#s/i: micah abrahall
angeltrapz · 3 years
Thanks to my bestie Jack's writing I am now thinking abt the very first time Micah (Cawdor S/I) saw Wren cry over him and he wasn't even really... lucid enough to process it until later??
Basic rundown is that it's about a year and a half after they start dating, and to kind of mix things up a little bit for the campers, Micah proposes a nature hike! Most of the kids don't want to be outside to begin with, but in their minds, a walk sounds far more appealing than whatever tasks Chuck would normally assign them, so it's accepted fairly easily.
Once they get a good distance in, one of the campers decides it'd be pretty funny to hang at the back of the group, disappear and hide somewhere up ahead, and then pop out and startle everyone. So they do, and Micah does Not take it well because he hates being surprised like that - and in the most cliché way possible, he stumbles back and knocks his head against a low-leaning branch and lands flat on his ass.
And the campers just... panic. Because the One Adult they have with them is now so dazed, he's hardly making sense as he presumably tries to reassure them that he's alright, and he's BLEEDING (quite a bit bc it's a head wound). One of them legs it down the trail back to the theater and just. SHOUTS for both Chuck and Wren bc it's an emergency and Micah is hurt, which, as you can imagine after what Wren's been through, scares the absolute Hell out of him - he's not a runner, but he easily surpasses Chuck that day, taking off after the camper that came back to alert them without a second thought. He's just so scared; the last time one of his loved ones was injured here... well.
The minute Micah comes into view, head lolled back where he's resting his back against a tree trunk, blood dripping down the side of his face, already having covered one hand, Wren just sort of... crumples, for lack of a better word. He's immediately crouching in front of Micah, asking what happened, what hurts, what can he do to help, but Micah is just sort of mumbling, talking about how he's sleepy and wants to close his eyes. Wren, having dealt with concussions before (both bc of having formerly been a teacher + injuries his actors sometimes sustained on stage), knows that this is Not Good and so he's just telling Micah he can't, not right now, "please don't close your eyes, dear, not yet. It's not safe."
And he just straight up lifts Micah up bridal-style and marches his ass back to camp, Chuck + the campers following close behind, one of whom is getting quite the earful from Chuck for having startled Micah bad enough that this happened, though Micah mutters that it isn't the kid's fault that he tripped, he didn't know. Wren is just babbling to him to keep him engaged and awake, hardly making sense himself for how fast he's talking until they make it back and Micah is promptly seated in their makeshift infirmary and cleaned up.
And Wren is just... shaking, the entire time. He's terrified. He's so scared as he cleans the blood away from the (thankfully miniscule) cut on Micah's forehead, especially when his eyes keep rolling back as he attempts to pass out. After one too many of these incidents, he just... breaks down. Starts crying. And Micah is lifting a hand to wipe the tears away, brushing his thumb over Wren's cheek, asking him what's wrong and what can he do to help?
Wren just laughs a little bit, mostly incredulous, like "You're the one with the head wound and you're asking me if I'm okay??" while he's pressing a butterfly bandage over the cut, which thankfully doesn't need stitches but they're still going to bring Micah in to get looked at, just bc of the concussion possibility, and Micah's like "Yeah?? You're crying and I don't like it when you cry so I want to help??"
Anyway Micah ends up with a minor concussion and is fine, but Wren just holds him for a long time when they're in bed the night after and he murmurs, "I was so scared when I found you like that. Bleeding everywhere, nearly incoherent, falling asleep... I just - I shut down a little bit, I guess. I love you so much, and - and seeing you like that..."
"I'm okay, baby," Micah hums, knowing Exactly Why Wren was so upset about what happened. "I love you too. I'm right here. You did everything you could to help me and I'm fine, see? I'm okay. We're okay."
And they just cuddle for the rest of the night hdhdjsjs I'm so!!!
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angeltrapz · 3 years
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Okay very first S/I post!!! This is Micah! He works at the Cawdor Barn Theater as a makeshift camp counselor, which means that he assists both Lawrence and Chuck in watching over the kids and keeping them in line - but he also is there for Actual counseling, should any of the kids need it (he's actually an art therapist who works primarily with children + teens). He's pretty close with Charles and the two of them often talk while the kids are running in the morning!
He honestly feels for the kids and puts all of his effort into helping them where he can, especially Vivian, because sometimes it's hard for Lawrence to be around her as she does remind him of Jeanette sometimes... however she ends up in Lawrence's office with both him and Micah when she needs to talk, as do some of the other campers. Micah is usually pretty well-liked by the campers as a result (and bc he's not afraid to call them out when they're being assholes, like Brian)!
Though he helps mostly with overseeing, he also sometimes assists in creating backdrops for their more involved plays; he doesn't participate in the plays themselves, but he DOES have a favourite musical, which is Little Shop of Horrors!
He comes from the country, so he fits right into the Theater considering it's located in a rural area; he's got some experience building simple structures should the need arise, so that's another aspect of what he does! He mostly sticks around Wren during the day though, typically sitting with him while the kids practice or work with Charles. He stays on the grounds with Wren!
He's got a bit of a baby face, but he's 38! (Charles is always telling him to take it as a compliment whenever he's (very rarely, but occasionally) mistaken for another camper bfjsksbw)
He and Wren aren't exactly Super Open about their relationship, but they're not exactly hiding it either - however, it's absolutely hilarious to see when campers figure it out, because sometimes they say the funniest shit that makes Micah crack up and Wren turn red. They do try to tone down PDA around them, though.
He's trans and uses he/it pronouns!
Picrew source!
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