#would have walked into traffic im not even joking
moss-sprouted · 2 years
nothing makes everything feel more unreal then when everyone in your family knows so clearly that you have problems with tone and volume control and now you know thats cause you're probably autistic and they still arent acknowledging that but they know you have issues with those things, and how hard it is for you to control
yet they use it as an excuse to scream at you, to hit you, to threaten you and refuse to ever understand that you genuinely didnt realize you did something wrong and you would apologize if they would stop screaming at you and explain it fucking calmly for once because theyre expecting that of You and not of themselves or others
should i have been yelling at my dog to "go!" at 8 am when im trying to walk across my house after having to use the other bathroom because someone you didnt even expect to be at your house taking a shower cause he DOESNT LIVE HERE was using the bathroom literally connected to your room with a whole ass door? and the dog was excited and peeing on the floor and your bed and scratching you and tripping you and you are extremely fucking tired and if you get woken up and cant lay down immediently you Wont be able to go back to sleep and thats also a fact everyone knows and you're not trying to scream but you're frustrated and exhausted and probably fucking autistic and couldnt control it and would have stopped if someone told you "hey whats wrong youre yelling extremely loud" i would have been able to fucking stop cause that worked through my ENTIRE CHILDHOOD when everyone couldnt be blatantly abusive but everyone stopped fucking doing it and started expecting me to just be able to control my volume without even telling me when they KNOW it takes me being more conscious of it
but no instead of doing that its better for the uncle who doesnt Fucking Live here and shouldnt have even been taking a SHOWER without telling anyone and then come out screaming he's going to have you arrested and that you're abusing your family, not the dog which would be fine i would have understood and then corrected the situation and said i didnt realize i was being loud No he fucking starts threatening you telling you hes going to have you thrown out and arrested, screaming way louder then you did, telling his mom/your grandma/also adoptive mother to basically "stop being abused" and that i need "mental help" because im screaming at them when i definitely wasnt and i wasnt even trying to scream i legit couldnt fucking control it its 8 am and im exhausted and i shouldnt have been yelling at the dog but he was literally threatening me and telling me i was abusing my family and screaming at them when i most certainly wasnt doing that and had no reason to if anything i should be yelling at him for,,, using the bathroom that,,, is literally attatched to my room,,, and showering,,, when he didnt tell anyone he was even here,,, and now hes blowing up everyones phone who doesnt have him blocked because i did that months ago when he threatened to bash my head in for an extremely similar situation but at least then i was,,;, actually,,, yelling at a human,, for making aforementioned dog howl in my ear by coming in my room at 7 am,,, when i had to be up in a few hours,,, and i literally only Just got over that trauma,, and started talking to him again a month ago which was obviously a fucking Mistake
now i cant sleep again and my throat hurts from yelling at him to please stop and what the hell are you talking about and why are you doing this and i was talking to the dog im sorry for yelling please stop but it was all for nothing anyway
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cranberrv · 3 months
video games!
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ in which you and dallas get caught kissing
( a/n : i haven’t posted in 4ever, so im sorry this is super short but i miss posting n wanted to get smth out! adore this request xx )
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the burgundy of buck merrill’s thunderbird reflected across the lake that hugged the highway. you and dallas winston are driving to the nightly-double, the local drive-in that both socs and greasers go to. usually, you two would walk, but due to construction you had to take the long way and go on the highway.
you never loved when dallas drove on highways. you knew him well enough to know that he was not the best driver in the world, and he loved to go fast. so on the highway, he drives like a maniac!
you’re holding onto his hand, and his other hand is on the wheel. dallas is swerving past cars, going inbetween lanes, and basically doing everything you shouldn’t do. you elbow him when he almost bumps into the back of a car once you reach traffic.
“christ, hate fuckin’ traffic,” he scoffs and honks on the horn.
you roll your eyes playfully. “don’t think honking will help, dal,”
“whatever, man,” he sighs and leans back. his little moment of rest doesn’t last long, though. he glances at you, sitting there peacefully, unbothered by the traffic. he doesn’t understand why you are so easygoing. “we’re gonna miss the fuckin’ movie,” he groans and smacks the steering wheel, annoyed.
“dally, it’s fine,” i say softly. “didn’t wanna watch a horror movie, anyway,”
“‘course you didn’t,” the edges of his pretty lips form a gentle smirk. “you fuckin’ pussy,”
“excuse me?”
he lifts his hands up in mock-surrender. “hey man, i said what i said,”
“you’re a jerk,” you respond, crossing your arms and pretending to be mad.
if there’s one thing about you and dallas, it’s that you two tease each other endlessly. well, more him towards you. but he can’t help it! that little pout on your face is just so cute, in his mind.
“y/n, i was joking,” he says, even though it’s blatanly obvious. “what, you actually mad or somethin’?”
you decide to go along with the bit, amused that he’s almost believing you. with a shrug, you keep your arms crossed and look out the window.
“c’mon, man, tell me if i did somethin’,” he insists. “don’t need to give me the silent treatment,”
you continue to ignore him, a smile crossing your face that he can’t see. he can be so gullible sometimes. he acts all tough and he’s always telling people that nothing can touch him, but the minute that you pretend to be mad at him, he’s practically at your feet begging for your attention.
“you want me to turn this car around? this movie is gonna be no fun if you’re mad at me,” he sighs, kicking himself for calling you a name. “at least look at me, man,”
the minute you turn your head to look at him and tell him that you’re joking and you love him, he doesn’t let you talk when he grabs your chin and kisses you.
you could say you’re surprised, but you’re not. dallas isn’t one to apologize, showing his endless adoration for you through stuff like massaging your shoulders, hugging you, kissing you, buying (or stealing) you a new necklace.
the two of you get into it too fast. you kiss him back after a few seconds of registering what’s happening, getting your pink lipgloss on his lips as you reach to grab the back of his brunette hair and pull him closer. the cigarette in between his calloused fingers burns out, and he throws it out the open window before reaching for your hand with the one that’s not holding your chin. he leans more into the kiss, trusting that you forgive him for what he said — even though you were never mad in the first place!
he pulls a millimeter away as he catches his breath, his gorgeous voice filling your ears as he whispers, “you forgive me now, doll?”
you smile and can’t hide the soft blush on your face as he whisper to you. even though you’re dating, it still feels like you have a silly girly crush on him, going pink at the most casual of words. “was never mad at you, dal,” you whisper back.
he’s about to say something, probably about how annoying you are, but you stop him before he can, bringing both your manicured hands to his cheeks and pulling him back in to continue kissing. a soft chuckle from him vibrates your kiss, he loves it when you initiate the kiss. in his mind, you’re just too cute.
but i guess you weren’t cute in the cops eyes. cars honking is all around, but you assume that’s just from this super annoying traffic. news flash, it wasn’t. the traffic is long gone, whatever accident that happened earlier was cleared up, but the two of you were still in the middle of the 6 lane highway, kissing in the thunderbird.
a cop car stops beside you, coming to speak to you. the minute you hear the deep voice echo from outside, you jump and pull away. dallas sighs and mutters something about you being a “prude” for ending the kiss so soon, until he realizes that the cop is there.
“hey, lovebirds,” the cop greets you. he doesn’t look very happy. “you’re blocking the entire highway. you know it’s illegal to stop on the highway?”
dallas gives the cop a side glare, raising his upper lip in annoyance. “yeah, we know,” dallas says harshly. “we ain’t stupid,”
“winston,” the cop groans. great, your boyfriends name is known by some random cop. “you wanna go in the cooler again?”
“you’re seriously wanting to put me in the cooler just because i’m lovin’ on my broad? huh?”
“go love on her somewhere else.” the cop says. “come on, son, you and your girl are holding up the traffic. off you go,”
“unbelievable,” dallas whispers under his breath, then he steps on the gas and drives away. a sea of cars follows. you were holding up a lot of people just by kissing.
it’s safe to say that when you got there, you didn’t catch one word of the movie.
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repulsiveliquidation · 9 months
Too Dangerous
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Ona Batlle x Reader [SMUT! rough.] Mafia and Football, can the two worlds coexist?
two part series, part two is in the making.
i had to use the new gifs im sorry, they’re not mine!
“I expected it to be dropped off by noon today, Michael.”
“I-I was five minutes late! There was t-traffic!”
“That’s not my fucking problem. I said noon, I want fucking noon!!”
Your hand slaps across his face, eyes seething with anger. You chuckle darkly, your fist forming tight before you punch his face repeatedly. His face slices open from the ring you were wearing, you hold yourself back from leaving another bruising blow on his mangled face. You put your hand out and a wet towel slips into it which you use to wipe your knuckles off.
Your right-hand man, George checks his pulse, nodding at you.
“He’ll be alright.”
“Of course he will, I didn’t even hit him that hard.”
“What do you want me to do with him?”
“Send him home with another shipment for tomorrow and see if he’s learned his lesson.”
You turn on your heel and throw the towel somewhere. The mansion is big with four wings; the east wing is reserved for activities such as this. You’ve two bodyguards that follow you around everywhere, your head of security insists that you can never be too careful.
“Pat, James, give me a fucking minute to breathe yeah? I think I can handle any moron that tries to jump me in my own house.”
“Yes ma’am,” James says gruffly, walking away with Pat to hang out in the security room.
Stepping into the west atrium, you hear your favorite sound in the world. You hear your girlfriend laughing at something when you also hear the chef telling her one of his serially bad jokes.
“What’s brown and sticky?”
“A stick!”
It’s a stupid joke but Ona is too nice not to laugh wholeheartedly at it. You walk in and she hears you, leaving the conversation to jump into your arms. It had been days since she last saw you, you were on a business trip and she had shoots to do after training.
“Hi baby girl,” you say, catching her when she jumps up into your arms.
“Hi…,” she whispers, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, darling. The boys pick you up on time?”
“Sí, they were waiting for me when I walked out and saw your text. I think Martin drove my car here for me too.”
“Good, I told him to. Are you hungry? Gio would be more than happy to whip something up for us. Approved from your diet of course.”
“Mm, I am a little hungry.” You gently put her down, she presses her lips to yours and controls a searing kiss for a while. Your hands find her small waist, pulling her into you before she pulls away.
“Okay, I’m not so hungry anymore.”
It's your turn to laugh, pecking her forehead.
“You’re something baby. Come on, let’s get you fed.”
Ona requests Spanish breakfast for dinner, and Gio goes a little crazy when fulfilling her request. There are plates upon plates of food, the smell making everyone’s stomachs growl with hunger. You sit at the head of the table, Ona deciding to scoot in and settle herself in your lap. Your hand slips around her hips as she leans back into your chest.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“I have a concern, can we talk after dinner?”
She pulls back and looks down at you, eyes looking a little worried. You nod, rubbing the small of her back softly.
“Of course, baby. I’ll get a bottle of champagne chilled, we can relax by the pool and have a little swim, how’s that sound?”
"Suena perfecto, bebé.”
She looked a little more relieved then, she moved to get off your lap and into her usual chair on your right. You grasp her waist a little tighter as she tries to stand, whispering only to her.
The voice used insinuates obedience, she nods and begins to pile her plate high. She digs in, feeding you off her plate.
“Gio, these tostadas are divine,” you say as Ona feeds you another bite.
“Gracias! My mother would kill me if she knew I was selling her sacred recipes online.”
“Oh, could you slip a Boërl in the chiller Gio? Ona and I want a bottle to have by the pool tonight.”
“Already have, madame, it’ll be ready when you are.”
“Perfect, feed the boys will you? Lord knows they’ll never let a speckle of your cooking go to waste,” you say, pushing your chair back and helping Ona to her feet before standing yourself. You take her hand and walk towards the bedroom, climbing the quartz stairs with a little pep in your step.
The entire dinner consisted of being one, fed by Ona, and two, wracking your brain as to why she wanted to talk to you about something that was concerning her. Was it the club, or did something happen? Was there someone bothering her at the facility, a stalker I needed to get rid of? Did she want to break up with you? You’ve been together for 4 years, maybe she was bored of all the secrecy and the vows of not making your work interfere with her life when you made a mistake when we started dating.
You called her over in the morning a year ago on her day off, forgetting that she was coming soon after. You had a money laundering prick who scammed little old ladies come in and you had to “deal with it,” she walked right into the east wing where a newbie security detail moronically brought her to me.
She stood and watched you break a man's ribs, and jaw, then proceeded to cut a few fingers off to find in a bucket of others to have sewn back on. Only when there was a loud gagging sound and a flash of brown hair did you realize who was watching.
She ran to the closest bathroom and threw up, yelling at you to go away. After coaxing her to open the door, she pushed herself as far as she could away from you; she was scared. You had never let her into this part of your work, scared for this very reason. She had seen a side of you that you kept well hidden, reserved for people who fucked with you. It took her days to even look at me, let alone be in the same room as you. You had made it crystal clear that what you did was not for her to know, but for her to enjoy the wealth that came with it. She had a vague idea, and was warned severely of the consequences, should she be inclined to speak to people who could end it all. But as time went on, you knew she was not one to betray you; she had turned into one of the most loyal people in my world, someone you would gladly lay you life down for.
“I’ve got you a present,” you say, pulling her into our bedroom.
“What is it this time? You spoil me way too much.”
“It’s not another car, I promise. It’s little, fitting for tonight.”
You pull out a brand-new swimsuit, one that leaves anyone who would see her in a minute jealous that she was all yours.
“Oh bebita, it’s gorgeous.”
“Put it on, I’ve been dreaming of you in it since I bought it.”
She hops into the bathroom to change, as you pull on a swimsuit yourself. It’s plain black, and if the night goes to plan, will end up next to a lawn chair in about 30 minutes.
She walks out shyly, hands behind her back, standing in all her muscular glory.
“Fuck, it is so much better than I imagined. C’mere.”
She timidly walks over, wrapping her arms around your neck. She leans in and kisses you, lips soft and tasted like cherry. You kissed back, humming softly into her mouth. She pulled away, hands softly stroking the back of your neck.
“I love you,” she whispers, “and thank you. It’s so pretty.”
“Just like you, my girl.”
She blushes again, grabbing your hand and running down to the pool outside. She lets go of your hand and dives in, coming up and swimming to the edge. She rests her arms on the side, taking the glass of champagne from you with a soft “thank you, amor.”
You sit by the edge, feet dipped into the cold water. Sipping on the expensive alcohol, she suddenly pushes herself out of the pool and sits beside you. Remembering why you were here in the first place, she finishes her glass and you immediately fill it up again. The bubbly wine gives her liquid courage, and she feels brave enough to admit her troubles and not let her brain convince her that she’s overreacting.
“I think someone’s been following me.”
You stop drinking, head slowly turning to look at her.
“What do you mean?”
“There’s been this car I’ve been seeing for weeks. At first, I thought it was just a new staff member or something but I saw it in the parking lot when I was grocery shopping the other night and I thought it was a new fan or something but now I think it’s someone because of you.”
“How long? Do not lie to me.”
“2 months.”
“Fucking hell Ona.”
Your brain immediately goes into protective mode, coming up with all the ways to find the fucker and cut him into a million pieces. You run your hand down your face.
“I want a detailed description for George tomorrow. I’ll increase your security, and put George on your team. You will not go anywhere without him, I will make sure you get to training and whatever on time. I’ll have a word with Jonatan too, see if my men can hang around to protect you and the girls if necessary until I fucking kill the bastard.”
“That’s too much baby,” she begins to negotiate but you stop her, hand raised in front of her face.
“No, not when it comes to you, darling. You only get the best, if the girls get to enjoy that too on my dime, so be it.”
She sets her glass to the side and surges forward, pressing her lips desperately on yours. You kiss back, cupping her face gently. Ona pulls away and grins, before slipping back into the pool. You’re about to jump in when she grabs your hands and pulls you in. You squeal in surprise, coming up with a cheeky grin on your face.
“You’re in big trouble, baby girl.”
“What if I want to be?” Oh, bold Ona. Very bold, my love.
“Then you won’t be opposed to being punished, hm?”
“I didn’t do anything!”
“You pulled me into the water, and you didn’t tell me about your stalker for two months. You’re lucky he didn’t do anything.”
“I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to be wrong.”
“I’m not mad, my love. I’m so proud of you for being brave and coming to me. Let me worry about it now, yeah?”
You pull her in for a kiss, hands roaming her body. You won’t lie, the swimsuit she had on was a massive turn-on and if we weren’t about to fuck in the pool, you was sure as hell going to devour her before bed.
“You look way too fucking good in that two-piece not to be ravishingly worshipped, my darling.”
She blushes, kissing you hard. Ona pulls your hands around to her ass, which you squeeze hard and draw a deep moan from her. Your hands pull at her cheeks, fingers rubbing gently at her asshole and folds. You maneuver her around to the edge again, picking her up easily to sit. She leans back, as your fingers pull her bottoms to the side and bury your face in her folds. She’s soaking wet, arousal thick and delicious.
She whimpers for you, strong hands tangled in your wet locks. Your tongue darts into her, throwing her legs over your shoulders before pulling her closer to the edge. You're practically holding her hips up, lips suckling at her clit hard. Ona moans loudly, back arching off the ground.
“Please!” she moans, fingers tightening in your hair as her legs squeeze at your head deliciously. You slip two fingers into her, pumping in and out of her slick pussy hard. They press up into her sweet spot, fingertips rubbing circles over it to get her to come faster. She huffed and puffed, face contorting into all kinds of pleasure. She makes eye contact and cries out your name, coming hard and fast. Ona pants, licking her dry lips.
“A la mierda esto, if you don’t fuck me right now, I will die.”
“Picked out a new strap for you to be split open on, mi amor.”
“puta madre!”
“Yeah, this one’s pretty fuckin’ big huh?”
“Feels s-so good!”
Your hips pound into Ona, swimsuits abandoned at the foot of the bed. She’s on her front, trying her best to push her ass back on you as you fuck her from behind. She tries to keep up, knees buckling every time the new strap finds a new erogenous spot she never knew she had. It was significantly bigger than she had ever taken, with three prior orgasms and a fingering of a lifetime, she was finally open enough to take the head. Coming once again was the key to taking the whole thing, Ona looked absolutely wrecked when speared on it.
“You’re so fucking hot baby, taking my cock so well princess,” you cooed, hands turning her onto her back as your fingers rubbed her clit that you just spat on. She was sensitive beyond words, her speech slurred, and was barely babbling, hyper-focused on her pending sixth orgasm for the night.
“Are you gonna cum, my sweet?” you whispered into her ear, leaning over her as your hips did not slow down one bit. Hands pressed her legs wide open, harness dragging over her clit with each powerful thrust.
“Yes, yes!” she croaked out, head nodding hard and fast as she cried tears of frustration and sexual arousal.
You spat on her hot clit again, fingers rubbing messily at her folds as you sped up even more. She screamed, orgasm ripping through her hard. She was convulsing and begging for you to not stop, the aftershocks making her beg again, this time for you to stop.
You chuckle and do, pulling out and pulling the harness off. She tucked in your chest immediately, cradled, and kissed softly.
“You took that so well, darling.”
“Can we take a bath together please?”
You pick her up, heading into the huge en suite. She sits pretty on the counter, feet dangling as you start a hot bath. You help her in, climbing in behind her as she settles back against your chest. Her eyes close, pulling your arms around her middle. Your lips press against her shoulders, sucking softly at her skin. She hums, biting her lip gently.
“Can we do one more?” you ask her, grinning against her ear, hand already caressing the inside of her thighs.
“Amor…” she whines, body jolting in surprise when your fingers gently rub at her sore folds.
“Just one more baby girl, then we’ll go to bed.”
Your fingers, long and thick, fill her pussy with unsurprising ease. They drag slow and taut, mulling her pleasure like an aged wine. She whines, legs opening wider in the water as your fingers slip in deeper. She grasps your forearm, grinding carefully into your hand.
“Already so close, mi vida? I can feel you clenching around me hm?”
“You feel just…so full…”
“Come for me baby, you’ve done exceptionally all night, love.”
She comes with a cry of your name, going boneless in your arms. You finger her through the aftershocks, her whines dying in her throat.
All dried and tucked in bed, Ona suddenly presses herself up on top of you. She looks down with fear in her eyes.
“When you find him,” she takes a deep breath, “You’re not going to kill him are you?”
Your hands brush up on her thighs, thumbs softly rubbing her hips.
“It depends on what choice he gives me, darling. What I do with him is none of your concern.” Your tone is final, and she doesn’t argue, instead scooting down and resting her head on your chest.
"Buenas noches, mi amor".
“Good night, my beautiful girl.��
“I’ll see you at the game. You won’t be late, right?”
“No, my love. George will take you; I have some business to attend to first. I’ve also spoken to security at the stadium, my men are there as an extra precaution looking for the description you gave us. It’ll be a little stuffy for the girls, I apologize.”
“Can you come and explain the situation to the girls with me?” Ona asks with wide eyes, wrapping her arms around your neck. Your hands hold her hips, gently pulling her into yours.
“Of course, bebita. Anything you want.”
She walks out of the house with three more security guards than she’s used to, shoved into a huge van with tinted windows that she couldn’t even see out of and instructions to not engage with fans for today.
“But, they’re here to see us! I can’t just ignore them!” Ona argues, determined to put her foot down.
“I’m sorry ma’am, we have to be safe,” George informs her, looking back from the front seat.
“No, I will not do it. The fans have nothing to do with it, you don’t get to tell me what to do. I’m calling Y/N,” she says firmly, dialing your number.
“Missing me so soon, princesa?”
“Why am I not allowed to meet with the fans today?”
“I didn’t say you couldn’t.”
“Can you tell George that please?” 
She hands the phone over, deciphering the conversation you two were having, grinning when she heard she had her way.
He hands her phone back with a slightly annoyed look.
“No one gets a shirt signed until I’ve determined they don’t look funny.”
“Chicas! Why the hell are there so many men in suits outside?” Patri yells out as she enters the changing room. Most of the girls nodded and began to talk amongst themselves. Suddenly, the door is opened and you walk in, the door locking behind you.
“Hola girls, hi baby,” you announce, Ona running up to you for a hug and a kiss. You spin her around and put her down before you shrug your coat off.
You greet everyone else with hugs and kisses before Alexia pipes up and enquires about why you’re here.
“Board members don’t usually visit their teams before an easy game,” she questioned, hands on her hips dramatically.
You’ve owned a sizable chunk of Barcelona for years, something your father passed down to you along with his “business” when he died 7 years ago. It was how you met Ona, having been a close friend of Alexia’s when she introduced you two at a Spain international friendly when you had visited to see Alexia play. It was love at first sight, at least for you. No one could ever compare to her.
“Sorry girls, this one’s my doing. We have a situation, I’m handling it. It’ll be this way for a while until it’s resolved.”
“Is this about that guy that’s been hovering around the facility for weeks now?” Caro asks, and the whole team begins to nod.
“Is there something I’m missing here?”
You look at Ona, then at Alexia. Alexia opens her mouth to speak when Ona lifts her hand.
“All of us have been stalked bebé. It’s the same guy,” she says, some of the girls discussing his description, and it was becoming clear that it was the same guy that Ona was talking about.
Your eyes change and you run a hand down your face. Just as you’re about to call George, he does.
“Ma’am, I have the information you asked for.”
“I do too although I have a feeling you’re going to tell me something I already know, you go first.”
The girls listen in, the room is silent except for your voice and George’s muffled one.
“He’s more than just Ona’s stalker, he’s been following all the girls.”
“Well, it looks like we’re both on the same page.”
“How did you know to check?”
“A hunch. You better have more than that for me.”
El Clasico goes as smoothly as it could, with Barça getting an easy win over Real. You’re in the stands, phone pressed to your ear. Ona and Aitana walk over to sign autographs and such, you wave and go back to talking to George on the phone. Ona gets close enough to hear you, sighing when you move away and walk into the tunnel without her.
Aitana notices, asking her friend if everything is alright. Ona shrugs, signing another fan t-shirt.
“Something’s wrong, I can feel it.”
You’ve made your way into the changing room as the girls slowly filter in. You look at little angry but smile at Ona when she walks in with Aitana.
George continues on the phone.
“He’s got a few favorites. Besides Ona, he’s been frequenting Alexia, Aitana, Lucy, and, this one was a surprise, Ingrid.”
You pull your phone from your ear, looking at the girls whose names were listed.
“Ona, Ingrid, Alexia, Aitana and Lucy. With me.”
Mapi gives Ingrid a look but lets her go, the five girls following you out to an empty physio room. They’re silent, looking at each other with great concern.
You keep talking to George.
“What’s the plan, boss?”
“He isn’t here, is he?”
“No ma’am, we’ve searched every nook and cranny.”
“The house is the safest for them right now.”
“I agree.”
“I’ll call you back in a minute.”
“Do not panic,” you start, walking into the room towards the girls. “As George said earlier, he’s been stalking everyone. But he’s followed you five more.”
"¡Oh, Dios mío!"
“What the fuck?”
“What does that mean?”
“You four will stay with Ona and me until we find the bastard.”
“The maids have your rooms ready. You’ve each got your own, the kitchen is through there, the gym is beside the theater, we’re having dinner by the pool on your left and I wouldn’t go near the east wing if I were you.”
“Sí, gracias,” Alexia says, grabbing her bags and taking the closest room to her. The others follow while Ona sticks around.
“I’m worried for them, bebé.”
“I am too, they’ve just been put into a world that they did not sign up for and it’s all my fault.”
“It comes with the job, amor. These stalkers aren’t something new.”
“I know but, for him to be this close to home makes it a reality I am scared to face.”
She wraps her arms around your neck, caressing the soft hair on your nape. Ona leans in and kisses you chastely, thumbs rubbing your ears softly.
“I know you will do everything possible to keep us safe, bebita. We trust you.”
“Sí, we all do,” Aitana says softly and you both turn to look at her, surprised to see all of them standing there; you hadn’t heard them come in.
“We may not know what you do Y/N, but we know enough that nowhere else is safe but here.”
“We’ve got extra guys on the ground, I called in a favor from an old friend of mine and we’ve gotten access to all the camera footage in the stadium that Barcelona has refused to give me. If he’s here, we’ll find him.” You tell the team at training one day, fear of him getting bolder and bolder had spread to the whole team now. Everyone was on edge, scared to go home even; you had arranged for an Airbnb for the rest of the team with the highest security you could buy, even then it didn’t feel like it would be safe till the asshole was found.
A couple of weeks had gone by and every time we got close to catching him, he managed to slip away. It was getting increasingly frustrating, the girls were getting more and more anxious about him potentially getting away with it.
There was a cryptic note on our car last week after training, with pictures of Ona and Ingrid at the park with Zeus, my dog. The letter inside said, “I know your every move before you make it, give up your search and give her to me and maybe I’ll leave the rest alone.”
The picture showed Ona circled in red. There were also five bullets in the envelope; five bullets that belonged to your gun. You knew it did because a. they were a specific size handmade for you and b. your initials were stamped on each case, hidden within the shell upon further inspection.
“George, what the fuck, are you out of your mind?! We’re not using my girlfriend as bait!” You yell, slamming your hand into the table. George sighs, shaking his head.
“Boss, please-”
“We are NOT using her as bait, George!”
Both your heads whip towards the sound of the voice; Ona stands in the door frame of your office in the east wing. She’s not supposed to be here.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” George starts but you raise and hand and point at the door then at him.
“Out,” you tell him before looking at Ona, “Hello, love.”
She sighs and steps aside for George to leave; he closes the door behind him.
“George is right, you’re not supposed to be here.”
“I wanted to see you,” she reached out for your hand but she looked a little hesitant, “ever since you’ve been looking for this guy, you’ve been obsessed and so stressed. It’s wearing you out, bebita.”
“I have to find him, Ona. I have to protect you, protect the girls.”
“But you’ve been neglecting me.”
Her tone was sad and dejected, one that pained you to your core. You had been ignoring her, ignoring her needs. She was here and yet you were always in your office or out somewhere working. This guy had taken over your life for a while and you didn’t see the damage he was doing within.
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4drianaaaa · 4 months
u should do hamzah and y/n meeting for the first time after being online “friends” and one thing leads to another if yk what i mean
ohhh ur a genius and I just know Hamzah would be so nervous and obnoxious AH
Skin 2 Skin | Hamzahthefantastic
cw; nsfw 18+ , & fem reader!
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🤍: you looked at the window outside your Uber as you looked at the dusk sunset of the Toronto sky eager to finally meet the only person you came to this party/trip for, Hamzah
You and Hamzah have been friends since last year and would almost every night be on FaceTime or on call just listening to each others presence. You liked him a lot. And you’d often think about how things would be if you dated but obviously you always thought he just liked you as a friend and flirted with you just to not make him seem like an asshole. Obviously he likes you too.
He’d always space out to you yapping to him as his thoughts wondered into both of you living in the same apartment and him just wanting his hands all over you.
You anticipatedly hoped out of your Uber and into your hotel. You smooth sailed through the reservation desk as you entered what would be your new home for the next week. You finally got a message from the host making sure you got picked up and were in your room.
Half-a-hour later
You finished up your makeup and sprayed some perfume as you were now out the door into another Uber. This time the traffic caught up and you were gonna be a couple minutes late,
“Ya from here?” Your Uber driver questioned “hm, um no. Im just visiting friends!” You replied as he nodded his head “yeah the traffic gets bad here, especially in Toronto.” He added as you scoffed “I could tell”. After a couple small convos you finally made it to the house. You called Hamzah to walk you in the party.
“Hello? Are you okay? Are you here?” He yelled through the phone “yes I’m here- come outside it’s cold” you said as he hung up, you looked up as you saw him standing there. Your pupils expanded as you noticed how taller he was in person, how his curls laid perfectly around his hat, and how he would easily tower you. “Hamzah!” You exclaimed running towards him as you wrapped your arms around his neck as he placed his hands on your waist carrying you off the ground because of the height difference “you’re so tall! You looked so short on camera” you teased as he pat your back “whatever” He rolled his eyes as his stomach fluttered with butterflies just talking to you in person “okay get off me now” you said jokingly as you pushed him off of you “you know you love me y/n” he smirked as you thanked the amount of blush on your cheeks was covering the actual heat radiating off of your face “okay let me meet Martin now, I’ve had enough of you” you followed him into the party.
After meeting Martin and Mandy and talking for what seemed forever you and Hamzah decided to leave the party a bit early and going to walk around the city a bit just to get to know it a bit better
“Why did you even come here?” He questioned “I don’t know I should have stayed at home huh?” You said sarcastically as he blew raspberry “just say you wanted to come see me” he smirked “this is not rizz” you laughed “oh you wanna see rizz?” He joked “NO” you walked away from him as he chased you and wrapping his arm around you
You agreed to meeting Peter at Hamzah’s apartment as well as stealing a jacket or two just to survive in the chilly Toronto weather, he unlocked his door as he opened the door for you. He showed you around his apartment as he led you to his room scanning through his hoodies.
You were now laid on his bed as one of your legs hung from the edge of his bed. You looked at how his fingers slid through the hoodies and how his figure was huge, you bit your lip at the things you’d do to him as you squeezed your legs together trying your best to achieve some sort of friction. You couldn’t help but call his name “Hamzah-“ he cut you off “I got these two” he said setting the hoodies beside you, you fought over the fact you just wanted to tell this man how you felt about him. How you enjoyed conversations with him and how you wished for this day to come and just confess your feelings “what’s wrong? Are you okay?” He questioned sitting beside you as you sat up “Hamzah, I don’t know if this will ruin us but- I really like you, like a lot” you looked at his pink lips as they spread into a smile “I’m glad Im not the only one- I like you too.” He placed his hand on your thigh that slowly rode up to your waist, you looked down at his hand and back to his eyes and lips
His lips crashed into yours as you felt yourself getting hotter by the minute
He slid his hand up to your waist as you placed your hand on the side of his face. Your small groans and moans made his pants grow tighter as your lips parted from each other, “I- wanna keep going? I can stop if you want.” He panted as you nodded your head as you nipped at the apple of his cheek “I really want you inside of me please Hamzah” you whispered into his ear as he laid back onto the headboard of his bed as you crawled on top of him feeling how hard he was just by making out with you “fuck- you don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do this” he whimpered as you took off your top leaving you in your bra as he practically drooled “then show me” you smirked as he kissed your exposed chest leaving passionate hickies all over your neck and chest. His hands traveled all over your back as he unclipped your bra as his eyes immediately turned to yours asking for permission as you nodded. He kissed your exposed tits as his tongue swirled around your nipple as you felt your self grinding on his lap “fuck!” You yelled as his hands slithered to your neck lightly gripping it, you felt your panties get wet as you ran your fingers through his curls
He picked you up and threw you under him as he left a trail of kisses down to your button on your pants. You impatiently watched him take your pants off slowly as you just him inside you. He throw your pants leaving you in your soaked panties as you turned red from embarrassment “mf-so wet” he licked his lips as he kissed your inner thigh “please, please Hamzah!” You whined as he giggled as his hot breath teased you even more.
He slipped the side of your panties off as the cool air sent shivers through out your whole body as you gripped on to the sheets of his bed. “Fuck y/n, you look so pretty from m’ere” he smirked as he kissed your wet dripping cunt making you curse under your breath. This man was sending you to a whirlwind of lust. His mouth did pleasures on your pussy as you felt yourself coming all over his lips and nose. “You taste so sweet baby” he licked his lips once again as his lips intertwined with yours. You tugged at his shirt wanting it off as he swiftly took off his shirt as well, he fidgeted with his pants as he slid off his boxers as well. Your eyes widened at the length of his aching member contemplating how he was gonna go all in on you. He pumped his aching cock as his spilling tip fondled over your heated core “you tell me when to stop. I’ll go slow ‘kay?” He grunted as you nodded as you wrapped your arms around his neck as he slowly entered inside of you causing you to already almost come undone as he was halfway down “how’s that?” He panted as your mouth widened “keep going”.
He finally thrusted into you fully as you dug your nails onto his back, “holy shit!” Your moans filled the room as he slowly thrusted in and out of you. His lips laid on top of you as his groans vibrated. You felt your self already riding your high as you panted under him with every thrust. “Want me to keep doing baby? Yeah?” He groaned as you whined under him. As you finally adjusted to his size he decided to start going faster as he repeatedly hit your spot “fuck- oh my god yes please Hamzah! Fuck” you left scratches on to his back, “yes! Fuck Hamzah I’m gonna fucking come!” At this point you didn’t care about the neighbors and how loud you were. You were seeing stars. “Yes baby just come all over my fucking cock like you’ve always wanted to- yes” he panted.
You came undone all over him as you felt his warm seed inside of you. He panted as he kissed your forehead “you did so good, so good” he groaned as he pulled out as your mixed come spilled out of you “how did we get here” you laughed as you covered your face with a pillow as he laid beside you “I don’t know but I don’t regret it” he teased as he laid on your chest slowly dozing off.
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everythingne · 10 months
marketing ploy - ln4 ch7
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Lando recovers. McLaren and Red Bull own up. Olivia and Lando decide the future, and give Oscar a heart attack while doing so. We get our happy ending.
piastri!oc x lando norris, bestfriends brother/fake dating
warnings/notes: hospital visits, mentioned injuries, loopiness from medication, pregnancy/sex jokes, media being bitches, lando going 'guys i gotta keep her' and doing the absolute MOST lmao, this is also TECHNICALLY the last chapter but im gonna write more for olivia and lando most def (also olivia will feature as oscars sister in other fics bc i love her)
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I haven't run in years.
I can feel the burn of the air in my lungs as I force them open, adrenaline making every rib shake as I suck in a breath and force it back out. My shoes slam into the floor of the paddocks, sending jolts up my legs as I whisk my bag over my shoulder and 'just go' as Christian had said. My mind is swimming with a thousand thoughts. What if he was seriously injured? He was able to walk, but he collapsed, was it his legs? Or his ribs? What if it's his back? Or his arms? How long will he be out? Is this a whole-season issue or just a few weeks?
Fuck, I cannot be thinking about this right now.
I sweep the room quickly to make sure I have everything, patting my pockets to check for my phone--which is nestled in the back left pocket of my jeans, before whirling around and out of the room.
Once I'm out of the paddocks and towards the exits, where it opens a bit more, the wind whisks into my skin and bites me as I use one hand to dig through the side pocket to find Lando's car keys. I can't steady my hands, even when I'm trying to control their shake, they just get worse. Whether it's fear or anxiety, I find it plain annoying as I struggle to get the small keychain out of my bag. Lando had driven me here from the hotel and shoved the keys in my bag since he didn't walk in with his bag and didn't want to lose the car keys.
Luckily, he had, because talking to anyone in this state would be a bust. I could feel my attitude snipping at my heart as people shouted my name at me. I couldn't stop. I had to find Lando. I knew what hospital he'd be taken to, I had to get there in one piece.
And it was going to be hard with the fucking media right here.
A few reporters try to follow me, but I'm able to slip through the crowds like water. Once I make it to the parking lot, a woman steps in front of me with her camera held high and I shout.
"Can you fucking move?!" And shove her to the side as I zip out of the lot. Fuck the standards, fucking being polite, I'll ask for forgiveness later. And apologize, probably.
Throwing my bag haphazardly into the car, I follow suit and slam the door. There's time here for me to scream, cry, and rage in semi-private, but I bite back the bubble in my throat, throwing my seatbelt on and turning on the car's engine. I wait no time to slam the car forward into first gear, pulling out of the lot with shaking hands. My hands slip with sweat as I try when I remember his McLaren's manual. Cursing, I force myself to revert back to the car I drove in high school as my hands dance across the car in perfected practice.
Thank god I still have that going for me.
The highway is empty, where I thought there'd be lines of traffic there are only a few sparse cars. I slam the car as hard as it can go, watching the ticking of the speedometer, 50... 60... 70... 80...
I look behind me, merging into the fast lane and gunning it even harder. The car sings, and I feel an odd rush of momentary euphoria.
I hit around 165kpm at some point. The car doesn't even shake, it seemingly glides along with my movements, I hear sirens, I don't know if they're for me but I'm not staying to find out. I press harder, merging to the off-ramp and taking it, barely registering what's around me as I slam on my brakes and slip into the traffic near the hospital.
It feels good to drive like that. Maybe I should get back into racing at some point.
Once the McLaren is parked in a back corner of the hospital lot, I grab my bag, rip myself out of the car, and slam it shut, and triple-check it's locked. I turn and book it into the hospital, trying to breathe steady enough to keep myself from losing my shit. It feels like I can't run fast enough, slipping into the hospital and around people who dodge my clearly rushed pace. I pause in front of a desk, panicked and out of breath when someone comes to my side.
"Hi, honey, who are you lookin' for?" A kind nurse says, her hand finding my arm to apply soothing pressure as she notices the fear in my movements. I thought I was hiding it better than I was, I guess. I take a slow breath and let the shake in my hands come in, no longer holding everything back.
"Lando Norris, he just came in with Formula One?" I ask and the woman nods. She asks to see my ID and I fish out my license and Red Bull card to verify my employment.
"Olivia!" A voice shouts as my items are handed back when I'm cleared, and Jon comes up to my side, pointing at my head.
"You still have your headset on." He says softly and I look him up and down, pointing at him.
"So do you," I say. We pause and fall into soft laughter as I pull the headset down to my neck. Jon takes me by the elbow further into the hospital, out of the view of some of the reporters who try to snap photos of us as they're shoved out by the security. I hadn't even seen them when I made my way inside. Through the winding halls, and down to a smaller section of the hospital, Jon brings me to the door to what I assume is Lando's room.
"He's fine." Jon starts with, which eases me immediately, "He's a bit banged up, they think he might have broken or bruised one of his ribs. He's really out of it, the painkillers made him super loopy. Just a forewarning, he's also been dipping in and out of consciousness so don't be alarmed. It's just the painkillers."
"Is his family here yet?" I ask, looking at the door, and Jon shakes his head no once I look back at him.
"They're driving at normal speeds, so no. I don't wanna know how you got here so fast." He steps forward and knocks. A nurse pops open the door and welcomes us inside, Jon stays back while I make my way to the bedside. Lando's wearing a tee shirt and some loose sports shorts, he looks exhausted. I can see bruising on his legs as I nurse tosses the blanket over him as if trying to hide it from me.
"Here!" She pulls up a chair happily and I thank her as I sit down on it, taking my bag off and setting it on the floor, dropping my headphones in. I sigh, taking Lando's hand and feeling his pulse as if the machine that literally tells me that is lying. It feels good to feel his heart thrum under my skin and I kiss his wrist where the pulsepoint is.
"My girlfrien's not g'nna like you doin' that." Lando tries to take his hand from me, Jon snorting in the doorway. I let go of him and laughed softly, leaning up to brush his hair back from his face, the longer curls sticking to his forehead. He's still got the lines from his helmet and balaclava, and I trace one with my finger as he gives me the nastiest stink eye I've ever seen him muster.
"Hi, Lando." I croon, and he whines, slowly rolling his head to the side.
"I have a girlfriend." He states, poking my hand to push it away from him and I send him an odd look. Jon walks over and I can see he's recording, which makes a small amused smile poke at my lips.
"Lando," I laugh softly and Lando whacks my hands away softly, fighting through the weariness of his pain medication to wave his arms.
"I have a girlfriend." He pouts, laying his hands still at his side. I just laugh again, and Lando shouts in his dreary state, "It's not funny! I do!"
"Shush, shh, Lando." I stand and push my chair back a bit as I stifle my laugh into the back of my hand.
Jon calls from where he stands, attempting to help me not laugh by giving me something new to focus on, "Who's your girlfriend, Lando?"
"Olivia. Oscar's sister, which he was actually not happy about at first but I convinced him I was cool--" Lando keeps rambling on until I lift my hand and cup his cheek, running my thumb under his eye as I speak softly.
"Lando, baby, I am your girlfriend." I put a hand on my chest, "I am Olivia."
Lando blinks, eyes settling on me before he gasps and leans up to grab my face and pull me down for a litter of soft pecks to my cheeks and face. I catch myself on the bed and laugh, catching his lips as he happily grins up at me. It's all doe eyes, lovesick smiles on his lips as he keeps his hands tight on my face.
"Hi, baby." He whispers, bringing me in for another kiss and I detach one of his hands so it can rest by his side. I slowly situate him against the blankets with the help of Jon, and sit a bit closer to the head of the bed so Lando can be close enough to me. He keeps one of his hands in mine and I slowly run my thumb along his knuckles.
"Well, Mr. Norris!" A piercing voice calls, a young woman stepping into the room with a bit of an excited flourish, "You are all set! Jon's gonna look over your scans, specifically for those bruised ribs. We're thinking it'll be about three or four weeks of healing, and he's gonna make that like--workout plan and stuff with your personal doctor."
"Ah, thank you, Doctor." Lando smiles, watching as the doctor hands Jon some papers to look over. She smiles at me, a hint of recognition in her eyes.
"Olivia, right?" She asks and I nod, shaking her outstretched hand.
"I'm glad you made it here, Lando was waiting for you a bit impatiently." She kept her happy smile, rocking from foot to foot, "Kept asking us where you were, or when you'd get here. You've got a good man on your hands here, sweetheart."
"I know." My heart is bursting, "He's shown me that over and over."
oliviapiastri and landonorris have posted new stories!
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxfewtrell, danielricciardo, and 876k others..
Thank you once again to @ oliviapiastri for taking care of our #4 and providing the team with love and some pics while he was recovering! Lando is at home now, and our official statement on the accident and other situations this season has been posted on our website.
View the story: McLaren.uk/formula1/landoolivia...
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On the 22nd of February this year, Lando Norris (MCLAREN F1 TEAM, DRIVER) and Olivia Piastri (ORACLE RED BULL, HEAD OF ANALYSIS) were pulled into the office of Christian Horner (ORACLE RED BULL, TEAM PRINCIPAL) in Bahrain. A deal was struck between both parties and their corresponding teams to create a fake dating scenario, capitalizing on the tensions between Oracle Red Bull Racing and the McLaren F1 Team to push ticket and merchandising sales. This fake relationship was planned to eventually leak in PR and Social Media Strategy, however, due to Norris' crash in Silverstone, the entire program has been canceled. The program was also discovered by F1 Stewards upon investigation after Olivia's reaction to the accident cemented rumors in the media of the two dating. Both the McLaren F1 Team and Oracle Red Bull are under investigation, and fines are yet to be announced.
Norris and Piastri chose not to be a part of this statement and can be expected to make their own statements in the coming weeks.
On July 9th of this year, Lando Norris was involved in an accident in the pitlane of Silverstone. Engineers have determined this was caused by an overheating of brake lines that didn't allow Norris to stop his vehicle along with worn tires. No fines have been placed at this moment.
Olivia Piastri will return to work with Red Bull remotely immediately and will be in-person by Zandvoort. Lando Norris will return to racing with McLaren by Zandvoort and will be replaced by reserve driver Bianca Bustamente for the time being. Neither Norris nor Piastri will be fined for involvement with the media stunt, or with the accident as of this moment.
There’s a sort of haze around me as I blink sleep from my eyes. A warm pressure on my left makes me look to the side. Lando’s face is squished against my chest, soft snores leaving his slightly parted lips and rolling across my bare skin that pokes out from under my tank top. I take a moment to take it all in, how we’d gotten here, how we were, and I can’t help but roll to pull him closer to me and curl him inside my arms as I pepper a few kisses to his hairline.
How did I ever not like him? He's a fucking saint.
Lando, a heavy sleeper until I started sleeping in the same bed, noticed immediately and grabbed my waist with groggy whines about how tired he was. I coax him back to sleep, kissing his hairline and gently massaging his back until the snores return and I smile at Lando’s sleeping face.
“Awake yet?” Oscar calls from the door, and I wave. He laughs under his breath, waving me over, and it takes a bit of grace to detach myself from Lando. Once I do, I grab one of the spare throw blankets off the floor from where Lando had kicked it and slip over to where Oscar is standing by the door as I wrap it around me to keep out the morning chill.
“He’s exhausted. I think all the stress of the season is catching up on him.” I rub sleep from my face, and Oscar nods, handing me a piece of toast like a peace offering. I take it and tilt my head at him.
“They’re fining McLaren and Red Bull a lot for this stunt. It just came out.” Oscar hums, “said it’s a breach of contract and a risk for documents to be shared amongst the teams…”
My heart jumps to my throat, and I look at Lando’s sleeping form as he rolls into where my fading body heat is still in the blankets, “they want us to split?”
“Well. Lando’s contract ends with McLaren this year.” Oscar paused to take a sip of his coffee before leaning in to whisper, “and you didn’t hear it from me, but Christian has been looking at grabbing him for a few years now.”
“Is Checo moving?” I ask because I know Max wouldn’t leave Red Bull unless we forced him out by dragging him by his ankles.
“I dunno.” Oscar grins, stepping back and whacking my shoulder, “but you can date within your garage, so.”
With that, he walks away and I turn back to Lando as he starts to stir. I lean on the doorframe and watch as he blearily blinks his eyes open, hands searching for me in the covers until he lifts his head to see me off in the doorway.
“C’mere.” he croaks, and I smile, pushing off the doorframe and walking over to sit on the edge of the bed as he wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my thighs.
I can’t imagine him in navy. But it might look good on him.
“is Max positive?” Lando pokes his head into the kitchen doorway, looking at the island where I’m staring at my laptop. I look up and shrug, sending an email back to Christian about the fines and the media being on his ass for the whole stunt.
“Kylie said it’ll be here in five minutes,” I reply, refreshing my email as if that will make the minutes suddenly not matter and for the email to pop up. Apparently, Max had gotten sick right before the next race. While I was home with Lando to make sure he wasn’t being strenuous and to keep media off my back until everything died down, they had to do a COVID test on Max and isolate him just in case.
“It would suck if he's out for his home race this year." Lando wanders into the kitchen and pulls up a stool next to me as he sets his phone down on the counter. He’s been living in Oscar and my apartment for the past few days, just until next week when he goes back to McLaren's training center for a bit to do a lot of physical therapy before getting in the car next weekend for Zandvoort.
Oscar calls my phone, and I stand up, telling Lando to keep checking my email as I make my way over to the other side of the kitchen to grab my phone.
“Yes, bitch?” I say into the phone and Oscar laughs at my sharp tone.
“Just checking in on Lando for Zak,” Oscar says and I look behind me and my boyfriend—like, actual boyfriend now, and smile.
“He’s been fine, ribs are still a little sore. I had him doing cardio earlier and he was faring pretty well so I—I think Jon said he can go back to training a bit earlier. He’s still coming back in Zandvoort though.” I hum, “how’s Bia faring?”
“She’s having the time of her life. I gotta start bringing her around more. You guys really would be an unstoppable duo.” Oscar laughs, “But good, Jon is off today so I’ll let Zak know to reach out to him and ask.”
“Ollie!” Lando whines and I turn.
“Yess?” I draw out as I walk to his side.
“It's negative.”
“Oh, thank fucking god.” I breathe, “That makes everything a lot easier for me.”
Oscar is quiet on the line for a few moments before asking in a small voice, “What’s negative?”
“Max’s COVID test. He’s just got the flu.” I say without thinking much of my brother's hesitance before he lets out a soft laugh.
“I thought you took a pregnancy test or something, I was about to start judging the type of cardio you’ve been doing,” Oscar says and I shout,
“I feel like that’s a reasonable thing to be worried about!”
“Oh my god, we’ve only been actually dating dating for like two weeks!” I groan and Lando sends me a confused look, so I pop Oscar onto speakerphone.
“It only takes like—five minutes to make a kid!”
“Hello?!” Lando shouts and I sink to the floor in a fit of laughter, trying to bite back the volume of my laughter before Lando shouts, "Do you think I fucked your sister?!"
"No! Stop! Stop talking Lando!" Oscar shouts over the phone and now I'm hysterical on the floor in tears as Lando tries to backtrack and Oscar keeps shouting for him to just-- "Shut the fuck up, Lando!"
"Both are you are going to kill me, I'm losing it." I wheeze from where I'm now lying on the floor, Lando laughing alongside me as Oscar groans.
"First the house, now this?" He says and Lando makes some noise in the back of his throat as I manage to calm myself down enough to stand.
"What about a house?" I wipe under my eyes, leaning my head on Lando's shoulder as his arm wraps around my shoulder and he kisses my head, his fingers poking at my side and making me squirm as I push him away with a laugh.
"Nothing, love." Lando sighs, "Remember when they gave me those painkillers that made me super loopy the first night, and Oscar was watching over me?"
I nod, remembering how halfway through my grocery trip he had to call me because Lando was so loopy he thought that I was gone forever. And he had literally cried tears of joy when I answered Oscar's phone call.
"Well, I kinda... oh my god this is so embarrassing." Lando sighs and Oscar tells him he now has to tell the story and Lando hides his face in my hair as he recounts, "I was looking at apartments in London for us."
"Stop, oh my god." I whine, turning to Lando so I can kiss his cheeks and his forehead, pulling him down when he tries to move back so I can't, "That's so cute."
"No, it's embarrassing." He grumbles and I laugh, pulling him closer and kissing along his jaw and then the apples of his cheeks and the tip of his nose.
"I wouldn't mind that," I murmur to him and his eyes widen to the size of dinner plates, his hands find my waist and he presses a kiss to my lips.
"Ew, I don't like that I can hear him kiss you over the phone." Oscar groans, "I'm hanging up now, don't do anything too strenuous."
"Fuck you, Oscar!" I laugh as the call hangs up, Lando keeping his arms firmly around my waist. We sit in silence for a few moments before his hand ghosts up the side of my neck to take my jaw in his palm, thumb hooking on my chin to pull me down to look at him.
"Would you seriously not mind?" He asks softly and I grin, leaning over to pop a quick kiss on his lips.
"Getting to have you with me every day?" I bring our foreheads together, his curls against my own as his hands find my waist to hold, my hands resting on his shoulders as I grin and flutter my eyes closed, "That's paradise."
"I'll literally buy one right now, don't even test me." He groans, pulling me closer and I laugh.
"Let's get Zandvoort out of the way first, yeah?"
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Luckily for me, I made it into the paddocks long before any media people. Max welcomes me with a slap on the back as I welcome him to his home race, and then I'm greeted by the Ferrari drivers once again as Checo laughs at my bewildered expression.
"I'm gonna tell the Tifosi on you both." I huff, but let both Charles and Carlos wrap me in tight hugs of congratulations as we laugh. Once the two are carted off to go do their actual jobs, I get settled in my chair and glance down at my desk before laughing.
A vase of freshly cut flowers and a little cup of coffee sits there, waiting for me, and I turn to look at Max who just grins.
"He's determined." Is all Max says before slipping away as he's called over to get dressed. I laugh and send Lando a quick thank you message, before taking a sip of the perfectly made coffee and settling down to finally get back into gear.
"Welcome back," A voice chimes and I glance up to see Christian in the doorway. I offer him a small smile and a nod.
"Good to be here." Is all I say in reply.
Lando and Max seriously just want to kill each other in these cars. Max takes the win at his home race by some insignificantly small number, they had to literally watch multiple playbacks to see who crossed first, which means Lando is still in good running for World Champion. Luckily, somehow a mix of car issues and the pure energy from Oscar, Charles, Checo, and Carlos managed to keep Max in P2 for most races, leveling out the chances for Lando to recover his lost points.
As soon as most drivers have returned to their paddocks, I'm mid-packing up when I'm ushered off by Logan, who finished P6. He quite literally hoists me off my feet and carries me into the crowd for the podium. A few other drivers lag back, and I look over to Oscar, who'd finished P4 behind Charles.
"Where's Lando?!" Logan shouts over my head at Oscar, who points, and then leans over to me.
"Here's that kiss they promised you'd have to do," He shouts in my ear and I laugh as the two lift me so I can be partially over the barrier holding back the audience from the racers. I wave Lando down and he laughs, slipping away from a reporter as he finishes an interview. Biting off his glove as he walks over, he drops it into his helmet and then grabs my jaw with that now gloveless hand, pulling me into his lips for a quick peck. I don't let him leave though, grabbing his jaw and pulling him back in for a few more deeper kisses.
Oscar cheers and Logan laughs before Lando secures one arm around me to pull me over the barrier. Logan and Oscar immediately hop over after me.
There's warmth in my chest as Lando keeps his hand on my lower back, pulling me through the crowd of drivers and up to where Max and Charles stand. A giddy excitement thrums across my skin.
I could do this forever.
oliviapiastri made a new post!
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, charlesleclerc, and 876k others...
oliviapiastri: 6 months <3
charlesleclerc: damn y'all move fast
maxverstappen: cheers!! looks lovely
⤷ landonorris: I KNOW??
landonorris: omg i can post this publically now
landonorris: i LOVE YOU OLIVIA<333
user2: lando going bat shit in these comments is so real
landonorris: I LOVE U SM DARLING
⤷ oscarpiastri: i liked it better before the FIA made them announce it. i wanna go back in time to before that happened.
⤷ oliviapiastri: get me a tardis then
⤷ bbcdoctorwho: we can make that work ...
⤷ oliviapiastri: HELLO?
user4: dying dead gone deceased i love them
landonorris posted a new story!
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soggyriceee · 1 year
red handed | yandere!konig
summary: Konig is crazy possessive and jealous. You become too close to a guy and he doesn't like that, so he takes matters into his own hands
warning: female!reader, blood, murder, unprotected p in v, mommy kink, breeding kink, knives, not proof read yet
Konig kept you in the house always. he never trusted anyone to not try and get at you. ever. you were gorgeous, his ideal woman. and he was not going to let you get away, not that easy. anytime you wanted to leave he'd always begin to cry. "why do you want to leave me libeling." he'd cry, gripping onto your waist, pulling you back onto the couch. he'd cry and cry and cry until you told him you were joking, even though you weren't. he'd wipe his eyes and look up at you. "I dont like that joke mommy, you know that." he'd say, going back to hugging you.
you never questioned why he acted the way he did. he as always like this, and something about it attracted you to him. the way he'd call you mommy, but tell you that you couldnt leave. boss you around. "mommy go make me food, im hungry." he'd say, letting releasing your boob from his mouth. yea, that was another thing he aways did. anytime you both were cuddling, he'd pull your boob out from your shirt, placing it in his mouth and lay on your chest. it was cute.
whenever you both would have sex, he'd boss you around to. "get on your knees mommy, gonna fuck that throat." and he always did. he'd always whimper how good you treat him, how your only his. your contact with family was limited as well. he didnt have any family to talk to, he only had you. and he only wanted you to have him. of course your family had tried to help you get out that relationship, but you couldnt leave Konig. no matter how controlling or crazy he was, you loved him. and he loved you. but, he loved you a bit too much.
"mommy im going to go to the store now. do you need anything?" he'd ask, placing the pink glittery collar on your neck, tying the rope of it to the coffee table. you had grown accustom to this now. you actually enjoyed it. especially since he did it to make sure you would never escape while he was gone. "mm some ice cream?" you asked, looking up at him. he smiled and nodded, leaning down to kiss you. "anything for you mommy. ill be back." he grabbed the keys before turning back to you. "you better still be there when I come back." he said before leaving the house.
and you did. for a bit. it was a sunny day outside, windy. it was the perfect weather. you hadn't seen outside in so long. he always had the patio door locked. "you can escape if I leave it open." he told you. but you wouldn't escape. you were happy where you were right now. but that didnt mean you dont miss the outside. you looked at the TV, watching the girl run around outside, her boyfriend following her. they both looked so happy. why couldnt that be you and Konig?
you knew Konig would be gone for a while. you both lived about 15 miles from a store. plus traffic. you had a good hour and a half before he'd come home. so, with all the strength you had, you began to untie the knot. he never made them too tight. he didnt wanna kill you. he just wanted to keep you still.
you had gotten the knot undone and watched the knot fall to the floor. you swallowed before standing slowly, looking to the front door. you hadn't been outside in so long. and Konig always made it seem like it was the worst out there. "people will murder you mommy. they walk around with knives, guns." he'd tell you every time you look at the door. one time, he actually got angry at you for talking about going outside and tied you to the table, keeping you there for two days. of course he fed you, gave you water. "I dont want to do this but you cant leave me mommy. ever."
so justifiably, you were a bit hesitant. but you made your way to the door, putting on his big shoes, since you no longer had a pair of your own. you gripped the knob tightly, turning it slowly. when you opened the door, the wind blew so softly in your face. it was nice. the sun was out, birds were chirping. there wasn't too many cars outside. you had completely forgotten what it looked like outside your neighborhood. you took a step down, closing the door behind you.
"hey! haven't seen you in a while!" a deep voice called out. you jumped and tried around, meeting eyes with your neighbor, Jackson. "oh hi.. uh.." "Jackson." he laughed, putting the hose down. he jogged over to you, looking at you with a questioning look. "uh whats with the.. collar." he asked, meeting your worried gaze all over. your hand ran over the collar, remembering what Konig said before he left. "u-uh i.. uhm.." you were quickly growing panicked and Jackson caught on almost immediately.
"sit down. I can take it off of you." he said gently, grabbing your hand slowly, trying his hardest not to scare you. you sat on the concrete steps, watching his every move. "d-do you have a gun?" you asked, remembering all the stories Konig had told you. Jackson laughed, looking up at you. but when he realized you were serious, he cleared his throat. "no why..why would I have a gun on me?" he asked. he leaned in close, his hands reaching the back of your neck to undo the collar. his lips were super close, but he never placed them onto yours.
"there." he smiled, moving away. you felt your neck relax, the collar in his hands. " I dont know what Konig has going on in there. he never talks to anyone. ever. I do get worried because you know, nobody can even see inside the house." he said, looking to the door. "does he just keep you in there?" he asked after a moment of silence. you didnt answer. ".. you know. my sister, she was in a relationship like yours. abusive boyfriend. I can get her to talk to you she's actually in th-" "he doesn't abuse me. he treats me really well. he just.. gets scared that ill leave." you said, looking up and down the street. you had no clue what his car looked like, but you looked regardless.
"is that why you have a collar on?" he asked, leaning forward to meet your gaze. you remained silent. "I like things like that." you finally said, maintaining eye contact. he sighed and pursed his lips before standing. " come to my house. I can give you some food. water. whatever you need." he said, reaching his hand out. you looked at it for a moment before looking down. " I have a cat. two." he said, catching your attention. "cats?"
he nodded, a smile forming on his lips. "two cats. it can be for a bit. before he comes home." he said. you were hesitant, looking back into the street. what would happen if Konig came back and saw you weren't in your usual spot? or even in the house? what would happen if he saw you in another mans house? "hey. it'll be for 15 minuets. max. then you can go back. I just wanna make sure you got food and water." he said, kneeling down in front of you. why did he think you were getting abused? you said you weren't. "I already ate today but.. can I play with your cats?" you asked, taking his hand that still hung out. he smiled and nodded, pulling you up. "of course. their names are snowy and rain. one is super white and the other is grey." he said, helping you to his home.
every time Konig left you did this. and you have yet to be caught. it was nice, having a whole new friend. he was super kind, a completely different person than Konig. but you still felt bad for lying to Konig. you weren't cheating, you knew that. but it was nice to make a friend and talk to someone outside those four walls. "I found the ice cream you like by the way, ill bring it to you whenever you come back next." he smiled, walking you back to your house. " oh you didnt have to." you said, stepping onto the first step.
you turned to him, smiling up at him. " yea but.. I guess I just care too much about the small things you say." he said, a soft smile on his face. you looked down, feeling awkward at how close he was. " I uhm.. I wanna take you away from him. you deserve to see the outside, your not some pet." he said, grabbing your chin to lift your head softly. his eyes wandered to your lips, swallowing. " you deserve better." he mumbled, leaning in slow.
you backed away, looking down to your feet. "Jackson im happy here.. I like being in there like that." you said softly. he sighed, lifting your chin again. " why cant you see hes abusing you? ive seen what abuse is before please just-" before he could finish his sentence his body was yanked back, an angry, no. not angry. a furious Konig standing in front of you now. you immediately began to feel dizzy, like you were about to puke. he looked into your eyes, his eye twitching. Jackson groaned below you both, rubbing his throat where his collar was pulled.
"K-Konig I j-just w-" he stepped over Jackson, gripping your wrist and turning you around. he opened the door from behind you, shoving you inside. he closed the door behind him, watching you walk backwards. "mommy who was that? why did you leave? I told you not to leave." he said, walking towards you, long and powerful strides. " h-hes a friend I promise. I just w-wanted to go outside it g-got hot in here." you said, tripping over pure air, falling to the floor. you hit your head on the ground, gripping it. he stood, watching you below him. " am I not good enough? he could have killed you mommy. people have guns. and knives." he said, voice flat. "he doesn't have a gun Konig.. he told me." you replied, wiping your eyes from the impact.
he grabbed your arm, yanking you up. he dragged you into the bedroom, shoving you to the bed. you looked up at him and saw tears in his eyes. "mommy am I not good enough for you? do you not trust me?" he cried, wiping his eyes. you didn't know what to do. you were scared, but hurt. you didn't want to hurt him. you just wanted new friends. "konig I just-" he took the photo of you both on the night stand, throwing it across the room. you jumped, looking down. " mommy you-you broke your promise. you promised you'd stay." he cried, walking over to you.
he pushed you on the bed, laying on top of you. he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in tight. "i..i'm sorry." you said, still confused on what to do. he sniffled into your shirt. "promise..promise you won't talk to him. every again." he said, looking up at you. of course you didn't want to stop. you had made a friend. a nice person. but Konig was much more important, you couldn't lose him. so you nodded, softly saying 'okay'. he smiled and nodded, laying back on your head. "ill even make sure of it.." he whispered, quietly enough for you to not hear.
you hadn't realized it, but you had fallen asleep shortly after Konig telling you to never leave again. you also woke up to an empty bed. rubbing your eyes, you turned to the alarm clock on his side of the bed. it read 9:20 PM. "how long was I out.." you mumbled. shuffling off the bed, you began to look for your boyfriend, calling misname out softly. you didnt know if he was still mad, or if he was somewhere taking some drastic measure to make you stay in this house with him like boarding up the windows or something.
you yawned, walking down the hall. "konig.." you called out again, peeking your head into the bathroom before making you way into the living room. no lights were on and that terrified you. Konig was not one to leave you alone without telling you. you switched the living room light on, eyes landing right onto Konig's phone. you grabbed it, opening it. he had given you his password for his phone in case you wanted to play games while he made you dinner. he trusted you not to do anything stupid.
just as you were about to explore the rest of your home, you heard a scream from outside. a male scream. you jumped at first, but then turned to the patio door. it was dark outside, the only light coming from the cheap, old street lights. you swallowed and walked over to the patio, pulling the curtains back a bit more to see what was going on. the first thing you saw, was your Jackson's front door wide open, the light from inside his house illuminating the front half of his home. then, your eyes scanned the distance from his house to yours, landing on a figure only 2 feet from where your patio was.
the screaming was no more, it came and went very quickly. but you couldnt stop your hands from shaking as you watched this tall figure's arms move up and slam back down. you didnt have the best hearing, but you were sure you heard some sort of squelching every time this figures arms went down. you felt like you were going to be sick. even more so, you were scarred this man was going to come for you next. Konig wasn't here to protect you. you'd die in this house alone, cut up into small enough pieces to eat.
you felt like a deer in headlights, watching your neighbor be stabbed to death. and it lasted quite a while. the more you watched, the more scared you got. but then, you heard the figures voice. " that'll keep you away." he said, or you ended up making out. the phone in your hand dropped when you realized that figure wasn't some random murderer. it was Konig.
he stood from his kneeled position, wiping his hands on his shirt. he walked over the now limp body on the floor, grabbing a shovel from beside him. you watched as Konig began to shovel into the dirt, obviously making a grave for this poor man. well, was it a poor man? you tried to feel sad. and you think a part of you did. I mean, you just watched someone get fucking murdered. but at the same time, you sorta liked how Konig was so protective and crazy over you.
of course killing someone may be extreme in any case of jealousy, but seeing how far he would go just to keep you with him made your thighs clench together. seeing how he truly believed with his whole heart that you were only his, nobody else can touch you or even be close to you. you know you should feel scared of him at this time, but you didnt. you felt honored, and honestly safe. you had a man who would do anything to make you feel safe, protected. and he wasn't going to ever let you go. you felt genuinely loved and wanted. but maybe that was the months and months of Konig's personality and his own craziness getting to you.
and so, you watched as he dragged Jackson into the hole, quickly covering him back up with dirt. you were a bit scared Konig would be caught, but that was a situation for later. right now, more than anything, you wanted to show him just how much hes made you needy for him.
he patted the area down, trying to make it look less suspicious before making his way back to the patio. his eyes landed on yours once he came up to the door, the shovel in his hand dropping. you slowly slid the door open, looking up at him. it was silent. he didnt say anything, but the tears were not shy of coming out his eyes. " mommy im so.. sorry. did you see-" " everything. I did." you said, looking at his bloody neck and face. his hands were no different, if anything they were worse. his clothes were stained red as well.
he dropped to the floor, burying his head in his hands. sobs escaped from him, loud sobs. " konig come inside please, you'll wake the neighborhood." you said, dragging him by his arms into the house. it obviously took a bit, given his large size, but he eventually was inside, back pressed against the patio door. you sighed and sat in front of him, taking his bloody, shaky hands from his face. " konig please..please look at me." you said, wrapping your hands around two of his large fingers. he sniffled and looked up at you, the blood from his face dripping down.
"i..God.. I liked what you did." you mumbled, looking to his chest. he sniffled once more, looking at you. " what?" he asked, his voice still shaky from being caught. you sighed and scooted forwards onto his lap, looking in his eyes. his watery, doe eyes. he was so beautiful, even when he was covered in blood. " I like how protective you are. how jealous you get. I love it, actually. I love all of it." you said, cupping his face. your thumb slipped the mis of tears and blood away, giving him a soft smile. "really? oh mommy thats such good news." he smiled, pulling you into a hug. you giggled and hugged him back, biting your bottom lip.
of course your main goal was to calm him down, but your second goal was to get him to fuck you. you couldn't stop the throbbing feeling from between your thighs. as he told you how much he loved you into your chest, not even thinking about fucking you, you began to grind yourself slowly, subtly on his thighs. and at first he simply thought you were re adjusting yourself. but when tiny little moans began to come from you, and your hips moved just a bit faster, he quickly caught onto what you were doing. he smiled into your chest, biting the shirt you had on.
" mommy.." he cooed, hand finding your ass. he gripped it, dragging your hips faster. " are you horny right now?" he asked, looking up at you from your shirt. you were embarrassed. I mean he just killed a man and here you were trying to get off. but you couldnt stop the 'yes' that came out of you. he smiled and leaned back onto the patio door, the blood on him only adding to the sensation you felt.
his thigh began to gently bounce below you, his eyes going from innocent to dark in a matter of seconds. he watched as your hips moved faster on his thigh, watching your body lean forward. your mouth fell ajar, the prettiest of whimpers coming from you as you moved yourself perfectly on his thigh, giving your clit the right amount of attention. " mommy likes seeing her baby boy kill for her isn't that right?" he whispered, his free hand working up your shirt. you felt the cold blood on his hands as he gripped your breast, his fingers quick to roll your nipple in between his fingers.
you nodded, looking down to see his thigh bounce faster, but not too fast. just enough to get you to the edge. " well your baby boy would kill for you any time mommy." he said, guiding your hips faster to match the pace of his thigh. he leaned in, his other hand still working on your nipple. " id kill a hundred men for you, just to keep you in this house. keep you here for me mommy. only me." your head fell into his neck, covering your forehead in blood. the knot in your stomach was slowly coming loose and he knew it just by the sounds of those pretty little whined you let slip from out of you.
"come on mommy let it go.. cum for me. cum for your good boy." he begged, a whine coming from him. the tent in his pants only made it harder for you to hold back your orgasm and before you knew it, your body tensed up, sinful sounds escaping your lips. he moaned at the wet spot that formed on his thigh, bleeding (hehe) through his thin sweatpants. you clothed onto him, feeling your whole body shake as you came down, his thigh slowing down to help yo pride out your high. when you pulled away, he groaned at the blood that was dripping down your face.
" ride me mommy, come on." he said, his hands moving quickly to the waistband of his pants, pulling them down. you fell off his lap, but quickly went back to your place. the night shorts you had on, he slid to the side, exposing your wet, dripping cunt. he whined at the sight, bitting his bottom him. " well come on mommy its your dick. ride it." he said, looking up at you. you wasted little time in positioning yourself over his tip, sliding down. you wanted to go slow, get yourself used to the feeling again, but Konig had other plans.
his hands gripped your hips and shoved you down, his head thrown back against the glass, a pained whimper leaving your lips. he raised your hips, looking down at the small amount of blood on his dick. your blood. he moaned at the sight before slamming you back down. your hands gripped his shoulders, your eyes squeezing shut. he gave you no time to adjust to him, but that was also something that turned you on. "come on mommy ride it. show me how much of a good boy I was for killing him." he whined, slapping your face gently to open your eyes.
your hips began to move up and down, slowly at first. you gasped as his size continued to stretch your cunt out, slowly picking up the pace afterwards. his hands gripped onto your hips harder, a whimper leaving his lips every time you went back down on him. his eyes were squeezed shut, his mouth left open slightly. you looked at him and as badly as you wanted to kiss him, you didnt want the blood in your mouth. " oh mommy your..doing so fucking good~ please tell me im a good boy" he whined, looking down at you as you bounced up and down, up and down.
" y-yours such a good..good boy baby. such a good boy" you cooed, adjusting yourself so you now were in a squatting position, feet pressed flat to the ground. he moaned as your praised him, the switch in position making his hips buck up. your own head fell back as you felt him reach your cervix, but your hips never stopping. " your my mommy.. all fucking mine." he growled, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his chest. his hips thrusted up into you, fast and deep. his balls slapped right at the bottom of your arse, adding to the already sloppy sounds of his dick moving in and out your cunt.
your hands pressed onto the patio door, your mouth left wide open. both of you let out moans and whimpers with each thrust of his hips, not only the feeling of love but the feeling of possessiveness floating in the air. " fuck your so tight mommy, love fucking your cunt. only I can right? only y-your baby..boy can?" he asked, gripping your tighter. you nodded quickly, trying your hardest to get words out but they never came. he slid out and pushed you off him, making your body fall back. he dragged you back to him by your ankles, hovering over your body. he gripped his base and slammed it right back into where it belonged, hips jutting into yours all over.
his hands gripped your calves, pulling your legs over his shoulders. your back arched off the cold floor, hands gripping the coffee table right behind you. " all m-mine.. " he whimpered, his head dropping into your chest, your body folding forward more. " im yours b-baby.. forever." you moaned, eyes rolling to the back of your head. he picked his head up, looking down at you. he loved seeing you react to him fucking you, loved seeing the way your wet lips were parted, the blood on your face dripping down to your neck. " gonna make you fucking pregnant mommy. gonna be mine- fuck - forever. you understand?" he moaned, his hand finding your throat and gripping it.
you nodded, choking out a 'yes'. his looked down, watching your cunt form bubbled of your slick around his dick, the squelching sounds growing louder as his pace picked up. " fuck mommy~ this pussy is s-so good" he whined, his eyes crossing as he felt his orgasm reaching him. your hands gripped onto the table harder, mouth falling ajar. his thrusts began to jerk your own body forward, legs still around his shoulders. the knot that you felt moments ago was back, and it was coming fast.
" keep going Konig p-please.. im gonna c-cum!" you whimpered, looking down at where his dick slammed into yours. your own juices were running down your arse, coating the inside of your thighs. " im n-not gonna stop mommy I promise.. please cum" he moaned, his head dropping back into your chest, the hand the was on your throat quickly began to pull your boob out from under your shirt, his lips finding the nipple. his tongue ran circles over the nipple, bitting it and occasionally pulling at it.
the only words that came from your lips at this moment was 'Konig'. the only words coming from him were 'mommy'. you began to pulse around his dick, his thrusts becoming sloppy too. " hold it mommy.. gonna c-cum together so fucking hold it." he whined, going right back to sucking on your nipple. you clenched around him trying to hold back your orgasm. but the way he was ramming into your g spot, hitting your cervix so painfully well. it was hard. and it didnt help that his cute little whimpers were going more frequent.
however, he raised his head, looking down at you with hooded eyes and wet lips. " cum mommy, please cum all over me." he begged, his thrusts becoming sloppy. you nodded quickly, releasing the grip from your cunt. he looked down as he watched your cum spurt out of you, covering his lower half and chest with it. that was enough to set him over the edge. " oh fuck- mommy~" he whined, giving you two final, hard thrusts before his cum shot deep into you. his hands found your hips, gripping onto them as his body shook. tears dropped from his eyes, small gasps to accompany them.
his body fell onto yours, still shaking from the powerful orgasm youth experienced. it was silent for a bit, the sound of heavy breathing filling the air, you felt his cum begin to seep out you and so did he. he raised himself slowly, looking back down to thrust his hips into yours. gently tho, he too was completely fucked out. " gotta keep.. my cum in you mommy." he breathed out, lazily thrusting his hips back int you.
when he pulled out he reached over to you, pulling you just enough so he could lift you into his arms. he kissed your cheek, and then slipped your boob into his mouth for a moment. releasing it with a pop, he looked up at you. " lets shower. then, we look for new places to live." he smiled. you giggled and nodded, resting your head into his bloody chest, replaying in your head what just happened.
to whoever requested this I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! I have no idea what the hell happened to your request I just opened Tumblr and the original post I was going to post was gone so I hope you find this <3
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oneofthetorturedpoets · 11 months
She’s a maneater part 1/?
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parings: melissa schemmenti x reader
warnings for this chapter: melissa is a bully
you woke up with a jolt as the blanket was ripped off of you for the fifth time that night.
"oh my god, melissa" you groan, turning over, expecting to see her sleeping but shes wide awake on her side, with her head resting on her hand.
"you kept letting go of me and im tired of it." you chuckle slightly, trying to ignore your irritation. you pull her into you quickly, she yelps out. you lean in close.
"a simple ask would do you just fine, my love." you whisper against her lips.
"well, you know me, stubborn as always" she smiles and connects your lips, the domestic nature causing your heart to stutter, she pulls away slowly, her hand coming to your cheek. "I love you."
you and melissa weren’t always this way, it took a lot to get where you are now.
you were late your first day, traffic was stressing you out and you struggled to find parking spot in such a busy street, you had to park 5 minutes away. you were rushing into the school doors, through the hallway when-
you slam right into the red headed teacher. her papers went flying and so did your ego. the look she gave you might as well killed you.
“i am so sorry-” she immediately drops to the floor, grabbing her stuff. you follow, trying to compensate for your clumsiness.
“why are you running through the doors anyways? if your kid is late then sign the damn tardy slip” angry radiating from her words.
“oh no- i don’t have a kid. i work here. i actually just got hired” her head swings over to look at you. you wish the earth would swallow you whole.
“30 minutes late on your first day” she scoffs. “great first impression, you’ll definitely get along with ava” she storms off, leaving me confused and flustered.
I walk down the hallways to the principals office, Ava is already leaning on the door frame, ready to great me.
"you're late." she says, sternly.
"I know, I'm so sorry, I couldn't find a parking spot so I parked super-"
"it was a joke, I don't care" she walks into her office. "pshhh no one told me I hired another Janine." she laughs, looking at the camera. the guy zooms in on my confused face. "anyways, you're in room 12, just down the hall, where you came in. your kids are currently with ms. schemmenti's class, room 13, you're taking her third graders also. if you talk to Melissa, she'll sort out who's who's." Ava's already on tiktok, laughing about a video before I can respond.
its going to be a long day.
I look up at the sign on the door that says room 13, I take a deep breath before opening the door, knocking as I do so. All of the attention is on me as the room goes quite. I look around the room, only seeing the students.
"hey kids! I'm the new third grade teacher that's going to be next door." they all shout hi in return. "where's your teacher?" I ask as the door opens again.
"oh god, not you again." I spin around, seeing the same redhead from earlier.
"uh- hi, im y/n y/ln. the teacher next door" I say, holding my hand out waiting for hers. she looks down at my hand and then back up at me, before rolling her eyes.
"alright guys! this is ms. y/ln, she will be taking half of you's with her, so if you're in third grade, please line up at the door, single file!" the students jump up, lining up in an almost perfect line.
"thank you, ms. schemmenti, if you need anything, ill be just over there." I say as I point towards the wall. she doesn't even look at me so I take it as a hint to leave.
three months later
“i’m tired of the new kid, she waltzes in here, all miss clumsy but charming, takes over the kids hearts and everyone loves her” melissa vents to barbra
“remind me again, are you trying to offend or compliment her? she’s been doing everything right, she’s the teacher we’ve been wanting to work here, what do you hate so much about her?” melissa stands up, pacing the 2nd grade class.
“she’s a newbie, and newbies make mistakes that we can’t afford” barbra shakes her head, not believing melissa.
“that’s not the real reason” the bell rings “talk to me when you find out the reason, until then, be nice to the kid” melissa huffs as she sits back down, watching barbra walk out and her kids march in.
a/n: first chapter of my new series is done!! this is a short chapter just to get something out there, hope you guys like it!
taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta @dopenightmaretyphoon
to be added to my taglist, send in an ask!!
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bussyslayer333 · 2 years
Heart Out
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summary: your boyfriend proves his love for you on the beach, so you prove yours in the hard deck bathroom.
pairing: jake seresin x penny’s niece!reader
word count: 2.8k
warnings: smut at the end once again,, but it’s jakes turn this time :0, some swearing, and mentions of dilfs/daddy issues LOL,, MDNI 18+
ps this is my lil continuation of jake x penny’s niece!reader bc i love them <3
((it can be read separately ofc !!))
requests are open as always !!!
Today had been dreadfully boring. Your aunt Penny was out all day at the Hard Deck working on accounts and you couldn’t even pester your little cousin Amelia because she had also been out all day with friends. You’d thought about visiting Jake at work but you weren’t sure whether you were at that stage of your relationship yet. So instead, the best option seemed to be lounging around in your underwear watching Desperate Housewives reruns in the living room. As you flopped over onto your front trying to escape the San Diego heat that you still weren’t accustomed to, a notification popped up onto your phone.
cowboy ❤️
come join me at the beach?
You opened the message to a selfie from Jake in what appeared to be the Hard Deck bathrooms. He was stood shirtless flexing his arms into the mirror doing a little pouty face staring down the camera. You giggled at his stupidly handsome face that somehow manages to look good no matter what he was doing.
are you not at work? ❤️
cowboy ❤️
annual dogfight football baby
With that message accompanied a picture Jake had taken over his shoulder of Rooster and Mav shirtless and covered in sand. Suddenly it clicked why your aunt had travelled to the bar to complete tasks which definitely could have been finished at home. Deciding to wind Jake up you replied to the second picture he sent, ignoring his first selfie
how does mav still look so good? talk about dilf 🤤
Giggling as you sent the message you put your phone down and decided to finally peel yourself away from the couch to start getting ready for the beach.
Flipping through the variety of swimsuits you had bought with you, you wondered which one Jake would like best. Although Jake would like to call himself a man of taste, when it came to his girl his taste in her clothing was sparse to say the least. Settling on a blue two piece with strings that tied it all together, you moved to pick up Jake’s button up that you had kept since one fateful night in his truck. It was light blue and quite fitted on him but it hung nicely on you and could work as a cover up if the sea breeze became too strong.
You span around to look at yourself in the floor length mirror in the corner of your room. Jake was going to love this. You plucked your sunglasses from the bedside table and placed them on your head so you could finally make your way back downstairs to your phone and tote bag.
Picking up you phone you smirked at Jake’s many replies.
cowboy ❤️
shut up
you’re not being serious right?
because i don’t know the ins and outs of your relationship with your father for that to be a funny text
that emoji makes it seem like a joke
i mean yeah ig he keeps it tight for a guy who gets senior discounts
You interrupted his next text by gracing him with a response.
shush jake obv im joking
….we will talk later tho
You then sent a photo of yourself in the mirror near the front door, chest pushed slightly out. You knew your audience.
cowboy ❤️
ur such a tease
see u soon flyboy <3
The drive down to the Hard Deck is brisk, not much traffic for a midweek afternoon in Miramar. As you pull into the Hard Deck’s parking lot you recognise a few of the pilots cars and you pull in next to Rooster’s bronco, scoffing at the fuzzy dice hanging from his rear view mirror. That boy was seriously stuck in the 70s.
Moving out of your car, you walk down to where you can see your aunt ‘working’ on one of the benches outside of the Hard Deck that faces the beach front. She slowly averts her gaze from Mav and smiles up at you,
“Hi darling, I wasn’t expecting to see you here?” You giggle as her attention slips from you again when Mav throws the ball particularly well over to Payback.
“Yeah, Jake text me asking if I wanted to join.” She giggles at your dreamy smile and pulls you down onto the bench next to her. Once you’re sat and your belongings have been placed down next to Penny’s you scour the group of pilots to find your boyfriend.
However, as you rake over the group you come to the realisation that he isn’t stood with them. That put an odd feeling in your stomach, Jake was never ever one to miss out on a competition. As you were about to question you aunt, you saw Bob approach with an uneasy look on his face.
“Hey, are you looking for Jake?”
You nod, spurring him on.
“He’s a little further down the beach, with um.. those two girls,”
Your gut twinges again as you look to where Bob is facing, lo and behold Jake is stood pointing something out to two tall slim girls. You weren’t jealous per se, you had no real reason to be. He wasn’t doing anything out of the ordinary, as annoying as it was, girls always seemed to flock to Jake. You weren’t jealous because Jake was the one to express his interest in you first, he knew what he wanted and it was you. Still your gut twinged. You looked to Bob, then stood up abruptly.
“Pen, do you mind looking after my stuff?” You turned to ask your aunt and she hummed absentmindedly, still entranced by her boyfriend. You took the hum as a yes and kicked your slides off ready to go find your boyfriend.
Bob took this as a sign to take off back to the group still playing football and watched your figure retreat to where Jake was standing with the two girls, smiling as they laughed at something he had said.
One of the girls smacked Jake’s chest lightly as she laughed far too hard for what Jake had said. This was when you began to feel slightly angry, you knew that type of laugh. You’d used it before. On Jake nonetheless. No man was ever that funny, especially Jake.
As you came into Jake’s view, his smile widened which made you falter slightly, in what was quite a stompy walk. Reminded of the fact that you were wearing his shirt and his favourite bikini you tried to style out your march into more of a cool girl saunter.
Jake lifted his sunglasses once you were stood in front of him and sucked in a breath as he took in your attire. He lifted his hand from his side and started to play with the hem of his shirt which hung from your frame.
“Hey baby,” you smiled at him then turned to the two girls who appeared slightly confused by what was occurring in front of them.
“And you guys are…” okay maybe you were slightly snappy, but did these girls still have to hang around when they now clearly knew Jake was taken.
The brunette one of the two spoke up, “Jake, are you not gonna introduce us?”
Jake looked up and scoffed slightly at the girls audacity, he shared a look with you that had you holding in a giggle.
“…right, Brianna, Stace, this is my beautiful girlfriend.” At his statement you smiled up at him, bashful at his compliment and at the thought that you had previously had in which he completely ignored you in favour of his two new friends.
“Hi..” you smiled at the girls with more pep in your step.
The red head (Brianna?) then spoke up, “Oh.. this is your girlfriend?” With distaste on her tongue which made Jake seethe.
“What I just said.” He spoke shortly back to her.
Her friend clearly sensed the tension bubbling and tried to smoothen out the situation, “I think she just means we weren’t expecting to meet her,” she smiled apologetically at you.
You smiled back appreciatively and spoke up, “Well we should really be getting going, I have a game of football i need to see my boyfriend win, it was nice meeting you girls!”
Jake had already began to move away, dragging you along with him as you waved at the two girls when Brianna (?) spoke again,
“Wait Jake! Didn’t you want my number?”
You both turned back to see her friend look confusedly at her and Jake scoffed once again,
“Yeah, no thanks pal.”
You struggled to hold your giggle in again at Jake’s passive aggressive word choice and continued your walk back towards the rest of the pilots who were now taking a break from their game.
“God can you believe them?” Jake asked you exasperatedly, “you look so unbelievably hot right now by the way doll, is that my shirt?”
“They weren’t tooooo bad..” you giggled and nodded at Jake. He continued on,
“I mean they dragged me from the group asking where the closest place was to get food that wasn’t made behind a bar but then when I tried to point places out they just kept going on and on and on and on and-”
“Jake shut up would you?” You said as you finally reached the group sat outside the Hard Deck.
“Hey!” He said and smacked your ass lightly to emphasise his annoyance. You turned and stuck your tongue out at him as Rooster spoke up,
“Finally able to shake you two new best friends then ?”
Phoenix snorted and turned to you, “Babe you should have seen the way they were eyeing Jake up before they finally went in for the kill.” You giggled along next to her at her interesting choice of analysis for the two girls.
Jake had started his own conversation with Coyote and Bob when you finally turned back to look at him and finally realised you hadn’t got the chance to admire how handsome he looked right now. You suddenly couldn’t feel it in you to be angry at the girls and their failed attempts at flirting. The late afternoon sun was warm against your skin and made the remnants of sea water on Jake’s chest glimmer. His dark navy swim shorts hung dangerously low on his hips and his ray bans were sat just slightly too far down on his nose so he had to bring a hand up to push them back upwards, afterwards he raked said hand through his windswept hair and you embarrassingly felt you stomach flutter at the action.
You laced your fingers through his other hand which was still resting low on your hip and squeezed. He turned his head slightly indicating that you had his attention whilst he still managed to listen to Coyote’s ramblings. Standing on your tip toes you whispered into his ear,
“I’m going to go into the bathroom in the Hard Deck in a second and your going to follow in after me in about two minutes, okay?”
Jake looked down at you and smirked at your playful expression, he tipped his head up slightly in a showing of understanding and he dropped his hand from your hips to let you excuse yourself.
Jake watched your retreating form with his eyes trained on the sway of your hips and a smile plastered on his face. He pulled his phone from the pocked of his shorts and checked the time. 16:43. Two minutes and he could follow in after you.
Those last two minutes of Jake’s life seemed to be the longest he’d ever lived through.
He followed your previous path towards the bathroom at the back of the Hard Deck and knocked on the locked door. You open the door to a smiling Jake Seresin.
“Hi doll,” he smirks down at you. You pull him into the bathroom and lock the door behind him, wary of your surroundings.
He has one hand placed on the side of your face with the other groping your ass making you whine out at the contact. Jake leans down and kisses you slowly and sweetly, he goes to slip his tongue into your mouth but before he can you’re pulling away to shed yourself of his shirt and pull your hair up using the spare hair tie on your wrist.
Jake watches with his mouth hanging slightly open as you drop to your knees in front of him smiling sweetly.
“Not that I’m complaining sweetheart but what on earth did I do to deserve this ?”
Tugging at the drawstring holding his shorts up you stare up at him, “you defended my honour in front of those two wenches, oh valiant solider!”
Jake rolls his eyes at your dramatics, but he can see that you truly are grateful for his actions. The thing with you and Jake is that he always understands what you truly mean, even if you mask it behind layers of dry humour, built up for your protection.
You finally undo the knot holding Jake’s shorts so low on his waist (and make a mental note to tease him later on for his navy level drawstring knot) and look up to Jake for conformation.
“Please baby,” he almost whimpers down at you .
You smile at his whiny tone and pull his shorts down enough to release his cock and kitten lick against his leaking tip, making him shudder slightly in pleasure. You grasp him with you right hand and start slowly stroking, watching carefully at what movements make Jake react the most.
He begins to fiddle with the tie at the back of your neck which holds your bikini top together to try and distract him from letting out a groan too loud which could alert anyone outside of your whereabouts.
You lean down again and spit onto his tip, using you tongue to spread the wetness of your saliva and his precum along the length of his cock.
After spending your first night with Jake you realised he had enough of a reason to be so cocky. He was big. (not that you felt the need to tell him and boost his ego even further).
Sinking your mouth down onto him you breathed carefully through your nose and let him hit the back of your throat. Jake released a throaty groan in response to the action and moved his hand into your hair to pull at it lightly causing you to moan onto his shaft. The vibrations make Jake whine even louder into his fist. Spurred on by his noises you continue to move up and down on him sloppily, clenching your thighs at the sounds being pulled from his throat.
The final straw for Jake was when you looked up at him through you long wet lashes as you pulled off of him, with a long string of spit connecting your lips to the tip of his cock.
“Fuck baby, I’m so close.” Jake whimpered.
You take him back into you mouth and trace the vein on the underside of his cock with your tongue. You sloppily continue to suck as Jake’s whines reach a crescendo and he spills into your mouth with a deep grunt. His grip on your hair loosens and you pull your mouth away, careful to keep his cum inside of your mouth. Some slips out the sides of your lips as you swallow and you allow it to drip down in between the valley of your breasts for Jake to admire.
“You are too fucking good to me doll,” Jake speaks breathlessly, helping you up onto unsteady feet.
You giggle up at him, “You can repay the favour later cowboy don’t worry.”
He smirks down at you and rights his shorts swiftly. As he looks back up he uses his fingers to collect his seed that collected in between you breasts and pushes them into your mouth for you to suck clean. Once you finish he pulls you into a searing kiss and licks his tongue around your mouth, moaning at the taste of himself on your tongue.
You pull away, slightly light headed and turn to the mirror to right yourself. Jake stands behind you in the mirror and pulls his button down onto you, smiling at your reflection. You turn around and peck him quickly and reach for the door to let yourselves out.
Walking into the main area of the Hard Deck with Jake behind you, you notice your aunt looking at you with her signature smirk on her face and you blush under her gaze. She wonders when you and Jake will finally stop defiling her property.
a/n: i love these two, jake is much less suckier than he is in my first fic bc i think he is actually so boyfriend !!!!
hopefully you all enjoy this!!! and thank you so much for all the notes on my other two pieces !! i promise i will get to any requests as soon as :)
pls reblog and comment and tell me what you think <333
- honey :0
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augustvandyne · 4 months
5 times she almost she almost confesses, and the one time she actually does. ( Lucy Chen x firefighter!reader.)
been in the works for a long time.. i apologize
it has been a while but i’ve been struggling (still kinda am) but im trying to work on myself and i have more time to write now!!
The first time she almost says it, it’s mainly as a joke, but she’s cut off by you.
It was only the third or fourth time she’d met you, but she thought you were gorgeous and she would’ve sold her soul to go out with you.
On a random Tuesday, her and Officer Bradford responded to a distress call that happened to involve a house fire. Which was why you and your station were later called.
You’d had run-ins involving Tim Bradford and his rookies in the past, so you weren’t completely struck by this form of ‘teaching,’ but you were still surprised.
When you arrived on the scene Officer Bradford was telling Lucy she should help out since they were the only ones available in the moment, and you all but yelled out for Lucy not to do that.
“Officer.. Bradford!” Bailey shook her head in disapproval. “You should never enter a burning house without the correct equipment.”
“We were busy waiting. For you,” Tim leaned forward angrily, and that was when you entered the house, so you didn’t hear the end of the conversation. But you would bet good money that Bailey won that argument.
You moved through the house along with a few other firefighters, and that was when you found Lucy in the kitchen, all but coughing her lung out.
“Officer Chen,” You took one of her hands and placed the other on her back so you could help her out of the house and off the counter she was leaning on.
She leaned most of her weight on you, because she was weak from smoke inhalation, but you eventually picked her up to get her out.
You sat her on the back of the ambulance, and started checking her out since you had some paramedic training under your belt, and the other paramedics were checking on the more serious injuries.
“You okay?” You immediately put a gas mask over her face so she could breathe.
She tried to remove the mask to speak, but you shook your head and said, “Don’t talk. Just nod yes or no.”
She gave you a nod to let you know she’s okay.
Officer Bradford appeared in front of the two of you, but you shake your head at him.
“Uh-uh,” You pursed your lips and stepped in front of him. “I think you should go elsewhere. After the stunt you just pulled, you ought to be put on probation, but it’s not up to me.”
“I—“ Tim stood there with his mouth open, like you could stand there and talk to him like that.
“So you can take yourself back over there to the rest of your cop buddies, while I clear Officer Chen for duty,” You stood, one hand on the mask and one hand on your hip.
Tim clears his throat, “I’ll wait over there.”
“I thought so,” You nodded and watched him walk back over to the police cars.
Lucy let out an exasperated laugh, “Thank you. I needed that. I may regret it tomorrow, but, he deserves it.” Lucy pauses. “I literally lo—“
“It was no problem, really, I see he’s a bit stuck up. Someone had to put him in his place,” You cut her off, not even realizing she was trying to speak until after. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“Huh?” Lucy thought it would be best if she acted like she wasn’t saying anything. “Oh, nothing.”
“Okay,” You nodded. “You’re okay to go, but take your time. Make sure if you’re out of breath at any time, that you take a second to rest. My orders.”
“You got it,” Lucy stuck her thumb up with a smile.
“Bye, Officer Chen.”
The missile attack took everyone by surprise, even you.
The Los Angeles Fire Department worked to help with damage control and to help maintain traffic on the freeway and along the streets.
It didn’t work very well, but it made you feel better to do that than to just sit around while the world ended.
Angela and Jackson eventually told you to just give it up because nothing was going to help if the world was really going to end in less than an hour.
You fought against her, but she told you and Bailey you should go find Tim and Lucy and find shelter, as they weren’t answering the radios.
Bailey grabbed your arm softly and pulled you away, because she knew about your small but growing crush on the woman, and she knew how worried you were, even if you pushed it down.
Angela told you their last known location, and that’s where you found them, drinking their worries away.
“Officer Chen,” You nodded with a small smile on your face — although it was fake, it was nice of you to try.
“Y/n,” Lucy’s eyes softened at another familiar face.
You look to Tim, and even though you weren’t his biggest fan, you greeted him with a pat on the shoulder. There was no need to keep enemies if you were about to die together.
“What are we drinking?” Bailey asked nervously.
“Tequila and Scotch,” Lucy tried handing the tequila to Bailey, but she shook her head.
“I’m not a tequila girl.. wine, and I can get down with.”
You chuckle lightly as you watch Bailey wander off to find a bottle of red wine, and take the bottle from Lucy. Your hands brushing in the process.
“I think I love you,” Lucy stumbled over her words slightly, and you just let out a breathy laugh.
“That’s very sweet, Officer Chen,” You kept your eyes on her as you took a sip from the bottle.
“The world is gonna end, so I thought I’d tell you,” Lucy shrugged jokingly, but deep down inside (and later in the months) she wasn’t really joking.
When it was all over, you found yourself sort of wishing she’d meant it, but you’ve only seen her a few times, and you barely even knew her favorite color. Not to mention she’d never even asked you on a date.
You were very surprised when Lucy had asked you to be her date to Officer Angela Lopez’s wedding, but you reluctantly agreed to go.
The two of you had swapped numbers after the false missile attack, and she texted you like crazy.
Not that you’d ever complain, because the pictures of puppies and random selfies throughout the day was something you came to look forward to.
It’s months later, though, and you’re glad Lucy asked you out (kind of), finally!
You lived with Bailey, as she was your best friend, and the two of you decided to get ready together since John Nolan had asked her to come along as well.
You wore a lighter blue dress that had just been sitting in the back of your closet for months. It was a spaghetti strap, and it flowed along your body nicely with a slit up your leg.
You bought it for another occasion, but never ended up using it, so you just pushed it in the back, thinking you’d never have another need for it. But Bailey found it and convinced you this was exactly what you needed to wear to impress Lucy.
And she was right.
You’d pay good money to relive Lucy’s reaction to your dress over and over.
She had no shame in looking you up and down, which was good, because you had no shame in doing it to her, either.
The both of you looked away with a small blush on each of your faces from being ogled. That is, until Jackson pushed Lucy towards you.
“I’m going to go check on Angela,” Jackson removes his hand from Lucy’s back, and the two of you nod, but you aren’t really looking at him — more at each other.
“You look.. gorgeous,” You shook your head, amazed.
“You do too,” Lucy scoffed slightly. “If there was a competition, I think you’d win with flying colors.”
“Have you seen yourself?” You continued to ogle her.
You grab her hand softly, and lift your arms above the two of you so you can spin her around, her dress flowing freely with her.
“Oo, you’ve got moves,” Lucy laughed as you spun her back towards you.
“Yes, I do,” You lifted your brows jokingly. “We’ll have to dance together later.”
“Why not now?” Lucy whined. “We could just dance right here, right now. I don’t care who sees. Please?”
“Fine,” A small smile graces your lips. “But only because you asked so nicely.”
You timidly place a hand on Lucy’s back, because this was new territory, and you didn’t want to overstep. And you place your other hand in hers.
The two of you slow dance to a song that doesn’t even match your rhythm, and neither of you care.
Lucy spins you this time with a giggle, and your all but fall into her arms on your way back in. But you’re especially struck when she dips you without warning.
“I have moves?” You question with a huge grin on your face. “Look at you, Miss. Chen!”
She slowly lifts you back up and you are about to kiss her when a bunch of people start crowding around you.
“Lucy,” John is the first to speak, and with a shake to his head, Lucy removes herself from you.
“What?” Lucy’s smile is gone, and she’s given sympathetic looks. “Someone tell me what’s wrong. Now.”
Tim steps forward anxiously and whispers something in her ear, and you only catch parts of it.
Lucy looks like her hearts been ripped out of her chest over and over again, “O— oh. What— who did this?”
You lean forward and grab her in your arms, because all you heard was “Jackson and Lopez,” and “Missing.”
“Lucy,” Grey says in a plain voice, but there’s so much behind it, and Lucy pulls herself together.
“I have to—“
“Of course,” You held onto her hands, pulling her in for a small kiss on the cheek. “Text me if you need anything, okay?”
“Yes,” Lucy nods. “I lov— erally can’t thank you enough.”
You shake your head trying to figure out what she just said, but then Bailey is beside you and the two of you are following closely behind them to exit the venue.
You hadn’t heard much from Lucy in the span of a few weeks, and you were starting to worry.
Especially because Lucy was an over the top texter, and she hadn’t so much as sent one message a day. More like two in a week.
She was coping the loss of her best friend, you knew that, but it didn’t stop you from worrying.
You wanted to bake her some cookies and put together a small basket like she had when you were sick a month or two ago.
Bailey offered to come along, but you told her not to worry. Not because this was something you wanted to do on your own, but because she’d been off and on with Officer John Nolan, and you couldn’t stand to be put in more than one awkward interaction today.
Once the basket was put together (you had to have Bailey help you wrap it up and put the bow on, but that’s beside the point) you left and made your way to the station.
“Is Bailey with you?” John perked up from the front desk upon your arrival, but he was quickly put back down after not seeing her.
“Not this time,” You shrugged apologetically. “I’m looking for Lucy. Is she in?”
He eyes the basket up and down, “She might be in the break room for her lunch.”
“Has she eaten?” You knew it was a long shot asking him, because he’d probably been out there all morning, but it was worth it to try.
“If I guessed, I’d say no,” He shook his head.
You sighed, biting the inside of your cheek, “I’ll just have to force feed her some of these cookies.”
“Sounds good,” John chuckled as you walked through the station, finding Lucy sitting where John said she might be. No food in sight.
“Y/n,” Lucy gives a slight smile, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.
“Hey,” You placed the huge basket on the table and Lucy’s eyes are drawn to it.
“You didn’t..” Lucy frowned slightly. “You really didn’t.. have to.”
Lucy’s lips started to quiver, and you were quick to hug her tightly. You hadn’t seen her since the wedding, and obviously hadn’t spoken much either, so you were walking in blind today. No clue how she was holding up.
“Shh,” You let her cry into your chest, rubbing her back reassuringly. “It’s okay, love. It’s okay.”
Smitty begins to walk in, head hung as he looks at his phone. He looks up with a startled expression, “Oh— uh, Chen..”
“Get out!” Lucy cried into your arms, and you just chuckled at the interaction.
Smitty stood still, unsure what to do, “I think it’s best if you go..” The two of you stood awkwardly, just staring at each other. “Hello? Move.”
He swallowed and nodded his head, shutting the door on his way out.
“I lo—“ Lucy stutters and you just nod your head.
“I know. Shhh, I know,” You place a small kiss on her head. “It’s okay.”
Responding to a quiet call in what looked to be an abandoned house was just what you needed today. Until it wasn’t.
You’d disappeared through a hallway because Bailey said she had the foyer, but she didn’t.
When you came back, she was trapped in what looked to be a trap of some kind — and you could only assume it had to do with Rosalind Dyer.
You and your group quickly called the LAPD, and soon enough, your girlfriend of two months walked in. You’d now known each other for a year and some.
“Y/n,” She hugged you quickly, placing her forehead to yours. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
“Gee, thanks,” Bailey said sarcastically from below.
“I don’t think I could handle it if it were me down there,” You say truthfully. “You’re smart, and you’ll know what to do, Bails.”
“It was designed for me,” Bailey quickly observes the tank.
Your heart drops and breaks in your chest for your best friend, and you’re so scared you feel as though you may have a panic attack.
You feel Lucy shift closer to you, her lingering touches bringing you comfort.
A sympathetic smile sets on her lips, a quirk in her eyebrow to ask if you were okay. You give a nod in response.
Things escalate quickly after that. John disappears, Bailey comes close to death, it’s a whole mess. And you’re struggling to breathe because you can’t lose your best friend tonight. It just couldn’t happen.
As Celina encourages Bailey to stay under the water longer when the explosions happen, you’re standing off to the side, a hand held to your mouth to hold the vomit in.
Lucy stands from her crouch, a gentle hand coming to your back to soothe your anxiety.
The bile lowers, and you attempt to speak, but she beats you to it.
“I l—“
For once you think you understand what she’s trying to say, and the swallow that contracts her throat says it all for her. You knew, and you reciprocated, but now wasn’t the time. There was too much going on all at once and you couldn’t accept the words here— not like this.
A slight nod from you and Lucy’s eyes changed.
“She’s going to be okay,” It was an empty promise, both of you knew, but she was trying to convince the both of you. “Come here.”
She wraps you in her arms and for once you feel safe.
When she actually says I love you, you were in the hospital.
It was a fire rescue gone wrong, and you were in critical condition.
When Lucy got word she dropped everything and hurried to the hospital. Not even caring about Tim’s insistence on letting him drive her.
She broke twenty different laws on the way there, but the only thing she was worried about was getting to you.
A small smile formed on your lips when you heard her shouts — actual shouts — at the nurse to let her see you. You even think she flashed her badge, and if you weren’t in so much pain you’d laugh.
She does finally appear at your door, her pleads finally working, and you’re more than happy to see her.
She timidly sits on your bedside, afraid she’s going to hurt you from three feet away.
“Lucy..” You try to talk, but it pains you to even do that, and Lucy can tell.
“Don’t talk,” She reaches her hand out but draws it back at the last second because the last thing she wasn’t to do is make you uncomfortable. “Let me speak.”
You scrunch your eyebrows together in concern, because what did she have to say?
“I’m sorry.”
“This isn’t—“
“What did I say?” Lucy attempts to be stern, but it just makes you smile. “I’m sorry this happened to you.”
Your lips wobble and she hates to see you like this.
“Bailey told me you had been rushed to the hospital. I’m so glad she did because I love you and I absolutely cannot lose you—“
Her eyes widen when she realizes what she’s said, her hand shooting to her mouth in shock.
“I.. I—“
“Should I go? I should probably go, right?” Lucy nods nervously. “Or— just forget I said anything at all.”
“Lucy, I love you too.”
Your words catch her off guard, and suddenly the frown on her face is turned into a wide smile.
“You do?” She breathless.
“Of course I do. How couldn’t I?”
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landos-meat-rider · 1 year
1999, part two
oh my gosh this ones a long one im sorry💀💀
i hope you like it and lmk if i should change anything/parts you liked!!
warnings: swearing, shitty boyfriends, angst
conrad fisher masterlist
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*ding dong*
I hopped up off the couch with a huge grin on my face and rushed to the door.
“Hey!” Dean laughed as I all but jumped on him laughing myself, “Hey, I’ve missed you!” I say.
Dean has been a family friend for a decade now at least. We've always been best friends and mostly everyone at school thought that we were dating long before we actually were which is why it was strange that my family would find me and Dean dating, ‘a joke’. I remember when I had first told them and they straight up laughed in my face. After that interesting conversation, Belly and I had another one in our room.
“Are you sure about him? I mean Dean’s nice but…”
“But what?” I asked
“But he's just not… I don't know I wouldn't have expected you to go after some perfect guy like Dean, I didn't think that was your type.”
What Belly had said had me thinking and overthinking for weeks after.
“M’sorry I’m late…” Dean smiled apologetically at me, “Traffic was shitty.”
“No worries, you made it just in time for the bonfire. Belly and the boys already left to set it up about an hour ago so it should be in full swing by now.” I smiled up at him with my arms wrapped around his neck as he pecked my nose and muttered a simple “okay.”.
We make our way to the beach in Dean’s jeep and arrive at the bonfire in about fifteen minutes.
“Can you see them anywhere?” I ask Dean as we look out at the huge group of tipsy teenagers trying to make out any figures that we recognise.
“Uhmm…yeah, right there!” he says pointing far off in the distance to what looks Belly and Steven, already fighting.
We make our way down and meet Belly and Steven focused on a game of beer pong. God, I haven't seen them that focused since…to be honest I don't think I've ever seen them this focused.
“Huge bets must be on the table otherwise there's no way these two crackheads would be this focused,” I say to Dean. His reply gets cut short by a voice saying,
“Sure as hell are, they’re debating what we all should do tomorrow; surfing or shopping”.
“Oh! Dean this is Thérèse! And this is Jere” I say smiling at my childhood friends.
After a couple of ‘hey how’s it going’s are exchanged, they all end up joining Steven and Belly’s surf or shop debate. Thérèse doesn’t even look at me when I try talking to her and I only get one-word sentences as answers.
Thérèse and I have been friends almost as long as Belly and Taylor. We were really close as children but grew apart as she lived here in Cousins and Belly, Taylor and I didn't. We still kept in touch and tried to call each other as often as we could, she knew everything about me. Things got weird when I told her about me and Dean. She didn't call me, left me on delivered or read and just stopped talking to me altogether.
I hang around them for a bit until I get uncomfortable and decide to take a walk.
“Hey I’m gonna go for a walk, okay?” I say to the group. 
A couple of ‘yeah sure have fun’s are heard until Dean speaks up.
“What? Why would you wanna do that?” he runs a hand through his hair but refuses to look at me and focuses on the beer pong instead.
“I don't know I'm bored I wanna go for a walk?” I say back, surprised at his weird behaviour.
He looks at me as if I just grew two heads and says, “Well then if you didn't want to spend time with me why did you invite me here in the first place?” 
“Dean calm down it's not that big of a deal it's just a walk,” I say raising my arms up in defence.
Why was he being so weird?
“Dean it's okay just let her go.” Thérèse smiles at Dean.
“Fine. Whatever. Do whatever you want.” he runs a hand through his brown hair again and focuses on his beer pong shot again.
Belly, Jere and I share confused looks before I turn around to walk, Steven being too occupied cracking jokes with Dean and some girls around them to notice a thing.
I need to clear my head.
I walk until I'm far from anyone at the party and sit down on the sand, looking out at the sea.
It starts to get windy so I tuck my knees against my chest and stare out to the ocean, trying not to think of anything, or anyone for that matter.
But trying not to think about it just makes me think harder.
Why was Dean being like this?
All weird and controlling…
And what’s up with Thérèse?
I've apologised countless times and I don't even know what I did wrong…
“Here.” A voice breaks the soft gusts of wind and soothing crashes of the water against the sand. And my thoughts.
I look up and see Conrad looking down at me with his hand stretched out in offer of the faded red zip-up he's holding.
I tilt my head to him in question.
“You look cold.” he says looking at my arms covered in goosebumps.
“Oh…thanks.” I laugh softly accepting the hoodie and putting it on being engulfed in his cologne. I pat the sand next to me and offer for him to sit.
He sits next to me in silence as I put my head on his shoulder, both of us staring out to the water.
“How’s Susannah? I didn't get to talk to her much before mom stole her away.”
Conrad and I softly laugh as he says, “She's doing good. Cancer’s almost gone.” he says, putting a smile on both our faces.
We sit there for a while in silence, letting the crashes of the waves and the gentle breeze of the wind calm us down from all the commotion going on in the distance.
“Hey Con?” I ask softly.
“Hm?” he gently hums back.
“Are you okay?” I ask.
There's a short pause before Conrad takes a breath in and says “Yes, Of course. I'm fine.” he says with a smile, but the shakiness in his exhale tells me otherwise.
“Are you sure?” I press on trying to get him to break so he can tell me what's wrong.
Another pause.
He turns to me and smiles and says, “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”
Before I can respond, he reaches his hand out, tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and looks at my eyes.
Some say the eyes are the windows to the soul. In Conrad’s case, they might as well be holding up big bright signs that say how he's really feeling.
Conrad might be able to put up a happy façade in front of anyone but three people.
My mom
If his body language doesn't say anything then his eyes do, they always do.
And right now his eyes looked glassy. Soft. Hurt.
“Con…” I start to say until my voice gets interrupted by another much deeper and louder one.
“Y/N!!” Steven runs up to us, “Oh hey Conrad good thing you’re here too, GUESS WHAT?”, he screams in front of us.
“Ugh, Steven stop screaming my head hurts.” I mumble as Conrad asks “What?”
“WE’RE SURFING TOMORROW YEAHHH!!” he roars happily
“I’m guessing you won beer pong?” I say.
“Hell yeah, Belly and Dean ate my dust!” he boasts
Jeremiah and Belly had caught up with him now and sat alongside Conrad and me as Steven tried reenacting his win.
“So how’d he actually win? He couldn’t have done it himself, guys drunk as shit.”, Conrad says laughing along with us as Steven trips over his own feet.
“I helped him.” Jere says in a low voice not to take Stevens's joy of his delusions away.
“Hey where’s Dean?” I ask Belly as Steven finishes his (horrible) acting and sits with us exchanging embarrassing stories of me and Belly with Conrad and Jeremiah.
“Uhm, I’m not too sure I think he said he was going to go look for you after we finished. Thérèse said she’d help.”
Thats weird.
Steven had already found me and he could’ve just called me if he was worried?
And why would Thérèse want to help? last I checked she hates me.
“I’m gonna go find him.” I said, getting up and brushing the sand off my legs.
Conrad looks up at me as I leave. His eyes don’t leave my back as I walk away and I can feel them slowly burning a hole through my back to my heart.
I take my phone out of my back pocket and call Dean.
One ring.
Two rings.
I hang up.
I try calling him again.
I see Dean’s jeep in the distance and what looks like to be him in it. I keep trying to call him to see if he’ll pick up.
I run to the car, open the door and say, “Hey why aren’t you-”
I get cut off as tears fill my eyes and hurt fills my heart.
Dean’s phone is on the passenger seat constantly vibrating as he’s in the driver making out with Thérèse.
“What the fuck Dean?!” I shout as Dean and Thérèse finally break away from eating each other's faces.
“Oh! Uhm…hey babe! Thérèse and I were just talking…” he slurs as Thérèse puts her arms around him and starts kissing his neck.
“Thérèse what the fuck get off him!” I say blinking back my tears refusing to cry in front of them.
“Why should I? I’m a better kisser anyway. Did you really think Dean came all the way down to Cousins to visit you?” she says with a sick smile as she spreads her lipstick around Dean’s neck and collar.
“You know what forget it. You two assholes deserve each other. Don’t bother to come back in the house to get all your stuff Dean, it’ll be out on the front yard.
I turn away before they get a chance to see my tears and walk down to Conrad’s car.
I take my phone in my hand and shakily call Conrad after blocking Dean and Thérèse off everything.
“Hey where are you?” he answers.
“Connie can you…can you drive me home please?” I say sniffling.
“What? Where are you? What’s wrong” he says in an alarmed voice and I can hear him getting off the sand and telling the others he was going to take me home.
“Just…Please drive me home Con…” I say desperately.
“Okay yeah sure, where are you y/n?” he asks in a more controlled voice.
“I’m next to your car.” I say sniffling again.
“Alright y/n/n I’m nearly there, don’t go anywhere okay?”
Two minutes later and Conrad finds me leaning on his car. He comes up to me and immerses me in his arms, softly shushing me as I sob in his chest.
“Shhh.” he tries to soothe me and runs his hands through my hair.
“Come on. Let’s go home.” he kisses the top of my head as my cries die down and opens the car door for me.
The drive home is almost silent except for the faint noise of the radio playing and my sniffles. Conrad reaches out and holds my hand in a red light. I look at him and he softly smiles in assurance.
When we finally reach home I go straight to my room ignoring Mom and Susannah’s calls of worry. I sob into my pillows as I hear them knocking on the door.
“Y/n honey? What’s wrong can we come in?” they ask. I love them to death but I don't want them right now.
I want Conrad. I need Conrad. I always have.
It's as if they can hear my thoughts because in two seconds Conrad opens the door, comes straight in and sits on my bed next to me.
He doesn’t say anything but brushes the hair out of my face looking at me sadly.
“Wanna tell me what's wrong now? Laurel and Mom are worried sick, they might tear my head off if I go back out there without an answer.” he says quietly making me laugh a bit.
He wipes away my tears with his thumbs and says, “Hey where’s boy toy?”
I look up at him questioning, “Boy toy?”
“Yeah, that boyfriend of yours. Jere called him Boytoy he said he was kinda weird. Did he do something to you?”
I sniffle and silently pray that my voice doesn't give out as I speak, “He uhm…I went looking for him and I saw him with Thérèse they were uhm. They were making out in his car.” I tell him everything, how I found them, what I said, what they said, all while trying to blink back more tears and clearing my throat so it doesn't break anymore.
“That's fucked up I’m so sorry Y/n.” he says softly.
“Wait hang on, Thérèse? Wasn't she your best friend?” he looks at me with furrowed brows.
“I mean I thought she was but after I told her about Dean she just… I don't know she just switched up.”
“Doesn't matter about her she was always a toxic friend anyway. And this Dean seems like a pussy too. I’m sorry but I'm glad things are over with you two, Jere told me how he shouted at you on the beach earlier.”
“Yeah he was really insecure,” I laugh with Conrad. “He said he was jealous of you and Jere when I saw him the other day.”
“Then why are you crying lovie?” he says so softly I barely hear him.
“I don't know, I guess I'm not crying over him… I think I'm crying over the fact that no one really cares. I don't know it’s stupid.” I stare down at my hands, embarrassed by my choice of words.
Hold me close and say you care
‘Cause I'm in love with your brown hair
Conrad wraps his arms around me and puts one of his hands under my chin, forcing me to look up at him.
“I care.” he simply says. The look in his eyes could make my knees give out in a second if I wasn't already sitting down. I take a deep breath and try to brush his comment away. There's no way he can just
come back and say he cares when he hasn't bothered to answer my calls or read my texts in almost a year. There's no way I'm doing this again with him.
I try changing the subject by bringing my hand up to his hair and running my fingers through it.
“I love your hair Con.”
He gently takes my hand away from his hair and repeats himself.
“I care Y/n.” he says staring into my eyes. He lets go of my hand and brings his to the back of my neck leaning in close.
The way you touch me is a curse
And I'm not willing to let it all
His lips brush against mine sending electric shocks through my body but I refuse to let it go any further. He doesn't get to do this.
I pull away from him as fast as I can and make distance between us.
Physical distance. Since he has the emotional distance covered I might as well take over and finish it with physical.
“No don’t do this Con.” I say shaking my head as I pace around the room blinking away more tears.
“Don’t do what?” he says confused by my actions.
“Don’t play dumb Conrad you know what I mean.”
“Y/n what are you talking about? I-I'm sorry I kissed you I just… I thought you liked me.”
“No Conrad don't.” I say looking up at him through glassy eyes, trying to shake away the anxiety slowly creeping up at me.
“Don't what?! Are you even going to tell me what I did wrong, can you just talk to me?!” he says angrily, standing up from the bed too now so we're both staring at each other from the ends of this room. This God-forsaken tiny room with the walls closing in.
“Can I talk to you?! Oh Conrad that's rich coming from you.” I sneer angrily at him.
How can he of all people say that to me?
“What the fuck are you talking about, what did I do?” he says, his voice growing louder with every word.
“What did you do?” I laugh, “No Conrad let's talk about what you didn’t do. You didn't answer my calls for a whole year, you didn't answer my texts for a whole year, you weren’t there when I needed you Con, you weren't there when mom and dad got divorced like you said you’d be, you completely ignored me for a whole fucking year Con you can't just make it all up by saying you care and kissing me, you can't do that Con not when I've always been there for you, not when I've always cared for you and loved you for this long Con you can’t, you can’t, you can’t!” I finish, out of breath as Conrad looks at me with a hurt expression on his face.
“I…” he starts off but I hold my hand up to him to tell him to stop talking.
I don't want to hear what he has to say, I can't. I close my eyes and say “Please just go away Conrad.”.
When I open my eyes again he's nodding, trying to hold back tears in his gorgeous blue eyes. I look away before a tear can fall from them.
One tear from his eyes, one word from his mouth and I know I’ll go running back to him. But I can't, I refuse to after how he hurt me.
Watch your mouth and wash with soap
'Cause I just hate the way you spoke
Green eyes make everything feel numb
And I'm not willing to give it all up
He closes the door silently behind him and I crash into my bed, sobbing into the jacket he gave me.
And I'm not wasting time again
Closure instead of sex
And I'm not wasting time again
You said I fucked up and ruined your life
But little did you know you ruined mine
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well that was a journey🤡🤡
lmk what you think and please feel free to request anything on my bio even things for part three!! (no smut please)
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surshica · 2 years
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invitational — SHE KNOWS
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“seriously?! another party?” yn had groaned flopping onto the couch. “yeah we told you..anddd..” ann crossed her arms sitting on the kitchen countertop, “you/i forget.” ann and yn had said at the same time, a small smirk like smile formed onto ann’s lips as yn had a pout.
“i means they kinda plastered your name all over this saying you would be here..it’s too late to ditch.” kyuma slithered his hands through his hair as his head rested on the back of the single seater couch chair, his gaze fixated onto yn occasionally looking back at ann who was drinking her pineapple juice.
“but i’m tooo lazyyy~” yn groaned whined, “well too late start getting ready we need to go soon or we’ll hit traffic.” tatta’s tone was stern, he knew it was annoying but at the end of the day if yn had personally said yes to doing it. yn frustrated got off the coach walking to her room finding something nice to wear.
“don’t forget you have a media party to go to at the [company name] chairman’s house—kuina will be there and unfortunately dispatch as well!!” kyuma reminded her, yn’s eyes widened ever so slightly. she had forgotten about that as well. “well shit.” she groaned to herself shaking her head closing the door to get ready.
“even after being in the game for what 10+ years? she is quite forgetful…” ann had commented as she sipped on her pineapple juice in a plastic cup, “i mean cut her some slack you can already see the grey hairs on her head from all the scandals dispatch gets her in” tatta joked as kyuma laughed lightly.
“she isn’t even 30 and has more grey hairs—its funny but sad..she’s so..” kyuma put his hand on his chin, “overworked” the three of them said in unison earning laughs at how synced they were.
“she agrees to literally all of it..” tatta had sighed before lifting his eyebrow slightly, “..agreed to all of it except the drama, which she could’ve said no too.” tatta’s statement cause ann to stop drinking her pineapple juice; he stare beamed into tatta’s skull.
kyuma got the message giving tatta the what do you mean look. tatta has never sweated so much before—he had two people who scared him staring straight into his skull as if a red laser was going to be shot through him im sorry HAHAH.
“what do you mean by that?” ann questioned never taking her eyes off tatta, “she could’ve said no but she caved in since the new manager saw potential..” he had nervously licked his lips. “and did you tell yn this.” kyuma’s question felt more as a demand.
“I DID! she didn’t listen to me though she felt as if she needed to do the drama..” tatta nervously smiled wanting something good to happen, oh god he hated this so much. he was mentally curing himself for being it up.
“and what did she say.”
“she said she has too..she hates this new manger tho.” “DONT LOOK AT ME LOOK AT HER OR YKW BRING IT UP WITH THE MANAGER IM JUST HER DRIVER.”
ann had just hummed in a acknowledgment bushing her hair behind her ear. “we’ll talk to her when she gets back from her activities.” ann stated as kyuma nodded getting up from the seat patting tatta on the shoulder, “thank you for telling us” he tried to sound cherry but hell under all that he was upset
“YN HURRY UP OR YOULL BE LATE.” kyuma yelled causing yn to shuffle back over to the small living room, “jeez jeez i was just doing my hair—is this please-able?” yn said standing in front of them. she was wearing a black puff sleeve mini dress and white high tops, she really didn’t want her feet to hurt plus she thought it was cute.
“yes you look fine now go!! you’re going to late and you wouldn’t want that out..” ann warned her pushing her towards the door as tatta followed along-suit. “bring her back in one piece no scandals tatta or i will shoot lasers at you!” ann warner smiled at him, tatta just nodded.
“we’re here!” tatta smiled at yn who looked a little nervous, there was a grip she held on her dress that looked like she wanted to quit. “stage fright?” tatta hummed looking outside seeing many people lined up to take pictures of her.
“no. just the paparazzi, i just get nervous because what if i trip and fall and i look stupid?!” she had groaned as the grip loosened she looked out the window getting more anxious. “fuck I CANT DO THIS I HATE THEM” she complained.
tatta ended up slapping yn, “shut up. you look fine, now go in there and do that performance so we can get out of here.” tatta unlocked the door leaving the car to go open the door for yn, a little shocked tatta slapped her. a small giggle left her lips, “thank you for the reality check.” yn had smiled at tatta.
the lights were blinding—she couldn’t even see where she was going the only thing she could see is the carpet the led inside, quickly making her way inside. she made her way to the back where the other performers were getting ready.
her name was being called so much she would’ve thought she won an award or something. “i’m here!!” she had exclaimed raising her hand. the stage director smiled giving her the ear pieces she needed. quickly putting in the ear pieces she made sure they were put on properly.
she grabbed a picture that she kept in her spandex pockets, giving it a small kiss as goodluck—she was ready to perform. but as her name got announced a wave of nervousness washed over her again. she had to shake herself, those nerves are meaningless she told herself.
as the person said her name you made your way up to the stage with a bright smile on her face, waving to everyone or trying too. the lights were blinding..a little too blinding. you looked over to the person who was in control and motioned them to turn it down slightly. they got the hint and were more dimmed out.
“hello everyone!! hopefully you are enjoying the party!” yn had her hands around the microphone standing walking around the small stage, the screams from fans who made it in were evident. “that’s good to hear” yn had chuckled, “i’m going to be performing one of my personal favorites and one that i think everyone will enjoy…Romance!” she has exclaimed, a bunny like smile formed onto her lips.
the crowd was very static to hear you sing the song since it was one of your most popular one! “woah i didn’t know you loved this song so much!” yn had gotten to her position as the lights dimmed, closer her eyes a breathe of excitement made her bones shiver. it wasn’t cold by all means but those goosebumps from performing has merely came.
opening your eyes you were waiting for the music to que, a momentum was sounded in your earpiece to keep you on track. her eyes wandered around and had noticed a white hoodie that resembled chishiya, the comfort feeling washed over you knowing he was here, regardless that be he was invited or was here to watch you perform.
the music started causing yn to put on her stage demeanor, a very flirty yet calm fun loving presence. yn had her eyes following chishiya the whole time, she couldn’t take her eyes off him. but the show must go on, not wanting to cause a storm she pretended to flirt with the male and female fans. there was nothing wrong with some harmless fan service.
after her performance was over, it was rather quick with 3 songs nothing too much and nothing over the top, she had rushed off backstage wanting to take off the earpiece. a part of her wanted chishiya, there was this urge to go hug him and thank him for simply being there even if it was the smallest gesture.
you somewhat got tangled in your ear pieces; slight curse words were mumbled through her lips as she untangled herself; she started rushing to the door looking at the crowd trying to find that white hoodie that ended up not being there anymore. a frown was shown apon her lips. disappointed she made her way to the back door where tatta had been parked waiting for her.
she had pushed the door open a little too roughly, a groan was heard on the otherside causing yn to widen her eyes. she had quickly closed the door behind her looking around “IM SO SORRY I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE HERE” yn worriedly squared down to their side.
the person shook their head with their hand on top of their head, “it’s fine it’s my fault for walking so close..” he groaned. his voice was soft yet low enough that made her blush. she stared at the person closely, the blonde hair and white hoodie looked so fimilar and it finally hit her, “CHISHIYA. OH MY GOD.”
she had moved his face towards hers, she felt the need to look at him to see if there was any injuries. blood was dripping from the side of his face; “you’re bleeding..” she pointed out, she was close to his face. the blush was streaming from her cheeks to her ears, the faint scent of a vanilla like strawberry cologne was evident.
“i’ll be fine it’s just blood, plus i’m a doctor.” he assured her getting up holding out his hand to pull her up, she took the offer getting off the ground. his cold hands were wrapped in his. he made no effort to remove his from hers, his steps were a little wonky. he felt a little lightheaded but tried to shake it off—it didn’t go unnoticed by yn.
“chishiya i need to clean it up..i cant just let you walk home with blood on the side of your head.” yn argued walking over to the busy tatta who was too busy playing on his phone. “TATTA HURRY UP AND TAKE US TP THE CHAIRMANS HOUSE I NEED TO CLEAN UP CHISHIYA!!” yn had exclaimed worriedly, she was talking so fast tatta only caught some of it but hurriedly started up the car.
“COME CHISHIYA COME.” yn pushed chishiya inside who ended up closing his eyes, the dizziness had became too much for him, “i just need water..” chishiya mumbled still holding yn’s hand. the sound of tatta honking was loud alongside the sharp turns.
“TATTA do we have water?!?” yn unbuckled crawling over to tatta, “no but we have juice box!” tatta didn’t bother to look back.
they bickered some more causing chishiya to groan “just give me a fucking juice box.” the grip on his and yn’s hands tightened causing yn to look back at him, a sorry escaped her lips.
she had handed him a juice box that had been in the mini cooler tatta carrie’s around for yn, “thank you” chishiya opened his eyes slowly to drink from the juice box. “fruit punch? hmm” he said as if he was critiquing her. “yes i think fruit punch is the best go to flavor from any brand~” yn had hummed sitting back down at the seat next to chishiya.
yn had started rubbing her thumb in small circle motions, “tatta can you drive any faster..” yn cleared her throat not wanting to annoy chishiya, “IM TRYING. there is a thing called traffic.” tatta scowled.
the three had finally made it to the chairman’s house, ushering chishiya into the house thankfully everyone had been outside at the moment. tatta went outside to go tell kuina yn was here alongside chishiya.
yn had ushered chishiya into one of the empty rooms near the backyard. “i don’t know who’s room this is but i don’t care.” yn said pushing chishiya down onto the bed rummaging to find some alcohol wipes and bandages,
she had found some and cleaned up the wound, casual hisses escaped chishiya’s lips “i thought you were a doctor..surpised you are in pain.” yn had snarked a comment as she went to go throw away the used products, “i’m a doctor not superman.” chishiya clarified back pulling out another juice box from his pockets.
yn had raised an eyebrow, “isn’t that mine..” she looked at him, “yeah but i took it” he smiled cheekily casually drinking it. yn rolled her eyes in amusement, her phone had been spammed by kuina asking where she was and that they are asking her to come perform now.
a sigh escaped her lips “i need to go..” she said as she looked at her phone, chishiya simply hummed knowing she had to do her job. “i’ll be back to pick you up and drop you off at home” yn akwardly smiled at him, before skipping off into the backyard.
yn made sure nobody saw her and sighed in relief, shaking off any nerves that might of been there. she saw kuina and skipped towards her earning a pinch from her, a pout was evident. “i’m sorry i am late..i got wrapped up in something hehe..” yn tried to seem less akward.
she shook the chairman’s hand, “lovely party by the way!” she wanted to be nice when in reality it was a burning business party. the chairman smiled at her positive comment, “don’t worry about being late, if anything everyone was just here early.” he laughed at his own statement and kuina stiffened a chuckle.
yn had just nodded grabbing the guitar that had been propped next to the wooden stool, this was where she had to perform one of her unreleased songs. i mean she’ll get what she’ll get. tuning the guitar she strum in it make sure it sounded nice.
yn had tapped on the microphone gently, “hello hello?” she talked into the mic, “is this working??” she asked looking around. people gave her thumbs up; “well great! hello everyone welcome to the party even if i’m half an hour late welcome!!” she giggled.
chishiya heard some commotion come from outside and it had sounded like yn’s voice, something inside him told him to go outside onto the balcony. and so he listened to those urges and walked onto the balcony leaning against the railing, hands crossed—hoodie draped over his head (WE ALL KNOW THAT SCENE FROM S1 EP3.)
“this is one of my unreleased songs..i’m a little nervous to play this but HERE WE GO HAHA” yn’s voiced boomed from the small speakers. “this song was actually dedicated to one of my crushes i’ve had since my childhood..so do enjoy.”
“it’s called the glue song.” yn had a smile so bright it would light up the whole room. the soft strumming of the guitar with the gentle vocals lured chishiya into it. its almost as if he was being serenaded—and he wasn’t complaining.
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SHE KNOWS — masterlist — next
AN : yes this whole chapter is based off like a 15 minute scene in starstruck YES THIS IS WHERE THE PLOT DEVELOPS AND YES I AM FINALLY OUT OF MY WRITERS BLOCK. AND YES YES YES IT TOOK ME 3 DAYS TO WRITE THIS. i hope you enjoyed <3
tags — closed ❤️‍🩹
@eshtravagent @lunsyeah @aftrnoot @trinmadol @asoullessentity @akowbt @noxceleste @eissaaaa @dr3amscap3 @captivq @arizzu @happyjuhyun @parkersmyth @bwnniidump @r3iverse @le000xxgrd @crinklypink @cherriwn @mxbrahms @parcqq @ikon-teen @jade-flower-edits @scaramilk @yanfei-kisser @seiksyyki @nostalgisters @kokoscutie @elakari @milkkteary @coffeeangel13 @yvrikoo @kozuluvbot @rainbowsaz @naegisimp @kerenz @brdpch @minyoungieee @xashiui @ehddsnys @saltysoftgrungeofscience @hadesdaughtwr @rainqissedd @saiewithakatana @vernon-dursley @kittyrai @shinobuily @kalstar @huachengsbestie01 @xxoperatexx @luvvsnae @celery-o @hy0ukka @odin-hatesu @luv4kuina
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flowers-for-em · 9 months
im back 💋
I make myself comfortable in the passenger seat of Maximilien’s black McLaren. He starts the ignition and revs out of the parking lot smoothly. 
“So,” I start. 
He doesn’t react, waiting for me to properly start the conversation.
In a joking tone, I ask, “This isn’t a kidnapping, right?” 
“You’re not someone I would wish to kidnap,” he replied drily.
“Thank you? Is that meant to be a compliment? I’ll take it as one. But seriously though, where’re we going?” 
“Another studio. I’ve got some pieces I need to see fitted onto a live model.”
“And why me?”
“You’re convenient.” 
“Ouch,” I place a hand over my chest. “And I’m pretty?”
He doesn’t reply. “And my father doesn’t want to see these pieces.”
“Now I’m scared of whatever monstrosity you’re going to put me in.”
“You have no reason to worry your pretty little head over that kind of thing.”
I give him a smile. “You said I’m pretty.” 
“You don’t need me to tell you that. I’m sure you’re already well aware.” Our eyes meet in the rearview mirror and I hold his gaze until he turns it back to the road. He scrunches his nose. 
I purse my lips and look out of the window. “Why doesn’t Marcel wanna see these pieces?”
Maximilien’s silent for a while. Then he replies, “I suppose he just doesn’t like them. He’s stubbornly opposed to my designs for Pierre Rousseau. I’m supposed to take over as creative director for Pierre Rousseau after he resigns, but I doubt he’s going to resign at all if he’s so against my designs.”
“Woah, okay, firstly? I think that’s the most I’ve ever heard you say in one go-”
“Only because you didn’t interrupt me.” 
I raise an eyebrow. “Secondly, your designs are either that bad or that different from the brand.”
“Or my father just dislikes me a lot. None of my ideas were even considered when curating this coming season’s collection. If he doesn’t want to even listen to a small tweak I want to make to a skirt, what makes you think he wants to see an entire collection of my designs?” Maximilien pauses to sneeze into his elbow. “Excuse me.”
“You sneeze a lot.”
“…Summer allergies.”
“Right.” I return my gaze to the window, watching New York pass by in the slow pace of the traffic. 
When he said studio, I expected an atelier in another skyscraper. Instead, we pull up to an apartment. 
“You live here?” I ask as we take the lift up. 
“No, this is just my studio.”
He unlocks the door. Inside the apartment is exactly like the atelier, except that it’s a bit messier. But all the equipment and furniture is white as well, with splashes of color from the materials. 
I gasp when I see the mannequins dressed in bold numbers against an entire wall. Another wall is covered completely in clothing racks. Sure, it may be a very different approach from Pierre Rousseau, but they have an outstanding quality and style  altogether. 
Tracing a light finger over the detailed edge of a bustier, I turn to Maximilien. “These are amazing.” 
“You’re just saying that.” He takes off his blazer jacket and drapes it over a chair, loosening his tie and undoing the top two buttons. I try my best not to notice the way the fabric of his shirt clings to his toned biceps. 
“You think I would compliment you just like that?” I scoff, “Please.”
“You’re hilarious.”
Despite his sarcastic tone, I smile sweetly at him. “I know.” 
“Okay, well.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “You’re not here to provide me with your painful lack of comedic skills, you’re here to model designs, and you can’t do that fully clothed.”
Amaryllis blushes. Sparkly eyed and pink cheeked like some sort of cartoon character. 
“Aren’t you at least going to turn around?” she questions, stepping out of her heels. 
“Fine.” I walk over to the open kitchen, stepping out of the range of her perfume. I swear I still have a headache from sitting in the car next to her strong scent for almost half an hour. “Would you like a glass of water?”
“As long as it isn’t poisoned.” 
“I don’t see what use a dead model would be to me.” 
There’s the sound of clothes rustling, and when I turn around to place her glass of water on the counter, she’s almost completely naked with her long arms crossed over her chest. While she downs the glass of water, I let my eyes wander appreciatively over her. She’s a pretty canvas. 
She trails her hands from the side of her ribs down to her hips, doe eyed innocence as she smiles at me. I know better than to be fooled, pulling my gaze away and walking over to the racks of clothing. I can’t keep her here for too long, so I’ll only be able to get here to wear a few of the designs. 
I pick out a dress that turns into different shades of blue under different lighting, unhooking it from the hanger and handing it to her. Amaryllis unzips the dress and steps into it, and I zip her into it from the back. 
She turns to face the mirror positioned in the corner of the room, gasping and smoothing her hands over the bodice. “Ooh, I love!”
“Yeah? It looks great on you. Walk for me.” 
She tosses her hair as she walks from one end of the house to the other, and I watch as the dress shimmers under the sunlight streaming through the windows. Making a dress and wearing it on a stationary mannequin is one thing, but seeing it in motion is a whole other. 
“What’s it made of? I’ve never seen a dress like this before,” she muses, returning to the mirror. 
“Photochromic dyescreate. It was such a tough material to source and use.” 
She does a little spin in the dress, and I watch as the light reflects off the dress and makes it look like the ocean. “Is there any way I can buy this off you?”
“Nope,” I shake my head once. “None of these are for sale.” 
I can hear the sharp breath she takes in and see the way her already good posture straightens even more when my fingers brush over her back and I unzip the dress. 
I’ve worked with so many different models before, dammit, I’ve even seen some of them completely nude, but something about Amaryllis is different. Honestly, I never really saw female bodies as anything more than moving mannequins before. But her, with her loud, cocky, show-off attitude, demands attention. 
I hand her the next number, sneezing when she gets too close to me. That damn vanilla perfume. I don’t get how anyone stands it. 
The dress is a gauzy, pink piece that looks like it’s just been draped over the body, when it’s actually held together by a thin layer of skin colored tulle. She steps into the dress, her eyebrows raising when she catches her reflection in the mirror. 
I frown. “Let me get some pins.”
“On this material? You’ll ruin it.”
“I made it, I know what would ruin it. I just want to see it fit nicely.” I find a box of pins under scraps of fabric. Standing behind her, I pinch up a little section of the dress until it hugs her slim waist the way it’s supposed to. 
“Ow!” she winces when I slide the pin in. “You poked me.”
“Don’t be so dramatic,” I scold with a shake of my head. She’s obnoxious. 
“You stabbed me with a safety pin.” 
“I did not stab you, and it was an accident.” I secure the pin on the small of her back, tightening the material. 
She rolls her eyes. “Come on.”
“Come on what? Walk.”
“Say sorry first, Maximilien.” 
My brows crease at her. She places her hands on her hips, looking at me through the mirror. I sigh. “I’m sorry for poking you with the pin, but if you keep this up, I won’t apologize the next time I purposely stab you with one.” 
“You were the one who wanted me here. If you’re getting annoyed, it’s all on you.” 
She struts down the little space of the apartment, the dress making her look like a princess. It’s like Cinderella’s ruined dress, but pretty. 
“The craftsmanship is incredible. Your dad must be crazy not wanting this in the collection. See, maybe add some flowers here”—she gestures to the side of her hip—“boom. Spring collection finale. Okay, maybe not finale, but you get the point.” 
“You talk too much.” I grab her by the waist, pulling her in front of me before fussing with the loose material around her hips. 
“I’m just trying to compliment you! Plus, you have too many opinions on me that I didn’t ask for,” she retorts, a hand on my shoulder to steady herself.
“You have too many opinions on everything. Instead of sewing dresses maybe I should sew your mouth shut.”
That earns me a teasing swat on the side of my head, only making me chuckle. 
“You are the most ass guy I’ve ever met. And I’ve met a lot of guys,” she huffs. 
I stand back, still frowning at the dress. “Whatever. Take that off.”
With another stubborn little huff, she carefully steps out of the dress. 
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pompadourpink · 2 years
Hi mom im 19 in college and i feel super depressed but i have no idea why, my life is great, i love my family, nothing is wrong, but i'm just super bored and miserable, feel like i'm wasting my time on social media but can't stop, do you have any advice?
Hello dear,
Two things: overstimulation and loneliness.
We are drowning in content (social media, YT, podcasts, shows, ads, music) as well as sensory experiences (traffic, chatter, crowds, colours, lights) and our cerebral activity is constantly through the roof. Spend twenty minutes on TikTok and you can easily have your heart broken by someone saying goodbye to their cat, be reminded of your singleness (and comment something that "the highway is looking real nice rn"), amazed by someone's beauty and laugh at a dog video.
This is an exhausting way to live. You should be the main character of your life but you choose, day after day, to be a spectator of everyone else's. You happily gamble away hours and hours of your existence that you will never get back in order to find out what this influencer ate today or what's happened to Ned Fulmer. That's the reason why I post very little on my own social media: I don't want to rob you of your time, the most precious thing you'll ever have.
You don't communicate much because you've never learned how to make friends (since you ignore people IRL - watching stories and liking tweets don't count). You don't call grandma, don't hang out with friends, don't have Halloween plans. You stroke your pet with one hand and your eyes pinned to your screen (could be a blanket and you wouldn't know), neglect your needs, and procrastinate until you are so disgusted with yourself that you have a breakdown.
And obviously, politics aren't helping. My gen isn't doing too good, gen Z is scarily passive when something bad happens because they're unsensitized to violence (as they binge true crime, fear school shootings and make suicide jokes constantly), and I don't even want to know how iPad babies are going to turn out.
The people who make content purposefully put you in a position where you will want to keep scrolling, watching, liking, they'll make you believe that you need their product until you buy it (and nothing happens because you never needed it but now you lost money and you're sad because the happy chemicals are already back home) and they know it's hurting you, but it makes them money, so they won't stop. This means you need to make the decision to walk away yourself.
You don't need to consume stuff all the time. You shouldn't feel a need to get your phone out when waiting in line. You shouldn't feel ugly without a filter (if you even like yourself at all). You shouldn't feel ghost vibrations when your phone is in your pocket. You shouldn't have something playing at all times. You shouldn't be afraid of eating out alone or of being empty-handed because then your demons would start talking and you're unwilling to see what they want and how they got there.
Put your phone on flying mode after 9pm. Dim the lights. Turn off the music. Open the window and see what the world is up to. Count red cars, find shapes in the clouds, guess people's jobs, look for dogs, whatever you want, but nothing else. No music, no screens, no distractions. Lie on the bed and try to feel every part of your body. Have a full conversation without taking your eyes away from the other person. Eat without something to watch. Leave your phone in the room when you're going potty. Go for walks and listen to birds. Make small talk with anyone who looks nice, on the subway, at the laundromat, in class.
Choose to live before it's too late. It's already your second chance.
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fartquen12 · 2 years
can i have a zhongli x reader where he makes a tea out of his gf's caca to show his gf he loves her pls and tanks <3333333
Valentines dokie dookie tea ft. john stamos
TRIGGER WARNINGS: dookie, Fart, Nonconsenstual stealing poop, tea, dookie tea, zhongli being my version of zhongli, y/n, bl00d, cringe, she her prns (y/n), valentines day. (will defenitly offend you if you are a mini ravi/kyle)
*RING RING* "oh fuc- OWWAA" I screeched as I fell out of bed. *RING RING* I slammed my hand down on the alarm to shut it off. "goddamn." I said almost silently. I got up off the floor and made my bed. Thats when I realised it was valentines day! I have a date with zhongli and I look like a poop riden child! I ran to the bathroom and took a cold shower. It was so cold I literally sharted. After that I went to my closet to look for some nice clothes since our date was in 1 hour. I saw this brown and black and white box print dress in my closet. I wore it because I wanted to loook like i havent changed since the easter event. I went to the bathroom and did my makeup. Brown lipgloss. pink and red eyeshadow with a bit of brown and purple to make it look like i have a disease and pink eye (dookie in eye dont be an asspiker). I did some mascara and lots of hot pink blush so i can look dead. highliter on my nose eye corner cheeks eyes and a lil on my buhol.I ran to the front door and put on my ninja turdl socks and my paw patrol shoes. I opened my front door and locked up after i left. I got into my adorbs car. My car is a red car it is 4 ft tall and 3 ft in legnth. It has orange flames on the side and black stripes. I got in and started blasting... "IM A BAD BAD DOG!" and I have a billy fartgrove funkpop in my window aswell as vecnas bumhole printed on my lisence plate. My windows are fully tinted so no one can see me and I have a student driver sticker on the back of my car!
I buckled myself into my booster seat bc even though I am 18 I am 3'4 uWu. I looked at myself in the mirror and winked. I quickly backed out of my driveway. As i drove out of my trailer park I saw eddie munson twerking at me. I thought that was nasty. I worridly drived because my date starts in 15 minutes and it takes 1 hour to drive to the resturant he said to go to. Its called "dilucs tavern" anyways I drove at 200 miles per hour on the free way and i do not know why everyone honks at me. I rolled down my window and said "FUK U". I mean it is the "free" way right? anyway i drove and drove and after about 45 minutes i arrived. I saw the man from tinder crying through the window at an empty table. I quickly got out of my car and locked it. The sound to make sure I locked isssss..... *fart* Perfect. I walked into dilucs tavern and i was greeted by the man. "OH! Y/n so good to see you!" The man said. "Yeah! I'm so sorry I was late I um..... uh. I got stuck in.. traffic yeah." I said hoping he wouldnt realise my fatass actually slept through the 50 alarms i set. He smiled at me and handed me a menu. As I read through the menu I decided on "fart lard and turkey" from the menu. The waiter then asked me what I would like to drink "Hmmm. I will take a finger lickin poopy ass dookie as potatoe ass green dookie fart penis poop salad beer!" I replied. "Good choice!" the waiter said smiling. It was silent for about 3 minutes. Best 3 minutes of my life. "So uh. What do you do for work?" The man across me asked. "oh! uhm. uh.... well i- um i-." i didnt exactly know what to say. "Its okay if you cant tell me." he said looking quite sad. "No! Its fine! I'm a..... well um.... i clean poop out of old peoples butts at scaramouchers nursing home..." I said. I tried to scan his expression for any thoughts of strangeness but the man didnt say anything. He smiled. "I wish I had your job!" the man said. I laughed assuming he was joking. it was silent for a while till i decided to speak up. "you have any kids? and pets?" I said awkwardly. "Oh no! You know me I hate kids haha." the man said. I stared at him agressivly for a second because I have 10 p named children at home. I just laughed. he looked at me weird but then the waiter gave us our food and drinks.
"Thank you!" I said to the waiter. He looked.... fimiliar. wait. I stood up and got in his face. I pulled his face mask off as he said "MAAM PLEASE DUE TO COVID STAY SIX FEET AND DONT TOUCH ME!!!!" i paused.... "Y/n????!!!" The waiter said angrily! "XIAO????" I said even more angrily "OH FUK YOU" The xiao said to me. "YOUR GONNA GET IT NOW BITCH!!! I SCREAMED! "WTF!!!!" zhomgli said standing up now recording this.. "YEAH TAKE YOUR TOP OFF!!" some random man said from across the bar. I locked myself in the bathroom. I came out covered in blood. "WHERES THAT MAN!!" said zhongli. "I juST KiLled mY eX." i said zhongli threw something in my face it was a brown liquid "TF IS THAT!!!!" i screamed. "I STOLE POOP FROM YOUR SHOWER AND MADE IT INTO TEA BC IM LITERALLY YANDERE FOR YOU DADDDY!" ZHONGLI SHOUTED. "THA FUCCCCC!!!" I yelled "ALSO I KNOW YOUR A BIG FATASS I PUT A CAM IN YOUR BEDRROM AND SAW YOU SLEEP THROUGH 50 ALARMS!" He shouted again. I ran out the bar so fast got in my car locked it and started blasting "IM A BAD BAD DOG!" while driving out of the parking lot i saw eddie munson twerking at me again. "FUK YOU!" I shouted at him. Then he ran faster than the speed of light and jumped on my car denting my ceiling cuz hes so fat and he broke a window and got in with me "BOY WTF!!!!!" I screamed "PULL OVER!!" Eddie yelled. I did as he said. and thats when john stamos himself got in my car and started blastinf Taco farts! I laughed so hard ive never laughed harder in my life. Me and these guyes quirky lil guyes drove off into the sunset and I hope to never see zhongli ever again.
Also guys tysm for 50 likes! You guys are the best! Make sure to request!
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myapathyhaspeaked · 3 months
fun fact when i fainted as a teenager (spent too long by the poolside in the florida summer) my mother started constantly asking if i felt faint/hot or if i’d had anything to drink whenever the temperature shoots up. which i mean kinda valid, but i don’t have anything that makes me prone to fainting, and she was wasn’t as worried about my brother. like the only problem was that it was hot and id probably not had a drink in a while. she cooled off after a while but sometimes she still asks if i’m drinking stuff.
so uh cut to me being in waiting mode all saturday, therefore not eating or drinking anything bc i didn’t leave my room and id ran out of snacks and my thermos was empty, plus by the time i started being hungry enough to not ignore it i was preparing to shower. and i get in the shower and there is a fine line between boiling and normal human temperatures, and i can’t find it because the dial is janky, so i settle for a simmering boil and, uh, shower.
and it’s fine for the most part, pretty humid (that’s a surprise tool that’ll fuck us up later), but when i get out and start changing into my church clothes, my vision starts to get a staticky (well, more staticky than it usually is without my glasses lol, plus it’s a stall so nothing should be so far away that that’s happening). and uh oh, guess what was the beginning symptom at the pool. so i start rushing to put on my clothes, which is made a bit difficult by my arms feeling like i’ve replaced my bones with lead, my sense of balance being slightly fucked, a massive fucking headache, and the static obscuring my vision pretty well now. all the while i’m loudly muttering help bc if i fall and bonk my head id like help but for whatever reason i can’t talk louder than conversational level and there’s no one there anyway.
but i have my dress on now (backwards), so now i’m perfectly decent to um fall on the icky shower stall floor. luckily i didn’t fall backwards like last time (or at least i think i did, i was grabbing my dads arm as we walked to the car but i woke up supine on the ground) my legs just give out and i crumple to where my dress is now wet but i don’t hit my head. yippee. also i didn’t go night night so i’m not entirely sure it counts as fainting?
but i pick myself up as soon as i’m somewhat sure i’m not an immediate fall risk and i get to the part where the sinks end and there’s a corner to the door and oh would you look at that im still a fall risk bc i fall again! still, didnt hit my head, so pretty good. dropped my shower stuff holder thing and my body wash fell out so i had to come back and duck under the sink to grab it though. ugh. however, did not go night night. so i’m also not sure if this counts as fainting. maybe i can count them as half faints and say i fainted once idk.
so i get up and do my best to speed walk to my room bc it’s at the end of the hall and the hallway has a lot more traffic than the bathroom. and it sucks bc i’m dizzy and my head hurts, plus my dress is wet and i just touched the bathroom floor twice when i’d just showered, so i feel very gross. but i don’t have time to shower again so it is what it is. and once i get into my dorm i lock the door (probably stupid given the circumstances but oh well) and lay on the floor so that i’m physically incapable of falling but mainly so that i can cool off bc the floor is kinda cold. and i just uh walked to church after that. did not remedy the hungry/thirsty situation (i might have taken a swig of those naked smoothie bottles but definitely not enough to do anything).
and uh i have that under lock and key from my family bc if i tell my parents that my mom will probably not let me out if it’s over 90 ever again, and that’s like most of a florida summer, and i can’t tell my brother bc he might snitch (even more likely he’ll make fun of me, but if my parents over hear the jokes it’ll have the same effect).
so um huzzah, don’t leave me out in the sun.
0 notes
NUber and CVS suck.
I totally did not have the energy for that.
I’m shivvering under a blanket all over again.
I knew it. I knew it as soon as I was forced to sit on the steps waiting 20 plus minutes for a “3-4-3-4” min away NUberfkndriver to show up.
Like what’s he doing? Jerking one cuz he had a young, nubile, Valentine’s day couple to drop off, eh? Fucker in his orange fucking jeep renegade.
Then got into a dope ass suv who decided to show off by driving crazy along w two other’s in cvs parking lot.
That guy totally was an ass, truck bitch was at fault 100%. I even wrote a thing to Uber just to make sure they have my say in it. My dude drove forward before the guy backed up ( I didn’t tell them that though lol) I didn’t tell them because we totally would have made it past him if he didn’t back up sideways like a fkn tard on the WORST road to do that on. We needed a second for him to wait and it would’ve been fine. He didn’t cut the wheel at all either. I said “why the fuck did he back up?” then I said “do u just want me to go inside? “ n he was like YA! Walked out n looked at his crushed side mirror n wasliwtf
it was glorious. He stepped WAY THE FUCK back after this dumb back and forth..
Isaid, that means nothing.”
For the third time to this huge fuckin 6ft whatever tall bald Especially didn’t want to run into my new “best friend” …this one DIPSHIT cop that I made a complete fool put of. Oh god I loved it. I got off later on about it. He was so RED in the face with embarrassment and a flu apparently. He legit blew air in my face. It had to be him. I should call back just to give it back to him. I knew the other cop. He knew me, he knew I wasn’t lying. The last faces i said i wanted to see were theirs and apologized.
Uhh did that flu ridden mofo even search our names? Of course naht! I’m TOO old (for this obnoxious ((mid 20’s but looks older than me) neighbor having no life and being obsessed even though a lesbian joke happened) shit. I’m older than one of the cops by 3 yrs and grumpymcflufuck was at least 41. and I don’t even have a single speeding fucking ticket. flu riddenmofofo
My uber driver would’ve been way more embarrassed if I was standing with that group of middle aged 50-60 yr old men group. Fuck that. I went inside and then snuck over to the 24 store across the street to pee lol. N he said yea. Cuz they had to call the cops n these three dudes were sucking any surrounding witnesses into standing outside with them waiting for the cops. The truck guy was like did u see that can u wait here to some rasta dude in some white eRly 80’s car no shit. I am thinking bro why do u want more witnesses to you fucking up? It’s an accident. That dude wasn’t even a part of it. We had a line of traffic! I can only assume he’s not from around here. There’s a lot of construction shit going on here
So there was this kinda crazy bitch back in my middlechool yrs calles Cristina. I jeard she became a chunky lesbian stripper in Miami. I just searched, I was curious, haven’t heard a word bout this gal in ages, from anyone. Not even the one dude who was obsessed. She makes these pop art super easy canvas things, which an elephant has made look better and it doesn’t have fingers. A trunk is pretty flexible but anyway…lol…she makes these cliché ’ pop-art (insanely simplified) hand-netted basketball nets. Not sure if she’s the only one but it totally seems niche-like. Her art isn’t terrible but it’s NoT something that would make me say wow wtf?
Fkn weaksauce.
So she’s bragging on this fake ass interview thing she posted herself haha and mentions she’s sold to some high rollers like Rlck ross n a bunch of other low mil net worth ppl
n im just like… yea, you’re not applying yourself whole-heartedly, Christina.
Cmon man…
#1 Leave Miami.
#2 Talk to OTHER people, make friends.., reach outwards.
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