#wraps for tumblers
jumbosvg · 4 days
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26 Grinch Tumbler Christmas Png Bundle
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tumbler-polls · 10 months
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luxurytumblerwrap · 1 month
Louis Vuitton Tumbler Wrap Fashion Tumbler Wrap – Luxurytumblerwrap
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frogandbird · 5 months
Strawberry Skys - Chapter Twenty One -
[Prev] - [First] - [Next | May 15th]
El sat on the couch, humming over the faint sound of the tv. She held an embroidery hoop, slowly and methodically filling the fabric with careful stitches as the house slowly quieted around her.
Chompy barking and Raphs yelling made El chuff, keeping her hands steady as the two barreled past. Shrill trills coming from Mikey barrably made El look up, the turtle chasing after Raph.
A loud crash coming from the lab came just a few moments later, followed by a loud ‘CASEY!’ presumably from Donnie. Footsteps sounded, the duo running past, Casey laughing and Donnie red-faced as they ran after Casey.
El continued to hum as the tv switched episodes, playing a new cartoon. The couch indented a little, the only other member of the family sitting next to her.
She continued her stitching, shifting her feet so Mona had more space. Mona's tail rested atop her feet, the salamander sitting near her.
“What did Raph do?” El spoke quietly, keeping her eyes on the blue fabric in hand.
“Pull a’ prank on’ Mikey.” El felt Moan stretch out, the couch cushions shifting under ze weight.
El snorted, finally putting her embroidery down and looking up at Mona.
“Please tell me it was water balloons.”
“Of course it was.” Mona huffed, rolling ze eyes.
“And Casey and Don?”
Mona just groaned, putting her head in zer hands.
El cocked an eyebrow, but left it. She glanced at the TV, the show that had started earlier just finishing its intro sequence. A human in a blue showy-suit was holding up a bowl of something. soup maybe?
A shout rang out into the layer. ”GOING TOPSIDE’.”
Barks and shrill squeals came from Mieky and chompy, both presumably running to follow Raph as he ran from the two turtles.
El chuckled as Mona sighed. The tv began to shout as the show played, lowing in volume when Mona found the remote.
El picked her embroidery back up as a set of footsteps walked past. Mona snickered, giving her a clear sign of what had happened. Donnies growl confirmed it.
She finally glanced up long enough to see Casey trapped under Donnies arm, the lanky humans legs trailing on the ground as the lab door opened and closed.
El looked at Mona, who was giving the Tv a steady glare. El hummed, getting the salamander's attention.
“You want to do something?”
Mona tilted her head. “What is there to do?”
El continued to hum. “Could go explore the city a bit more, go see the hidden city, could make something.”
“You are already making something.” Mona pointed out.
El paused mid stitch. “yeah,” She looked up. “But we could do something together, have ‘a girls night.”
Mona's tail curled and uncurled. Ze grinned. “Wanna take the bikes and go through the city?”
El blinked. She hadn’t been expecting that. She stood, stretching her arms over her head. “You're driving.”
Mona was leaning on the bigger bike by the time El got to the garage.
It was bigger than Raphs bike, made so that two could ride on it comfortably. Most commonly it saw Raph and Casey using it to tarioze local gangs as they picked up pizza.
The bike was one that Donnie had made, but had let Raph and Mikey paint. Its body was a mix of red and black, with the bright accents on oranges and spider lilies racing down the sides.
El sighed in relief as she trotted up to the salamander. Said salamander had on zes dark pink-black leather riding jacket, pink gloves and black pants. Her tail had dark ribbons tied to it, black and red to match the bike. She also held a dark pink helmet.
El fidgeted with her own disguise, not used to how the heavy fabric draped over her frame. She had on her own pair of dark ants, paint stained as she had ‘barrowed’ them from Rpah. She had on a blue purple hoodie and a black vest.
Mona circled her for a second, pulling the vest farther down her shell with a light tug before grabbing Els' helmet off the bike and handing it to her. EL took the blue metal and put it on.
Mona got onto the bike, putting xes own helmet on and patting the back seat for El to get onto. She did so quickly, flipping the dark glass of her mask down as she went.
They sat there for a moment as Mona shifted, zes tail curling around El as to not stream behind them and get them cought. El held onto Moans waist, the engine of the bike springing into life.
With a roar they took off, the tunnels blurring past them. the gray of the stone and concrete blurring with color as they passed graffiti and long abandoned subway cars.
They slowed as they reached a garage door, one that was opening for them already.
The alleyway they came into was quiet and dark, the trash bins haven’t been moved aside in years. The lights from the apartments above them were dim, or off entirely.
This continued for the first few streets, a calm silence with the only light being form street lamps and the acconal stop lights. They passed few humans, most sleeping out in the relative warmth of the spring.
Few cars passed them, never stopping or slowing to look at the strange pair.
El still shifted with small spikes of anxiety every time the bigger vehicles would pass, no matter how fast or slow they drove.
The city began to show signs of life after a few miles, night clubs and late night corner stores pushing their lights into the street. They drove past groups of humans, all dressed up and laughing.
They slowed down as they entered a city center, shops and businesses open late into the night as people milled about and drank. More cars and other bikes joined them on the rode, stopping and starting at the same lights.
El shifted uncomfortably, looking around at the neon world they where entering through the darkened vision of her helmet. The com in her helmet buzzed to life as Mona spoke, startling her.
“You ok’ back there’?” Monas accent was made permanent by the com, the sound of xes voice quiet in Els ear.
The bike moved forward as the light changed.
El shifted back to her original spot. “‘m’ok, never been on the streets like this.”
“Never been on th’ back of a bike?” Mona questioned.
“Never been on the bikes around humans.” El gave an only slightly nervous laugh, clinging a bit closer to the salamander in front of her.
Mona made an ‘ah’ sound, the few of her scales visible shimmering in the bright lights.
they rode for a few more blocks before Mona spoke again, rising zes voice around the hubbub of the streets.
“Want to’ so get ‘a drink somewher’ quiet?”
“Girl, last time I drank alcohol I was as jittery as Mikey.” El snorted at the memory. She had beaten Mikey at ‘Just Dance’ for the first, and only, time in her entire life.
“‘e’ll get you a soda then.” Mona also laughed, presumably reliving the same memory from her own point of view.
El rolled her eyes, but made no move to deny the offer of a soda.
They continued down the bright street, going deeper and deeper into the city, neon lights washing over them.
The number of cars grew, the silvers and blacks and whites passing near the pair. Mona wove through them, only stopping for the red lights that seemed weak and muted in the new lights of the city.
Mona finally pulled off to the side, pulling into an alley next to a quiet gas station and its store. El blinked back to reality, looking at the dark space around them.
She swung one lag over the bike, still sitting in the seat as she watched Mona fully disembark.
Mona removed her helmet, placing it under one arm. “Want to come in’ with me?”
El shifted, pulling at the hems of her hoodie. “I can.”
Mona glanced at her fidgeting hands. “It’s’ near 3am, no ones’ gonna glance at your hands.”
El thought about it for a few more moments, not fully regretting Mona putting her helmet back on.
She gave in with a sigh. “Fine, just quickly,” then in almost a whisper, “Please.”
Mona nodded, offering a gloved hand. El took it reluctantly, letting the salamander pull her slightly.
The overhead lights from the pumps made El shift closer to her sister, glancing around at the empty sea of asphalt, gray and cracked with use.
The automatic doors opened without a sound, letting the two into the small store.
El looked around, pausing as Mona continued into the bright store.
It looked plain, but crowded. Racks were filled with junk food and cheap items. Colorful bags of chips hung off the edges of the racks. Bright wrapped candies and small boxes filled with clear wrapped baked goods filled the isles.
Mona was making zes way to the back where clear containers were filled with drinks. The floor was a simple tyle, cold on her feet. The store hummed with electricity, high pitch sound fighting the plating music and ads.
El shook herself out and darted to be next to Mona again, wrapping her arm around the other's in order to stay close. Mona gave her a light huff as ze contued walking.
They stopped at the clear cases that were filled with drinks. El watched Mona look at all the cases before reaching for the clear door and opening it with a tug. Ze then reached in, stopping the door with her hip, and pulled out a can.
Mona led them a few feet to the side, pointing at hte clear cases. “Sodas are over there.”
El hummed a “Thanks.” As she moved to the clear cases.
An army of color and different brands fought for her attention. She stoo looking at the different brands of sodas in cans and jars and bottles. Cans with oranges and in green above, brown bottles and clear bottles filled with colorful liquid next. The bottom most row held samller bottles with colorful fruits and fancy english writing on them.
She grabbed the only one she reconciled and ran to join Mona.
Mona clicked at her, letting El take hostage of zes arm again.
“Get what you’ want?” Mona questioned, her voice quiet.
“Mhm.” El nodded, handing the bottle of orange soda to her.
Mona took it, leading them to the counter where a human stood.
The human looked up long enough to put their phone down, their multi-colored hair covering their eyes. They scanned the drinks quickly, tapping into the machine next to them. Then, in an almost bord voice,
Mona nodded, pulling out some cash form a pocket on her jacket.
Ze handed the money to the human who took it and tapped the mechanism again. a drow popped out and the human put the money in it before taking a few coins out.
The coins were handed to Mona with an accompanying “Nice costumes.”
rMona took the coins that were handed to xim and took the drink in her other hand. Zi passed the drinks to El who took them as Mona sorted the coins in her pocket.
With that, Mona led them out of the store and back to the bike.
“So.” Mona popped her helmet off, setting it on the bike. “How did you like your first trip into a’ gas station store?”
El was more careful about taking off her helmet, setting the drinks down onto the seat before putting her helemt next to them.
“it was..” She trailed off. It had been nice to learn that humans didn't care as much as she had thought, but the entire store was filled with light and far too colorful things. “Tariffing.”
Mona laughed. “It was for Raph. ‘M not surprised it was for you’ too.”
El blinked. Then snorted. “He cling to you th’ same way I did?”
Mona used one clawed finger to pop the tab off zes can. “Nah, he was the one with the money and I couldn’t read english.” Zi paused, “Nor understand your’ form of money.”
El let herself laugh thinking of her brother bluffing his way through the too-bright and too-loud store. He had a better grasp on things then she thought.
She took the cap of her bottle, taking a few sips as Mona chugged half her drink.
She laughed when Mona let out a loud burp, practically unhinging zes jaws in order to get the loudest sound possible.
El took a big swig of her own soda, giving the slamander an orange candy flavored burb in return.
Mama gave El a wild grin, liffting her drink to take a sip.
El had to put her soda on the bike next to her helmet in order to not spill it, dabbling over laughing as Mana made it xes mission to make every sound emangble.
They stood in the alley for a good long time afterwards, both laughing as El took a turn making stranger and stranger sounds with her drink.
Finally they calmed down and put their helmets back on and got on the bike, heading out for the streets once again.
It was El who heard the shout first.
They were driving through a quieter neighborhood, one still full of people and movement, but it almost seemed lazy compared to other parts of the city.
El hummed into her com, looking around the streets. “Heard a shout.”
Mona slowed, pulling into an empty street. “Wanna’ check it out?”
El nodded. “yes.” Then quickly; “might be nothing.”
Mona made a scoffing sound. “Ain’t’ gonna’ leave someone to get hurt in these streets’.”
El hummed, too focused on trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.
It came again, the sound far, far too close to April's voice for El to even think about not turning around.
The bike revved, spinning wide and booking it back the way htey had come, slowing once they reached the street El had heard the shouts.
The hum of blue energy crackled at her fingertips, small blades of metal beginning to form in her hands.
A pained sound made El pull on Mona's vest, directing the salamander to a dark alleyway. why did everything happen in an alley.
She was moving before the bike had stopped, the small blades in her hands flying at the dark metal humanoids before she could fully process what she was seeing.
The alley was dark, a few lights from apartments not enough for human eyes to pick up on the smaller details.
Seven Footbots were in the alley, a human cornered between them. A few were walking to the human, the others already having weapons active.
Three Foot bots fell, electric blue and white sparks falling from their heads.
Four more spun to face the two new additions, a dark skinned human with red glasses and a green cropped hoodie in the middle of the attacking group.
The human held a baseball bat with both hands, their posture falling as El growled at the new group.
The remaining Foot bots paused, two falling suddenly with a pair of loud bangs. Sparks flew from their heads as they lay collapsed on the ground.
The smell of gunpowder hit Els nose. She hissed at the remaning Foot bots.
the human took this chance to swing their bat into one of the bots, flinging it into the wall with surprising strength.
El could feel the crackling energy calling for her to use, but she ignored it in favor of lunging forward.
She brought her knee into the metal abomination before her first brought its head to meet the ground.
It folded like paper, the groan of metal hissing and protesting as the false brain tried to move its broken body.
El finally spun to face Mona, who was checking something on a small gun she held.
El turned to her, giving the other an unimpressed look that xe probably couldn’t see.
Mona shrugged, getting off the bike in one smooth moment. Ze stocked past El, stopping as ze reached one of the bots.
She gave it a swift kick as El watched, crouching down. El rolled her eyes and turned to the human, who had swiftly beaten the metal foot soldier to a hunk of silver and black.
El took a few steps forward, flipping the speaker in her helmet to face out so she could talk to the human.
“You ok?”
The human yelped and spun to face her, bat up.
El held her hands up in a surrender motion, careful to not scare them more.
She repeated herself, with a bit more this time. “Sorry to startle you, you ok?” She paused as a thought came to her. “What did you even do to get there attention?”
The human lowered their bat, still giving El a glare. “‘M fine.”
El hummed, glancing over at Mona, who was trying to take something from the bots back.
The human spoke, getting Els's attention. “Who even are you, and why do you care.”
El turned just in time for a bat to be swung up at her, stopping just below her helmet.
El clicked. The human was impressive to swing a bat at her, she would give them that.
“Just someone who’s had the Foots attention for a while now. Don't get caught up in this.” El spun, walking back to the bike.
She saw Mona stand out of the corner of her eye, joining her a few seconds later at the bike.
She let Mona get on first, taking the small box ze had ripped out of the foot bot.
El let Mona take them back to their home, thoughts too focused on the strange human that seemed to be a funny little version of April.
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brentonandco · 1 month
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Now available from our Spooky Halloween Collection!
#halloween #spooky #spookyhalloween #hauntedhouse
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maracllea · 1 year
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mocprintsgalastudio · 11 months
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Christmas Tumbler Wrap Grinch PNG - 20oz Skinny Sublimation Design, Digital Download Bundle
Welcome to my Etsy listing for the 4 Files 3D Christmas Tumbler Wrap Grinch PNG Bundle! This digital download includes high-quality PNG files that are perfect for creating stunning Christmas-themed tumbler designs.
With this bundle, you will receive 4 Grinch-inspired tumbler wrap designs, specially designed for 20oz skinny tumblers. These wraps are suitable for sublimation printing, ensuring vibrant and long-lasting results.
Simply download the files and use them with your preferred sublimation printing system to create beautiful Christmas gifts, decorations, or DIY crafts. The Grinch theme adds a touch of festive charm to any project!
Please note that this is a digital download. No physical item will be shipped to you.
Christmas, tumbler wrap, Grinch, PNG, 20oz, skinny, sublimation design, digital download, bundle, 3D, Christmas decoration, holiday gift, DIY crafts, holiday tumbler, Christmas project
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hnddesign · 11 months
🌟 Exciting News: 25% Off All Products on Etsy! 🌟 Thrilled to announce a special limited-time offer just for you! Starting today, enjoy a fabulous 25% discount on ALL my product
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Sublimation 3D Stained Glass Style Mushrooms Tumbler Wrap
Get this beautiful sublimation tumbler design at my store: https://www.rosaleedesignstudio.com
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jumbosvg · 5 days
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4 Grinch Tumbler Christmas Png Bundle
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lesamis · 2 years
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for my next trick i will become a parody of myself
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tumbler-polls · 10 months
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luxurytumblerwrap · 1 month
Louis Vuitton Tumbler Wrap Lv Seamless Pattern – Luxurytumblerwrap
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starkey · 2 years
top songs on spotify wrapped??
I haven't actually used spotify this year! I got bored of it recommending the same 30 tiktok-hook songs on a loop, so decided to start listening to music like I used to on my iPod classic, which is just obsess over certain albums until I develop a parasocial relationship with the album artwork
My top albums on Apple Music this year were:
Empty Plates by Robert Hallow and the Holy Men
Ruin by The Amazing Devil
Dance Fever by Florence + the Machine
Pressure Machine by the Killers
Hard Won by Lizzie No
Dark in Here by The Mountain Goats
Laurel Hell by Mitski
Thaumatrope by Marah in the Mainsail
Better Oblivion Community Center by Phoebe Bridgers and Conor Oberst
Live at Dorothy Major by Devil & The Deep Blue Sea
11. Extra bonus album is: See What's On The Inside by Asking Alexandria (my running album which now triggers a pavlovian sprinting response… not for recreational enjoyment)
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thelurer · 5 days
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designsparkcanada · 14 days
100 Dog Breeds Tumbler Wrap Bundle: Canine Lovers' Collection
The "100 Dog Breeds Tumbler Wrap Bundle" is a comprehensive collection of high-quality tumbler wraps featuring a diverse array of dog breeds. Perfect for canine enthusiasts, pet owners, and anyone who appreciates the beauty and uniqueness of different dog breeds. Each wrap in this bundle showcases a distinct breed, from popular favorites to rare and exotic types, capturing their individual characteristics and charm.
100 unique dog breed designs
High-resolution, full-color images
Tumbler 20oz
Get Now
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