“Really? Huh. That’s almost sad, fruit is good! Especially when it’s fresh.” She smiled. “I like watermelon the most...”
@deaddemison , cont. 
“Some orange slices, apple slices, grapes, some watermelon. I cut it myself.” She smiles, and sets down the tray on the table closest to him. “I wasn’t sure what you liked.”
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“Oh, shoot...you’re the son of Hades....” She blinked. “...My dad is Hercules. Sorry about the whole my dad beating your dad thing...”
“Oh, hey! You’re one of the new isle kids, right? I’m Zoe, nice to meet you!”
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“Oh, hey! You’re one of the new isle kids, right? I’m Zoe, nice to meet you!”
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Like/reblog for a starter?
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@deaddemison , cont. 
“Some orange slices, apple slices, grapes, some watermelon. I cut it myself.” She smiles, and sets down the tray on the table closest to him. “I wasn’t sure what you liked.”
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Zoe’s blog is open for business! Forget how theres no good theme, I am just very lazy right now
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