trek-daily · 8 months
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princess-lnfinity · 5 months
I don't usually get to jump into a BBH stream, but when I do I'm always pleasantly surprised. They're always so welcoming and nice! They always catch me up to speed as quickly as they can! And they love to pester their streamer juuuuuust right, so it's NEVER intended as harsh or rude.
But what REALLY surprised me is how well they handled the "Tio Bad loves Richas more!" Situation! As a Crow, we know Lullah expresses her feelings through her words. She is emotionally intelligent and easy to read when you actually stop and listen. Most of the Ghosties got that Lullah was actually upset right away when talking about spending time with her Tio Bad. While most of her signs had a bit of sarcasm early on in the conversation, they read between the lines easily. Some told BBH to really consider her feelings while others laughed along with him in his weird approach to defuse the situation. Others even made suggestions for Lullah to get her day with her Tio.
While "Who's your favorite" is NEVER a fun conversation, I think BBH handled it well enough! But the Ghosties? They handled it great too! I saw no one BASHING Richas for acknowledging and even relishing in the fact that "Uh YEAH! I absolutely spend the most time with my Tio and I LOVE IT". I know Richas is a gremlin with a heart of gold, but to see the Ghosties not even TRY to blame him was so adorable. Because, while it was neither of the Eggos fault, some people REALLY take Richa's nonchalant attitude as him not caring when we all should KNOW he'd be upset at the mere THOUGHT of being left out suddenly. We also should know that Lullah needs her time to connect with those she loves because SOMETIMES she doesn't get it and it's THE WORST 😭 (See "You and me. You and me always.")
Early on in the QSMP recall a lot of misplaced anger at Richas. I also remember it with Lullah as well. So to have them both put against each other, no matter how small of a quarrel, made me think I would have to close the stream. I was wrong.
I've never been happier to be wrong.
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dawnleaf37 · 2 months
do you guys think that the bfdi characters are like immortal (time-wise) . Like that they don’t die from old age . It’s like lobsters where they don’t lose the ends of dna I forgot the whole scientific explanation . Etc . Maybe yoyle city was so densely populated with recovery technology and
WAIT PAUSE POST. maybe they DO die from old age but who fucking cares we have recovery technology anyways ????? That’s how individual objects have stayed around forever (I was reading the golf ball plush info page and remembered that she has a billion years of experience . With the shenanigans in bfb with the sun i wouldnt be surprised if it didn’t work like our sun or they could just . Fucking like do shit to prevent it from exploding. You see all that yoyle technology ? They could do that)
continuing on from crossed out above . Maybe at one point the world was so crowded with objects a big amount of them just decided to leave . They have that technology HELL bfdi uses spaceships . bfdia goes basically into space . Bfb goes into space with spaceships and messes with it . Or maybe there’s more cities elsewhere with more residents ????? Auauauwjsi????
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ivylawson · 4 days
I heart you Ivgria
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Yeah that's it, I don't like backgrounds and this was like from a month ago I can't remember goodnight
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boyswhowawa · 10 months
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creator-yimynany · 12 days
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well is feligette,too.
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kroosluvr · 11 months
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join my pirate crew
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sycamorality · 3 months
I love recommending people disco elysium it always just boils down to this
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hm. i do not have the energ for that methinsk
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malamiteltd · 7 months
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"H-a-a-a-a-a-a-a! I will kill you Digimon!"
Decided to finally make EvilDigimon, Digimon's "twin borthr." The details differences are slightly different outside of colors; he digs with a pickaxe instead of a shovel, and his hardhat has horns on them, because evil.
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eggy doing a little jig after a lizard ate me (they greatly enjoy my suffering)
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trek-daily · 1 year
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#for science
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ah0yh0y · 10 months
nearly on the 61st episode of wolf 359
finale dear god it’s here
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ponyluvesonic09 · 11 months
PMATGA incorrect quote #3
(This will be for day 20 of my Inktober comic)
Pactser, Cyli and Spiral make it to the Flower Kingdom, but no one’s there
Cyli:”Aw man, looks like where late for the party”
Pacster:”awwww Balls”
Pactser:”what, who’s gonna eat my Cheese balls”
Waluigi:”wa I’ll eat your Cheeseballs”
Pactser:”no thanks”
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adhdo5 · 4 months
I would like to do this ship meme with Foundational Ethics. Tbh.
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creator-yimynany · 2 months
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dandyshucks · 7 months
me when i successfully chat in a livestream (there were only 4-5 other ppl watching so it made it much easier fdsjkl) of one of my fav artists AND I CASUALLY MENTION ME DOODLING AND THEY ASK TO SEE AND THEN COMPLIMENT MY DOODLE WHEN I SHARE IT ??? AAAAAUHHHHH
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