#writing magic n auras is one of my fav things i think i first started doin it around the time i wrote weathered and wavering
quirkle2 · 9 months
Writing mp100 suits you so well. Your writing is so painterly, so expressive, and auras and magic feel so Right in your wording. Recondite is the first mp100 fic I'm reading, and I really can't imagine reading anyone else's work now. It just won't be the same
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lokibug · 6 years
Carnival Loner
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Credit to gif owners (not me)
Summary: Steve has the day to himself and decided to spend it at a carnival alone. You go to the same carnival except as a third wheel. Steve offers to take the empty seat next to you on a roller coaster.
Warnings: None but flUFF
A/N: This will be my first published writing for Steve, my other Fav, so bare with me Reader and I hope you enjoy :) I also seen another idea of this on another fan fiction from another fandom awhile back. Not sure which one but it was the same concept. I’m also taking requests!
Today was the perfect day for an outing. The weather was wonderful, your surroundings stood out magnificently, and the aura was all around magical. The only problem was that you were completely third wheeling from the moment you stepped foot into the carnival grounds. Your two best friends were completely all over each other. They clung to each other as if one would fade into the abyss if they had to let go. It was a horrid sight and quite frankly you were sick of it.
Another individual had been attending this event as well. Steve had also been there but only with himself as company. Lately he felt as if all joy had been drained from him, he didn’t quite feel himself. He assumed a day out was also what he needed but seeing other people together seemed to only be a drag on the hero.
“Let’s go on that one!” Your friend shrieked as she pointed to a rather interesting looking roller coaster. You lifted your head up high to see the current rider’s reactions to the ride. They all seemed to be having fun, but you also took notice the way the passengers were seated two by two. You were a single and not a duo so this just sent your anxiety into an even further hole.
“That’s looks awesome! Come on y/n!” Your friends smiled widely before dragging you along behind them. Not only did you have to stand in this ridiculously long line but you knew you’d have to eventually sit alone on a ride you knew you wouldn’t be comfortable on.
Meanwhile Steve had just purchased a bag full of pink cotton candy. His fingers pulled at the strands before letting it melt on his tongue. It reminded him of old times. Just as you were being drug along he noticed your face. Well he noticed all of you. Being held in what seemed like a trance he knew he had to go speak to you, even if it meant standing in a literal line. He hurried so he would get a spot next to you in line but before he could a few families had made their way into the gate and stood behind you. Steve could’ve easily made his way up to you but he hadn’t wanted to upset the other passengers so he decided to wait.
“You’re a single rider?” The ticket boy asked while making sure your seat belt was correctly fastened.
“Yes.” You simply replied as your so called friends didn’t even turn around once to try to speak to you.
He nodded before standing back to the small intercom, “Any single riders? I repeat any single riders?” He called out and quickly Steve perked up and nodded.
“Uh-yeah! Here. I’ll ride with her.” He said excusing himself as he passed families through the gate. You felt your face get warm at the thought of a stranger being so close to you and when you seen who the stranger was you mentally cursed yourself even more.
Steve smiled at you before gently getting into the seat next to you and fastened his seat belt.
“Hi.” He said smiling at you. He out stretched his hand a bit for you to shake, “I’m Steve...Rogers.” He said as he got a better look at your beautiful features.
“Hi,” you smirk, “I’m Y/N. Y/L/N.” You chuckle a bit from nervousness and a little from the fact that the handsome stranger introduced himself so properly. It was quite a nice change from random guys calling you baby and asking you for your Twitter username.
The ride slowly edged forward and he smiled widely as did you when you realized how hyped he looked for it. In reality he was only happy that you coincidentally happened to need a partner. He wore a hat and glasses that laid perfectly upon his nose. For some reason he had looked familiar but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
During the ride he hadn’t screamed once, he merely laughed at the butterfly feeling within his stomach. You on the other hand shrieked here and there and giggled a bit at your own embarrassment.
When the ride was over your friend had already decided your next destination. “Well that was fun.” Steve spoke still walking steady next to you. A part of you was glad that he was, another part was a bit confused as to why.
“It was,” you smile and stop you steps. Questionably your friends glance back and wait for you but you simply say, “hey um, I’ll meet up with you guys after. I have to...use the bathroom.” You lied of course but they were far too invested in each other to even question you further.
“Friends of yours.” Steve asks and you turn towards him noticing the pink cotton candy bag in his palm.
“Yeah. Where are yours?” You ask glancing around a bit. He took a small bite of the dessert and glanced around too and shook his head.
“Only me.” He gave you a small smirk. You gave him a look that said ‘no way.’ How could such an attractive man be here alone. Attractive meaning both physically and common friendliness wise.
“What? You never seen a grown man eat pink cotton candy at a carnival by himself?” He asked chuckling while gazing down into your eyes.
You shake your head and laugh a bit, “Id be lying if I said I have.”
Steve laughed a bit and looked at his feet before replying, “I was kind of hoping a certain Y/H/C (your hair color “brunette”, “blonde”, “red head” etc) would allow me to be in her company here tonight.” The smile on your face stretched even wider and you rubbed your arm.
“I think she could spare some time.”
You two spend the time remaining laughing and talking. You two spoke about almost everything from why you were there to your favorite songs to your small phobias. It wasn’t until almost the end of the night that you questioned his career choice. Of course Steve was surprised that you hadn’t recognized him right off the back but he didn’t expect you to.
“I’m still questioning on why I feel like I’ve met you before...or at least seen you before.” You say trying your best not to sound like a lunatic while you passed the food stands.
“You’ve probably seen me on the news once...or twice.” That’s when it hit you as you glanced up at him for a bit. He was Captain America. You hadn’t wanted to make a big deal seeing that he was trying to stay a bit away from his usual image.
“Oh my gosh I know who you are!” You playfully shouted, “You’re the weather man from channel four-I always did love that suit.” You press your lips into a thin line and shake your head jokingly. Steve knew you were only joking with him as he rubbed his jaw with his hand before chuckling a bit.
“Of course doll, every Monday and Wednesday night.” He played along.
Between that moment and close to the park’s closing time, Steve had won you both a stuffed animal and a rubber band bracelet. Before realizing what you were playing for, you won Steve a goldfish in a bag. He gently took the bag and smirked, “This is alive.” He laughed a bit.
“I didn’t know!” You shouted before lifting your hands in defense.
“How did you not-“ He shook his head and looked at the night sky, “-I’m gonna name her Brooke.” Your face must’ve lit up like a child when he accepted your gift despite it being an actual live thing.
Once more you two got lost in conversation before realizing that there were hardly any people around anymore. “Where is everyone?” You asked Steve.
“The park’s close to closing ma’am.” A nearby employee spoke. You looked at Steve with widened eyes and you both burst into a small fit of laughter. You couldn’t believe that your conversation took such a long turn.
Your friends were waiting for you by the exit and that’s when felt a bit sad that you’d have to leave without him. He must’ve taken notice to this because he said, “Well...I hope I’ll see you again? Brooke with miss her mama.” He said before making pouty fish lips and you laughed softly once more.
“Are you sure it’s Brooke that’ll miss me?”
“Okay I’m speaking through Brooke as me,” he smiled softly at you, “maybe I can take you out on a real date.”
You felt yourself blush and nod, “I would like that.”
“Great.” He beamed.
“I’ll put my number in your phone.” You said before Steve pulled out a flip phone and you looked a bit shocked but still typed in your number.
“Y/N!” You friends called out. You turned to them and signaled them to hold on before turning towards Steve.
“I had a lot of fun,” you find the courage to move on your toes a bit and press a kiss to his cheek before saying, “good night weather man.”
Steve stood there watching you leave, goldfish in hand, smiling like a dork. He was finally starting to feel himself again and you left feeling a little more confident in your love life.
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