#wow mentioning outlast brought me back
Fic Writer Review
Thanks so much for tagging me @crunadh <3 oh i love this one!
1. How many fics on AO3?
6. I write a lot, but most of what i write doesn't make it to AO3
2. Total AO3 wordcount?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Mostly for The Witcher these days, but years ago I also wrote for Outlast (the horror video game), Undertale and a bunch of anime/manga like Kuroko no Basket, Black Butler, Tokyo Ghoul and Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan. Can't believe i still remember all of them.
4. Top five by kudos?
I'll only rate the first three because the other ones are written in French and are unfinished anyway
3) Interferences, with 27 kudos, which i guess was to be expected when writing for a rarepair such as this one
2) Survivors, with 119 kudos
1) Make them (make you) see you the way I do, with 143 kudos, my only geraskier and ntflx!witcher fic, which i'm kinda :/ about because it's certainly not the one I'm the most proud of
5. Do you respond to comments, why/why not?
I try to! I love yelling with other people in the comment section, but sometimes when i don't respond right away or when i'm overwhelmed, i end up forgetting about it then i realize that it's too late and that if i respond now it'll just. be weird. So if you left a comment on one of my fics know that i love you and that i've read your comment multiple times, it's just that your comment caught me in a downward curve <3
6. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Survivors i guess? The whole fic was pretty angsty since it's about Lambert mourning and grieving...
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
Nope! Crossovers aren't really my thing, although it'd be fun to imagine how Geralt and Corvo from Dishonored would interact, or Geralt and Dante maycry. Not at the top of my list of priorities tho
8. Have you received hate on a fic?
No, thank goodness!
9. Do you write smut?
Sometimes, when i have the stamina for it. I find smut to be particularly exhausting to write. I have to be in the right mood for it tho 😂
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so?
11. Ever had a fic translated?
Nope, although i guess i could translate my own fics, it's literally my day job 😂
12. Ever co-written a fic before?
No, and I'm not sure if that's an experience i want to try my hand at
13. All time favorite ship?
There's so many amazing ships in this fandom, it's hard to pick one... I like most ships involving Geralt (once again, my boy has hands plural) but my favorites are yenralt and geregis. And these days i'm also really into lambden and Keira/Lambert? Do they have a ship name? And Emhyr/Dijkstra of course :)))))
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
There are like three or four modern au's i started writing but never finished because i couldn't be bothered to make a plot ahead of time. Maybe i'll get back to them one day.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I'd say emotions? Describing what's going on in the characters' heads and all that? And dialogues as well.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plots. Ugh. I'm never satisfied with what i come up with.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages?
It can be so interesting when done well – when actual bilingual people can relate to it. I know most native English speakers don't like it, maybe because they're used to understanding everything? I don't know, i'm aware that it can be frustrating and that you may feel like you're missing out on the story, but it can add so much depth and flavor to a character! Other bilingual people will understand, we are not quite the same people in our native language and in other languages, so it can show a different facet of a character. The tricky part is working with the reader, trying not to make them feel excluded, make them feel like they understood even though they don't know the words. I don't quite know how to get there yet though.
18. First fandom you write for?
A really obscure French animated series involving a self-insert and the character I had a crush on. Now that's just embarrassing.
19. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Interferences. I have to admit, i'm quite proud of the witty dialogue between Emhyr and Dijkstra, two characters far, far more intelligent than i am. It was challenging but very satisfying to write.
I believe most of my writer mutuals have already been tagged by other people? If someone hasn't though don't hesitate, i want to see your answers 👀
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madsthewordclown · 4 years
Dance with Me | Sokka x Reader
Prompt: “Please don’t do this to me.”
I got this prompt from a post by @urmomoness ! I love their prompt lists so much, and I just had to write something with this one because IDEAS. You can thank @nadiblue for convincing me to post this now
summary: a whole lot of fluff of Y/N and Sokka at the Kataang wedding reception, modern au
Warnings: mentions of alcohol. so much fluff. I am sorry
“Please don’t do this to me,” Y/N begged, trying in vain to dig her heels into the ground as Sokka tugged on her arm.
“Come on, Y/N, it’s a special day,” Sokka insisted, smiling. “Plus, I know you just cried at that first dance, and this’ll cheer you up.”
“They were happy tears!” Y/N protested, pulling her arm out of Sokka’s grasp. “Besides, you were crying too!”
“Hey!” Sokka put a hand to his chest. “It’s my little sister’s wedding. I’m allowed to cry manly tears.”
It really was a beautiful wedding. Y/N should have been more emotionally prepared, but there was something about seeing how happy her friends were, and how the world seemed to disappear for them when they took to the dancefloor. Katara had warned her not to cry, too.
“If you cry then I’ll cry,” Katara had said. “I will have to kick you out of the wedding party.”
Luckily, Katara hadn’t followed through on the threat, and Katara hadn’t cried. The smile never left Katara’s face, actually. But Y/N could’ve sworn that Aang was tearing up through the entire ceremony.
“Yeah, manly,” Y/N teased with a laugh. “I’m still not going to dance.”
Sokka groaned. “Don’t be a buzzkill, Y/N. How could you not like dancing?”
“It’s not that I don’t like it,” Y/N insisted. “It’s that I’m bad at it and not interested in embarrassing myself.”
“You sound like Zuko,” Sokka said with a frown, “and even he’s dancing. It’s Katara’s wedding, Y/N, live a little. Besides, everyone is going to be embarrassing themselves later.”
The bartender did seem pretty busy, Y/N had to admit. There was a good chance that some of the guests wouldn’t remember the evening at all.
Suddenly, the music changed to an upbeat song that Y/N didn’t quite recognize. Sokka pouted at her. Y/N sighed.
“Fine,” she relented, letting Sokka gently pull her toward the dance floor. “But only because I like this song.”
Y/N decided to start of simple, swaying to the song and letting Sokka swings his hands in hers. But before they even got all the way through the first chorus of the song, Sokka was letting go of her hands and dancing wildly. They bumped into Zuko, who was reluctantly dragged into dancing by Ty Lee. Mai had not budged from her seat at a table across the room.
Sokka really did dance like no one was watching. Y/N took a moment to just observe him. The guy was an engineering genius, but somehow, this is where he seemed the most in his element. Just letting loose and having fun with his friends by his side. He was waving his arms around now, almost comically. Y/N giggled.
“Told you it would cheer you up!” Sokka called out over the noise of the other guests and the music. Sokka moved closer, grabbing Y/N’s hands again as he noticed her lack of movement. “You need to get more into it!” He insisted with a grin.
“I’m good, thanks,” Y/N replied, giving him a smile. She hoped that he couldn’t tell how warm she felt with her hands in his.
“Y/N!” Katara called. It appeared she had finally been able to get out of small talk with the other guests. Katara glowed in her wedding gown, pulling Aang along behind her. Aang couldn’t seem to look away from his now-wife’s face.
“Y/N,” Katara repeated, “you have to dance with me, I love this song.”
“Please?” Katara interrupted. “It’s my favorite, and it’s my wedding day.”
“Fine,” Y/N relented with a grin. She caught Sokka shooting her an offended look, his mouth dropped open in mock-shock—oh, now you’ll dance? —it seemed to say.
Y/N followed Katara to a somewhat-open spot on the dancefloor. Ty Lee and Suki joined their little group with bounds of enthusiasm, and even Toph was willing to join in, on Katara’s insistence. Y/N’s bridesmaid dress was the same shade of blue as the other girls’ outfits, other than Katara’s white gown. Toph had somehow been allowed to wear a blazer and sleek pants instead of a dress.
Y/N felt her shyness melt away as she began to dance with the other girls. It was an incredible feeling to let loose and have fun, especially after such a spectacular day. Soon enough they were shouting along the lyrics of every song.
The crowd wasn’t that big to begin with, as Katara and Aang hadn’t had a huge guest list, preferring to include mainly close friends and family. But the people on the dance floor slowly began to clear out, although for Y/N and her friends, the night had not begun to calm down.
Sokka was back, Y/N realized, although he had never left. The music changed again, and Y/N immediately recognized the song.
“This is my favorite!” She cried, already beginning to move to the music. She set her eyes on Sokka, running over to pull him further into the dance floor.
“You seem excited for someone who refused to get up from the table earlier,” Sokka teased. The suit jacket that he had been wearing was gone, leaving him in his white button up along with his blue bow tie. His hair was beginning to fall out of its ponytail. Y/N could hardly feel her heart’s rapid rhythm over the beat of the music.
“It’s my favorite, Sokka.” Y/N held onto Sokka’s hands and danced, swinging her hips and bobbing her head along. Sokka was smiling at her and definitely mouthed the word dork, but then he was bobbing right along with her.
Y/N belted the final chorus to the best of her ability, which admittedly wasn’t that great, but Sokka seemed to appreciate it. He didn’t know the song, but attempted to sing along anyway, completely butchering the words. The song ended, and Y/N was huffing from the effort of singing and jumping around like a maniac.
Y/N gave a sigh of relief as the gentle sound of acoustic guitar filled her ears. After what seemed like an eternity, there was finally a slow song. She leaned in towards Sokka to make sure he could hear.
“I’m going to go take a breather,” she said, already walking away, but was stopped when she realized that Sokka had not let go of her arm.
“Come on, Y/N,” he smiled, warm and bright. “You can’t quit now.”
“I’m really out of breath, Sokka.”
“It’s a slow song, Y/N,” he reasoned. “You don’t even have to do anything.”
“And I don’t want you to sit down and quit for the night,” Sokka joked. “Suki and I have agreed that we’re going to outlast the rest of my family.”
Y/N didn’t say anything but let Sokka slowly pull her towards him. She put her arms around his next and felt his settle on her waist. And then Y/N suddenly realized how close they were, feeling her face warm. She leaned to rest her head on his shoulder to hopefully hide her expression.
It was another song that Y/N didn’t recognize, but Sokka seemed to know it. He was humming along with it lightly, and Y/N could feel it. He wasn’t perfectly on tune, but he had the melody down. They hardly moved, lightly swaying from side to side.
“They had a beautiful ceremony,” Y/N said, lifting her head from Sokka’s shoulder to look at him. “It was almost too perfect.”
“I know,” Sokka agreed. “I’m really happy for them.”
“Me too,” Y/N hummed, looking to where the happy couple was dancing. Katara was leaning heavily onto Aang’s shoulder. Aang’s eyes were closed as he smiled and held his bride closely. It was almost enough to make Y/N tear up all over again, but she turned to see that Sokka was beating her to it, his eyes turning watery.
“Aww,” Y/N giggled, removing her arms from Sokka’s shoulders to cup her hands on his face. “Look at those manly tears.”
“Shut up,” Sokka whined, grabbing Y/N’s wrists to pull her hands away. “You were getting emotional, too.”
“If it makes you feel better,” Y/N giggled, letting her arms fall to her sides. Sokka slid his hands into hers.
“You know,” Sokka changed the subject, looking into Y/N’s eyes with his very, very blue ones. “You’re a pretty good dancer, I don’t know why you didn’t want to.”
“You mean I’m a really dorky dancer,” Y/N corrected.
“I mean, yes, some of it is dorky,” Sokka admitted, “but you seem to have a lot of fun when you stop worrying about it.”
“I don’t like feeling like people are watching me,” Y/N explained. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Well,” Sokka reassured, “I don’t think anyone noticed the poor attempt at moonwalking, so you’re all good.”
“You noticed,” Y/N pointed out. Sokka tugged on her hands in response, pulling her closer. They were very close again, Y/N noticed, and this time the music wasn’t drowning out her nerves. A woman’s voice crooned over the speakers.
“Yeah, but I always notice you.” Sokka laced his fingers with yours. “I just… you’re really special to me, Y/N. You know that, right?” Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at his words.
“You’re special to me, too,” Y/N replied, unable to think of any other response. She had felt her feelings growing towards her friend over the past few months, but she wasn’t prepared for this. Whatever this was.
Sokka bit his lip, looking into Y/N’s eyes tentatively. It was the first time Y/N had seen Sokka—confident, hilarious, intelligent Sokka—look this nervous.
“Can I kiss you?” Sokka whispered. Y/N almost thought she heard his voice shaking, and she had barely begun to nod before his lips were on hers.
The kiss was tentative, gentle, and sweet, and she could taste cherry grenadine on his lips because he’d insisted on overloading a Shirley Temple with sugar. Sokka let go of her hands, resting one of his on her waist while the other came up to cradle her cheek, his touch light. Y/N brought her own hands up to wrap around his shoulders once again.
They pulled apart, Sokka’s eyes wide and his lips tilting into a small smile. “Wow,” Y/N breathed dumbly.
“Wow,” Sokka agreed, not taking his eyes away from Y/N’s face for a single moment. “Do you want to go out sometime?”
“Yeah.” Y/N felt her face break out into a wide smile. “I would.”
“Great,” Sokka breathed, his smile bright. The slow song had ended, the next one already beginning with an upbeat rhythm. Sokka tilted his head to where the rest of their friends were gathering together to dance along. “Want to go join them?”
Y/N nodded, smiling as Sokka held her hand and they went to join their friends.
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The Beginning... Episode 1 Part 2
Okay, wow. People really want this series to be a thing. So, wish granted! I’m super pumped for this! thanks for all the positivity you sent my way. I’ll try to live up to your expectations.
Also, an important note. In this AU, there are no pre-existing romantic relationships between the Smashers. Trust me, there will be. But this way there will be more room for drama.
*The Smashers have assembled in the amphitheater at Camp Smashanakwa. The show is on, and the teams are about to be forged. Ganondorf stands on the stage in full on Host mode.*
Ganondorf: Welcome back to Total Drama Smash Bros, brought to you by Lon Lon Milk! The coldest and most refreshing milk in the Chosen Kingdom. 9 Nine out of 10 Hylians recommend it!
Link: It's true.
Zelda: We're addicted. *Chugs a bottle of 2%*
Ganondorf: Now, before we can divide up these poor suckers into their teams, we need to introduce the rest of the staff! First off, is chef Ridley, who will be bringing you all your tasty camp treats.
*Cut to Ridley in the kitchen with a chainsaw and a suspicious bulging bag slung over his shoulder, dripping with blood.*
Ridley: HOPE YOU LIKE PORK! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Revs up the chainsaw
*Cut back to the amphitheater*
Ganondorf: Next is King K Rool, who will be managing our... forest friends.
*Cut to King K Rool in front of hundreds of giant cages all filled with monsters from various games*
K Rool: You just need to feed them properly.
*A couple of unpaid interns are dumped into a cage with a King Dodongo.*
Intern #1: Meh, still better than studying for finals.
*Cut back to the amphitheater*
Ganondorf: After that is Bowser, our resident tinkerer!
*Cut to Bowser, working on a massive electrical bear trap.*
Bowser: My motto is, if it can be electrical, it should be! Buahahah!
*Cut back to amphitheater.*
Ganondorf: And finally, Wolf! Our handyman.
Wolf, off to the side smoking a cigarette: I fix your toilets. Piss me off at your own risk.
Marth: I'm beginning to suspect that Master Hand is angry with us, putting these lunatics in charge.
Erdrick: Ya don't say?!
Ganondorf: Anyway! Time to make our teams. *A bokoblin walks onstage wearing a pink glittery dress. It holds a bag full on envelopes.* Simply come up and choose an envelope. If the paper inside is green, then you're a Crying Goomba! If it's red, then you're an Ugly Koopa!
Red: Wow, you're not even trying to hide your pettiness.
Ganondorf: Nope!
*The victims- I mean contestants one by one took up envelopes from the pink dress clad bokoblin. In the end, the teams were as follows*
*Crying Goombas: Link, Daisy, Ike, Leaf, Red, Corrine, Joker, Rosalina, Marth, Bonny Janet.*
*Ugly Koopas: Samus, Zelda, Roy, Pit, Dark Pit, Robyn, Lucina, Captain Falcon, Peach, Erdrick*
Captain Falcon: Aw yeah! Let me hear ya my Koopas!
*Silence, crickets chirping.*
Captain Falcon: Come on guys! We're doing this anyway, least we could do is be pumped for it!
Zelda: Sorry Captain, but we're far more worried about what insanity Ganondorf is going to inflict on us.
Captain Falcon: True... but still! Twenty million big ones!
Peach: At least five of us are royalty. We've got more than enough money. We're just doing this because we want to remain Smashers.
Daisy: And being responsible monarchs means we can't use much of the royal treasury for ourselves. It'll be good to have some pocket change.
Marth: ...Well when it's said like that it seems kind of arrogant.
*Sure enough some of the less monetarily inclined Smashers are looking at the royals with a bit of resentment*
Ganondorf: Ha Ha! Finally some seeds of drama! But, for now, one final bit of exposition before we get the ball rolling!
*a screen descends and shows a picture of a shoddily constructed outhouse*
Ganondorf: This is the Den of Confession. It's a completely private place to air your dirty laundry and darkest secrets. I guarantee you that no one will probably won't not maybe possibly never not see it.
Everyone: …
Dark Pit: Do even you know where you went with that?
Ganondorf: Nope!
Inside the Confessional
Zelda: Darkest secrets huh... … … … … I'm... I'm not actually a blonde. My hair is bleached. … … *she suddenly jumps onto the camera* GIMME THAT TAPE!
*The smashers and new teams now find themselves on the beach where Ganondorf is standing with Bowser Both Ganondorf and Bowser are clad in the loudest Hawaiian swim trunks in history.*
Ganondorf: Welcome Smashers and viewing audience to your FIRST CHALLENGE!
Pit: Ooh! Ooh! Are we playing voleyball! I love volleyball!
Dark Pit: *smacks Pit upside the head*
Pit: Oww!
Dark Pit: Of course not you idiot!
Ganondorf: Actually, my emo feathered moron, we are playing volleyball!
Dark Pit: Wait- what?! That's it?!
Ganondorf, a shit-eating grin on his face: Weeeeeeeellllll.... not really. See we're going to be playing...
Samus: This is going exactly where I think it is isn't it?
Ganondorf, pulling out a Bomb-bomb with the fuse lit: VOLLEY-BOMB!
Samus: Yup.
*Ganondorf throws the bomb at the Smashers*
*The Smashers jump for cover as the bomb lands... and nothing happens. It's a dud.*
Ganondorf: HAH! Classic.
Bowser, producing a massive sack filled with bombs: These bombs were designed by yours truly! They're programmed to only explode when they hit the ground, so keep them flying! Cause if they touch down... well you get the idea.
Ganondorf: The rules are simple. The Goombas and the Koopas will each split into two teams of five. There will be two games of 5 v. 5. Whichever team wins both games wins invincibility... and a prize! The loser team will vote someone off the Island tonight.
Peach: Uh, excuse me! But what if both teams win a game?
Ganondorf: Oh. Well, in that case, we'd have to hole... … the tie-breaker. MUAHAHAHA! *Ominous lightning flash*
*Silence. Crickets chirping.*
Ganondorf: Well, hop to it!
Inside the Confessional
Bowser: I'm a little worried about Big G. He's... he's getting really into this whole reality TV deal. Way more than is probably healthy.
Inside the Confessional
Link: Hey, maybe Ganondorf has found his true calling an he'll leave Hyrule the fuck alone! But since when am I that lucky huh?
With the Goombas
Link: Okay team. I think we need to talk strategy.
Bonny Janet: We're all goon ta' die.
Link: No... we just need to be careful. I have the most experience with these types of bombs, so I should head the first Team 1. Daisy, you're the professional sportswoman so you'll head Team 2.
Daisy: You got it! If I can survive Mario Party then I can survive this.
Bonny Janet: Grate. Soo tha' sissy English Elf is goona ta leaad one tame and the talkin' floowers goon to lead the oother?
Link: You've got a problem with that?
Bonny Janet: Aye ah've goot a problem! Who made ye leader eh?! Ike's goot tha flammin' sword o' fire! E' should lead a team, not the flight fairy o'er dere!
Link: Daisy's got the most experience with games like these. She leads Team 2.
Joker: Uh, not to play Devil's Advocate, but Bonny has a point. Ike does seem pretty fireproof.
Marth: Call it same series bias, but Ike does seem like a good choice. I don't doubt Daisy's abilities, but this seems more like a “let's survive and outlast” situation than a “let's beat the other team into submission” type situation.
Ike: Look, Link, I don't want to be the asshole here, but if the group wants me I'll do it.
In the Confessional
Bonny Janet: Dun git ma wrong. Ah' got nothin' against Elfy personally. Boot e's a presumptuous prick if e's thinks e' can joost boss us around like that. We ain'r 'is lackeys!
In the Confessional
Link: And like that everyone's suddenly listening to the Scottish Imp of a Pokemon trainer! I mean, I know she's both adorable and hilarious, but you can't just throw strategy out the window.
In the Confessional
Daisy: I appreciated Link standing up for me, but frankly I think he was more offended than I was.
With the Koopas
Captain Falcon: Trust me guys! I got this one in the bag.
Samus: As much as I want to disagree with Falcon on principal, he's probably right. This does seem like his forte.
Lucina: Indeed. Finally, a use for the meathead.
Captain Falcon: Hey! My brain is made of pure brain stuff. And if it WERE meat it'd be delicious.
Erdrick: *pats Falcon on the head*
Roy: Okay, I say we keep Falcon back until round 2, sort of our ace in the hole okay? Samus, can you handle round 1?
Samus: No sweat.
Roy: Any arguments?
*There is silence for a moment but no one disagrees with him.*
Roy: Alright, move out!
*The Koopas move to leave, but Pit and Zelda are grabbed from behind and pulled behind a large rock by an unknown figure. It turns out to be Peach.*
Zelda: Peach, dear, could you tell me what's going on. I mean, if you want to be behind a rock... with me... I uh... can make some exceptions... but uh... should Pit really-
*Peach smacks Zelda upside the head*
Peach: No you useless lesbian! I'm with Mario remember.
Zelda: Oh. Yes. I see.
Pit: What's a lesbian?
Peach: You'll find out when you're older. But look. Zelda, you're only ride-or-die ally is one the other team right?
Zelda: Now that you mention it... I have been worrying about what to do without Link. I can handle myself but...
Peach: And Pit. It's only a matter of time before Dark Pit gets too annoyed with you and gets you voted off, right?
Pit: No! Pittoo and I are making great progress! This morning he only beaned me in the head with one gallon of milk.
Pit: I'm screwed aren't I?
Peach: Not if we stick together! I propose an alliance between us. Together, we'll take each other to the final three!
In the Confessional
Peach: I can see that I'm in a bad boat. Both Daisy and Rosalina are on the opposing team, so I'm already out two allies. I know what people think of me, the “useless Princess”. If I don't act fast I'm going home. Zelda and Pit are both sweethearts, and they're bad asses to boot. They'll make good allies.
In the Confessional
Zelda: I want to go on the record as saying I do not need Link to survive this place. I already have an alliance of my own! Time to show that Princess Zelda is no damsel in distress!
Zelda: I'm on board.
Pit: I dunno... I don't feel right doing this behind my emo brother's back.
Peach: Well with an alliance we can watch out for him little guy.
Pit: You mean it?
Peach: One-hundred percent!
Pit: … Okay, I'm in.
Ganondorf, watching on one of his monitoring cameras: Ooh hoo! Looks like some drama is already kicking up! The Goombas in a power struggle and two princesses already teaming up with a gullible Angel! Will Link take true command of the Goombas? Will Peach survive with her new alliance? Find out, here on Total, Drama, SMASH BROS!
And that’s a wrap on part 2! The actual challenge will be in the third and final part of this episode, which will include the voting off ceremony. Let me know what you think! Also, try and guess who will win and be voted off.
Be good people!
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theycallmemoosey · 6 years
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Dan x Reader
A/N - Yahoo! Back again for 2019! Happy new year! So, here’s another lovely request that I really really enjoyed writing from the wonderful @winchestergirl907 . I hope you guys enjoy it! Moose :)
“So guys,” Benny began as yourself and Dan settled into the chairs in front of the famous ‘Fine Bros’ scenery, “I know you’ve been and done this before for a couple of videos but I’ll just do a quick rundown so you know what’s going to happen. So, what we’re going to do is ask you a couple of questions about yourselves and your relationship etc etc and then we’re going to show you some clips. Act as naturally as possible and we’ll guide you in the direction we need you to go. Once we’ve shown all the clips we have for you we’ll ask you a couple more questions about the clips and what you thought and then the whole sign off thing. Sound ok with you guys?” 
“Sounds awesome” you replied, smiling and nodding as you sorted out your hair. 
“Received” Dan added, cringing slightly after realising what he had just said. 
“Ah-shit. Just got to talk to Rafi about something. I’ll be two seconds. Sorry guys” 
“Oh no,” you reassured, “don’t worry. No rush”
As Benny left, Dan leant into your shoulder and whined in your ear, “can you sort out my hair?” 
“It’s fine” you replied, not even looking at him as you checked your phone. 
“Stop it, Dan. It’s fine” you chuckled, lifting your hand to stroke his head. 
“You just messed it up. Fix it!” 
Sighing, you put your phone down and turned towards him, placing his curls in random places just to keep him happy. 
“Are you okay by the way? You seem…nervous”
“Yeah. Quiet and just fidgety. It's not like you haven’t filmed a collab video before”
“Yeah. No. I’m fine. I’m just really tired that’s all. Jet-lagged” 
“Well sorry you had to come back to MY country to see MY family for Christmas, even though I live in YOUR shitty, rainy, boring old country” 
Dan looked at you blankly, “Don’t be racist”
Laughing, you finished off ‘fixing’ his hair.
“Much” he smiled, kissing you quickly before returning to the position he was just in as Benny walked back onto set. 
“Sorry about that guys, we’re ready to start when you are” 
“Ok. I’m gonna do the intro and then we’re into it. Just act natural” 
“Easy” Dan smiled. 
“Dan Howell and Y/N L/N. You two are a very famous youtube couple that has a total subscriber count of over 8 million. How long have you two been together?” 
“We have been together for about…” you hesitated, looking at Dan for help, only to physically see the cogs turning in his brain as he too tried to work out how long you had been together. 
“7 years? We’ve been together since 2012 haven’t we?” Dan asked you. 
“I think so” you laughed, looking back at Benny who was looking at the list of questions on his sheet. 
“How did you two meet?” 
“Well we both were young idiots making videos on youtube and somehow we had already made quite a large fanbase separately. We were both invited to the Sony Awards that year in which Dan and Phil were nominated for the Golden Headphones Award for their radio show.” 
“Yeah, I remember that now. Oh god, 2012…” Dan cringed, remembering how awkward the whole event was, “Wait, why were you even there” 
“I think I was just invited by my uncle who was one of the nominees. You know he lives in England.” you replied, looking at Dan before looking back toward Benny to continue the story, “Dan and Phil didn’t know a lot of people there and I, for one, appeared to be the only American there. Naturally, the three loneliest people got together and we really got on” 
“We then showed her around London for the next two weeks while she was over here” Dan continued, “then we exchanged Skype usernames and our numbers and everything before she went home. Remember that? Skype? Ew” 
“I can still hear the ringtone” you laughed, remembering the hours the two of you spent calling each other. 
“I think it was only a few weeks later that we officially got together. I mean, I knew from the moment I saw you that I liked you, and it was a few weeks after you left you finally told me you liked me back” Dan smiled, taking your hand underneath the table to keep the PDA to a minimum. 
“We were online boyfriend and girlfriend for months before I finally got enough money to go back over to the UK to see them again. We did this for ages” 
“And then eventually, Phil and I decided that we missed Y/N as soon as she left our apartment so we asked if she wanted to move in with us. We were looking to move apartments anyway so we thought, why not? We never did end up moving though so you moved into the iconic London apartment before we moved last year” 
“So how long have you been living together now?” 
Dan chuckled, “Probably about four years or so. Best four years of my life” 
“Shush you big baby” you laughed, slapping his arm playfully. 
“So we have a few clips to show you if you’re ready?” 
“Yup. Ready” you nodded at Benny, taking the laptop from him. 
“So I’m sure you guys have seen some edits of your relationship as you are the fan favourite relationship of youtube” 
“Are we really the fan favourites? I didn’t think we could compare to couples like Alfie and Zoe or Felix and Marzia…god forbid, I never thought we would be the fan favourites against the Joe and Dianne!” you blabbered excitedly. 
“How far back do these clips go? Right back to 2012?!” Dan asked, jokingly with a panicked tone.
“Yes! Right back to 2012!” 
“NOOOOOOO!” Dan groaned jokingly, placing his head in his hands as the first clips began to play. 
“Oh!” You exclaimed, “this is of you and Phil recording the radio show!” 
“We just wanted to say, “ 2012 Phil stated into the mic, “that we are so grateful here at BBC Radio 1 for all your votes that made us win the Golden Headphones Award last week. We are honestly beyond thrilled that our silly little show has brought you guys so much entertainment so thank you guys” 
“Phil,” Dan replied, “stop being so sappy” 
“Sorry. It was actually a great evening. Really fun. We met a load of new people and got to learn more about radio stations etc etc. Oh but Dan loooooved the party. We both made a new friend who happens to now be staying with us. She’s pretty awesome actually” 
“You hear that kids? Going outside can sometimes be a good thing!” 
“Hear that hun? 2012 Dan wasn’t lying. You really need to start going out some more…it can be a good thing” 
“But the outside is dangerous. And I’m not a kid”
“Shush, just watch it” 
The video went from present day back to 2012, Dan and Phil showing you around central London. 
“This is the famous Big Ben?” You asked, your accent thicker than usual as you were living in America at the time.
“I know, not very impressive is it?” Phil laughed, panning the camera over to the three of you, their hair longer and straighter than you ever cared to remember. It was easy to spot that Dan had a thing for you back then, as he could not take his heart-eyes off of you as you took in the surroundings. 
“Well, I’m not saying it’s not impressive but…it’s not exactly the Empire State, is it?” 
Dan laughed, “Yeah, it’s a bit underwhelming. Onwards to the London Eye!!”
Dan laughed, “Two days you had been in that country and you drag our entire culture down in a matter of seconds. Wow.” 
“It’s true! It is so hyped up. Although to be fair, we had a great rest of the day” 
“And using the Empire State in comparison. Y/N, you aren’t even from New York” 
“Yes but that’s what most people think about first when they think about America in general. After Hamburgers, Trump and guns” 
“Woah. Stereotyping your own country” 
“What’s this?” You asked, pointing towards the laptop. 
“Oh lord, it's the pink diary video. The one we filmed after we announced that we were together” 
“Shit! No! Do not press play, Daniel!”
“You had a bright pink diary when you were 12!” 
“Dude, if you think that’s bad, then you should have seen my room. Bright pink walls, curtains, floors, bedsheets…got how much I regret that. Well, perks of getting your older sister’s old room” 
As the two of you scanned through the pages, Dan flicked to the page where you mention your childhood crush. 
“Oh my…who’s Elijah, Y/N?” 
“What? Oh god, Dan wait” you laughed, lunging to grab the diary from his hands. 
“Y/N, are you cheating on me? Already?!” He gasped, laughing as he held the diary out of reach from you. 
“Dan, just…give it back. Let me see it!” 
“How do I explain Elijah?” Dan began to read, “He is the coolest, most popular, handsomest - Y/N, that’s not even a word!” 
“Shut up, Daniel” you slapped his arm. 
Dan chuckled and cleared his throat before continuing, “Handsomest boy in school. God, how much I wish he would notice me. O-M-G. I think I love him!!” 
You groaned, covering your face with your hands. 
“That will forever be one of my favourite things I have done with you” Dan smiled, pausing the video as you calmed down from your giggle fit. 
“Hearing all about my first love, Elijah? God, 12 was a good age for me” 
“What’s next?” Dan laughed, pressing play and starting the next video. 
“Oh! It’s my first gaming channel appearance” 
“Hello, DanandPhilgames spooky weekers!! Today, we are delving into the well-known game that is no doubt going to make me shit myself, Outlast! Unfortunately, Phil is not able to join me today because he has left me all alone in the house which was a very stupid idea. However, because I am too much of a pansy to actually do this by myself I invited, the one, the only, the very amazingly beautiful pain in my ass, Y/N!” He paused, waiting for you to roll the chair into frame. 
“Y/N!” He repeated, waving his hands as a gesture to get you over, “Seriously? Do I have to do this? Oh come on” 
Dan shuffled towards you and grabbed the arm of your chair, pulling you into frame as you frowned at the camera. 
“I don’t want to be here” you stated, Dan laughing next to you. 
“The people need a video and there is no way I am playing this game on my own at night in an empty house. I’d do it for you!” 
“Well, I’m here now aren’t I? Eurgh come on, let's just get this over with”
The two of you began to play, although the video had sped up until the first jumpscare. 
“I think that we need to - OH MY GOD!” Dan cried out, accompanied by your loud scream. You threw the controller onto the desk and shook slightly before clinging onto Dan’s arm tightly. He too was shaking slightly but laughing more at your reaction. 
“Daniel you know I fucking hate horror games. Why the fuck am I here?”
“You’re cute when you’re scared. It’s ok, you’re ok.” Dan comforted you, hugging you tightly after pausing the game, “Nothing has jumped out of the screen yet” 
You gasped and moved back from Dan, slapping his arm slightly, “Why the fuck would you say that! The nightmares I am going to be having tonight” 
“Come on, let's continue” 
“I still hate horror anything to this day” you stated, Dan laughing as he nodded in agreement. 
“Yup. Games, movies, houses. Anything remotely scary and it's automatically a no-no for you. But its ok, you have me to protect you” 
“Says the man that falls off his chair every time he has a jump scare come at him” 
“Woah ok, thanks Y/N” 
“Day in the life of Dan and Phil!” Phil exclaimed into the camera, walking into the front room to capture Dan in the sofa crease, “What’s happening today, Danny-boy?” 
Dan laughed before closing his laptop, looking towards the camera before explaining, “we are going to pick up Y/N, who I’m sure you guys have seen before and if you haven’t, just…who even are you?” 
“Yeah, she and Dan have been dating for quite a while now. So, catch up guys. Sorry Dan, carry on” 
“Thank you, Phil.” Dan glared, “Basically, we decided that Y/N should just move in with us because she was spending so much money constantly travelling back and forth from America to see us” 
“We’re picking her up from the airport today and then grabbing some more things she needs for the apartment” Phil explained before sighing at Dan, “We have to pick her up in about an hour, why aren’t you ready?!” 
“Seriously, Danny? Phil was more excited to pick me up than you were?! And I’m YOUR girlfriend” 
“Yeah well…” Dan began, but you hit his arm to silence him. 
“Helloooo everyone and welcome to baking with Dan and Phil!” Phil began, Dan doing something weird as usual next to him.
“Today,” Phil began in a fit of giggles, “we are making spooky pumpkin spiced cookies” 
As the video continued in the background, you turned to face Dan, “I was so mad after this video” 
“Oh my god, I remember” Dan laughed, rubbing his eyes slightly. 
“They made such a mess and I had to fix it. And I wasn’t even allowed a cookie afterwards because the fat pigs had eaten them all. Doesn’t help that I was on my period at that point and super cranky. I think it was during the period I was moving in as well, so I was stressed as anything” you explained, Dan giggling softly behind you. 
“What did we actually upload? Because you had a proper fit” 
“Shut up you arse” 
“OH OH THIS IS WHERE YOU COME HOME!” Dan exclaimed excitedly. 
“Hey guys” you said, walking into the kitchen as you had come home from the meeting, “what you up to?” 
“Baking with Dan and Phil” Phil said, filming Dan as he whisked together the mixture. 
“You two are baking? This should be a shit-show” 
“Cheers for the support, hun” Dan said over his shoulder, jumping slightly when you kissed his shoulder. 
“I’m going for a shower, this place better not be burnt down by the time I get back”
“Famous last words” You scoffed, making Dan laugh as the two of you continued watching. 
The video had fast forward to the point you came back from the shower, changed into jeans and one of Dan’s shirts. You stopped in your tracks when you saw the mess in the kitchen. 
“What the hell have you done!” You shouted at them, looking at the state of the floor.
“We’re making cookies?” Dan shrugged his shoulders, eating icing out of the bag.
“BOYS!” You cried, taking a large breath before the clip cut to the next video. 
Dan paused the video and looked at you smugly, “I had to edit out your little fit because you literally screamed at us for two minutes straight” 
“Did you see the state of that kitchen? It was disgusting! You deserved it” 
“Basically,” Dan explained to Benny, “She then ordered us out the kitchen, tidied everything away, finished the cookies off for us and then went to bed to edit a video. Phil and I finished the video and I gave her some chocolate” 
“The way to Y/N’s heart is chocolate. Noted.” Benny replied, laughing as he urged the two of you to continue. 
“Helloooo Dan and Phil karters” Phil waved at the camera, Dan making some weird noise at the side. 
“Good. Dayyy” Dan dragged on, before snapping back to his usual persona he had on camera, “we are here today to celebrate the first Mario Kart session with Y/N!” 
“Good morning” You rolled into frame, shuffling the wheelie chair into the middle of the boys. 
“This is the first time you’ve been on the gaming channel since you moved in, Y/N. How does it feel?” Phil asked, pretending to hold a microphone up to you. 
“The same as it did when I was last here”
“Yeah but you now live here” 
“Biggest regret of my life. Girls, don’t move in with two boys. They smell. And if they order takeout, leave as quickly as possible or else you’re being the one who gets the joy of cleaning it all up” 
“When you’re quite finished dragging us into the gutter, Y/N!!” Dan cried out, placing his hand over your mouth jokingly to stop you from going on, “God. Imagine when she beats us, Phil…we’d never hear the end of it for god’s sake” 
“We just have to beat her then” Phil said, cracking his knuckles as he picked up the control to start the game. 
As the clip continued, you watched and smiled, feeling Dan take your hand and stroke his thumb over your knuckles. You glanced back at him and smiled, sticking your tongue out at him before leaning into his shoulder. 
“I stand by that by the way, Dan. Although I have to admit, you have been getting better at clearing up after yourselves. Phil too” 
“Yeah but Phil has just become a bit of an obsessive cleaner” 
“That’s very true” 
“What’s up guys, its a-me, Y/N. Today we are joined by my very sweet, very lovely, very amazing boyfriend, Daniel James Howell” 
“Hello everyone” Dan waved slightly, chuckling in his usual way. 
’What are we going to do today, Dan?”
Dan sighed jokingly, placing his face in his hands, “The goddamn bloody ‘Boyfriend Tag’ that I swore I would never do yet here I am” 
“Woah ok. If you don’t want to do this then I guess I should cancel the pizza I ordered” 
“Seriously?!” You burst out laughing, grabbing your phone from the bedside table. 
“Food - the way to my heart!”
“Not me then?”
“Nope” he smiled, giving you the famous heart eyes. 
“Guess I should pack my bags and head back to America then” you huffed as you sat back down, opening Twitter to get up questions and suggestions from fans.
“Guess you should” Dan smiled before leaning over and kissing your cheek gently.
“Can we get on with the video now?” You asked, sighing as you glanced at Dan, just wanting to get the video over with so that you could chill out with the boys and relax.
“Do you want to film this tomorrow?” Dan asked, leaning his head on your shoulder while giving you heart eyes.
“Babe, it has to go up tomorrow…” you whined, continuing to scroll through the comments.
“I’ll buy you your favourite ice cream if you leave that in the video” Dan smirked, laughing as you turned back to the camera and smiled, indicating you were going to continue with the video” 
“Jesus, it looks like I really do know the way to your heart huh?” Dan laughed, pausing the video to look at you. 
“Sure do. Offer me food and I’m putty in your hands” 
“OH! So not, you know, the years of affection I’ve given you or the fact that I let you move into MY apartment or my handsome looks or even, you know, that I LOVE YOU” he jokingly shouted, smiling at the way you laughed at him.
“No. Just the food” 
“Right I’m going to press play again because clearly, you don’t love me”
“First question…when did you realise you first loved me?” 
“Ew gross. Next question?”
“Ok. Just for me. I’ll edit it out the video” 
Dan sighed, looking down as he felt himself turning red, “Honestly? As soon as I saw you, I knew you would mean the world to me. And you really do”
You smiled at him, leaning in towards him as he went to kiss your cheek. 
“Awww you big sap” you laughed, placing your hand on Dan’s as you kept watching the video, blushing as you felt Dan copy the video and kiss your cheek.
“Totally going to leave that in there” you chuckled, Dan gasping and clutching his chest.
“But you promised!” 
“You promised that I could choose what we had for dinner last night but that never happened did it?” 
“Touche” Dan chuckled, watching you lovingly as you scrolled down through Twitter to find another question, “I love you” 
“I know” 
“Honestly, the number of comments from fans after you uploaded this video was the most we’ve ever had, including Phil” Dan added, looking towards Benny who smiled, “I was speaking the truth there though Y/N. I still mean it, even seven years down the line” 
“Really?” You asked, the laptop playing in the background.
“Course. You’re everything to me” 
“Can you post this on YouTube or is this too NSFW” you turned to Benny, laughing as you blushed.
“Really Y/N?!” Dan laughed loudly.
You glanced back at the laptop, watching as Dan kissed you before heading to grab his phone from the front room. 
“Wait…I didn’t upload that. You kissed me, we both agreed that we wouldn’t kiss on camera…hang on. This is the full video. The unedited one…”
“Is it? Oh. You may have just uploaded the whole video by accident” 
“No…no I’m sure I didn’t. Remember, I spent hours doing this edit” 
“Shhh…listen” Dan nudged you, 
Dan sat down in front of the camera and did a big sigh before smiling gleefully, holding his phone to his ear as he appeared to be speaking down the phone to someone.
“Hey guys!” He spoke down the phone, “Thank you so much for coming back to me…oh fantastic! We’re going to America to visit Y/N’s family for Christmas on the 15th. I would kinda like to do it on the 30th if that suits you guys?…amazing. Thank you so much for doing this…yeah, yeah, she’s going to absolutely love it…I’ll speak to you soon…bye!” 
Hanging up, Dan did a little fist pump in the air as he imagined the collab video in just a months time. Just as he was going to switch the camera off, Phil walked in. 
“What did they say?” 
“They’re thrilled. 100% happy to do it” 
“Amazing!” Phil cried, going to hug Dan. 
“Seriously, I have literally never felt closer to crying of happiness since…since…oh, I don’t know. Since the birth of Dil” 
“Oh wow. Dil over Y/N. Smooth dude” Phil laughed, walking back out the room to leave Dan to switch the camera off. 
“Dan?” You asked him, glancing towards him in a state of confusion.
“What was all that about?” 
“I don’t know what you mean” 
“Well…this isn’t exactly an edit is it? It’s-“ 
Dan quietly pushed the door open to your shared bedroom, the camera pointing down towards the floor. Giggling softly, he climbed onto the bed where you were asleep, placing his legs over both of you as he stood up. Angling the camera towards you as you slept, Dan began to jump on the bed. 
“Happy birthday to you!” 
“DANIEL!” You cried angrily as you were jolted awake. 
“Happy birthday to you!” 
“Dan, stop it!” You shouted, the covers falling off of the bed as Dan jumped carelessly on top of you, showing you sleeping in just Dan’s t-shirt. 
“Happy birthday to Y/N” he sang out of tune, stopping jumping as he sang your name, the camera filming you squirm underneath him. He collapsed down to his knees, rolling over next to you while keeping the camera at arm's length to capture your shame. 
“Happy birthday to you” he whispered in your ear, kissing your cheek gently. 
“Thanks for the wake up call Danny boy” you giggled, turning towards him to kiss him passionately, his arm still outstretched to film the two of you. 
As you pulled away you smiled lovingly at him, before he stuck his tongue out at you. 
“We can’t upload this footage” he laughed, indicating towards the camera as he noticed your confused expression. You groaned as you realised what he was doing, moving your arms to block the lens as you tried to escape out of Dan’s grip. 
The video switched quickly to another, showing a video of the two of you on your first Christmas spent together at Dan’s family’s house. 
“What did you get Y/N?” Dan’s brother asked, standing up slightly to see over the lid of the box Dan had wrapped your present in. 
“Patience Adrian” Dan laughed, panning the camera over to his brother and parents before pointing it back at you. 
“Oh my gosh, Daniel” you gasped, instantly recognising the distance bracelets. 
“I was thinking white for you and black for me because it matches my soul” 
“Daniel…” his mother warned, smiling at the thought of his gift. 
“Thank you so much, Dan” you jumped up to kiss him, before handing his to him. 
“Its so that when you have to go back to America to see your family or for work, and I can’t come with you, you still have a little bit of me with you” 
“Oh god, I’m going to throw up” Adrian faked a gag, his mother slapping him on the arm as a result. 
“I love it, thank you Daniel” you smiled at the camera before it shut off, the video switching to another one. 
A snapchat video was played on the screen - one that was never posted for Dan’s immaturity. Dan was filming you driving in your car, dancing slightly to the radio. 
“Where we heading, Y/N?” He asked you, filming you glance towards him and see him hold his phone up towards you. 
“We are heading to Ikea today to do some shopping. We need to buy a new TV stand, some new houseplants for Philly and a new bed” 
Dan flipped the camera around to himself, smirking at the camera, “Because I broke it!!!” 
“I wouldn’t be so smug about that mister. You’re costing me a goddamn fortune!” 
“Calm down, Y/N. You sure weren’t complaining last night” he winked at the camera. 
“DANIEL!” You cried out before the snap ran out of time. 
“I’m so glad you didn’t post that” you laughed, wiping the tears from your cheeks, “Dan, what is this? We’ve never uploaded any of this”
“You’ll see in just a second” Dan wrapped his arm around you and pulled you to his chest, kissing your forehead and wiping a tear from your cheek before changing his attention back to the video. 
The video changed to Dan filming you asleep on him on the sofa, near Christmas as the decorations were stringed up behind you. He stroked your hair gently before resting his hand on your arm. 
“I just wanted to say that in moments like these, when you fall asleep on my lap and talk sometimes in your dreams, that I love you more than anything or anyone in the whole world. I would die in a heartbeat for you. I am so incredibly lucky to have found you. You are my whole world” 
The second clip started playing and Dan was filming you cooking in the kitchen. He set the camera against a glass and filmed him dancing with you, the bacon in the pan burning as he twirled you and swayed with you to the songs on the radio. At one point, he tried to lift you up in the air to do the dirty dancing lift but your squirming caused the both of you to fall to the ground in heaps of laughter. 
The next clip played and Dan was at the piano, filming himself playing his newest piece to send to his grandmother when you plopped down next to him, placing your head on his shoulder and listening to him play so elegantly. He was so humble about his talent and very rarely shared it online. The two of you started laughing when you placed your finger on a random key and disrupted his piece constantly. 
The clips changed and Dan was now filming you on your phone in their patio garden, “You always look so beautiful and I constantly wonder how a guy like me scored such a gorgeous girl like you. We are going to have the most beautiful children...if they get all your genes anyway. God, I love the way you just make the simplest of actions the most beautiful things. I could watch you for hours…in a non-creepy way. You make me so happy. You are the reason I’m still here. You keep me going. I can’t wait to marry you one day”
The video changed once again and it was a video Phil took of the two of you when you all decided to go on holiday quite early on in your relationship. You and Dan thought he was taking photos so you kept doing different poses, some for your followers and some for yourself. Dan looked at you lovingly and held you tightly. Unknowing that Phil was filming, you kissed Dan gently with the sea in the background, smiling when his hands squeezed your waist. When you pulled away, Dan whispered the words “I love you” for the first time. You took a step back breathlessly, before jumping into Dan’s arms. You kissed him multiple times, saying “I love you” every time you pulled away. You didn’t know this video existed, but it was already one of your favourite videos of all time. 
The video changed once again, to the all of you shopping. Dan filmed you and Phil as you both looked through each of the clothes on the rail in Primark. He sighed contently, “Fuck it.” 
He filmed himself walking over to you and explaining he was just going to the camera store with Phil, kissing you on your temple as you were unaware he was filming. The video sped up as the boys walked out of the store, heading to the nearest Jewellers. 
“You’re going to do it?” Phil asked Dan, excitement in his face as he watched Dan browse all the rings. 
“Course I am. What do you think?” He asked, pointing at the rings in front of them. 
“Black diamond” 
“You read my mind” he smiled, walking into the store.
The video changed to the last clip, Dan set the camera against something and sat down in the chair in your parent’s house. Your father walked into frame and sat down opposite him, his arms on his legs as he looked at a nervous Dan. 
“Sir, I want to just say how grateful I am that you have welcomed me into your family and life. I love Y/N with everything I have and I swear that for as long as I live, I will give her everything she needs. Basically, what I’m trying to ask is…” 
“You want to marry my daughter?” 
“Y-yes, sir. With all my love in the world, I want to give her the life she deserves. I want her to be my wife. Forever” he began to laugh, wiping the tears from his eyes. 
“I thought you would never ask! Of course, Daniel!” Your father jumped from his seat to embrace Dan, laughing happily with him before shouting to your mother in the next room, “DANIEL IS GOING TO MARRY Y/N! WE ARE GOING TO BE DANIEL’S IN-LAWS!” 
You hiccuped, your eyes and nose streaming as your eyes were fixed on the screen. You watched the video of your father jumping up and down with Dan fade to black, laughing at your father’s immaturity. You wiped your eyes with your sleeve when you notice that Rafi has joined Benny behind the main camera, holding another camera down towards the floor. You followed his line of sight and gasped when you realised that Dan had moved from his chair and was now kneeling down next to you, a black box in his hands revealing a silver band with a square black diamond. You cried loudly as Dan took his own deep breath, starting to say the words, “Will you -“ 
“Shut up. Shut up. You know it's a yes you idiot! Yes! Oh my god, yes!” You jumped off of your seat and into Dan’s arms, making the both of you fall to the floor in a laughing but sobbing mess.  You heard Dan cry into your shoulder, muttering “thank you thank you thank you” over and over as he tried to push you away to put the ring on your finger. 
“Oh, Daniel…Dan, its so beautiful thank you so much”
You heard a large round of applause and cheers from behind the camera, as all of Benny and Rafi’s employees and other reactors had snuck in to watch Dan propose.
You and Dan climbed back into your chairs, very embarrassed as you had fallen onto the floor in a complete scene of PDA. 
Benny laughed, still clapping along with the rest of the crowd behind him.
“So guys!” He began, “You two are engaged!” 
“Yes!” You cried, holding your hand up and wriggling your fingers to show your new engagement ring, looking at the red, puffy-eyed Dan holding your other hand and smiling widely.
“Congratulations you two, how do you feel?” 
“I feel like I’m on cloud nine right now. Every dream of mine is finally coming true” you answered, still sniffling. 
“Best day of my life so far” Dan smiled, kissing your cheek. 
“Well, we expect you here next time to react to your wedding! And then your first child. And every relationship goals video ever” Rafi added, making the two of you laugh. 
“Of course” you nodded, still looking at your new ring. 
“We’re just going to wrap up the video now - if that's ok with you guys” Benny explained, yourself and Dan nodding. 
“Like this video and subscribe to the Fine Bros” Dan explained, pointing down to the floor as an indication for the description box. 
“Thank you so much for watching and we’ll see you again next time! I’m engaged!!” You shouted, moving your hand towards the camera as everyone laughed. 
Dan moved to hold your free hand and kiss your temple before you both looked towards the camera, waving your hands, “BYE!!!” 
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johnboothus · 3 years
VinePair Podcast: Is There a Future for To-Go Cocktails?
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There was a time in 2020 when it seemed like the to-go cocktail might become so entrenched in American society that it would outlast the Covid-19 pandemic, whenever that ended. Yet now, with vaccines widely available in this country and most areas either fully resuming indoor dining and drinking or announcing dates when that will return, the to-go cocktail seems perilously close to being just another relic of a very strange and scary time.
That’s what Adam Teeter, Zach Geballe, and new co-host Joanna Sciarrino — VinePair’s executive editor — discuss on this week’s “VinePair Podcast.” Is there a future for to-go cocktails in America? Can they compete with the rise of RTD cocktails? And will drinking in public be ticketed and criminalized again after a year or more of a virtual free- for-all?
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Or Check out the Conversation Here
Adam Teeter: From Brooklyn, New York, I’m Adam Teeter.
Joanna Sciarrino: From Manhattan, New York. I’m Joanna Sciarrino.
Zach Geballe: And in Seattle, Washington, I’m Zach Geballe.
A: And this is the “VinePair Podcast.” Joanna, what’s going on?
J: Hi, thank you. I’m so happy to be here.
A: Yeah, we’re happy to have you. So Manhattan, New York, huh?
J: I figured I had to make the distinction, the borough distinction.
A: Let the people know you’re in the other borough, I get it. You’ve been a listener of the podcast, obviously, so you know how we start these things off. What have you been up to? What have you been drinking? And you can go further back than just a week, if you want to.
J: Oh, great. I have a whole list. Recently, I went to Essex Market on the Lower East Side, which they recently reopened. There’s a Top Hops there, which is a really cool beer store. Their location on Orchard Street, I think, recently closed.
A: It did?
J: Yeah, I think it just happened.
A: Wow, I love Top Hops.
J: Yeah, it’s a cool spot. And we were there and I got some plum gose from Transmitter Brewing, which was really interesting and refreshing. Felt like a good summer beer.
A: Nice, that’s cool. Anything else?
J: Now, this is a little further back. I had a really interesting white Rioja. I don’t know a lot about white Riojas, but it was really delicious. The maker was Sierra de Toloño.
A: Oh, very cool. I feel you don’t see a lot of white Rioja. Obviously, it exists and you hear people talk about it, but I definitely don’t see it on lists. I rarely see it in wine shops. Zach, why do you think that is, man?
Z: Well, definitely in terms of the production of Rioja, most of it is red wine. And then a small, small, small percentage is rosé and white. Honestly, I think the other reason is that weirdly, a not insignificant number of peoples’ introduction to white Rioja is through López de Heredia, who is a classic producer. They age their wine for a decade before they release it. That style of wine period, and especially in the white and in the rosé category, is so hard for people to get their heads around. There’s almost no fruit character. It’s very oxidized, very nutty, and salty. It’s good, but it’s a little more analogous to drinking a sherry or something like that is what most people think of as white wine. That wine has become very popular for somms to put on lists and it’s a cool wine and all that, but if that’s your point of introduction to white Rioja, you’re going to think, “This is not for me.” I don’t know the specific one you mentioned, Joanna, but there are a lot of them out there that are really good. The López de Heredia is the one that I like, but it’s not a wine I would drink very often. In general, the white wines from Spain, from Rioja, from Ribera del Duero etc., are underappreciated because they don’t have the cachet that the red wines do and the other made varieties that people aren’t that familiar with. I don’t know, I think there’s not a lot of it made and then people’s point of an introduction is a weird wine.
A: Very interesting. Zach, what about you, man?
Z: No white Riojas for me lately, honestly — although now that you’ve said it, do I have one somewhere in this house? Maybe I do. Anyhow, the thing that I had most recently that I really enjoyed was a hazy IPA. We are getting to that time of year for me. Since we started talking about them on the podcast, I became a fan and this is from Fremont Brewing. A friend of mine who works there brought over some of their Head Full of Dynomite, which is good. They do a series so every release is different. They’re all labeled under the Head Full of Dynomite labels but each one is a different recipe with different hops or a different amount of various things. I haven’t been able to bring myself to dive too deeply into that, so that was exciting. Then, the other thing, and all the listeners will get more of this down the road. I just interviewed Matt Hoffman yesterday, who is the distiller at Westland Distilling here in Seattle. I think Westland is one of the boldest and risk-taking distillers in whiskey in the world, really. And I tried their just released Colere which is a single malt that they are making based entirely on a non-commodity variety of barley. You can hear a lot more about this if you listen to that episode probably in a month, so set your calendars. It is a really interesting product designed around creating a different economic reality for farmers and for distillers around these varieties of barley that have been pushed aside because they don’t fit the commodity system, even if they have lots to recommend them. So that was really cool.
A: OK, Westland. Very cool.
Z: What about you, Adam?
A: Oh, God, what about me? So I had a really amazing experience on Sunday night, and I snagged a reservation at Gage & Tollner, which is a new but old restaurant that just opened in Brooklyn.
J: It’s so hot.
A: It’s so hot right now. It was open in the 1800s. Actually, there were people that had said in the ‘40s, ‘50s, etc., that Gage & Tollner was the reason to go to Brooklyn. It was a really famous chophouse that was located on Fulton Street in Brooklyn. Fulton Mall was the first pedestrian mall in New York, so it’s really close to downtown Brooklyn. And the Fulton Mall starts from Borough Hall, which is where the borough president lives. For those of you who don’t know, our boroughs have presidents, too, although every borough knows their president except for Manhattan. I had no clue who the Manhattan borough president was.
Z: Does Joanna know?
A: Yeah, do you know who the Manhattan borough president is, Joanna?
J: I do not.
A: Exactly, I never did, either, but once you get to another borough, they say, “Oh, yeah, your borough president is X person.” Anyways, it starts at Borough Hall and then runs to Flatbush and it’s a pedestrian mall. There is this very historic building on the mall where Gage & Tollner has always been located. It was in operation for decades, decades, decades. And then it closed, I think, sometime in the ‘90s, and it sat vacantly. As legend has it, St. John Frizell, who owns a bar in Red Hook called Fort Defiance, he was apparently in the area, and thought, “It is actually a bummer that you can’t get a really good cocktail in this area of Brooklyn.” Then he saw the space and wanted to bring it back to life. Anyway, he’s brought it back to life with the team behind Insa, which is also a really hot restaurant in Gowanus. And it is this amazing restaurant. It’s super cool. They’ve taken a lot of the classic dishes the chophouse used to have, so you can obviously think copious amounts of shellfish and steak, but they also have a lot of really modern twists on things which are really delicious. And then, of course, the cocktail program is amazing. I had two ridiculously amazing cocktails. I had a perfect Martini, which was delicious. He made it in the 50/50 style, so it was equal parts gin and the vermouth. As a perfect Martini, you split the vermouth in equal parts so it was half-sweet, half-dry. It was really delicious and the perfect way to start the meal. Then, we had actually ordered a bottle of Costières de Nîmes.
Z:Costières de Nîmes, yeah.
A: We had that wine for the mains, but we had finished our first cocktails at the bar before we were seated. And so they recommended that we get another cocktail with the appetizers. And St. John is actually known for the Daiquiri.
Z: This could be Adam’s official cocktail of the year.
A: It was really, really awesome. It is my official favorite cocktail of forever now. It makes me want to only make Daiquiris. Again, if you listen to a podcast and you make rum and you want to send me some rum to make Daiquiris with, I’m not going to say no.
Z: Does this mean you demoted the Negroni?
A: I demoted the Negroni a long time ago.
Z: Really? Huh. I believe you talked a lot more about Negronis than Daiquiris until about a year ago, which is fine.
J: It’s too mainstream now, right?
A: Also, I just got tired of it. I made it a lot and I just got tired of it. I still like it once in a while. I did have a Negroni recently, actually on Friday night, when I took my niece out to dinner.
Z: She is adorable, by the way.
A: Yeah, and it was a neighborhood Italian restaurant. And that was the cocktail on the list. I got her mocktail, and she loved it. I just don’t make them as much as I used to. They’re too boozy for me. I mean I get that the Daiquiri’s boozy, too, but I don’t know, I don’t drink them as much as I used to. I drink a lot more cocktails now where the mixer is fruit, fresh fruit juice, than I do where it’s all booze. And I used to be very much an all-boozy cocktail person, and now I’ve definitely switched to a fresh fruit juice cocktail person, does that make sense? Joanna, what do you think? What kind of cocktails do you prefer?
J: That’s a good question. I don’t really discriminate. I tend towards boozier cocktails as well. I like a drink on the rocks versus something long or up. I love a Manhattan.
Z: Maybe you can name one after your borough president, whenever we figure out who they are.
J: Gale Brewer.
A: Oh, you looked it up! I didn’t mention but I should say that the other cool thing about Gage & Tollner is that on the second floor, they’re opening this place called Sunken Harbor Club. It’s supposed to launch sometime this summer. It’s going to be a speakeasy tiki bar, which I think is going to be super cool and really fun.
Z: Are we going to talk about to-go cocktails, Adam?
A: Well, I mean, that’s what we’re talking about right now, Zach. We talked about this before, but I think it’s a good time to revisit the world of to-go cocktails and what the future for them entails. Is there a future for to-go cocktails? We’ve obviously argued a lot that they should be made permanent. I think a lot of places have or are in the process of making them permanent, a lot of states. Then, the question becomes: Was it a pandemic thing or do we think to-go cocktails are going to be something that people order regularly? And this conversation I’m interested in having. What do you think, Joanna?
J: Well, I’m actually curious to know, Adam, from you, if you’ve talked to any restaurant owners or bartenders about it and if they really think that it’s a viable or a necessary path or revenue stream at this point.
A: That’s what’s really interesting. I believe some people do, but the ones that are a fan of them, I have found, are people who are located near parks or in family neighborhoods. I’ve seen that they’ve kept their to-go cocktail programs pretty active. One of the bars I’m thinking of is Elsa, which is located on Atlantic Avenue. They created a whole to-go cocktail program, right at the beginning of the pandemic. They do a lot of frozen drinks in those plastic juice bottles you’re used to getting that used to have really sugary juices or milk. Do you guys know what I’m talking about? They’re the thin, slender plastic bottle that has the plastic top that you take the weird ring off of it.
Z: Yeah.
A: They’re still doing it and they’re really close to Brooklyn Bridge Park. They’re also located in Cobble Hill where there’s a lot of families. I could see someone on their way home picking up some cocktails to take for dinner, instead of having to deal with making them. Then other places that were doing them a lot, I don’t see as much. Look, a lot who I’ve talked to have said they’re happy to continue to do anything that will bring revenue in for the business, but there’s also the question of how much do you want to take away from all the activity that is happening in a lot of these bars? Do you have time to also focus on a to-go cocktail program? I think anyone is now going to be willing to make you a to-go cocktail if you show up and ask to take something home, right? If we walk by a bar and say, “Oh, let’s just see if they’ll give us them in styrofoam cups,” most people will now. Yet, my curiosity in all of this is what about the delivery of the to-go cocktail game. Is that going to stay because we’re doing a VinePair picnic tomorrow. Sorry, Zach.
Z: That’s OK.
A: I looked for cocktails to order for the picnic, and it was really hard to find anyone in my area anymore doing large format, like really hard. And I also didn’t really know where to go look. I looked it up on Seamless and Caviar. I’m setting up for the picnic so I do need them delivered. I understand that delivery is not great for these places and that I probably should go pick it up, but I’m not going to be able to and there were a lot of singles that were pretty expensive, right? We’re thinking like $13 to $15 a cocktail. Now, there was one place which I do love, The Hi-Hi Room who was doing doubles, but they were $22 a double. I really would love to do this, but I found it a lot harder than I thought I would. I thought it would be super cool, like, “Hey guys, we’re going to have a picnic. By the way, I got a few large format cocktails from X great Brooklyn Bar.” I just didn’t find it as easily as early in the pandemic when everyone was doing that and delivering it to your home in large 750-milliliter bottles.
Z: Well, I wonder if a lot of this is just we got to the point where the bulk of the population could reasonably feel safe going back into a bar. I think a lot quicker than we thought a year ago. You know what I mean? When you and I first were discussing this, we thought that to-go cocktails become more established because we both reasonably thought that 2021 — especially the spring, summer, and fall — would be more like 2020. Sure, people would want to do things together, they’d want to go to parks, they want to congregate but it wasn’t going to be safe for them to necessarily dine indoors or drink indoors. Yeah, there were places that had outdoor bars but they were crowded. They were going to have to have social distancing in place or should try to, at least. The honest truth is we got to a point where the vaccines were widely available to people, wonderfully, a lot quicker than we thought but it does mean that to-go cocktails, I am of the opinion that they are going to, by and large have already become and will remain this interesting relic of this period. In the end, I think you made some good points out there and I would add just one more, which is in addition to the challenge of producing, staffing, and supporting a program that is not in the space that you’re used to serving people that is oriented around delivery or to-go and especially delivery that is less profitable than to-go or in-person. The other reality is, and I think we saw this, putting together to-go cocktails required a different set of potential ingredients, different styles of cocktails that could work well. I think what we’re seeing is people want the bar experience that they’ve been missing. And that is what’s driving business right now for places that are reopening. Sure, maybe there are some people who want to have a get-together in the park, but more of my friends, that’s my Instagram feed every day, are more people taking shots in bars. Both literally taking shots of liquor, but also taking pictures of themselves in bars. I think a thing that we’ve all learned out of this is that, in the end, it’s great to have the flexibility and the ability to get things delivered at home, especially when for most people there isn’t another way to consume. We also suspected the moment it became safe or at least allowed, people would beat down the doors to do what they had been missing and I think we are seeing that for sure.
A: Mm-hmm. Joanna, what do you think?
J: Yeah, I agree with all of that. I also think that, just in terms of a viable revenue stream, seeing other places keep up their to-go cocktail program, like PDT now has a cocktail club. You can pay money to have this membership and to get four to-go cocktails from PDT, which is really cool because that also brings in this element of access to places like that. Why wouldn’t you want to get a PDT cocktail at home? Yes, there’s the whole experience of going to that bar, but if you can’t, you can have it at home.
A: Yeah, I think that makes sense. Especially for the really big-name bars, are you going to fight to get in, or do you just want to be able to have their high-quality cocktails at home? I hope it stays somewhat because when I do order in, once in a while on a Friday or Saturday night, it has been fun to have cocktails with the food. That’s been a blast, especially the places that have taken it more seriously like the HiHi Room. Their cocktails come in a can that they’ve just canned before they send it out. Then, you open the can and pour it over ice, and sometimes they send a big cube with the meal, which has been cool. The disappointing experiences are when it comes in that paper, corner-coffee-cart cup and you’re thinking “OK, well, this was still $15. This isn’t as fun.” However, the places that have figured it out, I think, and package it well, I would love for them to keep it going forever. I wonder if that’s going to be more of the restaurants than the famous cocktail bars, right? The famous bars aren’t really known for food, whereas the restaurants are and happen to also have good cocktail programs. The other thing I wonder is throughout this year, we all got really excited about to-go cocktails, but we also all discovered RTDs.
J: I was just going to say this. Can these compete with this growing offering of RTDs, some of which are very good?
A: Yeah, I don’t know. Because for the picnic tomorrow I bought RTDs. Astor had them, and I bought a bunch of spritzes and Gin and Tonics. I wonder if it just happened at the same time and the RTD is way more convenient, and you can get it in a lot of different places. I don’t know, because there are some really good ones. You’re right, there are some really good ones. Zach, have you seen more RTDs near you?
Z: Oh yeah. I think the fascinating thing for me about this is it’s always a little bit hard to say where they shade into one another. What you’re describing, Adam, where the bar is canning it and sending it to you, presumably that can has a relatively limited shelf life, depending on what is in the cocktail. You could probably stick it in your fridge and have it in a week, and I would imagine it would be just fine. Some of these RTDs have a shelf life, too. Hopefully, a longer one than that, but are we differentiating these two things because of where the point of origin is? The use case and the experience are pretty similar. I think there are great opportunities for to-go cocktails from a smaller cocktail bar or restaurant in some of the situations that you described, Adam. Close proximity to places where it’s something that’s easy to get to. Something that’s close by and can give them everything they need in a single serve or a couple of serving sizes. The other big unknown about all this, and I think this is where we will just have to wait and see, is whatever laws were put in place for public consumption of alcohol were mostly not enforced in a lot of parts of America. Because, again, it was widely recognized that people are going to want to gather. They’re going to want to drink. The only safe place to do this is outside. It’s not a priority to enforce. Will that be maintained once drinking can and has gone back indoors? That is an impossible question, I think, for us to answer and of course will vary depending on where in the country you’re talking about. Yet, this very thing you’re talking about doing, having a picnic with cocktails, there are lots of places in the country where that is technically illegal. The viability of to-go cocktails is also tied into whether that primary use case is even allowed.
A: Yeah, I guess that’s a really good point because I definitely believe the only way to-go cocktails have a future is if al fresco drinking becomes legalized. If we can become more like Europe and walk on the street drinking a beer or sitting in the park having a bottle of wine or a cocktail, then I think more people will buy cocktails to-go, right? New York City was just not enforcing it, but then I was seeing on social media last week people who were saying they were getting ticketed in Manhattan. Now, that’s not happening in Brooklyn, at least not yet. But there were definitely people on the West Side Highway at that park. What is that park called? It is just along the West Side Highway, west of Chelsea and the West Village.
J: Hudson River Park.
A: Yeah, people were saying they were getting ticketed.
Z: Well, I think someone somewhere needs to reach out to Gale Brewer and figure out what’s going on.
A: Seriously, it’s a $25 ticket. Don’t the cops have more important things to do? Also, at this point, if it’s legal to smoke weed outside, then maybe we can have a drink. That also doesn’t make a lot of sense. It seems very backward. Now, we’ve legalized marijuana, and it can be consumed in New York anywhere that cigarettes are smoked, which is lots of places. I guess in city parks, you are technically not allowed to smoke, but everyone does. I smell lots of cannabis when I go outside, so let people have a cocktail. Last weekend, on Sunday, I was walking through Fort Greene Park and there was this guy who was wearing suspenders, a bow tie, one of those white Prohibition-era, short-sleeve button-up shirts, and a cap. He was pulling a wheelbarrow, and he had water in the wheelbarrow. Then, when you walk by him, he’d say, cocktails, cocktails, cocktails. I stopped him and he had, under the water, Negronis and Aperol Spritzes. It was awesome. This dude was the best and I want to write about it. I got to go try to find him again. I hope he comes back to the park this weekend. Maybe I’ll see him. It was super smart and he told me he was an out-of-work bartender. He was making more money this way than he had been working at a bar.
Z: There you go.
A: Man, that was smart. At the beaches of New York, people have been trying to sell things like nutcrackers and stuff like that for years, so let this dude sell Negronis instead. Yeah, I think that the only way that happens is al fresco, right?
Z: I can’t believe you didn’t ask him if he had a Daiquiri.
A: I should have. I feel like I just failed.
Z: You didn’t tell him that Adam Teeter says Negronis are dead and where are your daiquiris? That was a missed opportunity.
A: Adam Teeter says “Negronis are dead.”
Z: Yeah, until someone picks that up.
A: I’m going to get an email from Campari saying, “Thanks, Adam Teeter.” Negronis are not dead. I just don’t make it that much, come on.
Z: The vision I have, right, and maybe it is not exactly your very stylishly attired gentleman walking through the park. But the vision I have is if to-go cocktails have a future, it is actually like that. It’s little stands, maybe a window at the side of a restaurant or bar. It’s part of a broader landscape of alcohol consumption in this country. Walking down the street having a drink is not viewed as some great moral panic. It’s not necessarily the drunken debauchery of Bourbon Street or something in New Orleans, but it’s a thing that adults can do because we’re adults, and you’re not any more of a liability to people if you get wasted in a bar and then stagger out into the street versus if you have a drink in the street. Hopefully, people are consuming much more responsibly than that. And who knows what could come out of this? You could have one of the best cocktails in New York City from something that a guy makes at a stand in the middle of a park in Queens. That could be a really cool thing. The food truck model, but taken to cocktails. Obviously, there are issues. There’s licensing and there’s food safety. All the stuff is real, I understand that. But the thing I don’t like about saying “RTDs will cover it all” is that, as we’ve discussed on the podcast before and covered in a lot of “Next Round” episodes, any of these categories are liable to be dominated by a few big brands, and that’s fine. Those big brands have a lot of power, and they have the ability to crowd the market. But I don’t want my only options for a pre-made, ready-to-drink cocktail — whether I buy at a store or get it from a bar — to be the same six brands that dominate almost everything else. I want there to be diversity for my own sake and for the sake of people who want to come up and make a go of it. Facilitating that is, I think, something that should be considered a goal in New York City, Seattle, and in places all over the country.
A: That makes sense. I agree with you. I think it would just be nice if we allowed this stuff to happen and we allowed people to be treated as adults.
Z: Well, maybe finally, we will get to that point.
A: I don’t know, man. Every single college town with a football team turns a blind eye to drinking in public every Saturday in the fall. You know what I mean? Every place turns a blind eye every once in a while, so why is it OK then, but not OK at other times? Just let people be adults. Anyways, guys, this was fun. I mean, Joanna, your first podcast! What did you think?
J: Fun, I had a great time!
A: I mean, Zach talks a lot.
J: You guys are a riot.
Z: You’ll come back and join us again next week, we hope?
J: Yes! If I’m invited?
A: Awesome, yes you totally are. I will see you both next week.
J: Great.
Z: Sounds great.
Thanks so much for listening to the “VinePair Podcast.” If you love this show as much as we love making it, then please leave us a rating or review on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever it is you get your podcasts. It really helps everyone else discover the show.
Now for the credits, VinePair is produced and recorded in New York City and in Seattle, Wash., by myself and Zach Geballe, who does all the editing and loves to get the credit. Also, I would love to give a special shout-out to my VinePair co-founder, Josh Malin, for helping make all this possible, and also to Keith Beavers, VinePair’s tasting director, who is additionally a producer on the show. I also want to, of course, thank every other member of the VinePair team who are instrumental in all of the ideas that go into making the show every week. Thanks so much for listening, and we’ll see you again.
The article VinePair Podcast: Is There a Future for To-Go Cocktails? appeared first on VinePair.
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isaiahrippinus · 3 years
VinePair Podcast: Is There a Future for To-Go Cocktails?
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There was a time in 2020 when it seemed like the to-go cocktail might become so entrenched in American society that it would outlast the Covid-19 pandemic, whenever that ended. Yet now, with vaccines widely available in this country and most areas either fully resuming indoor dining and drinking or announcing dates when that will return, the to-go cocktail seems perilously close to being just another relic of a very strange and scary time.
That’s what Adam Teeter, Zach Geballe, and new co-host Joanna Sciarrino — VinePair’s executive editor — discuss on this week’s “VinePair Podcast.” Is there a future for to-go cocktails in America? Can they compete with the rise of RTD cocktails? And will drinking in public be ticketed and criminalized again after a year or more of a virtual free- for-all?
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Adam Teeter: From Brooklyn, New York, I’m Adam Teeter.
Joanna Sciarrino: From Manhattan, New York. I’m Joanna Sciarrino.
Zach Geballe: And in Seattle, Washington, I’m Zach Geballe.
A: And this is the “VinePair Podcast.” Joanna, what’s going on?
J: Hi, thank you. I’m so happy to be here.
A: Yeah, we’re happy to have you. So Manhattan, New York, huh?
J: I figured I had to make the distinction, the borough distinction.
A: Let the people know you’re in the other borough, I get it. You’ve been a listener of the podcast, obviously, so you know how we start these things off. What have you been up to? What have you been drinking? And you can go further back than just a week, if you want to.
J: Oh, great. I have a whole list. Recently, I went to Essex Market on the Lower East Side, which they recently reopened. There’s a Top Hops there, which is a really cool beer store. Their location on Orchard Street, I think, recently closed.
A: It did?
J: Yeah, I think it just happened.
A: Wow, I love Top Hops.
J: Yeah, it’s a cool spot. And we were there and I got some plum gose from Transmitter Brewing, which was really interesting and refreshing. Felt like a good summer beer.
A: Nice, that’s cool. Anything else?
J: Now, this is a little further back. I had a really interesting white Rioja. I don’t know a lot about white Riojas, but it was really delicious. The maker was Sierra de Toloño.
A: Oh, very cool. I feel you don’t see a lot of white Rioja. Obviously, it exists and you hear people talk about it, but I definitely don’t see it on lists. I rarely see it in wine shops. Zach, why do you think that is, man?
Z: Well, definitely in terms of the production of Rioja, most of it is red wine. And then a small, small, small percentage is rosé and white. Honestly, I think the other reason is that weirdly, a not insignificant number of peoples’ introduction to white Rioja is through López de Heredia, who is a classic producer. They age their wine for a decade before they release it. That style of wine period, and especially in the white and in the rosé category, is so hard for people to get their heads around. There’s almost no fruit character. It’s very oxidized, very nutty, and salty. It’s good, but it’s a little more analogous to drinking a sherry or something like that is what most people think of as white wine. That wine has become very popular for somms to put on lists and it’s a cool wine and all that, but if that’s your point of introduction to white Rioja, you’re going to think, “This is not for me.” I don’t know the specific one you mentioned, Joanna, but there are a lot of them out there that are really good. The López de Heredia is the one that I like, but it’s not a wine I would drink very often. In general, the white wines from Spain, from Rioja, from Ribera del Duero etc., are underappreciated because they don’t have the cachet that the red wines do and the other made varieties that people aren’t that familiar with. I don’t know, I think there’s not a lot of it made and then people’s point of an introduction is a weird wine.
A: Very interesting. Zach, what about you, man?
Z: No white Riojas for me lately, honestly — although now that you’ve said it, do I have one somewhere in this house? Maybe I do. Anyhow, the thing that I had most recently that I really enjoyed was a hazy IPA. We are getting to that time of year for me. Since we started talking about them on the podcast, I became a fan and this is from Fremont Brewing. A friend of mine who works there brought over some of their Head Full of Dynomite, which is good. They do a series so every release is different. They’re all labeled under the Head Full of Dynomite labels but each one is a different recipe with different hops or a different amount of various things. I haven’t been able to bring myself to dive too deeply into that, so that was exciting. Then, the other thing, and all the listeners will get more of this down the road. I just interviewed Matt Hoffman yesterday, who is the distiller at Westland Distilling here in Seattle. I think Westland is one of the boldest and risk-taking distillers in whiskey in the world, really. And I tried their just released Colere which is a single malt that they are making based entirely on a non-commodity variety of barley. You can hear a lot more about this if you listen to that episode probably in a month, so set your calendars. It is a really interesting product designed around creating a different economic reality for farmers and for distillers around these varieties of barley that have been pushed aside because they don’t fit the commodity system, even if they have lots to recommend them. So that was really cool.
A: OK, Westland. Very cool.
Z: What about you, Adam?
A: Oh, God, what about me? So I had a really amazing experience on Sunday night, and I snagged a reservation at Gage & Tollner, which is a new but old restaurant that just opened in Brooklyn.
J: It’s so hot.
A: It’s so hot right now. It was open in the 1800s. Actually, there were people that had said in the ‘40s, ‘50s, etc., that Gage & Tollner was the reason to go to Brooklyn. It was a really famous chophouse that was located on Fulton Street in Brooklyn. Fulton Mall was the first pedestrian mall in New York, so it’s really close to downtown Brooklyn. And the Fulton Mall starts from Borough Hall, which is where the borough president lives. For those of you who don’t know, our boroughs have presidents, too, although every borough knows their president except for Manhattan. I had no clue who the Manhattan borough president was.
Z: Does Joanna know?
A: Yeah, do you know who the Manhattan borough president is, Joanna?
J: I do not.
A: Exactly, I never did, either, but once you get to another borough, they say, “Oh, yeah, your borough president is X person.” Anyways, it starts at Borough Hall and then runs to Flatbush and it’s a pedestrian mall. There is this very historic building on the mall where Gage & Tollner has always been located. It was in operation for decades, decades, decades. And then it closed, I think, sometime in the ‘90s, and it sat vacantly. As legend has it, St. John Frizell, who owns a bar in Red Hook called Fort Defiance, he was apparently in the area, and thought, “It is actually a bummer that you can’t get a really good cocktail in this area of Brooklyn.” Then he saw the space and wanted to bring it back to life. Anyway, he’s brought it back to life with the team behind Insa, which is also a really hot restaurant in Gowanus. And it is this amazing restaurant. It’s super cool. They’ve taken a lot of the classic dishes the chophouse used to have, so you can obviously think copious amounts of shellfish and steak, but they also have a lot of really modern twists on things which are really delicious. And then, of course, the cocktail program is amazing. I had two ridiculously amazing cocktails. I had a perfect Martini, which was delicious. He made it in the 50/50 style, so it was equal parts gin and the vermouth. As a perfect Martini, you split the vermouth in equal parts so it was half-sweet, half-dry. It was really delicious and the perfect way to start the meal. Then, we had actually ordered a bottle of Costières de Nîmes.
Z:Costières de Nîmes, yeah.
A: We had that wine for the mains, but we had finished our first cocktails at the bar before we were seated. And so they recommended that we get another cocktail with the appetizers. And St. John is actually known for the Daiquiri.
Z: This could be Adam’s official cocktail of the year.
A: It was really, really awesome. It is my official favorite cocktail of forever now. It makes me want to only make Daiquiris. Again, if you listen to a podcast and you make rum and you want to send me some rum to make Daiquiris with, I’m not going to say no.
Z: Does this mean you demoted the Negroni?
A: I demoted the Negroni a long time ago.
Z: Really? Huh. I believe you talked a lot more about Negronis than Daiquiris until about a year ago, which is fine.
J: It’s too mainstream now, right?
A: Also, I just got tired of it. I made it a lot and I just got tired of it. I still like it once in a while. I did have a Negroni recently, actually on Friday night, when I took my niece out to dinner.
Z: She is adorable, by the way.
A: Yeah, and it was a neighborhood Italian restaurant. And that was the cocktail on the list. I got her mocktail, and she loved it. I just don’t make them as much as I used to. They’re too boozy for me. I mean I get that the Daiquiri’s boozy, too, but I don’t know, I don’t drink them as much as I used to. I drink a lot more cocktails now where the mixer is fruit, fresh fruit juice, than I do where it’s all booze. And I used to be very much an all-boozy cocktail person, and now I’ve definitely switched to a fresh fruit juice cocktail person, does that make sense? Joanna, what do you think? What kind of cocktails do you prefer?
J: That’s a good question. I don’t really discriminate. I tend towards boozier cocktails as well. I like a drink on the rocks versus something long or up. I love a Manhattan.
Z: Maybe you can name one after your borough president, whenever we figure out who they are.
J: Gale Brewer.
A: Oh, you looked it up! I didn’t mention but I should say that the other cool thing about Gage & Tollner is that on the second floor, they’re opening this place called Sunken Harbor Club. It’s supposed to launch sometime this summer. It’s going to be a speakeasy tiki bar, which I think is going to be super cool and really fun.
Z: Are we going to talk about to-go cocktails, Adam?
A: Well, I mean, that’s what we’re talking about right now, Zach. We talked about this before, but I think it’s a good time to revisit the world of to-go cocktails and what the future for them entails. Is there a future for to-go cocktails? We’ve obviously argued a lot that they should be made permanent. I think a lot of places have or are in the process of making them permanent, a lot of states. Then, the question becomes: Was it a pandemic thing or do we think to-go cocktails are going to be something that people order regularly? And this conversation I’m interested in having. What do you think, Joanna?
J: Well, I’m actually curious to know, Adam, from you, if you’ve talked to any restaurant owners or bartenders about it and if they really think that it’s a viable or a necessary path or revenue stream at this point.
A: That’s what’s really interesting. I believe some people do, but the ones that are a fan of them, I have found, are people who are located near parks or in family neighborhoods. I’ve seen that they’ve kept their to-go cocktail programs pretty active. One of the bars I’m thinking of is Elsa, which is located on Atlantic Avenue. They created a whole to-go cocktail program, right at the beginning of the pandemic. They do a lot of frozen drinks in those plastic juice bottles you’re used to getting that used to have really sugary juices or milk. Do you guys know what I’m talking about? They’re the thin, slender plastic bottle that has the plastic top that you take the weird ring off of it.
Z: Yeah.
A: They’re still doing it and they’re really close to Brooklyn Bridge Park. They’re also located in Cobble Hill where there’s a lot of families. I could see someone on their way home picking up some cocktails to take for dinner, instead of having to deal with making them. Then other places that were doing them a lot, I don’t see as much. Look, a lot who I’ve talked to have said they’re happy to continue to do anything that will bring revenue in for the business, but there’s also the question of how much do you want to take away from all the activity that is happening in a lot of these bars? Do you have time to also focus on a to-go cocktail program? I think anyone is now going to be willing to make you a to-go cocktail if you show up and ask to take something home, right? If we walk by a bar and say, “Oh, let’s just see if they’ll give us them in styrofoam cups,” most people will now. Yet, my curiosity in all of this is what about the delivery of the to-go cocktail game. Is that going to stay because we’re doing a VinePair picnic tomorrow. Sorry, Zach.
Z: That’s OK.
A: I looked for cocktails to order for the picnic, and it was really hard to find anyone in my area anymore doing large format, like really hard. And I also didn’t really know where to go look. I looked it up on Seamless and Caviar. I’m setting up for the picnic so I do need them delivered. I understand that delivery is not great for these places and that I probably should go pick it up, but I’m not going to be able to and there were a lot of singles that were pretty expensive, right? We’re thinking like $13 to $15 a cocktail. Now, there was one place which I do love, The Hi-Hi Room who was doing doubles, but they were $22 a double. I really would love to do this, but I found it a lot harder than I thought I would. I thought it would be super cool, like, “Hey guys, we’re going to have a picnic. By the way, I got a few large format cocktails from X great Brooklyn Bar.” I just didn’t find it as easily as early in the pandemic when everyone was doing that and delivering it to your home in large 750-milliliter bottles.
Z: Well, I wonder if a lot of this is just we got to the point where the bulk of the population could reasonably feel safe going back into a bar. I think a lot quicker than we thought a year ago. You know what I mean? When you and I first were discussing this, we thought that to-go cocktails become more established because we both reasonably thought that 2021 — especially the spring, summer, and fall — would be more like 2020. Sure, people would want to do things together, they’d want to go to parks, they want to congregate but it wasn’t going to be safe for them to necessarily dine indoors or drink indoors. Yeah, there were places that had outdoor bars but they were crowded. They were going to have to have social distancing in place or should try to, at least. The honest truth is we got to a point where the vaccines were widely available to people, wonderfully, a lot quicker than we thought but it does mean that to-go cocktails, I am of the opinion that they are going to, by and large have already become and will remain this interesting relic of this period. In the end, I think you made some good points out there and I would add just one more, which is in addition to the challenge of producing, staffing, and supporting a program that is not in the space that you’re used to serving people that is oriented around delivery or to-go and especially delivery that is less profitable than to-go or in-person. The other reality is, and I think we saw this, putting together to-go cocktails required a different set of potential ingredients, different styles of cocktails that could work well. I think what we’re seeing is people want the bar experience that they’ve been missing. And that is what’s driving business right now for places that are reopening. Sure, maybe there are some people who want to have a get-together in the park, but more of my friends, that’s my Instagram feed every day, are more people taking shots in bars. Both literally taking shots of liquor, but also taking pictures of themselves in bars. I think a thing that we’ve all learned out of this is that, in the end, it’s great to have the flexibility and the ability to get things delivered at home, especially when for most people there isn’t another way to consume. We also suspected the moment it became safe or at least allowed, people would beat down the doors to do what they had been missing and I think we are seeing that for sure.
A: Mm-hmm. Joanna, what do you think?
J: Yeah, I agree with all of that. I also think that, just in terms of a viable revenue stream, seeing other places keep up their to-go cocktail program, like PDT now has a cocktail club. You can pay money to have this membership and to get four to-go cocktails from PDT, which is really cool because that also brings in this element of access to places like that. Why wouldn’t you want to get a PDT cocktail at home? Yes, there’s the whole experience of going to that bar, but if you can’t, you can have it at home.
A: Yeah, I think that makes sense. Especially for the really big-name bars, are you going to fight to get in, or do you just want to be able to have their high-quality cocktails at home? I hope it stays somewhat because when I do order in, once in a while on a Friday or Saturday night, it has been fun to have cocktails with the food. That’s been a blast, especially the places that have taken it more seriously like the HiHi Room. Their cocktails come in a can that they’ve just canned before they send it out. Then, you open the can and pour it over ice, and sometimes they send a big cube with the meal, which has been cool. The disappointing experiences are when it comes in that paper, corner-coffee-cart cup and you’re thinking “OK, well, this was still $15. This isn’t as fun.” However, the places that have figured it out, I think, and package it well, I would love for them to keep it going forever. I wonder if that’s going to be more of the restaurants than the famous cocktail bars, right? The famous bars aren’t really known for food, whereas the restaurants are and happen to also have good cocktail programs. The other thing I wonder is throughout this year, we all got really excited about to-go cocktails, but we also all discovered RTDs.
J: I was just going to say this. Can these compete with this growing offering of RTDs, some of which are very good?
A: Yeah, I don’t know. Because for the picnic tomorrow I bought RTDs. Astor had them, and I bought a bunch of spritzes and Gin and Tonics. I wonder if it just happened at the same time and the RTD is way more convenient, and you can get it in a lot of different places. I don’t know, because there are some really good ones. You’re right, there are some really good ones. Zach, have you seen more RTDs near you?
Z: Oh yeah. I think the fascinating thing for me about this is it’s always a little bit hard to say where they shade into one another. What you’re describing, Adam, where the bar is canning it and sending it to you, presumably that can has a relatively limited shelf life, depending on what is in the cocktail. You could probably stick it in your fridge and have it in a week, and I would imagine it would be just fine. Some of these RTDs have a shelf life, too. Hopefully, a longer one than that, but are we differentiating these two things because of where the point of origin is? The use case and the experience are pretty similar. I think there are great opportunities for to-go cocktails from a smaller cocktail bar or restaurant in some of the situations that you described, Adam. Close proximity to places where it’s something that’s easy to get to. Something that’s close by and can give them everything they need in a single serve or a couple of serving sizes. The other big unknown about all this, and I think this is where we will just have to wait and see, is whatever laws were put in place for public consumption of alcohol were mostly not enforced in a lot of parts of America. Because, again, it was widely recognized that people are going to want to gather. They’re going to want to drink. The only safe place to do this is outside. It’s not a priority to enforce. Will that be maintained once drinking can and has gone back indoors? That is an impossible question, I think, for us to answer and of course will vary depending on where in the country you’re talking about. Yet, this very thing you’re talking about doing, having a picnic with cocktails, there are lots of places in the country where that is technically illegal. The viability of to-go cocktails is also tied into whether that primary use case is even allowed.
A: Yeah, I guess that’s a really good point because I definitely believe the only way to-go cocktails have a future is if al fresco drinking becomes legalized. If we can become more like Europe and walk on the street drinking a beer or sitting in the park having a bottle of wine or a cocktail, then I think more people will buy cocktails to-go, right? New York City was just not enforcing it, but then I was seeing on social media last week people who were saying they were getting ticketed in Manhattan. Now, that’s not happening in Brooklyn, at least not yet. But there were definitely people on the West Side Highway at that park. What is that park called? It is just along the West Side Highway, west of Chelsea and the West Village.
J: Hudson River Park.
A: Yeah, people were saying they were getting ticketed.
Z: Well, I think someone somewhere needs to reach out to Gale Brewer and figure out what’s going on.
A: Seriously, it’s a $25 ticket. Don’t the cops have more important things to do? Also, at this point, if it’s legal to smoke weed outside, then maybe we can have a drink. That also doesn’t make a lot of sense. It seems very backward. Now, we’ve legalized marijuana, and it can be consumed in New York anywhere that cigarettes are smoked, which is lots of places. I guess in city parks, you are technically not allowed to smoke, but everyone does. I smell lots of cannabis when I go outside, so let people have a cocktail. Last weekend, on Sunday, I was walking through Fort Greene Park and there was this guy who was wearing suspenders, a bow tie, one of those white Prohibition-era, short-sleeve button-up shirts, and a cap. He was pulling a wheelbarrow, and he had water in the wheelbarrow. Then, when you walk by him, he’d say, cocktails, cocktails, cocktails. I stopped him and he had, under the water, Negronis and Aperol Spritzes. It was awesome. This dude was the best and I want to write about it. I got to go try to find him again. I hope he comes back to the park this weekend. Maybe I’ll see him. It was super smart and he told me he was an out-of-work bartender. He was making more money this way than he had been working at a bar.
Z: There you go.
A: Man, that was smart. At the beaches of New York, people have been trying to sell things like nutcrackers and stuff like that for years, so let this dude sell Negronis instead. Yeah, I think that the only way that happens is al fresco, right?
Z: I can’t believe you didn’t ask him if he had a Daiquiri.
A: I should have. I feel like I just failed.
Z: You didn’t tell him that Adam Teeter says Negronis are dead and where are your daiquiris? That was a missed opportunity.
A: Adam Teeter says “Negronis are dead.”
Z: Yeah, until someone picks that up.
A: I’m going to get an email from Campari saying, “Thanks, Adam Teeter.” Negronis are not dead. I just don’t make it that much, come on.
Z: The vision I have, right, and maybe it is not exactly your very stylishly attired gentleman walking through the park. But the vision I have is if to-go cocktails have a future, it is actually like that. It’s little stands, maybe a window at the side of a restaurant or bar. It’s part of a broader landscape of alcohol consumption in this country. Walking down the street having a drink is not viewed as some great moral panic. It’s not necessarily the drunken debauchery of Bourbon Street or something in New Orleans, but it’s a thing that adults can do because we’re adults, and you’re not any more of a liability to people if you get wasted in a bar and then stagger out into the street versus if you have a drink in the street. Hopefully, people are consuming much more responsibly than that. And who knows what could come out of this? You could have one of the best cocktails in New York City from something that a guy makes at a stand in the middle of a park in Queens. That could be a really cool thing. The food truck model, but taken to cocktails. Obviously, there are issues. There’s licensing and there’s food safety. All the stuff is real, I understand that. But the thing I don’t like about saying “RTDs will cover it all” is that, as we’ve discussed on the podcast before and covered in a lot of “Next Round” episodes, any of these categories are liable to be dominated by a few big brands, and that’s fine. Those big brands have a lot of power, and they have the ability to crowd the market. But I don’t want my only options for a pre-made, ready-to-drink cocktail — whether I buy at a store or get it from a bar — to be the same six brands that dominate almost everything else. I want there to be diversity for my own sake and for the sake of people who want to come up and make a go of it. Facilitating that is, I think, something that should be considered a goal in New York City, Seattle, and in places all over the country.
A: That makes sense. I agree with you. I think it would just be nice if we allowed this stuff to happen and we allowed people to be treated as adults.
Z: Well, maybe finally, we will get to that point.
A: I don’t know, man. Every single college town with a football team turns a blind eye to drinking in public every Saturday in the fall. You know what I mean? Every place turns a blind eye every once in a while, so why is it OK then, but not OK at other times? Just let people be adults. Anyways, guys, this was fun. I mean, Joanna, your first podcast! What did you think?
J: Fun, I had a great time!
A: I mean, Zach talks a lot.
J: You guys are a riot.
Z: You’ll come back and join us again next week, we hope?
J: Yes! If I’m invited?
A: Awesome, yes you totally are. I will see you both next week.
J: Great.
Z: Sounds great.
Thanks so much for listening to the “VinePair Podcast.” If you love this show as much as we love making it, then please leave us a rating or review on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever it is you get your podcasts. It really helps everyone else discover the show.
Now for the credits, VinePair is produced and recorded in New York City and in Seattle, Wash., by myself and Zach Geballe, who does all the editing and loves to get the credit. Also, I would love to give a special shout-out to my VinePair co-founder, Josh Malin, for helping make all this possible, and also to Keith Beavers, VinePair’s tasting director, who is additionally a producer on the show. I also want to, of course, thank every other member of the VinePair team who are instrumental in all of the ideas that go into making the show every week. Thanks so much for listening, and we’ll see you again.
The article VinePair Podcast: Is There a Future for To-Go Cocktails? appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/future-to-go-cocktails-podcast/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/652162324925464576
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tigressaofkanjis · 5 years
An Outlasting Halloween - Killer Croc x Bane
A fanfic I wrote for Halloween with our two favorite dorks. Remember this post? Yeah, I decided to act upon it. I don't regret this and considering my version of Croc gained more than enough confidence after accepting himself, crossdressing would be something he would do to drive Bane insane. Years of rivalry has led to this moment and Croc is going to make Bane suffer for one night.
“Bane. Bane.”
“Bane, come here. I have the greatest idea for a Halloween costume! In fact, I have one for you two,” Waylon excitedly curled his tail as he grinned like Jervis at a tea party.
The luchador-themed man rolled his eyes in amusement at his partner -in-crime’s enthusiasm. He walked over to the couch Waylon was lying on with his laptop and a juvenile gator as his feet sleeping. He watched the large ridged tail wagging up and down as Croc turned his laptop towards Bane.
“Amigo, I don’t know what so special about a character who appears to be wearing a damaged fancy vest and dirty white shirt. Also, is that blood over his right eye?” Bane questioned, squinting at the pictures.
Killer Croc nodded quickly, “Do you remember the video game, Outlast, the game Drury and Garfield decided to make a react series out of for YouTube? You remember the DLC they were oh so engaged in?”
The man raised brow, “Oh you mean the one where you have to escape an asylum of sorts. That one? And this is-cual es su nombre-Eddie Glue…skin?”
“Gluskin, yes. He’s one of the main antagonists and I thought since you have the hair cut like him as well as that old ballroom suit you only used three years ago when you first came here that you would fit the character perfectly. We could add real blood or fake to a machete or something, add some makeup and you’d fit the look quite well!”
Bane crossed his arms, “Really? And what will I do all dressed up in a costume, compañero? We don’t have many places to go on Halloween except cause some mischief raiding houses while everyone is distracted, but our friends are hardly going to go with us for something as childish as that.”
Croc smirked, “What if I told you Kirk and his wife, Garfield, Fries, Jervis, and others are dressing up and they have plans to just have some pointless fun because like you said, it’s Halloween. Why rob a bank on Halloween when we could terrorize the houses for our treats? Besides if you wish to dress up, I have a plan to match you. While you are Eddie Gluskin , I’ll be Waylon Park. I have the attire thanks to Harley and Ivy so I’m set.”
Upon thinking about the benefits and cons of this proposed Halloween team up, Bane say really no downside that would set them back. At most, Batman would just slap their wrists probably out of annoyance considering the holidays were by far his least favorite time to crime fight them and an agitated Bruce was no fun.
Clicking his tongue, Bane shrugged finally, “Sure, why not? I’ll call Page Monroe and see if she can lend me her tailor to ‘mess up’ my perfect vest and shirt. Also, doesn’t this Waylon from the game wear a jumpsuit, a morbid tannish brown? That doesn’t seem as creative as you would usually do.”
A very strange smirk played on Waylon’s face, “Trust me, I’m not wearing the jumpsuit. I’m going to wear something more appropriate in contrast to your outfit that would make our team up even more special. Just wait and see.”
Narrowing his eyes, Bane bit his lip and grunted in an acknowledgeable but confused fashion. When he left, Waylon peered in the opposite direction towards one of his henchmen who was sharpening a few blades while watching some older cartoons.
“Vic, mon home, I need you to call Harley and tell her it’s on. Le marié a accepté la proposition.”
The brutish henchman nodded with a smirk and set the weapon he was working on down to grab the phone and started dialing.
Croc laughed, “Oh Bane, let’s see how confident you really are.” --------------------------------------
Today was Halloween and all the adults and kids were about to leave at dusk to get candy and lots of it. Bane had agreed to take part only because of his intriguing colleague was so excited for it.
Designing the suit wasn’t as difficult as Bane imagined it would be. Page was gracious enough to let him use her tailor and offered him some choice options for the costume as well. Trousers which had been worn with patches were apparently a runway fashion once but of course, it never flew past the stage with the judges and it was around his size surprisingly. With a few altercations, it was his and the vest he brought was ripped apart and stitched back to replicate Gluskin’s demented fabrication.
Croc was right when he said he had the perfect haircut for the part as no changes were necessary. He did, however, have to go to Harley Quinn for makeup touches as he wasn’t quite cosmetically savvy as the clown was. With little effort, she managed to make his right side of his face look bloody and deformed from certain angles without the need for any prosthetics. He had to admit he was impressed.
“Damn Bane, you look like the spitting image of Eddie Gluskin! Holy crap! Maybe a bit more ripped than Eddie but you’re really rocking it, like wow dude!” Firefly said as he stared in amazement.
Even the ever stoic Mr. Freeze was wide eyed at the design. “I have to say, I’m a little jealous. Waylon is going to have a field day with this. His costume is quite good too and what he admires in you, you’ll probably admire in him.”
That made Bane pause, “You’ve seen Waylon’s costume?”
“Yes, Ivy, Jonathan and I helped design it. I helped with…certain parts of the costume while Ivy did the layout and sewed the materials with Jon. I have to say even though I’m not particular that fond of men over women, Waylon’s outfit is very sexy. It really emphasizes the curves of his muscles and not to mention does amazing work for his hips.”
That drew a suspicious look from Bane but he didn’t dare question it. Garfield was nodding too which meant he had seen it as well. The chances of them telling him what it was exactly were slim because they knew better than to ruin the surprise.
So Croc was dressed sexy? That usually didn’t fit the man’s ideal in clothing but considering he was in fact a walking, talking crocodile basically, his standards and dignity were pretty lax. No matter what Waylon was in, nobody outside of the Asylum would be paying attention to his attire; they would be more fixated on his appearance and run in fear of being killed than stop to question his clothing choices.
It did make Bane very curious as to what Waylon was wearing. He recalled the video game Outlast was mainly prison-clad bad guys with deformities and blood but nothing really sexy. The character Waylon Park was pursued by the Groom to be his bride but-no, there was no way Croc managed to get a wedding dress. That was insane but why would Waylon do that?
Bane entered the lounge area which only had a couple of Croc’s henchmen with glow in the dark white paint over their armor and faces to resemble skeletons. Even their guns on their hips had bones painted on. He was surprised at their dedication.
“Muchachos, where is Waylon?”
The men gave a snicker seemingly at him and one pointed behind him with his thumb over to the bathroom. There was a laugh from the inside and sure enough, the door swung open and a white gown blood stained and ripped on the right side to somewhat show the scales of Waylon’s leg flowed gracefully as Croc leaned against the frame of the door cockily.
Bane was stunned at the appearance and no words could come to mind to describe his feelings towards it. The strapless top piece seemed to be tight as a corset as he could see some of the muscle underneath the fabric, and the breast area outlined by pearls pushed against Waylon’s pecks and pushed them high enough to give the illusion of actual cleavage. Waylon wore bridal glove with open palms and fingers but was torn to accommodate his arm spikes while his neck held a simple white band as a necklace. The strip that marked the end of the corset and the beginning of the flowing gown was also dowsed in pearls, gripping tightly against the outline of Croc’s hips. The gown itself was mostly intact but the right side had a slit for his leg which supported a rather peculiar garter on his middle thigh. Blood stains were prominent under the breasts to appear like they were operated on and the blood soaked through while a huge blood mark was right on the gown and just above the hip line strip indicating a “forced” fake sex change had occurred, just like Eddie Gluskin would have done. In Croc’s left hand, a video camera was held and on top of his head, a bridal tiara with pearls and silver plus a veil flowing down his neck was there and quite beautiful.
While Bane was more than obviously peering over Waylon’s costume, the mutated man was grinning like a hyena at how he managed to baffle the ex-terrorist. “When I said I had a surprise for you, didn’t think it would be this, did you?”
Bane snapped out of his trance and stuttered, “N-no, I can honestly say…just…whoa!”
Pushing off from his lean, Waylon strode closer to the other man with a very calm reserve. “What can I say, being married to Ivy taught me well.”
“I-I um…you look amazing,” the Hispanic man spoke.
The henchmen on the opposite side of the room giggled and one took a picture with both Waylon and Bane in the picture facing each other. The guard who snapped it whispered, “I am so posting this on Twitter!”
Bane swallowed loud and uneasily as Croc merely blinked slowly, still holding a sweet smile. “You really capture the-the aesthetic of the game. The garter is a-heh a very nice touch.”
“So did you it seems. The garter was last minute because this rip in the gown was actually an accident. My hips were straining against the fabric and one side couldn’t take the pressure, so I had to finish the rip and add something more in tune to what Gluskin would want. The tiara and veil though I could probably do without. That part was Scarecrow’s idea and Freeze, being the one who did my pearl embroidery, was against it,” Waylon purred, taking off the crown.
He threw it to his henchmen and the one who caught it quickly put in on his head and smirked as the others laughed at him. One even tried to grab at the tiara was playfully pushed away by a now sassy royal skeleton-faced guard.
Waylon chuckled before turning back to Bane, “You look like you don’t know how to feel about this. Or maybe you’re starting to realize you like seeing me cross dress. What’s the matter, Bane? Finally confronted with a fight inside you can’t win.”
“Wha-no, no, I am thinking about some things but I’m not-no. Besides I have to ask, is that dress even comfortable? It looks like it’s molded to you.”
Croc clutched the rim of the breast attire and dragged it upward a bit with a wiggle before confidently letting go with a smug pose, “Are you kidding me, this is actually quite comfy and admit it, I make this look good. It has padding and defines my form perfectly.”
Bane raised a brow, “And your dignity?”
“What dignity?” Croc gestured around him and laughed, “Bane, I’m a nine foot plus human being with a skin condition worsened by a military experiment. I used to hate myself for being such a freak but now I see there is nothing to be afraid of. I’m me and if society doesn’t like it, they can kiss my ass. I can do whatever I want now and wearing a dress for a costume is one of them, especially if it gets me what I want. I don’t have a lot of moral standards anymore when it comes to clothing or society norm. At this point, I’m just going with whatever I can pull off. Ha, this dress is actually really comfortable; you should try it.”
“Thank you but I prefer pants over a dress. You actually do look good in a dress, I’ll…um…admit that,” Bane muttered, occasionally glancing down from Croc’s face to the rest of his body when the latter turned his head away to look at his mooks.
As soon as Croc peered back at him, he averted his gaze immediately and resumed making eye contact. Waylon just smiled and played innocent, “Then perhaps you and I should start greeting Gotham and its trick-or-treaters, maybe steal some candy while we’re at it. I heard the more wealthy ones are giving away much more this year like king sized items. Of course, I am hoping we have enough candy to last us until the morning. Maybe we’ll both get a much bigger treat at the end. Who knows?”
“Uh, sure. Lead the way, Croc,” Bane nervously replied, blushing which made the red makeup he wore seemingly glow if not making the rest of his face almost the exact shade of red. Croc’s henchmen still snickered at him as they followed their boss out, protecting him like a pack of wolves.
When Waylon swept past him, he had to hike up his gown a bit to walk and not trip over it. This gave the Hispanic man a much clearer view of the garter and trailing behind the gown was the reptilian tail Bane almost forgot about albeit it was well hidden, curled beneath the gown mostly. He also took not that the dress covering the part of the spine where the tail met made Waylon appear as if he had a rather large rear.
Unbeknownst to him, Waylon knew exactly what he was doing and his grin grew to reveal practically all his teeth. He was Waylon Park to Bane’s Gluskin but apparently, he was the sadistic one. What an interesting reversal of characters. Croc couldn’t wait to see Bane’s resistance in doing something about him crack throughout the night. This was going to be fun.
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survivoremathia · 7 years
Ep. 11 - "The Time has Come to Slay the Beast" - Duncan
fuck you jay have ur damn confession
In other news, I did not too bad on the immunity and then realized that if I win a third in a row I'm going to be the biggest target which was literally the opposite of the strategy I was going for so hopefully someone did it in less than seven. My strategy was good tho I'm pissed like it is literally not in me to not try/throw a comp and it's not good news but like I just WANTED TO DO WELL OK THIS COMPETITION WAS FUN DFSAJKNHFJDSKHFSKJADFH I'M CRYING Anyways! It's final nine and this is the round to make a move, I think. Sam really pissed me off last round being all wishy washy and non-committal. People like Ryan blame Trevor for being controlling but it's literally what Sam wants. Sam wants to be "told" what to do, or to not have an opinion, so he doesn't seem like the leader he is but like... It's so obvious to see through. He acts like he doesn't know what's going on or what other people think, but he does. Take an acting class, betch! I don't know if it's smarter to go for Sam or Ali or JD. I guess like... Sam: Pros, he's the biggest threat of the three and he has an idol and he personally acts like an idiot even though I really wanted to work with him he gives me NOTHING and I want revenge! Damn! The con would be that...he has an  idol and he's always paranoid af and he'll probably play it. Another con is that his minions Ali/JD can be easily swayed without him, and someone could scoop them tf up. Ali: Pros, Sam has mentioned needing to get Ali out although idk if it was a lie or not. He's got the best social connections out of everyone and people genuinely want him to win. Cons, he's arguably more loyal than Sam and he's a lot less frustrating to talk to and I like him. Also leaving Sam in the game with an idol after taking out his ally is not a good. JD: Pros, she's the least likely to be expected as a target, she like....is so naive in terms of trying to save Ryan last round and then telling Trevor "oh you're the leader" like, girl bye. Cons, Ali/Sam could still be in the game as a tight duo, and also she seems the easiest to beat in the end of the three.... Idk! I don't know. It also depends on what I can get Logan/Duncan/Lydia/Trevor to agree on, if anything. And also like... immunity results will matter. And Sam's idol. And then like idk what Ryan is gonna do! So! We! Will! See! I! Guess!!!!!! Also Ryan messaged me this morning and like I do want to work with Ryan still but I'm worried that he views me as tight with Trevor and if I say anything to him or give him any info he can use it to turn others against Trevor and I so dskjafhadsjf idk what to do about that but we'll see if he messages me again huh!
noh wow! Oh Wow!! OH WOW!!! 
An alliance called "oh wow!" Just was made between Owen Logan and I, which is good bc I need two of the people I'm closest to to have some type of trust with each other and not come after each other's necks. In other news I crackt the code in mastermind in 5 guesses!! I'm very happy and proud of my score even if I don't win immunity, but it would be a good confidence booster tbh. And one last thing. Whoever told RTP I was leading a charge against him, you better watch your back because I'm saltier than a tortilla chip. I hope they have their boxing gloves on, bc I'm ready to swinG
I'm not going to lie, I'm really frustrated.  The touchy subjects really did bother me because me and Ali are both playing this game, we might not be the ones calling all the shots that that doesn't mean we aren't in the conversations. I get were people would say it and I see how it was the easy way to do it, the newbies are getting pulled along. That's fine, cheers. AliWelp, skype killed the hype, and potentially my game. Lydia had proposed this amazing big move for tonight, but I'm scared these tech issues might ruin it. Like... ughhh such a shame. Anywho, on a positive note, I made Final 9! :) Outlasting, 13 people already is phenomenal, so that's amazing! I'm ready to go for broke now. Ideally, I want Trevor,Owen,Sam and Ryan out as the next four boots, as the four biggest threat for the end. My dream F3 is JD and Logan, with Duncan as a possible alternative, and Lydia as a 4th choice. They're the people I think I have the biggest chance of hopefully beating. Lydia is dangerous though, so I don't want her going too far...
[7:36:08 PM] Ryan Palmer: i mean we don't really have another choice lmfao [7:36:19 PM] Ali: yeah, we're kinda limited for options eek Gee....limited for options against that alliance....gee....its almost as if....SOMEONE COULD HAVE BEEN TRYING TO DO THIS FOR 2 ROUNDS....if only ppl like matt or david who would have voted with us were here....i seriously cant with these ppl....i literally told everyone if they were gonna wait it was gonna be too late....fuck
Rob getting into the jury, I don't know how I feel about that. I don't think Rob was really happy with us when he got voted out. 
Sorry I'm late on confessionals :( Anyway! Owen made an alliance chat with me, himself, and Duncan, which I'm happy with. Ali pitched the idea to me to have an alliance with Lydia, myself, JD and Ali. That sounds workable, and suddenly I see the ground beneath my feet in this game. I need to work out how to get to the end from here - I still do not have a solid f2, which worries me. I could go for a f3 with Owen and Duncan and play the middle of those two, but Trevor is? Talking to me? Wild. I guilt tripped Ali so badly last round because he told me the vote was for David and *insisted* that, and I nearly voted for David, but thanks to Duncan... whew. Saved that. But now Ali feels super guilty. Ethos, logos, pathos? Using them all, but pathos was my friend then. Good use of pathos, actually. My english teacher wishes. David is gone now anyway, which I feel sorta bad about, all the boys in this game are super cute and too pretty to be getting early boots. I do trust Duncan, but I'm not 100% how much. At least we aren't viewed as a duo. But he said it himself, we were two people brought together by unfortunate circumstances, and in my experience, that never works out. But I'll stick with you, for now. We'll see. At this point, I can't win this game. I maybe could get fifth? Maybe. If I really work it. My UTR game won't cut it, I really need to be MOR, or else I'm getting the block. Time to show my value to people, or become fifth juror - one of the two. 
I think as of right now the ideal final three for me would be myself, Logan and Lydia. Getting there though with that specific group is...not necessarily the easiest thing. Especially because I've basically sworn not to screw over Trevor or Duncan. And I don't really want to have to put either of their names down, but I know they're bigger threats than I am. Maybe I could beat them in the end... But do I really want to beat Trevor and have him lose in the finals a third time? I want Trevor to do well and I want to see him win. But I want to win too! So I'm at a bit of a conflict here. Ideally, Sam/JD/Ali go now and probably another one of them goes next. Maybe it could be like... Sam and JD or Sam and Ali. Then at final seven I think it would be good for me if Trevor left. It'd have to be at seven because that way, Trevor/myself/Lydia could vote one way and then Duncan/Logan/Ryan/Thing 1 or 2 (whichever is left) could vote Trevor. Then at a final six, maybe the other Thing (Ali or JD) goes. Final five would have to be Duncan. And the final four would be me, Ryan, Lydia and Logan? Then Ryan goes fourth? Maybe? That's one way to get there but that counts on a lot of things going right with immunity and idols and also that counts on me being very aware of Trevor and Duncan both leaving and potentially having a hand in that and that's....not good! NOT GOOD. ugshfsdfsd
SOOOO! JD won immunity which limits my options to Ali and Sam I guess. But I did have a plan. Trevor mentioned that Sam told him that Ali has to go eventually. So my thought is that Trevor tells Sam that it's time to do Ali. And so Sam thinks we are voting Ali, he knows the votes will be me Trevor Logan Lydia and Duncan against Ali. And that way like maybe there's a chance he just votes Ali Idk!!! But then in reality the five of us vote for Sam. That way the idol is gone, guaranteed. He either plays it on Ali and leaves or he votes for Ali and keeps his idol. The only problem is if he doesn't believe us and plays it on himself instead, which makes me think maybe like.... idk maybe Logan uses the extra vote they supposedly have and we split the vote somehow. I guess that plan would depend on what ryan is doing. And I wouldn't want to tell ryan the plan in case he still goes for Trevor. Idk!!!! I guess we could also make it seem like we are going for Sam and vote Ali instead but I think it's more realistic to do the other plan since sam has expressed interest in voting out Ali anyways??? It's hard calling shots because I'm not immune this time, but Trevor does still have an idol as well so maybe he could play it just in case. Idk!!! We will see
I won immunity! I'm so excited right now, those puzzle skills my preschool teacher was talking about finally paid off! *happy dance* 
HEY! I CAN'T WAIT TO GET RIGGED OUT OF THE GAME. oooooh hosts you really had to do that huh I would be beyond stupid to not think that I was the target of the other side this round--people know that I'm close with Trevor, but I am willing to drop him at any time. So this round, even though I knew I was in some hot water, I was like "oh, I have Trevor's idol in my possession, and I have one that he's willing to play on me. I'm like a poached egg not fully hard boiled--I'll be fine." THEN OH THEN Duncan steals Ali's ability to go to the Labyrinth and YOU KNOW HWAT HE FUCKIN FINDS?????? HE FINDS A DAMN ADVANTAGE THAT ALLOWS FOR ME TO NOT VOTE AND MAYBE SUPPOSEDLY NOT HAVE ANY ITEMS PLAYED ON ME????? FUCK THIS????? the worst part is that I don't know what I'm up against! because owen isn't being forthcoming to trevor! so i don't know if trevor can play an idol on me at all or if i can't play an idol just on myself but I know I can't vote! so i need to give an extra vote to someone who will vote on my side!!!!! i hate!!!!! this!!!!!! so now i actually have to scrape for literally everything while other bitches don't even have to lift a finger!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!! hosts if i go out tonight i love you BUT this is a shitty way to go that i don't really have control over!! call me malcolm binch!
sorry for all my yelling like i just thought this one was meant to be. i was ready!!!!
So the plan is pretty much set in motion. I think Logan and Duncan are on board to vote Sam. AAAADN duncan apparently found a power to cancel sams idol???? Which would be???? Greater than Frosted Flakes. But this just makes it extra clear that's Sam CANT KNOW anything is going on. Which is where I might've messed up. Trevor said he would talk to Sam but I got the feeling he wasn't really doing it and I told him about Duncan's power oop and he was sketched out by Duncan, as he is. Cue the argument about whether or not Sam should go!!!! Yay!!!! So I've basically just gotta convince Trevor to do it. And to keep his mouth shut. And he's....impulsive. I don't think he will. The good thing is he's coming here tonight!!!!! So if I need to I think I can convince him in person. I just have to hope by then it's not too late :( I'm not afraid to flirt my way to Trevor's brain to try to get him to follow through with this. All is fair in love and war.
talked to sam and he's high key paranoid what a surprise I brought up doing Ali....screams. He said no, pretty much, and mentioned doing Trevor instead which to me seems sketch cause idk why he would suggest that so easily to me of all people. He wasn't being very clear, like usual. I basically told him to wait until final seven SHSKDJDJJD to do Trevor and Idk he said he wasn't seeing the picture and so when I asked him like... what the picture is what he thought the next few votes would be he said he didn't think that far cause he's not there yet. My bullshit radar is goin off!!!!!! :~) I'm not sure what the convo meant. It's the first time he truly wanted to talk to me. But he did bring up just going for Logan so idk. We agreed to talk again in a little bit. And Trevor will be here in person soon. And I just need this all to work out because i think if it doesn't then I'm toast Know this tho if Trevor ruins this for me then I'm not holding back anymore!!!!!!!!!! I'll help him pack his bags!!!! 
So this vote is going to be reealllly messy I think. So far as I know: Owen and Duncan want to vote out Sam, Trevor doesn't wanna do that because ovbs, Sam gave him the idol and he feels like Sam will probs be usefully (sorry for the bad abbreviation, Im just lazy right now). From what I've heard Trevor wants to vote Duncan now though because he, I'm guessing, wants to break up him and Owen. WHY the fuck are you not voting OWEN!? I've run the idea by Ali and I want to get Trevor to play the idol for ether Ali or Sam cus, why not~ get the idol out of Trevors hands and if we can get the idol played on someone other then Owen then why not vote for Owen? It pisses me off the Trevor doesn't want to talk to me, I mean, okay your with your boyfriend who is in the game but if he asked it's not hard to lie and say I'm freaking out over thinking and Trevor is chilling me out. I mean, I'm 100% on thinking that Owen thinks of me as the goat so he'd believe it. My plan would be so vote Owen. Right now the majority is split on Owen and Trevors side. Owens: Owen, Duncan, maybe Logan = voting Sam or Ali, we've heard Ali as a second or a 'go vote this one' to get some throw away votes. Trevor: Trevor, me, Ali, Lydia, Sam, Ryan = voting for Duncan to break up Owen and Duncan? My plan is a three way split for Sam, Owen and Duncan, then on the revote we vote our Duncan (sorry hostys Im sure ties suck) but really I just want to fuck up the votes and vote Owen. Hoping that Trevor will use his idol on Sam, assuming he cant use it on himself... I guess we'll see. 
So!!!! Of course Trevor gets here and tells me that they're all voting for Duncan!!!! Lol!!!!!!! He wasn't even gonna tell me except it was more convenient for him since we were about to be together for 48 hours. Anyways. Thanks for lying all day and then planning on leaving me out to dry ;~) looks like I won't have any trouble lying to you from now on huh!!!!!!! Anyways, I immediately got to work convincing him to do Sam instead, and then we called Lydia finally and talked to her about it. Except Trevor also told everyone all of this SHIT and I'm so mad I literally like. At least he bought me chipotle. Anyways!!!! Lydia was planning on telling Ryan to vote Sam and also they all think that Duncan's rags make it so that Sam can't have any idols played on him even from other players. Idk it's messy and i just want to sleep. I'm hoping I convinced them to switch their votes. Sam needs to go now that he knows I was after him. Also lol it's funny cause I asked Trevor as soon as he walked in if He told Sam to message me lmao I knew it was fishy af Idk it's all fishy. Why does Trevor feel the NEED to ruin!!!!! Djdjdjdjd Jesus. Also surprise he's not giving me the idol. Or playing it on me. I hope it bites him in the ass when people like duncan and ryan really do wanna vote him out and I'm not there to cover his ass. Literally DJDJDJD fuck all this At this point I'm just hoping it's not me. Idk if it would be. I've worked too hard today for it to be me, tbh. But really? Damn
this game gave me acne and soiled my crops
So I might have tried strong arming Trevor into this split by saying that Sam is easily dropped if the vote goes wrong. I don't think that he liked that cus not hes talking to Ryan about voting Sam. Which I don't get but it would mess up the split. 
This vote has just aged me! Sam is maybe going, which sucks. Duncan is a liar, Logan is lying to me. Sam gave me his extra vote though, so hopefully TLJoA can vote togethed next time, as a majority. Samit was a good run, folks
Heyyyy! Umm idk if this will be my last confessional or not until allstars but here we go. The time has come to slay the beast. It's time to make a move. It's time to take down sam.in short. I was allegedly the original target of rtp plus the unholy trinity, and Lydia and Trevor were on board. Then Owen talked to them and convinced them to vote Samuel only because I had my handy rags. It was a conditional agreement. But umm hopefully no one else will play an idol on sam, and hopefully everyone who is telling me they're voting sam is telling the truth. The thing is, if I get voted out tonight it's okay. I didn't come here to make it to the end and win. This is a move I need to make to help me win. So if I'm going down, I can say I did what I said I set out here to do when I applied. I came to win, not to be a coward
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