#writing gives me prophecies (memes. cannot escape)
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heavy is the burden of the braincell. . .
#leash kids x2#writing gives me prophecies (memes. cannot escape)#playing along#yippie ch 11 almost donee#fnaf dca#dca fandom#moon fnaf#sun fnaf#fnaf daycare attendant#dca fanart#fnaf sb#sillies#pom draws
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😍 published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
I forgot what meme this was from but since I had COVID at the time of posting... lol.
I think my favourite part of a fic that I've written is probably going to be Bahamut confronting a dead Luche Lazarus in Oathbreakers. Luche is very much Not Impressed.
His eyes open to a void. No, not a void; a void implies nothingness whereas he's surrounded by a surreal blue, too vibrant to be real. He's lying down, or he thinks he is; he's dead, after all. But then suddenly he's standing on nothing at all, though he can feel something solid under his feet, and instead of endless blue, he sees a giant figure in armour that seems to be comprised of nothing but blades. Bahamut the Draconian brings up a massive hand, and it doesn't escape Luche's notice that while it gives the appearance of providing him a place to stand, the Astral stops just short of actually touching him, as if he's something too filthy to handle. He looks up at the infuriated visage of the god, and feels nothing but disgust for it. "Your vitriol has laid bare your heart to the eyes of the Draconian, Oathbreaker," Bahamut says, or Luche thinks it says. It isn't so much a voice as it is words arriving in his head, a sentence at a time, each one dipped in disgust and condescension. "Think you the Prophecy a mere matter of mortal convenience? All has been ordained, and yet you dared to meddle in that which you cannot understand." "If it was all ordained," Luche snarls at it, "then betraying Insomnia was ordained as well. How is that meddling?" "Spare me your prattle, Oathbraker," Bahamut snarls back, the hatred and disdain in its voice an almost-physical force that threatens to drive Luche to his knees. Stubborn and spiteful, Luche locks them in place to remain standing.
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// Meme
> Who is a muse you would want to play?
Of muses I’ve never played but have an urge to write on day;
Aqua. Hands down. I played 0.2 recently as I finally managed to get 2.8 and I spent most of it sobbing. But I now understand her way more than I use to. I have no idea how well I’d do since I play Terra too, but I might give it a shot one day.
Ienzo. He’s one that I’ve never got the chance to play in private rp. My friend has him, but I find him honestly fascinating. I don’t know when I’d ever get the chance to play him (maybe on here one day?) but I do want to at least try.
Riku. Another one who I never got to play in private. My private rp partner snagged him before I had any say, but I do love Riku a lot. Not only that, out of the 3 trios, I have the ‘big brother’ of 2 out of the 3. And let me tell you, as a collector, that bugs the heck out of me.
Of Muses I want to add to this blog at some point?;
Sileo. My mute, apprentice of Master Ira, last holder of a book of Prophecies and the wielder of Master Ira’s keyblade. She’s wonderful and cheerful despite the fact she is totally mute (not even a peep out of her). She often carries around a satchel which apparently goes on forever, which contains a tablet she got as a gift. She can keep up to date on the other worlds through it, and uses it as a writing pad for anyone who doesn’t understand sign language. She also wears a Unicornis mask which is very similar to Ira’s.
Thanatos. Right now, he’s most likely going to be added at some point soon. He is my favourite oc honestly. He’s the son of Master Eraqus and Xiram (an OC of my friends who is the oldest nobody that they know of. She trained with Eraqus and Xehanort). He was still born, while his twin sister survived. Despite being stillborn, a godlike man resurrected him, raised him and forged him into a weapon to help him destroy the worlds. He has plant based powers, as well as darkness based powers due to his ‘birth’. He can pass with more ease between the realms, and doesn’t actually have a proper ‘heart’ so to speak. (If anything, at the current moment in time, its a fledgling. )His powers are so damn raw that Belial, the godlike man, actually restricted Thanatos’s use of them, reining them in so he wasn’t a threat to his master. Thanatos can see through plants and trees like looking glasses (Although he cannot breathe while he does it, and if used with too wide a ‘lense’ it can almost kill him, if not certainly kill him due to its toll on his body), create large plants and flowers to bloom, as well as create large bulbs. He also has the ability to steal hearts, which he does so under orders. (He also is the reason behind the princesses of heart being dead in the rp, as well as why Beast’s castle is no longer safe. Beast went crazy and its too dangerous to enter the castle.) Also due to his unique relationship with life/death and the heart, he actually doesn’t have a ‘called’ weapon, like everyone else. He has to make do with whatever he can get. (Although this also means he can borrow weapons.) And while both his parents and his sister are able to wield a keyblade, he cannot. He is however, shown to be strong enough to wield Saix’s claymore without much slow down. He’s also shown to not be actually scared of very much, but does however have a phobia of being off the ground or on ground that is inorganic. Metal ships and the like, are a nightmare, and he has at one point thrown himself from a ship to escape once they were world side.
He actually became a redeemed villain and joined the heroes in the end, after his sister managed to persuade him along with other factors.
So yes, I may have a few.
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tag meme: what i’m writing
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever.
Tagged by: the trash monarch @sagemb
Okay so like Amy I am working on ten million things at once so I’m just going to list them in the order that they’ll probably end up done.
numero uno: corinthians, corinthians: sinking, and all corinthians-related projects
I love this fucking series with all of my heart but I’ll probably end up finishing it by the time Dwayne The Rock Johnson becomes president. Here’s an excerpt from chapter 11 of Corinthians:
“You watch your language, Valentina,” Josiah said. His voice had an underlying growl to it that betrayed a hot temper. “You raise your voice to me again and I will double your punishment. You will be shoveling waste until the cows come home.”
“That analogy doesn’t make any sense!” She shouted. Her hair flew everywhere. “We don’t even have cows!”
An excerpt from Corinthians: Sinking:
They tell the new guy about the regular, but he still fumbles through his first interaction with him, all thumbs at the cash register and stutters when he speaks.
“Lilies, right?” Jack asks. He fidgets with the ends of his apron.
“Lilies.” Dimitri nods and glances at something on his phone. He couldn’t pay less attention to Jack if he tried.
The metal tip of Jack’s prosthetic leg taps against the tile of the florist shop as he reaches into the back for the ever-present bundle of lilies reserved for their ever-present Sunday customer.
Dimitri glances down at Jack’s leg, but knows better than to ask about someone else’s war wounds. Jack notices his glance and bites his lip.
“Strigoi attack,” Jack says. He places the lilies on the counter gingerly. “They like whole limbs now, I guess.”
Dimitri grunts and Jack is suddenly away of how imposing his frame is in the tiny store. He hands Jack a set of bills and takes the lilies, leaving without another word.
An excerpt from Monarchists:
“You? You’re in class with them?” Sasha pointed towards the trio, who had moved on from braiding Norah’s hair to reading a book Loren had brought with studious sincerity.
“Astounding, I know,” Kailani said dryly. “But they can’t go it on their own. They might make up water, fire, and air, but they still need earth. Rumor has it, they’re searching for a spirit user as well, but none have turned up in this generation yet.”
As Sasha watched them from afar, Norah lifted her head from the book and made eye contact with him. She had an unscrupulous glance, but her face was so mesmerizingly beautiful it was like staring at the sun. Norah smiled, slow and cat-like. Sasha blinked, looking away in embarrassment.
“Don’t get too attached,” Kailani said, looking at Sasha’s expression. “The last one in their little group died in the spring semester. Brigitte was a bitch, but she didn’t deserve to be pulled apart by Strigoi like a rack of baby-back ribs.”
“And you?” Sasha asked.
“What about me?” Kailani answered.
“Do you think you’ll go the same way?” Sasha turned away from Norah’s group sitting on the grass, but could still feel her gaze on him.
“I like to think that I’ll go out in a more spectacular fashion. Maybe sparklers will be involved.” There was a twinkle in Kailani’s eye.
numero dos: paradise
This is half a short film and half a podcast. I have 10 million ideas running around in my head for Paradise and originally wanted to make it a mockumentary short film, but I think I can do it as a podcast as a proof of concept thing, then make that into a short film when I have the resources.
The town of Paradise is shaken by the murder of the town sweetheart, Kitty Westerfield. When an opportunistic journalism student catches wind of the conspiracies surrounding her death, she begins an investigation that might reveal more than she bargained for.
The Paradise cheer squad set up a memorial for her by her locker. It's decorated with pictures from her Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Her favorite flower is a light pink rose and Laura has made sure her locker is full of them. It smells up the entire hallway; people can barely stand it. It's as if Kitty Westerfield is haunting everyone from beyond the grave.
numero tres: wardlaw gardens
This has been in my back pocket for years and years. I sort of want to start shooting scenes from it, but I’m afraid it will fall flat, you know? My original concept was a four-book series, but I’m thinking it might better suit a TV show.
It was the quiet moments right after midnight when he could finally breathe. Bruise preferred a solitary life, which was something most people never understood. So he came here, to the roof. To the only place where he could think.
He narrowed his eyes as the light flickered again, this time in another window. Someone at Wardlaw was a restless as he was.
The world held its breath.
Bruise stood, shaking the darkness of the night off of him. His cigarette was gone and Monet had disappeared, taking the lighter with him. He made a note to buy another pack from the corner store when they were let off for weekends.
“Goodnight,” Bruise said, half to the world around him and half to the light in the distance, ever-flickering.
He began walking back towards the edge of the fire escape, but turned around to take one last look at the distant outline of Wardlaw Gardens.
The manor home was stately and vast, only the main house visible from the roof of Dumfries’s east wing. All lights were off save for one on the top floor at the far end. The curtains shifted to reveal a figure that Bruise could barely make out through the darkness. He could have sworn she put a finger over her lips.
The bell tower in the village chimed lightly, echoing across the surrounding mountainside and breaking Bruise out of his reverie. He descended the fire escape and entered the east wing of Dumfries through a crack in the back door. It was one o’clock in the morning.
Some call the hour after midnight the witching hour.
numero quatro: stygian
Uh, I just really love PJO/HP crossovers??
numero cinque: other shit i found in my google drive
So there was a thing called The Other Few about an aged child saviour of a fantasy realm that portalled to different places and was framed for murder:
“’Hmm?’ All you have to say to that is ‘hmm?’” Walden was becoming increasingly exasperated.
“Time moves more slowly in the Other Realm,” Isa said. “Hollis and I were taken in the late 1800s, but didn’t come back until recently.”
“No thanks to you,” Hollis said.
“Will you ever let that go?” Isa asked.
“They exiled me into the 1980s,” Hollis said. “It was awful.”
“Okay, so you’re time travelers,” Walden said.
“No,” Hollis and Isa said in unison.
“So you’re aliens,” Walden replied.
“Alright,” Walden threw his hands into the air. “I give up.”
Isa sighed. “Hollis and I were soldiers. We were chosen when we were children by people from the Other Realm to help carry out a prophecy, but because we lived in the Other Realm so long there were… side effects.”
“Like your friend here’s translucent skin and my immortality,” Hollis said.
“You get to live forever?” Walden asked.
Hollis leveled a blank stare at him. “Yeah, it’s a hoot.”
Something called Mortuaria that only had a character list???:
The one who narrates.
A calm child of fourteen years. He is very reserved and considers his words carefully before he says them. Ebenezer’s nephew.
The eccentric owner of the funeral home in town. He may be silly at times, but his beliefs are very firm and he is often closed-minded about the most ridiculous things.
The funeral home assistant to Ebenezer. He preps all of the bodies for burial. Carter bears the burden of most of the work and does it with grace and a touch of sarcasm.
The eldest sister in the Baudelaire coven. She has had to play mother after their father died and their mother succumbed to the darkness. She is strong-willed and always ready for an argument. Constance helps protect the reapers within the funeral home.
The middle child of the Baudelaire coven. Maggie is the soft side to everything and a social butterfly, often complimenting Constance’s rougher side.
The youngest girls in the Baudelaire coven and twins. Carys is handy with potions magic but cannot seem to perform spells on her own. Iva has a wealth of power but rejects the notion of witches.
A well-dressed demon with a Queen’s English accent. He is often dressed in fine suits and pines after Constance.
The nephilim librarian and caretaker of the Historic Lindley house. Cecil’s tutor. She’s a spitfire of a woman that gets along better with the elder residents of the town than people her own age.
Cecil’s parents. Seafaring treasure hunters that were lost at sea after searching for the pirate ship Perroux.
Two men that send Cecil to live with his uncle, claiming to be from the government. There is something inhuman about their very dark hair and very nice suits.
The man who is hired by the Very Important Men to take Cecil to Ebenezer’s house.
Hell, the precursor to Paradise and definitely a short film that will win me an Oscar:
A prom queen goes missing in the small town of Hell, prompting questions about the mysterious crack in the earth that lay just outside of the city limits.
Did you ever stop to think--
Betti is riding her bike. We see the town sign.
Betti and Theo are sharing a joint.
BETTI (cont’d)
--that our town is pretty weird?
Betti wakes up next to the crack. Aerial shot of the crack.
Nah. It’s the suburbs.
Kellianne Hamilton smiles widely at a bake sale. Children play in a playground. Teenagers laugh encouragingly.
Desperate grabs inside of a coat closet. The wicked glint of blood being licked off of teeth. Someone knocks someone else out with the blunt end of a knife handle.
How bad can it be?
And an amazing script for a movie called Grace Under Pressure about a girl who was cheated on by the lead singer in the band she manages, he’s kicked out, she has to babysit her sister’s genius non-binary kid for the summer, the lead singer winds up dead, and the entire band rally’s around stealing the lead singer’s ashes and sprinkling them all over America on a road trip.
I tage: @objectiveheartmuscle @gigi256 @doubtthestarsarefire and @alyssiamking
#tag meme#my writing#mine#goddamn there's a lot in here but is discovered some fuckin GEMS in my google drive
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