cadenzarose · 2 years
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Sometimes I think about the enowmity of my mistakes, and the pain and suffewing I've caused those closest to me, and I wondew if it's wowth it to continue gowing....
I'm Merobiba!
(Aka I made a Merobiba figure because I am incredibly powerful and no one can stop me)
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Also tagging @dilfosaur of drawfee because my roommate told me to, I'm sorry or you're welcome 😅
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plantpirating · 2 years
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30-th-century-man · 5 months
gordon ramsey on kitchen nightmares: thanks love can i just ask (poiting towards an inconspicuous looking plate of pasta on a waiting tray) what is that
waitress, underpay'd: oh ahuhh umm thats . the boogen
gordon ramsey: okay alright thank you (she walks away) wowThe fucking boogen. fuck me
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blueiight · 1 year
This isnt even substantitive commentary 85% of this is just quoting what was written bc i need people to know this is out here.
new fent (nat reufriede)
He wasn’t surprised when she refused to answer the question this time, too. “I still don’t understand why Mein Kaiser ” — her voice was a perfect mockery of Reuenthal’s usual tone— “feels the need to uproot the whole government.” She tilted her glass, letting her drink catch the light. “If he’s looking for legitimacy, he should stay on Odin.”
“What legitimacy?” Reuenthal snapped. “What more legitimacy does he need, than what he has?”
“You’re a very stupid man, Oskar,” she said.
“ Your Kaiser has the legitimacy of holding a gun to the rest of the universe’s head,” she said. “Fine. There’s no point in pretending like he doesn’t, and you claim that’s the only legitimacy you respect, anyway. But you seem to have deluded yourself into acting like He is going to live forever, and that his children won’t need to borrow some legitimacy of their own. Odin is a place used to having dynasties— I wonder if he’s about to discover that Phezzan isn’t.” COOK THAT BLONDE BRAT SHAWTY
The premise of this story being reuenthal with a beard is just tickling my feathers. The imagery of reinhard preserving the iconography of the old dynasty & reuenthal picking a beard (a symbol of agedness, of manliness) and struggling to grow it out, the beard even softening his features is soooo symbolic.
YOULL KILL YOURSELF WITHOUT MY HELP! All i need to do is see it im deaaad
She seemed almost unfamiliar with the weapon, hefting it and turning it over, though she had enough sense to keep her finger away from the safety and the trigger. Had she never fired a gun before? He was momentarily entranced by the way it dwarfed her hands. … She held up his wallet, and he realized that, at some point between the front desk and the room, she had managed to pick it out of his pocket— likely when he was distracted by her trying to undo his belt in the elevator. She went through it, pulling out the cash, then tossed it on the bed.
i am not immune to elfriede. elfriede wanting to gamble v reuenthal not liking that he cant conquer a gamble.. wowthe fact that elfriede is in a big gamble of her own tangled w fezzan + all those shady ass factors still . she loved to gamble indeed
The intent was for him to blow across her fingers and the dice, a rather feminine thing to do, but instead he took her wrist roughly and kissed her knuckles. “Oskar!”
What do i even say man.
this is the first time ive read nat’s freak shit wiaw i read up to so far be fading to black omg this really did hit like fent.
His experience with wives as a species was limited: his mother, Mittermeyer’s wife. Elfriede resembled neither. The person she most often reminded him of was Him , with the wild mane of golden hair, and the piercing, hateful look in their eyes. He didn’t think about that now.
Getting to proxy-fuck ur emperor man crush lord & master…
“A wife is meant to obey.”
“A soldier is meant to obey,” she said. “A wife—”
Even with her movement limited with his weight bearing on her shoulders, she could reach between them and grab his [word i cant say lest tumblr censor me oncecmore] She wrapped her legs around him and tried to pull him down towards her.
“A wife has her husband’s child,” she said. “Is that what you want me to say?”
[passages I cant say lest tumblr censor me once more] She reached up to touch his face, and the feeling of her hand moving through the bristles of his newly-grown beard made him feel ill. It was all wrong— the simulacrum of normality that they couldn’t even play at well.
“Yes,” he said. “That’s what I want.” Or it was what some other man wanted— someone Reuenthal should have been, but wasn’t.
She mumbled something half-incoherent, and wholly impossible. “A real family—”
“Better than the one you had before,” Reuenthal said in reply, which managed to get a reaction out of her of some sort, clawing her hands down her back.
“Everybody wants that,” she mumbled.
And nobody gets it , he thought. “You want me to take care of it,” he said. He pressed his hand to her lower abdomen, leaning on it hard.
“Yes,” she said, her voice coming out strangely.
“Then when it’s born, I’ll have to aim higher— for its sake—” He punctuated his sentence with his movement, the white heat growing between them. He moved faster, seeking out the climax. There was only so long he could play this charade before the disgust became too overwhelming.
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LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . Ohmygod. bro. nat. u have rocked my world once more.
Dont even have words.
THEN HE GOES TO REINHARD RIGHT AFTER????!!! Over the cold body of reinrein’s exwife dead husband😭😭😭. THE ROYAL WE!! rein realizing what reue came for on some level… we r two halves of the same battle hungry depraved ravenous thing
Reinhard turned towards Reuenthal at last, looked him over as if he was seeing him for the first time, and reached out his hand towards Reuenthal’s face. He didn’t touch him, but his hand hovered just close enough to his cheek that he could feel the warmth of it, the staticky charge of an almost imperceptible distance. “You shaved that awful beard you were growing.”
“I had wondered if a change would suit me, considering our move to Phezzan. It didn’t.”
“No,” Reinhard said. He dropped his hand and looked back towards the grave. “Change doesn’t suit Us, either.”
“We’ll be buried here,” Reinhard said.
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altrdecho · 2 years
which raid is your favourite? (i know it’s probably gonna be DSC)
Enjoying youwsewf intwudews? its wowth knowing the catacwysmic damage uwu wiww be wesponsibwe fow today. Duwu nyot foow youwsewves. Thiws faciwity iws nowt simpwy the fwuitwess wowk of sowme pathetic scientist. Thiws house was buiwt by the genius cwovis bway the fiwst himsewf. Within wies humanity’s sawvation. Wa fontaine de jouvence. Made possibwe by cwawity contwow. Magnificent wasn’t iwt? an entity fwom beyond ouw own dimension. Awnd the answew tuwu humanity’s etewnaw stwuggwe: mowtawity. Wewe iwt tuwu faww intwo the wwong hands, humanity, awnd the univewse, wouwd be uttewwy doomed. I have no weason tuwu bewieve uwu awe anything othew than - “the wwong hands.” uwu now face godwike judgement. May iwt extend etewnawwy.
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dreamsofalife · 3 months
You gotta use those big ol' eyes for EVIL! Like getting free stuff from hot topic.
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"Dat's bwilliant. I'm going to miwk dis fow evewything it's wowth."
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corvusternion · 5 months
havv yew met befowan coww yet? it may be wowth youw whiwe
> there is no """befor^n""" me ^ll of you just m^ke shit up
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ozymoron · 6 months
wowthe terror in his eyes is palpable he looks scared for his life and that he might die soon. i think i want to kiss him
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fangsforfags · 10 months
wowthe cravings for pills i havent taken in over a year are ztill persistant and make me crave them...fuuuuuck i miss them
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Oh wowthe air is so crisp and it smells so good! I love fall! Why do I suddenly feel like my whole life is ending and nothing I do is enough? That's the fall kicking in babeyyy let's go
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skz-chatbot · 7 months
Maddiey:ight i don’t know who tf you think you are but bitch i will whoop your ass -🐇
*shakes his head tugging her hand* no wowth it
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balamsbabygirl · 1 year
The time I publicly destroyed a bigot in Stawbucks
This might sound fake but I assuwe you, my wife is stwangew than fiction.
Me, minding my own beeswax: I’ww get a wawge wawm miwk pwease!
Some guy: undew his bweath Wawm miwk? Get a wife.. they don’t even seww that hewe
Bawista: Actuawwy yeah we do seww wawm miwk, does that bothew you?
Some guy: Wowws eyes imagine actuawwy dwinking that
Me: I don’t have to imagine gwabs my wawm miwk and takes a good sassy swig
The guy: Notices my ace pin Oh so you’we an aceggot? So you just don’t get waid? That figuwes
Me: Yup, I’m a pwoud “aceggot” and that has nothing to do with my pwefewences in bevewages
Woman behind me: Did you sewiouswy just caww that pewson an aceggot? What kind of wowwd awe we wiving in!?
Me: Yep, I’m used to it though.. That’s what you get fow being openwy asexuaw it seems!
The guy: I’m witewawwy a gay man and I won’t wet you Jesus fweak aces shame me fow having gay sx, peopwe wike you awe huwting my community. I’m gonna go have SX with my boyfwiend
Me: Uhhhh buddy you wewe the one shaming me fow buying wawm miwk and now you’we shoving the image of s*x down a sex wepuwsed ace’s thwoat… Not a good wook. And yes, I’m a pwoud Jesus fweak!
Woman: I’ve been an out asexuaw woman since the 80s and wet me teww you, mw. Gay, we have done nothing but fuwthew acceptance fow youw community and cawwy youw community on ouw backs.
Me: You have the newve to tawk down to an asexuaw ewdew? Weawwy?
Bawista: Thwows watew on the bigoted guy
Bawista: Weww… I might wose my job fow this but at weast I can say it was wowth it
Me: picks up my wawm miwk and pouws it on his head
Me: woudwy and pwoudwy Anothew wawm miwk pwease, on the house! I think I’m owed it
Bawista: You know it!
Bigot: stowms out cwying
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menwithsword · 1 year
Xiong Zi Qi (Dylan) weibo update
14/04/2023Source: 熊梓淇 (weibo)Post: 未来来了👏 #今天很wowThe future is here 👏​​​ #Verywowtoday~ Tati
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sleepyrory · 2 years
OwO Just took the most adowabwe stwoww thwowugh the cutest wittle town of Basingstoke! It's got aww these adowabwe histowic buiwdings and chawming stweets that just made my heawt melt with joy! 🐾🐱 And oh my goodness, don't even get me stawted on the wocals - they were sooo fwendwy and hospitabwe, I fewt wike I was among famiwy! ^w^ Definitewy a hidden gem that's totes wowth visiting in Hampshiwe!
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todopapel · 3 years
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How perfect is this #traincase full of adorable journaling supplies by @rebeccahoot ? I need them all! . Big shoutout 🙌🏼 #todopapeldotcom for the chance to be featured. . . . . . Follow: @todo.papel.happy.mail @todopapeldotcom @rebeccahoot . . . #journaling#journalingsupplies #create#journalingcommunity #craftingcommunity #plannercommunity #todayistheday #wowthings#prettystuff#girlythings (at Chester, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN09cZepQ9u/?igshid=13nh0rg56zrj4
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wowthings05 · 5 years
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How about aluminum casting this? #aluminum #aluminumcasting #metalcasting #awesomepeople #peopleareawesome #amazingskills #wowthings #wowthings05 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7LKIT4FaZg/?igshid=1dbx749iueqbd
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