#writing this on my phone sorry for the formatting
r2d2lover · 1 year
The Truth Slips
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Paring: Fred Weasley X Reader
Rating: E
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Shameless smut without plot. Loss of virginity. Prevalence of a drinking game.
Summary: request: “i wanted to request a fred oneshot where reader is shy/bashful and a virgin and fred's his usually cocky self but sorta fuckboy-eee and yanoo they do the dirty… my guilty pleasure”
My guilty pleasure as well. Fuckboy Fred is my creme de la creme. uncanon fun silly Fred one shot.
Part 2
You nervously watch the bottle in the middle spin around. And around. And around. Until it jolted with a stop on you.
Your glance hesitates as it trails up to meet the bottle’s spinner, who’s green eyes light up with glee.
“This is gonna be so good,” Fred Weasley exclaimed with a wicked smile. He leaned back on his elbows, waiting for your next move. Gulping nervously, you reach towards him wondering how a post-Quidditch party turned into a scene from your nightmares.
Everyone who decided to partake in the game whoops and hollers as you finally reach in the middle of the circle and claim your shot glass of the clear liquid. George had suggested that the house play “Veritaserum Roulette” with a stolen bottle of the potion. While preparing N.E.W.T-level potions was a grueling task, the fun came in seeing who was able to snag a bottle from the professor’s watchful eye to share amongst the house. You decided not to inspect your shot glass and threw the liquid back down your throat, then set the shot glass upside down on the ground like you saw in the Muggle movies. You immediately felt your face get hot but you knew it wouldn’t be because you ingested any serum, rather it was the pressure of having all the 7th year Gryffindor staring you down with intense concentration.
“S-someone has to ask a question,” You stuttered, picking the shot glass back up to fidget with it. Initially when the game was introduced, it was simply truth or dare. You could’ve easily backed out if that. Now, you couldn’t stop anything that was to come out of your mouth if you chose the glass with Veritaserum. You hoped that the two questions chosen for you would spare you any embarrassment.
“Do you fancy anyone at this moment?” Angelina leaned forward, taking her hands off of Fred. She was laying herself across Fred all night, non-discreetly showing off the fact that she was his latest… “conquest” as you overheard one of his friends call the girls that swooned over the redhead. Fred shot to popularity after bringing the Gryffindor Quidditch to back to back championships and it only inflated his ego more so than it already was. Despite his poor reputation, you couldn’t deny that the girls dreaming about Fred were warranted in their pursuit. Fred and George didn’t become the star Beaters without a rigorous workout regiment that hardened their muscles and broadened their shoulders. Their rugged appearances paired with their reliable and goofy personalities made them unstoppable.
Fred also happened to be your first friend at Hogwarts, finding you crying after a particularly embarrassing flying class during your first year. He sat with you and assured you that it wasn’t a show of your skills but the result of faulty school broomsticks. From that day, Fred guided you on flying while you tutored him in Potions.
All this time later, you didn’t need flying lessons anymore, but Fred still needed Potions help. You would never admit it, but your favorite part of the week was sitting in the library with Fred absolutely engrossed in homework. You would steal glances as he nipped the end of his quill in deep thought or when he would push his falling hair out of his face. Fred’s worst trait was his lack of spatial awareness and he’d always lean in too close while you explained the more difficult concepts to him. He was always chewing a sharp minty gum and smelled of a piney cologne that reminded you of Christmas. It distracted you often and made you turn beet red when he noticed the change in your diction. This would only make Fred lean in closer, inquiring about your odd behavior. All this time, you fought off any feelings you could have developed because you were realistic. You weren’t the Quidditch player, social butterfly types that Fred dated. Angelina was a prime example. Speaking of her, your desperate attempt to avoid answering her question was null and void when you felt as if you were being puppeted to speak.
“I do,” You squeaked out. Your hands flung to your mouth, but the attempt was feeble. Everyone quickly muttered amongst themselves to figure out the next question to ask you. At this moment, you felt like a criminal on trial. The easy next question was “who?” but the chatter alluded to a deeper question. It surely appalled everyone that you had a crush. You largely avoided the dating scene despite the relentless attempts from Oliver Wood. You thought Oliver was sweet and went on a singular date with him last year, but he was only focused on Quidditch. Much like Fred.
“Who is it? Is it Oliver? If it isn’t, who?” A younger Gryffindor blurred out in excitement and you felt the same puppet feeling in your gut and as you began to answer, Fred reached over and clamped his hand on your mouth. Your face was burning so hot at this moment you were sure you were sweating.
“Hey! We can only ask one more questions. We gotta make them good. Don’t answer those,” Fred instructed, removing his hand from your face. He brushed a piece of hair that fell out of place back behind your ear, making your stomach flip. This was such a ridiculous feeling. “Did you ever bed Oliver?”
“No? N..no!” You raised your eyebrows at Fred, appalled he would ask such a question. Once you opened your mouth, more words flowed out like a broken faucet. “I’ve never bedded anyone. Oliver was always on the Quidditch Pitch and it isn’t exactly the sexiest place in the castle.”
Your statement made the room laugh, which only increased your self consciousness. You shrugged and admitted you weren’t embarrassed at the fact for never having done anything with Oliver or any man. You were already covering your face with both hands, definitely sweating at this point. The group decided to refill on butterbeer, leaving you to seal your mouth shut with a cup of water. Fred stayed next to you, his green eyes filling with a mischievous glint.
“Has the Veritaserum worn off?” Fred asked, tilting his head up to look at you. He kept unwavering eye contact that made your mind go blank.
“Not yet,” You answered, still under the influence of the potion. Hopefully Fred wouldn’t press any further or that it would wear off before then.
“Ah… So, while I have you here, you really never slept with Oliver?” Fred leaned in closer, a smirk forming across your face. You shook your head and reaffirmed what he already knew. “Why not? And don’t give me the Quidditch answer.”
“I was waiting for the right person,” You said lamely, unable to fight the potion’s effect. Fred lifted an eyebrow.
“You’ve never fantasized?” Fred blocked you from grabbing a cup of water that would render you voiceless.
“Not about Oliver. Wh-why are you asking?” You fought your thoughts hard to answer Fred’s question as vaguely as possible.
“Hey, I thought I was asking the questions here. I just wanted to know what makes the timid girl that tutors me in Potions tick,” Fred moved so close to you that you could clearly smell his cologne. Luckily, his statement wasn’t laced with a question and the potion took no effect, allowing you to shake your head shyly.
“So you said not Oliver, so who do you think about?” Fred figured out how to narrow his question and before you could stop, your mouth betrayed you.
“Us,” You said, feeling like you broke the dam. Fred’s eyes grew wide, but his body language didn’t change. You were waiting for him to recoil out of instinct or turn red. But he continued to look at you coolly, turning a cup of butterbeer in his hands. Your heart jumped to your stomach and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. Your flight instinct kicked in, but before you could flee from the conversation, Fred grabbed your arm and forced you back down.
“What do you think about us?” Fred’s eyes darkened with an excitement you’ve never seen before. Arousal. You could only take a big gulp before your dirty fantasies about the boy you tutored that you kept locked away spilled out of your mouth for the world to hear.
“I think about you sliding a hand up my skirt in the library. Telling me to be quiet. I want to kiss you until I can’t feel my lips. I want to see you without a shirt on. I think about you pulling my hair back to look at you while you f-“ Your mortification overtook your entire body and you collapsed before you could finish your sentence with a yelp. Fred took a hold of you before you could hit the wall, making sure to take a long look at you. His face still had the cocky smile that you’d grown to love. His strong arm that was wrapped supportively around your waist and got tighter as he tried to figure out his next question. Your squirming didn’t help and you had no choice but to be stuck in his investigation.
“Are you thinking about it right now?” Fred’s eyes flitted from your eyes to your lips and if your heart wasn’t beating out of your chest, you would’ve had half the mind to kiss him.
“Yes,” You practically slurred, unable to calm down from the situation unfolding before you. Fred ran a comforting hand up and down your back, soothing your nerves only slightly.
“Do you want to go up to my room to show me some of these fantasies?” Fred said blatantly. Of course you did and of course you let him know.
“Yes but,” You took a large inhale trying to ease your racing heart. “But what about Angelina?”
“I don’t want her. I want you,” Fred said definitively, sending a chill down your back. “Are you sure you want to do this? I don’t want to pressure you into anything just because you don’t have control of your thoughts right now.”
“I want you, Fred,” You said with a confidence that surprised even you. The words were genuine, the feeling of being puppeted by your mouth was gone. As you focused on Fred’s words and realized what he was proposing, you felt a simmering heat between your thighs and that you had been rubbing your thighs together to cause a reliving friction between them. But the clarity brought another realization. “You… you don’t even like me. I’m. I’m not going to be one of your conquests or whatever.”
“Gods, really are clueless are you?” Fred laughed at your out-of-character quip. He used his free hand to tilt your chin up to meet his eyes. “Did you really think I was spending all this time in the library thinking about Potions? Why the hell would I take N.E.W.T-level Potions if I was bad at it? I just had to pretend enough for you to keep studying with me.”
Fred’s confession stunned you silent. Without second thought, you wrapped your arms around Fred’s neck and leaned forward to meet his lips with yours. He gave an amused noise, kissing you back gladly. The kiss was unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. You were fulfilling a need you didn’t know you had, pressing deeper and deeper into the redhead’s mouth. Fred skillfully nipped at your bottom lip, slipping his tongue into your mouth when you moaned at the unfamiliar feeling. You were a little intimidated by his knowledge and your lack thereof, but the hand he was rubbing on your waist made you forget about anything besides him. He started to move a hand towards your chest and smirked wildly when you whimpered because he pulled away.
“My room. Now,” Fred said breathlessly, practically dragging you up the stairs. He hastily cast a locking and silencing charm before pushing you on the bed. Fred hovered over you, obviously delighted by your misshapen appearance. He had you pinned to the bed with one leg between your thigh and his arms at either side of your head.
The burning in your stomach only grew and Fred continued to kiss you, tasting every bit of you. He snaked a hand up your shirt, palming you through the fabric of your bra. When you least suspected it, he pulled the fabric down, pinching your firmed nipple in between his forefinger and thumb. The sensation made you moan loudly into his kisses and buck your hips up on his thigh.
“That’s a good girl,” Fred purred, continuing to flex his fingers around your breast. “Stop me if you want at any moment.”
“Take off your clothes,” Your voice was so whiny with need that you hardly recognized it. Fred only chuckled and moved his hand away from your chest to start removing your clothes instead of his. You batted his hand away and ran your fingers down his broad chest. You slowly undid his buttons, shaking from nervousness and exhilaration. Every button revealed more of his tanned muscular body that made your mouth watered. Fred continued supporting himself over you, enjoying your desperation.
When you finally managed to shed his shirt, you could barely focus. Your eyes trailed down his chest to the trail of hair on his stomach that pointed directly to the tension in his pants.
“I… I don’t know what to do,” You admitted to Fred, tangling your hands in his hair nervously.
“It’s okay. I think it’s time for me to teach you something to thank you for the last few years,” Fred said cockily, amazing you at how he stayed the same while you were falling apart under his touch. He quickly removed your clothes, tossing them somewhere in the middle of the room.
You felt vulnerable laying there in only your underwear, but Fred dragged his Quidditch-calloused hands down your body as he planted reassuring kisses on your mouth. His mouth followed his hand down until his lips were biting at the sensitive skin of your neck and his hand was rubbing circles on the soft skin of your inner thigh. You moved your hips down to meet his hand pleadingly and he took pity on you.
Fred moved his hands up to feel your arousal, circling his finger just around the bundle of nerves that begged to be touched. He knew exactly what he was doing and held your hips down with his free hand when you let out a whining groan. After teasing you, Fred slipped your underwear to the side, dragging his middle finger up your slick.
“Just how long have you been fantasizing about me?” Fred joked, breathing in as you moaned. He was barely making any movements and he had you reacting like this. Fred dragged his finger back and forth a few times before slowly pressing his middle finger into you, making sure to look up at you in order to spot any discomfort. You squirmed a little at the feeling, but once Fred started curling his finger, your body relaxed around the pleasure.
“More,” Your head sunk into Fred’s bed as your body grew accustomed to the feeling. Fred audibly smirked as he slipped his ring finger in as well, kissing you deeply. You realized his pants were still on and his fingers were speeding up from impatience. You reached down tenderly, running your fingers gently over the tent in his pants. He let out an airy breath before breaking the kiss to look at you.
“Feel it,” Fred encouraged you. His working fingers paused as he directed your hand with his free hand to his pants. Fred placed his hands on top of yours, simulating a squeeze. You copied his movement, earning a low groan from him. “Fuck… I need you right now.”
You shed your undergarments as Fred fumbled with his belt, too overtaken with lust to focus on unclipping the buckle. He finally released the leather binding and dropped his pants quickly, letting his cock fall as well. You watched with big eyes and Fred took your hand again to wrap it around his base.
“Just like that,” Fred praised as you moved your hand up and down. The friction was uncomfortable for you, so you pulled your hand back to lick a stripe up your palm and return it to his cock. The action made Fred roll his eyes back into his head and let his head drop as you continued to pump your hand up and down. “You’re so good, baby.”
Fred’s praise only made you want him more and the wanting in between your thighs got to be unbearable. As Fred was closing his eyes in bliss, you sneakily reached a hand down towards your folds to mimic his earlier actions in an attempt to ease the pressure. Fred felt you moving and quickly opened his eyes, catching you in the act. He tsked and removed your hand, pinning it by your head.
“Impatient are we, love?” Fred chuckled, sending vibrations through your stomach.
“Please,” You begged. “I want to feel you.”
Fred was impatient as you were and shifted his weight back to line himself up with your entrance. You were filled with such an excitement and nervousness that you subdued by reaching up for a kiss. Fred dragged the head of his cock against your slick folds, almost as if he was waiting for permissions.
“Fred. Fuck me,” You drawled, dizzy from anticipation. Fred let out a string of curses, then entered with a slow thrust. You let out a cry at the satisfying pain of feeling your walls stretch around Fred. He checked in again with you to make sure you were comfortable and you gave him a kiss on the cheek for assurance.
“You feel so amazing,” You slurred, eyes shutting from the pleasure. Fred slowly rolled his hips against yours, intertwining his hands with yours. He still had your hand pinned against your head and he was starting to lean forward, delivering soft grunts to your ear.
“You’re so… tight,” Fred mused aloud. You bucked your hips up to meet the friction the penetration was creating and Fred took that as a sign to go faster. He picked up his rhythm that made you sing a chorus of moans that melted into his name. Fred let curses fall out of his mouth and he picked up the speed of his thrusts, fully fucking you into the bed. Your cries only encouraged him.
Fred planted his lips on yours, creating a messy and heavy kiss that dripped with want. You tangled your hands in his hair, tugging whenever he would move to a certain spot that made your vision blur. A knotted feeling built up in your stomach like you never felt before.
“Fred… I- I’m-'' Fred understood what you were trying to get at and dropped a hand to your clit, rubbing soft circles that only tightened your stomach. With a cry, you broke from his interlocked hand and wrapped your arms around him as you nipped at his shoulder from the immense wave that washed over you. Fred laughed with such confidence it brought you back to life as he slowed down his thrusts.
“I’m almost there. Do you want me to keep going?” Fred panted, brushing a hair out of your face and kissing you on the forehead.
“Yes, please,” You relaxed back, feeling absolutely crazed. Fred dropped his head again and you reached up to trail kisses down his neck. “You fuck me so well, Fred.”
Your praise sent Fred over the edge and he unsheathed himself with a groan, spilling himself on your stomach. Fred collapsed beside you with a heave, then moved quickly to help clean you off. He climbed back into bed with you, pulling you close with a kiss.
“Telling the truth pays off, huh?”
“That, or Potions class.”
683 notes · View notes
otrtbs · 3 months
(inspired by this which haunts my thoughts 24/7)
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Word Count: 5.2k
Part: 1/?
Summary: every summer begets the baseball tournament of the year. barty drags regulus to the opening game, kickstarting a series of unintended events.
Barty’s whole body hums, the way it always does when he’s around Regulus. Like the old TV his father has that crackles to life in static whirs, or the green boxes in the neighborhood that Barty would sit on until the sun went down. Constant electricity.
“I mean, they’ve been doing this for years now and I have been explicitly forbidden from going,” Regulus returns. Still, he doesn’t seem affected one way or the other. “Mother wouldn’t like it.”
“Oh, mother wouldn’t like it?” Barty snorts, mockingly. “So what? It’ll give us something to do. And it’ll give us an opportunity to see each other since your parents plan on keeping you locked up in the house all summer,” he counters, and Regulus knocks a sharp shoulder into his arm. “It’s good to stick together. Mother doesn’t have to know.”
They’re walking side by side on the pavement. Slow, shuffling feet. Hands in their pockets. It’s the last day of class for the school year. Without school, there’s no way for Barty to see Regulus. Barty went all of last summer without seeing Regulus and it was boring and brutal.
Regulus takes a hand out of his pocket and pushes the hair out of his face. The sun is bright, and it causes him to squint. “Sirius still playing?”
Barty nods. “Yeah. He’s still on the James Potter all-star team. I heard Potter even talked Frank Longbottom out of retirement for one last summer.”
“He’s only two years older than us,” Regulus scoffs.
“Still, he didn’t play last summer.”
Regulus nods slowly.
They walk down the pavement silently, dragging footsteps, trying to delay the inevitable.
“It is good to stick together.” Regulus looks at Barty and traces the bruise on his cheek with his finger lightly. Barty is proud of the way he doesn’t flinch, even if the bruise is still tender and aching. He’s not so proud of the way he leans into the touch, even if it hurts.
This entire time, Barty was worried about leaving Regulus alone for a summer with no one but his parents for company. Now he thinks Regulus was equally worried for him, for the same reasons.
“But, I don’t like baseball,” Regulus muses, pulling his finger away.
“No, but you like me,” Barty grins wickedly. “Besides, we’ll just make fun of the whole thing, and I’ll steal my dad’s liquor and we’ll make it fun.”
Regulus pretends to think about it, but it doesn’t matter. Barty knows him. He knows Regulus is going to give in.
The summer baseball tournament is a local legend among the neighborhood kids, and the kids from surrounding neighborhoods too. The first baseball game began five years ago after they knocked down an old rickety building and reduced it to rubble. It didn’t take long for the land to reclaim the area and grow into tall stalks of grassy growth. That’s when, at age 12, Frank Longbottom got the bright idea to turn it into a makeshift baseball field.
The first year, Frank could barely get enough people together to make two teams, and it was so hot in the daylight that they never finished a full game before the kids scattered back into their air-conditioned homes. By year two, Frank had taken the entire school year to recruit people from surrounding neighborhoods and moved the games to the evening to beat the blazing heat.
This would be the fifth consecutive year that the tournament would run. Some kids still used the lot to play baseball in the winter or the spring, but this? This was official. After five years, the summer games became a thing of wonder for all of the young people in town. Anyone aged 12-17 could be on a team, you had to have nine to a team to enter, and each team wishing to compete in the tournament would have to have an official group name, a poster, and a roster. You had to submit and finalize your team two months before the school year ended.
That’s when the fun began. Students would make fliers and posters advertising their teams. Slips of copy paper folded up into tiny squares and passed down the aisles of desks to avoid the sharp eyes of teachers and administrators. The official list is always posted on the first Saturday of May. One expertly crayola, stickered, and markered sheet listing the teams, players, and field positions was nailed to the hollow oak tree stump in the woods by the creek. All the children knew where it was, and all of the adults would never stumble across it. Once the list was posted, the betting could begin.
Mundungus Fletcher and his group of friends ran the baseball betting ring. They would sit out by the old tree stump every Saturday with their journals taking meticulous notes of everyone placing bets and what they brought in. Nothing was off limits, Mundungus Fletcher accepted everything from stickers to lighters. Packs of bubble gum, nail polish, the two or three cigarettes you could manage to steal from your father, anything. Of course, not everything was of equal value. A lighter was worth two full-size candy bars (and it couldn’t be one of the bad ones like Almond Joy or 3 Musketeers they had to Reece's or Twix) and two small stickers. A nail polish was worth a rubber band ball and a blow pop. Mundungus Fletcher and his team took their jobs seriously, monitoring the conversion rates and doling out prizes. Every Saturday the children of the neighborhood would scramble, bringing in whatever they thought would be best for the pot. A few stray dollar bills, their coins, candy, lip gloss, sunglasses, bouncy balls, yo-yos, marbles, stamps, pokemon cards, queued-up mp3 players, necklaces, baseball caps, and even beloved childhood stuffed animals weren’t safe when it was time for baseball bets.
Mundungus kept all of the bets in one of his mother’s large kitchen mixing bowls, then two of his mother’s large mixing bowls, then in empty shoe boxes as things began to overfill. He said he hid all the betting goods in a secret, secure location, but Barty was pretty sure he was just keeping it all under his bed. Regardless, Mundungus would bring out the spoils every Saturday so that all of the kids in the neighborhood could see their potential spoils, provided they picked the right team. It was a great incentive to get people to partake.
As for the baseball teams, there were eight this year, the most they’d ever had. They would be competing to be number one. The winning team of the summer baseball tournament became town celebrities for the year. They always got first dibs at the carnival that came to town (they could skip the ride lines and take two turns in a row on the Ferris wheel), they got to use the tire swing into the creek whenever they wanted (they never had to wait to use it or take turns), and, because some of the older kids had jobs already, if you were on the winning baseball team you would often get free movie tickets and popcorn, or free ice cream if one of the other kids was working. There was an unspoken rule, a reverence, that the winning team had with the other kids in town, they were Gods among mortals, they would want for nothing, ask for anything, and receive it. The winning team also gets crowned with Coca-Cola canned bottle crowns that Barty thinks look stupid, but everyone else seems way too into them.
This all happens without the supervision of any adults. It was the most sacred vow that everyone tried not to break. No adults allowed. Adults always had the propensity to ruin things. They would think too hard about things, create problems that didn’t exist, and they would shut the baseball tournament down. This year, like last year, the games don’t start until one in the morning, while almost every adult is asleep soundly in their beds, getting ready for work the next morning. Of course, more than a few adults know about this tournament, and most don’t care. Regulus’ mother, like Barty’s father, is allergic to fun, so they’re both banned from going. Some kids have meltdowns over being banned from the games. Two years ago, a game couldn’t be played because two players were grounded and the team had to forfeit.
The stakes and the pressure were always high.
The stakes were high for Barty this year too, even if he wasn’t playing. He looks at Regulus as they come to the end of the street, shuffling feet. Regulus' house looms behind him, and Barty can see Walburga watching from the window on the second floor, peering purse-lipped through the curtains.
Barty’s hands stay in his pockets. “I guess I’ll see you then.”
Regulus nods. His face doesn’t waver but his eyes sparkle with secrecy. “Yeah, later.”
Throwing rocks at people’s windows is the worst.
Barty isn’t enthused.
First, he had to collect a bunch of rocks to stuff his pockets with on the way over, second, it was dark and there weren’t any street lights on Regulus’ street so everything looked exactly the same, and third, he was rapidly running out of rocks.
He skims them lightly at first. Tap. Tap. Tap.
They bounce off the glass of Regulus’ window in soft thuds.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Jesus Christ, how long did it take for Regulus to sneak out and come down?
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Barty’s annoyed now. Maybe he wasn’t throwing them hard enough?
He throws the next few with more force.
Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.
He keeps throwing them until he’s out of rocks.
Now what?
He stands on the side of Regulus’ house, trying to squint up into the dark window. He’s not sure if Regulus would turn a light on in the house and risk it, but it looks like nothing is going on in there. Regulus had promised him that he wasn’t a deep sleeper.
Outside the crickets chirp in song and the blades of grass tickle Barty’s ankles as the night breeze causes them to sway.
Fuck it.
Barty picks up a much larger rock that’s at his feet, and forgetting himself for a moment, he throws it with all the strength of the last throw and then some. The glass breaks and shatters with a delicious noise, but Barty can't admire it, because he’s already turning on his heel and running.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Past the first house and then the second and then–
His feet all but screech to a halt on the pavement as he looks up at Regulus’ house. Regulus’ real house. This time he’s sure of it.
It’s not his fault everything looks the same in the dark.
Barty shrugs, trying to calm his racing heart and catch his breath as he leans down to pick up some smaller rocks from the ground.
As quietly as he can, he stalks over to the side of the house Regulus’ bedroom window is on, and starts the process over.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
He uses a much lighter touch.
Thankfully, Regulus comes out after nine stones, no lights ever turned on inside the Black family residence.
“I’m surprised you don’t play,” Barty says as they walk side-by-side to the baseball field.
“Why’s that?” Regulus looks at him like he’s sprouted another head.
Barty shrugs, looking up at the waxing moon. “Your whole family does. Sirius and Andromeda are on a team. And Narcissa’s a pitcher. Bellatrix is on Tom’s team. Also a pitcher. You mean to tell me you haven’t thought about it?”
“Narcissa plays?” Regulus furrows his brows. “I didn’t know that.”
There was a lot about summer baseball that Regulus didn’t know. Barty takes it upon himself to explain on the walk over.
“There are really only three teams to beat in this tournament. Tom’s team, they’re the Death Eaters, that’s their team name. Nobody likes them and everyone is afraid of them because they play dirty. Last year, Bellatrix beamed Remus in the nose so hard that she broke it. Tom ordered it. Then you’ve got the Serpents, they’re my favorites. That’s the one Narcissa plays on. They haven’t won a tournament ever, but this is their year. Trust me. And then there’s,” Barty rolls his eyes for dramatic effect. “The Lions or whatever the fuck.”
“Horrible team name,” Regulus’ mouth twists up into a smile.
“Truly,” Barty nods. “James Potter is the captain, right-hand man is your brother, and they of course have recruited the legendary Frank Longbottom to come back and steal the baseball title from Tom’s Death Eaters. It was a huge upset when Tom’s team won two years ago, so much so that Frank quit the following year, and Tom won again, and now,” Barty shrugs. “I guess he’s back.”
“So the Lions are like the founding team?” Regulus asks, and Barty nods. He’s surprised Regulus doesn’t know this from his brother.
“Yeah, the original team. Doesn’t mean they’re gonna win though, even with Frank. Tom might actually kill somebody before he lets that happen.”
“But the Lions, they’re the favorites?”
Barty fake gags. “Depends on who you ask. Not my favorites.”
“Mine neither,” Regulus says decisively.
Barty wonders if he’s thinking about all of the lion posters and memorabilia that Sirius used to keep in his bedroom. Regulus would always complain about the bright red and gold team colors and the obnoxious designs, but he doesn’t complain about anything anymore now that Sirius’ room is empty.
Barty looked out for him then. When Sirius packed up everything and ran away to James’ house. It was odd, Regulus seemed to be the only one who knew what it was then. Walburga and Orion seemed to be in denial. Sirius would come home, it was an extended sleepover– which they were never allowed to have, Sirius would realize how good he had it and he’d come back. Only Regulus seemed to understand that they’d never live under the same roof again.
Barty was there. He was there while Regulus ranted and raved and paced and shook his fists at the sky. He was there when Regulus crumpled up like a sheet of paper and collapsed in on himself, shoulders shaking in silent cries. He was there when Sirius spent every second trying to convince Regulus to come to James’ house with him, begged Regulus to talk to him, tried to pass him letters in the street that Regulus would let fall to the pavement. And he was there when Regulus picked himself up and pretended as if the entire affair was beneath him.
They were there for each other. Alway had been. Barty would never leave like Sirius did. He wouldn’t dream of it. He’d stick around as long as Regulus would let him, as pathetic as that sounded. He’d like to think that Regulus would stick around too. Regulus with his dark eyes and all-too-serious look of someone always deep in thought. Sharp, gray eyes that narrowed in displeasure at everything. It took a lot of effort to get Regulus to smile, even more effort to make him laugh. Barty had never done something so rewarding. The surge he felt in his chest whenever Regulus would grin or laugh at something Barty had said was addicting. It made him lightheaded and delirious.
“Look what I brought,” Barty grins, pulling out the flask from his back pocket. The silver can glints in the moonlight.
Regulus’ hand reaches to grab at the flask as they walk in time. Barty likes the way their feet sound on the pavement when they’re in step. He hates that he’s been having thoughts like these more and more frequently. He can’t fucking help himself.
Regulus takes a swig and does his best not to shudder as the warm liquor lights a fire down his throat. Barty finds it slightly endearing as he raises his eyebrows at Regulus, waiting for him to cough and sputter. It never comes.
Barty watches as Regulus licks his lips and hands the flask back to Barty, cheeks pink. Barty is overcome with the desire to kiss him, to taste the honeyed bourbon still on his lips and feel the lightning bolts race through his veins, but he contains himself. Another annoying and incessant thought.
In an attempt to recover, he swings hard at Regulus’ shoulder, harder than he should, as he tuts, “Don’t drink it all, save some for the game.”
Regulus turns to him once more, face indignant as he rubs his arm where Barty has just punched. “Fuck you, I barely even drank any.”
“It looked like a big swallow to me.”
Now it was Regulus’ turn to punch Barty, but there was no heat behind it. “Fucking hell, I told you to stop swinging on me like that. I’ll break your nose next time, I swear to God.”
Barty grins. “Is that a promise?”
“Freak,” Regulus shakes his head, but he’s back to being amused.
“You love it.”
They make it to the field early, but there are already people streaming in with bright battery-operated lights for the game, talking excitedly to themselves. A team is warming up the field, practicing their swings and stretching, Barty listens to the clatter of the bleachers that someone had brought to the lot two years ago. He’s not sure how they did it.
He watches Regulus watch the scene in wonder.
“They have concession stands?” He asks, looking at the girl and boy selling things on the pavement in front of the lot. They both sit at a little plastic table with plastic chairs, their sign advertises what they're selling, crackerjack, peanuts, sodas, trail mix, lemonade.
“Uh, I guess,” Barty shrugs. “That’s new. Seems a bit much.”
Still, he buys two bags of boiled peanuts and two cokes for them anyway.
Mundungus Fletcher and his friends are there, calling out to everyone to join in the bets. Tonight is the last night to enter.
Regulus stops by and drops off a few things, about ten dollars, 4 packs of gum, sunglasses with flames up the side that used to belong to Sirius, and 5 spinning tops.
“Regulus Black,” Mundungus fills out his name in the notebook in inky black pen, carefully recording the list of everything he’s brought. “Let me guess, you’re betting it all on the Lions?”
His voice is loud and booming, with the confidence of a sports announcer but the underlying hint of deception like a used car salesman.
“No,” Regulus scowls at him.
“Oh, I just assumed because of your brother that–”
“I want to bet it all on the Serpents. I hear their pitcher is really good.”
Barty smiles as Mundungus nods. “And you Crouch? Any last-minute bets?”
Barty shakes his head. “I’ve already got over $50 in the game. I have to draw the line somewhere.”
Regulus signs on the dotted line confirming his entry and they make their way to the bleachers. Even though it’s dark out, it’s still uncomfortably warm outside. Some kids have brought battery-operated handheld fans with styrofoam propellers to keep them cool. Others have ice packs.
Barty figures that he can just sit behind someone with a fan and benefit from the airflow. The bleachers begin to fill up as the game draws closer. Kids bring signs elaborately decorated with all of their best art supplies. Glitter glue, puff paint, rhinestones, and neon markers. Some have even painted their faces.
Barty and Regulus spot Remus Lupin at the same time. He’s walking towards a group of kids scrambling to set up a radio and microphone at the announcer's table.
“One. Two. One. Two,” Remus says into the microphone and it resounds throughout the lot, as a hush falls in the bleachers.
“He’s not playing?” Regulus leans in to ask Barty, his shoulder brushing against him.
Barty shakes his head. “Not since the Bellatrix incident, no. He’s no good anymore. Flinches when the ball comes towards him, forgets to swing the bat.”
“Remus Lupin?” Regulus’ eyebrows shoot up like he doesn’t believe it. But he doesn’t have to believe it, he can see Remus take his place at the announcer's table.
Remus runs the scoreboard, calls the players up, and explains the plays for the kids who don’t really know what’s going on. Mary MacDonald helps him with the music and the score when she’s not playing, otherwise, Rita Skeeter helps out, much to the annoyance of everyone.
“Oh, what the fuck,” Regulus snorts. “What’s next, they bring out someone to sing the national anthem?”
“Don’t give them any ideas.”
The mood shifts in the stadium as they get ready to begin. Remus clears his throat in the microphone and it emits an ear-splitting feedback. Still, some kids were trickling in, sitting in the grass now that the bleachers were full.
On the other side of the field, sat the other teams that weren’t playing that night, just behind the makeshift dugouts.
“They like to sit and scope out the competition. They keep to themselves,” Barty explains when Regulus asks. “Can’t mingle with the common folk.”
Regulus scoffs, but Barty doesn’t miss the way his eyes search for Sirius across the field. When Regulus finds him, Sirius sits up straighter, already looking back. He goes to raise a hand to wave at him but Regulus turns his head away sharply, making a show of it.
Barty watches as Sirius moves to stand up like he’s going to run over to them and talk to Regulus, but a blonde girl, Marlene McKinnon, grabs his arm and pulls him down as the first players run out onto the field.
Remus introduces the two teams, the Death Eaters versus the Badgers. All around them, kids shake their yellow signs exuberantly, while some sport all black signs with skulls on them.
The Badgers are going to get destroyed. Anyone with half a brain would know it the minute they heard the match-up. While you had to be 12-17 to play, most of the kids on the Badgers’ team were closer to 12, whereas the Death Eaters were all 17. Barty was actually certain that a few of the kids were 18 or 19 and only getting by because they’d been held back a year or two in school.
He starts listening in to what Remus is saying as he passes Regulus his bag of boiled peanuts.
“With starting pitcher Bellatrix Black, and your team captain, Tom Riddle.”
The stands go wild, everyone stomping their feet on the metal bleachers causing a thunderous metal rumble and Regulus’ eyes widen at the commotion.
“Let’s play ball,” Remus called, rather monotone and complacent about the ordeal.
Regulus snorts. “This is beneath him.”
Barty nods in agreement.
Since there were eight teams in the tournament, there would be seven rounds total. Each round was a best-of-three battle to move on, for a maximum of 21 games, 21 nights, of baseball madness. They were guaranteed at least 14. Two full weeks of baseball. The event of the summer.
They watch as Bellatrix takes the pitcher's mound, licking up little clouds of dirt with her feet. He knocks his knee against Regulus’ at his cousin taking in both the crowd’s cheers and boos. Barty pours some of the bourbon into his Coke can and does the same for Regulus.
Bellatrix’s wild hair was long and curly, falling down her back. It was only kept out of her face by a black baseball cap, and she smiles sharply at the stands.
A soft tune plays as a short kid with spiky brown hair walks up to home plate, giving his bat a few test swings in preparation.
“I heard she puts some kind of resin or wax on her baseball cap to make the ball sticky,” Barty whispers like it’s some kind of secret.
“I believe it,” Regulus says, also leaning in. Barty tries to ignore the lightning bolts. The static frequency once again turned up a notch. “She used to cheat in every game we played growing up.”
They share a look as Bellatrix puts her fingers to the brim of her baseball hat and nods, baseball glove at the ready. The atmosphere has gone quiet like everyone is holding their breaths. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.
The kid at home plate assumes position and Bellatrix winds up. The ball moves so fast that Barty doesn’t have time to register it, and neither does the kid at home plate, as the ball hits the catcher’s mitt with a hard thud.
“Strike one,” Remus’ voice echoes, and the spell is broken.
The crowd roars to life once more.
Barty and Regulus get lost in the atmosphere, the crack of the bat, the whizz of the ball, the cheers of people telling their friends to steal third. They crunch through their boiled peanuts and slowly work their way through their cokes, which get stronger as time passes, due to Barty constantly topping them up with flask bourbon.
At the top of the third, a Badger player manages a triple on Bellatrix, running in two of her teammates, so Bellatrix beams her at the top of the fourth, and lets her walk. It doesn’t matter though, the score is already 6-2. At the bottom of the sixth, Tom scores the first home run of the night, and more than a few of the silly girls from high school chirp and cheer loudly, making heart eyes in his direction.
“I mean,” Regulus leans in to whisper. “I kinda get it.”
Barty screws up his face in disgust. “Fuck no.”
He makes more than a few sarcastic remarks and snarky comments, all of which make Regulus laugh or smile. Barty is humming with delight, but he desperately tries to curtail it. Regulus is also getting into the game. It’s a gradual interest, but Barty finds that he’s watching Regulus more than the game. He watches as Regulus’ eyes furrow when someone gets an out, watches the slight smile grace his face as Bellatrix throws a particularly nasty screwball, watches Regulus’ vague curiosity at Tom’s simpering smirk. At some point, their knees touch, and they stay that way for the remainder of the night. Regulus, who shies away from any sort of contact, hasn't moved his knee away.
Barty fucking loves baseball.
The game ends at a brutal 11-2 at the top of the ninth inning. Though, to the Badger’s credit, they do not look defeated or deterred. They seem more than pleased with their two runs, all jostling and shaking the girl who made it possible with wide smiles and congratulations.
The bourbon has satiated Barty and left his head perfectly hazy. He offers a lazy smile to Regulus. “Walk you home?”
It’s late, and he’s feeling tired, he’s sure Regulus feels the same.
Regulus nods, finishing off the last of the coke, and subsequently the last of the bourbon.
“Can’t let you sleep through morning violin lessons, or French tutoring, or whatever the fuck your weird-ass family has you do.”
“Piano.” Regulus rolls his eyes as he corrects Barty. His cheeks are tinged slightly pink and his eyes are a little glassy.
Barty bites his lip to keep from smiling. What a lightweight.
They’re almost out of the field, about to slip down the quiet streets, when Regulus is pulled back by a hand on his shoulder.
Barty spins around to see Sirius with a group of his teammates.
“You came?” Is the first thing out of Sirius’ mouth.
“Not for you, for Barty,” Regulus shoots off just as quickly.
Sirius’ teammates stare at the ground nervously. He makes note of them. The blonde girl from before, Marlene, and he’d know James Potter anywhere. He’s never seen James without Sirius. And the redhead, Lily.
“Well, we play in four nights if you want to watch,” James offers a slight smile. “I’m James, by the way.”
Regulus regards him coldly. “I know who you are.”
“I just wanted to, uh, say hi.” Sirius’ voice is stilted, odd. Almost pained. Barty makes it his duty to glare daggers at him.
“Well, don’t do it again,” Regulus says smoothly, and Barty can tell he doesn’t mean it.
So can Sirius, as he smiles.
“You know we could always use an extra player on our team.”
“In your fucking dreams, Sirius.”
“Come on, we want to get uniforms made,” Sirius offers again, as if this fact would entice Regulus.
He doesn’t know Regulus like Barty knows him. Regulus would hate wearing matching baseball uniforms. He would detest it. He’d rather die.
Marlene rolls her eyes. “James just wants to prance about in those tight little pants.”
“Yeah,” James shoots back quickly. “And all the girls want to see me prance about in those tight little pants, and who am I to deny the people what they desperately want?”
Lily scoffs as Regulus turns to leave, dragging Barty with him.
“Wait,” Sirius calls. “Are you coming back tomorrow?”
“Maybe. It’s none of your business,” Regulus snaps as they walk out of earshot.
They’re striding down the pavement, no shuffling feet and no delay of time, as Regulus huffs.
“Wait,” Barty can’t help himself from asking. “We are going back tomorrow, right?”
Apart from the Sirius interlude, he had a good time with Regulus. And he figures if Sirius hadn’t ambushed them, then he and Regulus would be taking their sweet time walking home. Time that Barty craved more than anything.
“Yeah,” Regulus nods shortly. “I shouldn’t have talked to him. I should’ve just ignored him.”
“Well, he did make it kind of difficult to do that,” Barty reasons as Regulus fumes.
“Fuck, and then stupid fucking James Potter trying to be so–”
“Annoying,” Barty says at the time Regulus says charming.
He tries to ignore the funny thing his heart does in his chest as they both fall into stunned silence.
“Well,” Barty breathes out. “Not what I was going to say.”
“No, I just mean– you heard him,” Regulus says quickly, taking on a crude imitation of James’ voice. “I’m James. I wear tight pants and steal people’s brothers from them for fun.”
Barty snorts. “Yeah, what a dick.”
Regulus nods and repeats after him. “A dick.”
But it doesn’t sound like Regulus really means it. No one can be both charming and a dick. It doesn’t work like that.
Barty walks Regulus all the way to his house, doing his best to skirt the home with the broken window.
Regulus smiles at him softly. “It was fun.”
He admits it like a secret, like it reluctantly has to be true.
Barty nods in agreement, fighting off the urge to punch Regulus again. “Same time tomorrow, baseball boy?”
Regulus nods, his hand brushing against Barty’s slightly before he turns to head inside through the propped-open window on the bottom floor.
Barty stands on the street corner, just him and chirping crickets as he waits for Regulus to flick his bedroom lights on and off to show he’s made it. Once he does, Barty heads towards his house, trying to ignore the parts of his hand that Regulus has touched crackling to life.
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marlsswrites · 2 months
Queen and angels
Ice skating AU, part 2!!
August 2nd - words: 615
First part
James grabbed his car keys, rattling then slightly as he unlocked the car with a short beep and he climbed into the drivers seat. Connecting his phone to the Bluetooth, he stuck some Queen music on and hummed to himself as he started the car up.
Ring ring.
With a hefty sigh, he checked who had phoned him and rather rudely interrupted his music, he was at the good bit as well!
"James?" His mother spoke through the speaker as he answered.
"Oh- hey mum."
"Sorry for the change of plans chico, can you meet me at the ice rink instead?" She spoke, her Spanish accent still very prominent judging on the amount of years the family have spent in England.
He cleared his throat, smiling even though his mum couldn't see him. "Yeah, no te preocupes, hasta pronto mamá." He switched to Spanish quickly, knowing it satisfied his mother as she wished him goodbye and hung up the phone - it took her a second to find the button but she did it eventually.
Within entering the ice rink, he felt the coldness of the air bite and stab at his bare tan arms, was he supposed to wear a coat? It's summer!
The place was big, it took james a while to find where his mother stood, but with the help of the faint playing music in the background and her counting along and shouting words and runs that James dreads to even learn the meaning of. He's quite sure if he stepped foot on ice he'd end up snapping his neck.
"Hey m-" His voice died instantly in the back of his throat as he looked out at the pale blue ice, more particularly, who was gliding across it with such grace James was doubting if the person was even real.
He was a distance away from James,  it even from where he stood at the barrier James could make out gorgeous, falling, silky black curls falling behind his head as he moved like an angel. He could see the prominence of the strangers cheekbones, visible from any distance.
The persons eyes were closed as their legs moved in sync with the music and their arms twisted around their body in patterns of perfection.
Music in the background still played, but it seemed to dim out gradually as the only thing in James' mind was the person in front of him that he was sure was as beautiful as his moves on the ice up close.
The loud guitar beat in the song slowed as the person did too, their hair falling back in front of their still not visible face. They spun slightly, almost showing off the skin tight, black bodysuit that clung to his body like a second set of skin. Rounding his curved, slim waist and stopping at his neck and revealing pale, slightly freckled skin.
"James?" He forced his eyes away from the rink, though he didn't particularly want to, and was faced with his mums chuckling face. "Want to wait outside? You must be freezing." She tutted and patted his arm. "I'll talk to Regulus quickly, when I've finished my session with him, I'll meet you outside."
"Uh-" He coughed, trying to get himself out of his love struck glance as he looked back to the rink, but the person - Regulus presumably - was gone. "Yeah, see you in a second." He huffed out as he left.
Yet his mind was still filled with day dreams and unholy thoughts of the man on the ice, his hips, his skin, his hair, his cheekbones, his grace and perfection that was sure to haunt James' thoughts for a long, long time.
Next part
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gontagokuhara · 3 months
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“Ah, Nanami-san, I really can’t make you do this…!”
This is at least the third time since Nagito arrived at Chiaki's front door that she’s heard a breathy, nervous squeak of complaint come from the same head she’s currently trying to work a hairbrush through.
Nagito’s hair is…pretty tangled. But Chiaki’s definitely dealt with a rats-nest or two after a late night of gaming; she’s got this. “I don’t really understand what you mean. And hey, I keep telling you…call me Chiaki.”
“Chiaki-san,” Nagito corrects forcefully, the voiced edge with which her name is said undermined a decent amount by how nervous said voice still is, “I think I’ve made a mistake in coming here. I’m so embarrassed I feel a little like throwing up!”
(or: transfeminine nagito comes out to chiaki, and despite some stumbling blocks, the two girls manage a magical girl makeover sequence anyway)
[read me here!]
for lemon / @anonlemon as my piece in the @shsl-islandmode-events gift exchange!
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
Sigh...Homelander taking his dumbass girlfriend to get rabies shots because she got her hand destroyed petting a stray cat.
“Hate to say I told you so.”
“You love to say I told you so.”
Homelander’s lips twitch. “Touché. But less so when it involves grievous bodily harm.”
He’s waiting with you in the doctor’s office, leaning against the sink, his arms crossed.
“I’d hardly call this grievous,” you say, flexing your bandaged hand. “I think he liked me.”
“Oh, couldn’t agree more. He loved you. Especially the taste of you.”
“What can I say? I have a thing for men who bite.”
Homelander’s brows lift. “Oh?”
You smile slyly. “I’m just saying. You could be putting those vampire fangs of yours to work.”
“Noted. At least you wouldn’t need a rabies shot afterwards,” he says, absently running his tongue along his teeth.
“You sure you don’t have rabies?”
“Ha. Ha,” he gives back, tone dry. He glances away, cocking his head slightly. He hears something. “Nurse is coming. Sleeve up, Dr. Dolittle.”
While your plan to convince Homelander to adopt a cat with you may have failed spectacularly, the evening isn’t a total loss.
Especially not when he’s grazing those very sharp canines along your throat later that same night.
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lumiconic · 2 years
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❥ summary: comforting them after a terrible nightmare
❥ characters: xiao ; lumine ; aether
❥ content: angst, fluff, reverse comfort, gn reader
❥ note: woohoo lumine content!! i hope this is suited to your liking @sh1-n0bu :D !! i am SOso sorry ab how long it took 😭
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he feels the familiar ache of a bad dream, like a sickness in the pit of his stomach, as soon as he opens his eyes to a mist-shrouded world smelling of blood and that unmistakable stench of death. he looks around, his muscles tensed, chin tucked into his chest, knowing he's dreadfully unprepared for whatever horrors are conjured for him this time. 
a terrifying, sour taste of bile rises in his throat as his gaze lands on a familiar person, lying with eyes open and blankly staring at nothing, and he falls to his knees as though someone has knocked the air out of him, gasping wildly for breath and finding none. that person is you, and all at once the understanding that this isn't real is gone in a flash and he's pulling at your shoulders and crying your name as though it'll magically rouse you from the dead --
his eyes open suddenly to peaceful quiet and your arms wrapped around him, whispering soft reassurances. a leaf drifts in through the window, moonlight highlighting your concerned features as his breathing slows, posture melting into a limp exhaustion, and you pull back, clutching his hands and asking if he's okay.
the sound of soft wind and gently rushing water pours back into his ears. he places a hand on his forehead, pushing back locks of green shaded hair, cast into shadow by the awkward lighting. "just ... a nightmare," he says slowly, the words almost a prayer to reassure himself.
"it wasn't real," you prompt, achingly aware of that constant vision that appears in his mind what seems like every time he falls asleep. "i'm here, right?" he nods, taking a deep breath. you smile anxiously. "see? you don't have to worry. everything's fine." 
and it is, truly; he knows this reoccuring nightmare is irrational, but he can't remember to turn away when he's deep in his own mind, seeing the person who he loves most in the world dead on the ground. it's just impossible, for him to ignore this, because even with that nausea that clues him in, he would never be able to forgive himself if it happened in real life and he dismissed it.
his throat is drily hoarse and he breathes slowly and carefully, and your voice is clouded once more with sleep as you lace your fingers between his. "is there anything you need? water, or something to eat, anything i can help with?" he shakes his head. you being there is all he needs, a temporary solution to help convince his mind that everything is fine, and it is, and the relief hits him all at once with a bright clarity that brings a clear easiness to his face, softening the sharp, fearful features. 
you smile at him sleepily, closing your eyes. a bird sings a short note outside, and he sinks back into a deep sleep, holding your hand like a lifeline, and when he dreams this time, it's of you and him lying in a field of bright flowers and looking at the sky.
her dream is a kind one at first, a picnic full of sunshine deep in a beautiful forest with you and aether and paimon, and she almost aches with joy at the warm smiles that surround her and the peacefulness that resides softly within her chest. 
but then the trees and the picnic crumble away and the scene flashes into midnight, clouds covering the moon, and aether's face falls into an empty, dead-eyed stare wearing a long black robe speckled with tiny stars, abyss mages appearing behind him, and paimon whirls into a monstrous version of the unknown god that stole him away from her, and you melt and reform into a horrible thing with viciously sharp teeth, and elongated limbs that don't suit your body, and she's surrounded on all sides --
you whisper her name into her ear -- "lumine! " -- and she sits up straight, panting with fear. you reach for her, fearful pity on your face, her gaze wildly unfocused as her head snaps around in different directions. she lashes out, slapping your arm away with blind, terrified fury, barely a heartbeat and a provocation away from slashing at you with her sword, momentarily unable to tell reality from that disgustingly real nightmare.
you scramble away, as far as you can get without falling off the bed, and you hold both hands in the air, whispering in a gentle voice, "hey -- hey, lumi. it's just me, okay? it's just me." she inhales, clasping her trembling hands in her lap, and holds it for five seconds, making eye contact with you. 
when the breath rushes out of her, the tension leaves her shoulders, and she slumps against the headboard, rigid and motionless with an angry expression on her face. you move closer and place a hand on her arm. "are you okay? you were saying something, in your sleep, so i t-thought -- " you stammer, tripping over your tongue for a moment as she looks at you stiffly, "i thought i should wake you up, should i not have?" 
you worry for a moment that the leftover wisps of rage, that overpowering anger that fills her and seems to take up her entire mind so there's no room left to be scared, will be directed at you when her mouth opens, brows furrowing, but it's just a heavy sigh that escapes her lips. "i ... yeah. thanks. i just need a second."
you reach over and flick the light on, throwing the room into sharp relief. you sit in silence as she stares at her hands, words on the tip of her tongue that she's unable to say yet. she knows the irrational anger that bubbles up to drown the terror and painfulness of that dream, with its hints of reality that she never wants to believe, is stifling and poisonous, but for now it just feels so much easier to let the sour irritation win rather than the truer all consuming fear. 
she feels your presence without looking up, your calm steadiness there beside her, and when her face crumples and she leans back and covers her eyes, you wrap your arms around her, and suddenly her dream feels so far away as she presses her face into your shoulder and you whisper that it's going to be okay.
he is almost painfully aware that it's a dream from the start, just from the way the deep blue sky shimmers with stars that shine from behind soft puffs of pale gray clouds. it looks too perfect to be real, and when he takes his eyes off the sky, he's sure of it, after he sees the hordes of familiar faces and you holding his hand, tucking a pristine golden petaled flower behind his ear. 
he searches the crowd eagerly and there she is, lumine, waiting with open arms and a tearful smile, and just as he brushes hands with his sister at long last, and the voices of the crowd rise to a joyful roar, and it feels like everything in the world is finally right --
he awakes with a horrible, empty longing cemented deeply inside him, a feeling like he'll never be whole again and his heart was ripped from his chest in a single blow, refusing to let the aftershocks stop. his eyes are glazed over and he shakes, body trembling with held in cries. 
your eyes widen; for all you had known, the dream he'd been having was a pleasant one, his lips forming a smile in his sleep that you were admiring when he awoke. you cup his face, unsure of what to do but wanting to comfort him in this moment, "a-aether," you say helplessly. "what's wrong?"
he bursts into sobs, clutching at you with white knuckles as tears pour down his face. you hold him tight to your chest, rubbing small circles into his back, and close your eyes with a pained breath. "it's okay, it's okay ... deep breaths ... " your quiet humming, while brutal loneliness thrums in the depths of his chest, is a paradoxical feeling. he knows you're there, knows you haven't left, and yet he feels heartbreakingly alone and like he'd give anything in the world for you to remain there. 
it gets easier as time goes on, as everything; as the moments blink by, your voice dimming to a softer whisper, he finds his eyelids growing heavier again, and the constant longing in the back of his mind lifts slowly like a fog bank dissipating, until his mind is as clear as it's going to get and he drifts into a dreamless gray mindscape. 
his dream is an unfathomable reality, a happy ending where he gets to stay with you and his sister and all the friends he made in teyvat; something he knows would be nothing short of a miracle to come true, and maybe the sudden sourness was a warning by his own subconscious that this was an impossibility. 
but at least he hopes -- at least he wishes with all his heart and maybe allows himself to believe it could be his reality -- that you'll be always with him, the one constant on whose side he can still stand by the time his journey comes to an close.
and if that could be the one dream of his that ends up coming true maybe it could be a shield from the inevitable sorrow that will accompany the end; after all, you are the most perfectly unbelievable thing of all, and he counts his lucky stars every day that you're with him.
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thank you so much for reading, and pls leave a like + reblog + follow if you enjoyed!!
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coffeeghoulie · 6 months
Hi!! Can I pretty please request number 15 from the kiss prompt list with Mountain and Swiss 🥺🫶
absolutely!! two big boys coming right up lol, hope you enjoy!
#15: passionately
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Mountain is always hyperaware of his size and strength, the biggest ghoul in the band pack.
He is careful, and considerate, and reserves the full brunt of his power for hitting his drums. But even the strongest wills can be broken, and Swiss is one stubborn son of a bitch.
The earth ghoul tightens his grip on his sticks, the sweat on his palms making them slip in his grasp. He grits his teeth, trying to focus on his kit in front of him. Mountain growls, too law and rumbly for any of the humans to hear, but around him, his packmates all tense near imperceptibly.
Except, of course, Swiss.
The multighoul is too busy grinding against his micstand, grinning and making lewd gestures in the audience's direction, but Mountain can see the way his eyes glance over to his own platform, gold winking behind the lenses of his mask. Mountain can see the way his tail would be swaying coyly behind him if it weren't for their human glamours.
Mountain takes a deep breath, cursing as he hits the snare so hard his stick snaps cleanly in half. He growls and pulls another one out of his bag, keeping his gaze firmly in front of him for the rest of the show. He can feel the waves of smug satisfaction rolling off of the multighoul to his right, catching Cirrus in the crossfire. He growls again, shaking his head
Bows go as they always do, and Mountain quietly storms up behind Swiss and Aeon as they walk off stage together, heads pressed together and laughing. He growls, big hand grabbing Swiss by the back of the neck, letting some of his true strength bleed through his glamour.
Swiss yelps, and Aeon ducks away, eyes wide but a little amazed. Rain laughs as he and Dew walk past, and Aeon scrambles to meet up with them
"What's up with you, maple?" Swiss teases, pulling his faux innocence back on. Cool, calm, collected Swiss, and the thought makes Mountain's fingers tighten around the scruff of his neck.
For what it's worth, Swiss goes easily as Mountain pulls him into a dark alcove, spinning him and shoving his back against the cinderblock wall so hard he can feel the breath knocked from Swiss's lungs.
He laughs, dazed and giddy, as Mountain boxes him in, looming over the multi-ghoul, green eyes flaring in the darkness as he glares down at him.
"You know what's up," edelweiss," Mountain says, hands that dwarf even Swiss's curling into the front of his vest. "You think I'm fucking stupid?"
Swiss scoffs, still impossibly level despite everything. "Never, Mount. Smartest ghoul I know.”
Mountain leans down, their masks scraping together as he whispers in the multi-ghoul’s ear.
"Then why in the name of Belial did you think it was a good idea to mess with me?"
With how close they are, chests pressed together, clothes damp with sweat, there's no hiding the way Swiss shudders, a breathy keen escaping his lips, the air in the tight corner smelling of cinnamon and Mountain's own rosemary. "Mount," he breathes.
Mountain huffs, laughing as Swiss's head lolls back, the helmet thudding against the wall. "I've barely touched you, edelweiss, and you're all worked up. This is exactly what you wanted, isn't it?"
He doesn't wait for an answer before hauling Swiss up by the vest, crashing into a kiss that's mostly teeth, both of them losing their grips on their glamour. Swiss hisses as his bottom lip catches on Mountain's sharp fangs, but groans into it.
Mountain's head spins. As much as he hates to admit it, Swiss's teasing always gets to him way more than he lets on. It's messy and chaotic and he pins Swiss to the wall with it, even as Swiss's hands curl around the tubing on his helmet. It tastes of the fruit of his vape, sheer desperation. Their lips slide together, slick with their spit.
Mountain just knows both of their faces will be smeared with the remnants of their grease paint, nipping again at Swiss's lip in delight when he can taste it, and the brightness of the iron that follows quickly after.
He pulls back, leaving Swiss heaving, lip bleeding, eyes soft and hazy behind the lenses of his mask.
Mountain stares smugly down at him, adjusting his rumpled, soaked shirt. "That's all you get tonight, Swiss," he says, nearly a growl. "I'll know if you go to the others."
Swiss nods, chest still heaving as he catches his breath, licking at his lip. Mountain laughs as he turns and heads to the dressing room.
31 notes · View notes
Timeline: mid 2.0, spoilers for post-Titan MSQ
With the leadership of the Scions sidelined, Mayhem has to step up for a bit.
It really wasn't fair. Mayhem had signed up to help the Scions, not represent them. The Empire's deadly attack had thrown so much into shambles, and if there was one thing they knew, it was that they couldn't let Alphinaud (bless him for being here but he was so very sixteen) be Minfilia's proxy in dealing with the world.
So they'd stepped up, as they settled into Mor Dhona and gotten the Ironworks crew placed in their new home. People were starting to treat them like an actual important figure, and it wasn't as appealing as they'd hoped. Saving people to see them smile had been one thing, having a reputation had been nice until it went sour, but they absolutely did not want to be treated like they were in charge.
"You'd better still be alive when we come to get you, Minfilia," they muttered tiredly. "I have to give you this stupid job back."
8 notes · View notes
braxiatel · 1 year
If I were an artist I would call this a doodle, but as I am a writer I will have to call it an unfinished, unedited abandoned wip.
Mumbo and Scar meet in a bar and commiserate about the struggles of being a young adult. Eventually they kiss. Also Scar is trans and Mumbo is autistic because I wrote this fic for me and me alone <3
(Content warning for references to alcohol, sex, and mentions of a character getting disowned)
Scar woke slowly to the sound of birdsong.
The pale spring sun was on his face, as warm as the body next to his in a way that made him feel a pang of homesickness.
He stretched, listening to how his joints popped and creaked, before opening his eyes to look around the unfamiliar room.
He had known it was not his city apartment - excuse him, flat - since he registered the birds. The closest he got was the coo of the pigeons that nested above the grand train station. Nothing like the chitter-chatter of songbirds he could hear here. Must be in the suburbs, then.
The room gave little away. Somewhat austere with its dark walls, the closest thing to decorations being a bonsai tree that was somewhat overdue a trim, and of course the rows upon rows of bookshelves with their arranged books standing to attention. Scar blinked, unable to make out the titles between the sleep in his eyes and the darkness of the room.
Instead he turned to look at the person next to him.
The combination of messy black hair and pale skin brought back vague recollections of the prior evening. Flashes of the interior of a very familiar bar, a hand in his, and a row of empty shot glasses in front of him. Well, that explained the pounding headache, at least.
Scar dared to lift the covers a little, getting a better look at his bedmate.
A handsome round face, smeared by last evening’s eyeliner. The moustache had been neatly combed with wax last night, but now it was somewhat comically askew on the man’s face.
“It’s a mouthful. My friends just call me Mumbo.”
“As in Jumbo.”
“Well, what a lovely name you have then, Mumbo Jumbo.”
Scar blinked. Right, he had met Mumbo at the back of the bar.
It was an older place, with good food and decently priced drinks, that meant it had survived since the early ’00s when karaoke rooms had been a must for any self-respecting club.
These days it was mostly used by couples looking for privacy, or by people looking for somewhere to do the sort of substances the owner would kick you out for even bringing into her establishment, the door half obscured by the very curtains that had once framed it as a main selling point.
In short: it was a sound-insulated place in an otherwise noisy environment, with comfortable sofas, that few people other than the poor bugger making the cameras knew about.
It made it the perfect place to catch his breath after a long evening at work. The next guy to man the security cameras had been two hours late - exam season emergency, apparently - and Scar didn’t feel like sitting in the break room where - once again - Angela had just opened a window to smoke rather than going outside, making the whole place an asthma attack waiting to happen.
So Scar had tucked his bag into the basket of his walker and gone into the karaoke room expecting a quiet moment when instead-
“Well, hello there.”
Years later Scar would claim his immediate thought was something in the direction of either “handsome” or “beautiful” depending on what mood he was in, but honestly in that moment he had mostly felt shock followed immediately by concern.
The man in front of him looked as though he had just witnessed something gruesome. Eyes wide, with a faraway gaze and shaking hands.
“Oh, sorry, is this off limits?”
In the present Scar was looking at the man’s sleeping form, marvelling at what a night’s rest had done for him.
Light stubble decorated his soft jawline and Scar’s fingers itched to feel it. Mumbo’s lips were slightly parted in a snore, and he felt their phantom presence on his own. His arm was heavy around Scar’s waist, though it did not feel possessive so much as protective.
Similar to how he had been holding himself when Scar had found him. Huddled in the corner of a couch, as if trying to make himself far smaller than he was.
“No, no. I just came here to sit down,” Scar said. “but I can leave you to it.”
The bus home didn’t arrive for another 20 minutes - if it were on time for once - and his joints would surely protest if he tried to wait it out in the cold winter air.
“There’s room,” the man said, pulling his long legs up to his chest.
Scar paused for a moment. The stranger did not seem dangerous. Upset, perhaps, but there was a million and one reasons one might be upset. He sniffed the air and detected no more alcohol than was usual for the bar.
Well, it was a big couch, there was certainly room for two.
The cracked, white leather sank beneath his weight, creaking as it shifted. The stranger winced but otherwise stayed where he was.
Not a week went by without one of the other employees telling Scar he should try working the bar sometimes. He obviously couldn’t, not with how long it required him to stay on his feet. It didn’t stop him from spending his breaks there though, talking up a storm with the customers and doubling their sales while he was at it.
He was what one might call a people-person, though he very much doubted he would have missed how tense the man in the room with him was even if he hadn’t been.
“My name is Scar, and who might you be?” he asked.
Perhaps he had been wrong in his assessment of how drunk the man was, or perhaps Scar himself was more tired than he had though. Either way, the sentence the stranger spoke was an unidentifiable whirl to Scar.
“What was that?”
The stranger sighed.
“It’s a mouthful. My friends just call me Mumbo,” the man - Mumbo - explained.
“As in Jumbo.”
“Well, what a lovely name you have then, Mumbo Jumbo.” Scar could not keep the smile from creeping into his voice. “Now, Mumbo, I am no expert, but it seems to me that something is bothering you?”
Mumbo shifted, turning his face halfway from Scar’s and resting his face on his knee, resulting in a lock of his hair obscuring the other half. Well, so much for keeping an eye on the stranger with whom he was alone.
“Long night,” Mumbo told him. “I just needed a break. I don’t do well with loud noises or crowds.”
Scar made sure to keep his voice down when he spoke next.
“Interesting place to go on a Friday night, then.”
Mumbo shrugged. “Well, there’s not a whole lot of gay parks or gay cafes about. The man i was meeting up with wanted to meet here.”
Scar offered a look of sympathy.
“Date gone wrong?”
It was at this point he learned that Mumbo was the blushing type, when his cheeks darkened.
“Something like that…”
Scar inched a little closer, feeling the insatiable itch of curiosity.
“You know, people tell me I’m a good listener,” he fished. “I can go first if you’d like. My love life is abysmal. I haven’t had a date in months, and my last steady relationship was with a straight guy.”
Mumbo looked up fully, pausing for a moment, before he said:
“Tonight was a frankly terrible - and misguided - attempt at getting over my flatmate.”
“This sounds like the sort of conversation we could both use a drink for,” Scar said, having long since learned that this was the way of the British. “What’s your poison?”
Mumbo hesitated.
“My treat,” Scar hastened to add. “I get a staff discount.”
“... [Mumbo requests a drink].”
“Coming right up, good sir,” he said.
Another perk to working here was being able to skip the busy friday night line - sorry, queue - at the bar. He was back in the quiet room in no time, balancing the two drinks on a tray.
“Please don’t spill any. You really aren’t allowed to drink in this room, so if we ruin the sofa or the carpet it will get docked from my paycheck.”
Mumbo accepted his drink, clasping it tightly between his two hands.
“Cheers,” he sighed, taking a sip. “How did you end up dating a straight guy?”
Mumbo, it seemed, was the forward type.
“I’m trans,” he said. “We were still together when I realised. He was good about it, you know, just didn’t want to date a guy. We parted as friends.”
“Right,” Mumbo said. “Congrats? On the gender?”
Scar couldn’t help but laugh. “Why thank you, Mr Jumbo, that’s very kind of you to say.”
“My flatmate is straight too… or he was, anyway, until recently. Turns out being in love with him was a lot easier when I thought he wasn’t into men. Back then it was the idea of dating a man he wasn’t into, and not…”
“You?” Scar guessed.
“Yeah, that,” Mumbo sighed, having another sip of his drink.
“Well, he’s a fool to overlook such a handsome man.”
Mumbo snorted.
“You are!” Scar told him. “Look at you. That luscious hair, the stylish suit, those beautiful grey eyes, and those curves? I’d say you’re quite the catch, Mumbo Jumbo.”
Somewhere between the compliments and the way Mumbo bit his lip and blushed Scar had a realisation. Yes, Mumbo was quite handsome, wasn’t he?
“Well, you must be just about the only one in this bar who feels that way. My date walked out after half an hour, and I’ve failed to talk to even a single other man tonight.”
“You’re talking to me,” Scar pointed out.
“I don’t think it counts when one of the staff decides to give you a pity drink,” Mumbo sighed.
“Do you think that’s what’s happening here?” Scar snorted. “I’m off the clock, you know. I’m just making friends. I’m a friendly guy. Look, why don’t I tell you a little more about myself, and you can do the same if you’d like? Great!”
He had continued to tell Mumbo about his life story, how he ended up in the UK, going to university, coming out, getting sick, dropping out, and finally after several years in and out of the hospital, ending up enrolling again while working evenings here in the bar.
Ending up in Mumbo’s bed…
Scar stretched, the delicate silk sheets slipping over his naked skin in a gentle caress. It brought to mind the way soft hands had wandered over his flesh in the dark of the small hours of the night. It had been a while, long enough he was probably going to be sore for at least half of the day. It was a pleasant sort of soreness, though.
He looked up at the face mere inches from his, feeling no shame in taking in the details of Mumbo’s appearance while he slept.
In the low lights of the bar he had not been able to tell, but from the shape of his face he suspected Mumbo would have dimples when he smiled. There was no sign of wrinkles on his skin yet, but by the sharpness of his cheekbones, he had to be in his twenties at least.
The moustache was a nice touch too, even if it had tickled terribly against Scar’s collarbones and abdomen each time Mumbo had kissed him last night.
On the subject of collarbones, Scar could only note his admiration of the rather prominent mark he had left just about Mumbo’s left one. He shivered at the thought of how the other man had whined. Perhaps he would be up for another round this morning..?
Another round… right. He had stayed past the last bus for another round. Mumbo, once he had started talking, had seemed almost compelled to share his life story as well.
“Theodore Bertram Ambrose Osborn Chace the third,” Mumbo pronounced, a seemingly impossible feat giving he was at the end of his second pint. “Former heir to the right honourable Lord Theodore Chace the second.”
Scar whistled and leaned back in the booth he had found them towards the back of the bar, though it might have gotten lost in the noise. The music was as loud as anywhere else, but they had the table to themselves and the ability to wave one of Scar’s colleagues over when they would momentarily need another refill. Mumbo seemed content enough, anyway.
“That’s quite the name. Can’t imagine any loving parent wishing learning how to spell all that on any child of theirs.”
Mumbo picked up his drink, downing the rest of the dark red liquid.
“They weren’t,” he confirmed. “Hence, Mumbo Jumbo. Easier to pronounce.”
And a name that came with less baggage, he read between the lines.
“I have this friend from Sweden - shared a flat with her when I did my bachelor’s degree. He accused me of having a Mumbo Jumbo name, and when my father disinherited me for dropping out of business school and going into engineering… well, it just fit me better. Silly, I know, but what can you do.”
“Mumbo,” he started. “My name is Scar.”
Another thing Scar was learning about Mumbo was the fact that he was a giggler, or at least the drink brought it out in him. His whole face lit up with it, even when he tried to hide it.
“So, your Swedish friend, is he the one you’re pining after?”
Mumbo shook his head. “Iskall moved back years ago. No, he’s from here. We were paired up for a pub quiz during fresher’s week and we hit it off. I think I fell a little bit in love with him the first time he spoke to me. He just… has this energy. He can be such a pest sometimes, but his happiness is always infectious. Even when he’s laughing at your face because he pranked you by glueing the cereal box to the kitchen counter again, you can’t help but join in. You ever met anyone like that?”
“Sounds a bit like my ex,” Scar said. It must be the alcohol warming his insides, he decided. Surely the ‘Yes, I think I would give up most of my earthly possessions to stretch this evening forever if it means hearing you laughter again’ was down to the alcohol.
Mumbo huffed, picking up the drinks card.
“I’m never going to get over him this way.”
Scar rested his chin in his hand, leaning against the sticky table.
“Nonsense. Look around you, Mumbo, this room is full of wonderful men all looking for a good time.”
“Hard to get to know them when the music is so loud.”
Scar laughed. “Well, I wasn’t suggesting you go looking for ‘the one’ right away. But a night with a handsome man might be a good first step.”
Scar hoped he never got tired of watching Mumbo blush. It was just so… cute.
“What, like a one-night stand?” he asked.
“I’ve never… I’ve never done that any sooner than the third date,” Mumbo confessed.
“Never too late to try something new,” Scar suggested. “If you want to, that is.”
Mumbo made a noncommittal sound, wringing his hands.
“Just a suggestion. I’m sure there are many other things you could do to create some distance. A holiday, maybe? I hear Paris is nice this time of year. Or maybe a new hobby? Something to get you out of the house”
Mumbo bit his lip.
“Maybe… There’s one thing I’m wondering, though. Why are you doing this, Scar?”
Why was he doing this?
Mumbo was good company, and Scar liked people. In the backroom, the closest he got to social interaction was Samuel showing up to replace him for the late shift, and while the people on his course were nice enough, most of them were a decade younger than him and straight out of sixth form. And Cub, of course, but when Cub would be home in their little two-bedroom flat above the Chinese restaurant was anyone’s guess.
And shoot him, Scar liked to see people happy, and he liked to believe there was people out there for everyone, helping Mumbo find his (or at least the courage to find them) wasn’t such a bad use of his time.
“This is the first new thing that has happened to me in weeks,” he admitted. “I don’t get out a lot - just work and school. I’ve already missed my bus, and the taxi market will be a nightmare at this hour, so I’m stuck here for at least another hour until the Friday evening rush passes. And you’re interesting, I suppose.”
“That was… very honest,” Mumbo said after a pause.
“I tend to be. That a problem?
“No, not at all. Makes it a lot easier when I don’t have to second guess. Dating, making friends - I’m a bit of a spoon with these things.”
Scar laughed. The alcohol was getting to him, he could tell, because the idea of being Mumbo’s friend made something in his chest feel all warm and fussy.
“Do you want to know one thing I don’t think I will ever get tired of? You British people and your funny little sayings. ‘A bit of a spoon’, that’s adorable.” He grinned, doing an excellent job of imitating Mumbo’s accent in his own humble opinion. “Well then, Mumbo, as someone who has been very much enjoying making friends with you - how would you like a sample of my famous, internationally renowned Scar Bontemps wingman service?”
“If you promise me not to try to do an English accent again, I think I’d agree to just about anything.”
Scar gasped. “I am great at accents, Mumbo! I bet you the next round I can convince someone I am British.”
“Well, if you’re handing out free drinks, I won’t say no.”
Scar stood up, taking the first few steps towards the door before he realised what Mumbo had just implied.
“Now, hold on just a moment, mister,” he protested. “That’s it! I’m going to prove you wrong, right away.”
Scar’s head ached, a reminder of just how that bet had turned out for him. The first round of shots had been his treat, the second bought by Mumbo. Dutch courage, he had called it.
Mumbo would surely have an advil somewhere… or whatever they were called this side of the pond. However, trapped between a wall and a man sleeping like a rock, Scar stood little chance of finding them.
It was very gentlemanly of Mumbo to begin stirring just when his need for pain relief was getting urgent, Scar thought.
He moaned, perhaps a sign he too was suffering for last night’s escapades, and tightened his hold on Scar’s waist.
Scar relaxed, letting himself be pulled against Mumbo’s chest, only squirming a little when his hip started protesting at the odd angle.
“Good morning,” he said.
Mumbo sighed, hiding his face in the crook of Scar’s neck. “Hey.”
The way he was petting Scar’s back was sweet, the gravelly tone his voice had taken on from sleep sending a shiver down his spine.
“Something wrong?” Mumbo asked, prodding himself up on one of his elbows.
Scar’s back lamented the new angle he was lying at and he adjusted himself, then adjusted Mumbo with hesitant hands, until he was comfortable again.
“I think an elephant walked through and stepped on my head while I slept - or perhaps a marching band took up residence on the inside of my skull.” At Mumbo’s puzzled, half-asleep expression, he added: “My head hurts.”
Mumbo hummed, the scruff on his cheeks tickling the sensitive skin of Scar’s neck when he leaned in to kiss his shoulder in sympathy.
“Wait here,” Mumbo told him, wriggling out from under Scar and standing up.
Despite his pounding head Scar could not help but lament the dim light of the bedroom. The end of the night was clear to him, but only in flashes. Ones that, sadly, did not include as much detail of what Mumbo looked like naked as Scar would have liked.
However, being a man of the arts, Scar had to admit there was something truly aesthetic about the way the sunlight that slipped in through the curtains lit up Mumbo’s side. One stripe of light painted on his pale skin, filtering through the speckles of body hair and nestling into the curve where his leg joined his torso. As Mumbo retreated into the en suite bathroom, it paned over his backside, upwards, playing with his silky black hair.
How would it feel on a sunny day, warmed by the sun, Scar wondered? He wiggled his fingers against the sheets in a vain effort to satiate the itch to find out.
Mumbo returned a moment later with two pills and a glass of water.
Scar eyed them sceptically.
“You keep your glassware in your bathroom?” he asked, feeling entitled to judge the man at least a little after sleeping with him.
“Only one glass,” Mumbo excused, not close enough that Scar could make out his blush in the dark. “Sometimes when I’m working on a project, I get a little… focused. seeing it next to the basin reminds me to eat and drink. It’s clean.”
“You’re a funny one, Mumbo Jumbo,” Scar told him, accepting the water and the painkillers, downing both.
“In the best ways only, I hope,” Mumbo said, flopping back on the bed with a soft grunt.
Scar leaned over him to put the glass on the nightstand, using his position to lay down half on top of Mumbo.
“Just need a moment to wake up properly.”
The last part of the sentence trailed off into a yawn. He stretched his arms above his head, bending his wrist just in time to avoid hitting the wooden windowsill.
As he settled back down, arms wrapping around Scar, it struck Scar how comfortable Mumbo was in his own space. It suited him.
The Scar Bontemps Wingman service was renowned in his circle of friends. Ren liked to say that in another lifetime Scar may have been a travelling salesman, a conman, or possibly both.
Scar wasn’t sure about that, but he did know he was good at this.
Matchmaking was easy. It was all about understanding two fundamental things: 1) everyone wanted something 2) everyone had something to give.
On dark days and long evenings watching the security feed, he often found himself circling the thought that the only reason he found it so easy to talk about others and so hard to talk about himself was that he doubted whether there was truly anyone out there who would be interested in what he had to offer.
With Mumbo it was easy. The man was obviously attractive, passionate, and charming. He had all but convinced himself setting Mumbo up with someone would be as simple as to introduce him to whatever man he had his eyes set on. Mumbo was attractive, passionate, and polite. His laughter was infectious, one evening in his company enough to put Scar in a good mood.
“So,” Scar asked, hand on the bar counter to steady himself after the second shot. “Anyone catching your eye?”
For the first time since leaving the room, Mumbo surveyed the busy room. From the small dance floor - currently dominated by five women who had arrived together and seemed to have some intricate constellation of relationships between them, judging by how a different pairing in the group were kissing every time Scar looked over. To the door, opening and closing and letting what little fresh air was able to slip in into the bar as guests went out into the cold winter air for a smoke. Finally, at the end of the bar where a group of men a year or two their junior were surveying the crowd with feigned disinterest. Bingo.
“How about those three?” he asked, nodding towards the three, well, twinks was the word that came to mind.
“Erh,” Mumbo said eloquently. “Sure?”
“Which of the three do you like?”
Mumbo looked at Scar for another long moment before surveying the group.
“The one to the right,” he revealed. “He looks stronger.”
Muscular men were Mumbo’s type, then. Scar made a mental note of it in case this first attempt didn’t work out.
“Ready?” Scar asked, draping an arm over Mumbo’s shoulder.
“As I’ll ever be,” Mumbo replied, shoulders tense enough that Scar’s own trapezius twinged in sympathy.
Mumbo, Scar quickly learned, was not an easy commodity to sell.
He obviously had plenty of qualities, which Scar dropped artfully into conversation. Why, my good friend Mumbo is an engineer, did you know? Very smart. He volunteers at a repair workshop, on top of working at a garage. Mechanics are so strong, don’t you agree? Who doesn’t love a man covered in oil and sweat? And look at him. How many men do you know that are willing to make the effort of wearing a suit every day?
That part was easy.
The hard part was when the commodity you were trying to sell seemed adamant to fight back against you.
Mumbo, while technically an engineer, needed to become a fully-fledged civil engineer before he could use his degree for anything, so really he was just like any other master’s student. The repair workshop was only to buff his resume, and the mechanic mostly had him doing consulting work - flying machines and cars weren’t so different after all.
The suit though, oh he could talk about the suit! Scar thought he had finally succeeded - on the fourth try - until Mumbo started talking about the seventh tie knot, illustrating how to tie it and detailing when to wear it. Scar made a mental note to go to his new friend next time he had a formal event, and to not bring up his manner of dress with the next man they approached unless he seemed particularly interested in the history of cufflinks.
“I don’t blame you, you know,” Mumbo hiccupped over another shot of whisky, provided by Scar. “I’m just not good at this.”
“Nonsense,” Scar told him, downing his own drink and rubbing Mumbo’s shoulder comfortingly.
(Despite his protests that he did very little practical work at the garage, Mumbo was rather strong, wasn’t he? How had Scar not noticed sooner…)
“You just need to get out of your head. Maybe we’re just going about this wrong. What if instead of approaching them, we get them to approach you?”
“And how would we do that, mate?” Mumbo asked, his arm slipping under Scar’s and providing much needed support.
“Dance with me?” he suggested. “We’ll get everyone wondering who those handsome men on the dance floor are, and when they come to ask, all you need to do is seal the deal.”
“I’m a terrible dancer,” Mumbo confessed. “Can’t dance a single step.”
“It is past midnight, everyone will have had enough to drink that it won’t matter.”
Mumbo sighed. “If you think it’ll work…”
He took a step back, offering a light bow before offering Scar his hand. Scar bit his lip not to laugh. It made sense, it did. Old money and formalities often went hand in hand. Mumbo had probably been taught how to waltz, or something equally formal.
Scar took the offered hand, placing it at his waist.
“You stand there,” he instructed, positioning himself closer to the centre of the floor, and Mumbo outwards so he could be seen from the bar and the booths. That suit really did wonders for his backside…
Now, Scar was not much of a dancer either. He liked it, but there were the obvious challenges.
“You okay?” Mumbo asked.
“My balance isn’t great without my walker.”
Mumbo’s hold on him tightened, and Scar had to wonder why he was suppressing the urge to shiver in such a hot room.
“We can leave if you’d like?” Mumbo offered.
“I was promised a dance, Mr Jumbo, and I’m holding you to that.”
Scar placed a hand over Mumbo’s chest, feeling the other’s racing heart even through the layers of fabric.
“Just hold on to me?” he requested.
“Of course,” Mumbo agreed.
They started out slow. Scar moved, Mumbo followed, the two of them simply swaying to the music.
Whatever song must be popular, because soon a handful of other bar patrons joined the previously sparsely populated dance floor. For a moment Scar thought he might have succeeded in getting someone to see Mumbo for the get he was, but instead the additional people just pushed him further into Mumbo’s arms.
Mumbo’s hand crept around his body, settling on Scar’s lower back instead of his hip, holding him in place.
“You okay?” he asked Mumbo.
“I was just about to ask you that.”
Scar smiled at him. They were chest to chest now, and he had to wrap his hands around Mumbo’s neck to even have room for his arms.
“You’re so warm,” Mumbo told him, swaying to the tune of the music again. Being as close as he was, Scar was moved by him.
“Is that bad?” he asked, both feeling and seeing how Mumbo shivered when Scar’s breath ghosted over his neck.
“No,” Mumbo said.
The music picked up speed, and so did their dance. For the first time since they had left the safety of the karaoke room, Mumbo looked relaxed.
His eyes were on Scar, his attention solely on moving to the music.
How had Scar not noticed Mumbo’s eyes sooner? Dark grey framing light, reflecting the flashing lights on the dance floor back to Scar.
The song changed, but Scar was no longer listening.
Mumbo’s hips were against his, the two of them sharing heated breaths as they continued dancing past the fifth song. Aches and pains forgotten, there was only the beat of the music and the beating of their hearts.
For every rejection Mumbo had run his hands through his short hair, leaving it a mess at this point. Perhaps Scar should smooth it out?
He wanted to do so, anyway.
He got as far as the short hair at the nape of Mumbo’s neck. Mumbo bit his lip, sighing, and Scar could not help but watch those pink lips move.
Mumbo was tall, and had to bend his head down experimentally. Scar approached, both of them inching closer, and-
His lips were soft, his tongue inquisitive where it met Scar’s own. He tasted of fruity ciders and burning alcohol, the scent of his subtle cologne somewhat mixing into the taste in a way that wasn’t altogether unpleasant.
Whether Mumbo was consciously tightening his hold to support Scar when his knees began to go shaky, Scar wasn’t sure.
Scar heard himself moan, and Mumbo responded by biting at his lip.
He gasped, breaking away for breath.
“Cheeky,” he accused, leaning against Scar. “Do that again?”
Mumbo continued as he had all evening, following most of Scar’s whims. This time, however, he cut the kiss short, trailing down Scar’s jaw and neck instead. Oh, how pleased he was he had worn something low-cut tonight.
One of his hands remained on Mumbo’s shoulder - a necessity, his legs were still as soft as jelly beneath him - while the other trailed down Mumbo’s back, and settling on his ass- arse- whatever.
“Scar,” Mumbo sighed. “You sure about this?”
“Wouldn’t be kissing you otherwise,” he replied. “Let’s get out of here?”
“My flatmate won’t be home,” Mumbo agreed.
“Mine will be.”
“My place it is.”
And from there… well, somewhere between heady kisses, needy touches, and affirmations that neither of them expected the other to be at their best after how many drinks they had had, they ended up at the back of a cab, and then in Mumbo’s little terrace house.
“Upstairs,” Mumbo said somewhere south of Scar’s collarbone and north of his left pec, nimble fingers flying over the buttons of Scar’s shirt. It did make sense, with how much Mumbo knew about suits, that he would know how to most effectively remove a button-up. How very talented he was.
“Not great at those,” Scar told him, his walker left at the front door alongside their shoes.“Sofa?”
“Flatmate will be home by morning.”
Scar sighed, tilting his head back to allow Mumbo better access. He had never been with a man with facial hair before, and was delighted to learn Mumbo’s moustache tickled against his skin.
“I’ll help you?” Mumbo offered.
“Sure,” Scar said. By morning he would be decidedly more sober, so getting back down shouldn’t be such a challenge.
He smiled, the events of last night playing out before his mind’s eye.
Kisses that started out hesitant, while hands explored unknown paths, soon turning heated, clothes coming off in the process.
Where last night Mumbo’s body had been marked by teeth, it was now decorated in pretty little bruises. Scar knew he was much the same.
The alcohol had still been clouding their heads, burning past inhibitions, but remdering them slow. To compensate they had moved at a leisurely pace. Warm, soft, and caring, ending with both of them on their sides, inquisitively familiarising themselves with where to touch to make each other sigh in satisfaction.
Mumbo, he learned, had never been with anyone trans before. He was a quick study, though, diligently prepping Scar, carefully listening to Scar’s instructions when he told Mumbo how to hold up his legs so it wouldn’t hurt his joints now or tomorrow.
It hadn’t exactly been the best sex in the world, both of them were drunk after all, but Scar was certain he had never felt so comfortable after a one night stand before.
He was still catching his breath, lying comfortably on this side, when Mumbo slipped into the bathroom. Scar could hear the water running, and after a few minutes, he returned, looking less flushed and much cleaner.
“Sorry,” he had said, lying back down with all the grace of a falling tree, offering his open arms to Scar. “Just needed to clean up.”
Scar could recall waving it off, already cuddled against Mumbo and drifting off to sleep.
In the light of the morning, he kissed Mumbo’s shoulder and was rewarded by him snuggling closer.
“I’m awake,” he mumbled, adding a snore that told another story entirely.
It was sweet, and Scar did nothing to resist the urge to kiss him again, planting one on Mumbo’s jaw.
Mumbo shifted to look down at Scar.
“Goodness, you’re handsome.”
He said this with a surprising amount of clarity.
Scar knew this already, but it was nice to hear it anyway.
“You’re not so bad yourself.”
Mumbo’s hand settled on Scar’s waist, his fingers spreading and tracing patterns on the sensitive skin.
“Can I kiss you?”
[Still lying in bed, Mumbo and Scar agree that they both want to get to know each other better. They both find each other interesting and attractive, and even if it doesn’t turn into romance they think they could become good friends.
Mumbo goes to have a shower. Scar thinks of joining, but is hungry. Mumbo tells him where the kitchen is and to help himself to whatever he’d like.
Scar goes into the kitchen and is greeted by Grian, Mumbo’s flatmate - and his ex!
Scar is thrilled to see him. Grian tells him he regrets breaking up without giving it a try, he’s been thinking a lot about Scar, and wishes they at least hadn’t lost contact. Scar doesn’t blame him, and just looks forward to reconnecting.
Grian suggests a time and Scar has to decline because he has just planned a date with Mumbo that day.
Grian reacts weirdly to this, but before Scar can ask, Mumbo joins the in the kitchen. Scar happily tells Mumbo that he and Grian know each other, and how]
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rose-tinted-vision · 4 months
This is written for the @cdrama-action event, requested by @hualianisms
Fandom: Mysterious Lotus Casebook
Relationships: Fang Duobing/Li Lianhua, Li Lianhua & Di Feisheng, Fang Duobing & Di Feisheng
“Curses are placebo, don’t you think? As long as you don’t believe in luck, you won’t have bad luck. People’s so-called curses won’t work on you either.”
“What sort of curse is it, anyway? We can try to break it, just in case.”
In which Li Lianhua gets hit with a curse- a love spell, really- to fall in love with the first person he sees
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themyscirah · 6 months
Tumblr media
But look at us Luke, we're the ones left alone, holding some rich monster's pain. All of existence, built on his violence. All of space-time, humming to life with a single inviolate rule. Give the hero something to punch.
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I think that Kim Kitsuragi is good with kids, especially because of how poor his own childhood was.
This is shown particularly with his patience towards Cuno/Cunoesse, how he interacts with the twins in the fishing village, and even a bit of empathy and caring towards some young adults struggling in life like Acele and how he offers her his jacket. I mean, even his sternness at Harry when Harry doesn’t accept feeling Lamby from Little Lily. It was less of “Can you just stop feeling sorry for yourself for once?” at Harry, and more so the satisfactory of seeing Lily, a child who probably doesn’t get a whole lot of support living in poverty, happy.
Just a insight about Kim I don’t see people discussing that often (or that I haven’t at least seen myself)
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zukkaoru · 8 months
HI MAY I HAVE SOME SIBLINGS (yosano and ranpo!!!!)
with UHMM "did you steal my drink?"
“Did you steal my drink?”
“…No,” Ranpo responds, around the straw in their mouth. Yosano levels them with a glare that they may not be able to see, but they can most certainly feel. “This is mine. I dunno what happened to yours.”
Yosano scoffs. She marches over, but instead of swiping her drink back, like Ranpo expected, she goes for his half-eaten bag of chips instead.
“Hey, wait—!”
“These are mine,” Yosano taunts, easily evading Ranpo’s attempt to grab at her before promptly shoving three chips into her mouth. “I don’t know what happened to yours.”
send me a ship + a sentence and i’ll write the next five(ish) sentences
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charcadett · 2 years
Distracted (Jacq/GN!Reader)
You and Jacq lose track of time while researching out in the Paldean wilderness. Unfortunately for you - and the all encompassing crush you’re certain is not requited - you find the only hotel room available has one bed. This is Arceus’ punishment for fantasizing about your friend, you’re certain.
Word Count: 1,748
A/N: Hiiii so me and my buddy @struggling-bee were talking about there was only one bed trope and then jacq. and then this one shot that was SUPPOSED to be short showed up in my google docs LOL
CW: Suggestive, no explicit smut but it is implied.
AO3 Link
You didn’t know what you expected. Whenever Jacq was involved, your plans had a tendency to unravel at the seams. Maybe it was his vibes. Or perhaps his use of open-toed shoes in the lab has earned him the ire of the universe. As a result, in return for keeping his extremities, Jacq would pay his debt in luck.
Ultimately, and less dramatically, you decided the truth was simple: Jacq was bad at time management.
Not that you were much better. After all, you were deep in the Paldean wilderness, so engrossed in your studies that you barely noticed when the sun dipped under the horizon. Even when your only light came from whatever slivers of moonlight could force their way through the trees, you barely gave it any notice. Still, it was easier to place the blame entirely on Jacq. You enjoyed watching him wave his hands and stutter apologies.
All through the hike to the nearest hotel, he kept rambling. At first, to explain himself before it devolved into his observations of the day. As per usual, you found yourself not paying attention. Jacq was exhausted. His voice had a thick undertone to it, far deeper than it’d usually be. The sound of it sent a pleasant rush down your spine.
Oh, how Jacq was cute. You traced the curve of his lips with your eyes, his tongue peeking from between his teeth every few seconds. His sleeves were rolled to his elbows, displaying his forearms for only you and the stars to ogle. The veins of his wrist were pronounced, as were the tendons of his hands. They moved under his skin as his fingers twitched. You wondered how he’d squirm if you were to take the digits into your mouth. Swirl your tongue along his knuckles. He seemed the type to whine and, if you were lucky, beg.
Jacq turned to you with a smile, likely anticipating a response. His teeth glinted in the sparse light. What kind of impression would they leave on your skin? Would your body know how to fall apart to him as easily as your heart? Instead of saying anything, you merely shrugged, pretending as if you weren’t busy thinking about how else he could put his mouth to use.
You've been pining over your coworker - friend? - for as long as you've known him. Of course, you appreciated his physical attributes, but that wasn’t what initially drew you. Even his mind wasn’t the cause of your attraction, though it certainly didn’t hinder it. It was his kindness. His utterly unfailing kindness was the true answer to that equation. You were shy. Not the cute type of shy that you saw on television, but the awkward and cringeworthy type.
Your foot was almost always lodged deep within your esophagus. An extra stick of deodorant was kept in your bag because of your unfortunate tendency to sweat under unwanted attention. Whenever anyone tried to talk to you, the words tangled in the back of your throat, wound so tight, you feared that, instead of a response, you’d spew your lunch all over their shirt. It made for a very unfruitful social life.
Jacq, however, remained undeterred. He forced his way into your life, armed with nothing but his painfully handsome face and a smile. It made sense that you would fall for the first person to show an interest in you, even if it was platonic. So starved for any form of affection, of course you would ravenously consume whatever crumbs you could get your hands on.
“Yoohoo, earth to Y/N?” Jacq waved his hand in front of your face. With a blush, you realized that you’d gotten so lost in thought, you didn't notice you weren’t outside anymore. Instead, you stood awkward and unmoving inside a hotel lobby. A bit of wetness at the corner of your mouth made you flush harder.
Furiously wiping at the drool, you gave Jacq a small smile.
“Oh, that’s good. Because I have some bad news.” He rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand instead of his left. Jacq seemed nervous. His eyes wouldn’t meet yours, choosing to dart around the room rather than settle on your face.
Your eyebrows furrowed. It wasn’t as if there wasn’t a room available, he had the room key in his dominant hand.
“Weeeell, they only have one room available. And it only has one bed,” Jacq said, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Is that- is that okay?”
“Oh.” That was not okay. That was a nightmare. There was no way you’d be able to sleep with Jacq right next to you mere seconds after you daydreamed about having your way with him. But, as always, not wanting to make him uncomfortable, you plastered on a grin. “That’s cool. It’ll be like, uh, a sleepover.”
He perked up, though his face was darker than usual. “Good point! I mean, I’ve shared beds with my friends before. It’s no big deal.”
“Yeah, no big deal.”
“Yep! Not a problem at all.”
Thirty minutes later, it was most certainly a problem.
What were you expecting? You were fantasizing about fucking him not even an hour ago. There wasn’t a barrier between the two of you. The hotel was cheap, with only two pillows and a thin duvet for both of you. Nothing was keeping you from reaching over and throwing yourself into Jacq’s arms except for your self-control.
You clenched your teeth to keep them from chattering. Whoever had the room last cranked the A/C as low as it could go, and you were freezing. Yes, you could turn it off yourself, but that would mean getting out of bed. Which would mean movement. And that felt like a very bad idea right now.
You knew Jacq was awake with you. His breathing hadn’t evened since awkwardly scooching under the covers with you. Every minute, you felt him twitch or run a hand through his hair. Barely audible through the buzz of the A/C, you could hear him muttering something under his breath. Probably about how this was the worst sleepover ever.
It was ridiculous, but you were afraid if you moved even an inch, it would shatter whatever tension had filled the room.
Awkward tension, you supplied. Not sexual tension. That would require reciprocation, which was most definitely not on the table.
Whether from the nerves or the cold, you only realized you were trembling when Jacq flipped over to face you. There was some unrecognizable expression that you couldn’t stand to look at, so you focused on the ceiling. It was a dull yellow and possibly full of asbestos. Yum.
He took a breath and you beat whatever he was about to say only by a second. “Begone, human! This side of the bed is my territory.”
Why would you say that? Why would you say that? Why would you say that?
You whipped your head around to face the window. Maybe you could jump out. It was only the second floor, you could survive a broken leg.
Jacq barked out a laugh. “What?”
“I dunno, I was trying to be funny.”
“Well, it worked. I laughed.” Silence fell once again, just as suffocating as the last. You spared a glance at Jacq only to force your gaze back to the ceiling, unable to cope with his affectionate, half-lidded smile.
Maybe you were too quick to remove reciprocation from the table.
He scooted closer. “Are you cold?”
You were, but also way too hot. You could feel him close to you, radiating heat and whatever else. What were you supposed to do now? Something, you knew that much, but it wasn’t like you had any experience to draw from. This was something you experienced second-hand. Lived vicariously through your collection of shitty movies or fantasies, not real life.
Do you reach over and touch him? Do you answer honestly, because the room was absolutely frigid? What if you were wrong? Would he laugh at you?
Unable to cope with the maelstrom of emotions that threatened to kill you dead, you threw your arm toward the ceiling.
“Wow! Check out that water stain, it sort of looks like a Jumpluff.” It absolutely did not.
You felt the bed shift as he sat up. He squinted his eyes in the dark before his grin nearly lit up the room. “I think it looks more like a Ditto.”
You choked on a laugh. If you relaxed for even a moment, you’d either kiss him or strangle him.
Jacq’s smile dropped when he turned back to you. “Hey, are you okay? You’re shaking.”
His shirt was much too big for him and the collar dipped low enough for you to see his Adam's apple bob. Without his glasses, you realized just how much of him they tended to hide. You wanted to find out how long it would take to map his scars, moles, freckles, his everything- with your lips.
“I don’t know what to do.” Desperation colored your words in the most humiliating way.
Jacq gave you a gentle smile before placing a hand against your bare arm, just under the sleeve of your nightshirt.
“Oh. I think I might.” He searched your face before slowly inching closer. “If that’s okay.”
Jacq started by tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, muttering something about how cute you were. You couldn’t hear over the blood rushing in your ears. His thumb rubbed slow circles against your skin as you shuddered under his hold, and somehow, his ministrations became even more gentle. Jacq slowly moved closer, giving you time to pull away if you wanted. His hand slid down your arm and along your side until he was cupping your cheeks so lightly you weren’t sure he was even there. You leaned into him if only to feel him more. To know that this was real.
“Tell me if you want me to stop,” He said. You smelled toothpaste on his breath.
Pressing his body tight against yours, he closed the gap.
Between his exploratory touches and the blistering heat of his mouth, you could barely remember your fantasies from earlier. Instead of Jacq under you, desperate and pliant, you found yourself under the full weight of his affection. With his head between your thighs and his name caught in the back of your throat, you supposed there was always next time.
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caffinatedstory · 1 year
Summer Rain
"The world moves fast these days..."
"Too fast," Denmark nodded in agreement as he lifted his gaze to the window, eyes following the raindrops racing down the glass. "But it's good to have these days... Reminds me of the old days."
I've not written a fic in years... But I finally had some time so here! Have a tiny silly thing while I wait for the damn wax on my floors to harden...
The rain has been pouring down since morning, a perpetual blanket of fog clinging to the wet grass outside; and it seemed like all the animals had gone into hiding from the downpour.
While it was the middle of summer; Denmark was debating if he should ask Norway to light some fire in the fireplace. He brought the mug of coffee to his lips and took a small sip.
Norway was humming happily to himself in the small kitchen of the log cabin, preparing tonight's dinner with ease.
Denmark had no intention of joining Norway at 5 o'clock in the morning for a very wet fishing trip, but perhaps it was for the best. Norway seemed happy to be alone for a few hours and now Denmark was feeling extra pampered and taken care of.
"Need and help?" he asked and leaned against the door frame.
"Not really," Norway shruged as he rummaged through a cupboard. "It's not exactly Michelin star dining out here."
"It's looking pretty damn fancy to me," Denmark laughs and poked at a few unpeeled potatoes that Norway had tossed into an old metal tray with some sprigs of juniper and other spices he didn't recognise. The metal tray was most likely as old as the cabin, but that probably just added to the flavour. A few centuries of cooking grease was the secret to most good food when in a cabin.
"Can't go wrong with fish and potatoes," Norway smiled. "Hope it makes up for the horrendous weather... I swear I didn't ask any of the gods to give us such a downpour."
"I think I can handle a few days of summer rain," Denmark chucked and placed his mug down before sneaking his hands around Norway's waist and resting his head on Norway's shoulder, watching Norway expertly prepare the fish. "After all, a few rainy days just makes the sunshine feel so much better."
"That's what I've been saying for centuries!" Norway laughed. "And yet so few believe me!"
"You know how the southern countries are," Denmark chuckled. "They have it too warm and don't know how amazing rain and cold can be."
"I didn't hear any singing praises about the rain this morning,"
"I much prefer the rain when I'm inside and can view it from the window with a warm drink," Denmark huffed and pressed a soft kiss to the nape of Norway's neck. He could feel Norway shiver just a little from the kiss, but he kept preparing their dinner with no pause.
"Well, you're in luck, " Norway hummed and made a small motion with his hips to signal that either Denmark had to let him go or move with him.
Denmark clung to Norway like an overly affectionate backpack and followed him to the stove. "I believe the forecast says we have at least 3 more days of this weather."
"Oh good. Can't wait to just snuggle in bed and not feel bad for wasting away good weather doing it," Denmark wriggled his hands underneath Norway's shirt and smiled as Norway's ears went red.
"Keep this up and you're sleeping outside," Norway grumbled, but Denmark knew it was empty threats.
"With or without you?" he teased playfully as Norway made a feeble attempt at wriggle out of Denmark's embrace.
"Without me obviously," Norway scoffed and eventually managed to wriggle his way around to face Denmark.
"Liar. You love me too much to leave me out there with the tusse and trolls," Denmark smirked.
"Maybe..." Norway sighed and let his head rest on Denmark's shoulder. "But don't test me too much..."
"Wouldn't dream of it!" Denmark laughed. "How long till dinner?"
"Twenty or so minutes?"
"Mhm." Denmark pondered for a second before giving Norway a chaste kiss to the top of his head. "I love slow days with you."
"Agreed," Norway sighed happily, winding his arms around Denmark waist. "The world moves fast these days..."
"Too fast," Denmark nodded in agreement as he lifted his gaze to the window, eyes following the raindrops racing down the glass. "But it's good to have these days... Reminds me of the old days."
"Here's to all the rainy old days, and the many rainy new days still to come, " Norway chuckled and met Denmark's gaze before pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
Denmark melted into it with glee; twenty minutes wasn't long, but it would be plenty for now.
Rainy days in summer definitively had it's perks.
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sesamestreep · 3 months
hi hello I'm here to ask about "write a loving letter" and "mystery door no. 4"
how dare you make me format TWO excerpts??
“write a loving letter boy” should maybe not be on here because it’s not exactly an active WIP because I’ve fully forgotten the actual plot I had in mind for it, but I love the draft title so much I can’t delete it (see below if the reference eludes you). The basic idea was yet another daredevil college au (what can I say, I have a Type) but in this case it’s…like a Cyrano de Bergerac AU?? where Foggy ends up helping one of their classmates woo Matt because he “knows him so well” and ends up discovering his own feelings for Matt that way?? I watched an episode of Bones that was obviously a Cyrano pastiche but they refused to acknowledge it and it made me so annoyed, I had to write this AU instead. Also thought I was very clever for thinking of a queer Cyrano retelling and then remembered “The Half of It” exists. Whoops.
Here’s the only scene I have, which is Foggy talking to the girl who wants to date Matt, who ended up just being the most fun OC to write:
“I was going to ask you something, actually,” Willa says, in that precise way of hers. Foggy likes her, based on the few conversations they’ve had, but he imagines she makes a lot of people their age feel a little frivolous, just based on her general energy. Foggy already knows he’s pretty frivolous, as a person, so he doesn’t take it too personally, which probably helps. “Sure. Shoot. Go ahead.” “You’re really good friends with Matt, right?” “We’re roommates, yeah,” Foggy replies, as he brings his drink to his mouth. “Right. I know,” Willa says, frowning. “But like…you’re friends too?” “Of course.” “I’m not friends with my roommate,” she supplies, explaining her clarification without actually explaining it.  “Oh, sure,” Foggy says. He likes the way Willa’s brain works, he’s just remembering. It’s like he can see the gears moving inside of it. It’s kind of fun. “Yes, Matt and I are friends as well as roommates. Why do you ask?”
title reference for page break reasons
“mystery door no. 4” is actually not fanfic, it’s an original novel I’m kind of working on (I am working on it, I just have no real vision for what I’ll do with any of it should I actually finish it, is what that sentence means, ftr). It’s based on an old idea I did for the made up movies meme on here years ago and I’ve been mostly handwriting it as an excuse not to look at screens during the spring/summer when I’m a lot more headache prone. I went through a period of about 2-3 months where I hated every fic idea I started and was just miserable about writing in general and decided to try writing some original fiction, which is not something I’ve done since I was like 12 (a long time but redacted amount of years ago) and it’s been very fun so far though I’m keeping my expectations low.
here is an excerpt, featuring my new OCs who I’m sure I’ll start tagging in stuff soon as the next step in my full descent to madness:
“Again with these words!” Aleks groaned. “Didn’t you just wake up?” “Not just.” “Still. ‘Puerile’? I couldn’t use that in a sentence correctly with three cups of coffee in me!” “Was that a hint?” “Hmmm?” “Do you want coffee? Were you asking me to make us some coffee?” “Are you part sheep dog or something?” Aleks asked. “Will you go crazy if I don’t give you something to do?” “Maybe,” Eugene admitted reluctantly.
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