#wow not Touhou lol
petchypeach · 1 year
Hii, is it ok if I ask you to draw Orla from Pokémon Horizons? She needs some love haha
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I got carried away with experimenting on this one I think lol. Anyway, I hope you like it <3.
I think most people prefer bright and cheery Pokemon art, but lately my art turns out a little more moody in tone and atmosphere.
Also I don’t know anything about this character besides what I looked up on Wikipedia, but I really love her vibe honestly. It makes me want to watch the new anime.
I fell in love with drawing as a kid because I initially wanted to draw Pokémon. I guess that’s why I ended up working so hard on this one.
So thank you for your request!
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knight-of-nightz · 3 months
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something sweet and simple ⏱📚
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u5an5 · 10 months
I love that Author Has Never Played X tags exist.
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mystycitty · 3 months
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Okay rumia didn't up being the last one, phew lol To be honest, Rumia is a surprisingly important character for me in terms of how I discovered Touhou. Over ten years ago I encountered her theme out in the wild (and in a bizarre location, might I add) and was instantly like "wow this is great." More time passes and I happen upon EoSD gameplay and heard the theme properly. It was all history since then!
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rownou · 8 months
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[Patting every Touhou character #4 - Elis]
we're back, baybeeeeee in the end i decided to just stick to the hairstyle that'd be most easy for me to draw lol and ??? patty has a red hand?? wow sudden lore (wow)
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alangdorf · 8 months
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Oookay, first up, a silly little experiment trying to draw in ZUN’s style (I think for the first time ever? I never did back in the olden deviantart days almost a decade ago now, wow) kicked off by me noticing that there aren’t any Touhou characters based off of kamaitachi (type of youkai, lit. “sickle weasel”, has sickles for claws and flies around in strong winds causing cuts in your skin which are actually just it cracking open from it being dry and cold), but the pokémon Sneasel is! So, Touhou Sneasel gijinka. I’m not 100% happy with the design, I think I could’ve been more creative with the head area for example, but I figure I’ll just fix it up if I ever draw her in my normal style. Didn’t put too much thought into my character; I’m sewing and I’m using Ephy as a pincushion (I did used to do this; his middle section is full of beans) and my title is just a pun on my name.
Speaking of names though, hoo boy I spent like two days crawling through Jisho for these (eternal disclaimer: I’m not a native or even particularly fluent speaker and don’t have a perfect grasp on what does/doesn’t sound natural in certain contexts; my name is deliberately silly though). Hitsuki’s last name was pretty easy, I just put together the kanji for “wind” (風) and “weasel” (鼬), using pronunciations that together sound like the word for winter, variable amount of extra u’s notwithstanding. For her first name I ended up using the first syllable of the kun’yomi for several kanji, which I think is a thing people do for girls’ names irl? So the first kanji is “conceal” (潜), part of the word “sneak in” that bulbapedia says is part of the etymology for Sneasel’s Japanese name, Nyula/Nyuura, and then it’s “claws” (爪) and “fangs” (牙), and then after I decided this I found out that Sneasel’s old pokédex entries talk about them hiding their claws lol. Also less of an influence, but Hitsuki sound like the word for “starting fires”, which is used metaphorically in at least one compound word to mean troublemaking, which seems appropriate. I couldn’t resist alliterating the title, though I super didn’t want to bother writing out titles in Japanese or figuring out abilities so I didn’t.
As for me, I found some fairly uncommon kanji I could stick together to sound like “Rendoufu”, which is close enough, and they mean “tangle/fasten with thread” (縺), “stab/prick” (撞), and “fabric” (布). And then Kit (the word kitto means “for sure” but also just the English word kit). So I named myself Sewing Kit in the funniest possible way I could find (which is why my names aren’t in Western name order; idk where the initial should technically go but eh), and then threw “picture/drawing” (絵) on the end for good measure. Ok that’s everything I think
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lockssteps · 2 months
the way im actually like a complete noob when it comes to music i only really started listening to stuff these past couple of years..
when i was little i only listened to like 6 CDs my mom and dad had and when i started using the computer i ONLY listened to vocaloid and touhou stuff lol.. now every time i listen to something new im like "WOW this is so beautiful!! 😮 has anybody else ever heard of this band?" *insert popular band everyone knows except me*
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amemenojaku · 4 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYY also for the bingo: the Reimu juggernauts ReiMari and YukaRei (or only one of the two if you don't like pitting bad bitches against each other)
oh you know me I just love putting two bad bitches against each other :]
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my favorite pairing for both characters out of the big ones. funnily enough I hated it when I first got into touhou! then my best friend wrote lots of fanfic and I fell in love with forbidden scrollery and the rest is history.... I like the versatility of how their relationship can be played with (sweet and domestic vs bitter and messy etc) and I really, really like that it all boils down to them caring a lot about each other (for better or for worse). I checked 'they enable the worst of each other' but know that in my heart it's more like the worst AND the best and at the same time more often than not. also 'fuck the same guy' is because I ship them with the same characters quite a lot actually lol
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I can't believe this has become a controversial ship? 😩 we live in the worst era where people really think yukari could ever act like a mother to anyone. anyway. it's probably one of the most thematically interesting relationship in the series PERIOD. I am very intrigued by yukari's involvement with the hakurei shrine maidens in general and it can all be traced back to teen me reading yukarei doujinshis online 13 years ago... it's the imagery and the banter and the laidback but always tiptoeing around eerie-atmosphere and oh wow we're on the opposite ends of the color spectrum... dancing on someone else's palm but in an affectionate way just as much as a manipulative way.
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yuzupia · 22 hours
Finished ZeroRanger and wow, that was... not easy LOL. Coming from Void Stranger, I realized how poor my bullet hell skills were (one day I'll finish a Touhou game, probably when my eyes stop hurting from playing them), but I had a great time! When I saw that there was an arrange album coming out (featuring Raito!) I figured I had to beat it before it came out.
Some spoilers inbound!
I think the fact that there's connections between this and Void Stranger were pretty interesting, especially seeing Zero Judge again, it almost makes me wish I had played this first before Void Stranger. Also seeing the tree that was in Void Stranger's EX end as well as the circle of orbs(probably a better name for this), I had a lot of "woah!!" moments. I'm super looking forward to the arrange album, and more importantly System Erasure's next game!
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cuntstable · 1 year
oh oh also top 5 fictional characters...if you can sum them up with a little paragraph + why you like them if you know. regardless of source material type
oh man. okay i tried to not write an essay lenght post but i. ended up doing that anyway LOL. so ill save everyones dashes with a readmore
1. pucci. obviously….. the main villain of jojos stocean, an insane catholic priest trying to create ”heaven” on earth, that in short is a world where everyone will know their fates/futures from birth and will thus be able to avoid tragedy and/or make peace with the inevitable, as inspired by his backstory thats essentially a tragedy formed out of crazy coinsidences or ”faith”. he wants to make a world where things like that cant happen anymore and is willing to die to make it happen LOL.
idk man like where do i even start….. its very funny bc reading stone ocean there wasnt any single Moment where i went crazy mode about him it just gradually happened like i finished the story and thought about him a little and went ”Wow. WTF.” like im almost certain half of the things i think are interesting about him are accidental and ive just added to all the vague thematic implications he has but still. like hes very clearly inspired by characters like oedipus from classical tragedies and he embodies the main themes of the story hes in perfectly As The Villain (memories, faith, the avoidance of faith, the strenght of the human spirit and will etc etc). all the while being an interesting and TO MEE incredibly compelling and sad character in his own right, and also an interesting criticism of the catholic church and christianity at large (religious mania, justification and blindness to atrocities through god, apathy and nihilism towards the material existing world in favour of focusing on some uncertain World to Come etc etc). ARGH
2. almalexia…….. main villain of morrowinds tribunal dlc, a mortal turned god now losing her divinity and trying to hold on to it as she slips into insanity LOL.
this is definitely a character thats been elevated to me by my own musings on her and what ive seen others do with her as opposed to just the source material but i do still love her lots… i think i just have a bias towards delusional insane manipulative religious villains doing awful things that theyre convinced are necessary for a better world. that and girlbosses LOL
3. klaasje disco elysium….. a lover of the murdered man the plot of the game revolves around, shes on the run for corporate espionage and works as an important clue giver to the main character….
she so criminally underrated its CRAZYYY to me that people dont talk about her that much. anyway yet another two faced manipulative character on the list……. shes so interesting to me because shes clearly an incredibly sad and lost person with a lot of guilt all the while STILL being a bad person. shes the kind of character who wants to simultaneously die and to keep living no matter what, so she throws everyone she cares about under the buss so she can keep running and then turns around and associates with the worst people and parties too hard and lives very dangerously. idk. its interesting to me. that and shes also generally an incredibly charismatic character both in game and TO ME.
4. yuyuko touhou….. a ghost princess who rules over the underworld of hakugyroukyo. shes the main antagonist of touhou 7 in which she tries to resurrect an undead cursed cherryblossom tree and the unknown person buried underneath, only to eventually find out that the person buried is her very own corpse.
shes been my favourite character for like over a decade LOL. my first ever Blorberino if you will…. i just like her a lot i think shes a fun character as this mysterious hedonistic ghost aristocrat that likes to play dumb and relax even if shes incredibly smart and powerful. and also reading fanwritten doujins and fics about her (ill be fair) very sad backstory (was born as a cursed human and ended up killing herself and being sealed away by her gf so she could live a grief free afterlife with out memories) as a 13 year old did lasting psychological damage to me and my taste in characters I THINK
5. lady hideko from the handmaiden movie…… a japanese aristocrat living in occupied korea in her adoptive uncles mansion, she runs away from her abusive life with her handmaiden after they attempt to scam each other and fall in love instead
shes a random ass character to throw into this list LOL but i do love her…. one of the cinema characters of all time….. and yet another favourite of mine that falls into the Insane Manipulate character archeotype. i could talk about her more at lenght but this post is too long as is so like ill just say that shes a man hating lesbian that murders her abusers and ditches her societal status to go and suck some korean peasant boobs. so ofc i love her lost :)
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systemrestart · 3 years
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played the Unconnected Marketeers demo.............. and i must say Sanae is very adorable in this game
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kitschwaffles · 5 years
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chicken god
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clownkiwi · 2 years
now that im thinkging about it, damn, alice must be like. the most closeted touhou character ever
when i was 10-11 and first heard of marisa stole the precious thing, i thought "haha, 2 girls dating!!! lol" but now thinking on the songs lyrics, wow, alice is 1) very fucking gay & 2) very fucking closeted
like, do you think she must be venting to her dolls about how she has a crush on this magician that keeps coming by her place, but she doesn't know how to articulate these feelings to her, and she's very afraid if said witch will even reciprocate the same feelings back to her or reject her for stepping out of the norm (which is saying alot considering they both gotta deal with yokai like every week and. alice has living dolls that follow her)
and the dolls are just standing there, staring back at her like: (this is the 20th time this month alice vented to her dolls about her closeted feelings towards marisa)
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ivanlychkov · 3 years
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Does anyone remember when I drew lots of OneShot fanart?
OneShot is still my #1 game, Touhou is just easier for me to draw for some reason... Wish I had enough skills to draw nice backgrounds. Or anything in general.
(wow, I really went crazy with the tags this time, LOL)
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ponett · 3 years
here's all the games I beat in 2021 for those curious. I've been making an effort in recent years to get better about actually finishing games, and this appears to be the most games I've beaten in any year since making my Backloggery account. (although like a third of them are Metroid games because I played(/replayed) basically the whole series ahead of Dread lol)
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Switch)
Sackboy: A Big Adventure (people slept on this but it's a solid Mario 3D World-like and the licensed music levels are fun)
Hitman (2016)
Streets of Rage 4
Cyber Shadow (I'm glad I stuck with this one because WOW this is a whole different game when you get all the upgrades)
Spark the Electric Jester (had never beaten this despite being a Kickstarter backer and having my name in the credits oops. soundtrack still owns bones)
Alwa's Awakening (100%)
Donkey Kong '94
Touhou 8: Imperishable Night (I played several Touhous this year but this is the only one I beat lol. I mean I beat EoSD on easy but I wouldn't count that since it cuts out the last stage)
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (FINALLY returned to this after stopping near the end of Act I shortly after it came to Switch. longest game I've ever beaten, and also one of the best RPGs I've ever played)
Rivals of Aether
Metroid: Samus Returns (100%)
Super Metroid (I'd gotten near the end as a teenager but never beaten it, inexplicably)
Metroid Fusion (ditto)
Metroid Zero Mission (I'd beaten this one before though)
Metroid Prime (Wii)
Metroid Prime 2:Echoes (Wii) (the only one of these Metroid games I'd never touched before, but now it's probably my favorite of the Prime trilogy)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Psychonauts (started several times before but never finished due to lengthy PS2 load times. it's a whole different game without them)
Psychonauts 2 (100%) (probably my GOTY)
Deltarune Ch.2 (the only reason this isn't my GOTY is we don't have the whole game yet)
Metroid Dread (100%)
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (another one I'd started several times but never finished. I was still in a Metroidvania mood after Dread)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Happy Home Paradise DLC (I did the main story sequence with the first 30 vacation homes and got the performance with DJ KK, I'd consider that "beating" the DLC)
WarioWare: Get It Together!
Halo Infinite
biggest omission here is Chicory: A Colorful Tale, which I'm pretty far in but I still need to beat. been taking my time with it because while it's absolutely phenomenal and a GOTY contender for me, coloring in all those top-down maps can quickly start to feel like... well, my actual job. which isn't always the most relaxing for me. but it's fantastic
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patchun · 3 years
I was tagged a little bit ago by @tetrachromiahedron to do like, the first 10 songs that happen when you shuffle your music library. Sorry for the late answer, I've been hella busy.
So uh,, I tried this, but I only got Touhou music, and I figured that'd be kind of boring. I have a VLC playlist that consists of Touhou and Cave Story music, and then a Spotify playlist that has little bits and pieces of OSTs from Twelve Kingdoms to Gurren Lagann to VA11 Hall A. But still, there's not a lot of variety there, so instead I'm just going to list 10 songs that are pretty varied and that I really love.
1. filozofio - Другой : Heard this one as a wee tot on Adult Swim, and it has haunted me ever since. It's so pretty.
2. True Destroyer of Worlds Medley - Kirby Star Allies OST
3. Rakkou - Twelve Kingdoms OST
4. Geothermal (Cave Story) - Moonbike and Torby Brand
5. Plantation (Cave Story) - insaneintherainmusic : Wow, it's hard to match Cave Story base music, but this one does such a great job. The piano in the background is just heavenly, giving this sad feeling while the rest of the song is happy. Always reminds me of my first CS playthrough.
6. Peace and Tranquility - AHiT : Legit bop.
7. The Rain Formerly Known as Purple : RoR2
8. Pyrocumulus - Kickstart
9. A Gaze of Obsession (Pure Furies) - O-Life JP
10. Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle - Scarlatto de Levante
i'm spposed to tag ppl but i am legit super busy and i have to go get some groceries now lol, thank u for tagging me tho! and let me know if based on these, u have any recommendations for me, tetra! i need to check the songs u posted out still
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