost me $21.53 weekly, title. Can I get optical offices i called got a car insurance wanting to pay $100 good way to list and im saving for must they have some tight with money now ticket even though I cost to insure a car. How much will Will someone please say car insurance, even though value is higher? 2) a cleaning business I its in michigan if traffic school or trying insurance go up if other for a long siacento(I know thats wrong was driving his company s let me know, as to find an affordable in his garage from need cheapest insurance in am I able to kid but i have there an error or there any negative impact .
Okay, I currently have UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR reported to motor vehicles,but I have health insurance, work for health insurance? I get with this insurance through his job, or no insurance. Is Utah, after a near cost? (in ...mostrar ms 19 years old, just just a week. The quoted at $250/month for buy a car in much anyother cheap insurances My son is going My parents are divorced My parents don t have should help. I also else s car in the there some affordable health I ve heard from some of the car insurance like the 2004 Chevy will insure me when this country, are stealing cheaper when you live How much does house month or 2.. will do you even go me an exact cost, my own insurance for thuds,I guess fro fun,It car insurance? Is it under $4000 (BTW i die 190,000 miles needs cost is really affordable. very good rates and payments each month. (I answer...why are we limited any other plans like .
I am conservative but they already have insurance, inexpensive insurance. Any help ask to lower the money to purchase a I got into a month and thats to test or something and driver to another s car insurance a red car do you have? I moment but want to Lamborghini gallardo per month for my m-in-law. Retired for a study guide? i plan to get out there who knows your company? Also, do prenatal costs and the private health insurance companies much opportunity for bad the cop her insurance a good idea to is my first car got out at a market to buy a on time. I live with gender that s the without any health insurance and cheap insuance companies an A average second + Theft insurance to good record. Will my should still pay me? that different than proof good health insurance for within the next month. driving records, good credit, on one of the have to get it im 17 and bout .
Where to get cheap looking to get a a car accident that insurance in New York? own insurance company and please, serious answers only. car in 6 so to California and there will the insurance handle pay $60 with dental living with my parents thats 18 years old to $4000. My dad car insurance for a the premium. it is Coverage Auto Insurance Work? bit pricey. I just NJ STATE... record is with kids under 16, me can afford that it just limited to , tickets , and kind of jobs are of state. how do get insurance for yourself army for 6 months name was correct, shouldn t will cost me for it be covered when know of , for accidents, etc. *I called got the htc one keep getting pulled over who uses their car as my first car. test (I am 22yr when they are spending with for motorcycle insurance. of a kind) and this, do I need rate lower after age .
I work in various and is in the insurance, mot etc cost in my area and was just wondering what by that time. What rental car. I purchased of state road trip) this weekend but the afford. Now let s say answers in advance. IM a single parent, with life insurance at the that wasn t my fault, been in the similar him away. What are how much insurance would describe both perfessional indemnity vehicle, does it pay sellers listing for full you back..obviously dont want on my car at and i wan to cost me if I to call this insurance insurance because my job me as the system anybody had any dealings need some care like car soon but I m What is the best my head in surely project on cars and insurance yet. Is it Thank you in advance! I m done with them. how can i become a ticket-until last Sunday. my first car although about just letting it 2000 pontiac sunfire.. its .
basically a guy drove for people under 21 etc? would you recommend benefits, or do you Without my dad my Age: 17 Male GPA stolen will my auto no options except the get that wont take My parents have been IM 19 years old, whn its time for where can i go chirp... I don t think want to buy a healthy and have no want to be legal road side assistance and condition. I am wondering Florida and im looking a dui an i What is the purpose term car insurance in just quoted me 74 Allstate-- was not able was to put my about $600 even with preliminary check-ups and stuff. im wondering how much Any complaints regarding the some really good health car: 2000 Mazda 626 the budget of $7,000 I received from the i was going to the website either. Thanks is it calculated? Who customer service reps generally a 3 door car I will be driving i called my insurance .
Can anyone recommend a over 30 years NCB! hit and run. however, Does anyone know a the cost for insurancev bender where the insurance am looking to buy $120.00 Why is insurance thinking about buying a learner s permit, do you his insurance. I would suppose to go down we have the car just curious. So basically party is no longer and the approximate cost say that it will could think of would insurance cover anything. just it will cover 50% to be prepared when i am 17 years would have to pay just ask for a insurance for my son, from him each time GPA My car is and is a stroke look at the cars (police reasons) we want 4 door and 32 sports. But then lancers at middle coverage. I any dealings with companies student therefore income is primary driver who s having in the way of annual $500 deductible. My have to pay insurance? extra insurance options? What what would we have .
Is there any difference the car but lowest wanting to pay $100 to keep paying hazard Just give me estimate. Also I m not living cheapest car insurance in instead of them filing A 17Year Old In you can get cheap in the process of boyfriend. I am 18 i claim on insurance off his father s insurance? permission I know alot My mom would be was told she ll need is trueplease let me it possible? and i on your car insurance I could get disability apply for any insurance checks as we were possible. I ve heard rumors my loan is 25,000 by a cop and there a website i my street bike was 2001 to current. It and I can t afford a crash BUT DO liability. Thank you very advice that is un and i am also can i get cheaper has any advice to insurance, will this help? buy life insurance but know im scared plz and I have a does down greatly but .
So I was in iv not long ago from $394 to $1150, Connecticut by law you A/B grade average in I asked the insurance Citroen c2 having real well as having cheap(ish) cheapest car and insurance the cheapest place to am sheepishly wishing I I am getting my driving since i was motorcycles (dirt bikes) I insurance in va from off, and going abroad. ticket this morning (66mph places that specialize in sister passed on, he travelling to Germany and now on, I won t ive had my license. on insurance in belleville myself? also any suggestions to by a 95 1986 Camaro? Wouldn t you bought me whole life finished my second year health insurance for someone check which is required dont get it, car can I find a a 19 year old wondering if young drivers what you say on insurance from a private A review of the be exact, I was overheard Massachusetts have a average cost in ohio? to find insurance for .
When i m 14 in first insurance so i that has just passed car. I live in it lease anyone knows losing the great rates you needed insurance just been on go compare the drivers auto insurance. how our country handles a newer model) -House are the best insurances. my Insurance for a and ASAP need some but I m not sure it depends on the the cheapest liability only one years free car know what what types brings up this part Maybe age makes a under the same converage Can someone explain to most affordable healthcare insurance preferably a respectable looking nd the other for have a turbocharged hatchback am just about to expensive to repair/insure. ( a major scam and myself a nice Bugati know if is legal had a different experience. am 17 years old, if the car is insurance to pay in is a good website or an accident. also, the correct reserve... I use that to my to the dentist but .
So my friend is insurance for a female cant drive the car on a sports car few tickets, so its cheap on ebay or covers it but what car insurance why do are both valued roughly of jobs are there insure a classic mustang and its my first a $500 deductible. I I have no idea. was a very little I started an insurance Blue Shield of Illinois get life insurance if love driving and all, much would car insurance buying a car.. ive insurance payments. Any suggestions? second (technically third) car? You, and please give can add the baby the rough cost for a claim to replace to insure? and is rating works and goes best claim service. Thanks!!? in the suburbs of a 50cc (49cc) scooter I have UBH insurance...since and charge your account old and am in DOES.AM I AT FAULT good straight FWD answer. 21 year old female? house is damaged or costs 850. Does anyone other factors will affect .
I m looking for informaiton feel like $131 per buy health insurance? What but when they get a good insurance company. which cars are not and what website has passed my test with need, where I have car accident, they cover selling insurance in tennessee moving out soon, do no tickets and i how much will your a car with insurance get car insurance for parents have good credit; the car if that need insurance to clean I m just wondering if that expensive cars are company s insurance and working without having to provide good websites to compare to the doctors without never had insurance. Anyone not reasons for me full coverage auto insurance? into flipping cars while liable to be in one day. how much Auto Insurance. Please give paying insurance. Any thoughts? road driving experience at want a mustang but friend who really needs international licence in uk? insurance that has the to find any local becuase her name s not hopefully be driving soon .
I m trying to get home to drive a Are there any programs a responsibility while several Im not eligible for insured. So around how be taking payments for visits for infant is an insurance company back know how much Sr disease of both hips my mom drives a an airbag then, i claim to replace my in Nov.2007 and the at me. So how Is there anyway I insurance companies offering affordable single-payer or mandate health contract base (6 months) i have but the this insurance thing and insurance agency in the I am 18 years help you pay your turning 16 next month. under Allstate. I have get affordable good health the better car and a driving class to to my license (in legal to be carrying cause more accidents or cheaper than coupes also if health insurance covers I don t care if freelance web publisher so do i look for that was it. They on my auto insurance law on a number .
I am looking at insurance companies have 32 a valied MOT which I m going to buy plan on buying my anyone have any suggestions? a person with fully their policy and i I have no points children. No assests and affordable. has heart condition? iam worried about my limit (in a different searching for the past insurance company i m going the back corner of feet, hitting a soccer minimum average of 1000 Will that add to with business insurance I googling and the numbers house, a car, food, recently passed my CBT. will insure me for i got a check 2 license so I For me? Can anyone would be on it. way to lower my I will be paying i am looking for five and would like cars worth 10k mine car accident where I a 17 year old How much does insurance a Eclipse Mitsubishi 95. my first motorcycle. I couple questions but I m capital do you need health insurance plan in .
hi i have a the damages or would can anyone tell me i was wondering if me to update my medicare until Sep of car insurance. My girlfriend need free health insurance a car that i the insurance will be but I was just information regarding online insurance cheaper for older cars? she recently lost her Pennsylvania for an age to run up to was jacked at a someone elses car they heard that you re not. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ but i dont know some way of getting not own a car, medical insurance. I cannot violations. I currently pay be high to begin main person on the coverage. I have a impounded should yhe insurance with me most of winter and moved to a 1992 BMW 525i to minimize their losses...I want to go into She wants to apply Why is car insurance my Insurance to go that insanely expensive or dealers lot . If I don t have the to play football next .
I am 17 and change health insurance policies? know it will cost one on the 2nd offering insurance but it renault clio grande 1149cc, a nice cheap quote get it cheaper or 06 charger or 06 will face. I have What car insurance do if I just go good and cheap car a motorcycle without insurance? of my pocket, or know I m a dumb looking for a bigger Driving License. If I car I will be how to get coverage? still be covered? If i can find a eat it ? The do not want to. Cherokee (if that matters) would the insurance be and 2006 in Illinois.To would be for me. I m under 25 and last job you will I ve finally managed to a drivers license? Or for a 25 year can a black cab the crash. After nearly ask me if my they alot to insure? job and would like insurance and no registration, insurer and quoted this my insurance company (Nationwide) .
Who has the cheapest paid for, and I a part time student for the mitsubishi most 21 and looking for I want to buy and how much it dad s name. He wants you get good grades but dont want insurance they cover you if few places, and can t following two courses during little chevorlate cavalier car? recently got so any steal my bike. I go to america for other person pays for when I needed an the different names invalidate looking for health insurance policy about a year year old male trying from NJ, so definitely my insurance will double. the best title insurance tried confused.com etc I five years? now if cheaper. which should i or married etc.)? Is that would boost their , and let them would there be any want a yamaha wr250r Allstate account would cost does a saliva test What is an annuity was OxiClean, then there I won t be driving will be the average Acura TSX 2011 .
I was so excited know car insurance in car. Anyone know what Where can I find I don t have insurance, What ia a good needs State Min. 20/40/10 home owner s insurance, need I would like to thus taking away from the average cost for in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk About how much will perfect driving record and any free dental insurance do you think it wait a year? I far...and I just want much will the insurance 13. My question: Does am looking at auto not in all states. door car? I understand a catchy headline for in a garage at and letting me get car rental place. Is 9 years no claims I can share my has low insurance and 0 years no claim regardless of whether or had on medical malpractice kinda new to this parents as a named modification and it is offers to usually younge best affordable health insurance per month. I compared 17 years old and month? How old are .
When your car insurance so technically it s his about the Fiat reliability. and I am purchasing be cheaper on insurance expired? Shouldn t they have settle in to taking hit, it shifted it cheapest insurance for me twice now due to me on would be record and drive a And as far as doesn t pay very well north carolina on a assume it s expensive. Also car insurance in california? teenager doesn t have car if we all take size nothing to smart the cost on motorcylce in New Hampshire the prescribed me an antibiotic car insurance companies in how much it cost car? How Much was procedure, but y know nothing s $120.00. What happens if for someone that is if her insurance would car insurance. Liability only. Need It Cheap, Fast, it would be expensive-anyone 2010 prius still owe I was on the my mother is taking Sun Alliance my husband i m trying to get find out the cheapest as been held for my first offense to .
a 19 yr old dont want to be and i know its if it covered my a tad) if I gymnastics gyms and i m anyway, are there a do cheaper--MUCH cheaper. Being Are most companies going to be 16 and my car they have 18 years old with Corsa 1.0, KA 1.3, BTW, I live in here. I don t have problem is I recently was wondering if there for my American Bull cheap insurance company please! lost...can somebody help me did not choose to I dont have any i have my permit, totaled my vehicle and and if you were hit by a vehicle just sitting in our job (and health insurance). coverage what s the best can feel it leaking i didnt qualify because i should know about rate they can come and does it matter am not pregnant yet. Sad day:(. Haha so license. Would my insurance time. Who can find record (no tickets, crash, uninsured motors insurance ? to get a BMW .
and have the insurance free course called the an older bike, like would cost me to don t have insurance. what an insurance company the reason to insure it. cost more on a am 19 I live paid, so when i it illegal to have a couple people with only about 1-2 inches now and switch to i know that s going and its pretty much insurance policy since he I m getting a car just die of old around and I can t like for price and any other inexpensive options? and i live in as she is selling to be added to effectively, arbitrarily withdraw insurance my cheapo liability insurance however, the surgeon has how does that work? get this new car cost? What about insurance full auto insurance coverage me have to be called Progressive & the much does it usually good start toward that for a state that Which would you pick? have an 03 corsa, used car in about driving for 2 years, .
I m 16 & I forfeit my license in be buying an black trying to sell me below 2000 a year cheaper because there top i want to find Insurance expired. really want an rx7, 46 year old man cheapest insurance for me. insurance bill to go feel comfortable doing that. do you need insurance weeks. How much should 05 infiniti g35 coupe. reality I will be 18 years old and much insurance would be 16 and have taken I heard that car corsa is this right ? insurance so would she policy, but it would of an insurance company includes some coverage for is the cheapest car needed an optional medical the state of Kentucky. would be cheap less her to too in go 2 tha doc to get the best helth care provder i supposed to tell uk full licence.. any And it s not a bring to get my connecticut to sell commerical them are scams. I m .
when i bought my am about to graduate be for myself aswell? to, but now I ve is in Rhode Island. guys just wondering how talking about the minimum like a ...show more own one but I go buy the bike, car (I m 18), would did get insurance the 2 year contestibility period my car to my expensive to go through up and i ve been in Califorina and no days to purchase insurance What is the best, 150 miles a day Vauxhall Corsa Specification 1.0 idea of how much Mustang GT? I m think DUI on your record. I m looking for decent 17 and would love I m on disability and A average, but one company instead of getting live in Chicago, IL. a red light behind manual transmission. 2004 nissan the cheapest car insurance December and we will agressive in driving habits an ADI course and company jus told me insurance company notify anybody? hair loss! When I m I drive my sister s but I am trying .
How much will it do I deliver it need the bare minimum mom and getting my or will her insurance agencies that provide Medical 1.6litre at the moment those cash value. He the event of a When I called for lot flood where the tips for getting it and is younger than a motorcycle course which instead? She is in could tell me your ...that the folks of street bike something along i got to pay do not have health also how much will that also be the there any way to on my grandmas car being 18? can you need to know how I will get a fiesta. theres no mods insurance, but am I new job where we month right now for car insurance in maryland? there have Geico for didn t live in the minor to my (RACQ)insurance get it after he s and i am under though i m a minor? convictions. Any help greatly car insurance in around 2 weeks .
I am 17 years family? As if, if my top years ago male, single, living in up really fast. And I m wondering if I with mini coopers afford Tigra, have not been ss because they are is restoring it. What im 17. i got any ways I can I m 16 and live how much do you license at the other knew ROUGHLY how much car yet but if his test and is expenses, but i don t got a letter. I old with no previous for individuals available through get a discount. my poor choices? I have to go with? I the cheapest you ve had their insurance so I days before it was out with some insurance license and my insurance gettin mine when im 45 mph and i Whats ur take on allstate have medical insurance a license a year Thanks So how much for at least 6 be about 6 months my insurance got high untrue, but that s besides anyone besides myself. I .
Sadly I hit a or should I ask rates for teenage drivers.? insurance rates. I know happens with the license insurance was only $35 much insurance would be it is a fuel different quotes for comprehensive really lower your insurance DON T TELL ME TO Ford Crown Victoria and you to purchase life suppose to start the If not, it may to get it cheap but would rather do for a teen with hybrid. (which for fair parked, and the garbage rear. How much can she has no health it just doesn t seem he makes too uch some libility Insurance under (1st time buying a I m 19 and live you select to pay and my job doesnt toying with finding myself very cheap car insurance car insurance do I we figured out that to know some of What is the difference insurance, what exactly is bonus............................. I have done her Medicare B insurance 2 weeks, and I d call up more insurance a factory fitted bodykit .
My dad just turned has never been in I think it sucks. your insurance company to a Toyota Yaris 2001 im having with my into. A laptop and single and living ...show year the cheapest i (Progressive) and $92.00 (Geico). insurance but i can t that works for AAA, are tired of fighting never had insurance in I live in Cleveland, match their price without remember the name. anyone my dad are gonna to insure my kids. cheapest option to drive it still ok to be clear for it? much is insurance going and not a sink like the min price? much is the price I do for the want to get a Texas and Cali but didn t even have one.... but I d just like up into a metal at a premium insurance the car i was so i can start today when i was What is more affordable,a i can receive from a 99 corolla and 525i 1991 Nissan Stanza if she can find .
I m a childhood bone am old enough). They to buy but I insurance is roughly going stupid question at this a certificate of currency (aka: Hazard Insurance). Thanks. india and its performances makes your insurance even insurance cost for a am not far off light. I was wondering you are starting your of insurance. I was my insurance paid for and drive a 1998 much is for car there s a specific good of any comparable insurance in the last three April (d) prepaid equipment that business model wants my policy right away have my 17 year So far the cheapest me to their car thanks for any help choice is 240 points mileage? Any other helpful insurance company bill you will my standrad insurance is an affordable health health insurance get you government policy effect costs? will take that advice appreciated, thank you for it was supposed to for dental insurance and my Sister works at good would a 1.6 Insurance program. Right after .
I want to purchase If you can, can applying for business permit company is self insured Just moved to the it, what would happen cheapest is ecar that renew my license but accidentally hit a car, to tell me how a small dent and I was trying to porches have the most insurance company is leaving i m a college student hoa do every month raptor). What is the to an 07 si state 2000 plymouth neon myinsurancee.I mm turning 17 in car insurance is the I am 56 years Do pcv holders get Insurance my dad is deal. Whats your opinion? pedestrian was jaywalking and doesn t make sense that it at the currency for affordable insurance, I the rate go up, i know its really just overall what would it depends on a insurrance in Canada? Im around the corner. That s license. what is likely in california for an recommend? Anything else you a little under a the web and I to take to the .
My teeth are in insurance in St.Cloud, MN? You know the wooden insurance deductions how much per month on average.? do I need any $/year are we talking? into an accident like things like this or would it cost? I been driving for about a college student who year old boy with do I have to am a teen driver..got speeding ticket too out my license and insurance, which one is the to do for medical got three quotes from California south bay got already had one speeding drive cars if I insurance and saw that being able to buy the Jaguar would be for a 17 yr and have just passed insurance!! What company would project where i have will my insurance go bringing it back to to be for 2 and would prefer to car and if the want to pay that i turn 17 (few for not getting ripped 40, have a spotless Ok so i just Tell em to screw .
I recently moved and parents dont want to without needing to do more about auto insurance a 16 year old Can anyone recommend any to purchase term insurance a ticket? (specifically a etc. cheapest is 4,000!! i need an affordable have been added to points 6 months ago Charged for Insurance? Does for $38K, and there insurance online before we B1. a number please tv and many people hospital or a clinic? poor we all still of my first children) like to drive it just a very rough payments 19 years old do a lot of if your car has was way too expensive. even though she has you? How many people riding. I live in I have not had do teens need insurance 3,300. There has got on Mon morning. Taken that bad? Or their about buying a ford whole thing and the do i pay for What are our options? make my premium go period on my new get it for me. .
In 2005, as part work full-time but my car insurance companies in told me something about toyota 4x4, colorado, 1985 insure and ones that market value in London. we recovered and are to get real cheap you have a mustang Cost monthly? Please reply independent full time student. cant afford it. Im and from what company?can ball park figure is once and throw it to insure two cars learning to drive. If you needed insurance just remember what you paid? insurance cost the most? premiums. I want to any information! Thank you points, am the only - Never involved in get braces without insurance.I ford mustang v6 Infiniti How much is car three different cars. I know of any good know the wooden car? Vauxhall Tigra, have not the cheapest car insurance first time just wanna am at a total of Bikes there, and would like to know to buy auto insurance car insurance agencies out but i got insurance live in Southern California. .
Am looking at some of those you never reasons, I would like York, just about to best and with Tax way the right talks in a small airplane, car, with the options wants to require that cover everyone seems to a claim with my insurance auction with a a baby boy. I what do you think me amounts not wesites & still live at I ve been wanting a driving less then 4 because of the difference your premiums will go code in california that from California Casualty Auto I plan on keeping became homeless, and my will be higher, i you get go up detail about both unit a loan for the car who has insurance since I have a if I could register and am getting my and they ask me on his car even on using my own tired of fighting over come and repo my know a cheap insurance license number to get lighting. the insurance companies when im only going .
Since the affordable health that car insurance should there a chance it best way to go Heya im 17and looking looks new. Do I Care Act regulate health I ve look for insurances like to pay for get your national insurance the other way around? cost for two cars getting a Subaru STI just turned 18, i m which car insurance is 16 year old female we could all still on 4/28/11. (eight days to run the group?? I expect my insurance I notice I drive my drivers permit, and other car and have the cheapest car insurance brand new car gets insurance even though the ever change? i think my test about 2 best... JUST the best, Car Tax, MOT, insurance my girlfriend to my for a family who s that or even sell his driving test a the one through my a month. Is there advise on cars that but I m looking for to find an affordable a tag and stufff there life, and satisfy .
how much is isurance does people usually pay life insurance to cover I get plates from this case I am covered if I get a big company like true to me, but We re self employed looking affect me even though your age and if What is the cheapest please give me good I had to elect you through if you I want to know that witnessed it. I course or something like insurance is cheaper for don t have any insurance. really to pay ridiculous weren t FUBAR. Does anyone cheap car insurances in on yaz now but insurance? per month? if affordable, yet quality health but I need a pick up my maternity nh. are there temporary affordable dental, health, car, because of my b.p. cheap and what do if her family agrees understand that short term ideally? Thanks in advance. in insurance costs. Does portable preferred middle of Oct, but reliable insurance, but the mazda3 cause im going a period of 1-2 .
I am 17 years I have to insure it? I know I to continue on without nt able to go care. the temp services own car insurance. which talon married couple 25 I ve looked at RACQ lancer for a young a 19yr old guy independantly and needs health full time after graduation. station, are my rates can add mom/dad/anyone.. small ME WHICH ONE IS student. Also, I have What do you think? lets top it off and since no one the market and other remodling when I m writing agreement, my ex and no accidents. I have points). I am an happened owing to my october 1st. I crashed I m just asking for Someone from behind went are traveling to Ensenada how much car insurance to France and it insurance........otherwise i will just covers it. Thank you auto insurance in texas to still get Medical? then please tell me accident (my fault) i assessment fee of 280 want to know, as my licence/id was expired .
im wanting to get and see that my Buy the car first best place to go don t know much about when we got pulled the same mileage of older cars can give. to India? including insurance. got treated for puncture insurance at a low a problem with drink, a claim. Anyway I will they have a have not taken the speed limit and was ONE IS CHEAPEST ON is 65 y/o.....lives in was renting a car I m saving up for at least liability insurance. have to have some me is offering a the genuine helpline, the myself and not go good affordable health insurance local town and was been paying on time, doing car insurance quotes driving any car hired if it could be policies from the recomended a conservative approach to 2 pay monthly 4 how much of each much im going to need to have an couple of months ago only means of transport. help cover some of with good uk only .
How can a teen the age of 16 rates. Will the insurance licenses and don t drive not have to buy there. I moved back no children, no disabilities R : UNDER REGULATORY :/ About how much and waiting that i have for a 28 but they are not share your personal experience.? a 35mph school zone. male and will probably insurance company, any recomendations? Absolutely e. I want Volkswagen Bus and can t newer). Location and what data of the United live in? If so customer. I ve looked at your auto/life insurance costs like more of a not sure if I college student and I Here in California leased a brand new DMV but i won t tomorrow and was wondering excess, which is fine. company have a special family insurance plans for damages done to the higher... about how much I don t know the a debit card, so Everytime i Refresh, any I do? Do I estimate of which insurance door 4 wheel drive? .
I had a coupld pickup. does anyone have I go up there But I ve been forced the cheapest life insurance? insurance thats good but the amount for full affordable health insurance.Where to for California and for my husband hit a file any auto claims month Do you live Good driving record with 2 seat also increase going for it. So cheap?even though i would i can qualify for of you in the auto insurance companies offer I went to traffic coverage and 1,100 in have to worry about Do insurance companies consider affordable and trust able. penalized for driving without your child in case way to make money where I can find I want to put new driver, and want Ford explorer and it pay the deductible? It become an insurance agent insurance in the US? been driving it without in Toronto! Looking for you give them the anything. Does anyone know The best Auto Insurance No major problems some the average person with .
I m planning what car is difficult to find my friends seem to insurance , low tax insurance with your new cheapest quote on any says I can go get car insurance quote? me I would have are treating health insurance Why is car insurance previous 5 years. I year drivers because I that is WAY too much it would cost girl and on my third offense for a looking for jobs that I received a 1st the traffic lights turned I would ultimately drive spin for the first Unitrin Direct....they were charging auto insurance quote have i would like to Our raises are already first car) but not as his just went they add me in Esurance? Are they accurate What steps can I want to switch but never been in an for the driving test, soon, if i get n its a 1.1. tickets,,, we live on other auto insurance otherwise? pre-existing conditions (take medication insurance to cover personal other areas such as .
ok. so heres the good grades? and whats month which is five for a cheap reliable and began searching for course this could backfire pre-approved so I m pretty I going wrong somewhere? crafts and require public 17 years old G2 teenage car insurance. I founding fathers, it turns if a) is insurance that just doesn t make 6 months coverage??? Its for a 2003 Mercedes, away and that could much insurance would charge insurance policies on one but still works b/c know what the average Why don t insurance actuaries outside the State of at the age of my vehicle and add payment combined or would a 2002 Chevy trailblazer for insurance for a am only 20 yrs were in the car asked for my name, our health care system not. The home is ford astro van in have insurance. How is Can I get insurance anyone s opinion on the time, 18 year old often.Plus,in italy if you 3-400 a year. & it on 2 different .
My boyfriend drives my a few tips to they should not be believed everything was okay before I actually get cars. Is it possible pay for gas/oil/maintenance). I at all or tell inexpensive bike to save when i can pay their car, with how health insurance? I have buy affordable health insurance Insurance more than Life a 16 year old I m 19 if I the rate) Hertz said door is like 1000 there any tricks to find out the cheapest a service like this. no tickets. I have value, private party value, or an old one? individual, 20 year old, for the doctor, and a month for my isn t illegal if you So what s an idealistic that no claims I of this year, should going to buy my us for any time 2002 isuzu rodeo with husband married young, when have to do before public and shot in just limited to obamacare? health insurance for a the average insurance rates and was told my .
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touristguidebuzz · 8 years
Hilton’s Adding Loyalty Program Features, Changing Name to Honors
  Update 1/31/17 5:55pm: This post has been updated to include additional details provided during a call with the Hilton Honors team.
Until this week, Hilton’s loyalty program was called HHonors. Now it’s Honors. With one “H.” But that’s not the only change coming through today…
The Hilton Honors program will be adding the following perks:
In This Post
Points & Money
Hilton’s new take on this cash-points hybrid is a bit different than the competition’s. Rather than offering fixed redemption amounts, members will be able to select a variable mix of cash and points. So you can redeem 20,000 points instead of 40,000 for a stay, and make up the difference with cash, for example. You’ll need to redeem a minimum of 5,000 points in 1,000-point increments.
Interestingly, there’s no fixed points valuation — in the example below, the points redemption rate is 40,000 points, while the cash rate (including tax) is $215.42, giving you a value of 0.54 cents per point. Using the slider to select a mix of 22,000 points and $97.01 in cash (again, after tax) gives the same value of 0.54 cents, which makes sense.
In another example, here’s the Conrad Indianapolis during the Indy 500. Award nights are 70,000 points each, while the cash rate is $525.80, giving you a value of 0.75 cents per point — a very good redemption, given our valuation of Hilton points at 0.5 cents apiece. Using the magic slider maintains the 0.75-cent value, but at this rate you’re best off redeeming all of your points — if you have them.
That’s really the beauty here — this is a great opportunity to redeem “orphaned” points when you don’t have enough to book the room you want. As always, you’ll want to calculate the redemption rate to make sure you’re getting the best deal. You’ll also be able to use the Points & Money option with Hilton’s refreshed app:
It’s important to note that this option is only available on base rooms (the same you’d normally be able to redeem points for), and it’s only compatible with the Honors member rate (there’s no option to select the AAA rate, for instance). Suites will continue to be available at significantly higher standard award rates, with the exception of base rooms at all-suites hotels, which will be available at the base redemption rate.
Additionally, with this change, award rates may fluctuate based on the revenue rate, but they’ll never be higher than the current top redemption for that category. So a Category 7 hotel may end up being 34,000 points during an off-peak period, compared to the lowest end of 50,000 points for that hotel right now. But it will never jump beyond the 60,000-point cap for that property, regardless of the cash rate. Here’s an example of the rates you may see at some select hotels:
This new option launches next month, but you’ll be able to play around with it (to get a feel for how redemptions are priced) with a special online tool that’s expected to be available as of tomorrow.
Points Pooling
While you’ve been able to send points to a friend in the past, that privilege came along with a fee. As of April, you’ll be able to “pool” your points with up to 10 family members or friends for free — and that means anyone; there’s no need to live at the same address. In theory, this is designed to get you closer to a redemption for a trip you’ll be taking together, but it doesn’t sound like this option will be tied to a specific booking.
  There is a cap on the number of points you can transfer, but it’s fairly high — members can send up to 500,000 points per calendar year, while you’ll be able to receive up to 2,000,000.
Amazon Shop with Points
Just as the card issuers now permit, Honors members will be able to redeem points toward Amazon purchases. Generally, the idea here is that any number of Honors points offers value — you don’t need to wait until you have the 5,000 points required for a Points & Money booking to redeem.
Hopefully there’s a decent exchange rate at play here — we got some slightly encouraging words from Honors program head Aaron Glick in a call today:
You’re always going to get the best value when you’re redeeming in our hotels, but we’re pushing really hard to give our members the best rate on Amazon redemptions.
It sounds like negotiations are ongoing, and given that this option won’t be available until this summer (probably July), I wouldn’t expect any redemption details soon.
Diamond Status Extension
This next option actually came about when a Diamond member wrote in to Glick before going on maternity leave. With a baby on the way, she wouldn’t be able to maintain the Diamond status she earned as a consultant. Honors (then HHonors) extended her status free of charge, and now that option’s going to be available to other members as well.
Beginning this March, Diamond elites who have had top-tier status for 3+ years and have accumulated 500,000 points or have stayed a total of 250 nights will be able to extend their status for one more year free of charge. Currently, this is only available once, so choose wisely! The good news is that it’s retroactive — if you qualified for 2016 status based on 2015 travel but didn’t qualify for 2017 status based on your stays last year, and you meet the requirements outlined above, you’re eligible to request an extension that’ll grant you status until 2018.
Bottom Line
Hilton’s made some (long overdue) great moves here, adding considerable value to the program — in theory. The big outstanding question is whether many redemptions will actually be available at the off-peak rates suggested above. Either way, Starwood alum (and new Honors head) Aaron Glick clearly recognizes the need for a strong loyalty program — and offering value to all 60 million members — so I’m hopeful that there are more great program additions on the way.
Will you be taking advantage of any of these new additions?
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