#wow look at me being emotionally unstable and wanting piercings and tattoos
mitamicah · 7 months
A few days ago I started thinking about getting a bridge piercing. I have a feeling it might look good on me idk. Since then it is like I have a phantom piercing in my face like I can feel it there grounding me but it is not there: it is all just air.
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tagged by @treehug​ (I have to answer like, 85 personal questions wow that’s a lot and.. tag 20 people? That sounds hard, I think I’ll pass >.> But I am honored that someone wants to know more about me. I wasn’t sure whether to answer this on my personal account or not but hey, I was tagged here and there’s less peer pressure because nobody reads what goes on here. My answers will be under the cut)
the last … 1. drink: Pink lemonade! 2. phone call: Answering a call from my mom I think? Or was it my dad? 3. text message: Me telling my dad to pick me up 4. song you listened to: *checks youtube history* Mizu Kagami apparently? 5. time you cried: I think I sweat my eyes a bit from Persona 2. 6. dated someone twice: Date....? Isn’t that a fruit? 7. kissed someone and regretted it: I once kissed the fridge as per friend’s request and then got scared I consumed mold or something since this fridge has never been washed. 8. been cheated on: I never played a video game with someone who used cheat codes. Thank goodness. 9. lost someone special: A couple of close friends.. None of my friendships have ever lasted long so I always this paranoia whenever I make friends. 10. been depressed: Somewhere during school. Don’t know when. 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: I just barely turned 18 smh I would never drink either.
favorite colors 12. to wear - I.. never really focused on what the color was. As long as it looked presentable. Maybe white? I dunno what the questions for 13 and 14 are.
in the last year have you… 15. made new friends: I think so.. we’re friends right? 16. fallen out of love: Still in love with my laptop 17. laughed until you cried: I’m sure I have with my school friends. 18. found out someone was talking about you: No one talks about me, I’m too boring smh 19. met someone who changed you: Have I? Hm. 20. found out who your friends are: Psh, I already know my bestie is my bestie. 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Face..book? Can you eat it?
general 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: There’s that “facebook” thing again. Is it a Persona reference? 23. do you have any pets: I used to have a pet hamster as a little kid but I thought of him as a toy rather than a living being so... his life went as well as you’d expect. A few years ago I did take care of a stray cat but my parents didn’t want him so they sent him to my cousin’s house.  24. do you want to change your name: Considering I get embarrassed telling people it, it might not be a bad idea. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Same routine as usual really. 26. what time did you wake up: At 6 o’clock in the morning. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping. I am infamous among my social circles for actually having a sleep schedule. 28. name something you can’t wait for: THE NEW KIRBY GAME FOR THE SWITCH 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: A few seconds go.  31. what are you listening to right now: The fan. So hooot. 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: I have talked to a Thomas but not a Tom. 33. something that is getting on your nerves: ...Rude people. 34. most visited website: A combination of Youtube, tumblr, reddit, and deviantart.  35. hair colour: Black 36. long or short hair: It would be medium-length if it wasn’t curly. It’s just bunched up like a bush my head.. People call it a fro but I’m not sure if I like that. 37. do you have a crush on someone: Not really.. 38. what do you like about yourself: !!!... Umm, it’s kind of embarrassing to answer that. Part of my psyche tells me I am nicer than most but.. 39. piercings: Sounds painful. 40. blood type: I never had that checked, 41. nickname: I have many but I’ll say Ichigo for now.  42. relationship status: Best friends with my bestie! 43. zodiac: Gemini, I have a Megaman character based on my sign bitches! 44. pronouns: Use whatever, because I like being secretive about these things. 45. favourite tv show: *shrugs* Not really a TV person. 46. tattoos: No, I did think it would be fun to have a tattoo based on a rune from Suikoden. 47. right or left handed: Right hand. 48. surgery: I hope I never have one! So many of my phobias in one! 49. piercing: Didn’t we already have this question? 50. sport: Running away from my problems ᕕ-ᐛ-ᕗ 51. vacation: I don’t know if I’m on one actually. I finished a school year so I guess it’s summer vacation but I graduated high school so?? Am I on summer vacation? It’s more like the interval between high school and whatever I do from now on. Being a homeless person. 52. pair of trainers: As in Pokemon trainers?? I dunno.
more general 53. eating: The air 54. drinking: Saliva? Okay that’s gross. 55. i’m about to: I DON’T KNOW SO MANY THINGS COMING AT ME AT ONCE AFTER I’M DON WITH THIS 56. waiting for: Truth to be told, I don’t know. 57. want: FOR ALL MY PROBLEMS TO GO AWAY 58. get married: Oh gosh, it is not a good idea to live with me. I am emotionally unstable and have extremely weird habits like jumping around and flapping my arms and sometimes creepily repeating and giggling anything amusing I read.  59. career: I might be a Japanese translator! I thought of so many other things like artist or story writer but if you ask me about how to draw or write a story, I don’t know what the heck I’m talking about! If you ask me about Japanese language then yes, I do know what I’m talking about. If I’m good at it and willing to get better, I should get a job out of it.  60. hugs or kisses: Hugs because I don’t want someone else’s tongue going into my mouth. 61. lips or eyes: What? I need both? I guess lips because I wouldn’t be able to talk or eat without them.  62. shorter or taller: It would be kind of nice to be shorter.. 63. older or younger: I’m a kid in an adult’s body. My dad said so. Younger. 64. nice arms or nice stomach: What? I don’t know. Arms could lift things up? 65. hook up or relationship: ...Relationship? 66. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant! No doubt about it! 67. kissed a stranger: I can’t even kiss someone I know, let alone a stranger. 68. drank hard liquor: Nope, never will. 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t know actually. I had glasses but I never used them. I tried putting them on again but they didn’t improve my vision so maybe they were the wrong pair and I lost mine? 70. turned someone down: Yeah, in elementary school we had like this Pokemon roleplay going on and some kid asked to join but I was an elitist fan back then and said no because only those who know all 493 Pokemon can join in.  71. sex on the first date: I can’t even have sex in any circumstance. Unless maybe I get a prize like a copy of Kirby Switch. 72. broken someone’s heart: I hope not.. 73. had your heart broken: Yeah, everytime a video game doesn’t let me do something I wanna do. 74. been arrested:  No, but it’s only a matter of time. (I’m kidding) 75. cried when someone died: For fictional deaths >.> 76. fallen for a friend: No, but a friend fell for me. We were so surprised when she fell down because we didn’t know if it was on purpose to go along with what I was saying or if she actually fell.
do you believe in … 77. yourself: I believe in my ability to make things worse. You could ask me to grab something for you only to find out it would have been 200x times faster if you went up and grabbed it yourself. 78. miracles: ‘Cause I still believe in miracles I swear I’ve seen a few! And the time will surely come when you can see my point of view! I believe in second chances and that’s why I believe in you! 79. love at first sight: No, attraction at first sight. Love is when you get to know someone and accept everything about them and care for them. 80. santa claus: I believe in the Santa Claus in the mall. 81. kiss on the first date: Sure why not. 82. angels: I believe in Michel, he can do his best.
other 83. current best friend’s name: She is a bit afraid of revealing personal info on the internet so I shall not say it. 84. eye colour: I think it’s brown...? 85. favourite movie: I am so ignorant about movies my friends hate me for it.
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