#writing & chatting with u guys and just shoving our characters together is one of the few things in my life rn that still brings me joy
byanyan · 10 days
can i just be emotional on main for a sec & thank y'all again for sticking with me & supporting my weird little brand here these last few months while i've been like. worse than ever about getting any writing done? just like. hhh. all of u putting up with my shitposts & liking the hcs and whatever else i shove out onto the dash while i'm struggling with energy for replies, and everyone who still wants to plot & develop our dynamics despite me being the WORST at keeping up with dms (& being somehow even worse at being the one to actually initiate dms), and!!!! those of you who continue to indulge me by sending me asks despite the fact that you've been waiting 5 years for me to reply to our thread!!! i appreciate u guys sm, like i don't think u actually understand just how much. i mean this so sincerely: thank you
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fiesta-freddie · 5 years
Reacting to cartoon Beatles
Request: Could u do an each beatlexreader that the reader is laughing at their (the guys) cartoon version. maybe a hc so its easier for you to right? but if you want to write an one shot then that’s fine! @givemequeen
A/N: I really liked this idea! I haven’t actually watched the Beatles cartoon so don’t attack me on that. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! Enjoy!💜
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Let’s start out with good old Bongo Stone
Bingo Starky
The drummer boy
Roger Taylor if he wrote a song about an octopus
Micky Dolenz If he were from Liverpool, had a moptop and wore lots of rings
Okay I’ll stop
You and Ringo were walking down the street, passing by lots of different stores and going in and out of a few as well
You two are chatting with each other, on your way to lunch when something catches your attention
You know those stores that have all the TVs in the window and the same thing is playing on everyone of them? And you cant help but stop because it’s very intriguing?
Yeah those ones
So You and Ringo pass by a window front like that
Usually you would walk right past it because nothing intresting ever plays on them
Except for the fact that instead of the news playing on them like it normally would, it’s a cartoon
But not just any cartoon
The Beatles cartoon
“Ringo look! Isn’t that your guys cartoon?”
He tries to distract your attention from it
“Wha- huh? Pssh nooo that’s not- Hey look Y/N, they’re selling puppies over there! You love little dogs, let’s go get one yeah?”
You blow off his comment as you see his character come on screen
“Hey Ringo look it’s you!”
“Oh no! Y/N come on can we just go?”
“Haha look at you, they really messed you up in this didn’t they?”
“Y/N, please”
“You know who you look like?”
“Who?” He asks, but he has a bit of Mccartney sass in his voice
“Shaggy from Scooby-Doo!”
“Okay Y/N, you saw it and made fun of it now can we please just go?”
“Oh alright I guess so,” you say with a playful smirk “why don’t we go and get one of those puppies you were talking about?”
*prolonged silence*
The first time you see his cartoon version you can’t stop laughing
He’s confused but also a little angry, because he thinks it’s a work of art
“Y/N, I really don’t see why your laughing. I look wonderful in this!”
“John you have a square face and it looks like a potato! And your body figure is...well...it’s really something else, so as you can see It’s hard not to laugh!”
You would make fun of the way he sounds too
“John I’m sorry for laughing, but it sounds nothing like you! I can’t help it!”
You would tease him about it all the time
You’ll be in the supermarket and come across a potato
“Hey John look! I didn’t know they sold cartoon you here!”
“Ha ha Y/N, very funny”
He makes you watch it with him every Saturday’s morning though
While John actually enjoys watching it you just like cuddling up next to him on the couch
And he doesn’t mind it at all
You first saw his cartoon by watching Saturday morning cartoons with him
It was tradition for you two
You would get up and make breakfast, then you would wake up Paul and you two would sit together on the couch while you ate and watched cartoons
One morning though The Beatle cartoon was airing
You had never seen it before then so you didn’t know what it was at first
But once you figured it out, you immediately tried to find Paul
He got up from the couch like the sonic boy he is and stood in front of TV in order to block your vision
“Paul, what are you doing? Move! I want to try and find you!”
“Yeah I’m not going to let that happen Y/N, this is the only version of me I won’t let you see. Well this and the Japanese covers of our albums.”
“Oh come on Paul I’m sure it’s not that bad!”
You get up and try to shove him out of the way so you can get a glimpse at the TV
He’s fairly light so doing this was a walk in the park for you
And it just so happened that the moment you moved him, his character appeared on screen
You stared at it for a few seconds before you began to laugh hysterically
“Oh my god! Paul that supposed to be you?! What happened to your eyes?”
He doesn’t find it amusing at all
“Okay whatever, laugh all you want Y/N...it’s not funny.”
His arms are crossed
And his lip is out
He’s pouting
You walked over to him and grab the collar of his pajama shirt, your face inches away from his “aww Paulie, don’t be mad.”
You peck his lips with a gentle kiss before running back over and jumping on the couch
After much discussion, Paul makes you change the channel and you two finish watching your morning cartoons
You were in the studio
It was another long day for the boys
None of the other girls (Cynthia, Jane, Maureen) had shown up that day so it was only you
Why you ask?
Because I said so
Okay I’ll actually stop this time
There wasn’t anyone to chat with like you normally would
And reading didn’t seem like the funnest idea to you at the moment
So you decided to turn on the television
You surfed the channels for a while, trying to find something to watch
You were about to give up and just resort to your book, although you didn’t want to
But then you quickly passed by a channel you hadn’t yet seen
Whatever was playing seemed to catch your eyes because it wasn’t a nature show or news, it was a cartoon
Needless to say curiosity got the best of you
You decided to leave it on that channel and watch for a bit
The show started up and you saw a very familiar title and a few, somewhat familiar, faces too
Then you realized it was the Beatle cartoon Paul had told you about!
You interrupted the boys to tell them their show was on
“Boys! Your cartoon is showing in the television! Come take a look”
They immediately rushed over to take a glimpse at it
“Wow would’ja look at that.”
“Yeah...It has...quite a creative aspect to it?”
As soon as George comes in the room you point his character out immediately
“See that one there, with the long face and sharp nose? That’s you Georgie!”
“Uh huh, I see it Y/N.”
“Wow they made you quite tall in this didn’t they?”
“Yeah yeah I see that”
The other boys are happy their girlfriends aren’t there to make fun of it, like you do with George
“Okay fellas can we back back to reversal now?” Geroege would ask
It’s because he doesn’t want to be embarrassed in front of the other boys
“Aww what’s the matter Geo, are you embarrassed?” You’d ask him
“No it just that- well we um, we have a lot of stuff to get though today.”
You turn to the other boys who are glued to the TV like little children
“But George the others don’t seem to mind, why don’t you guys take a break?”
The other boys try to convince him too
“Come on George! Please?”
“Yeah the shows actually pretty funny aside from the fact we look like we just crawled out from under a rock!”
George ends up joining because we all know he’s curious too, even if he doesn’t want to admit it
You two sit on the couch and cuddle while the other three lay across the floor
“I don’t know how I let you talk me into this Y/N.”
“Aww come on Georgie, you know you aren’t mad.” You say pressing a kiss to his check
He just pulls you closer and nuzzles his face into your neck
Taglist: @beatlevmania @givemequeen @wrongbea-tle @harrimoon @john-lemonade @princesof-theuniverse
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
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