#would be neat if artemis used jedi mind tricks to convince bianca to join her
happyk44 · 2 years
Thinking about Bianca and how annoying it is that she left Nico and that I understand why because I used to be an older sister to younger sibling close in age who wanted nothing else but to be in my space and I get why she left him for freedom and friendship and memories but I also know that when looking at the situation as dangerous, monsters existing everywhere, people with swords wanting to take him away, I would've stood my ground and clung to my little sister with clawed hands and untrusting eyes. Maybe if the situation was softer. If they had been safe longer. If Nico was already settled into camp. If she trusted that everyone would keep him okay.
But Artemis sees her. This powerful little thing. She hunts. She knows what death feels like. The way it clings to her presence. She says her name is Bianca. Artemis remembers. Her father complained about a child named Bianca. Her father complained about a boy, Nico. His nephews. Her cousins.
Her uncle wouldn't give them up. Wouldn't let them leave their mother. He had cursed the Oracle for the prophecy. Apollo was enraged. Hades blamed him for it. Blamed their father.
You killed my children, you killed their mother, my loves, he'd shouted. And you dare ask me for mercy? When have any of you been merciful?
He'd left. The Oracle never recovered. Even now Apollo still mourned her spirit.
But Hades lied. Her Uncle, as much of a truth teller as her brother, lied. It was too much of coincidence. Bianca and Nico. Powerful little things. She could feel it. They radiated something dangerous that made her palms itch.
She would do anything for her brother too. Artemis understood. But that made her even more of a risk to have around, breathing, fighting.
She'll take the girl. Once she finished her mission, shed make sure the girl never comes of age. Permanently. And the boy? Well, she'd figure something out for him later. He seemed a gentle creature. She'd make it soft. A quick shot.
Neither of them would feel a thing.
All she needed to do was manipulate the situation. Careful words. Kind words. Join us, she whispered, planting seeds that spread strong roots through Bianca's terrified mind. Join us and you'll be safe.
Look, uncle, she thought as the roots spread to Bianca's throat and eagerly agreed to her destined doom. I'm lying too.
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