#writing with gareth mallory (dontcxckitup)
stxriesfromasharchive · 9 months
a starter for @dontcxckitup
Cassandra sat in the passenger's seat of the car, staring out the tinted windows watching the world outside pass her by. She appeared to be lost in thought, her gaze a distance stare off into nothing; in her mind, however, her thoughts were swimming - drowning, even - in a whirlpool of her own making. She'd received her new orders, not just two hours ago, and was now on her way to meet with who would be her new employer for an indefinite time period. In truth, she wasn't given very much to go on, other than the fact that she would be meeting with a figure of high importance. In not so many words, her task was of top priority.
It would be a lie for her to she wasn't mentally exhausted - not too much that she wouldn't nor couldn't be able to do said mission - but to say the least she wasn't the most comfortable with undercover gigs; that specialty was best for Leiliana, her closest friend and equal within the Seekers. Where as Cassandra was known as the 'Right Hand of Divine Justinia V (her branch of Seekers' head of operations), Leiliana was the Left Hand, and much more of a spy and infiltrator type than she was. She had been assured, however, this time would favor Cassandra's expertise much more.
The car pulled into a long parking garage, the building she had not paid any attention to, although after exiting the car and following behind her escorts her sense of perception switch on - eyes taking in as much detail as she could around her as she was lead into the building, into an elevator, and towards the high upper floors.
Though stoic and composed in outward appearance, her nerves began to tighten. She didn't like being in the dark, not knowing what she was getting into; her only comfort were the trusting words of Justinia herself (and her Divine has never lead her astray before).
Through a set of doors she followed her escorts and stood attentive, hands at her sides with her head held high, her back arched taut. One of her escorts announced, "Sir. Seeker Cassandra Pentaghast," before stepping aside to reveal her.
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tealeavesandthorns · 11 months
@dontcxckitup @resignedworkaholics @kingofthewebxxx
Send me a url and I'll write some positivity for it. -
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Alright lemme gear up to talk about these amazing people!
// PERFECT GARETH MALLORY IS PERFECT. Listen I honestly just can't with how good the writing, the storylines the headcanons are and if that's not enough, Mun is an absolutely gorgeous angel, so wonderful to talk to and write with and just everything I suggest it feels like they're so open to it. It's just amazing and I try not to overwhelm them but I could literally have a million more threads with them and then some.
//This mun, guys, I love them okay even if they are a nervous bean with gorgeous dogs. I don't know how they keep up with all the threads and asks and everything but it's a real testament to how amazing they are. They do SO well balancing Marcus and Q, and can we talk about those two for a minute both are so well rounded and individual to each other. It's absolutely brilliant and I love Maria's relationship with both of them. It's such a unique take on Q too and it's just fantastically original. I love dipping in and out of reading their threads and the random dash stuff.
//Okay so here's the thing, I haven't done as much as I would like too with their Moriarty, we have stuff planned and bits and pieces here and there but nothing has stuck fast so far. I feel like that might be about to change though. I am SO grateful for the stuff we do have though and the stuff that's sort of in the works and the stuff we've discussed. I adore all the things you get me involved in or send me. Jim is incredibly well written, so in character all the time and I love getting a glimpse at the threads and replies they have and it's a joy to see them on the dash!
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tullipeony · 2 years
ChatGPT Fanfiction
I decided to give ChatGPT a go and tried to make it write a story about Mycroft Holmes and Gareth Mallory. The programme did not finish the story due to some network error of some sorts, but it did make a good story starter. Maybe @dontcxckitup can work her magic on this one.
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Mycroft Holmes, the British government's most powerful and enigmatic figure, and Gareth Mallory, the head of MI6, were two of the most influential men in England. They had both set their sights on a young woman named Emily, who worked as a researcher at the British Museum. Emily was brilliant, beautiful, and charming, and had caught the eye of both Mycroft and Gareth .Mycroft had met Emily at a government function, and had been taken with her intelligence and wit. He was immediately drawn to her, and had invited her to dinner at his private club the following week. Gareth, meanwhile, had encountered Emily at a charity event, and had been impressed by her passion for history and art. He had asked her out for coffee, and had spent a delightful afternoon in her company.As it turned out, Mycroft and Gareth were both vying for Emily's affections, and neither was willing to give up without a fight. Mycroft, being the more experienced of the two, decided to take a more strategic approach. He invited Emily to a private viewing of the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London, and spent the evening regaling her with stories about the history of the British monarchy. Emily was captivated by Mycroft's knowledge and charm, and began to feel a strong attraction to him. Gareth, however, was not to be outdone. He invited Emily to a private tour of the British Museum, and spent the afternoon showing her some of his favorite exhibits. He talked to her about his own love of history and culture, and made her laugh with his quick wit and dry humor. Emily found herself drawn to Gareth's easygoing nature and warm personality. As the days went by, Emily found herself torn between the two men. Mycroft was sophisticated and worldly, and had a powerful presence that commanded respect. Gareth was charming and down-to-earth, and had a sense of humor that put her at ease. She enjoyed spending time with both of them, but couldn't decide which one she liked more. Mycroft, sensing that he was losing ground, decided to up the ante. He invited ...
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brokenthimbles · 2 years
From the novel @dontcxckitup​ will never write...... 
Rain was falling in London. Not the light drizzle but a storm raged as if the heavens had been angered. Long had Wendy suspected what Gareth Mallory actually did. For some reason.... this deployment, felt different. Wendy wasn’t quite sure why, but that feeling in her gut wouldn’t go away. She had made her way to his flay, wrapping the blanket he had left for her on the couch around her body as she stood at the window looking over London. The thunder and lightening a physical representation of the fear in her heart. 
Wendy felt as if someone was walking on her grave. Her entire body turned cold, as a shiver ran through her entire being. It was as if everything went cold. Had she not steadied herself she may have fully crumpled onto the floor. 
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Little did she know what was happening..... and that G would not be returning to her.... not when she expected... and definitely not how. This was the beginning of the darkest days of their love story. 
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dontcxckitup-m asked: BITTER (*cackles in the distance*)
II @dontcxckitup
“Don’t get too cocky, Mayhew.” “Slow down, kid.” “How many times do we have to tell you, you can’t go ahead and take chances like that! That was bloody reckless, Mayhew!” Richard Mayhew had heard every iteration of those three phrases for as long as he could remember. Did he listen? Hell no. Although the Scotsman was raised and bred on the life of an agent, Richard lived and breathed for stolen chances and heedless action. As far as the young agent was concerned, the world was his oyster. Whatever scrapes he managed to get into he could well squeeze himself out of them, and if not, the rest of the agents and M would be able to pick up the broken pieces. Why not have his sweet cake and eat it too? After all, Richard Mayhew was a god damn MI6 agent. He could fix anything, and if not, They definitely could... Couldn’t they? That was then, when Mayhew was still young, naive, and carefree. And now? The world tasted of bitter tea and regret. Her screams still echoed in the quietest crevices of his mind. Richard had to get out. It was now or never.
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“I never took you for a quitter.” Richard’s hand barely made it to the door’s handle before he jumped at the sudden, cold yet familiar, voice of Mallory. How long had he been standing in the shadows? And how the hell did he know Richard was thinking of booking it? “I’m not quittin’,” the young agent growled, not even bothering to turn around and face the other. “What do you call this then?” M asked, calmly. “Retreating, perhaps?” Richard wasn’t a quitter. Quitting wasn’t in his blood! This was different. This was... It was...“Ye’ could’ve done somethin’, y’know?” “What could I have done?” “Gone back. Ye’ could have bloo’y gone back for her. Yer’ Gareth fuckin’ Mallory. The man with a plan, and if tha’ plan fails ye’ always have a back-up plan up yer’ sleeve, and another back-up plan behind tha’ one.” “Get to the point, Mayhew.” “Ye’ could’ve gone back for her, but ye’ didn’t ye’ soulless bastard!” spat the Scotsman, his eyes fiery with hate and rage. “She was an agent. She knew of the consequences.” “Fuck, the consequences!” Suddenly, Richard turned on the heel of his shoes and pointed his gun at the elder agent’s head.  “And what do you think you will accomplish with this method?” “Do ye’ really want me to grace yer’ question with an answer?” he forced out a dry chuckle, before clicking the safety of his gun off. “ ‘Cause trust me, M, I promise to make it short, sweet, and to the point. As ye’ know, I also ne’er miss. I learned from the best.” The older agent didn’t shudder, nor did he flinch. Instead, he remained annoyingly composed, as per usual. What used to be a trait that Richard admired about M was now something that was really beginning to get under his skin. “Again, what do you aim to accomplish by shooting me?-- Fine. Pull the trigger. Then what are you going to do, Richard? You’re still going to have to live with the memories. The guilt. So, by all means, pull the trigger for revenge’s sake, but just know that doing so will not bring her back.” The Scotsman held his breath. Although he continued to aim the tip of his gun at M’s head he could feel the slightest tremor in his hand. Exhaustion? Or was it hesitance? “You’d know a lot ‘bout tha’, wouldn’t ye’?” mused Richard, his voice broken and hoarse now. “The man who risked his life time and time again to save his country, his people, from impending doom, and yet, he couldn’t do a thing to prevent the death of his own beloved wife,” he hissed. “Tell me, M, does it haunt ye’ every nigh’ tha’ ye’ couldn’t stop tha’ car crash? Oh, don’t look at me like tha’. I read the files. Sounded pre’y bad too. The dashboard was practically covered in red. Her red. Some are sayin’ tha’ the crash was maybe even foul play ‘cause of how gruesome it was. Then again, maybe you would’ve known sooner if ye’ stepped in quick enough, eh?-- No. shootin’ ye’ would be too good.” Finally, Richard shoved his gun back into his pocket, not caring that he could see the older man’s face darken at the mention of his now lost wife. “It’s be’er to have ye’ live with the memories. The guilt. Have it eat ye’ inside-out until the day ye’ die. No way in hell I’m stickin’ ‘round until then. In the meantime, don’t try and stop me.” “Mayhew, just know that once you walk out those doors, there’s no coming back. You leave and we’re done here, you hear? That means nobody will be waiting to protect you when this life eventually comes back to haunt you.” “I don’t need yer’ protection. I’ll take my chances.” The Scotsman didn’t care if he was walking away from the only home he had ever known, not to mention the only mentor, and perhaps the only something of a father figure, he had ever known. No. It was now or never. Fuck the MI6. Fuck Mallory. Fuck all of them. It was because of them that Richard Mayhew’s world had grown into one that was bitter and cruel.  Then again, perhaps it always had been. 
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dontstoptrying · 3 years
written prompts: a eulogy @dontcxckitup
Looking out at the small gathering - mostly familiar faces as this service was almost exclusively MI6 and SAS personnel - Eve took a deep breath, steadying herself before she started.
“I realised when I sat down to write this that I didn’t know much about Mallory the person, but I know enough to suspect that was deliberate on his part. So let me say this instead: Gareth Mallory was a good man. He knew how to get the best out of every single person he worked with, even the most... difficult people. Nothing about his time at Six was easy, he came in on uncertain terms and weathered many storms, but he was always good. He did everything for Queen and Country. We had our differences at times, but I never doubted his loyalties.
“I count myself as incredibly fortunate to have worked so closely with him for as long as I have. He was never one for many words, but I learnt more in these past few years than I ever did in the field. He taught me the importance of authority, but - ironically - also the importance of questioning it when necessary. To trust my gut. I don’t doubt that he sometimes regretted having taught me this - I’ll admit that I made his life more difficult on more than one occasion because of that lesson - but it’s a lesson that has served me well and I’m forever grateful to him for it.
“Mallory will be missed greatly. Whoever takes on the role next has big shoes to fill. We can only hope they step up as well as he did when he became M.”
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tealeavesandthorns · 1 year
Send a word and I will write a drabble or headcanon based on it - @dontcxckitup Under a cut because it got long!
"Night." Maria called to the receptionist as she made her way to the doors of MI6, home time, at last. It'd been a long day. Too long and she couldn't wait to get home, to put her feet up on the sofa and curl up with the book that was waiting spread on the arm. Tea would be something calming of course. It was too late for anything else. Almost midnight in fact.
"Good night Maria." There was a pause and then, "Goodnight sir." and the sound of other footsteps on the linoleum. Maria looked around to see Gareth, Mallory, M coming towards her and looking like he'd had a hell of a time of it. There was a tussle to his hair, his tie was slightly askew, like it had been messed with, loosened and tightened too many times. There was a weariness in his face before he spotted her and Maria didn't miss the smile that appeared on his face when he finally did spot her.
It's nothing. She's just a friendly face after a long day, the association of that sanctuary below. She knows that.
"Maria-" He said seemingly taken aback by her presence. "-it's almost midnight."
"I wanted to get some things finished, I may have gotten a bit lost reading some old files too." Not entirely true. There had been reading but there had also been those flustered moments of panic and unease that still haunted her from time to time. The ghost of a 00 crossing her path. "It's very easy to lose track of time down there. I rarely check my watch when I get lost in something and the other clock is on the laptop. Politics or agents?" Maria asked him, referring to his own late night at the office.
"Politics." M said running a hand through his hair. "Although 003 is partially responsible for the need to have the talks."
They stepped out of the door and into the small cavernous entrance.
"Oh my word-" Maria said staring at the rain, mouth slightly open. "It was a glorious day at lunch."
"Do you have an umbrella? I have in my office but I didn't think I'd need it." M said turning back towards the door that had now clicked shut. He pressed his pass to the door, the highest clearance meant that M shouldn't have to wait for locks to open, however, at this time of night, given breaches in the past, new policy had come into play. Anyone entering the building needed their pass and then clearance from the front desk. M pressed buzzer and Maria peered in through the window.
"I think we may have to battle on." Maria said frowning at the rain and looking down at her lack of suitable attire for the rain.
"Come on." M hissed quietly pressing the buzzer again and again.
"Shift change time. Daniella and Tobias will be having a catch up and probably a chin wag before he takes over the desk until the morning." Maria said gently.
M pressed the buzzer a few more times before giving up and looking out at the rain.
"It's not too bad." Maria said optimistically, that was a lie though, it was bucketing and she was in her light jacket, no umbrella and a work dress underneath. She was going to be soaked in the 2 minutes it would take to walk to the tube and then she'd be even more soaked on the walk home after that if it was still going.
Gareth, Mallory, M caught her gaze before he let out a short laugh at her optimism.
"It's a stupid system," He grumbled before turning to Maria. "Are you far?" M asked.
"Two tubes and a walk. I'm in South Kensington, Kynance Mews." Maria admitted. "I doubt they'll be a cab at this time they'll all be further in the city for the tourists and the night life. It's only two minutes to the tube. Are you far?"
"South Kensington too." M smiled, he turned and tried the buzzer one last time and his pass but it was no use. Locked out of his own building because of some bureaucratic nonsense that probably sounded like an excellent idea at the time.
"Come on, it'll be fine, you're wrapped up, pull your collar up and you'll barely feel it." She chuckled.
"And what about you?" He raised a brow.
"A little rain never hurt anybody." Maria replied, determined that her spirit would not break, even if she ended up soggy and with a cold.
"That is not a little rain." Gareth, Mallory, M countered. "I have an idea, the tube isn't far, 2 minutes." He began shrugging out of his coat.
"Sir, M I don't-" The names all sounded so wrong and foreign on her tongue. Gareth fit right but she refused to say it in her head, let alone out loud and she almost felt like she was waiting for permission, some sort of sign she could use it. Maria stepped forward, she didn't know if he was going to offer her the coat but she couldn't take it. Firstly she didn't want to know what it felt like to be so, surrounded by him. Not even a taste. Secondly if either one of them got sick it didn't matter if she did, but he was the head of MI6 and she could almost guarantee that even if he was almost keeled over he'd still be at his desk tomorrow.
Maria took a step out into the rain and as she did M's body came up beside her, arms holding up his very expensive jacket like it was some sort of rain cover. His side bumping gently against hers, his arm almost cradling around her head, holding the jacket up and keeping them dry.
"If we move quickly enough I don't think it'll do too much damage." He smiled at her and Maria just stared at him for a moment swallowing and nodding.
"Course, yes." She said giving her head a short sharp shake as though it might remove the warmth that had spread outwards from her chest. "Thank you." She added, an almost whisper of the word.
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brokenthimbles · 2 years
letters from home
(CONT’D) @dontcxckitup
She couldn’t lie the envelope that she then found in her mail the following week made her grin. One thing to send a letter, another to receive it. So as she read the idea of Christmas she rather understood it. Though she was not so excited when her brother had written to her. Feeling rather cheeky she sprayed her next page with a perfume. Something in her thinking the boys would like the sentiment.
I’m glad I can surprise you as I do have a feeling it is not a common occurrence. Though your description of receiving letters feeling like Christmas seems almost poetic. If I had time to write to all of your mates I would, though may end up giving me carpal tunnel. So I shall simply continue to send my best wishes through you.
As for the Irishman, Gareth Mallory, are you trying to play matchmaker? I must admit that I am currently otherwise engaged, but do inform Robert that should that change you’ll be the first to know. OH, NOT ENGAGED engaged….. just…. Seeing someone… I’m not…. Engaged…. Just… I didn’t realize I could be just as awkward in a letter. Anyway…..
As for worry, even my job has its dangers and I don’t deal with guns. Well there was this one time, but no the worst I get is people drugged out of their minds. Luckily growing up with two brothers so I can be a little scrappy. Michael was a good man, I think you two would’ve gotten on rather well. For work I did have one patient get a little to physical, though it was resolved quickly thanks to security and some very powerful sedatives.
As for you as a patient? I’d wager you’d will yourself to be fine even if you weren’t. Much like the children you claim to be.
For the record? No letter from you could ever be too long.
Warmest Regards,
P.S. Please find enclosed a chocolate bar (or 5).
P.P.S. Maybe I will call, but I’m not going to lie….. I’m rather fond of letters. It’s as if I’m in the books I love so much.
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