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jenroseyokel · 6 years ago
Comfort for the Cold Days
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There's a moment in the turn of the year when you realize you can finally accept the coming cold. I spend the early days of autumn resisting the shortening days (as if I could do anything about it). And sometimes that resistance looks like putting off the annual unpacking of the winter clothes.
Not that there's anything to unpack. They spend the spring and summer in untidy stacks on the top shelf of the closet. In the far corner is halloween costume pieces and Christmas party sweaters. Spread closest to me is a blend of sweatshirts, sweaters, flannel lined jeans, and thick woolen socks.
I don't want to transfer them to my dresser. That feels a little bit like admitting defeat, somehow.
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But this past weekend we took a drive up to Vermont, so unpacking became a necessity. I'd need those layers on the mountain, exploring ski towns, and especially on a below-freezing day trip to Canada, the kind of day when leggings under flannel lined jeans and the comfort of a blanket scarf are non-negotiable.
And what do you know? The cold days win me over again. Oh sure, I guess part of it was being on vacation and knowing snow wouldn't make its way down to the coast for a while. 
But the rain shifting to snow as we drove up the mountain to visit the Von Trapp Lodge (and warm up at their bierhall), the layer of snowfall that built up overnight and froze to crunchiness, the sight of thousands of stars in the cold sky unhindered by our city light pollution... they are heralds of the days to come.
Okay, fine. I'll take it, winter. 
You have your own sort of beauty.
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31 Days is done, but I thought it’d be fun to revisit prompts I missed and fill in the gaps of my Holding Space series. So here’s one for comfort. :) ICYMI, you can read the rest of the series here.
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bravegirlwrites · 7 years ago
What sounds fun to you right now.
Yikes, you guys. Grace, please. That’s all I ask. I meant to write earlier today, but then I got really into carving pumpkins with my kids and somehow the whole afternoon disappeared while I was scooping out slimy guts and making jack-o-lantern magic. (They turned out awesome, by the way). And now it’s late and my mind is done working until tomorrow, so this post is going to be some kind of bullshit. Eh, oh well.
1. an entire day of roaming the aisles of Powell’s bookstore in Portland, Oregon by myself with a gift card worth roughly all the money in the world 2. dancing in downtown Seattle until the wee hours of the morning, preferably to hip hop music and also preferably half drunk so I can feel like I’m really good at it
3. reading a book so good I keep turning the pages even if I’ve had to pee for the last twenty minutes 4. being alone in my house when it’s clean 5. opening up a brand new puzzle that’s just the right amount of hard and sitting down to work on it with a steaming hot cup of tea 6. going for a bike ride 7. cuddling on the couch with my husband while watching an episode or four of Friends 8. taking an art class or a writing class or most any kind of class, really 9. going to watch a comedy show 10. Taco Bell, because eating is fun to me. Sometimes the most fun.
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kimbazee · 7 years ago
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The view from my desk in my library while blogging. To read or follow my blog, click the link in my bio. #write31days #lifeofkim #october #octoberdays #fall #autumn #sunshine #blog #blogger #bloggers #bloglife #blogging #blogginglife #flx #flxfall #fingerlakes #fingerlakesautumn #flxblogger #ilovewhereilive #interlakenny #library #libraryview (at Interlaken, New York)
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nebraskaree-blog · 6 years ago
Christians should care more about...The Environment (#Write31Days)
Christians should care more about…The Environment (#Write31Days)
I became a Christian in a wonderful Texas church with a firm stance on the end times: Jesus is going to rapture His church, beginning 7 years of tribulation during which the earth will be purged of evil, and after which He’ll establish the Millennial Kingdom bringing in a new heaven and a new earth.
I stopped fighting about end times theology a long time ago, but I feel pretty strongly about one…
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chyrll · 6 years ago
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Repost from @amyhale using @RepostRegramApp . I can honestly say that THE single most important thing I learned from Scripture in 2017 was the significance of Genesis 1:26. So grateful for @gretchensaffles “Redefined” Bible study from @wellwateredco that opened my eyes to this truth: I don’t need to search for my calling. I don’t need to pray and ask God to reveal it to me. I don’t need to create or build it myself. If I want to know why I’m here, what I’m supposed to do with my life, I simply need to start at the very beginning of the Bible in Genesis and read. “In the beginning God...”. It starts with HIM. He created me, so I’ll learn more from getting to know HIM better than I will from searching within myself for what I need to know about my purpose. Genesis 1:26 tells us that God said “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness”. There you have it. I was created... and YOU were created to reflect the image of God to a world that can’t see Him. Our “calling” is to show others what He is like. It really is that simple. Funny how we over complicate it. I finally came to understand that while I had been wasting so much time searching for my purpose and researching how to grow my platform, my email list, my online engagement, etc, I was losing sight of my Creator and Father. I learned that when I forget everything except seeking to make Him known to the people in my life ... right in front of me... by the way I walk and talk, God usually directs me to the more unique ways He has gifted me and how He specifically wants me to use those gifts for His glory. He is so good! {day 1/31 days of how God’s Word has changed me} #write31days https://www.instagram.com/p/Boej14vHaqDylLm2EzQNFVRoKBepErucr6JmcI0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8dyeu8iq245j
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alanmoses · 7 years ago
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Happy FRIDAY! WHOOP! Can you believe that I have written a post every day for the past 21 days?!! WHAT?! I have 10 days left in my challenge, and I can’t
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sutanamonaeblog-blog · 7 years ago
So I've Been Sick
So I’ve Been Sick
I absolutely abhor getting sick. I mean who doesn’t really. I don’t think I know anyone in their right mind who says to them self, “Man you know what I could use right now? A huge helping of disease and sickness. That;d definitely make today better.” As a kid growing up I always felt I had to fight to be recognized, acknowledged and even loved at times. I had a friend in 2nd grade who got to stay…
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desert2stream-blog · 7 years ago
Pleased to announce: it's a book!
31 Days of Gleaning with Ruth is here. Buy your copy on Amazon.com and join me on the journey
You can’t see me, but I am jumping up and down and grinning from ear to ear.  A dream has just come true right in time for my 55th birthday!
Yes, I’ve always wanted to do something like publishing a book.  No, I never really expected to see it actually happen.  Of course, it didn’t just happen.  It was a lot of work.  A labor of love born out of my real life journey with Jesus.
31 Days of…
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jenroseyokel · 6 years ago
The Gift of Listening (a Tiny Letter Teaser)
People, there are only TWO days left of October... this is Day 30 of Holding Space: A Write 31 Days Series! What? Today’s prompt is voice and... I’m gonna cheat a little bit / do some evil cross-promotion. (bwahaha) I’m doing the last edits on a new Tiny Letter that will go out tomorrow. And since I didn’t actually write a blog post today, I thought I’d share part of that letter with you right here.
If you want to read the rest, well.... you’ll just have to sign up and check your inbox tomorrow! 😉 For now, here’s the start of a letter about seeking out voices in the noise and what I learned from Hutchmoot about bearing witness to each other’s pain...
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I went for a walk today... probably the first outdoor walk alone I've taken all month? Yes, I think that's right. As the days of October ticked by, I've driven from home to work, home to coffee shops (to do more work), home to the grocery store, home to events. And somehow one of my favorite months has become a string of things.... all good things. But things that distract me from listening. And it's funny, because listening has been a theme I return to again and again this year.
The world is full of noise. I don't need to tell you that. You feel it in the air, you see it on Twitter and Facebook. It's even hard to find a waiting room, a restaurant, a hotel lobby that doesn't have a television blaring the news at you. It's hard to find the quiet. I'm a big advocate of unplugging from the noise and seeking quiet, but this is not going to be about why you should ditch Facebook and Twitter for a month. This is actually about seeking voices. Digging through the noise. Tuning in to the signals, particularly the ones that don't speak your native language.
Let's go back to the start of October: Hutchmoot. I love this weekend. I love that there's no agenda for the visitors, that there's a lot of room to take what you need and leave the rest. If I'm honest, this year's Hutchmoot was a hard one -- it was a quick in and out of Nashville. There were many people I wanted to talk to and missed. And on top of all that, the seasonal change at home was putting me in a slight funk. I wanted to be invisible. I felt like I had nothing to give. During the opening concert on Thursday night, I ducked out of the sanctuary and hid in the bathroom long enough that my mom came looking for me, just to make sure I was okay. I didn't have a session to lead this year... only co-hosting poetry open mics with Chris. So in that way, it was the perfect year to simply receive. And if Hutchmoot is what you make of it, 2018's was, for me, a weekend about listening.
There’s a lot more where that came from... sign up for my Tiny Letter and check your inbox tomorrow! :)
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bravegirlwrites · 7 years ago
The three people (living or dead) you would invite to a dinner party.
First things first. Scratch the dinner party. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for inviting people into my home to share a meal together. It’s just that I’m more of a paper plates and takeout kind of girl, and if I’ve been given the power to raise the dead for this little soiree, I think it’s safe to assume I can also opt for a coffee table strewn with pizza boxes instead of something more formal. Fingers crossed the guests don’t mind.
Emily Dickinson is first on my list. A thousand times over. (Insert lengthy pause while I struggle to find words suitable to describe my love for her here). I’m serious, you guys, I’m obsessed. I love poetry because of Emily Dickinson. I know what it is to read words crafted by someone else’s hand and find bits of my soul that have never before been named because of Emily Dickinson. She was a genius and a visionary, a beautiful gift of a person. Also, she was familiar with pain and a lot of it was tied into her relationship with her mother. In a letter penned to one of her many literary mentors she once said, “I never had a mother. I suppose a mother is one to whom you hurry when you are troubled.” So yeah, we’d have a lot to talk about.
I’d also ask Peter to join us. You know, the one from the Bible. His story is one of radical change and I think it’s absolutely fascinating. Peter left everything behind to follow Jesus, only to eventually deny Him three times over, and then he ended up being one of the boldest preachers of all time. He was a straight up emotional roller coaster and so again, quite a bit to talk about.
Lastly, I‘d invite my younger self, my inner child. After welcoming her with warm, open arms, I would make sure she got the most comfy spot on the couch and had her fill of the cheesiest slices. And then I’d give her every bit of love I’ve fought to find inside of me. She’d have my full attention. I’d hold her and tell her she was beautiful exactly the way she was, that she was created by a God who called her good and only wanted her to be herself. I would tell her that it was all going to be okay, that she was so much stronger and braver than she could imagine and that one day she’d find Love.
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kimbazee · 7 years ago
Day 24: All Day Short
Day 24: All Day Short
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The iPhone woke my sleepy self up at 7 this morning. I’m never a morning person, so knowing the misery of rising before the sun in the dark and cold was affecting most other people in our time zone, especially my kids getting ready for school, made it slightly easier. I had an 8AM hair appointment with Penny, my dear friend who has done my hair since I was nine years old. That means during the…
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vannadee37 · 7 years ago
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Haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd let you know that my #blogtober2017 recap is up on my blog now. Have a wonderful Saturday! #GreenAcresMeetsParis #citygirlinthecountry #mylifethisyear #write31days #bloggersofinstagram #easttennesseeblogger #tennesseeblogger #knoxvilleblogger #bloggerstyle
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melanieyaya · 7 years ago
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Day 19: What's Broken? #write31days #write31days2017 #tbt #writersofinstagram (link in profile)
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pinkchairfr · 7 years ago
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#Pinkchair Melissa Mulvaney
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letthegamebegin · 2 years ago
Küchenutensilien für Bauernhäuser
Oh mein Gott! Ich kann nicht glauben, dass ich die erste Woche meiner #write31days Challenge geschafft habe!
Und ich kann auch glauben, dass ich eigentlich an einem Samstag einen Beitrag schreibe. Das ist selten in diesen Gegenden. :)
Aber an den nächsten vier Samstagen werden wir uns auf verschiedene Räume unserer Häuser konzentrieren und diskutieren, wie wir den Bauernhaus-Look in jeden bringen können.
Heute beginnen wir mit der KÜCHE.
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agent-fitz · 7 years ago
#Write31Days - Day 11
#Write31Days – Day 11
1/11/18 – “Thanks” Author’s Note: First of all, I want to apologize because I am running a couple days behind on posting these. I’ll be posting more to catch up again. Now, about today’s post. I wrote a poem for the word “thanks,” but it ended up being very private and sensitive, and so I’ve decided not to make it public at this time. I didn’t want to force anything from the word “thanks” that…
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