#wow amazying.
anthurak · 3 months
You know I can't help but think that if we look closely enough at the backgrounds of the 'We Hate Blitzo' party...
We're going to find some random human who wandered in off the street who is now some combination of confused, curious and terrified at what the FUCK is going on XD
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silverskye13 · 2 years
iJevin is one of those people who gets so excited about giving gifts they basically unwrap it for you and I think that's hilarious
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givemegifs · 1 year
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itswalky · 24 days
i just finished binge-reading dumbing of age, and i'm now going through the archives on the itswalky site. the commentary underneath the anti-joyce reveal panels feel really really insightful, especially wrt the theme that got me to read the dang comic -- plurality! (someone sent me the amazi-girl strip from a few days ago and i read the entire thing because of it.)
were themes about plurality just sort of a low-lying "snuck into your work" kind of deal for a while? how did they evolve into stuff like booster literally asking aloud with words, "oh is amber plural?"
the evolution of plural "rep" is really fascinating stuff to me in an artist's work, especially when it passes through from being "wow, dark link but for sex trauma!" to "amber has a Guy In Her Brain who has Her Own Friend Group Entirely, And This Is Working Out Pretty Well For Them".
it'll also be really funny bc i plan on reading shortpacked after finishing its walky, and i assume know amber ISNT plural in that one, so asjfhsjdgsdg
ANYWAY YEAH. evolution of plurality in your work was the question. (and i guess other pathologized brainstuffs becoming more textual.)
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I dunno! It's a very good question you're asking and I don't know exactly how to answer it. You're right that there's been a longrunning theme of characters being a little splitsies due to trauma, even before I made things textual after... learning more about the real life phenomenon! When folks spoke up about how Amber felt true, I did my best to do right by them. Like with many things we discover along the way, sometimes we find stuff that just really hits a groove with how our mind works. Maybe that groove isn't exactly ours, but it's definitely something we understand on a deeper level.
And then we find words for it! That's always the helpful part.
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elizabethsnuts · 5 months
Little Surgeon
Alex Karev x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Alex plays pretend surgery with you on his day off.
As Alex walked into the living room, he found you on the floor surrounded by your toys, wearing a tiny doctor's coat that he had gotten you for your birthday so you could match him.
"Daddy!" you exclaimed, your eyes lighting up as you saw him. "Look, I a surgeon just like you!"
Alex chuckled at the sight of you in the miniature lab coat. "Oh wow, I can see that!"
You nodded and put a shower cap on your head, pretending it was a scrub cap. “I boss surgeon and you be helper”
Alex nodded and chuckled as you put the shower cap on your head. “Alright, we can do that, you ready? Surgeons have to be very ready for surgery.”
You nodded eagerly, your head bobbing with excitement. "Yes, Daddy! I ready, I ready!"
Alex settled onto the floor next to you, joining you in your imaginary OR. "Okay, Dr. Karev, let's go over the basics. First, we need to scrub in."
You giggled and nodded, running over to the sink. "Daddy help! I need to wash!"
Alex laughed and got up to hold you up to the sink to wash your hands. "We wash our hands really well to make sure they're clean," Alex explained, turning on the tap.
You nodded and rubbed your tiny hands together as you washed them under the water. "Like this, Daddy?"
"Exactly like that," Alex said with a proud smile. "Now, let's put on our gloves."
You eagerly grabbed a pair of plastic gloves and struggled to pull them on, your small fingers fumbling with the material. "These gloves are too big!"
Alex chuckled and helped you adjust the gloves. "There you go, Dr. Karev. Now, let's get ready to operate."
You nodded and went over to your stuffed bear that was lying on the coffee table. “It okay Mr Bear! We gonna make you feel all better!” You said with a smile.
"Okay, Dr. Karev, let's start with a simple procedure," Alex said, handing you a plastic toy scalpel. "We need to perform surgery to remove Mr Bear's appendix."
You held your toy scalpel confidently as you began your pretend surgery. You mimicked your father's every move with precision.
"Okay, Dr. Karev, we need to make a small incision here," Alex instructed, pointing to a spot on the teddy bear patient.
You rolled your eyes playfully. "I know, Daddy. I know what I doing. I boss, you helper."
Alex raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Oh, you do, huh? Well, let's see what you've got."
With a mischievous grin, you made a swift incision, your movements surprisingly smooth for a toddler. "See, Daddy? I do it."
Alex couldn't help but laugh at his daughter's confidence. "You're a natural, Y/N. But remember, surgery is serious business."
You nodded solemnly, your expression turning serious. "I super duper serious!"
Alex matched your face, trying to suppress a chuckle. "That’s a good surgeon face you have on."
You nodded again seriously and suddenly shouted. “Bandaids! I need bandaids! Right now! Helper I need bandaids! Pink one! Pink one! Pink for emergency!”
Alex laughed and quickly handed you some pink bandaids. “Here! You have to save Mr Bear!”
You put on your concentration face and started to frantically put bandaids on the stuffed bear. You were very focused and determined to ‘save’ Mr Bear.
“He okay! I save him! He not bleeding no more.” You smiled triumphantly and wiped the imaginary sweat off your forehead.
“Well done, Dr Karev! I think you should become chief of surgery.” Alex said with a smirk. “Alright, now close him up.”
You nodded and pretended to stitch up the bear’s belly. “I closing don’t worry.”
You eventually finished your surgery and smiled. “I all done, he all better. I save the day!”
Alex smiled at you, he loved that you wanted to do what he does. “Perfect! I think that’s the best stitching I’ve seen in a long time.”
You giggled and gave Alex a big hug, resting your head on his shoulder. “Thanks for being my helper, Daddy! You very good.”
Alex kissed your forehead and hugged you back even tighter. “Well, I think you were an amazing surgeon.”
As you continued your pretend surgery, Alex couldn't help but smile at you as you played together. He didn’t regret taking the day off at all.
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nikoanesti · 4 months
Double Star Points in a battle I'd defeated an Amazy Dayzee in (and they apparently cap at 100, since that should've been even higher!). That was floor 96 I think of the Pit of 100 Trials, and the immediate next floor had ANOTHER Amazy Dayzee, which I also beat, so I leveled up again, and then I leveled up once more on floor 99, so I went into Bonetail with perfect health haha.
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starchildren220 · 19 hours
Phoenix Chapter Four
Phoenix Masterlist
Homelander x OC
Black Noir x OC
Soldier Boy x OC
In the morning you woke up to an empty bed, you frown and sit up. You only had a bra, so you went to find some other clothes. You take off the old bra and put on a similar white bra. You grab a black tank top and white panties, putting them on before going to the kitchen.
In the kitchen there was food and a note on the counter.
'Really sorry. Got called out for a mission. -Noir'
You smiled softly, relieved he didn't plan on just fucking and leaving. You grab the plate of bacon, pancakes, and some fruits. You sit on the couch grabbing the remote to the TV, putting on a movie.
You were almost done with the movie when you heard a knock on the door before the door opened. Quickly you grab a blanket and covered yourself.
Footsteps were heard and you looked through the wall, it was Homelander. He rounded the doorway with a fake smile, and his hands held together behind his back.
"You ever heard of knocking?" You ask a little annoyed before making some sweatpants on your legs.
"Doesn't matter if I have, I can do whatever the fuck I want." You guessed he was still crabby from his lose the night before. He looked around the room noticing the note on the counter because of the open living room.
"What's this?" He grabbed it before you quickly got it from his hands. When it disappeared, he turned to you. "You and Noir huh?." He smirked and a blush burned on your cheeks.
"That's none of your business." He chuckled.
"It is when it could affect MY team." The skin around his eyes wrinkled with the forced smile.
“What did you come here for?” You ask crossing your arms and leaning back into the couch.
“Stan wants me to get you ready for your debut and get you out of this apartment so the decorators can do their job.” He was very annoyed with the request and it wasn't hard to tell. "First you have costume." He turned and started to walk out, when he got the hallway he stopped and turned to look at you.
You were still on the couch. "You coming?" He asked his annoyance becoming noticeable. You roll your eyes and push yourself off the couch. You walk over to him and he continued taking you to where you needed to be.
Homelander took you to an office, there was a blonde woman, a brownish redhead, a woman with black hair and glasses and two other men.
“There she is.” The redhead smiled nervously. “Hi I’m Ashley. This is Seth,” She gestured to the black guy sitting on the couch. “and this is Evan,” She gesture to the white guy next to Seth. “this is Isadora,” She gestured to the black haired woman. “and Madelyn Stillwell.” Ashley introduced everyone in the room. You waved and gave a weak smile.
“Please, sit.” Stillwell suggested, you listened and Homelander stood behind the chair, hands holding the back of it.
“Your polling is going amazing after the video of you at that dinner, we’re so happy to be in charge of your introduction to the world.” She smiled, you felt her insincerity but didn’t say anything. “I’m going to hand it over to Seth and Evan.” She gestured to the two men on the couch opposite of her. You followed her hand with your eyes and looked over at them.
“So we were thinking, a nobody, someone no one knows, then out of the shadows, a hero, someone who stepped up when needed, someone reborn into…” Isadora stood up to the cloaked thing behind the couch. “Phoenix!” She pulled the cloak off revealing a maroon body suit with a gold cloth belt that had a gold phoenix clip to hold the excess, the top had a gold phoenix on the front, the wings formed into off the shoulder sleeves, it had golden gloves that went to the mid biceps, and golden knee high wedge boots. It also had a maroon headpiece, it fell into a point on the forehead and it curved over the cheeks.
the outfit
Your eyes widened. “Wow.” You couldn’t think of anything else to say, though it wasn’t in an expression of excitement, rather it was shock. “It’s something.”
“What? It’s amazing. Do you not like it?” Ashley asked.
“Uhm,” You looked at the suit before looking at Ashley. “I don’t really wear stuff that skin tight.” Your upper lip turned up ever so slightly.
“Well you do now.” Homelander added, giving your shoulders a pat. You look at Stilwell, trying to see if the true answer was yes.
“He’s right, if you want to be a part of the Seven that’s your costume.” She confirmed. Homelander seemed to puff up a little, his pride swelling at being right, especially having Madelyn being the one to confirm him to be right. You noticed the change in Homelander’s emotions.
You sighed, contemplating whether or not you should do it. You nodded, accepting that your dream was much more important than your comfortability. “Fine.” She reluctantly agreed. Stillwell smiled, cupping her hands together.
“Perfect, now it’s time for fitting.” She gestured for you to go get the suit.
“No need.” You waved her off, not really wanted to try it on. “I’ll be able to make it fit.” After your refusal you felt gloved hands on your shoulders and hot breath against your ear.
“She said it was time for fitting, so get into your costume, now.” He snarled into your ear. Causing you to shiver, goosebumps appearing on your skin. You shrugged him off, and he smirked standing back up to his full height, hands clasped behind his back, as you stood up from the seat.
“Whatever.” You knew you could easily beat him but he was still scary when upset. “Is there a bathroom around?” You asked Stillwell.
“Yes.” She lifted her hand and pointed to a door in the corner of the room. “Through there.” She nodded at the door.
You nodded curtly and you grabbed the mannequin taking it to the bathroom. You sighed and stripped your shirt and pants off, then you removed the costume from the mannequin. Not feeling like struggling to shove your body into the costume you just made it appear on your skin, fixing the parts that fit weird. You grabbed the now naked mannequin and brought it back out with you to the room.
“You look amazing.” Ashley praised. “You look like a true hero.”
“Sure don’t feel like one.” Your mouth flattened into a line and you placed the mannequin down, standing awkwardly in the doorway of the bathroom. “And I have to wear this all the time?”
“That’s correct.” Homelander answered his pearly fake smile back on display. “You look like a doll.” He ‘complimented’.
You rolled her eyes. “Thanks.” You replied sarcastically. You crossed your arm over your chest, making sure not to push them up any further than the costume already did. “What’s next on the list?” Homelander chuckled and walked up next to her.
“Well now, now we have contract isn’t that right?” He turned to look at Stilwell. She smiled and nodded.
“Yes, that’s quite right.” She stood up from the couch and went to her desk, motioning to the seat in front of her for you to join. You walked over and sat down, scooting the chair in and crossing your legs. “It’s really a simple contract,” She shook her head for emphasis. “just about owning merchandise and the brand ‘Phoenix’.” She gave the biggest fake smile. You could feel the insincerity behind it.
“You’re lying, in the contract there’s a clause that talks about how I’ll work for you for at least twenty-five years unless death or i get fired.” She argued.
“But you haven’t even read it.” She shook her head still smiling but her expression was confused.
“But I read your mind, unless you take that out, and anything like it, I’m not signing that.” You tossed the pen on the paper, it rolling slightly after. Stilwell sat back in her chair chuckling.
“I’m sorry, but it’s a contract that all our hero’s in the seven has signed, why would we change it for you?” She chuckled dryly, using an authoritative voice.
“Well, wasn’t I, approached by you guys to be in the seven? I think we can work something out, just talk to the big boss.” You smiled slimily back, using the voice she used on you. Stilwell’s jaw opened as she sucked her teeth.
“I’ll talk to Mr. Edgar.” She smiled sickly. “You’re dismissed.”She waved you away, annoyed. You stood up from the seat and left, Homelander followed behind her.
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*playing the end of Pokémon Scarlet, the game concluding with a cute emotional scene*
"wow this game was amazi-"
*Ed Sheeran starts playing over the credits*
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nr0r · 2 years
trans!Wilson HCs are great and all, but y'all missing out on something fundamental here Imagine a Maxwell watching Wilson and catching onto the fact he's trans right. Dude. IMAGINE the INSECURITY: 1. This man is a GENIUS how is he synthesizing Testosterone so well 2. WOW I'M A FRAUD OF A MAGICIAN HUH I'LL SHOW HIM
Maxwell: THERE that'll show him Wilson, looking at his new dick and no chesticles: THIS IS GREAT Maxwell: YES I'M AMAZI- Wilson: I'M A GENIUS Maxwell: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
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shades4dogs · 2 years
wat if u and i kissd........................kind of crasy
WOW it woud be kind of awsome i tihkn kind of amazy (crasy)?
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zaptap · 3 months
so my plan for the pit of 100 trials to do danger mario but focus on close call instead of power rush (so it's still not that hard but battles don't end in one turn) is derailed by the fact i overlooked that close call is not one of the badges you can buy infinitely. thought it was for some reason
this leaves me with these options
get more copies of close call from enemy drops. even if i don't get 15 more for the 99.9% evasion rate (iirc 12 gets you 90%) it takes long enough to get a single one that i dont want to do that
dupe them using the full inventory badge dupe glitch. i'd need like 100 more badges, which would take like 18,000 coins to buy from the pianta parlor (though i guess dazzle and the badge shop still have stock i could use for that, but still) and then AFTER all that i would have to still get badges from enemy drops since there aren't any left in the overworld that would trigger the glitch (and even then, once i got an enemy to drop it, it's only good for 3 extra copies of a badge. getting 10-15 would take 4 or 5 drops)
dupe them using the new badge dupe glitch that was discovered the other day (and patched out in the recent update that i didn't download btw) but the information on that is so scattered that it seems a little tricky to figure out how to actually do that at this point. would be way faster than the other glitch probably though (it involves the ms mowz text glitch and the double partner glitch. so the game is like. doubly in a glitched state and you have to walk around while menus are open--and sometimes there are multiple menus open. and the game can softlock if you mess up) (the other glitch is more of an oversight so it's way easier to do, if time consuming)
forget close call, grab a ton of power rushes as previously planned (25 would cost 7500 coins and i already have 5000, plus now that i've beaten the game i can get a second money money badge for free), fill my inventory with life shrooms, and then when i get to bonetail either unequip some of the power rushes so mario can't kill her immediately or just don't have him attack for a while and have partners fight instead (the life shrooms make it ok for mario to die every turn for a while if necessary). this is probably the best option
and if i'm not going to use all 26 power rushes for the one battle i'd need them, maybe just buying what i can afford now and leaving it at that would be enough?
actually i'm running the numbers now... assuming i have fp drain to make multibounce free (reducing my atk by 1), i would need 10 power rushes to beat an amazy dayzee, the next strongest pit enemy (in terms of hp + def), in one multibounce jump (dark koopatrol has more hp but jumping stuns it so i wouldn't need to beat it in one turn)
that's 3000 coins. i already have way more than that. if i go into the bonetail fight with 10 power rushes and a ton of life shrooms, that'd take mario like 3 turns to win without partners, and he can even die every turn. i think that should be fine
afterwards i can figure out if i want to get more for the new bosses. the idea of being forced to superguard mush sounded intimidating, but i've tried it a few times lately (never did as a kid because it didn't seem worth the risk) and it's... surprisingly easy? i still do regular guards instead out of habit but. wow. anyway the nice thing about that boss is there isn't 99 floors in the way of fighting it, so maybe i could give superguarding a shot first instead of going straight to 1-turn-danger-mario-ing it
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Guess you're right.
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Well, I best be going. Can't have Hiro burn my house down. Or I'll burn him down. Litterally.
*They exchange goodbyes with Hiroko then she leaves. Guess they better do the same.*
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Even if the movie ending was the worst thing I ever saw, atleast I watched it with you guys!
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Because if you guys weren't there I'd of set off more fireworks inside! And we know how that went down last time dont we, Fuyuhiko!
*🥲 How could he forget.*
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I should write my own version of that movie, and find the actor that played Anastasia so I can ruin their life. In the movie and in reality!
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Wouldn't that be amazi-
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Did that girl just run into a lamp post..?
*Isnt that.. Anzu?*
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They added new lamp posts! And I just bashed into it! Scientists will find my DNA and make a clone of me in the future now! Wait? Is that a good or bad thing??
*Anzu then stops and leans backwards staring at the five.*
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Hey! You're Hiyoko Saionji! Ranmarus' friend! Wow you look hotter than I remember! Annnnd the boss baby one is that "scary" Yakuza whos actually really soft and cute! And then the creepy guy whos name I never remembered because it was probably too hard to pronounce!
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Wait! I could've sworn there was only one cute chubby chef man! Now there two? I'm scared but also very curious! Did Teru always have a twin?
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Well. It's a bit complicated.
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Hello! I'm Yayoi! It's nice to meet you!
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the-sad-tomato · 1 year
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gho2ty · 4 years
g2 has no ego so he fakes it sometimes and during those times its just me talking abt g2 for him
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ovur · 5 years
The homoerotic subtext between a shoujo protagonist and her romantic rival turned friend....
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