#wrestle peter pan 2023
busaikuknee · 1 year
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kopw · 1 year
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realgraps · 2 months
feeling weirdly emotional about this year’s wrestle peter pan,,, truly can’t believe it’s been almost a year since i started keeping up with ddt
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kensukeoffice · 3 months
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el desperado and daisuke sasaki at wrestle peter pan 2023.
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fallynleaf · 26 days
took another unintentional tumblr hiatus because i've been extremely busy doing irl activism for most of the past year, but especially over the past 6 months. it has been really stressful and scary at times, and i'm not really cut out for it at all, but i've been trying to do my best to learn on the job so to speak. i can't talk too much about that here though lol so my life probably won't seem that exciting just from reading this post fgkjhdh
some other life updates:
finished reading the tanka book in Japanese! i wrote several poems, including one for Hyper Misao's produce show (and yes she did in fact see my poems on twitter!)
started learning Palestinian Arabic with a few local Palestinian friends after seeing this post on twitter! i'm still continuing to study Spanish and Japanese, though i've scaled back a bit on those because i'm pretty solidly intermediate in both so i can maintain them just by reading and listening to media in the language. Arabic was always kind of vaguely the third language i wanted to learn after Spanish and Japanese (i think i listed it in every single "if you could instantly learn 5 languages, what would they be?" posts on here lol), and so i ended up going for it when the opportunity to learn it presented itself. no idea how far i'll get, but even knowing a little bit has been very rewarding
our Arabic lessons are currently on hold due to irl stuff on our end, and i worry every day that we won't be able to resume them due to the West Bank being invaded...
started playing my first VN, Umineko: When They Cry, after being a lifelong hater of the medium lol. i'm playing it in Japanese along with our book club here on the WK forum
had several extremely bad depressive episodes and strongly considered killing myself. the only thing that has really stopped me so far is knowing that Palestine needs me to be alive rn
almost quit watching pro wrestling, translating TJPW, and studying Japanese entirely. i had made up my mind to retire as a fan translator (and as a pro wrestling fan, period) after Nao Kakuta's retirement, but then a few days before that show i watched DDT Wrestle Peter Pan, and Kota Ibushi came back to DDT for the first time in like eight years, and i cried my eyes out and knew i couldn't quit yet
reached my TJPW translation account's two year debut anniversary
i'm going to try to be around a bit more going forward, and will try to go back and catch up on at least some of the stuff i missed (i still have a bunch of old posts from 2023 left to read lol)
hope y'all have all been well! life has been pretty bleak for me for quite some time, so i'm kind of barely holding on. but i do miss seeing what my friends have been up to here, and i hope the world has been kinder to you than it has been to me
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dontchopmebro · 8 months
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I am so normal about Takeshita v Ueno at Wrestle Peter Pan 2023
part 1/2
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schadentekkers · 7 months
HI JACKIE! FMK the secret Tokyo besties crew: Chris Brookes, ELP, Zack?
Also do you have a favourite Chris Brookes match rec?
HI IZZY !! AGHHHH... in theory this is easy for me, but it will involve a lot of guilt. fuck chris, marry zack, kill elp </3
when i think about a fav chrissy b match the first one that comes to mind is his match against ueno at ultimate party 2023 but i feel like i beat that rec into the ground.. so another fun one that i love is chris and jun kasai vs mao and shunma at wrestle peter pan 2021 ! (it is deathmatch-y, just as a warning for those not into that)
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sana-yan · 2 years
fantasy booking/meta post-nj cup 2023;
!! spoilers under cut ↴
following his big njcup win, i would love to see sanada get strapped with the belt. it's a similar beat to okada, 2016 naito (sanada's debut!!), EVIL (*sighs in missed opportunities*), and ospreay. if njpw is going all-in on SANADA, and they should considering he's taken up the niche that was once kota's, they need to give him legitimacy.
i think we can foresee a reign with a lot of changeover, but i'd like for SANADA to have at least a handful of solid defences against challengers -- he has a great set of rivals now that he's in the same "league" as them: okada, ZSJ (!!!!!!!!!), naito, EVIL (*sighs in future missed opportunities*), pwnoah's soya, shingo, and ospreay (!!)
with taichi by his side, they might even tease a short tag team run too. dangerous skulls, let's goo
all in all, a great showing from sana-yan and he has a lot to show.
on OKADA & chaos;
okada's due for a changeup and i think that his recent aggression with his own stablemates and looking to milf ace tanahashi could be interesting to play into, especially since chaos hasn't been a unit lately. robbie's quiet defection into tmdk has had no effect on his stablemates, which is always kind of disappointing but at this point; what is chaos? chaos during the nakamura leadership felt more cohesive, just a couple of lads doing their thing, but since okada has moved onto greener pastures, the group as a whole feels aimless in the story they're telling together.
people might dislike bullet club drama but at least the players are trying to make a script that involves everyone. :/ chaos as of late only get together to film a ytr dvd
which is why okada's tag match against bishamon was super cool! he went all heelish on them to the point where it's like -- kazu, those are your stablemates, mate, you have to see them later after the match -- if they pull the trigger on okada breaking up chaos (instead of another chaos defection) or his stablemates worrying about his recent attitude change and challenging him, that would be a fresh take on a severely underdeveloped stable as of late
on STRONG STYLE (ren, szk, despy);
what did they do to my beautiful boy desperado.......... i hate cheap mask removal spots, especially with despy. it just pains me this is where he is at when he's elevated the jr.'s scene while hiromu was injured for so long. now that he's down in the muck with h.o.t. on the undercard, that signals his contract might be a freelancer's (see also suzuki).
i am torn because despy is a very versatile wrestler and he will be a crowd fave for this year's wrestle peter pan, but i hate that his home promotion in njpw didn't give him the big win over hiromu. (bosj 27 kicked ass btw so if you haven't seen it, i strongly recommend thistle's watch guide here.) maybe he's taking matters into his own hands and raising his value in other promotions, but it saddens me that they'd resort to unmasking him like that when bosj 27's unmasking scene was story-laden and signified a big moment.
SHO is a funny lad and all but this felt such a disservice to have h.o.t. beat down ren and despy. what happened to their tag partners, taguchi and yano? where did they escape to? this is the issue i have with njpw face factions such as hontai. if they're faces, shouldn't they try to help ren and despy?
ren has the opposite throughline to shota and i'm sensing some darker edge to him which has got me fantasy booking like crazy. if the honorable fighter style of his mentor, shibata, didn't work, why not fall into the darker desires to finally defeat h.o.t.?
with suzuki-san and despy supposedly out of new japan's main scene for the time being, it sure would be interesting if ren went to the other fighter with ties to shibata who isn't afraid to get sadistic to win... aka give me the shibata-kenta lovechild ren narita. son of strong style gone dark with KENTA as his new influence. KENTA's been talking on about how ren is shibata's clone, so it wouldn't be a stretch to give ren backup just to spite shibata and also because elp hates h.o.t.
ren, elp, and KENTA vs h.o.t. doesn't sound too bad, depending on how bullet club is going to fracture following debbie-chan's loss this tournament. the never trios have gone down in quality, so adding KENTA's star power and elp's surge of popularity could elevate the trios scene, as well as give ren some more charisma with the crowd that shota is surfing on.
i think suzuki is going over KENTA in their upcoming match. suzuki wants to work more in the US and him holding the strong belt is good branding for the njpw strong show.
on TAICHI & J5G;
taichi, my beloved
that is all
nah, nah, i'll do a more focused meta on the breakdown of taichi's character someday but i'll say that this era of "kingmaker taichi" is a logical progression of his character. while j5g has no leader (based communist stable lmao), it's clear that the "emotional leader" is taichi.
i expect to see more of douki and kanemaru in bosj, and of course, for SANADA to be heavily protected (as he should! that's their ace!) in upcoming matches. while i will weep with a heavy heart at our holy emperor might be staring up at the house lights like TAKA, he has a "kenta kobashi"-lite underdog grit that i think that his losses only further develop his character and won't cool him off that easy. his backstage promos are witty, and the moments where he heavily blames himself for not being up to the standard of his partnering ace (milano, ZSJ, and hopefully sana-yan) signify the character's hardships. he also gets the crowd going hot when he's doing his mid-to-late match fire ups. idk if the man behind taichi just binge-watched a lot of classic ajpw and king's road but i am all for it. he's got kingston-like vibes but instead of addressing his enemies, he's addressing his friends.
i don't expect j5g to suddenly dominate the scene, but i hope we get a kobashi type payoff for taichi and douki like we just had with sana-yan.
on TMDK;
this pains me to say but imo tmdk are the least interesting active stable as a whole. individually, zsj + fujita is great, but the way that tmdk formed its group feels rushed and out of the blue to the majority of the crowd who didn't know the wrestlers had connections from way back. i know those two other dudes are zack's best pub lads but comparing them to the the presentation of early united empire, they don't stand out for me much. robbie relocating to tmdk might be a good move since chaos is... chaos... however, just like zack's induction in the group, i wish their major beats wasn't skipped or spedrun.
i guess they'll say that zack's lads talked with robbie at tamashii in australia? the others should try to find something to grip onto outside of relying on zsj's popularity and his current storyline with fujita vs the spurned young lions. i hope they can turn it around. i don't really enjoy eagles as a performer and i'm holding on for the payoff to the zsj story, but without an interesting storyline, this is low on my priorities. perhaps a full faction vs faction feud can spice up tmdk outside of shota vs zack for the tv belt.
on UE;
aussie open are perfect lads!! njcup was their place to shine, and they did rightfully so. i adore big men such as dunky, the stan hansen comparisons are appropriate, and kyle's little brother vibes mesh well with the cockiness of the UE. hoping they get a good rivalry with bishamon. while i'm not high on catch 22, i love cobb, o-khan, and henare's trios bond. tbh i am not as invested in ospreay's journey vs kenny, but i am excited for potential matchups with sanada, taichi, and okada.
on BOSJ :(;
as pointed out earlier, despy is out. :(
if hiromu's goal, and njpw's goal, is to elevate the jr.'s scene as much as liger did back in the day, they can't have hiromu dominating this field so much. liger's time felt amazing because they built up great rivals for him (naoki sano, wild pegasus).
the parallels with okada are fine and all but because njpw devalued so many of hiromu's rivals, i'm not as invested in the scene anymore, which is wild since the jr.'s scene is what made me subscribe in the first place.
the most i can hope for is douki to advance far and for new fresh blood to join this year's tourney.
i am so glad debbie-chan lost because this added pressure to the angle is what they needed to differentiate it from previous power struggle storylines. before, it was leader vs leader or mini factions within bullet club duking it out with each other, but now this feels more like an ideology of who and what bullet club should be and aspire to do.
as unhelpful as chase is with his "both sides have a point" schtick, elp's focus on bullet club and finlay's focus on bullet club will determine the post-jay white era. i have mentioned it in previous posts but wishing for jay white to return won't help to revitalize the club as a whole. bullet club merch moved because the leader was getting belts and wins, and jay advocated for himself a lot. cheating as well, same with breaking the pace, and cooling off the crowd. all of these are great and they work for jay.
but people seem to have recency bias. jay wasn't universally respected or beloved when he positioned himself as the new leader. a lot of people hated him because he wasn't kenny omega, the best bout machine workhorse. we're seeing it again with finlay.
i think gedo knows that recreating jay will never get finlay over. he's harkening back to the workhorse heel like late aj styles and heavyweight kenny omega. i think that's the best foot forward in a post-jay vacuum.
i flung this idea around before but i would not be opposed to finlay cleaning house and replacing who he thinks are "soft" with the bc rogue army at tamashii. they are fierce and vicious. not only are they based in australia, making it easier to bring them, maybe ace austin and chris bey will be in this upcoming bosj, making it a numbers game between those who side with elp and those who side with finlay.
on ELP;
i love this cheeky little jevil (jester/devil) and unlike the popular takes, i don't want him to go pure babyface. i know he can, but he shines the most as a smarmy tweener-heel who loves derailing the match. only he can pull off his petty tactics without getting "go home" chants from the crowd.
if not in bc proper, it wouldn't hurt to put him in more tweener or other heel factions. i know for sure i do not want him in lij, his beef with shingo works best as it is, and chaos is dead in the water. with how njpw strong is being remade, and my unbidden bias for the filthmeister, i'm going to throw a curveball and fantasize about a team filthy!elp. team filthy is small enough for elp to have a bigger spotlight and also raise the brand of strong to the audience. also i really like tom lawlor and want to see him and royce more in japan lmao
bishamon vs ao: gonna be a banger
hiromu vs eagles: ngl, if they don't amp up the story, it'll be a forgettable fued. while it'll be no doubt, flashy af, if it doesn't rejuvenate a "lolhiromuwins" scene, the jr.'s are kind of bland. i actually thought lio rush was a perfect foil to hiromu as a rival b (with despy being rival a), and he'd be sorely missed. a draw between the two would have been very rare but also very awesome. others have brought up KUSHIDA to challenge hiromu because i think it'll be a hiromu win at skr gen 2023, but i think if they want to move the jr.'s forward, they're going to have to bring in new beats to old rivalries, or new rivals altogether. i don't think eagles has it in yet, but i am always looking forward to be proven wrong, so i hope the build to this is good for both wrestlers.
okada vs sanada; ngl their feuds have not been up to par with sana-yan's previous persona, but if njpw keeps these matches shorter, this okada vs sanada could really be truly worthy of moty. i personally would love to see sanada winning, with more borrowed new moves added to his set, but i won't be surprised if okada goes over. i'll keep a close eye on both competitors because now this match up finally has a dramatic gravitas.
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shotaumino · 3 months
Back at it again with more wrestle peter pan 2023.
Wish I knew the backstory to this eruption v harimao match because the tears are flowing.
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Matt Cardona Wins DDT Universal Title And Says He Taking Over The World Of Wrestling
Feedzy Read More  By /July 23, 2023 7:03 pm EST Matt Cardona became the new DDT Universal Champion on Sunday, July 23 at the DDT Pro Wrestling event, Wrestle Peter Pan. Cardona became the new champion after he defeated Tetsuya Endo. As a result of his victory, Cardona now holds seven different championships, including the House of Glory Heavyweight Championship, the Squared Circle Expo Title,…
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busaikuknee · 1 year
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kopw · 1 year
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
TWD S10 Theories
**Just updating my S10 Index. Feel free to ignore. 😉**
ABIBEL and What Points to S10 06/11/2019
3 Recent Pieces of TD Hope 06/12/2019
Gauging Beth’s Template by Slabtown Clocks 06/14/2019
Ties Between Wolves, Whisperers & Sirius 06/26/2019
How 5x09 Points to S10 07/10/2019
Shipwreck Spoilers for S10 07/17/2019
TWD S10 Trailer Analysis 07/23/2019
S10 Preview Show Analysis 08/13/2019
10x01: Lines We Cross
10x01: First Thoughts 10/07/2019
10x01: What the Structure Foreshadows 10/08/2019
10x01: Details 10/10/2019
Radiation Theory: Connecting Grady to Coming Arcs 10/11/2019
Predictions: The Sequence Leading to Beth (Hinted in 10x01) 10/12/2019
10x02: We Are the End of the World
10x02: First Thoughts 10/14/2019
10x02: Details 10/15/2019
10x03: Ghosts
10x03: First Thoughts 10/20/2019
10x03: Details 10/22/2019
Song Analysis: Care of Cell 44 + TTD 10/23/2019
Ask: Carol’s Dream of Daryl and Henry 08/25/2023
10x04: Silence the Whisperers 
10x04: First Thoughts 10/27/2019
Thought and Predictions on What Happens Next 10/30/2019
10x05: What It Always Is 
10x05: First Thoughts 11/03/2019
10x05: Details 11/05/2019
10x06: Bonds 
10x06: First Thoughts 11/10/2019
10x06: Details 11/12/2019
Acorn Symbolism: Romance, Promises and Peter Pan 11/15/2019
The Road to Emmaus Painting 11/21/2019
10x07: Open Your Eyes
10x07: First Thoughts 11/18/2019
Song Lyric Analysis: Back Alive by Delta Rae 11/22/2019
10x08: The World Before
10x08: First Thoughts 11/24/2019
10x08: Details 11/26/2019
Ties Between Carl’s Death, Siddiqu’s Beth, and Beth’s Return 11/27/2019
The Meaning of T.M.: King Arthur Template 12/02/2019
10x09: Squeeze
The Bird Cage Symbol 02/19/2020
10x09: First Thoughts 02/23/2020
10x09: Details 02/25/2020
Daryl = Light at the End of the Tunnel Theme 02/26/2020
10x10: Stalker
10x10: First Thoughts 03/01/2020
10x10: Details 03/03/2020
10x11: Morning Star
10x11: First Thoughts 03/08/2020
10x11: Details 03/10/2020
10x12: Walk With Us
10x12: First Thoughts 03/15/2020
10x12: Details 03/17/2020
10x13: What We Become
110x13: First Thoughts 03/22/2020
10x13: Details 03/24/2020
10x14: Look at the Flowers
10x14: First Thoughts 03/29/2020
10x14: Character Journeys 03/31/2020
10x14: Details 04/01/2020
10x15: The Tower
10x15: First Thoughts 04/05/2020
10x15: Details 04/08/2020
Nothing Can Take the Place of Someone You Love Being Gone 02/20/2021
10x16: A Certain Doom
10x16: First Analysis (Broad) 10/04/2020
10x16: Details and Dialogue 10/06/2020
10x16: TTD - Suspicious Hints 10/09/2020
Bonus Episodes:
Predictions and Spoilers for Bonus Episodes:
Leah Meltdown Posts and Asks
Daryl and Carol Strained Relationship = S5 02/18/2021
Daryl and Beth Hookup theory 02/20/2021
Connie Using Daryl’s Crossbow 02/20/2021
Thomas Mallory as a Template 02/20/2021
More Spoilers! (10x17, 10x18) 02/16/2021
10x17: Home Sweet Home
10x17: First Thoughts 02/28/2021
10x17: Details 03/02/2021
10x17: You Want it Darker Lyrics 03/03/2021
Ask About Maggie Saying Beth’s Name 03/05/2021
Ask: Shipping Containers in 10x17 03/07/2021
Ask: Hershel Jr. and Sun Tarot Card 03/07/2021
10x18: Find Me
Jacob Wrestled with an Angel (GaladrielJones) 2/17/21
Preliminary Thoughts on 10x18 03/04/2021
More Preliminary Thoughts (Via Ask) 03/05/2021
10x18: Bethyl Template Part 1 03/07/2021
10x18: Bethyl Template Part 2 03/07/2021
10x18: 99% Sure Leah is a Hallucination 03/08/2021
10x18: TTD Clues 03/10/2021
Beth’s Knife Vs. Leah’s Knife (frangipanilove) 3/19/2021
Spoon Clues in 10x18 04/15/2021
Bell Symbolism 02/16/2021
Leah Spoiler Meltdown Posts and Asks
10x19: One More
10x19: One More - Analysis 03/14/2021
10x19: More Things Pointing to Beth’s Imminent Return 03/16/2021
10x19: Clocks + 4/4 Theory 3/19/2021
10x20: Splintered
10x20: Analysis 03/21/2021
10x20: Details 03/23/2021
10x21: Diverged
10x21: First Analysis 03/28/2021
10x21: Details 03/30/2021
TTD for 10x21 03/31/2021
10x22: Here’s Negan
10x22: Beth Doesn’t Show Up 04/01/2021
10x22: First Thoughts 04/05/2021
10x22: Details 04/06/2021
10x22: TTD and Musical References 04/07/2021
Music From S10:
Song Analysis: Care of Cell 44 + TTD 10/23/2019
Song Lyric Analysis: Heaven I know by Gordi 11/06/2019
Song Lyric Analysis: Back Alive by Delta Rae 11/22/2019
How Emily’s Song Fits Into TD Symbolism 11/08/2019
10x17: You Want it Darker Lyrics 03/03/2021
10x22: TTD and Musical References 04/07/2021
Predictions: The Sequence Leading to Beth (Hinted in 10x01) 10/12/2019
Predictions and Musings for 10b 02/27/2020
Predictions: How 7x08 Foreshadowed S10-S15 03/26/2020
Predictions: How 6a Foreshadowed Beth’s Return in S10/11 04/28/2020
6 Extra Episodes in S10! This May Be What We’ve Been Waiting For! 07/26/2020
Lauren Cohan and the Six Bonus Episodes 09/22/2020
Immunity in FTWD 09/23/2020
Coda, Spoilers and Music Videos 09/26/2020
Hints of Beth in the CRM War From 5x09 02/01/2021
Daryl and Carol S5 Template 10/01/2019
5x10 as a Foreshadow of the Arc in Which Beth Will Appear 10/05/2019
Radiation Theory: Connecting Grady to Coming Arcs 10/11/2019
New Thoughts on Inmates 4x10 10/17/2019
Song Analysis: Care of Cell 44 + TTD 10/23/2019
S10 New Opening Credits 10/24/2019
New Musings on Terminus 10/25/2019
Thought and Predictions on What Happens Next 10/30/2019 
Tarot Card Confirmation 11/01/2019
How Emily’s Song Fits Into TD Symbolism 11/08/2019
A Landslide of Promotion for Emily/Beth 11/19/2019
Ties Between Carl’s Death, Siddiq’s Beth, and Beth’s Return 11/27/2019
AMC Bios That Prove Bethyl is Canon 11/28/2019
Episodic Patterns for Episodes 8, 9, & 10 11/29/2019
The Meaning of T.M.: King Arthur Template 12/02/2019
Arcs From Episode 10 to Episode 10 12/04/2019
Thoughts on the Thanksgiving Painting 12/09/2019
More Suspicious Articles About Beth 01/06/2020
Daryl Tried to Bury Beth at a White Church 01/10/2020
Articles About Coming Limited Series 01/15/2020
Clues for 10b 01/27/2020
Shocking New Trading Card 02/03/2020
Source of Nicotero’s 800 Walkers Quote 02/12/2020
The Bird Cage Symbol 02/19/2020
Daryl = Light at the End of the Tunnel Theme 02/26/2020 
Carol’s Circular Arc and How it Points to Beth’s Return 02/28/2020
Tarot Cards: The Tower and the Star 04/07/2020
Root, Caret and Dry Riverbed Symbolism 4/13/2020
Fallen Tree Symbolism 03/19/2020
Hell/Dark Tunnel Symbolism 03/20/2020
S10 Bonus Episodes Trailer 01/22/2021
S6 Template for Where we Currently Are 01/26/2021
Hints of Beth in Bonus Episodes (Johnny O’Dell) 01/30/2021
Hints of Beth in the CRM War From 5x09 02/01/2021
Ask: Daryl = Father Gabriel 02/15/2021
Beth Repeats Everywhere (AngeltheFirst1) 02/13/2021
More Suspicious Instastories by Emily 03/21/2021
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busaikuknee · 11 months
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kopw · 1 year
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