tatsueigo · 2 years
You can't see love, you can feel it
Fandom: All Elite Wrestling
Pairing: Jon Moxley/Wheeler Yuta
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Prompt: @wrestleprompts Week 2: "It was you the whole time"
Wordcount: 2154 words
AN: Sorry for being late, but the week has been bad and I wasn't able to finish it sooner.
It's a 5+1 fic, 5 times in which Jon does something gentle for Wheeler and the latter thinking it was one of the others. The one time Wheeler finally understood it had been Jon the whole time.
AO3 link: You can't see love, you can feel it
Lately strange things had been happening to Wheeler. The very first time he noticed something strange, was as he got back to the Best Friends' locker room after his match against Bryan Danielson. The second time instead, he had been in Blackpool Combat Club since ten days, but he still wasn't accustomed to the change of pace in the trainings. The third time he had rested because of a headache, the fourth time it had been before he had departed to fly to Japan. The last time instead, he had been down with the flu.
"Guys, do you think someone sneaked in here? You all were ringside for my match, so how is it possible that there is an ice pack on my bag?"
Wheeler reached a hand to move it and hopefully find a clue on who it may have been, but he found nothing. He glanced over at his stablemates, but neither of them seemed to know anything about that. It was really strange, but he still decided to apply it to his right shoulder, getting help from Chuck to wrap it around, so it would stay in place. He stood up, determined to go to catering to take something to eat, like a protein bar or something like that. It didn't matter to him that he was still half naked and sweaty, he had to wait at least twenty minutes before he could take the ice pack off.
Jon Moxley, the actual guy who had done that sweet gesture, looked amazed at the black haired guy, as soon as he got to catering. He seemed so interesting to his eyes, wrestling and personal wise. That was the reason he had agreed on by wanting someone like him in their stable and everything seemed to be going according to their plans.
"Jon, come on! Don't stay there, looking int-" Bryan had finally found him: they were about to go back to the hotel, since he had showered and Jon himself wasn't set to have a match or promo.
"Hush, Bry. You and Lordship can go ahead, I'll stay here a bit longer." Jon didn't leave him the time to finish his sentence, without averting his gaze from Wheeler.
"What or who is so important that you want to stay here, mh?" The American Dragon followed his gaze, finally recognizing the wrestler he had just won against and soon-to-be protegè. "Oh... Wait, did you leave him the ice pack? You are suddenly so soft, Jon." Bryan teased him, giggling.
"Fuck you, Bry, it wasn't me." Even by denying, there was a hint of a blush on his cheeks.
"And... you are blushing." The giggle became even more, making Jon only more irritated than he already was.
"You stop it, Bry, or else..." Jon flipped him off, hissing at the mocking.
2. "Lordship, can I have some suggestions over teas I could prepare for our young boy?" Jon scratched the back of his head: Wheeler had been with them for ten days now, sometimes all three of them would put him through so much hard training that the 25 years old would just crash in bed and rest a bit. Their training was definitely harder than Best Friends' and it was clear he still wasn't accustomed to it.
"He normally drinks fruit tea, I have bought him some Cherry Blossom tea, you could try to make him that one. It should remember him of Japan, so he should like it." William looked at him baffled: ever since that boy had entered their stable, Jon had been very considerate of him. It was quite remarkable how much he cared about young Wheeler.
Jon nodded and thanked him, before going to the kitchen and prepare the tea, which he easily found in Regal's collection. The old man probably had the hugest tea collection in the whole world and he could probably go to the Guinnes World Record. When it was ready, he went upstairs with it, entering Wheeler's room silently and left it on the nightstand. Wheeler would surely never think it was him, it was more likely he would thank William for it.
Wheeler woke up not too long after, the smell of Cherry Blossoms invading his nostrils. Still half asleep, he turned his head and noticed a cup of tea. This time too, no note whatsoever, but given how much William liked tea, he was almost sure it had been him. He took the cup in his hands, gulping down some of the beverage, humming happily. He had taken the right choice by asking to enter that stable: he felt really at home there, they were mean with him during training, but it was for his own sake and to forge him into a better wrestler.
Drinking the tea woke him up a bit more, so that he decided to stand up and reach the others downstairs. In the kitchen he first noticed their Lordship, who was busy cutting some vegetables.
"Thank you for the tea, Lordship." Wheeler mumbled, sitting at the kitchen aisle.
"You are welcome Sunshine." William smiled and covered Jon, who surely had an explanation as to why it had to seem like wasn't him.
3. "Guys, I'm going to lay down in my room for a bit. My head is aching way too much right now. Can any of you wake me up for training, should I be late?" Wheeler hated the headaches he sometimes got, but the best he could do was lay in bed and rest. Still, he didn't want to miss training, even if he maybe should.
"Go rest for a bit, sunshine, I'll make sure to have one of them call you in that case."
Jon perked his head up as he heard those words; it was strange, but from the very first match they had, he waqs feeling kinda strange towards Wheeler. Jon was slowly feeling more and more attracted by him and he always felt the urge to do something for him. Jon stood up from his chair, searching in the meds cabinet for some pain meds. He grinned when he found some Tylenol, which would hopefully help the young boy out. He waited at least ten minutes before he got upstairs, Tylenol in one hand, a glass of water in the other. Only after making sure Wheeler was sound asleep, he silently entered the room and left everything on the nightstand. He slightly caressed his black hair for some seconds, before going to the door. Once there, he stopped, murmuring quietly.
"Sleep tight, young boy."
Wheeler opened his eyes after one hour, had to blink many times to focus on what was on his nightstand. A little smile appeared on his lips, as he thought it might have been Claudio. The Swiss had joined them not long before and had directly taken him under his wings. The newcomer was always so gentle and caring after all. After taking the meds he joined his stablemates in the living room, sitting next to Claudio.
"Thank you for leaving me the Tylenol, Claudio."
"You are welcome Yoots, hope it helps." Claudio shot a glare at Jon, who had previously disappeared and now seemed relieved, but recieved only a shrug in exchange.
4. It was about time: Wheeler would fly to Japan the following day to stay there almost one month to take part in the Best of Super Junior Tournament. For as much as Jon was proud of their youngest member, he already knew he would miss him. He had seen him leaving his backpack in the kitchen and go to sleep, so he hadn't waisted time to find some vegetables in the fridge - no, actually veggie's snacks Bryan probably still didn't finish - he smirked taking like five of them, which he put in Wheeler's backpack, before going to sleep too.
Wheeler didn't notice anything strange until he was at the airport, waiting to catch his flight, while searching for his kindle. He smiled as he noticed the snacks and gasped, sending a message to Bryan.
-Thank you for the healthy veggie snacks, Dragon! - He just loved how considerate his teammates were of him. In Blackpool Combat Club everything was so different...
-Gotta be sure you have enough for the travel, Wheeler. - Bryan grinned towards Jon: would he really still deny it was him? Did he really think they would never understand?
"Shut up Bry, whatever you are thinking, it's a no." Jon growled at him.
"You'll admit it one day, Jon."
5. If there was something Wheeler hated, was being sick. Being sick during Sakura blossom season was even worse for him.
"We are about to go, Sunshine. Should you need something, don't hesitate on calling me. Take this Tylenol and make sure you rest plenty."
William, as well as the others, was a bit concerned, but they weren't plannin on staying out too much. While out, they took some groceries, together with more meds for young Wheeler. Jon avoided entering the supermarket, since he didn't like to stay in small crowded places. He waited outside, pacing around a bit, until he noticed a particular tree which had probably blossomed the day before. He found some branches on the floor, which he took and carefully put in the bag he had with him, with the hope they wouldn't break.
As they finally got back home, Jon disappeared upstairs, ready to leave the branches on Wheeler's cushion, next to his head. After doing that, he left him a kiss on the hot forehead. This time he hid behind the almost closed door, peeking in, curious. The young boy - his young boy - seemed to be able to sleep peacefully and that kinda relieved Jon. Jon who was still feeling the urgeof laying there with him, hold him in his arms and just cuddle. He had never felt like that with anyone else before and he wasn't even sure what to do about it.
It didn't take much time before there was some movement from Wheeler, who slowly woke back up, looking confused. When he crashed into bed he was sure there weren't branches of any type over his cushion. He took one of them and nuzzled it, inhaling the scent of cherry coming from it. He smiled happily, the smell calming him fully down. Wheeler's thoughts went to Bryan, who was good at gardening: maybe it had been him?
+1 It was movie night in the BCC house: Wheeler was sitting between Jon and Bryan, while Claudio and William were sitting on individual sofas.
They had settled to watching an action movie, leaving some comments here and there. Wheeler looked at his Lordship and his stablemates, deciding to test something; he wanted to see if he could find out who had been leaving him all those things in the past, who was so caring of him. He wasn't sure it had really been each of them, maybe it had been just one the whole time.
Given that Claudio had joined them way after the first episode happened, it was most unlikely it was him. During the movie he settled himself as comfortably as he could, letting his head fall on Jon's shoulder, snoring slightly after a bit. He wasn't really asleep, he just wanted to test and see who of them would bring him upstairs to his bed. The others all looked at him as they heard the first snore, smiles on all their lips. They had had hard training sessions that day, so it was no wonder that their youngest member had fallen asleep. The end of the movie wasn't that far away, so before worrying about who would bring him to bed, they watched it to the end, at a low volume to not wake him up.
"Who should bring him upstairs?" Asked Claudio as he stood up and stretched.
"I can do it. Good night y'all."
Jon decided to ignore all the gazes he could feel on his back as he stood up, Wheeler bridal style in his arms and got upstairs. He was so focused on not tripping on the stairs, that he didn't notice the grin Wheeler had. Laying him down, Jon ruffled his hair and only when he was about to go, Wheeler opened his eyes and stopped him by grabbing his right hand.
"So it was you all this time, Jon?" Wheeler wasn't angry, he just wanted the truth. He would be more than happy if he was right.
"I..." Jon blushed a bit, not able to keep the secret anymore. "Yes, it was me all along. I started growing interest on you from the first match we had against each other." He admitted, sitting next to him.
"You did a great job to hide it, I wouldn't have expected it was you and I am positively surprised. Thank you for taking always so much care of me, Jon."
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