#wow my fellas!
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bannedaid · 6 months ago
🏆🩹💢🧸 4 eros
🏆 - Best friends (past, current or future)
ermm... looks around awkwardly. currently, eros is friendless. because he's an asshole and pushes people away haha! his current goals don't really give him the time to make friends, and when/if he attempts to, it seems to backfire!! he has a lot of pent up frustration and stuff that he doesn't know how to deal with so ... yadda yadda. anyways! past friends. his brother keer, was his absolute best friend when they were together in the fahrar, at first. he would spend all of his time with his twin, helping him, leading him around, getting into trouble, etc. unfortunately as with every positive relationship eros managed to have he erm... messed it up! gulps. but that's for another time :) (even though you already know why...kinda)
🩹 - Someone who was a source of trauma
i'd love to yap about this but also i don't want to yap too much because... where's the mystery then... but his father was definitely a big source of trauma, which is weird because technically charr parents aren't usually too involved with their children. anyways! there was also a certain charr...... in a legion..... that rhymes with blost legion... whom he! well! it ended badly ok?
💢 - Person they can't stand
looks directly at you. wixxi. wixxi. wixxi. wixxi. wixxi. at first it was because she was so damn nice and people-pleasey, but after their altercation, it's become a kind of "what the fuck is wrong with you" hatred. can't say more because that's for my dearest dinobleat to yap about, but those who know.. know... looks devious. there's a lot of people eros hates, though, but wixxi definitely takes the cake at the moment. OH. AND. ALSO. EREBUS. bro absolutely despises that guy after getting his ass handed to him. but he's not really going to voice that out loud, ever. in fact, his nasty presence seems to shrink and simmer away whenever erebus walks into the vicinity! wow! eros deterent!
🧸 - Childhood friends
Already accidentally touched on this in the first ask, but i'll yap about it again anyways. in the earleir days of being in the fahrar, his twin brother keer was definitely his best (and only) friend. even though they were the same in age, he took his duties as an 'older brother' pretty seriously. until he didn't. and well... i guess he had more friends(?) after that! if you could really call them friends.. gulps...
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mysticalcats · 3 months ago
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super quick munk for @jellyfuljellicle's jellicle january!!
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dreamydxze · 1 year ago
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So I tried to forget it, it was all part of the show Told myself I'd regret it, but what do I know About all these useless dreams of living alone Like a dog-less bone
So come let me love you Come let me love you And then, colour me in
(song: colour me in - damien rice)
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viibo · 7 months ago
hey i saw youre taking requests :3 idk if ocs are allowed but if so can you draw my guy here?
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if not then can i request a peri and dev doodle <:] ty have a nice day
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theyre real fun to have at the fairy trials
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fluffyfurry6663 · 1 year ago
The Unknown from memory :33
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cryiling · 9 months ago
revalink au where revali is the world's most stuck up coffee connoisseur. he owns 3 separate espresso machines, he can lecture about different brewing methods all day long, he only drinks coffee made with ethically sourced beans from high-end cafes
meanwhile link drinks the shittiest coffees known to man. either they're unfathomably sweet or they're a horrendous concoction of something like instant coffee powder in lukewarm water with a shot of vodka
so ofc they fall in love <3
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hplonesomeart · 5 months ago
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Hey!! So turns out a video I made between a certain “well beloved but highly sensitive/emotionally reactive T.V” and an “orange haired inkling-turned-human” has managed to sweep my YouTube channel and accumulate 100k VIEWS!! THAT’S A LOT OF PEOPLE ACTUALLY?? My most widely viewed video EVER to exist in this moment in time?? AAAAA?? Not even mentioning the various comments and staggering increase in subs! It’s so much more then what I expected or even prepared for—might even be the most impactful thing to happen for me this year <3
…aside from graduating high school + the social connections I’ve been fortunate to make lol
BUT THE POINT IS I’d been closely monitoring the YouTube growth through the entirety of October. It’s make me smile like a dork, gawk in astonishment, dance frantically in my room from the energy boosts, and grow courage to stop being so selective/self-conscious with what I wish to share with the world! It’s kept my ambitions going!
I needed to find some way to celebrate the occasion and express my thanks—because I can’t NOT acknowledge this milestone jksjskp. Typically I try to avoid getting tunnel visioned focusing on the metrics/numbers. Mr. Puzzles had already demonstrated how much those things can mess with the minds of creatives. Caring too much about chasing views or placing your artistic value in attention seeking gets damaging. But at same time…it’s hard to deny the sense of pride the 100k achievement has filled me with. I understand that reaching 100k views doesn’t immediately make me any “better” or “worse” then I was before. I’m still just me! It only helps me feel seen by others—and that’s all I really needed. To hear some nice words & receive reminders that my ideas are cared about. So thank you SMG4 fandom for that, seriously thank you.
Please accept this Mr. Puzzle drawing as a way of sharing the happiness around. He’s so entertaining. Love him for simply existing. So glad we can all collectively be super attached to him (and the rest of the SMG4 cast of course). Can’t wait to see more incredible artworks from the fandom :)
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Just incase anyone is confused by my vague description over which “animated video” I’m referring to here—hopefully this photo will help clarify lol. It’s this one!! Sorry about not outright stating the title at the start, I got carried away with writing!!
I’ve been in an odd place mentally when thinking about it. Wondering to myself if any of the attention is deserved considering it’s not even fully colored and could be dismissed as “low effort” content (despite taking several days making it). It’s easy to get into a trap of comparing yourself to others and questioning how much of the videos success is based on your skills, sheer algorithm luck, or only because you used popular characters and catered to a specific fandom. And then judging yourself by looking at other peoples videos. I’ve seen several artists post higher quality works then my own but it somehow gets less views. So why did mine succeed when others (who should have gotten just as much attention if not more) didn’t? Sometimes you feel like you’ve unfairly robbed them of that chance to be seen. However I’ve realized that I can’t ever expect views to be consistent—and comparing is pointless. So why worry about it or feel inadequate? I mean it’s pretty common for funny cat videos to go viral, so who am I to question the system lol. “Popular” YouTube videos can range from a passion project which took 7+ artists…to a clip of Toad singing Chandelier or a nonsensical Vine sketch. Anything can happen when it’s the internet! And just-so-happened my video was chosen. I should stay glad about that and get rid of all the overanalyzing. So that’s what I’ve chosen to do :)
#OKAY SO SO SO actually started doodling this once the video was around 98k this morning#it wasn’t even meant to be art specifically designed to celebrate the milestone at first#I just wanted to draw the funky fella who makes me laugh#but as you can see that changed up fast jksjksp#I was under the impression that my video wouldn’t reach near 100k until December UH?? WHAT HAPPENED MY PREDICTION THWARTED??#seems I’ve severally underestimated how long the traction would continue for geez wow uh#people sure do enjoy comedy gotta love ‘em laughs and giggles#I CAN’T BELIEVE WE REACHED IT THO. THAT’S INSANE TO ME—ALL THE SUPPORT AND COMMENTS AND SUBS#thank you SMG4 fandom I would’ve never fathomed the algorithm to carry it so far like this#you wanna know the real kicker?#things would have gone so differently for the channel if I didn’t wrestle with my anxiety & post there#because there was a point during that day where I fullheartedly figured it would cause me to loose subs#I was kinda terrified ngl#this goes to show that you should never hold yourself back from sharing different aspects of your interests#you don’t need to confine yourself to just one thing#or to strive only to make the most high quality videos ever (I put that pressure on myself a bit too much nowadays)#sometimes it’s the simple ideas that manage to charm people#and those who see the effort will stick around to support you. You just need to trust yourself during the process and take that chance :)#EWWWW MUSHY GUSHY SENTIMENTALITY CLOGGING UP THE ATTENTION HERE#whatever happened to keeping the focus on ✨the star✨ who made it all possible to begin with huuuu??#show a bit more gratitude to the charming TV who boosted the viewership in the first place…don’t be so self absorbed with morals lonesome 😒#what is this some sort of My Little Pony episode oh pleaseeeeee 🙄#<- all of that was a simulation of Puzzles interjecting and nagging a bit lol. I’d imagine he’s tried of my nonstop nonsense#….yea the Puzzle brainrot is reaching maximum severities. So there’s high chance I’ll be animating him more down the line :3#stick around to find out!!#hplonesome art
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theactualsunshinechild · 1 year ago
The day Honkai Star Rail announces a 5 star Sampo, it's over for me.
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tdutb · 1 year ago
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balloon gijinka. mighт fear тhe guy buт he seems silly soooo brain schlum!!111!!
-has reading glasses -always has a spare pen/pencil -suiтcase sew on тhe aro paтch for him -ring from suiтcase (qpp for life💪💪) -enтire wardrobe consisтs of long-sleeve sтuff
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psychopomperanian · 1 year ago
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@cherry-pop-elf has brought to my attention that hpma george weasley has a very charming design
also featuring @cherry-pop-elf's oc Cherry Cherry-Wood, who is a very stylish huff who also happens to be a durmstrang exchange student, which i think is a very fun combination
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I’m watching True Detective for the first time and they truly did just make Ligotti a character, didn’t they?
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love-3-crimes · 7 months ago
felt a little silly,,,a little goofy even (context is that i have baby hotline stuck in my head and am procrastinating this essay)(send help)
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drbansick · 2 years ago
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I remade my versions of Jekyll and Hyde, I only ever posted my Hyde design before I think.
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lotus-sunn · 10 months ago
ahem sorry,again.
@nuncscioquidsitamor-14 @stargirlly
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karkats-longsleeves · 1 month ago
@ Grimsley and Jonah fans on here- I'm about to hit them with a Yuri Beam so you'll get to see Grim as a giant nasty spindly mean powerful girl and i think thats beautiful , in the words of Mark Iplier, ITS ABOUT POWER.......
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mazojo · 10 months ago
Anthony having to witness the two people he loved the most (almost) die in his arms is actually so sick
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