#wren wears the other half of his heart necklace <3
angeltrapz · 3 years
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Okay very first S/I post!!! This is Micah! He works at the Cawdor Barn Theater as a makeshift camp counselor, which means that he assists both Lawrence and Chuck in watching over the kids and keeping them in line - but he also is there for Actual counseling, should any of the kids need it (he's actually an art therapist who works primarily with children + teens). He's pretty close with Charles and the two of them often talk while the kids are running in the morning!
He honestly feels for the kids and puts all of his effort into helping them where he can, especially Vivian, because sometimes it's hard for Lawrence to be around her as she does remind him of Jeanette sometimes... however she ends up in Lawrence's office with both him and Micah when she needs to talk, as do some of the other campers. Micah is usually pretty well-liked by the campers as a result (and bc he's not afraid to call them out when they're being assholes, like Brian)!
Though he helps mostly with overseeing, he also sometimes assists in creating backdrops for their more involved plays; he doesn't participate in the plays themselves, but he DOES have a favourite musical, which is Little Shop of Horrors!
He comes from the country, so he fits right into the Theater considering it's located in a rural area; he's got some experience building simple structures should the need arise, so that's another aspect of what he does! He mostly sticks around Wren during the day though, typically sitting with him while the kids practice or work with Charles. He stays on the grounds with Wren!
He's got a bit of a baby face, but he's 38! (Charles is always telling him to take it as a compliment whenever he's (very rarely, but occasionally) mistaken for another camper bfjsksbw)
He and Wren aren't exactly Super Open about their relationship, but they're not exactly hiding it either - however, it's absolutely hilarious to see when campers figure it out, because sometimes they say the funniest shit that makes Micah crack up and Wren turn red. They do try to tone down PDA around them, though.
He's trans and uses he/it pronouns!
Picrew source!
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randomminer · 5 years
Hogwarts mystery oc prompts (drawing or writing)
1) Their expression at the sorting hat?
- Much like her Aunt Minerva, Svari's sorting took a really long time. So I just imagine her sitting there, getting bored, kicking her feet, and waiting for the voice in her head to tell her where to go.
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2) What’s their wand look like
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Pear Wood
This golden-toned wood produces wands of splendid magical powers, which give of their best in the hands of the warm-hearted, the generous and the wise. Possessors of pear wands are, in my experience, usually popular and well-respected. I do not know of a single instance where a pear wand has been discovered in the possession of a Dark witch or wizard. Pear wands are among the most resilient, and I have often observed that they may still present a remarkable appearance of newness, even after many years of hard use.
Phoenix Feather
This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won.
3) What’s it look like when they are relaxed in the Hogwarts express
- Never needed to ride the Hogwarts Express. Her aunt had a cottage in the village of Hogsmead. During the school year, she lived in the castle, same as the other students. But for the summer, she lived with her aunt. So every year, when the other students would come stumbling off the train, tired and sore from the ride, Svari would be standing there, fresh faced and well rested.
4) The look of their quil, notebooks, their notes
- I'd assume most quills and notebooks look the same for all the students. But Svari's notes are all over the place. She adds tips and tricks in margins, has doodles everywhere, and very rarely are her papers uncrinkled in some way.
5) What’s their favourite spot on campus
- During the warmer days, Svari and her friends sit out by Hagrid's back steps. Unlike the library or common rooms, it's outside and the students can laugh and joke while they study. And in the evenings, before curfew, Svari likes to quietly sit there and listen to crickets and the breeze blowing through the trees. It also helps that Hagrid always has unusual creatures and "snacks" around.
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6) Imagine their bed in the dorm room
- The castle elves absolutely hate making Svari's bed in the morning. She is a bit of a rough sleeper and the bedding tends to be balled up, kicked off, or stained from ink spills. She also tends to keep her bed curtains shut, as she likes small cozy places.
7) How does their bedroom look back at home
-While Svari is a clean person, she is not neat and tidy. She is also a bit of a hoarder. Books on obscure subjects, shiny rocks, dried flowers, pretty beads, muggle gadgets. There is not a surface in her room that does not have a large mound of odds and ends strewn across it. While it may seem a mess to most other people, Svari is always able to locate what she is looking for and becomes upset if people move her items around. Eleanor, her grandmother-like figure, has used the term "organized chaos" to describe Svari's collections.
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8) Out of uniform what do they wear
Svari likes used clothes and hand-me-downs. Worn jeans, stretched sweaters, shoes that have survived the walking apocalypse and are still held together strong. Most everything she wears has had a previous owner, except for her leather jacket. Her aunt had Ministry business to take care of in London and Svari poked around a nearby shop while she waited. Upon seeing the jacket, she fell in love and had to have it. It took several months of saving up, but eventually she was able to buy the jacket herself and wears it any opportunity she has. McGonagall finds amusement in her taste, as her youngest brother, Svari's father, tended to wear similar clothing and also had a leather jacket of his own.
In uniform or out, Svari always wears her mother's braided leather bracelet and the fang necklace her Uncle Elphinstone Urquart made for her before his death. He had crafted it in an attempt at finding a hobby in jewelry making, but ended up not liking the pass time as much as he had thought he would. He gave his only completed project to his niece, telling her jokingly it would bring her luck. Svari doesn't feel that either bring her luck or fortune or anything like that, more that they are small physical pieces of the people she has loved and lost. So in a way they can be with her even when gone.
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9) Do they have a personal broom, if so what’s it look like
- I like to think that McGonagall kept her old brooms from her Quidditch years. When Svari showed an interest in playing, her aunt dusted off an old favorite and let her practice with it. After Svari joined the Ravenclaw team as a beater, McGonagall gave the broom to her to keep.
10) How’s their bag/backpack/purse/sactle look like
- Much like her room, Svari's bag is full of odds and ends that she finds. Knowing Svari loved collecting, gathering, and storing; Eleanor had put an expanding charm on it and sent it as a birthday gift. The bag itself is fairly small, but can hold a small closet's worth of items.
11) What would their reflection show in the mirror of erisea
- More than anything, Svari wishes she could be all human. She doesn't feel shame for being part peri, but it has given her life challenges. Besides keeping her physical differences hidden (pointed ears covered by her hair/wings tucked under clothing), Svari has also had to keep her mental health in check. Transformation from her emotions getting out of control could mean danger for the people she cares about and a life sentence of being in a cage. If not death.
When Svari looks in the mirror, she sees herself as whole. No odd features, no dangerous transformations, no hiding.
12) What’s their favourite creature
- Magical or not, Svari finds it hard to resist most animals
13) Do they have a favourite spell
- Expeliarmus. Get the wand away from the wizard, fists can do the talking.
14) Favourite class
- Defense Against The Dark Arts
15) Do they have a favourite potion
- While it doesn't have anything to do with her, Svari is so happy for the existence of the Wolf's Bane potion. Much like her, werewolves are considered half human and dangerous. Knowing there is a way for them to have some normalcy in there lives makes Svari so thankful.
16) What happens when they get their favourite snack (also what’s that snack)
- Svari loves pears. You give her a pear, that thing is gone in a matter of seconds.
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17) Their pateonus
- Marsh wren
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18) What would a bogort turn into for them
- Probably her friends and family bleeding and injured and looking at her in fear. As if she had just returned to her "human" form after transforming out of anger and realizing she had hurt the people most dear to her.
19) Favourite professor?
- Her Aunt Minerva McGonagall
20) Their owl/pet
- Svari never had a pet herself, but while she lived at Hogsmead and in the castle, she took care of Fang and Hagrid's other "pets" while he was gone.
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