delcat177 · 3 months
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Will they
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Will they
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Yeah that's about right actually
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Stay here until I can set the board
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Shut up or I'll nail your other foot to the floor
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delcat177 · 5 months
Thank you for all of your loving Thank you for all of your tears Thank you for all of your kindness Thank you for being here --John 4
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delcat177 · 3 years
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You write the dude from 1928, you clean up after the dude from 1928
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delcat177 · 4 years
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He sure is
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delcat177 · 6 years
And the answer is no
I didn’t forget about Fandomversary
I just slept straight through it because March was a solid farrago of altered mental states, illness, and flesh wounds
In other words
It is the most on-point Fandomversary I have ever had
Happy birthday Woundson
We survived another one
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delcat177 · 8 years
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Delcat, [08.02.17 13:48] First edition, 1909 1963 reprint and retrospect This is like the extended history of Shit That Fucked Woundson Up (Home Life Edition) Tempted to get it for my reference collection But at this point I'd just find a million contradictions
I got it anyway...
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delcat177 · 4 years
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Holy shit, I found the snotty comic that accompanied the “rape apologist” callout, I deleted this thing from my external but it was in an old chatlog. I’m being directly compared to Dave Hopkins and the webcomic Jack here. Yeah, That Jack. They knew how intense my animism is for my characters and how to make me hurt. What a lovely person.
This is after they hero-worshipped me for like a year, inserted themself into my fic headspace to the point that I had an AU where Woundson and Maxwell adopted their OC as a daughter and we were halfway-roleplaying (It Was Uncomfortable), then flipped on me when I wasn’t meeting their standards anymore (there was a LOT going on), stormed out, and did this complete 180 at me, calling me a predator and claiming I was gonna entrap my fiance. Literally, they spread rumors on Twitter that I wanted them to visit because they couldn’t speak English (???) and wouldn’t be able to get home (????) so I guess I was supposed to be keeping them in my basement or......something?
Going on.
I wonder where the actual fuck they went, it’s been years. I hope whatever brain fuckery was going on with them is, uh, getting treated now.
man it’s almost like having this applied to the fanfic where I directly channeled the trauma from my grooming fucked me up some
The fanfic where I might mention Maxwell is clearly exonerated in the second half of what happens to Wilson in the first
A lot of the behind-the-scenes has been defining what that godawful shadow is, because I...well, I didn’t know who was casting it at the time. Not on me, not on him.
But I’ve just about got it butterfly-pinned.
Anyway I also found the silly rework I made
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It is remarkable how nowhere in the callout was it mentioned how much I talked about Woundson’s various therapists and how well he does in the Projected Future ‘Verse, almost like it’s kinda convenient not mentioning how much I genuinely love the guy? Bizarre(tm)
Hang in there, guys. Black sand’s runnin’ salt and pepper. We’ll get there yet.
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delcat177 · 8 years
Delcat: I'm pretty-sick I don't have a head cold or gastroenteritis or anything, I have a fever and body aches and my joints are swollen And I feel out of it I have H/Citis The virus of the fanwork populus I'm going to get in to see a doctor tomorrow but I guess until then I'm dramatically swooning or w/e My only hope is to be princess-carried stat
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delcat177 · 9 years
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@temporallywithered “why laughing gas tho?”
HAHAHA I can totally imagine Woundson using that phrase when he’s sassing Maxwell…
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delcat177 · 9 years
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@temporallywithered submitted: Here take this
*runs away*
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Seriously I worry so much about Woundson coming across as totally broken and damaged and okay he has problems but he is also hellbent on dealing with them and strong in that so this is SO IMPORTANT TO ME you don’t even know……thank you sobsobsob
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delcat177 · 9 years
Fight ask mercy: Mettaton, Wilson, Harry Mason
Sorry it took me so long to get back to this!
Definitely Mercy for Harry Mason, that poor man deserves it.  Go live happily with your little daughter, sir.  You earned it.  You are a Good Father.  (Shattered Memories does not exist in case anyone was wondering)
Fight Mettaton…SEXILY.  In the Sexy Way.  Like, you know when you see two guys fighting in a movie or something and you’re like “uhhhhh” and kind of look around at your friends and go “is it just me or” and they’re like “no no this is some kind of weird homoerotic thing” “ok good”?  Like that, until makeouts happen.  Yes.
Woundson*CheckHP XX ATK XX DEF XXDoing better than before, but XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXX*Act*I’m so sorry
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delcat177 · 9 years
Tumblr ate the second half of that...
I've had a running joke going in chat that Wilson states his birthday as "sometime in January probably" and that it's actually in March I only made the connection like two weeks ago Happy birthday Woundson You've certainly earned it
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delcat177 · 10 years
"you're the apple of my remaining functional eye"
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delcat177 · 10 years
I think about this way more than I should okay
Delcat Delcat: I want to say the primary reason I'm looking for those studies on why singing stops stuttering is to refresh my understanding of how the brain works and further sketch an idea of what Woundson's recovery would be like Delcat Delcat: and that is in fact important not-fun: wilson learns to rap his feelings Delcat Delcat: but I will also say that I realized that Pirates of Penzance was released within his time period and the idea of someone making him figure out he can still do I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General at time and a half is Delcat Delcat: tempting Delcat Delcat: damage control gets a text from Maxwell two hours later just "WHATEVER YOU DID FIX IT" "no"
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delcat177 · 10 years
@transparasite said: true, true. I have not been bitten by mosquitoes yet, either.
Keep exploring!
incidentally the answer is yes I thought of this while worldbuilding
spec. it was the first answer to "what would be the most disastrous thing Woundson could accidentally make an eyepatch out of"
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delcat177 · 10 years
I'm just gonna huddle down in my Woundson pics for a while
it's my weird dragon horde
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