larstenobar · 6 years
Did y’all know Tumblr has a character limit? Moreover did you know they’ve reduced that since 2015ish? Shameful tbh
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capriciousfancies · 11 years
Drabble Masterlist
This is a comprehensive list of all the drabble posts I've come across, alphabetized.  I've changed some of the names where there is duplication of a specific prompt which exists with a variations in content to its match.:
« : memory from the past with your character
» : a future event my character would like to happen with them + yours [a daydream]
¿ : something my character would like to forget [specify in general or about yours]
☼ : A memory my character has with yours that they’ll never forget
❄: for drunk texts.
♥: Our characters will have a Mistletoe Kiss 
★: Our characters will decorate the Christmas tree 
¤: My character will give yours a Christmas present 
❖: Our characters will go caroling 
$: Our characters will go Christmas shopping together 
❂: Our characters decorate eggs together 
†: My character will have an egg hunt with yours 
ღ: My character will give yours chocolate 
✯: Our characters will go see fireworks together 
♬: Our characters will go to a parade 
 ッ-: Our characters will go to a costume ball together 
☾: Our characters will go trick or treating 
♛: Our characters will wear matching costumes
(I won’t say) I’m in Love: my character falls in love with yours, but is too afraid to admit it.
(You’re the) Devil in Disguise: my character discovers something terrible about yours [can be chosen by you, or left for me to decide]
1Oral: My character will perform oral sex to yours  (Muns & muses must be 18)
2Oral: Your character will perform oral sex on mine  (Muns & muses must be 18) 
1Drunk: One of our characters will be drunk while having sex (state which)   (Muns & muses must be 18)
2Drunk: Both our characters will be drunk while having sex   (Muns & muses must be 18)
A Star is Born: your character becomes extremely famous, and my character watches their rise to fame from the sidelines.
A Whole New World: my character goes on a romantic journey/honeymoon with yours.
Ablutophilia: I’ll write our characters making love in a bath or shower (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Accept me: I will write a drabble about my character accepting yours or vice versa. /Or both to accept one another/
Achilles: my character reveals their weakness to yours. 
Acting Out: The muse behaves and acts on unknown wishes and desires. This may lead to retrospective reflection, but the actions are not understood as they are taking place. 
Addiction: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters dealing with an addiction.
Advantage: Either my character or yours will take advantage of the other while they're feeling vulnerable.  (Muns & muses must be 18)
Aerico: One of out characters nursing the other back to good health 
Affection: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters having a tender moment.
Agamemnon: tragic homecoming story for one or both of our characters. 
Agoraphilia: I’ll write our characters having sex in a public place (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Alicorn: Our characters doing something they thought was impossible together 
Aloha Oe: my character has to say goodbye to your character.
Amuse Me: I will write a funny drabble about my character trying to cheer yours up.
Ankles: My character or yours, confessing a weakness to the other
Aphrodite: my character falls in love with yours. 
Apollo: my character sees a future event involving yours 
Apologize: My character will apologize to yours.
Ares: our characters get into a fight. 
Argue: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters arguing about something.
Arms: either my character or yours, protecting the other.
Artemis: my character goes with yours on a hunting trip. 
Athena: my character has yours on trial for past transgressions. 
Away: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters running away.
Back to the Future: One of our characters has gone back in time, either accidentally or to fix something. Feel free to specify which character and which reasoning.
Bad Dream: I’ll write my character having a nightmare about yours, or vice versa.
Banshee: My character will mourn the death of yours 
Bath: Our characters will make love in the bath.   (Muns & muses must be 18)
Be my Slave (18+): my character will be your character’s sex slave 
Be Prepared: my character plots an evil scheme against your character
Befriend Me: I will write a drabble about our characters meeting for the first time in an AU.
Benefits: Our characters will make a friends with benefits arrangement   (Muns & muses must be 18)
Beware the Groove: my character gets angry with/wants to kill your character
Bind Me (18+): my character will tie yours up. Be it rope, silk, leather, chains our whatever strikes your fancy 
Bite Me: my character will bite yours on any part of their body
Bleed: My character will injure your character
Blood: My muse killing yours 
Blindfold Me: my character will blindfold yours in order to have their fun
Bows:  Your character or mine: dressing/undressing the other  
Brain: my character or yours, trying to instigate a deep conversation
Break: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters having a breakdown of some kind.
Break Me: I will write an angsty drabble about our characters.
Breakfast: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters having breakfast.
Broken: I’ll write our characters breaking up or in an angsty scene.
Brownie: Our characters doing housework together 
Bugul Noz: Our characters committing an act of charity together Beach: I’ll write a drabble of out characters at the beach together.
Busted: Your character will catch mine doing something they shouldn’t.
Butt: either my character or yours will slap the other on the butt (You choose)
Bye Bye Beautiful: Write about your character finally giving up and saying goodbye to a cheating lover. 
Call: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters talking on the phone.
Call Me: My character will call your character for whatever reason. 
Camaraderie: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters being friendly with one another.
Candle: Our characters spending time together by candle light.
Candy Corn: Your character or mine being cheesy to the other 
Cassandra:  my character warns yours about future events: but your character does not listen.  
Celebration: Our characters celebrate together. Or have a party.
Centaur: My character showing yours compassion 
Cerberus: Our characters raising a little hell together 
Chest: My character getting their feelings about yours in the open.
Child: I’ll write our characters raising a child.
Choice: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters in a life or death situation.
Claustrophilia: I’ll write our characters having sex in a confined/small space (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Clouds: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters enjoying a not-so-sunny day together.
Clue: Our characters become a part of a murder mystery - is one of them the killer? 
Clytemnestra: my character kills yours. 
Coffee: My character will be hyped up on coffee and pester yours
Comfort Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character comforting yours- vise versa.
Competition: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters competing with one another.
Complicated: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters in a complicated situation.
Confess: My character will speak their true feelings about your character. (or about a topic. you may choose.)
Confession: My muse confesses something to yours 
Cook: I’ll write a drabble of our characters cooking together.
Coprolalia: I’ll write my/your character talking dirty to the other (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Costume:  Your character or mine: dressing up for the other  
Crazy: I will write a drabble about my character losing it. (Specify a reason if you wish.) 
Cream: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters are intimate.
Cry: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters crying about something.
Darkness: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters dealing with inner demons.
Date: I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours out on a date.  
Dead Boy’s Poem: Write about a time your character felt at their lowest in life, when everything around them seemed to have failed at their hands.
Death: My character’s reaction to your character dying.
Death (Angst): I will write a drabble about my character contemplating death. 
Deathbed: I’ll write a drabble of my character with yours on their deathbed.
Deceive: My muse lying to yours
Defend: I’ll write a drabble of my character protecting yours.
Demeter: my character longs for yours. 
Denial: Your muse is forced to face conflict in their life, but instead, they refuse to accept it. They deny it adamantly, and they may or may eventually come to accept it. 
Deny Me: my character will either deny your character’s advances or deny them a ’ happy ending’
Die: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters killing one or the other.
Dinner: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters having dinner.
Dionysus: my character gets drunk with yours. 
Displacement: The muse is faced with conflict, but is unable to deal with the conflict or what brought it about directly, so they instead, take it out on others, especially those who the muse may view as less dangerous. (Intensity may vary.) 
Distortion: The muse is faced with conflict and actively distorts or changes the way he perceives the world to come to terms with this. These changes may be extreme or minor, but they are always done in order to avoid coping with reality. 
Dominate Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character dominating yours. Or vise versa.
Dragon: My character guarding yours 
Dream: My character will have a dream about your character
Dreams: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters discussing their dreams.
Drink:  My character will call: text: or show up at your character’s house drunk. Specify which of the three. 
Drink Me: I will write a drabble about my character taking shots with yours.
Drinking: I’ll write our characters drinking together
Drinks: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters having drinks.
Duet: I’ll write our character’s singing or playing a musical instruments.
Earthquake: Our characters dealing with sudden upheaval in their lives 
Embarrass Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character saying or doing something embarrassing to himself or to your character.
Enamor Me:  I will write a fluffy drabble about my character trying to woo yours [be it out of the blue/Valentines Day - feel free to specify.] 
Endytophilia: I’ll write my/your character having sex while clothed/partially clothed (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Enemy: I will write a drabble about my character facing an enemy. 
Expecting: Our characters find out they are expecting a child together
Eyes: My character will tell yours about something they see every day.
Faerie: Our characters causing mischief together 
Falling: I’ll write our character’s falling in love.
Fantasy: The muse retreats into a (real or mental) fantasy world to escape the stresses and conflicts in their life. The muse may have to acknowledge that they are attempting to escape, and eventually choose to face reality. 
Farewell: My muse or yours leaving the other (Please specify which) 
Fathoms Below: AU universe where our characters are mermaids
Feet: either my character or yours, getting a foot massage from the other
Ferris Bueller's Day Off: Our characters play hooky from something important and do their best not to get caught 
Fetishism: I’ll write your/my character having sex/playing with an intimate object.  (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Fight: I’ll write a drabble of my character fighting with/against yours.
Find Me:  I will write a drabble about my character asking for yours [be it at the brink of death/in a battlefield/knocking on the front door wounded: feel free to specify.] 
Fingers: My character will write your character a letter.
Fire: Our characters in a losing fight. 
Flood: One of our characters helping the other one to keep their head up 
Forbidden: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters doing something they shouldn’t be doing.
Forbidden (Angst): I will write a drabble about my character longing for something they can never have. 
Forgive me: I will write a drabble about my character forgiving yours or vise versa.
Furies: One of our characters causing the other pain 
Future: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters discussing the future.
Game: I’ll write a drabble of my character playing videogames with yours.
Get Me: I will write a drabble about my character saving yours.
Gift: My character gives your character something special. Or vise versa. Specify.
Give Me: my character will give yours a gift 
Gloves:  How my character deals with news from yours: Specify 
Goodbye: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters saying goodbye to one another.
Graveyard: My character will visit your characters grave
Greet Me:  My character will greet yours: either at the door: at work: or somewhere else. 
Grope Me: my character will grope yours.
Hades: your character is visited by my character's ghost. 
Hallucinations: My character will have hallucinations about your character.
Hands: My character giving yours applause.
Happy: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters being happy.
Haptephilia: I’ll write my/your character becoming aroused by my/your character’s touch.  (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Harpies: Our characters getting into an argument 
Haunt Me:  I’ll write a drabble about my character watching over yours [as a ghost: watching from a distance: or otherwise: feel free to specify.] 
Hate: I’ll write our character’s hating each other.
He Lives In You: my character starts hearing your character’s voice in their head.
Head: either your character or mine, giving the other a headache.
Headache: How my character will take care of yours when they have a headache
Heal:  My character will tend to your character’s wounds: or be at their side when they’re sick. 
Heaven: I’ll write a drabble about our characters going to heaven.
Hector: my character fights in the place of yours/for your sake. 
Helen: my character describes their favourite person/person they admire most to yours. 
Hell: I’ll write a drabble about our characters going to hell.
Hello: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters meeting for the first time.
Help:  My character requests help from your character (be something silly or serious: you may decide.) 
Hematolagnia: I’ll write our characters having sex with blood play (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Hermes: my character brings your character good news (or vice versa). 
Hestia: our characters snuggle by a fire. 
High: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters experiencing a good time.
Hiisi: Our characters camping out under the stars 
Holiday: Our characters will spend a holiday together.
Home: I’ll write our characters living together.
Horror: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters in a horror movie scenario.
Hot Cocoa: Our characters enjoying a hot moment together. 
Hug Me: My character will hug yours. Either by surprise or for a specific reason.
Humiliate Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character doing something humiliating to yours.
Humor Me: I’ll write a funny drabble about our characters.
Hunting: I’ll write a drabble about your character and mine on a hunt together.
Hurricane: Our characters seeking shelter somewhere together. 
Hurt: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters hurting each other.
Hush: My muse trying to calm and quiet yours 
Hustle Me: I’ll write a drabble about our characters hustling.
I Do: I will write our characters as a married couple
I Love You: I’ll write a drabble of my character admitting they love yours.
I Want My Tears Back: Write about your character during childhood and their fondest memory.
I Wish I Had An Angel: Write about the one thing your character wishes they had and would do anything for .. emphasis on the anything.
I’ll Make a Man out of You: my character decides to try and shape up yours.
Idealization: The muse unconsciously decides to perceive another individual, or even a situation or idea as having more positive attributes then it actually has. The muse may also tone down or ignore negative attributes, and they may go to certain lengths to keep themselves from realizing that their idealizations are false. 
Identification: When faced with conflict, the muse accepts it, and takes on characteristics brought about by this conflict, changing partially or wholly. Generally deals with individuals, and can be connected to identification with the aggressor. 
Inception: One character invades the dreams of the other for some reason. Feel free to specify which. 
Insane: I’ll write my character is insane inside asylum and yours is the doctor, vice versa
Intimate: Our muses doing some hot and steamy together 
Introjection: The muse finds something that he believes and accepts so strongly that they incorporate that belief into their personality, into behavior or character. This may or may not be contradictory. 
Invite Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character asking your character to
Isolation: The muse is inclined to withdraw all emotions from events that trigger emotional response within them. This may result in a seemingly objective stance on certain topics, through emotional numbing. These emotions may come back to bite the muse. This is much like Thought Suppression, but only deals with emotions. Instead of not thinking upon his actions, the muse may spend much time analyzing things, without recognizing their emotions. 
Jealousy: My character gets jealous over yours.
Join Me:  I’ll write a drabble about my character giving your character an offer [be it a proposal for an alliance: asking them to join them in an activity (you can get dirty if you want): feel free to specify.] 
Joke: My character pulling a prank on yours
Judgment: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters are being judgmental.
Jujak: One of our characters helping the other prepare for a special occasion
Kill: I’ll write a angst drabble of my character violently killing yours. 
Kill Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character killing yours.
Kink Me (18+): pick a kink, any kink. Our characters will have fun 
Kiss:  My character kisses yours: or vise versa. Specify. 
Kiss Me Sexily (18+): my character will kiss yours in a far more… Sexy manner. Perhaps along their body? 
Knees: Our characters in a scary situation
Laugh: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters laughing about something.
Leave Me: my character will leave your character behind.
Leaves: Your character or mine clearing the air about something. 
Legs: Our characters running together
Letters: Our characters will write letters to one another.
Lick Me: my character will lick yours in any specified place or manner.
Lies: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters lying about something.
Life: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters saving each other.
Lips: Our characters will share a kiss (either sexual or non, your choice)
Loneliness: I will write a drabble about my character feeling lonely. 
Loss: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters experiencing a loss.
LotR: Our characters take a special item on a long journey. Feel free to define the item. 
Love: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters confessing their feelings for one another.
Love Me: my character will express their love of yours (romantic, platonic, or sexual) 
Love Me (fluff): I’ll write a fluffy drabble about our characters.
Low: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters experiencing a bad time.
Lunch: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters having lunch.
Lust: I’ll write a drabble of our characters making love together.
Mad: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters being angry.
Magic Mirror: my character gets extremely jealous of yours
Mail: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters exchanging mail.
Married Life: a quick romantic drabble about your character and mine, from the moment they meet, till the day one of them dies.
Masochism: I’ll write my/your character being dominated/humiliated by my/your character (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Meet Me: My character is meeting yours either for the first time or just causally.
Menelaus: my character gets something precious stolen from them by yours. 
Mermaid: Our characters going swimming together 
Milkshake: Our characters will have to split a milkshake
Mistletoe: Our characters will share a kiss under the mistletoe.
Morning: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters waking up.
Mourn: I’ll write a drabble of my character mourning yours.
Movie: I’ll write a drabble of our characters watching a movie together.
Mudslide: My character or yours, losing control of their lives 
Murder: I’ll write my character killing yours or vice vesra.
Neck: My character or yours, biting the other one on the neck.
Nemo: Write about your character and loneliness - what they do to pass their time and how it effects them.
Night: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters going to sleep.
Nightmare: One of our characters will have a nightmare.
Nike: one of our characters succeeds over the other 
No: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters disagreeing about something.
Nocturnal: Our muses up late at night 
Nuclear War: One of our characters, braving the cold and ice for the other one 
Nurse Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character healing yours.
Nyx: my character has a dream about yours. 
O Hero: I will write about my character mourning yours.
O Juliet: I will write about my character’s feelings for yours.
O Macbeth: I will write about how my character kills yours.
O Oberon: I’ll write about my character getting angry at yours over something they did.
O Puck: I will write about my character pranking yours.
O Romeo: I will write my character missing/looking for yours.
O Titiana: I will write about our characters sharing a night in bed or sharing a kiss. Specify.
Obsessed: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters dealing with an obsession.
Obsession: I’ll write a drabble about my character having an obsession with yours. Vise versa.
Odaxelagnia: I’ll write our characters biting each other in a sexual manner  (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Odysseus: happy homecoming story for one or both of our characters. 
Offer Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character giving yours a gift.
Old: I’ll write our characters growing old together
On My Way: our characters go on a look walk together, trying to reach [destination of your choosing] for [reason of your choosing] 
One Jump Ahead: our characters are escaping the law together
Own me: My character owns your character.
Paint Me:  I’ll write a drabble about my character drawing a picture of yours [like one of your French girls~ be it painting them or drawing them: maybe offering a picture of them as a gift: feel free to specify.] 
Pan: my character plays a song for yours
Parthenophilia: I’ll write my/your character taking the others virginity  (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Past: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters discussing the past.
Patrocles: my character dies in the place of yours/for your sake. 
Pegasus: Our characters fantasising together 
Pepper: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters have a hot moment.
Peppermint:  Your character or mine: sharing a sweet secret with the other. 
Persephone: my character is held prisoner by yours. 
Pet: I’ll write a drabble of my character buying yours a pet. (specify what kind.)
Phobia: Our muses discussing what scares them 
Phoenix: One of our characters helping the other to rise above a bad situation 
Plague: One of our characters dealing with the terminal illness of the other 
Play: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters playing a game together.
Please Me: my character will do anything to please yours
Poem: I’ll write my character speaking a poem to yours or vice versa
Poison: I will write a drabble about my character infected by poison (be it psychically or mentally). 
Polyiterophilia: I’ll write our characters having sex together with multiple other characters. (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Pool: I’ll write a drabble of our characters swimming together.
Poseidon: our characters are stranded on an island together after a shipwreck. 
Prank: I’ll write our characters pulling pranks on each other.
Present: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters discussing the present.
Projection: The muse is faced with his mistakes, problems, and other shortcomings, but instead of acknowledging these, the muse projects them on others. This includes, seeing negative behaviors reflected in others, which may also result in the denial of that behavior in the self. 
Promise: My character makes a promise to your character.
Proposal: My character proposes to your character. Vise versa.
Protect: My character keeps yours safe from harm.
Public: Our characters will make love in a public area   (Muns & muses must be 18)
Pumpkin: Your character and mine doing some Halloween decorating 
Purgatory: I’ll write a drabble about our characters going to purgatory.
Quiet Me:  I’ll write a drabble about my character trying to calm yours down [be it from crying: from lashing out: feel free to specify.] 
Rage: I will write a drabble about my character giving in to vicious anger. 
Rain: I’ll write a fluffy drabble of our characters kissing in the rain. 
Raise Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character resurrecting yours. Vise versa.
Rationalization: The muse is disappointed or does not have his wishes or desires fulfilled. The muse then goes through a stage of rationalization, reasoning that explain away or excuse the event. (Making excuses) This may result in the muse going through and explaining to himself or others why things didn’t happen, dismissing it in the process. 
Reaction Formation: The muse is faced with certain wishes or desires that he finds wrong or dangerous. Your muse, then takes on opposite behaviors and beliefs to repress those disagreeable wishes. The muse may see his actions reflect his hypocrisy or some other person may notice and call the muse out. 
Reckless: My muse does something dangerous for yours 
Regression: The muse takes on more childish behaviors, addressing problems in a less mature manner as a way of coping. The muse may become clingy, obstinate, or overly demanding when faced with problems. 
Regrets: I’ll write a drabble about my character having regrets about yours.
Rejection: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters turning one another down.
Remember Me:  I’ll write a drabble about my character trying to get yours to remember them [be it from an accident: meeting them after years apart: feel free to specify.] 
Repression: The muse represses a memory and doesn’t remember anything that happened. This could be a repression of an event, feeling, or strong emotion, and while the muse is aware of their forgetfulness, they may not know why. The muse may uncover repressed memories or not. Return of the Jedi: One character has given in to their dark side. The other must bring them redemption. Feel free to specify which 
Reunite Me: I’ll write a drabble of our characters reuniting together.
Revenge: My character will get revenge on yours.
Rivalry: I’ll write a drabble of our characters having a rivalry between each other.
Run!: My character is chasing your character (or vise versa) OR both characters are being chased by ___________ (fill in the blank).
Sad: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters being sad.
Save Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character saving yours or vise versa.
Scarf: Your character or Mine borrowing/stealing clothes from the other 
Scars: I’ll write your character touching my character’s scars or vice versa
Scatophilia: I’ll write my/your character talking dirty over the phone to your/my character. (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
School: How out characters live through a school day. Specify class if needed.
Scott Pilgrim: One character has to fight the other's exes in order to date them. Feel free to specify which. 
Scream: My character has caused yours to scream out for some reason
Search: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters searching for something.
Secret: My character tells your character a secret.
Secret 18+: Our characters will do the deed while trying to remain hidden   (Muns & muses must be 18)
Seduce: I’ll write my character trying to seduce yours or vice versa
Shag Me: I’ll write a dirty drabble about our characters. specify 
Shiver: Our muses trying to stay warm 
Shoot Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character shooting yours or vise versa.
Shop: I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours shopping.
Shoulders: My character helping to share a burden with yours.
Shout: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters shouting something.
Show: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters showing each other something.
Shower: Our characters will make love in the shower   (Muns & muses must be 18)
Sing:  My character singing a song to yours: or vice versa. 
Sing to Me: I’ll write a drabble of my character singing to yours.
Sketching: I’ll write your character drawing mine or vice versa
Sky: Our characters are stargazing.
Slap me:  my character will slap yours. In the sexual manner: or of anger. specify. 
Sleep: I’ll write a drabble of my character snuggling in bed with yours.
Sleepover:  My character needs to stay at your character’s house for the night: or vise versa. Specify. (you can add any other special things that could happen!) 
Snow: I’ll write a drabble of our characters building a snowman together.
Snow: Our characters in the cold together 
Solace: I’ll write my character comforting yours or vice versa
Somatization: Negative feelings towards others are channeled inward, instead effecting and changing the views of the self. 
Somnophilia: I’ll write my/your character waking the other up by sex (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Song: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters that involves music.
Sorry: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters apologizing for something.
Spectre: My character will be visited by your character’s ghost or vice versa
Spell: I’ll write my character putting a spell on yours. Or being under a spell/curse.
Sphinx: My character asking yours a hard question 
Spice: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters have a spicy moment.
Splitting: This can range from splitting of mental concepts, and the adoption of black and white thinking, or the splitting of the ego(self). The muse may start thinking in terms of good and evil, innocence versus corruption, etc. It may also be reflected in relation extremes (going from love to hate) and may appear as a splitting of personality. (Think BPD not DPD) 
Stars: Our characters under the stars together 
Stomach: Our characters going our for a meal.
Storm: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters in a storm.
Strangers Like Me: my character teaches yours about something new
Sublimation: The muse transforms negative behaviors into positive behaviors, for example, turning greed into philanthropy. This is usually trading a socially unacceptable behavior for a behavior that is socially acceptable, though not necessarily the opposite of the original. 
Submit to Me (18+): my character will yield sexual dominance to yours 
Suck Me: my character will suck on any body part of your character
Sugar: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters have a fluffy moment.
Sun: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters enjoying a sunny day together.
Surprise Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character surprising yours. Vise versa.
Take Me: my character will kidnap yours
Talk: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters having a conversation.
Tease Me:  my character will tease yours: whether in a friendly or a sexual manner 
Tell: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters telling one another something.
Tell Me:  I’ll write a drabble about my character confessing something to yours [be it a love confession: a secret: feel free to specify.] 
Temptation: I will write a drabble about my character giving in to a temptation they should stay away from. (You may specify.)
Text: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters texting one another.
Text me: I’ll write a drabble about my character texting yours or your character texting mine.
The Circle of Life: my character experiences your character’s death
The Crystal Chamber: my character discovers an ancient historical site with yours.
The Islander: Write about your character visiting an old place for the first time in years. A place from their childhood, where they had their first kiss, just somewhere where they were once happy. 
The Matrix: One of our characters realizes they're not in the real world and tries to convince the other of the truth. Feel free to specify which. 
The Poet And The Pendulum: Write about your character being used and manipulated by another. Asker decides who other character is. 
The Stroke of Midnight: our characters fall in love, but mine is forced to leave suddenly on the day of their meeting.
These Twists and Turns of Fate: your character fulfills a long awaited wish of my character [can be chosen by you, or left for me to decide]
Thighs: Our characters sharing a sensual moment between each others thighs
This is Gonna Be Good: my character learns your character is in fact alive after believing they were long dead.
Thought Suppression: All thoughts are pushed aside, so emotions are ignored during this brief amount of time, to help the muse cope with whatever situation they are currently in. A healthy form of Isolation. 
Tickle Me: my character will tickle yours ruthlessly. 
Time: My character is running late! They are supposed to meet your character at ___________ (fill in the blank) or vise versa. Specify.
Timeshift: I’ll write a drabble about our characters doing to a different time/dimension. specify.
The Four Horsemen: Our characters watching the end of the world.
Toes: My character will leave yours on edge.
Tornado: One of our characters losing control of their temperment on the other 
Torture Me: I’ll write a drabble about your character torturing mine or vise versa.
Touch: My character will touch yours or vice versa in an intimate way   (Muns & muses must be 18)
Traumatic: I’ll write my or your characters going through a traumatic experience.
Treat: Your character and mine being sweet to one another 
Treat Bag: My character sharing something with yours 
Trick: Your character and mine being sneaky together 
Trick Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character tricking your character.
Tricky: Our muses doing something sneaky 
Triolism: I’ll write our characters in a threesome (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Truth: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters telling the truth about something.
Tsunami: One of our characters comforts the one who lost everything 
Turn Loose The Mermaids :- Write about your character letting go of something or someone close to them. 
Unbind Me:  I’ll write a drabble about your character freeing mine: or the other way around: or something among the lines [be it freeing them from jail: from handcuffs: from a trap: from a curse: feel free to specify.] 
Undoing: The muse feels guilty for an unacceptable behavior, thought, or belief, and pursues a sort of atonement through reversing this, and acting in the reverse. This isn’t necessarily adopting a positive behavior to make up a negative behavior, but could happen in the reverse. 
Unicorn: Our characters creating magic (real or imagined) 
Use Me (18+): my character will use yours for their own sexual pleasure. 
Vacation: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters going on a vacation together.
Value Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character telling yours how they feel about them.
Vincilagnia: I’ll write my/your character being tied up by your/my character sexually. (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Visit: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters visiting each other.
Virginity: I will write one of our characters losing their virginity to the other. 
Voyeurism: I’ll write my/your character watching the other having sex/masturbating (Mun & Muse must be 18+)
Wanderlust: Write about your character travelling for the first time and visiting the one place they’ve always wanted to go.
War: Our muses arguing 
Warmth: Our muses doing something fluffy and cute together 
Wash: I’ll write a drabble of our characters showering/bathing together.
Watching: My muse watching yours die 
Wed Me:  I’ll write a drabble about our character under the subject of wedlock [be it my character proposing to yours: or marrying yours: feel free to specify.] 
While Your Lips Are Still Red: Write about your character falling in love at ‘first sight’ but simply admiring the other from afar, too shy to make the first move. 
Whip Me (18+): my character will whip, flog, or other wise hit your character with a sexy toy 
Withdrawal: The muse withdraws from problems as a defense. It involves physical, emotional, or mental retreat, under the fear of being reminded of painful thoughts, feelings, or memories.
X Me:  I will write whatever it is that you wish: [specify.] 
Yahoo Me: I’ll write a drabble about our characters celebrating something [feel free to specify.]
Yes: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters agreeing on something.
Zeus: my character sleeps with yours. 
Zip Me:  I’ll write a drabble about your character dressing mine: or the other way around [this can also be used for shutting them up as well: but feel free to specify.] 
Zombieland: Zombies are overrunning the amusement park our characters our in. One has to save the other from the oncoming horde. Feel free to specify which. 
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capriciousfancies · 12 years
100 Words
Beautiful Words Amorphous: indefinite, shapeless Beguile: deceive Caprice: impulse Cascade: steep waterfall Cashmere: fine, delicate wool Chrysalis: protective covering Cinnamon: an aromatic spice; its soft brown color Coalesce: unite, or fuse Crepuscular: dim, or twilit Crystalline: clear, or sparkling Desultory: half-hearted, meandering Diaphanous: gauzy Dulcet: sweet Ebullient: enthusiastic Effervescent: bubbly Elision: omission Enchanted: charmed Encompass: surround Enrapture: delighted Ephemeral: fleeting Epiphany: revelation Epitome: embodiment of the ideal Ethereal: celestial, unworldly, immaterial Etiquette: proper conduct Evanescent: fleeting Evocative: suggestive Exuberant: abundant, unrestrained, outsize Felicity: happiness, pleasantness Filament: thread, strand Halcyon: care-free Idyllic: contentedly pleasing Incorporeal: without form Incandescent: glowing, radiant, brilliant, zealous Ineffable: indescribable, unspeakable Inexorable: relentless Insouciance: nonchalance Iridescent: luster Languid: slow, listless Lassitude: fatigue Lilt: cheerful or buoyant song or movement Lithe: flexible, graceful Lullaby: soothing song Luminescence: dim chemical or organic light Mellifluous: smooth, sweet Mist: cloudy moisture, or similar literal or virtual obstacle Murmur: soothing sound Myriad: great number Nebulous: indistinct Opulent: ostentatious Penumbra: shade, shroud, fringe Plethora: abundance Quiescent: peaceful Quintessential: most purely representative or typical Radiant: glowing Redolent: aromatic, evocative Resonant: echoing, evocative Resplendent: shining Rhapsodic: intensely emotional Sapphire: rich, deep bluish purple Scintilla: trace Serendipitous: chance Serene: peaceful Somnolent: drowsy, sleep inducing Sonorous: loud, impressive, imposing Spherical: ball-like, globular Sublime: exalted, transcendent Succulent: juicy, tasty, rich Suffuse: flushed, full Susurration: whispering Symphony: harmonious assemblage Talisman: charm, magical device Tessellated: checkered in pattern Tranquility: peacefulness Vestige: trace Zenith: highest point Ugly Words Cacophony: confused noise Cataclysm: flood, catastrophe, upheaval Chafe: irritate, abrade Coarse: common, crude, rough, harsh Cynical: distrustful, self-interested Decrepit: worn-out, run-down Disgust: aversion, distaste Grimace: expression of disgust or pain Grotesque: distorted, bizarre Harangue: rant Hirsute: hairy Hoarse: harsh, grating Leech: parasite, Maladroit: clumsy Mediocre: ordinary, of low quality Obstreperous: noisy, unruly Rancid: offensive, smelly Repugnant: distasteful Repulsive: disgusting Shriek: sharp, screeching sound Shrill: high-pitched sound Shun: avoid, ostracize Slaughter: butcher, carnage Unctuous: smug, ingratiating Visceral: crude, anatomically graphic
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