#writing rpompts
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[2] On the spectrum of introvert - ambivert - extrovert, where would you place yourself? What are some reason(s) you think you might place in that position? Does it change depending on context?
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Day 34 - Sounds

Birds croak a new song
As they return home
With a voice that has been long reserved
Water in the gutters
Rushes down the street away from
Melted from the snow that should be everywhere
But is melting
Early on
Before the spring has really come
Leaves left over from the fall
Are confused
Some of them crack
But rarely crunch
And some are soggy and diminished
Most are gone
Having crumbled to bits
And flown away in the wind
Becoming part of a new cycle of life
And as the trees grow new life
And plants begin to peak
Though they make no sound
You can hear them changing
Hear them working and trying
Making the effort
To bring about a spring better than last year’s
And though I have long since abandoned my earbuds
I can still hear music
Having nothing to do with the world around me
Which is filled with the sound
Of rushing students
Busy cars
Clumsy feet
Much like my own
Though mine sit still
And I wonder about the mountains
Where I belong
Where I live
This is not my home
It is where I live
Where my heart is growing
But my home
Where my family resides
The mountains
Are quiet
The wind does not bellow so loudly
The air is stiller
And colder
There are more dogs
More cats
More padded feet
On broken and squishy pavements
I hear so many new sounds
And old sounds
And sounds that live in memories
And sounds that have yet to leave my mind
Invented by my own want
And my own thought
Interesting... I can't seem to decide what I think of it. It turned out a little bit longer than I thought it would, but that's okay. I think it's too reminiscent, but that's okay too. I like it. I've been thinking about home a lot lately.
#365#365 days#265 day challenge#365 day challenge#365 day writing challenge#365 days of writing#365 writing challenge#365 writing prompts#365 day project#daily challenge#daily writing#daily writing challeng#daily writing challenge#write every day#challenge#writing challenge#writing rpompts#writing prompts#writing prompt#prompts#prompt#project#trying#tryi#tyr#try#wow#i can't spell#worth#crap
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61.“Welcome back. Now fucking help me.”-silverflint pls
John iswaiting on a bench outside the school, checking his phone and trying to avoidother parents, when a familiar squeal gets his attention and he suddenly hasan armful of overtly excited three-year-old.
“Chiquito! What did I tell you aboutsneaking on papi?”
Alexcompletely ignores him, and John only chuckles as his son starts blabberingabout his day at preschool. He stands from the bench and shifts Alex on his hipso he can hold him better as they get out of the crowded courtyard. As they’repassing through the gate, Alex already squirming on his hip to be put down, John has toquickly step aside to avoid being bumped by a tall blond man he has never seenbefore.
The manimmediately starts apologizing, and John is already shaking his head and sayingthat everything is fine when a deep voice cuts in.
“Thomas!Oh, here you are. Help me?”
John turnscuriously to see a man slightly taller than him, with bright copper hair and afull ginger beard, balancing a raven-haired girl in one arm and two backpacksin the other, another girl – this one blond - following closely behind. The manthat almost bumped into John, Thomas, steps forward to take the girl – who gigglesand leans into the kisses he peppers on her chubby cheeks. She looks likeshe’s about the same age as Alex, John thinks.
As he’swatching them, the second man clears his throat, and John nearly jumps out ofhis skin, and then he flushes, realizing he’s been staring and that Alex hasgone quiet and is also staring at the strangers with huge curious eyes.
“Uh,sorry,” John starts, but he finds himself at a loss for words when he suddenlyhas four sets of eyes turning on him.
“Oh, James,I almost made this young man and his kid fall, can you believe my clumsiness?” Thomasexplains, with a tone so dramatic that John can’t help but chuckle, “I have tomake up for this. Will you let us take you out for coffee?”
John shiftsawkwardly on his feet, his eyes flying from the family in front of him to hisown son in his arms, who’s now looking at him with a hopeful expression.
“I – It wasnothing really, you don’t have to-“
“Oh, butwe’d love to, wouldn’t we, James?” the man doesn’t have the time to speakbefore Thomas continues, “And our kids all go to the same school! We can get toknow each other!”
It takessome more convincing, but when Alex grumbles about being hungry, John ends upaccepting the couple’s offer. They set up at a corner café that John has neverbeen to before, though he walks by it every day on the way to the school.
The thankyou coffee turns into a full afternoon hang-out, and they spent almost threehours together, getting to know each other as the children – John learns thatthe girls are named Abigail and Eleanor, and through Alex whispering in his earhe also learns that Abigail is in his class – play next to them. James andThomas tell him that they’ve been together for close to ten years, and marriedfor four, and that they got to know the school through the principal, MirandaBarlow, who is a common ex. John raises an eyebrow at that, but doesn’tcomment. They also tell him they’re both university professors – James teachesClassics, while Thomas’s field is History.
He himselfoffers little about his personal life, but he talks about Alex and the progresshe’s been making since they moved from Spain during the summer, especiallythanks to Madi, his teacher. He tells them he’s working as an editor at anindependent publishing company and that he also does translations, and that heloves it because he’s able to work around his schedule when he needs more timewith Alex.
By the endof the afternoon, they’ve exchanged numbers with the promise to hang out againsoon, Alex can’t shut up about how amazing the Hamilton girls are, and Johnfeels like he finally made some friends.
If someonehad told John when he moved to London than in under a year he would be in astable relationship with not one, but two amazing men that cared deeply notonly about him, but about his son like he were one of their own, he would havelaughed in that person’s face.
If he’sbeing honest with himself, he would never have thought that in mere months hewould be able to get so close to two people as to reveal so much about his pastas he did to Thomas and James. He’s told them almost everything about Alex’smother, Charlotte, and her death, and the accident linked to it in which helost his leg. He told them stories about his childhood in Galicia, about losinghis parents and spending most of his childhood in foster homes, in Spain and inEngland. He even told them about his real name, Juan da Silva, that hetranslated into English when he was still young so he could fit in.
And now, ashe’s lying between Thomas and James, with the kids safely sleeping in the nextroom, he actually has to keep himself from sighing happily. He buries him facefurther in James’s chest, barely containing a purr, and feels James shakingwith laughter under him.
He’s about to swat at him when the door creaks open, and they all scramble to right themselves even if allthey were doing was cuddling and dozing off together. A small figure waits inthe doorway, only outlined in the darkness, though John immediately recognizeshis son’s mop of curly hair, so alike his own.
“Mijito, ¿qué pasa?”
As soon asJohn says that, Alex runs into the room with a screech of papi! and climbs onto the bed, crawling among the sheets until he’scrashing against John’s naked chest with a sob. He’s muttering in Spanish aboutmonsters and the sand man and John can feel his heart breaking as his sonshakes in his arms.
“Shh, mi amor.Solo fue una pesadilla. Estoyaquí, Alejito.” John keeps murmuring calming words into Alex’s hair until hecalms down enough for John to lie back down, Alex cradled against his chest anddozing off again. Only then, John lifts his gaze to see Thomas smirking atJames.
“What?”John murmurs, his head shifting gently on the pillow to watch both of them inturn.
“Oh,nothing,” Thomas snickers, “I just think you should start speaking more Spanisharound James.”
At that,James groans and covers his flushing face with his arm, and John can feel hisown face reddening as he smiles shyly at both his partners.
“You likeit?”
“Oh, Ithink he loves it.”
Thomas’slaughter only gets louder when a he gets a pillow to his face, and they allultimately dissolve into giggles, so loud that a sleepy Abigail also appears inthe doorway and demands to join the pup pile. They cuddle close, Alex andAbigail tucked in the middle of the big bed, and for the first time in years,with James’s arm thrown over his waist and Thomas’s hand holding his, Johnfeels safe.
***More headcanons!
John’s full name is Juan Salomón García da Silva (”da Silva” being portuguese, which has some influence in Galicia because of the proximity), and he changed it when he moved to England with one of his foster families. He then moved back to Spain when he was of age.
Alex’s full name is Alejandro García da Silva (he got both John’s last names because Charlotte didn’t have a spanish last name).
John and Charlotte were mostly fuckbuddies, though he took full responsibilities when she got pregnant. She then started dating Logan, and they died in the same car accident that took John’s leg. After that, John got full custody of Alex.
John and Madi had a brief fling when they were younger, and he partly chose the school Alex goes to because of her.
Eleanor is 10, Abigail is 3. They’re respectively James’s and Thomas’s god-daughters and they adopted them.
After the night of Alex’s nightmare, John starts speaking a loooot more spanish around Thomas and James ;)
#ask#ellelan#silverflinthamilton#black sails#silver x flint x thomas#kid fic#my ficlets#writing rpompts#phewwww this took so long im sorry#also it got long but i had so much stuff though out that didn't fit in the scenes hdfjdsfh#come talk to me about spanish dad silver
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[2] On the spectrum of introvert - ambivert - extrovert, where would you place yourself? What are some reason(s) you think you might place in that position? Does it change depending on context?
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Prompt #96
"Ma'am!" The hero's sidekick called, running after her with a phone in her hand.
"Did you get them?" hero asked, her body bouncing with excitement as she reached for the sidekick's phone.
"Yes ma'am!" sidekick spoke before saluting, a bright smile still etched onto her face as she watched the hero go through her photos.
"My god. . ." hero gasped out, sitting down on her bed to look at the photos that sidekick took of villain, her lips parted into an "o" shape as her eyes seemed to glaze out.
"May. . .may I see?" sidekick shyly questioned, taking a small step towards hero to look through the photos that she took.
"Of course, sweetheart!" hero answered, her eyes still glued onto the pictures as she waved a hand for her sidekick to come over.
The two of them sat together as they went through the photos of villain. Hero would often stop at a photo to either make fun of his posture and at other photos she would blush and say things like "he seems strong. . .he could probably pin me down if he wanted" or "he looks surprisingly good in a five o'clock shadow. "
After a long time, nearly an hour of the two of them sitting down and going through the photos that sidekick sneakily took during their battle with the villain, sidekick finally spoke up.
"Yes, sweetheart?" Hero answered in a dreamy and lost voice, still scrolling through pictures and smiling at the sight of the villain.
Sidekick chewed on her lower lip. "Do you. . . like villain?"
Hero instantly stopped, her face reddening instantly as she shook her head. "Of course not! You think I would like such a hideous man?"
Sidekick's facial features scrunched up as she sat in front of hero, forcing her to face sidekick. "But you spend an hour everyday just looking through his photos and admiring him, and you've been doing this for nearly 2 years now. "
Hero opened her mouth, only to snap it shut without saying anything.
"Do you like him?" Sidekick repeated.
"Well no, he's annoying and for the last 2 years all he did was raise my temper and make me want to kill him. He's an asshole and everything but. . ." Hero trailed off, looking away and blushing once again.
"But?" Sidekick urged.
"But maybe I do like him" Hero finally sighed out. "But he has to confess first because I'm not saying anything!"
#hero#villain#hero x villain#villain x hero#sidekick#hero villain prompt#my story#my story prompt#prompt#story#story rpompt#writing#writing prompt#my writing
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Does your OC prefer raspberries or blueberries?
#food#oc#original character#tag your oc#oc tag#character creation#writing prompt#rpompt#idea#writing idea
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[2] On the spectrum of introvert - ambivert - extrovert, where would you place yourself? What are some reason(s) you think you might place in that position? Does it change depending on context?
https://medium.com/the-brain-is-a-noodle/june-interview-questions-with-the-brain-is-a-noodle-753803243367 / #questions
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In case you had an urge to write for a rpompt, I sw this on Twitter and thought of Dean calling Cas..
" [phone w/ fiancé]
Hey, I can still pick whatever suit I like for the wedding right?
"As long as its black, why?"
*wearing batsuit* No reason"
Haha! That's awesome 🤣
I'll keep it in my pocket, yeah? 😁
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Day 33 - Jewelry

What a curious piece. It’s been in my shop for decades now. Centuries...
It’s been sold countless times. Beyond a few, beyond numerous, beyond dozens, beyond hundreds, beyond thousands of times… I’ve stopped counting.
It belonged at once to a lovely woman, this necklace. A young man of around 23 years came into my shop once and asked me to construct it for him. He meant to have it gifted to his fiance, who was a young, pale, brunette girl of no more than 19.
The only odd thing about this request was that I use the silver of a dagger used in the War of Ages by his Grandfather. It was a sweet sentiment, and I complied.
After this weapon had been melted and molded into the shape of a design the man himself had conjured, and embedded with a number of diamond studs, it was sold to him and made to be my most prosperous sell that century.
However, it was a mere two months later when this man returned, grief stricken. He held the necklace in a napkin in his palm and explained to me that his late wife had turned strange from the moment she put it on. She’d been claiming to have visions in her sleep, of war and of anguish. She repeatedly told him that her brother didn’t deserve to die, or that she missed her uncle, or that she didn’t know if Father was coming home. This was strange because she had neither a brother nor an uncle, and her father had been at home the entire time. After a week, unexplained scars began to appear all over her body. Many appeared to be older than even she.
And after two months, she died in her sleep.
As the man reached this point in his story, he began to tremble and his eyes filled with fear. When he discovered her body in the morning, he removed the necklace from her (as she had never once taken it off), and instantly felt a surge of inexplicable rage take over his mind.
The man left the necklace with me, having no interest in re-obtaining his investment. I never saw him again.
I was then young, and foolish. I put this necklace, what I considered to be my most beautiful piece, on display and gave it a price-tag.
It has always been the first thing my customers are drawn to. The shop door opens and a passerby walks in, gazing around the room in curiosity. The moment his eyes fall upon the necklace, he wanders towards it and stretches out an arm to touch it. Always he recoils at first touch. He turns away and browses lazily but is drawn back to this cursed piece. In the end, he is driven mad by desire for it and becomes willing to pay any price.
And always he returns shortly in grief or in fear. Always there is a death.
It took me several decades to make the obvious connections. This necklace, once a blade which had killed so many in war, found a way of its own to kill only further. I am myself unaffected by it. But I am bound to continue selling it. I am bound to sell every piece that finds its way to me, lest I become fated to a death as gruesome as this curse’s.
That was fairly close to what I was thinking of. At least it was to start with. And then it turned into a story about an immortal jewelry merchant or something akin to that. Fairly interesting, actually! I kind of want to write a book about it now. This is the third prompt I've done that's left me feeling like I want to write a book. I think that's good! If I get good at writing, do you think I would become famous as an author? This one would be so interesting to work with. I imagine a fairly decent looking man who has lived for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years bound to some kind of contract requiring him to sell jewelry, ha ha... He'd be like, a side character or something in a book normally, but I'm thinking it would be really interesting to make his stereotype into the main character. Thoughts?
#365#365 days#365 day writing challenge#365 day challenge#365 days of writing#365 writing prompts#365 writing challenge#daily writing challenge#daily challenge#daily#daily writing#challenge#writing#writer#write#writing rpompts#writing prompts#writing prompt#prompts#prompt#day 33#day thirtythree#day thirty-three#day thirty three#thirty three#thirtythree#thirty-three#33#jewelry#jewelrer
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yall give me some writing rpompts, drawin g requests or smth...
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A trip on a rollercoaster from the point of view of a blind person
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What element of harmony would your OC be?
#My Little Pony#MLP#oc#original character#tag your oc#writing inspiration#writing rpompt#character development#character prompt#prompt#oc promot
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Hatie: "Blueberries. They're more elegant in my opinion."
Charanalik: "Raspberries! They look like blood!"
Sin: "Bitch, both."
Merry: "Blueberries. Raspberry seeds get caught in my teeth and bother me."
Does your OC prefer raspberries or blueberries?
#food#oc#original character#character creation#writing prompt#rpompt#idea#writing idea#kid icarus oc#kid icarus uprising#kid icarus#yokai oc#yokai watch ocs#yokai watch#one piece oc#one piece
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Leslie: Kindness
Stacey: Honesty
Mandy: Laughter
Alicia: Loyalty
Léa: Generosity
Grizelda: Magic
What element of harmony would your OC be?
#My Little Pony#original character#character development#writing inspiration#character prompt#writing rpompt
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