#writes a ficlet as a bunch of hypitheticals bc why not
tuxedokit · 2 years
dionygula becoming something of an urban legend,,,, i am down for that. some people claim they can hear wailing in the rain, and not the kind of wailing the wind makes. some even claim it sounds like sobbing—especially when the rainy figure is just barely in view. the rain is thickest around her, around this rainwoman, battering anything that dares come near.
but there's a sense of melancholy in the foreboding, a sense of hurt hurt hurt in the far-off wailing.
...and then the psychonauts catch wind of this supposed unending storm
how long is it before they catch wind of it? do the delugionaries realize they cant control what theyve created? do the psychonauts send raz on the mission to investigate? (considering its been long enough that hes a skilled hydrokinetic at that point)
does raz get there and hear the wails, the sobs, and stand there? in the middle of the storm? while everyone has run for shelter, does razputin aquato stand in the rain, let it consume him, until he sees the figure in the rain? does he stand there, unmoving, letting the figure cry as he realizes this storm isn't an attack, it's sorrow, years of sorrow, all pouring down around him? does he feel the loneliness in every raindrop? does he take a step forward and tell the storm he's there? does he tell it he's here to help? does the storm hear kindness? for the first time in so many years, does the storm feel cared for? does raz get just close enough to the figure? just close enough to see that it's the one he thought he lost all those years ago? the older sibling he never got to meet?
and what does he do then?
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