#would have been cooler if they saluted in the show instead of fists
kiinghanalister · 6 months
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The true end of our captivity came about 12:30 P.M. when the American flag, Old Glory, was seen being hoisted to the top of a church steeple in the town of Moosburg only a short distance away. As one, 8,000 American kriegies faced the church, came to attention and saluted, all with tears of pride in our country and pent up emotion trickling down our cheeks. (source)
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
i. Losers, The Princess and the Pogue Series
Only losers go to school, I taught myself how to move. I'm not the type to count on you, because stupids next to "I love you".
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, possible season 2 spoilers (if you squint), underage drinking, weed smoking, swearing, fistfights, mentions of blood
Summary: It’s the last day before their senior year and The Pogues are throwing a rager at the Boneyard to celebrate. That’s where JJ meets her.
Words: 1817
“JJ, come help me with the keg!” John B shouted, grabbing one end of the keg and waiting for JJ to grab the other side. JJ passed the package of red solo cups to Kiara, strolling up to grab the other side of the keg, gripping it tight and lifting it up over the driftwood that rested in their path.
It was time for one of the Pogues famous keggers at the Boneyard, and the gang was gearing up to celebrate. The first day of their senior year of high school was tomorrow, and they were buzzing with excitement. The fact that the fivesome had even made it that far, alive, was a miracle. Especially with how many days they had missed school over the past three years. But it didn’t matter, none of it mattered, they had made it.
“Yo Pope, get the fire going, the sun’s about to set!” JJ instructed, dropping some sticks in the designated fire pit spot. Their eager and early attendees would be showing up within the hour.
“Kie and I got it.” Pope responded, working with Kiara to get the sticks in the perfect arrangement. They worked on the fire while Sarah started filling solo cups up with beer for each of them, passing them out one-by-one until each had a cup in their hands.
Pope and Kiara had finally sparked the fire, the flames roaring to life, lighting up the Boneyard along with the large lanterns they had set up across the space for extra illumination.
“Alright guys, gather around.” John B commanded, each of the Pogues huddling together in a circle, raising their cups high in the air. Sarah wrapped an arm around John B’s chest, leaning into his side and looking up at him.
“We’ve been through hell and back, Pogues. And somehow the devil hasn’t devoured us yet. To the start of an unforgettable senior year, and to trying to go a few days without almost being murdered.” He moved his cup to the middle of the circle, the others banging their glasses together, droplets of beer spilling into the sand.
“Don’t get soft on us, John B.” JJ teased, chugging the rest of the beer in his cup before tossing it playfully at the man. John B laughed, chasing JJ down the beach to tackle him. The sound of voices in the distance fills the air, the wafting noise of a speaker playing a soulful beat hitting the gang’s ears.
“Yo, John B! JJ! Get your asses over here, it’s party time!” Kiara screamed, waving them over as the first group of people appeared past the tree line.
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Hours later and the kegger was in full swing, groups of the working-class derelicts and Kooks talking amongst their kind. Pope and Kiara were chilling at the far end of the beach, Kiara picking up some solo cups that had been dropped in the sand, complaining about how no-one cared about the Earth anymore. John B and Sarah were over with a group of kids from their school, discussing the upcoming year and some of the kids talking about where they planned to go to college.
That left JJ alone, filling up his cup with a third helping of beer for the evening. He had smoked a blunt earlier with a few of his classmates, and he was floating on the perfect high. JJ loved to watch people when he got like this, watching the different groups interact, hyper focusing on the way the flames of the fire flickered, sending smoke into the starry night sky. Damn he loved this place.
He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard some commotion coming from the right side of the beach near the fire pit, a group of Kooks blocking his view of what was happening.
“Kelce, the girl said to back off.” Topper noted, tugging on the back of the man’s shirt.
“Topper, I’m not doing anything, man. I’m just getting to know the new girl.” He stated, stepping closer to y/n, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “Isn’t that right, beautiful?”
Y/N slapped his hand away, squaring her shoulders and standing up straighter, looking up at the man.
“Don’t call me that.” She hissed.
JJ heard the group talking amongst themselves, gathering around the two, and he pushed his way through the crowd of people to take in the situation. That’s when he first laid eyes on her.
Her body was sucked into a black lace bodysuit, the string laced like shoes along her chest. Her light denim cutoffs hung from her hips, the bottoms coming just below her ass. She donned a pair of black Ked sneakers, her outfit casual yet classy. Was she a Kook?
“Why? It’s a compliment. You don’t like compliments?” Kelce questioned, taking a step closer, their faces inches apart. “C’mon, just one dance, Princess.” He placed a hand on her arm, stroking it as she pulled back.
“You’re repulsive.” She spat, turning on her heel to walk away.
“And you’re a miserable bitch.” Before Y/N could turn to respond, JJ had stalked forward, shoving Kelce backwards onto the beach.
“You dirty fucking Pogue!” Kelce fumed, standing back up and shoving JJ back, almost knocking down y/n in the process. The sentence spurred JJ on, throwing punches at Kelce before the other man socked him right in his left eye, having him stumble backwards for a moment.
“Not so tough now, huh JJ? Did your piece of shit dad teach you how to fight too?”
That was the last straw, JJ lurching forward and knocking Kelce to the sand, his fists flying wildly as he punched him once, twice, three times before getting off him. Kelce gasped for breath, spitting out blood onto the sand as Topper got down on the sand next to Kelce, holding his hand out for JJ to stop.
“Cut it out! Kelce, let’s go.” Topper urged, helping the man to his feet before the two disappeared into the crowd, a few Kooks following them.
JJ let out a chuckle, wiping at the fresh cut above his eyebrow that was dripping blood onto his cheek. His eye was killing him, groaning as he held a hand up to cover it, y/n appearing before him on his right side, his only side with vision now.
“Are you alright?” She questioned, knowing he probably wasn’t considering the state his face was in. JJ spit blood into the sand, tilting his head down to look at her. She was at least a foot shorter than him, which wasn’t hard, considering he was 6’0.
“I was actually gonna ask you that.” He retorted, his injured eye twitching beneath his hand.
“M’fine. Let me at least get you some ice for your eye.” Y/N gestured JJ to follow her towards a group of coolers someone had brought, digging inside to grab a few pieces of loose ice. She pulled down the olive-green bandana that she had tied into her hair, unraveling it until she had enough space to put the ice inside, wrapping it up tight before turning back to JJ.
“Sit down.” She instructed, gesturing to the large tree trunk along the ground. JJ didn’t protest, sitting down before y/n plopped down beside him, holding out the makeshift ice pack to him.
“I’ll live, I’ve had worse.” He pointed out, taking the bandana from her hand and placing it upon his swollen eye. Of course, he’d attend his first day of senior year with a black eye. Nothing new in his life.
“I’m just trying to be nice, y’know, for what you did back there.” She noted, staring down at her shoes.
JJ turned his head and shifted his body so he could face her, nursing his injured eye with the bandana. “Kelce is a piece of shit; you’ve caught onto that pretty quickly it seems.” He stuck out his hand to her, his knuckles starting to swell from the punches he’d laid to Kelce’s face. “I’m JJ by the way.”
She grabbed his hand in her own, shaking it up and down, her eyes locked on his. “Y/N.” They kept shaking hands for a moment before y/n finally pulled away, her cheeks heating up from the blush on her face.
“S’nice to meet ya, y/n. Never seen you around town before.” He shifted the ice to his right hand, his left needing to thaw from the cold that the ice produced.
“Just moved back last week, I’ll be starting my senior year at Kildare tomorrow. I lived here until I was three then my mom had us move.”
“Moved to where?” He questioned, relaxing his posture.
“Missoula, Montana.” She picked at a loose string on her shorts, listening to a group of guys behind her egging each other on to chug their drinks.
“Welcome back, I guess.” This clearly wasn’t the greatest welcoming committee for her, but that’s what life was like out here. Before JJ could say anything else, he was interrupted by the sound of John B’s voice calling out for him in the distance. John B walked towards the pair, his hand laced with Sarah’s, stopping a few feet from where they sat on the log. His eyes moved back and forth between the two, a confused expression on his face as he took in the site of JJ.
“Uh, I was just about to ask you if you wanted to get out of here, Sarah’s Uncle Matt will kill me if I don’t get her home by at least midnight, since it’s a school night.” The aftermath of the past few years had Sarah living with her Aunt Linda, her Uncle Matt, her cousin Elizabeth, and her sister Wheezie. JJ had been living with John B for the past year, and the trio had arrived together at the Boneyard in John’s van.
“Yeah man, I’ll be right there.” JJ stood up, offering y/n back her bandana ice pack, but y/n protested.
“You keep it.” She gave him a warm smile, resting her thumb against her lip bottom lip.
“I’ll wash it and give it back.” He announced, backing up in the direction that John B and Sarah had headed. “I’ll see you at school then?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Sure thing. Thanks again, JJ.” 
JJ didn’t respond, instead giving her a one-handed salute before doing a 180 spin towards John B and Sarah. He jogged up after them, flanking John’s right side as they walked towards his van.
“What’s with the shiner?” John B asked.
“And the cut that’s bleeding above your eyebrow.” Sarah added, squeezing John B’s hand in hers.
“Kelce was bothering that new girl. It was an excuse to beat the shit out of that Kook.” He mumbled, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.
“Whatever you say man, let’s hurry up before Sarah’s Uncle sprays me with the hose for making her late again.”
Tagging those who may be interested. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list: @midnightf​, @bucksmotel​, @blackwiddows​, @sokovianheadtilt​, @astrydis​, @moniamaybank​, @matbarzalschain​
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maybebanks · 4 years
That Side of You
JJ Maybank x Reader
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⚠️: allusions to abuse, anxiety
“Y/n why don’t you take that off and enjoy the sun!” JJ smiles, waving his beer as he said it.
“Nice try,” you rolled your eyes at JJs attempt to see you in your bikini. You had on black shorts and a beige oversized t-shirt. On of your staples recently.
“What’s up with you?” JJ asked, sitting down next to you. You could feel the interrogation coming on. And then would come the pity.
“Back off JJ,” you warned, getting up and moving to the other side of the boat.
“What’s up her ass?” You heard JJ ask John B.
“Huh. Y/n turn you down? Again?” John B joked in a sarcastic tone.
“Yeah right dipshit. As if she could turn down my charms,” JJ winked.
“She can and she did, JJ,” Kiara laughes.
“Whatever. Diver down folks!” JJ shouted, saluting you before plunging into the dark blue ocean of the marsh.
You envied him. His constant happiness, and humor. But not enough to let him convince you to be happy.
You didn’t have time for that. Not anymore. What was the reason anyway?
“Hey,” Pope nudges you from behind. You’re startled, so you jump back, tensing and involuntarily gasping.
“Jeez. I know JJ is an idiot but you have been acting strange lately,” Pope inquires, furrowing his brows in thought.
It was sweet. They cared. But that wasn’t enough to make you show them. To make you cry. To look weak.
“Can everyone please get off my ass,” you groaned, reaching for a beer.
JJ has made it out of the water, and has now snuck up behind you and was going to join you in the effort to get a beer. But instead, he came up with a new idea.
JJ reaches foreward towards the cooler, but then saw u bending down and decided to slap your ass.
It was a gentle tap, but you still felt it. And immediately straighten.
You turned around and saw JJ smiling. But when he saw your expression it dropped slightly.
“Had to see if it was tight,” JJ shrugged, walking backwards nervously.
“I’m gonna kill you,” you warned.
“Shitt, mama’s mad,” he joked, turning around quickly towards the other edge of the boat.
“I swear to God JJ!!” You screamed, chasing after him.
You nearly grabbed him, but he slipped away and jumped off the boat, diving head first.
You scoffed when his head rose up again.
“Whoo!” He said, flipping his hair causing water to splash off.
“You touch my ass again, and I’ll kick yours,” you threatened, turning your back and taking a swig of the beer JJ left behind.
“The adrenaline from that, man,” JJ muttered as the whole group laughed under the sun.
“Hey,” JJ said to you ask you both walked down the dock and headed to the grounds of the Chateau.
“What now?” You asked impatiently.
“I thought uh we could talk?” JJ mentioned. Throwing on one of his cut off tees.
“About?” you shrugged him off.
JJ seemed as if he didn’t want to get into it. He just had been feeling off, about the way you were acting. Sure you were always this confident, tough girl, but he had recently seen the signs. Signs that he himself had exhibited. When he had a particularly nasty run in with his dad.
“Whatever...J...I don’t wanna get all serious right now. Rather just get high,” you shrugged, partly ignoring him in general.
JJ wasn’t one to get serious, and he could tell you were pushing him away. So he figured he’d wait until you were more open.
Before he could respond though, you disappeared down the hallway.
Your shower gave you time to think, you decided it was ultimately best to avoid JJ. You’ve been trying to push him away with your words, but that only made him chase you.
You walked into John B’s room and found a clean shirt to throw on, and used some pj shorts you left over.
Before you could collapse onto the bed, a light knock erupted on the open door.
“You crashing here tonight?” JJ asked you, throwing you a tired smile.
“I am, yeah. That a problem?” You responded.
JJ shook his head, “No, no. As long as your okay sleeping with me,” JJ said, pulling his shirt over his head and hopping into the bed.
“Wait what? I- I’m sleeping here! I had the couch last time,” you argued, gesturing for him to get out of the bed.
He continued to settle under the covers, “Pope’s got the couch,” he shrugged.
“Fuck,” you muttered.
“It’s no big deal, Y/n. I don’t snore, remember?” he yawns.
You groaned. But reluctantly got in the bed on the other side of JJ.
He smiled at you. You rolled your eyes and laughed at his stupid smirk.
But before you could get comfortable, your ears perked up at the sound of glass shattering.
You sat up straight, feeling your back tense and your fists clench.
JJ noticed at propped himself up against the wall.
After a few minutes, nothing happened. So JJ leaned over you and turned off the light.
You were zoned out, so you barely noticed.
“Goodnight,” JJ whispered. Lying flat on his back.
“Good-“ you stopped when you heard shouting from outside the door.
“What the fuck?! You broke this shit!” You heard John B shout.
Him and Pope began to fight. Throwing insults left and right.
“Dude that was my last picture!!! You broke the fucking frame!”
“Chill! Your acting like a maniac!” Pope retaliated.
You felt your anxiety kick in when the insults started getting worse. Neither one of the boys were going to stop.
You brought your hands over your ears and smashed your face into the pillow.
“We’re trying to sleep in here!!” JJ yelled from beside you. You gasped in surprise.
JJ then looked at you, through the dim lighting he could clearly tell you were struggling.
You started rolling to the side, closer to him.
He heard you muttering softly, “don’t listen...don’t listen,” you told yourself.
JJs heart dropped. He could hear everything from your heartbeat to your breathing.
JJ was frozen. He didn’t want to scare you away with affection, and he was also afraid of rejection.
You tossed closer to him. Burying your head in the pillow near his shoulder. Tensing up at the sound of raised voices.
“Uh...” JJ said, it was all he could think of, Y/n was acting totally out of character.
Y/n sniffled a bit. Then immediately moved back away from JJ.
“Oh shit...uh sorry,” you mumbled, realizing JJ was uncomfortable with you.
“No..uh no it’s okay,” JJ stuttered, but it was too late, you already turned around. Curing into a ball, facing the opposite way.
“Y/n, really. I’m just shocked...I mean you never act like this-“ JJ rambled.
“Shut up,” you told him. It was harsh and fast.
“Y/n I’m not trying to-“
“Stop talking, JJ,” you warned.
“You don’t have to push me away-“
“SHUT UP!” you shouted. Covering your ears with your palms once again. Breathing heavily again.
JJs lips pursed together, in his gut he felt hurt by the way you yelled at him. He wanted you to reveal what was bothering you.
JJ waited a few minutes before making any movements, just listening to you breathe.
He finally turned to face you, resting his head on one arm.
You flinched at the noise, but when you finally took in your surroundings you realized the yelling from John B had stopped.
You just realized the vulnerability you were in. You just snapped at JJ and he was going to want an explanation.
You turned to face him, eyes wide as you looked into his.
“I shouldn’t have...snapped at you like that. I’m...uh sorry,” you admitted.
You never usually apologized, it was something that had always been hard for you.
JJ took note of this, but didn’t want to point it out.
“You can talk to me, you know? I can tell there’s something you need to talk about,” JJ said, it was weird being this emotional with you.
“It’s nothing. I shouldn’t have freaked,” you said, taking in a deep breath.
“When your ready,” JJ said, letting you know that he wasn’t going to believe your lies that you were “fine”.
You nodded, and something in the way JJ was looking at you, made you slowly move towards him. Resting your head on his shoulder.
He smiled lightly, and you closed your eyes.
He sat still for a few moments, then, you felt his hand meet your waist.
It was a shock, which was why you reacted the way you did.
You gasped with a sharp intake of breath, pushing JJ back by the chest.
“Hey, hey, stay calm Y/n,”
“I- I... um,” you didn’t know what to say, you didn’t want to throw out another apology because then the other one would be meaningless.
“Did I hurt you?” JJ whispered.
You shook your head, “I’m just a little on edge...don’t mean to freak you out. Can we just forget this ever happened?” You pleaded.
“No,” JJ blurted.
You scoffed, “excuse me?”
“I’m not going to forget that you’ve been hiding this side of you. And it’s been eating you up,” JJ said, he knew a thing or two about ignoring emotions.
Soon enough everything you’ve bottled up would come out.
“That’s not what this is,” you lied, sitting up, your back up from the covers.
“Why did the yelling make you so upset?” JJ asked, mirroring your actions.
You bit your lip, trying to make a decision, “I just don’t like it,”
“Jesus, Y/n. I’ve already told you you’re not going to push me away!” JJ argued.
“You want to know my secrets, JJ? They’re secrets for a reason. Now for the last time, lay off!” you said, then before he could persist, you got out of the bed. Walking out the door.
“Y/n! C’mon!” JJ called after you, getting up as wel to follow you.
On your way out, you bumped into John B. He was passing back and forth, holding a picture frame filled with broken glass.
His hands were slightly bloody, he probably cut himself on the glass.
“Uh sorry,” you said nervously, stepping back.
“Get back in the room, Y/n,” John B groaned, he was annoyed, but also angry.
“I was actually going to sleep out here, with Pope or-“
John B cut you off, “you’re fucking delusional Y/n! You think you can just come and stay in my house whenever you want?!” He shouted.
You stepped back, fear settling, you didn’t like being yelled at.
“No. I need a place to stay. You-you said I could crash here,” you mentioned.
“John B scoffed. My house is for the damned Y/n! Me? My dad is gone! My mom? Gone too! You just go back home to your perfect little life!” He screamed, waving his hands left and right.
Tears started to fall involuntary, you kept walking backwards until your back collided with JJ.
“Hey, John B, chill alright?” JJ reasoned.
“You know why JJ’s here?! His mom fucking dipped and his dad beats him!” John B went on.
“W-what?” You didn’t know that, you turned to see JJ. He was staring at the floor.
“Go home Y/n. To your perfect little life because no one fucking wants you here!” John B raged.
Your hand wiped tears off your cheeks. You wanted to leave but you were frozen.
“You watch your mouth, man.” JJ stepped foreward, “don’t take your anger out on her. She’s had enough,”
John B didn’t say anything after that, and you didn’t want to give him the chance. So you left the chateau, running out the door to nowhere. Your destination wouldn’t ever be home as long as you had a say in it.
“Y/n!!!” JJ’s voice called your name. But you didn’t stop, you didn’t stop running.
JJ turned his adrenaline on for running, usually the cops did that for him, but he knew you needed him. He couldn’t leave you after what had just happened.
part 2
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is-it-madness · 4 years
Metal Fingers
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A/N 1: This fic is for my lovely beta/bestie @wowjeena Heyyo, would you be up to writing a soulmate au with Bucky? You can choose which type of soulmate au but can you make the reader a normal person (so not an Avenger or anything related)?? Thanks girl and if you don’t wanna that’s chill 👉🏼👉🏼 So... it’s not exactly a soulmate au, but I hope this is okay instead ☺️💜💜 I’m also so sorry it took so long. I hope you like it, my dear.
A/N 2: The Bucky Barnes Exhibit states he was born in 1916, but at the bottom where it gives his life span, it says he was born in 1917. I googled it to find the correct year, and it said 1917… I don’t know what to do with that information, other than to tell you guys there’s a mistake in the movie. 
A/N 3: I apparently couldn’t make this a one shot, so it’ll be a multi part story. I’m aiming between 3-5 parts
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x single mom!reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.5k+
Part 1
A Fallen Comrade.
James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes
Born in 1916, Barnes grew up the oldest child of four. An excellent athlete who also excelled in the classroom. Barnes enlisted in the Army shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. After winter training at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin, Barnes and the rest of the 107th shipped out to the Italian front. Captured by Hydra troops later that fall, Barnes endured long periods of isolation, deprivation and torture. But his will was strong. In an ironic twist of fate, his prison camp was liberated by none other than his childhood friend, Steve Rogers, now Captain America.
Reunited, Barnes and Rogers led Captain America’s newly formed unit, The Howling Commandos. Barnes’ marksmanship was invaluable as Rogers and his team destroyed Hydra bases and disrupted Nazi troop movements throughout the European Theater.
He knew these words. He read and reread them dozens— if not hundreds— of times. He wrote them down in every one of his notebooks as he was scrapping, searching for his memories that were just out of his reach. He could nearly taste them. They fluttered teasingly in front of him: close, but not close enough for him to snatch out of the air of uncertainty. 
He pulled a fresh notebook from his bag and a pencil, worried away from teeth and words. 
Start with what you know…
My name is James Buchanan Barnes. I was taken captive by Hydra and was used by them. I know a man named Steve. He was my friend.  
He trailed off. This is where he always was left floating in a sea of not knowing. He was left grasping for more. He was a starved man, empty without his memories. The few he managed to uncover did little to tide him over from insanity. He bit at that familiar indentation on his pencil, trying to think of something, anything at this point that was more than those four simple sentences he’s written everyday for the past several weeks. Sighing and pulling his baseball cap lower in frustration, Bucky returned his supplies to his bag, stood, and swung it over his right shoulder. Eyes low, and clutching his bag, Bucky made his way towards the exit of the crowded museum. Ever since the Potomac, this section of the Smithsonian was more packed than usual.
Nearly there. Nearly there. 
It was an understatement to say that Bucky Barnes didn’t like crowded areas. Too many bodies, pressing, and pushing against each other, loud noises, pointless conversations discussing mundane things. 
Nearly there. Nearly ther—
He wouldn’t have noticed the boy that ran into him if his bag hadn’t slipped from his hand, spilling out the contents onto the floor. Bucky hurriedly crouched to retrieve his precious memories. He barely registers the boy picking up the items that had strayed a bit further. 
“Here you go Mister! I’m sorry for bumping into you like that.”
Bucky silently takes his belongings back from the little boy standing in front of him. 
Bucky unintentionally begins to analyze him.
Probably seven or eight. Bright eyes. Tousled hair. Skinny. Doesn’t clear 100 pounds soaking.
He shakes his head. Stop. No more. 
“Whoa, cool! Metal fingers!!”
Bucky quickly retracts his fingerless-gloved hand.
The boy pulls his hand from his sweatshirt pocket. “Yours are cooler, but I have metal fingers too! Well, actually it’s a metal arm because the doctors had to get rid of my real one because I got hurt super bad, but I think it’s really cool.”
The boy said this all extremely fast, Bucky had to blink a few times to register what he had said. A compliment? For his hand? A hand that’s maimed, killed, and caused so many people to suffer?
“Uh… I… I have a metal arm too.”
The little boy’s eyes widened even more. He wasn’t sure what made him do it, but Bucky took off his glove and showed it to the boy.
He took Bucky’s hand in his and stared at it, looking back and forth at Bucky’s hand and his. Bucky stood there stiffly, unsure how to respond. The boy looked up at Bucky solemnly.
“Do you have super powers?” he whispered. 
Bucky couldn’t help but crack a smile at his seriousness, but before he could answer, a woman came running through the crowd.
The boy turned to give her a lopsided grin. “Hi Mom!”
“How many times have I told you to stay by my side, young man?”
The boy, Noah, dropped Bucky’s hand and took a step closer to the woman. “Sorry. But Mom!”
A raised brow silenced Noah. The woman looked up at Bucky.
“I’m so sorry if he was bothering you. He’s very social.”
Bucky forgot how to speak for a minute. The woman standing in front of him was… well, he’d never seen anyone as beautiful as her. Bright, sparkling eyes confirming where Noah got his from, a soft voice, and a sweet smile.
“Oh, uh, no. I mean, he is. I mean‒” When was the last time he had gotten tongue-tied?
Bucky cleared his throat, forced himself to try to ignore the sweet smile that was widening, and tried again. “He wasn’t bothering me. We were just talking about‒”
“His metal arm! Look at it, Mom!” Noah hurries back to Bucky’s side and holds his mechanical hand. “Look how awesome it is! And it’s huge!” He started poking Bucky’s upper arm and gasps. “And so are his muscles!! I bet he could crush anything!”
Noah began miming picking up heavy objects or crushing imaginary things, complete with sound effects. Bucky doesn’t miss Noah’s mother’s eyes widen slightly when Noah pointed out how massive his biceps are.
“Noah, honey, why don’t we go check out the exhibit?”
“Oh yeah! Let’s go, Mom!” He nearly takes off again before giving his mother a sheepish smile.
“What did you do?”
“I… I turned our map into a paper airplane.”
“And... it… flew out of my hands?”
“Mm hmm. I see. Well, I guess we’ll just have to come back another time.”
Noah gasps and clutches his mom’s hand. “No! Please Mom! Don’t do this to me!!”
Her laugh causes Bucky’s heart to skip a few beats, and it frustrates him that he doesn’t know why.
“Which exhibit are you looking for?”
Noah looks at Bucky and salutes. “We’re here to see the Mister Captain America exhibit.”
“I could take you guys there.”
What. On earth. Gave him that idea?!
“Woo! Let’s‒”
Noah’s cheer was cut off by his mother. “Oh, no that’s okay. I’m sure you’re busy and you probably have something to get to you.”
She’s right… Why did I even offer in the first place? I can’t‒
“It’s not a problem. I was heading over there right now actually.” 
Jesus! What’s wrong with me?
Noah grabbed his mother’s hand and followed Bucky to the famed exhibit.
“So, I take it Noah’s a fan of the Captain?”
The beautiful lady standing next to him nodded. “Yeah, Noah loves him; really looks up to him.”
“Makes sense, he’s a good guy.”
“Sounds like you’ve met him before.”
“You could say that.”
They were pulled away from their conversation when Noah ran up to them, grinning.
“Mom! Look how skinny Steve was! And, and his friend? Um… Bucky? Yeah! Bucky! He would always help Steve out because Steve would always get in fights! So Bucky would come and have to save him!” 
Noah then proceeded to animatedly tell his audience how Steve became the Captain and fought in the War. When he went to go read the display in front of Steve’s motorcycle, Bucky turned back to the woman.
“Is this his first time here?”
She nodded and smiled. “I promised I would take him when I had a day off. He’s been waiting for weeks.”
A pause.
“How ‘bout you?”
“What?” Damn that smile! He got distracted.
“I take it this isn’t your first time here?”
“No, ma’am.”
Her giggle caused his firm expression to slip into a small smile.
Bucky spent the rest of the afternoon showing Noah around. He learned that Noah and his mother had been in a terrible car accident two years before. The injuries Noah sustained to his right arm were irreversible, thus leading to an amputation, a prosthetic arm, and even though she didn’t say, expensive medical bills burdened on his mother.
When the museum closed, Noah was asking his mother when they’d be able to return.
“I’m not sure baby. How about next weekend?”
Noah did a little dance showing his affirmation. Then he looked at Bucky.
“Will you be here too, Mr. James?”
“Uh, yeah sure kid. I’ll be here.”
Noah fist pumped as his mother said goodbye to Bucky.
Holy shit. Holy shit! 
You had been trying to keep your cool ever since you found Noah with James. You were eating dinner and you still hadn’t gotten over him. That man was fucking stunning. Blue, blue eyes that were filled with such sorrow, a smile that made your insides flutter, and a deep voice you were willing to listen to for hours on end. Soft and sonorous. And he was so sweet and kind with Noah. That alone had you taking a liking to him.
“Mom?! Mom!”
“Oh— sorry, baby. What’s wrong?”
“Thanks for taking me to the museum.”
You ruffle his hair. “Thanks for being so patient for me.”
He smiles as he shovels pasta into his mouth. 
My Ride or Die:
@lehuka123 @thejournalman @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @rebloggingeverything @just-the-hiddles @confetti-its-an-imagine-blog @thehumanistsdiary @fanfictionaries @astheworlddturns @bbarnestan @buckyfan12
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soclonely · 4 years
Pack Attack Chapter 1: Roommates
Sinker and Boost are two freshman enjoying their first year of college together. Sinker is a rising star on the schools football team, The Pack Attack. Boost s a goofball and the mascot of the Pack, but when his secret natural talent for playing ball is brought to the light of Coach Wolffe, will he be shoved into the spotlight?
Word count: 624 Warnings: stereotypical college jock behavior in some later chapters, but dont worry, their peaks are over. 
"Here we go!" Echo says, opening the door to the dorm room and stepping aside. "Here is your room! Your roommate is Boost! Once again, my name is Echo and I am your RA." He follows Sinker into the room, setting down the hamper he had been carrying for the man. "Boost, here's your roomie. Show him around once he gets settled and please remember to be at freshman orientation in 2 hours."
"Will do boss!" Boost mockingly salutes as the door closes. He sighs."Well, that short period of being a single room bachelor is over." He stands up and holds out his hand, smiling. "Nice to meet ya Sinker."
Sinker returns the handshake, nodding. "Likewise. So have you been here a minute?" he asks, taking out some of his books and posters from his box. "Living the bachelor life?"
Boost shakes his head, grabbing a few of his roommates things and putting them on the shelf, reading as he does. "For a solid 4 hours, and man was it the best." He notices the Pack-Pride poster Sinker was hanging up over his bed. "Getting into the college sports spirit early?" He asks, leaning against the wall.
"Yeah, I am on the football team actually." Sink laughs, sitting on the small twin. "And you?"
"I am not a football player. But I am on the pep squad." Boost chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "My older brother is though. Maybe you met him at your little summer camp. His name is Comet. Big guy, a bit mouthy."
Sinker groans."I sure did. He had me pinned up against the bags a few times in the training room. I was sore for weeks. He seems like he can be a bit of a-"
"Dick? Yeah I know. He gets that from our dad." Boost sighs, continuing. "I would like to formally apologize now for any of his future actions against you over the next 4 years. Once he decides someone is his punching bag, he doesn't stop."
"Wait 4 years? I thought he was a junior?"
"Yeah I don't have faith in his graduation potential. They might only pass him to get the hell away from campus." Boost snorts, taking the foam football from Sinkers box."When that happens I will be able to breath easier." He tosses across the room and right into the trash can.
Sinker grins. "Are you sure you don't wanna join the time? That was a pretty good toss."
"Yeah lets rush right on down to the coaches office and sign me up." Boost rolls his eyes. "I would love to be a part of Coach Wolfs little Pack Attack. Rah, Team, Rah!" He tosses his fist up in the air dramatically. "The pep club would never let me live it down."
"How about instead of running down to coaches office, we run down to the dining hall for a bite to eat." Sinker stretches, standing back up."I could really go for a bite to eat."
Boost laughs."Sure thing. On the way down I can show you a few of the cooler spots on campus. Have you been to the 3rd floor of the dorms here yet?" He wiggles his eyebrows. "Its the junior ladies floor." He opens the door and steps out into the hall. "And the 4th floor is where the parties are. They have the coolest RA there. His name is Fives."
"What's so special about him? Echo seems just fine."
"He has a cheese fountain in his room that he turns into a beer fountain on the weekends." Boost grins, waving for Sinker to follow him. "Looks like we are going to be missing freshman orientation. But you need a personal tour and this could take all night."
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jj-lives · 4 years
Sing to Me: i can hear you open up to breathe - Part 2
————————— ——————————————————-
The place gets busy. Bodies pile up at the bar, servers form a conveyor belt of empty trays returning piled with new refreshments. Blake stays a half-hour late to help her boss. She doesn’t mention the time to Yang. Doesn’t explain her reasons for not approaching her after the hour she’s promised. She looks though. Every five minutes or so, she looks, making sure Yang is still sitting on the stool at the far end of the bar. Yang’s okay with it. She doesn’t need a reason; she has eyes. She can see how busy it is, and how the bartender tells Blake to leave, saying she’s done more than enough tonight. The stubborn way Blake shakes her head before restocking the beer fridge tells Yang more about her. It’s a game for her now. How much can she learn about this girl by observation alone?
It’s clear Blake’s proud, determined. Proof is in the way she demands to stay and help, the way she performs each task, anticipating most before she’s asked. There’s a quiet respect for her boss, following instructions exactly, down to the minute details. Every single glass she stacks behind the bar show the logo facing out. Every cooler and beer fridge arranged the same. Her eyes scan the bottles he lifts, seeing which are pouring low; each replaced before he voices the need. She is meticulous.
She’s all smiles and friendliness to the other faunus as they emerge from the door behind the bar. It’s painfully obvious none like crossing that barrier. They speak only to Blake, most don’t even look to the man running the bar. He in return, ignores them, deferring guidance of their tasks to Blake which they readily accept before scurrying to the safety of the store room and kitchen beyond the free swinging door. Blake is comfortable with her boss, in the familiar space behind the bar, but she fears the customers, not meeting their gaze when they speak to her. Eyes do find the servers that come to bring her orders as her boss handles the patrons at the bar; the ones she can’t stand to be near. But she’s reserved with the servers in a way she’s not with the faunus or bartender.
Yang learns so much watching her, but she wants so desperately to learn more. She needs it just as she needs the air filling her lungs.
Only when orders finally slow and patrons start to clear is he able to convince Blake to leave for the night. Eyes dart to her corner of the bar as she asks if he’s sure. Bottles need to be rinsed and recycled, more glasses need replenishing behind the bar... which needs another cloth ran down it to rid it of the stickiness dried alcohol ponds left from over spilled drinks.
Yang can’t help but feel she’s stalling, looking for excuses to not approach her. She hopes it’s not because Blake fears her too. He presses, urging her to leave and finally she relents, disappearing into the back. The next five minutes pass, excruciating. Fear of Blake sneaking out a back way creeps into her mind, crawling through cracks in her usual confident demeanor. Cracks created by a mysterious girl she can’t help but be drawn to.
Eventually, thankfully, she returns, ducking gracefully under the wedge in the bar meant for lifting. She can’t be bothered with moving obstacles that can be circumvented. Her eyes meet Yang’s. ‘Are you coming?’ they ask. Yang’s no more in charge of her actions as she is the rotation of the planet. Slipping from the stool she’s not moved from in hours, she follows. Weaving around tables, through the door into the brisk night air of Mantle, down the street. She follows. The only sounds are their breathing and feet scraping the pavement -her feet, Blake’s don’t make a sound, she’s mindful of that too.
“I would’ve been fine walking on my own.” Her eyes remain trained ahead, but the ears atop her head swivel, directionless. What it must be like to know more of the world surrounding you by sounds rather than sight.  
“I know.” Yang chooses her words with deliberate care. “I worried there might be some retaliation for what I’d done.”
They walk a half-block in silence before she speaks. “What you did,” she starts. Yang opens her mouth to stop the renewed appreciation she’s sure is coming but Blake’s raised palm stops her. “But I would be the one paying that price. For something I had no say in, in any conceivable way besides the choice of keeping a job I need to survive.”
“It’s not fair.” Her toe kicks a pebble in her way, frustrated with the world. She doesn’t miss the way Blake flinches at the action.
“No it’s not.” She adds with a sigh, “but it’s the hand my kind’s been dealt.”
More silence. Yang’s terrified stare takes in each building they pass. Not for potential dangers, for the only thing she fears from them is the unknown; which one will end her time with Blake? She’s wasting her moments with silence.
“I don’t agree with them.” Breaking the quiet feels like taking a breath after staying underwater too long, satisfying and vital. Before she allows herself to sink below the surface of silence she continues, “The things they were saying in there. I don’t agree with a word of it. How they can see somebody and say such horrid things. As if you were an object and not somebody flesh and blood. Like them.” Blake’s feet move and Yang follows. This time one ear is pinned, listening to Yang’s words. “But you’re not like them. You’re different, so much…” Yang pauses. Blake’s fists clench, knuckles just as white as they’d been gripped to the guitar on stage. “more. Better than any one of them.”
They stop again. Her grip loosens but her eyes remain glued to the distance. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“I know enough about them, though.”
“You. Them. Do you see a difference?”
Pain sears through her chest, burning in a way that stops her lungs from expanding. “You don’t?” She’s drowning again.
“My life has been a series of humans versus faunus. Them versus us.” Blake turns on her heel, crossing the street without warning. “And each time, yours celebrate and mine crawl back into the shadows, the mines, alleys, caves, gutters. Out of sight where we belong.”
“You don’t.” Blake’s quick to turn on her with a disbelieving glare, challenging her to disagree with what history has proven time and time again. But she remembers herself and softens immediately. Ribcage expanding she returns to her passive demeanor. “Belong there, I mean,” Yang’s quick to correct. Blake’s not interested in her views, staying quiet as they continue down a path that’s more alley than street. Yang can’t blame her. What’s one human’s view against an entire species, against centuries of disparity. “You don’t see all humans the same.”
“I do.” Her tone is so sure Yang’s feet falter and an ear twitches as Yang’s boot scrapes sharp along the cobblestone.
“Your boss?”
“That’s different.”
“How?” Her jaw clenches and shoulders straighten. It’s not a good sign. When Blake takes a step to the side, space between them growing Yang knows she’s gone too far. “Nevermind. I shouldn’t have pushed.”
“No, you shouldn’t have.”  
Their exchange dies. Yang doesn’t trust herself to speak further and Blake seems unwilling to continue any form of communication with her. Both ears swivel; she’s not listening to her anymore.
A minute passes as an eternity before Blake steps into a darkened alcove. “Goodbye Yang.” One moment she’s beside her and the next she’s gone.
Yang doesn’t even have time to return the salutation.
A week is all that’s able to keep her away. Weiss and Ruby plead with her not to return, but she’s never been one to adhere to what others suggest. A phantom’s been following her all week, to her every meeting and sits with her at every meal. Each faunus servant she passes is accompanied by Blake’s disapproval ringing sharp within her mind. What difference was Yang to the likes of the Atlas elite, living amongst the injustice, even if she didn’t agree with it. Maybe Blake was right. Maybe all of them are the same.
She watches a dozen people enter the bar, music growing loud with each outward swing of the door. If she’s not working tonight the trip will have been a waste, but Yang’s fears hang heavier on finding her there. Blake’s upset when they last parted still bothers her. What if she still was? What if she didn’t wish to see her?
Taking a steadying breath she enters. The lackluster lighting inside is a stark contrast to the brilliant neon sign above the entrance. Tables are already half full, taken up by regulars. She’s pleased the delinquents from the past week aren’t among them. She steps around the bar to claim a table in the back corner, noticing Blake’s absence behind it. The same bartender as the previous week looks up from wiping down the polished wood that’s his work station. Eyes widen, acknowledging her with a polite nod. She returns it, sinking to take a seat at one of the smallest tables, her back against the wall.
A server hurries to take her order and she’s quick to ask for two instead of one. Nerves on high alert, their synapses fire erratically. Allowing a knee to bounce out of sight below the table she clasps her hands together tightly to at least hide their twitching. The showcases are better than last time and Yang forces her focus not to drift to the bar. The difficulty is substantial.
After the second set she can no longer refrain. Eyes glance and immediately fall on the girl she’s come for. Her hair is down tonight, framing her delicate features and flowing like silk past her shoulders. She’s wearing a long-sleeved shirt again, this one navy. The neck is wider and it keeps falling off her right shoulder as she bends to restock the fridges. Yang thinks her annoyance is cute, she continues to yank the shoulder up, force increasing each time. Finally giving up after Yang counts to seventeen. She pauses, hand gripping the fabric before releasing it with an exaggerated exhale, leaving it to hang where it rests.
The focus with which she completes even the most menial of tasks is admirable. Yang knows lazier individuals that hold higher positions of honour. She’d replace any or all of them for one with Blake’s work ethic.
As time ticks on Yang thinks making herself known a ghastly idea. She enjoys watching Blake in anonymity, but knows sooner or later she’ll be spotted. She can’t even make an escape as that requires passing the bar Blake hasn’t left all night. She focuses again on the stage as a man too well dressed plugs in a keyboard for his set. Yang listens through the first verse but isn’t impressed, attention drifts to the patrons instead. It’s less crowded tonight than she remembers it being last week. Would Blake have fared better with this crowd rather than the last?
Yang knows it’s hopeless, but she desperately wants to hear Blake sing again.
Occupied by a girl singing two tables over, Yang doesn’t look up as her empty beers are snatched from the table. The girl is better than the man on stage. Yang wishes her up there instead. The cold bottle placed against her arm surprises her. She hasn’t ordered another. Her wallet comes out and money removed, she holds it up to the girl, not wanting to explain she’d not asked for it.
“On the house.” She waves the bills away.
“Seriously, take the money.” Yang presses, not comfortable with the handout. Her actions last week were not in hopes of any kind of payment.
“I was told not to take payment.”
“Tell the guy I don’t want any free drinks. I don’t part-”
“Guy?” The girl interrupts. “No this isn’t from Flynt. The faunus-”
“Blake?” She asks, half to make sure and half to correct the girl.
“Yeah, I think that’s her name, cat ears?”
Yang nods, not trusting her voice. She wants so badly to tear this girl down. ‘The faunus, cat ears.’ She wants to scream. Letting it go, she makes her way to the bar, cold beer in hand. Blake doesn’t acknowledge her as she sits, taking the same stool as before. Men approach her and she shoots them down, most politely, one she’s forced to make a scene; them leaving, tail between their legs. An hour passes before Blake ventures to her side of the bar. It’s probably because Flynt, the bartender, hasn’t checked on her even though her empty bottle was pushed away ages ago.
“Do you want another?” She asks, gaze on an imaginary spot she swipes with a cloth.
Resting her chin in her upturned palm, Yang watches her. She wonders how long she can look before Blake returns her gaze. Besides the long sleeves Blake seems to prefer, she wears the same shoes and black pants as before. Her tongue sneaks to wet dried lips. Fearing she will leave without an answer, Yang asks the first thing on her mind. “When are you off?”
“Not for awhile. Do you want another drink?” Her hand stills as her eyes shift to the stage.
“That doesn’t really answer my question.” Yang smiles, head tilting to put herself in Blake’s line of vision.
“Neither did you.” Her response is clipped, but she finally meets Yang’s eye.
“I’ll have another if you allow me to pay for it.”
“I won’t take your money.” Her lips purse and her eyes stare, determined. The look sends chills down Yang’s spinal cord.
“Look,” Her voice is low as she leans over the bar. “I think I may have given the wrong impression last week. I was grateful for your help that night. Not many would have done the same. But I was rude before we parted ways and I want to apologize. So…” Reaching under the bar she brings a fresh beer to rest between them. Condensation already forming on the glass. “This is on me.”
Blake leaves her then. Yang occupies herself with listening to the other showcases and when Blake’s near enough for her to hear without yelling she asks again when she’s off.
Blake’s eyes shoot to the clock behind the bar, but Flynt overhears.
“Now,” he speaks up. “Get out of here.” His voice: soft and playful but fear and confusion overtake Blake. He throws a cloth at her. It lands half on her head, an ear twitches under its weight before she swipes it off. The trance she’s in breaks. “It’s slow. Go have fun.”
Tonight she doesn’t disappear into the back. She nods to Flynt and ducks under the bar, motioning for Yang to follow. Words aren’t exchanged but there’s an unspoken understanding Yang is walking her home again. It’s more than Yang hoped for. The only downfall, she can’t think of anything to say.
“Thanks for the drinks.”
Shoulders lift as Blake wraps her arms around her middle. “You’re welcome. I wanted to repay you.”
Not wanting the conversation to turn negative Yang remembers a positive of that night instead. “You have a beautiful voice.” She tries to find the words to describe how Blake’s voice -that song- made her feel. Her singing’s the most beautiful sound she’s ever heard, it means something. Blake means something. Yang just wishes she could verbalize what that something is.
“So do you.”
Her train of thought comes to an abrupt halt. “I-what?” There’s a pull to Blake’s lips as she keeps her eyes in the distance. “I meant your singing.”
“I know.”
Eyes flick in Yang’s direction, the twitch of muscles at the corner of her mouth both tell Yang what she’s missed at first.
“You’re teasing me.” Blake hums, chin tucking to her chest. She stiffens with the initial sound of Yang’s laughter but settles quickly. They’ve stopped walking, Yang wiping at her eyes, and Blake watching her. “You’ve got attitude. Has anyone ever told you that?”
“In a good way?” Blake’s eyes narrow. “I don’t believe so.”
“Well you do.” And for clarification, “I like it.”
Yang waits for Blake to find her steps again, but she doesn’t. She stands there staring at Yang, intently, unsettling under the flickering dulled light of the streetlamp across the road.
“I-” Yang looks away, again words fail her. How does one explain why they like something about someone. Yang likes to laugh, loves making people laugh. She appreciates a quick wit, a sense of humour. But even more she’s happy to find Blake keeps these traits. “Because it proves no matter how hard they’re trying, they haven’t broken you.”
She captures Blake’s gaze; her eyes glow in the midnight shadows, brilliant stars housed on earth instead of heaven. She wishes to know what’s going on in Blake’s mind, but knows not how to ask. Finding her sight wandering, Yang searches the skies for the glimmer of those heavenly relations to irises still studying her. Atlas is all she finds. A giant mass blotting out half the sky, its bright illumination drowning any stars bold enough to show their light. Her eyes take in Atlas scornfully, a scar in the night sky. How any could see it as a shining Beacon of hope is beyond her. It’s only proved to snuff out the light left with the larger populace so far beneath it.
Yang wonders if Blake’s ever seen the stars in all their glory. She knows so many in Mantle rarely experience anything outside its familiar dreary, carbon-copy roads. Has Blake ever left the walls entrapping them? Or is this all she’s ever known?
They continue, walking in silence the rest of the way. Yang would be upset, saddened at the loss of precious time, but Blake has stepped closer and she seems more relaxed. She’s deep in thought and Yang doesn’t want to interrupt.
“Thanks,” Blake almost whispers as they step to her door.
“Of course.” But she can’t wait another week to see her. “Can I walk you tomorrow?”
The question seems not to surprise Blake, but she thinks it over in anycase.  “No,” she says after a time and Yang’s heart drops. “I don’t work tomorrow, but the next I do.”
“And you would like me to walk with you?” Needing clarification, she doesn’t want to impose if she’s unwanted.
Blake studies her, just as she did the day when she asked to first walk her home. It’s intense and highly unnerving. “I wouldn’t mind it.”
“Then I’ll see you the day after tomorrow.” Yang smiles. “Good night Blake.”
Blake returns her smile with a small one of her own. “Good night Yang.”
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ohstardust · 6 years
Give Yourself A Try - [B.B AU]
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Prompt: A & B once dated, everything turned a little ugly but they go on a bonding camping trip with their friends, they get lost during sunset and talk all the shit out until they’re okay again. A/N: I’ve had this little prompt rattling around in my brain for the past year, originally to be written about Aneurin Barnard but then I had a tonne of Bucky feels to go with it so here you go. Also, this is my very first Marvel piece of writing, I can’t believe it, FINALLY. We all love AU’s right? x Title: Give Yourself A Try by The 1975
The blazing sun had begun to set over the lakeside, the air turning cooler and the humidity easing off. Burnt oranges, rose pinks, sapphire blues bleeding into the skyline, the daylight fading overhead as the group of friends drank and laughed and smiled warm smiles, beer bottles clinked and legs splashed in the lake. The last weekend of August had been their retreat, a relaxed get-together to enjoy the end of summer and to catch up with each others lives, re-tell memories and stories from their past. It had been too long since they last basked in the content comfort of their friends. Tents littered the field surrounding the water, a cluster of coloured canvas brightened up their patch, before long a log fire would need to be lit to lead the way and that’s why Steve took the reins and sent Bucky & Y/n to fetch wood. He’d never admit to the genuine reason for sending the pair out together on this short quest, he had factually told them that everyone else was preoccupied and they were the only ones who hadn’t been dipping their toes in water for the past 3 hours, and he left it at that. It seemed like a crock of horseshit, but Bucky and she were adults and, although they hadn’t directly spoken to each other in over a year, they weren’t about to squabble with Steve over something they could most definitely handle.
Peggy and Natasha’s raucous laughter could be heard in the distance as Bucky and Y/n trudged side by side in silence, the sound upturned her lips slightly and she felt such a fondness for her friends, they’ve been through many tough times together but they always came out stronger because they had each other. They were there to pick each other up, dust them off and push them forward. It’s why they’d remained together over the past ten or so years. The wide expanse of woods before them was daunting and so vast, it extended for miles and it made her fingers twitch to reach out fo Bucky’s as a source of comfort. She never had done well with anything remotely unnerving. But she wouldn’t do that, couldn’t do that, it wasn’t the same anymore, they weren’t the same anymore. “Are we gonna stay silent all weekend or are we going to actually be civilised and make small talk?” She tentatively asked, her white plimsoll kicked up some soil and she buried her fists into her sweatshirt pockets. Bucky stilled for a moment, her voice sounding so familiar yet so foreign being directed towards him, his heart clenched and he gruffly exhaled through his nose. “Silence seemed easier, I thought that’s what you wanted.” “I did for a while, but I think I can talk to you without wanting to shake you now, so that must count for something.” Her shoulders shrugged in a feeble attempt to brush the exchange off and she tried to smile a little, make the whole thing seem like a joke. But it wasn’t a joke, what happened hurt too much to be laughed off. “You have every right to want to scream at me or slap me. I deserve it.” “It’s in the past, it doesn’t matter anymore.” “You were right when you left - what you said - you were right.” “Hmm?” Many things had been said the evening she walked out of Bucky’s apartment, so much said yet not enough to understand each other and what they were thinking. Was it how she called him selfish? heartless? secretive? unfaithful? She wasn’t all too sure she wanted an answer if it was the latter. “You are worth more than how I treated you, I handled the whole thing so badly and I fucked up big time,” Bucky rubbed his palm over his face and scraped his hair back as he sighed,” I should have talked to you instead of being so angry.” Her tongue wet her lips and instead of breaking out in a rage like she’d anticipated all those months ago, her voice travelled out quiet and soft, “I never had an explanation, you kept me in the dark, how could I have helped you if you wouldn’t let me in?” “You couldn’t have helped me no matter what I did, I needed to help myself. I just hadn’t thought about how it affected you, I was too caught up in my own head to see what I was doing to you.” “What happened? i’m not saying I deserve to know, because I don’t anymore, but whatever it was affected my life too, regardless of whether I know or not.” Bucky stopped his feet from moving and halted Y/n, he turned to face her to try and explain what he’d done wrong, why he’d ruined a once perfectly good relationship with his own head and grief and frustrations. He needed to make her see that it wasn’t her fault, and in some ways, it wasn’t entirely his too, everything had just become so blurry and mucky and devastating. “I - I was having night terrors about the accident, all I could see was me being thrown from that damn - fucking - motorcycle in slow-motion and, no matter what I did differently, I - every time I ended up with the same injury. I didn’t understand it at first and it made me so angry and infuriated, like this damn thing isn’t already a constant reminder,” Bucky raised his prosthetic arm and dropped it back to swing beside him. “I was too scared to sleep in case I dreamt it again and then it made me cranky and miserable and I took it out on the one person that was just trying to help me, the one person that loved me regardless of how fucked up I was - still am - and I regret it more than I can tell you.” “You could have come to me, I was so confused and upset and so fucking hurt, I blamed myself for so long before I walked out of that door.” “It was never your fault, I know I didn’t make you see otherwise, but you weren’t to blame. This was all me.” “Buck - you went through this alone, I was right beside you the whole time, but you were still alone, and I hate that.” “I felt so ridiculous for feeling that irked by my dreams, it was suffocating and too much. but at the same time it didn’t feel enough to worry anyone. You all care so much about me and worry enough as it is, part of me didn’t want to burden you.” “I was your partner, that’s what I was there for - to share the load and lift some of the weight - Christ, isn’t that part of a relationship?” Y/n’s vision blurred as she bit back a sob. “Yes and no, I’m sorry that I hurt you but I’m not sorry for not dragging you into my head.” “I’d have done anything to help you, to make you feel better. That’s what you do for those you love.” “There was nothing you could have done.” “You didn’t give me the chance, Buck.” She glanced at him and exhaled deeply then show her head and pushed on forward to collect a few scraps of wood that were sufficient enough for their fire. Her mood for a campfire and s’mores had been thoroughly extinguished and she was suddenly so tired, she just wanted to sleep the day off and start fresh tomorrow. Whether she was on speaking terms with her ex-boyfriend or not. Bucky muttered to himself, “It was for your own good.” The pair walked on for a few minutes, back to the tranquil silence that they’d kept half an hour ago, minds ticked like clockwork as they mulled over everything possible to say. Bucky pondered over how badly everything had fallen apart, he’d fucked up the one relationship he’d had since his accident and pushed away the first woman that hadn’t looked the other way once they noticed his artificial limb. She’d embraced it and treated him equally, he hadn’t been used to that since before - since before things had gone to shit. He just couldn’t regret the fact he’d done what he thought was best for her. “Y/n - look - I’m sorry, okay? So stupidly sorry for hurting you.” Her jaw clenched and she willed herself to not cry in front of Bucky, she wanted to be stronger than that, she was stronger than that. Instead she slowed her pace and blinked slowly, “Were you intentionally trying to brush over the fact I basically told you I loved you?” Bucky wasn’t sure whether to laugh, cry or drop to one knee and beg for her forgiveness, “I wasn’t taking it too literally.” She met his gaze and pulled her mouth into the closest thing to a genuine smile she’d shot him in so long, “You should have.” Her pace quickened as she noticed Steve and Peggy’s tent approaching and broke out into a jog to join her friends. With a beer in hand and marshmallows roasting over the fire Thor and Carol had started she scanned their group, the wide grins, college sweaters, Scott sassing Sam, Wanda, Bruce, Tony and Clint singing hopelessly off key the more they drank, and Loki sat off to the side, relaxed and laughing at the four of them. She could feel Bucky’s eyes with their pointed stare on her and she shot him a smile and raised her bottle in salute. He mimicked her action and took a mouthful. Later that night, after one too many and a blissed-out warmth settled into her bones, she leant in close to him whilst their friends danced around the fire and whispered, “I miss you, okay? I’m trying to move past what happened and be your friend again, because I love you.”
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patronusofthepugs · 6 years
The McCormicks Are On Their Way
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“Fuck, Karen, who fought in the War of Roses again? Wasn’t it a bunch of pissy Englishmen?”
  Kenny frowned and tapped his fingers rhythmically on the wobbly table. His history textbook and notes were spread out around him, a collage of scribbled writing and portraits of stuffy old men glaring at him from his textbook. Fucking bastards, he wished one of them would open their painted mouths and help him write this stupid history report.
Karen laughed from the living room. “Kenny, we’ve been over this! The War of Roses was between the House of York and……?
“…The Lannisters?”
“That’s Game of Thrones, moron, but you’re on the right track, it’s the House of Lancasters.”
Kenny groaned and buried his head into his arms. God, fuck this paper and fuck the British, especially their dumb fights and stupid names. He stood up and chucked his history book onto the floor with the rest of junk.
 Eh, the paper could wait another day or two. Kenny ambled into the living room and threw himself onto the couch, sprawling next to Karen. She turned to look at him, smiling at Kenny’s pouty face.
“How’s the paper coming, Einstein?” she said teasingly.
Kenny sighed, “It would be going a lot better if the English would use different names instead of naming every bastard, George or Henry. Just once, couldn’t they have named a kid with a cooler name like Jason.  But anyway, how the hell do you know so much about the British monarchy? You’re eleven, you weirdo kid” he said turning to squint at his sister.
Karen huffed and flicked his nose, “Uh, because the British monarchy is totally in right now! Haven’t you seen the newest reality show about Queen Elizabeth? God, she’s such a bad bitch, she flipped off like a whole bunch of reporters at her husband’s funeral and told everyone to kiss her royal ass. Now she’s traveling around London getting into pub fights and gambling away the family jewels. I hope I’m like her when I’m old and wrinkly.”  
Kenny chuckled and shook his head, “’Sure Kiddo, when you’re old and wearing adult diapers, I’ll break you out of the nursing home and we’ll go to Las Vegas to rule the casino scene.”
Karen grinned and held out her pinky, “Promise?”
Kenny carefully hooked his pinky around hers, “I promise.”
The McCormick siblings grinned at each other in unison before flinching as the front door suddenly flew open. Kenny shot to his feet, his arm outstretched in front of Karen as he warily eyed his drunk parents stumbling into the house.  Dad stood in the doorway, staring at them with bleary eyes and a tired frown while his Mom took off for the kitchen, stumbling and cursing over the trash on the floor.
   “Alright Kare Bear, off to your room now. I’ll come and get you later for some ice cream,” Kenny whispered to his sister, gently tugging her up from the couch.  Karen only nodded, her brown eyes glued nervously to the floor and her shoulders hunched forward as she slowly shuffled away from Kenny.
  He waited until she had left the room before sitting back down onto the couch with a sigh and bringing his knees to his chest. Time to watch the fire works as always.
Dad squinted and sniffed the air nosily, “Bitch, the fuck is that smell? You burning something?”
Mom squawked from the kitchen and stumbled back into the living room, holding a joint in one hand and a beer can in the other. “I ain’t cooking anything asshole. Mind your own fucking business,” she snarled at him before taking a long drag and puffing a cloud of smoke into his direction.
He shook his head like a bull and clenched his fists, his cheeks were flushed pink as he took a step towards her. “What the fuck, did I say about getting into my stash! Get your own weed, bitch.”
His mom laughed, the grating sound like shards of glass flying into Kenny’s ear. Someone was going to end up with a black eye.  “Try and take it from me, dickhead.”
Kenny instinctively ducked his head as his Dad launched himself over the couch in one long angry jump. He heard his Mom shriek and run back into the kitchen, where more sounds of broken glass and yells could be heard.
He hesitantly lifted his head to see his Dad running out of the kitchen like a bat out of hell and his Mom running after him with the coffee pot lifted over her head like she was going to smash out his brains with deluxe expresso beans. His mom launched the coffee pot with all the grace of an Olympic champion where it soared through the air, missing his dad entirely and nailing Kenny right in the face.
God fucking damn it, Kenny thought as he crashed to the floor, his hand instinctively going to cradle his aching face as the glass coffee pot bounced harmless onto the floor next to his head, surprisingly still intact. He could still hear his parent’s angry shrieks, but it was fainter now as if he was on a train getting farther away from his parent’s jeers and screams.
  He blinked slowly up at the dingy ceiling, noting the many spiderwebs and grime that coated it. He should lay on the floor more often. Lots of interesting shapes in dust. One blob of dust by the ceiling fan looks just like Cartman’s fat ass. He laughed weakly and closed his throbbing eyes, his right side of his face felt like one giant pulsating bruise.
 Kenny cracked open his eyes to see Karen’s pale face leaning over him, her long brown hair hung like a curtain of silk around them, shielding Kenny away from everything. He reached up to brush away her tears that had begun to fall.
“Shhh, don’t cry. Princesses shouldn’t cry,” he cooed and then promptly passed the fuck out in a very manly manner.
  Kenny awoke hours late to the sensation of frozen peas being awkwardly smushed against his face and the sound of the Dr. Phil playing faintly in the background. His eyes fluttered open and he groaned as feeling once again came back to his face. Shit, his face felt like he’s been dragged along the highway attached to a semi-truck.
 He slowly sat up, tossing the bag of half melting peas next to him and leaned against the couch. Kenny tilted his head back to look at Kevin, his older brother who was huffing away on cigarettes on the couch like a pissed off Thomas the Train.
“Sup bro,” Kenny mumbled running his hand through his hair.
Kevin was silent as he grind his cigarette into the overflowing ashtray and shook his head at Kenny. “What happened this time?” he asked quietly.
Kenny shrugged, “Same shit as usual except Mom tried to throw the coffee pot and her aim fucking sucks.”
Kevin sighed and clenched his fists, “You could have died.”
Kenny smiled, “I’ll survive. I always do, don’t I?”
Kevin shook his head again, “We can’t keep living like this. I had to leave work cause Karen thought they killed you. God, I thought you were dead when I saw you just lying there. I’m not waiting for one of them to kill you or Karen. I’m sick of this shit. We’re leaving tonight.”
 Kenny stiffened, his smile dropping off his face and his eyes wide as he turned to look at his solemn older brother. Kevin’s brown hair was as untidy as ever and he had a scruffy beard beginning to creep up on him, but his eyes were dark and serious as he looked at his younger brother. Kevin was only nineteen, but he was as broad as a mountain with patience that ran a mile deep. He was usually placid and calm but this time he looked properly pissed off.
“Where would we go?” Kenny whispered, his heart beating frantically in his chest as he couldn’t even believe they were having this conversation. Running away had always been a dream between the McCormick siblings, but it was always just whispered conversations in pillow forts and late-night musings. Kenny had never taken them seriously until now.
   Kevin leaned forward to rest his forearms on his knees and laced his fingers together, “Four hours away from here is a little town called Nockfell. The price of living is real cheap over there and I can find work easy. I even have a place picked out for us, I talked to the owner while driving home and I’m going to place a deposit down. Ken, you, me, and Karen are leaving tonight.”  
   Kenny turned away from his brother’s hopeful face. He had a thousand of excuses and arguments, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it. His brother had made up his mind. He thought of Karen and the way she was practically disappearing into herself. Poor kid didn’t even have any friends at school, just her reality TV shows.
   Kenny was scared, probably more scared than he had ever been his entire life. South Park, even with his crappy parents has always meant home to him. To leave everything behind was like jumping into lake with an endless bottom. Who knows what else was out there. But still, he had to for Karen’s sake. Kenny turned back to look at Kevin and nodded.
“Okay, I’m in. Let’s do it.”
Kevin grinned, his brown eyes lighting up like fireworks. “Atta boy, I knew I can count on you. Go pack your stuff, I’ll help Karen pack her room. We leave in two hours.”
Kenny got to his feet with a groan and gave a mock salute. “Ay, Ay, Captain. Where’s our folks though?”
Kevin snorted, “They drove to Denny’s and started fighting the in the parking lot. Cops took them away and letting them sleep it off overnight in jail. They won’t miss a thing when they get out.”
Kenny rolled his eyes and laughed. Of course, why wasn’t he surprised. It didn’t take him very long and in two hours the McCormick siblings were packing their worldly possessions in Kevin’s beater car.
Kevin got into the driver’s seat and Karen and Kenny slid into the backseat. Karen gazed out the window at their house, her eyes soft and sad. Kenny slung his arm around her shoulders and tugged her close.
“We’re going on an adventure, Kare bear. It’ll be fun.”
Karen leaned against Kenny and sighed, “Well at least you don’t have to do your history paper now.”
Kenny laughed, “Fuck history. Hey how about when we get to the new place, I’ll watch that Queen Elizabeth show with you.”
Karen brightened up and she nodded excitedly. She began to chatter eagerly about the different members of the royal family. Kenny leaned his head against the window, letting his sister’s voice wash over him as he watched the rest of South Park get farther away.
 He’ll have to email the guys when they get to their new place. Stan was at band practice, Kyle was at some debate tournament and who knows what the fuck Cartman was doing. But they’ll understand why he had to leave. At least probably. Ah, well fuck it, he’ll just probably be replaced. Like always.  Kenny’s face began to ache, and he closed his eyes for a second.  
“Wakey, Wakey, Sleepy Head! We’re here!” Karen sang loudly in Kenny’s ear.
   His eyes shot open and he flinched, pushing away his laughing sister. “Alright, alright, I’m up, you banshee,” he grumbled unbuckling his seat belt and practically falling out of the car. Kenny looked up at their new home.
“Addison Apartments,” he read out loud before shrugging. Seemed alright to him. Just an ordinary apartment for their new ordinary life. No more crazy shit for them, just smooth sailing for now all. Kenny grabbed the handle of his duffel bag and hauled it over his shoulder.
 As the McCormicks made their way up the sidewalk and into the building, Kenny felt a cold chill run through his spine as they stepped into the doorway. He shivered and looked around. He thought he had saw something black and shadowy sink into the walls but that was impossible. He was probably just tired. Or had a concussion.
 He shook off the strange feeling of foreboding and followed his brother and sister. Everything was fine. Addison Apartments was going to be the best home that they ever had. He was sure of it.
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Lost and Found
Characters: Dean Winchester, Y/N (reader) Sam Winchester, Ori (Wanna say OFC but really it is is @oriona75), Meg, Cas, various fleeting unnamed characters
Pairing: Dean x reader, Ori x Sam
Warnings: Implied sexy times, talk of sex, naked people (one being Dean so yes that is warning, missing wedding ring (not Dean or the reader’s), implied drunk driving (Do not do it! This is fiction and I am not glorifying anything!)   
Wordcount: 5100ish (So close Mimi! So sorry about the last 96 words!)
A/N: This is an AU, since that was how I could best make the prompt work in my head.  
It is written for @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog’s Thrope Challenge. I asked for the thorpe: Sister’s Wedding/Groom’s Brother end up in back seat naked. I might have drawn inspiration from The Hangover movies and this is probably the most fun I have ever had writing for a challenge so thanks Mimi!
Also congrats on your marriage with Sam @oriona75 ;) I promised and I kept it!
Thanks a bunch to my sassy crazy lil sis @mysupernaturalfics for betaing this for me.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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A sharp pain shot through your head as you started regaining consciousness, making you instinctively closed your eyes tighter together.
‘I am dying. What the hell did I drink last night?’ You thought to yourself as you quickly started to remember the last memory you had was sitting at the bar laughing at your sister who you had all forced to do karaoke.
‘Where the hell am I?’ Was the next thought that entered your mind, quickly followed by a rush of panic. It wasn’t a mattress beneath you. It was skin. Skin against your skin. ‘Oh my God I’m naked! He’s naked. Fuck!’
Your eyes opened wide and you shot up into a seating position, nearly falling of the backseat of the car you found yourself to be in. The guy beneath you woke up with a grunt as you pushed your hand against his chest in effort to get up and away from him. You quickly grabbed the nearest piece of clothing you could find, covering yourself up as you started as the man before you.
“Who the hell are you? What did we do? Where’s my clothes?” you practically screamed at the man, making him frown in discomfort from your high pitched voice. You panic seemed to wake him up fast though and he pushed himself up to sit besides you. Unlike you however he made no effort to cover himself up, and even in your panic it was a little hard not to stare. Especially with his proud morning glory pointing right at you.
“Whoa take it easy sweetheart. I’m Dean. I don’t really remember but my guess is the horizontal tango and I am sure they are around here somewhere,” Dean grumbled, clearly not to thrilled with the daylight shining through the windshield.
“Oh My God! Could you…” you waved towards the full salute he was giving you. Dean looked down before looking back at you sending you an apologetic smirk. He grabbed his boxers of the floor of the car and wiggled into them, giving you a full show of his physique. Your jaw dropped slightly as you caught a glimpse of his firm pinchable ass. Your eyes wandered to the his biceps and the way his muscles flexed under miles of creamy skin dusted with freckles as he moved. You had had a one night stand with a goddamn porn star and you couldn’t even remember it.
‘For fucks sake Y/N control yourself! He could be some perv! Who picks up a drunk woman in a bar and bangs her in the back of his car anyway?’ You scolded yourself which Dean must have picked up on. A soft smile spread across his face as he reached out to you, only causing you to back up closer to the door clenching the shirt you were holding closer to your body.
“I’m not gonna hurt you…” Dean frowned clearly searching for a name and your jaw dropped again. This time in anger. He had slept with you and he didn’t even know your name.
“You don’t remember my name?!” You whined and a slightly annoyed expression spread across his face.
“Hey it is not like you remembered mine either, Princess.” Dean huffed and your mouth open and closed as you searched for words.
“Well it is not Princess. It is Y/N. Why don’t you get dressed and get out of the car so I can find my clothes?” You knew you were being unreasonable, but you also didn’t care. This wasn’t like you. You didn’t have one night stands and certainly not in the back of a guy’s car. A guy whose name you hadn’t even known when you woke up.
“I can, but I am gonna need that,” Dean smirked pointing towards the shirt you had been clenching against your naked chest, causing an angry “Argh!” to erupt from your lungs, tossing it at his face only to quickly replace it with the dress you had worn last night.
Somehow you managed to both get dressed in the confined space without Dean ever touching you or looking at you. ‘Well maybe he isn’t a complete creep after all, but he is still infuriating’
“Can you at least take me back to my hotel?” You asked, wondering whether or not letting a strange man drive you anywhere was such a great idea, but you had no idea where you were and the only place you might be able to find from here was the bar you had been at last night. This was your first time in California, but your sister had wanted to have her wedding ceremony in the place where she had met her husband-to-be. So here you were.
“You honestly think I would leave you out here,” Dean muttered as he patted his jacket and then the pockets of his pants. ‘Great he had lost the car keys!’
“Did you lose your keys?” You questioned with your hands nailed to your hips. You knew you are being hard on him, but the alternative to blaming him for everything was admitting you were as much to blame for this mess as he was. You weren’t quite ready to go there yet.
“No,” Dean pulled a face at you before ducking back into the backseat of the Impala and you poked your head in after him.
“Then what are we waiting for?” you hissed at him and Dean looked up at you with a look on his face that could kill elderly people and small children.
“I lost my brother’s rings okay?!” Dean hissed at you and you bit your lip trying your hardest not to laugh. It wasn’t polite and he did look scary as hell. Still for some reason you didn’t fear him. Something told you, even though you barely knew the man, you didn’t have too.
“You lost your brother’s wedding ring? You are an awesome best man,” you deadpanned making him glare at you.
“You know what you could help since Sam is getting married in 6 hours and we are not going anywhere until I find the damn ring” Dean huffed at you and your eyes instantly widen with the information.
“Wait? Sam? Not Winchester?” A combination between panic and anger started to build in your stomach as you stared daggers into the man before you. Dean stood up straight and looked at you over the roof of his black car with a puzzled expression on his face.
“Yeah Winchester. How did you know…” Dean started but you saw red. Your hands balled at your sides and your body tensed up as you screamed at him. “You lost my sister’s ring?!”
Dean brows shut to his forehead and his jaw dropped. “Ori is your sister? You don’t look that much like her.”
“Well you don’t look that much like Sam either. Where did you put the damn ring?” you all but stomped the ground, knowing how much this day meant to your sister. You couldn’t believe this idiot had gotten drunk and dropped her and her future husbands wedding bands somewhere God knows where.
Your anger was mirrored in Dean instantly. Dean was a big guy. 6ft something and broad shouldered. You knew the look he send you should make you feel like crawling into a hole, but for some reason you saw past it. Dean was an idiot and probably a manwhore, but he didn’t strike you as a bad guy. Still the next words out of his mouth made you wanna strangle him. No not strangle him, you wanted to barbeque and filet him, before throwing him into a pool of piranhas.
“How the hell do you expect me to remember where I put a damn ring when I can’t even remember if I wore a condom last night,” Dean spat at you, making you pull of your shoe and fling it at him.
“Hey!” Dean ducked the upcoming snicker-misil before going back to staring you down, clearly not appreciating the blame game you were playing on him.   
“How the hell do you not remember if you wore a condom?” You hissed before ducking back into the car, searching and roaming around between the blankets and the beer cooler on the floorboard.
“So you’ll search for a condom but not help me find my brother’s ring? Nice Y/N, real nice.” Dean muttered as he got in next to your continuing his own search, “what’s the big deal anyway? You are on the pill right?”
Your eyes shot up up to meet his, your entire body was quivering with anger. You wanted to kill him. Literally wanted to bludgeon him to death with your remaining shoe.
“I don’t wanna catch something. I mean I slept with the kinda guy that has sex in the back seat of his car with random chicks,” you sneered at him and Dean instantly pulled a face at you.
“Well I fucked the kinda girl that leaves parties to have sex with strangers in the backseat of their car,” Dean copied your tone and you balled your fists against the seat, slowly counting to ten. You would have killed him, but your sister would be kinda upset if Sam would have to replace his best man on such short notice. So instead you let out another “argh” sound and went back to your search.
You searched in silence for a few minutes before you finally came across the balled up filled rubber. “Oh Thank God.”
“You found it,” Dean looked up with a hopeful expression on his face and you pulled a face at him.
“Not the ring. Your… leftovers.” You hissed at him. “Which I am not touching by the way.”
“Well you clearly didn’t have any trouble touching any parts of me last night,” Dean retorted before running his hand through his hair. His voice softened with his next words. “Look this is not getting us anywhere. Would you just please help me find the damn ring. For Sam and Ori. Please?” Dean begged and you took a deep breath.
He was right. You were pissed at him, but that didn’t matter. Your sister’s happiness was more important than your hurt feelings.
“Fine. It is clearly not here. So let’s backtrack. Where is the last time you remember having it?” You knew you still sounded annoyed but your voice had soften as well.
“I don’t know. At the bar I think?” Had you not been this furious with him, you would have found his whining cute. His pout really is kinda adorable. ‘I bet those lips did feel good when we… No dammit Y/N. Focus’
“Big Food Lounge?” You frowned remembering where you and the other bridesmaids had dragged your sister for the night.
“Yeah that sounds about right,” Dean muttered, “You think you can find that place?”
You rolled your eyes at him and retreated your shoe before getting got in the the car next to the man you weren’t sure if you wanted to strangle or drag back into the backseat for another round, you would actually remember. He was pissing you off but it wasn’t like those thighs hadn’t caught your attention. ‘And those hands. Fuck just think about what he could do with… Dammit Y/N!’
The car ride through town and back to the bar was mostly quiet aside from his directions and the classic rock softly playing from the car stereo.
“Why did you come here anyway? He knew we were here.” You questioned as you walked through the doors to the morning silent bar. Actually you were more than a little lucky the place wasn’t completely closed up for the day.
“Sam wanted to see Ori, so Cas and I decided to take him,” Dean shrugged like it was no big deal. We were all pretty smashed when we got here and so were most of the bridal party if I remember correctly.
“Can I help you?” A voice sounded behind you, making you and Dean both spin around to face the person behind you. “We’re closed. The door was open for the delivery guy. We open back up at 5 pm.” The man clearly tried ushering you towards the door, but Dean didn’t budge.
“Look man, we just need a few minutes okay,” you only half listened to Dean as he tried to explain your situation to the man. Rather than taking part of the conversation you were looking around the room, searching for anything that would kickstart your memories. Finally when your line of sight landed on a bull in the far corner of the room and a few images from last night entered your mind. Dean being one of them. You remembered laughing with Dean and challenging him to duel. The alcohol making you overly sure of yourself and the belief there was no way he could stay on the bull longer than you.
“We rode that!” You tugged Dean’s sleeve eagerly pointing towards the bull, completely ignoring the conversation he was having with the owner of the establishment. Rather than waiting for him you rushed towards the pad, hoping the ring would have fallen from Dean’s pocket when the bull bucked him around or when it had sent him flying onto the mattress.
“Is it okay if we take a look around?” You heard Dean’s voice behind you was you dropped to your knees starting to search the floor.
“Yeah man, good luck. There’s been a lot of people past here last night since the two of you left through the backdoor,” the bartender spoke in a suggestive tone of voice and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Still you kept searching only to be joined by Dean a few seconds later.
“Anything yet?” he questioned, making you look up from your search to glare at him.
“Yeah I already found it. I just really love crawling around on sticky barroom floors, where people most likely vomit every night.” Your obvious mockery made Dean sit up straight and stare you down.
“How long are you gonna keep blaming me for everything? I might not remember what happened last night but I know I didn’t drag you into my car, that much I know. You were there because you wanted to be, sweetheart,” Dean stated, never taking his eye off you, silently challenging you to talk back.
You wanted too. God knew you did, but he was right. Dean, as annoyingly idiotic and handsome as he was, didn’t strike you as the kinda of guy that wouldn’t take no for an answer. You had liked him, and if you pushed away your anger about this whole situation aside for a few seconds, you kinda also saw why. You had treated him like crap from the moment you had woken up, yet he was still here with you. He was still trying to be nice to you. Dean wasn’t a bad guy. You were the bitch.
“I’m sorry okay,” you spoke in a angry voice, but when you saw the surprised look on Dean’s face your voice softened. “This is frustrating and it is also now who I am. I don’t get drunk to the point, where I can’t remember the previous night and I don’t sleep with strangers and wake up naked in the back of cars.”
A warm chuckle left Dean’s chest, “well there’s a first for everything.” You stared at him wanting to yell at him but the raised eyebrow he send you made you break down in laughter along with him. You searched in quiet for a while after that before Dean decided it wasn’t there, helping you back on your feet.
“Now what?” You sighed, defeated throwing your arms from your sides into the air.
“Hey…” Dean took you completely by surprise when he grabbed your hand. You felt a shot of electricity course through your body, when his huge hand envelope yours. The butterflies in your stomach rendered you utterly speechless and you just watched him stare at the childlike ring on your hand.
“You like penguins.” Dean’s eyes found yours, but you still didn’t trust your voice so you just nodded. A big goofy grin graced Dean’s features as he repositioned your hand in his, dragging you towards the exist. “I remember where I took you.”
You didn’t say a word as Dean opened the car door for you and sent you a smile that made your heart skip a beat. ‘Y/n just focus on the damn ring. He is your brother-in-law’s brother. Don’t even go… oh look how pretty his eyes are when the sun… dammit Y/N!’  
On the drive Dean explained to you how there was an aquarium no to far from the hotel, he had been staying at with Cas and Sam. Your mother hadn’t trusted the boys to be in the same hotel as you, your sister and the bridesmaids, which clearly had been a good call on her part. None effective but still a good call.
“They have a penguin exhibit here. I remember watching it with you,” Dean smiled at you, making your heart skip a beat, as he parked across the street from the aquarium.
“How? It was the middle of the night. They couldn’t have been open…” your jaw dropped as Dean pulled a teasing expression at you.
“You broke in?” You stared at him in disbelief as Dean opened the car door readying to get out.
“We, sweetheart. And technically no. We just jumped a fence,” Dean winked at you before you both got out of the car, walking side by side towards the aquarium. The entire time you couldn’t help but wish he would take your hand again, but he didn’t. He did however manage to talk his way into the Aquarium. Apparently the young guard, who were at the gate had also been working the night shift and he unlike his boss had found it more than a little funny, when he had found the two of you kissing beneath the underwater penguin habitat.
You walked to the fence Dean remembered, you having jumped but there was no sign of the ring. He took you to the tunnels of the exhibit that had been your destination last night and still nothing. A memory did however appear in your mind as Dean kept his eyes nailed to the ground searching for the ring. Yours however rested on him.
You remembered the warm feeling, when his strong arms wrapped around you. You remembered the bubbling happiness deep inside you as you watched the diving penguins with him. You remembered the butterflies and the way time had stood still when his lips had met yours in a tender kiss.
“YOU!” a voice thundered through the tunnels and Dean looked up instantly, before his eyes met yours.
“Well I guess that’s the boss,” Dean smirked at you, grabbing your hand as you felt the panic start to rise inside of you. Dean, however looked like he was having the time of his life as he dragged you through the halls of the aquarium and back toward the fence, he helped you scale. Once you were safely on the other side, you laughed with him as he took your hand, running with you away from the pissed off guard and the aquarium, where you had shared the first kiss with a man you barely knew, but who you weren’t no longer completely sure you weren’t in love with. ‘Y/N he is trouble. But that kiss. He might be worth it. Dammit Y/N focus on the damn ring!’     
“Dean,” you stopped causing Dean to come to a halt with you before you let go of his hand. “The beach.” You ran across the street and towards the ocean with Dean closely behind you, before you stopped.
“Did we… I think we went swimming,” you looked up at him and you saw the realization dawn on him. You saw the memory enter his mind along with a small smile in his eyes, before it was replaced with frustration and then anger, when he realized what that meant.
“Son of a Bitch,” Dean yelled as he kicked the sand, making you jump. It was the first time you had seen him lose control like that and you slowly started to realize, just how much his brother really meant to him. You hated that the ring was gone, but more than that, you hated seeing Dean like this. You had no idea why. You barely knew the man, but the pain and anger in his eyes tore into your soul. You wanted nothing more than to hold him and to comfort him. You couldn’t. It wasn’t your place. You were a one night stand that neither if you even remembered. Holding him was not something you were entitled to do.
“Dean I am sorry,” your voice was soft as you ran a hand down his arm, “but we have to get back the the hotel and the wedding.”
“Yeah. Okay,” you could see the tears in behind his eyes and you hated it. You hated he was hurting and there was nothing you could do to make him feel better.
Your drive back to the hotel, after managing to sneak back to Dean’s car unnoticed, were quiet. You felt his pain. You felt guilty about the way, you had treated him but also for being part of the reason your sister weren’t getting her dream wedding. ‘What the hell are we gonna do?’ You looked at Dean and the expression on his face almost cost you tears. He was hurting and beating himself up over this. It was clear as day to you. You wanted to say something, do something to comfort him, but you had no idea what, so you stayed in your seat quiet.
You stayed in your seats for minutes after Dean had parked the car under the Hotel, just staring into nothing.
“Sam’s gonna kill me,” Dean finally broke the silence and you took a deep breath before adding to his thought.
“My sister is gonna kill us both,” your eyes met his and you tried your best to send him a reassuring smile, but it probably just came out as a grimace. “We need to get inside.”
Dean didn’t argue. He followed you out of the car and through the parking garage. As you were standing in the elevator waiting for it to bring you to the lobby, you took his hand. Dean didn’t look at you or pull away, he just gave your hand a small squeeze, letting you know without words, he appreciated the gesture.
You had barely stepped out into the lobby before a Meg and her husband, or who you assumed to be her husband Cas since you had never met him before, came running towards you.
“Where the hell have you two been? Ori is freaking out” Meg scolded before Cas spoke. His words directed at Dean, but not sounding much happier, “Sam about ready to kill you Dean. I was about to go search the local jails. What the hell were you thinking?.”
“Yeah he is not gonna be much happier now I am here,” Dean mumbled and you gave his hand a small squeeze, silently letting him know you were there for him. “I lost the rings,” Dean confessed as he looked his friend in the eyes. Cas’ eyes opened wide before he bend over laughing, which didn’t exactly improve Dean’s mood.
“What the hell Cas? How is that even the slightest bit funny?” Dean growled at the blue eyed man before you, who instantly stopped and pulled a small box from his pocket and handed it to Dean.
“You gave them to me before you went on that weird bull, you assbutt,” Cas grinned at Dean who just stared at the small box now in his hand with disbelief written all over his face. He quickly turned to face you with an apologetic look on his face.
“Y/N I am so sorry. I didn’t remember and I dragged you….” you didn’t give him time to finish. You just threw yourself into his arms, reacting purely on instinct and the relief and happiness coursing through your body.
Dean chuckled as he wrapped his arms around you holding you close for a few seconds before you pulled apart. The air was thick between you as you stared into each other’s eyes. ‘His eyes are so green. Is that gold? Fuck his lips looks so soft. I wish he would… wait is he going to kiss me?’
Meg’s hand closed around your arm pulling you backwards towards the elevators. Never in your life had you wanted to slap anyone so much as you did her right then. Well maybe except for Dean when he stated he had no idea if he had worn a condom last night. Still you wanted back in his arms and your eyes never left his as Meg dragged you backwards away from him.
“See you at the wedding, sweetheart,” Dean called after you and you couldn’t help but smile as you watch Cas haul Dean in the opposite direction.
Dean didn’t leave your mind as your sister scolded you, nor did he stray from your thoughts as you got dressed or drove with the bridal party to the church where Sam was waiting for Ori and maybe, just maybe Dean was waiting to see you.
Then it happened, right as you stepped into the church. Images of the night before began flooding your brain. Memories of how his lips had wandered all over your body. Memories of his hands covering your breasts as he pounded into you. Memories of your own screams of his name, echoed by his grunts of pleasure. Memories of the windows of the Impala fogging up as your entire body quivered with ecstasy. Memories of how sweetly he had kissed you for minutes after you had both found your release and memories of how you had fallen asleep in his arms feeling safe and cared for. Nothing about how those memories made Dean feel like a one night stand and still you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him as he walked you down the aisle. You felt his eyes on you as you sister said yes to Sam and Sam promised to love and honor her for the rest of their lives, but you never looked up. He couldn’t.
Your thoughts played tricks on you, imagining yourself making the same promises Ori had just made to Sam to his brother one day. ‘Stop it Y/N. Today is about them. You were just a fun night to him. Don’t do this to yourself.’
It wasn’t until after dinner and after Ori and Sam had shared their first dance as husband and wife you felt Dean’s hand on your arm. A soft touch begging for attention, before you turned around to face his bright smile. A smile that made the sun pale in comparison and made your heart skip.
“Wanna dance?” Dean asked you, looking almost shy and you couldn’t say no. Actually you couldn’t say anything so instead you just took his hand, just like you had the night before as he lead you towards his car. He wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you close to him, not unlike he had last night as he pressed you against the car door kissing you deeply before guiding you inside. The memory of how his rough calloused hands but touch had felt against your exposed skin made you look down and blush.
You could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke, giving your hip a small squeeze almost causing your legs to give way under you. “So you remembered too huh?”
A pit started to form in your stomach and your tears pressed against your eyes as you nodded, still not facing him. ‘He doesn’t feel the same Y/N. Just stop. You were a random girl on a random night. This will just be a funny story to him.’
Dean gently pressed two fingers underneath your chin, while his other arm stayed firmly wrapped around your waist, keeping you in place. Your eyes reluctantly met his and you sucked in a breath. You had not expected to see the love and warmth you found in them as he almost whispered, “I don’t regret anything Y/N. Only that I don’t remember every last detail.”
Your heart rate quickened along with your breathing as you made a quick decision. A decision you were absolutely sure you weren’t going to regret this time. You took Dean’s hand in yours and he let you drag him out of the hotel’s ballroom and into the lobby towards the parking cellar, where his shining black car was waiting for you. Dean didn���t speak, nor did you face him before you reached the same side of the car, he had pushed you against last night.
This time you made the first move, standing on your toes and crashing your lips against his. Your arms closed around his neck and his around your waist, as he allowed you to deepen the kiss. He held you but never once did he try to take control. He kissed you back, but he let you keep the lead right up untill you pulled apart, both slightly out of breath.
You bite your lip as you took a steep backwards opening the door to the backseat of the Impala and crawling in.
“What are you doing Y/N/N?” Dean send you a mischievous grin you didn’t hesitate to return as you held out your hand offering it to him, pulling him into the backseat with you.
“Making a memory that will last,” you promised before his lips found your pulse point, robbing you of all coherent thoughts. Nothing no longer matter. Not drunken nights, not lost wedding bands, not your sister and Dean’s brother’s wedding party upstair. There were only you and Dean and the knowledge you had found each other and the unspoken promise of never letting go again.
Dean Tag Team:
@mysupernaturalfics @blacktithe7 @percywinchester27 @quiddy-writes @jpadjackles @supernatural-jackles @supernaturalyobessed @loveitsallineed @starswirlblitz @revwinchester @aprofoundbondwithdean @skathan-omaha @feelmyroarrrr @torn-and-frayed @kayteonline @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @mysteriouslyme81 @ayeeitsemry @curliesallovertheplace @docharleythegeekqueen  @winchesterprincessbride @faith-in-dean @ellen-reincarnated1967 @sleep-silent-angel @winchestdiaries @adriellej @moonstar86 @atc74 @knittingknerdy @tia58 @nikolanna @cyranodebergerac @lycangirl44 @brooke-supernatural16 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @melonberri @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @alexafromthefandom @stilinski15 @thatonehaspanicchick @roxy-davenport @phoenixia67 @bringmesomepie56 @thebunkerismyhome @salvachester @chaos-and-the-calm67 @jasminwild @anokhi07 @mrswhozeewhatsis @lilyleely @smoothdogsgirl @angelkurenai @chickenmcsade @covarrubiasalex @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @charliebradbury1104 @chelseypaigeake @katrena7 @thecynicalnerd @nichelle-my-belle @mouselovesmusic @lucifer-ismy-bae @dreamilyjensen @sleepywinchester @tanithlowisabamf @deansleather  @katnharper @ashleymalfoy @secretlyfurrydragon @winchesterswoonathon @fangirl1802 @buckysmetallicstump @staticbirdy
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