#writing this made me realize that rayla's canon arc 1 journey is... learning to kill?????
eerna · 28 days
You stated that you used to ship rayllum and didnt like the way there arc went ahead in season 3 so how did you envision there arc going ahead and do you think that they should of been built up a whole lot more before getting together in season 3 ?
Just to be clear: when s3 first dropped, I was absolutely ecstatic about them getting together!! My take was "I know it is rushed but I DON'T CARE because they are ADORABLE!!" It wasn't until s4 dropped that I lost the rose tinted glasses and could no longer enjoy them.
As for how I would fix it... man, I can't really fix it without rewriting the entire show. You can't have good romance if the characters aren't good. You can't have good characters if the world they're in doesn't make any sense. Technically there is nothing wrong with a couple getting together 27 episodes into the show, but THIS couple would require significant rewrites to make it emotionally rewarding. So I guess the broad strokes without changing too much are: keep Rayla emotionally distant and morally flexible regarding all the Moonshadow Elves culture things (murder, social exclusion, rejection of individualist worth, emotional connections), let Callum be the emotionally mature one and morally inflexible until dark magic is brought into the game, make the elven culture VS dark magic their point of friction and make them both wrong and right at the same time (this is imperative), let them grow closer and for Rayla to discover the wonders of being loved as a person and not in a transactional way/as a part of the collective, keep her crush unrequited in s3 so that Callum feels awkward rejecting her considering he's her emotional anchor, the arc where she leaves has to happen in the show itself and should be about Rayla making a decision completely powered by her character development ("I can't lose the one person who truly and honestly loves me for me, so I'm gonna leave him behind" when in the beginning of the show she would scoff at such a weakness). The annoying thing with TDP heroes is that they don't have any wrong ideas or beliefs that could be changed. Which is why I am making Callum NOT instinctively underatand dark magic is bad (he has never done it because he doesn't know how, but sees nothing wrong with using it because he knows it saved humanity many times before) and Rayla NOT instinctively understand murder is bad (she has never committed it, but she is willing to, which also makes her seem like a more dangerous person). So basically arc 1 would revolve around them learning lessons from each other and seeing the world in a different light, and then separating on a weird note. I tried writing ideas past this point, but it became less "broad strokes" and more "rewriting the entirety of arc 2"
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